#also the difference with sonamy is that even if they did get together (and they might already be together I don't know)
prowerprojects · 1 year
It's interesting to see that people think that Amy had given up on Sonic, or even stopped having such strong feelings for for Sonic at all, but I actually have a completely opposite view on this. (Especially since rewatching that Sonic Station Live bit with Amy and after seeing something that made me recontextualize her (Japanese) arc in Frontiers. And I have to stress that it's about the way her arc plays out, not the way she and Sonic interact)
I actually think nowadays Amy acts as if she and Sonic are already together. She's more chill not because she's given up, but because she's already got what she wanted, and now she's content. (Maybe what she wanted changed overtime though, I'll give that) There's always been this bit of mystery in Sonic and Amy's relationship – does Sonic like Amy back? It's always written deliberately in a way that Sonic doesn't give a straight answer when confronted with it outright, to keep this mystery going. And now it also has a bit of a "What are they already together or something?" on top of it.
I actually enjoy this kind of dynamic a lot. And I think it's especially interesting with Sonic and Amy being (in canon) a mlw couple. Because usually this type of dynamic I associate with same gender relationships that are only coded as romantic, and the writers wanted to write them this way (romantically, I mean), but couldn't due to censorship.
Though I will admit it's not like this dynamic doesn't exist in mlw relationships (and it's probably more prominent in shonen too), but it is more likely that they will eventually end up together and go full romo with all the kisses and dates and possible plans for a white picket fence, and lose their interesting dynamic to "well they're dating now". And even with a same gender relationship you know writers would make them outright romantic if they only could. (Which is great, it's always nice to have more open and undeniable representation) But also it lowkey makes me feel weird for enjoying this type of dynamic with those, because I know this is not the kind of relationship the writers wanted to portray, they just didn't have a lot of alternatives.
Which is why I really like the fact that Sonic and Amy's relationship is written this way deliberately, this tethering on the verge of romantic and non-romantic is very appealing to me.
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cutegirlmayra · 1 year
Sonamy prompt: Sonic gets invited to a high society: ball, charity event whatever you name it he has to go and can bring a guest. He asks Amy to go mostly so she can keep the crazy fans and press away. She agrees thinking it'll be a fun date night. The night comes and she feels like a fish out of water. High society start judging and mocking her making her feel bad. Sonic is not okay with this and the two make a ruckus. Dancing and singing eating food "improperly" and then eventually take off
Sonic adjusted the cuffs on his new tailored gloves, “You sure this shindig’s necessary?” He had tried to get out of it, but the President was insistent. To help with his campaign, he wanted Sonic at his fancy ball he was hosting, a party for those of high political society.
He figured, if Sonic was there, so would the press. Not just that, but it would be the talk of among potential voters, and make it look like Sonic was supporting him.
Not really understanding the significance of his presence, Chris had told Sonic it was a very honored thing to be invited by a President, and didn’t want Sonic to appear rude.
“Why can’t you be my plus one? Or you?” He asked Chris, then pointed to Tails, who was helping put Sonic in a nice black jacket after he had already been buttoned up by Chris in a white shirt.
“Because, plus one usually means you’re bringing a girl with you.” Chris explained, and held up his finger, “Just a second, I’ll go see Vanilla and Cream are done working on Amy’s dress, yet.” He rushed to knock on the door, about three times, before he heard the excited voices of Cream and Vanilla.
They cheerfully called out, “Coming!” Before Amy called out, “Just one second..!!!” Sounding kinda nervous.
“Huh? Amy? Getting nervous?” He walked away from the door and shook his head, “That’s a side of her I never thought I’d get to see…” He smiled with a raised eyebrow, coming back to Sonic who was tugging on his nice suit jacket a bit, trying to ‘stretch’ it since it felt restrictive, looking annoyed. “You sure you remember your manners, Sonic?” Chris reminded him.
“Yeah… I think so. Mr. Tanaka wouldn’t let me sleep last night in peace without sending me through a few drills… and Ella did the same with Amy.” He suddenly looked over from down at his new clothes before his eyes widened and sparkled somewhat… looking speechless.
“Huh? What’s wrong, Son-” Chris turned around before his face also turned to one of mesmerizing delight. “Wow, Amy! You look… incredible!” His mouth opened wide into a grin.
