#also the fact that the senior whose work is basically what I'm doing now didn't get in anywhere in her first round of applications despite
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horsemage · 8 months ago
oh god. grad school apps imminent. any words of wisdom?
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charmspoint · 2 years ago
chuuya for ask game
Yuki I am divorced
Just kiddin but seriously I feel like I just don't remember most of these it's been two years since I last poked at bsd with any sort of serious intention and uhhhhh motherfucking six since i was intensely into it, but lemme see
First impression
I don't fuckin remember. I don't even remember was it anime chuuya or manga chuuya i first met. I thiiiiink it might have been manga chuuya? I think bsd was either an anime i watched a little n then immediately went to read the manga or whose presence i was made aware of by anime announcement and then read the manga before the anime actually aired it was one of those two but im not sure which (six years) But I mean like, you've seen Chuuya, you've seen his first apperance, he walks in dressed like that and acts like that it was probably love at first sight. Which is funny because Dazai's character is usually more of my type but here Chuuya swept me away.
Impression now
So underutilized it HURTS. Chuuya has SO MUCH potential but it feels like all that's done with his character is constant nerfing and putting-on-bus-ing. He's one of those overpowered characters that the authors put in for cool points but then can't work around so they just end up sent away more often than not so the writer can still write the story without having to explain how this one guy isnt just obliterating shit left and right. Still, Chuuya is pure potential and I feel that's why he's so beloved (or well used if you wanna be crude) in the fandom. Kafka only relatively recently gave him any backstory at all so for a long time Chuuya was basically a cool guy you could make anything out of. We don't get much from him but to me he's like all the bsd nostalgia and potential (and subsequent disappointment) wrapped up in one character. He's one of the rare favs I don't wish to break like a glow stick I think only nice things should happen to Chuuya.
Favorite moment
Honestly...back when we thought we were really going to get Chuuya vs Ranpo vs Poe. It didn't happen, that was an utter disappointment, but like many things with Chuuya the potential of that was incredible. Those were my bsd top three, that was bsds top brain vs bsds top brawn. The fact that it didn't happen and instead ended up as just an excuse to clean up two people who could fuck with the story the most was probably one of the first nails in bsd's coffin for me. You said favorite but I'm all like bittersweet about it, but Chuuya is a bittersweet character. You'll get odd answers.
Idea for a story
The suffocating quality of your dying breaths (And the effect they had on me) was actually supposed to be a part of a series of Chuuya character fics labeled 'Fittest to Survive' (If you remember that series you may be viable for a seniors discount). The other two fics were 'All the beautiful things we are (All the dangerous things we will become)', which was supposed to be a Kouyou & Chuuya fic focused on their relationship, concepts of beauty and strength and exploration of gender identity, and 'Feral beasts (and their hearts that bleed)' which was a Chuuya & Akutagawa fic which was basically supposed to focus on them after Dazai leaving the mafia, the differing relationships they had with Dazai and differing ways they dealt with the loss.
Unpopular opinion
I would say I'm completely out of the loop on what's popular or unpopular in the bsd fandom but from talking to you it seems like things are basically the same as they were six years ago so uhhh unpopular opinion 1. I don't think Chuuya is like a super feminine guy. I do get a genderqueer vibe from him but it doesn't really lean feminine for me, he likes to dress nice but also he grew up as a lab rat and then on the street he deserves to indulge himself and explore his identity. 2. I don't think he heart achingly misses Dazai. Like I mentioned this before but I don't think they had some big romance even tho i do like soukoku. Their relationship for me has always been more akin to being tied together for a three legged race and if the idiot tied to you goes down so do you so better help him out. I do think there was loss in Dazai leaving but I don't think Chuuya was like on the floor sobbing for weeks or anything and he's probably fully over it by now. The person Dazai had a very close and personal relationship to was Oda not Chuuya. Honestly idk how well i explored this in my past fics, it took me distancing myself from bsd completely to crystalize my opinions on their relationship which is a shame cuz i have all these takes and no motivation to write them.