Amy walked out with her hands together in front of a beautiful red, glittering dress… white gloves to match, a hair clip of a rose with some sheer fabric to the side of it, going down near a front quill of hers.
Her sparkling red shoes she lightly poked out of her dress and then posed, tilting her head and chin up a bit to the side, being confident. “Well?” She asked, “What do you think, Sonic?”
Sonic remembered something then, “Hey… It looks… different from the one you wore on the Blue Typhoon, Amy…” Sonic walked up to her and put his hands to his hips, “What happened to that one?”
She tensed up, her bangs and quills becoming prickly, and her cheeks puffing up in agitation. “Girls have more than one dress, Sonic!” She huffed, and he flinched back a moment, removing his hands from his confident but relaxed pose as his smile faded, too.
“H-Huh? No need to get snappy, Amy. I was just surprised you had a new one…” He put a hand out to explain, before withdrawing it up to behind his head, “Sorry, Amy.”
Chris looked at the two a little awkwardly, having some sweat on the side of his cheek, before bending down to whisper into an equally worried Tails’s ear. “Do you really think they’ll get along for this evening, at least?”
Tails moved his mouth to the side, whispering back with his hand up to him, looking ahead but his eyes shifted directly to look up at him, “This isn’t Sonic’s first rodeo. Amy’s dragged him on tons of dates! He’ll be just fine if he-” They were both jolted into upright positions by Vanilla tugging on their opposite ears.
“You know, it’s quite rude to gossip right in front of people.” With her eyes closed in pleasantry, she walked in between them and made sure their heads were now pulled away from each other. She let them go and put a hand dainty to her mouth, “You look lovely, Amy. Sonic? Be sure to be a gentlemen at all times. This is Amy’s night, too, you know.” She gently instructed him.
Sonic smirked to Vanilla, “Emm.” showing he was intending to keep it a good one, as Amy happily returned Vanilla’s kind smile and cheer. “Ah-ha!”
At the ball, Sonic had Amy’s arm around his own, and the two walked in looking pretty small compared to the expenses of this grand campaign. “You don’t… think this is all for us… do you?” Sonic asked, looking directly up, “Wohh…” Seeing multiple chandeliers and fancy lights all over the grand ballroom.
Both his and Amy’s eyes sparkled at the extravagant sight, before a ton of ‘important’ guests started trying to barge their way past the two and soon they were almost trampled as they clambered to get inside.
Sonic pulled Amy ahead of him and they started running, “The food here must be really good, huh? Wah-aahhhh!!!” he pulled her up into a bridal style and immediately his face turned to a cool and collected hero. “Heh.”
He smirked and jumped over some tables as though they were obstacles on a natural tundra back home, and then skid to a halt behind them, his toe up in the air as he slid. “Heh, try and surprise me, why don'tcha?” He subtly jeered a little, having fun as he set Amy down. He put his hands out to her dress, “Is your pretty dress okay? Not ruined, is it?”
Amy blushed at that, shaking her head, “Em-mm, it’s fine.” She smiled sweetly to his chivalrous question.
He ‘phew’d and got back up, “Good.” He nodded, putting his hands to his hips again, “You seem to care an awful lot about it.”
Amy had a strike of an anger mark pulse on her head at that comment. “Soooonic…” She made fists by her sides and shook them slightly. “Are you calling me a material girl!?”
“Huh?” Sonic seemed to not understand, leaning forward towards her as though wanting her to explain before the President and his plus one came up to him with their bodyguards.
“Ah! Sonic The Hedgehog!” He outstretched his hands to the two, “I’m so glad you could come! Ohh… and who’s this little lady by your side?” he blinked curiously to Amy. “Hmm… Have I seen you before?”
Amy looked flattered at the ‘little lady’ part, but the second he seemed to completely not recognize her as one of Sonic’s ionic friends made another zap of an anger mark pulse on her head yet again, twitching with a slight sound effect as though she was trying to keep her rage bottled up in front of company…
“O-Oh, I’m one of Sonic’s friends…” She nervously laughed out.
“Yeah, don’t you recognize her?” Sonic pointed to Amy, very casually, “She’s Amy R-”
“Well, I’m sure my memory will be jogged in good time!” he clapped his hands, “Now, Sonic, if you would be a dear and come with me, just step right over here, that’s it…” Sonic was suddenly pushed from the back up to the press where they took pictures of him and the President, as Amy reached out her hand, not sure why he was being taken away from her as the Plus One of the President slid in next to her.
“You know, he really does look dapper in that little suit of his.” She chuckled into her hand, trying to be mannerly but her eyes were closed as though also looking a bit high-class as well. Was she snooty? “I just think little animal heroes are all the rage these days… It also makes you look incredibly adorable as well, Miss The Hedgehog.”
Amy twitched again, a smaller anger mark. “C-Cute?” She was trying to look sophisticated and like an adult…
“O-Oh, uhmmm… Ehem, I’m not actually Mr. The Hedgehog’s wife… eh-heh-heh… yet.” She swiped her eyes off to the side with a shine… a goal of hers, obviously.
The woman made an obnoxious laugh, “Ohhhh-hoho, how darling! You two looked so perfect together, I just immediately assumed!” She then leaned down, “Hey, hey… one girl to another, do you all stick to your species or is there branching out involved? Do you ever fear he’ll go after a mongoose or something?”
Amy’s anger marks were now turning into mouths and angry eyes, barking and arguing on Amy’s head back and forth as she twitched an open smile, “Ah-hah…hah haha… Why do you think these thoughts?” she then questioned the woman with squinted eyes as Sonic called out to her.
She turned immediately, blinking her eyes as she leaned forward, “Oh!” She noticed he was trying to climb over the people, mostly women and reporters, crowding around him.
She knew he hated that, and narrowed her eyes while shaking a protective fist.
“Amy, help m-..!” He was being pulled back into the epicenter of the moshpit of people as Amy took out her hair clip and handed it to the woman, “Hold this a sec.” she raced towards Sonic and jumped into the crowd, like a superhero, she wiggled herself out with Sonic over her shoulder, clinging up on her shoulders as though a trembling chihuahua over water, completely out of place among the ‘fans and elites’ all wanting a piece of him.
She jumped down from stepping over people’s heads and shoulders, landing like a true hero and putting Sonic down, dusting him off, and patting his cheeks to let him know he was okay now.
“Thank YOU!” She swiped the hair clip out of the gawking woman’s hands and began to readjust it back into her downward pink quills. Once in, she moved her hands away, touched it up a bit more, then put her hands happily to her hips and looked proud of herself.
“Thanks, Amy.” Sonic rubbed the back of his head, then dusted off his arms again, “Those people really know how to trap a guy in!” He adjusted his quills as well, “How long do we have to be here for, anyway?”
“Sonic…” She looked a little disappointed, her eyes bending back, “We… We just got here.”
“That’s right!” The woman looped her arms around Amy, “You two adorable little things can’t leave now! We have a dinner and a dance for everyone! Including a very special performance, you’ll love it!” She dragged Amy over to a chair as Sonic helplessly followed her with his arms out, not sure when to use his strength and abilities when it came to these odd humans…
When sat down, Amy addressed it, looking like her entire hair was messed up due to the woman holding her like a ragdoll in the air by her waist. “I swear… if one more person treats us like pets..!” She adjusted her hair, and then re-pinned her hair clip. “Sonic, why didn’t you just spindash your way out of that people-pit?” She wasn’t look at him, just doing her hair as he sighed.
“I promised Chris I wouldn’t act ‘unmannerly’ at such an important summons… but to be honest, no matter how many drills Mr. Tanaka put me through, I still don’t get which spoon is what and why there needs to be so many rules.” He looked down at the set-up of the table. His eyes narrowed as though trying to remember, but then not caring and hopelessly waving a nonchalant hand about, “I just wasn’t made for this ‘heroic rewarding’ stuff.” He yawned and leaned back, lifting a leg up, “Think I’ll snooze for a little bit…” He started to doze off as Amy smacked a hand to her face, dragging it down to stretch out the skin.
“Well, that is just who you are… after all.” She eventually sighed and smiled at him fondly.
The President gave a profound speech, and everyone clapped modestly before the food was served. Amy nudged Sonic and he woke up in a small jolt, before yawning and letting Amy point and move his hands to the right silver tools he was supposed to use.
When Amy and him took their first bites, their eyes had stars in them, and they immediately both went, “Oh, wow!” and started digging in. “Have you ever tasted something so good in all your life, Sonic!?” She exclaimed, scarfing it down as Sonic nodded, agreeing.
He could hardly speak without his mouth completely full, “It’s the best!”