Favorite relationship
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Who are we kidding here huh, the only relationship Chuuya has that is remotely explored is with Dazai (dont @ me with light novel content i dont know her). And his relationship with Dazai is interesting! There's a lot to explore there, as i said before, they really are something that's neither romantic nor platonic nor queerromantic. They are complicated and messy and probably not too good for each other. I just wish fandom would express them like that more instead of making Chuuya Dazai's collectible waifu. I would also REALLY like it if there was any canon content for his relationships with Kouyou, Akutagawa and Kyouka like CMON, ESPECIALLY AKUTAGAWA. DAZAI'S EX PARTNER AND PUPIL, THE SHIT WRITES ITSELF, WAKE UP KAFKA.
Favorite headcanon
Somewhere along the line I decided that the rich girl impression is an inside joke between Chuuya and Dazai and to this day this is my pet headcanon. Chuuya just had it down too good, it made Dazai genuinely laugh (in the manga at least, fuck the anime), this was a thing Chuuya did once as a joke and from the on out Dazai pestered him to do it again every five goddamn seconds I will not be dissuaded from my silly hcs.
Ask game
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traincat · 7 years ago
We know you didn't like Homecoming, but I'm curious about something now. Since you like Liz Allan so much, and since this was her first adaptation into the movies (from what I can remember),what did you think about Laura Harrier's Liz? Would you like to see her come back? Feel free not to answer if you don't want to!
The funny thing is, back when they announced they were rebooting the Spider-Man films, I actually called that they’d be using Liz as the Love Interest on the basis that they’ve been working backwards. (I believe I also called the Vulture but that was honestly just wishful thinking because I fucking love the Vulture and although Michael Keaton gave a great performance in that movie, I have to say, if we as an audience aren’t ready to see Peter Parker punch a winged senior citizen in the face, we’re not ready for Peter Parker.)
I liked the casting of Laura Harrier a lot and I think she played the role she was given extremely well, although I’m naturally inclined to be sympathetic to the character of Girl Whose Only Mistake Was Giving Boy Who Repeatedly Ditched Her A Billionth Chance because haha, good ol’ Hollywood. Considering how fandom usually likes to discuss the MCU’s problems with how it treats women, I’m surprised how little I’ve seen Homecoming criticized for not allowing women to do anything. Please, my kingdom for a version of this movie where Liz gets to have one single little bit of involvement in taking down her father rather than Peter just flat out ruining her life while she presumably sits depressed by the punch and Nedke spins around in a chair. I would really like us to be past the point where we have scenes where the girl’s reason for going to a dance with the Main Character is “I know you like me”, you feel me?
It’s, I don’t know, it’s a pretty big departure from 616 Liz in high school:
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Or even later on, when she gets involved in criminal activities trying to help her step-brother, Mark “The Molten Man” Roxton:
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Or, when she threatened Norman Osborn when he tried to get involved in the life of her son, his grandson.
Liz has always been a proactive character and on top of Hot Aunt May (Did We Mention She’s Hot Now), Zendaya’s Michelle having very little screentime, the sidelining of Betty Brant, consistently one of the most important people to Peter, and Karen The Saccharinely Helpful Robot Lady Voice having, to the best of my recollection, more lines than any single female character, to have her so completely sidelined in the destruction of her family and her life for the Greater Good. imho Spider-Man should, at its heart, be about doing the right thing for no reward: taking down her father would have been the right thing, and she certainly would have gotten no reward. Instead, she’s left standing at the dance and the last we see of her is her tearfully telling The Boy she hopes he works it out or whatever. It left a bad taste in my mouth. Let women do stuff in MCU movies even if they don’t have super powers or spy training.
I would like her to come back, because again I did really like the casting and I Love Liz Allan, but honestly, Homecoming’s messages, including the erasure of the gun violence aspect of his backstory and the fact that they’ve taken a vigilante and made his goal Join The Cool REAL Superheroes left me so put off this reimagining of the series that I’m not inclined to see another Spider-Man movie until they reboot it again. (If you heard an obnoxious female voice shout “DOES HE HAVE TO” when Peter Parker Will Return came onscreen at your showing, sorry, you were in a theater with me.) She was good! I hope she comes back and does stuff! If it’s up to these writers, I highly doubt it!
I guess the ideal for me would be if Laura Harrier’s Liz appeared, somehow, in the Venom movie as the ruthlessly pragmatic CEO of Alchemax, somehow, I don’t know, we’re throwing around time skips all over the place these days:
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Let women do stuff in movies, basically.
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