With wild handfuls, they were shoving the food down, as people stared in disbelief or with blinking eyes at the displayed behavior.
Amy suddenly looked up after blinking her eyes out of the stars, and noticed everyone staring at them. Embarrassed, she leaned back in her chair, “Ah-haha…” she tried to grasp at a napkin, and the President’s Plus One scooted it to her and she immediately patted her face.
Looking over at Sonic, she noticed he was still oblivious, and cleared her throat.
He looked up at her with complete innocence and full cheeks, “Huh?” His emerald eyes made her giggle a little, pointing to the rest of the table.
“Oh… ywou wawnt swome twoo?” He chewed and looked to what he thought was a huge set of food she was gesturing, too. He, thinking it very polite, got up on his chair, leaned over the table after pulling his suit and white shirt down, and then picked up the enormous–according to their size–glass dish ware and held it up over Amy’s plate. He swallowed then after some time of chewing and smiled sweetly to her, “Isn’t this the best? Glad we stuck around, huh!” The chandeliers lights on him only made his expression of joy that much more genuine and heartfelt to Amy. He was basking in the rays of the room’s light, and she had never felt more gleeful about Sonic trying to show ‘correct mannerisms’ to her before than this moment.
She put her hands up to her cheeks, squeeing at his gentlemanliness, “Ohh~ Sonic~” she then took a big inhale, “That’s not what I meant.” and pulled his coattails down to have him forcibly take his seat, dropping the rose-tinted glasses act for a second.
Once he was back in his seat, he blinked, still holding the huge stack of food on the tray as Amy put it back down where it was supposed to go, “We’re making a scene…” She seemed disappointed at having to say that, as though watching Sonic truly take delight in the moment was everything she wanted for the night… but she had to deny that experience for the both of them… due to the crowd of onlookers judging them…
They tried to eat correctly, Sonic looking more and more frustrated by the passing of seconds he couldn’t shove the amount of food he wanted in his mouth, and Amy completely concurred.
She had to pick up ‘miniscule’ bites and pieces, and the food kept slipping off the ‘recently polished’ silverware which made it even more impossible to take in the yumminess of the food.
Both growing annoyed, Amy finally just put the fork down and turned to Sonic, smiling the best she could. “Want to dance?” She took his hand and he was dragged to the dance floor.
At first, Sonic looked as though he was being pulled around, and Amy realized she would have to lead a lot more aggressively to get him on track.
“This isn’t what I had in mind… When they told me we’d be going to a fancy party…” Her face was a smushed frown, her eyes were as though someone was pulling them apart on the sides, melting away before Sonic finally made a comment.
“Well,... why can’t we just make it our party?” He asked, which made Amy blink up at him and lose her sunken expression.
“What… do you mean?” Her eyes showed that she was desperate to save the night, and Sonic smiled at that fact.
“Amy… Want me to be the hero this time?” He slightly joked as Amy looked completely like that was out of the blue for her, “What I mean is… You’ve been helping me all night… but I think it’s my turn to do what I do best.” He winked to her with a signature, bright smile. “Let me make your night one to remember!”
She blushed, turning pink on the sides of her muzzles just below her eyes. “Sonic…” She stared into his handsome face as he then broke out of the embrace and spun her about, jumping onto the food table and doing his own dance. Break-dancing, spraying food everywhere, and kicking up his feet, “Sorry, Chris! I also told Vanilla I’d be a gentleman to Amy! And Amy’s not having any fun either!” He then jumped up and spindashed around Amy, landing to take her hand, “And what kinda gentlemen would I be if I didn’t save the girl’s night?”
Amy swooned, her expression bright and cheery again, as she raced off and started to dance wildly and eat as much as she wanted again!
Suddenly, a loud voice cried over the crowd, “STOOOPPP!!!” The two hedgehogs ceased a moment, frozen in mad chaos of about to start a food fight, before the President looked to his Plus One, surprised by her suddenly manly voice.
“A-A… Elizabeth?” He asked, but the woman suddenly mechanically transformed, her thin waist now a large one, her proportions off, and Eggman flipped a sliding door and stepped out of the contraption.
“I had to go through SO MUCH to plan this little crash party… you have no idea how much of this man I had to endure!” Eggman pointed angrily at the President while still talking to Sonic and Amy, while the President touched what used to be a leg of the woman and rubbed it lightly as though mourning in a weird way that she was just a robot. “I’m the party crasher, not YOU!” he pulled out a mechanical gun strapped around his back. “I deserve it for what I’ve had to put up with far more than YOU TWO HAVING ONLY TONIGHT IN THIS LOONEY BIN!”
Realizing Eggman had been in a female robot, and that technically meant he was crossdressing, Amy and Sonic tilted their heads and second before absolutely having to clutch their stomachs and covered their mouths as they tried desperately not to laugh loudly.
Eggman sent his robotic army and they battled them out, never being invited to another ‘elite and influential party’ on earth again…
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OMG FINALLY!!! ROSEROUGE GIRL TIME YESSSSSS let's analyze this possibility:
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1. There's post i made exclusively about this two being best girlfriends and how sad it was that they don't have enough screen time together despite being the first females brought to the games and how Amy is mostly seen with Cream or Blaze despite this 2 having a hard time making appearances due to one being a little kid who lives with her mom and the other a busy princess from other dimension so... To me Rouge has more time to be with Amy.
2. I'm so hyped to see Rouge as a part of the team, i suppose is similar to Sticks case in Sonic boom needing a Second fighter female and it make sense since even though she has her own team, team dark is very exclusive to themselves and lonely wolves when it comes to Shadow and Omega and unlike them Rouge was always friendly and Social with the others in a lot of occasions (and very flirty and naughty with knuckles too cof cof) and she probably is the one who has and can get more information about Eggman.
3. Did you noticed this? I have another post very popular talking about how Amy and Knuckles are pretty much siblings and also Amy is just as a power character as Knuckles and then you can see when the 5 are posing ready to fight that knuckles and Amy are next to each other as the power characters while rouge and Tails are above them as flying characters while Sonic is the speed character. So let's agree Amy is powerful! Here unlike in Sonic X she isn't a nuisance and is taken seriously in battle as much as Rouge!! THIS IS MARVELOUS.
4. Let's agree please that Amy's little dress modification is... Rather dumb and unnecessary like is exactly the same but without the back exposed? Dude what's the matter with showing skin? Is just a pink back! 🙄🙄 It feels like they did the change because they had to change something? Those extra white rings on her shoulders that are like her white collar are tacky it doesn't suits her 🤷 but it's really a little change that could go unnoticed so is ok but her cyborg look is hideous! What's up with that eye? Also, what happened to her?? Is her whole flesh body destroyed???😱😱😱
About Rouge... I'm happy with the suit and design but after reading two different opinions i have to say something, because: one was calling us, the people who doesn't like her boobs are noticeable smaller weirdos because "rouge is more than her body" yeah sure smartass I'm also more than just my nice ass, should I flatten my butt cheeks then? 🙄🙄🙄 That leads me to the other comment about someone who is also happy with the design but hates that they reduced her boobs because she also has big boobs and Rouge make her feel confident about them... This is important! This trend about characters not allowed to have big boobs because of whatever prude reasons is so annoying! Some females have big boobs! Get over it! Stop erasing them! Also little kids usually have moms, grandmas, big sisters and aunts and female teachers and I'm sure at least one or two of them have big boobs are you going to ask them to get a reduction or cover themselves up because of the kids? Like the most of them didn't suck their mom's boobs as the first thing they did right after being born 🙄🙄. Seriously! Anyway despite her breast being flattened and covered up to her neck they managed to keep her sexy aura and style so we really Should be thankful because it could have been worse.
5. I hope really really hope there's Knouge and Sonamy in this new show because I need it for mental health reasons 😂😂😂😂, but for real i need more flirty banter!! Knuckles and rouge were a treat in Sonic X and the sonamy in Sonic boom was delightful! Can we get both pretty please??🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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thescrump · 1 year
Through It All: A Sonamy Story - Chapter 3: "Wait What, I'm In Love"
Sonic sat on his bed, staring at the ceiling, lost in thought. The sheets were twisted off his body by that point. He couldn't believe what he had come to realize - he was in love with Amy. It felt like his world had been turned upside down, and he didn't know what to do. He had always thought of Amy as just a friend, someone he cared about deeply but never in a romantic way. He pulled himself out of bed as if he had a horrible nightmare.
He paced around his room, trying to shake off the feeling. "This can't be happening," he muttered to himself. "I can't be in love with Amy. We're just friends." But no matter how much he tried to convince himself, the truth remained. He couldn't deny the way his heart raced when he was around her, or how much he looked forward to spending time with her. He couldn’t deny that a Sonic that never changed would accept a request for a date. It was like a lightbulb had gone off in his head, illuminating something he should have realized happened when it did. Sonic flopped down onto his bed and stared up at the ceiling again, his mind whirring with a thousand questions. He knew that Amy fell head-over-heels for him all those years ago on Little Planet, but the Amy he knew now was so different that he truly couldn't tell if those feelings remained.
"Oh, the irony," he thought to himself. Sonic tossed and turned in his bed, unable to get comfortable. He wondered if he should talk to someone about what he was feeling, but who could he talk to? Tails was always a good listener, but he wasn't sure if he wanted to confide in his best friend about this yet. Knuckles was another possibility, but he wasn't exactly known for his emotional intelligence, and he was on Angel Island anyways. Sonic rubbed his forehead, feeling a headache coming on. He needed to clear his head and get some fresh air.
He got up from his bed and went to his closet, grabbing his signature running shoes. Outside, the sun bathed the streets in a golden glow, casting long shadows that danced at Sonic's feet. The gentle breeze tousled his quills, carrying with it the scent of freshly mown grass and the distant melody of chirping birds. With each step, the soft earth beneath his shoes seemed to ground him, calming the whirlwind of thoughts in his mind. Sonic took a deep breath of the fresh air and felt a sense of calm wash over him. He started to jog down the street, his mind still racing. He tried to focus on the feel of the wind in his quills and the sound of his feet hitting the pavement, but his thoughts kept returning to Amy. He couldn't shake the feeling that he had to tell her how he felt, but he didn't want to risk their friendship. As he ran, Sonic thought back to all the times he and Amy had spent together. He remembered how she would always follow him around, constantly trying to get him to notice her. He used to find it annoying, but now he couldn't help but feel a bit flattered by her attention. It was like she saw something in him that he didn't even see in himself. He didn't want to hurt her, but he also didn't want to keep his feelings bottled up inside. He didn't even know if she still liked him. As Sonic jogged down the street, he couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt in his chest. How could he have been so blind to his own feelings? How could he have missed all the signs that were so obvious now? How could he have lived in the dark? How could he never notice this change until possibly too late? He slowed his pace to a walk as he tried to process his emotions. He thought about many things. About love, about loss, about friends, about enemies, about needs, about wants, about good, about evil. He thought many things about these many subjects. Moments later, Cream's voice interrupted Sonic's thoughts as she called out to him, pulling him back to reality. "Hey Mr. Sonic, what are you doing out here?" Cream asked as she skipped up beside him. Sonic forced a smile, trying to hide his inner confusion. "Just taking a walk, Cream," he replied, trying to sound casual. Cream looked up at him, her big brown eyes full of concern. "Is everything okay?" she asked. Sonic hesitated for a moment before answering. He trusted Cream, and maybe talking to someone would help clear his head. "Actually, Cream, I'm not sure if everything is okay," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. Cream looked up at him, her expression softening. "What's wrong, Mr. Sonic? You can talk to me." Sonic took a deep breath, trying to find the words to express what he was feeling. "Well okay, now don't tell anyone else, but...I think I might have...feelings for...someone." he finally said, his voice barely above a whisper. Cream's eyes widened. "Who could it be?", she softly yet excitedly asked. Sonic's brain moved at it's top speed, trying to think up a good answer. "I'm not interested in telling. The important part is, I'm not sure how to feel about it, or what to do about it." Cream nodded thoughtfully, "I understand. It can be really confusing and scary when you're not sure what to do with your feelings." Sonic was relieved that Cream didn't press him for more details. "Yeah, it's just that I don't want to ruin anything, you know? This...person...and I are friends." he said, feeling a knot form in his stomach. Cream gave him a gentle smile. "I think if this person is really your friend, they'll understand that you need to be honest with them about how you feel," she said wisely. Sonic nodded slowly, feeling slightly better. "Thanks, Cream. You always know just what to say," he said, patting her on the head.
Cream giggled and skipped off down the street, leaving Sonic to his thoughts once again. As he continued his walk, Sonic couldn't help but feel a sense of small hope. Cream's words had given him some comfort, but he still didn't know if he was ready to talk to Amy about his feelings. At least it got him out of his spinning mind.
As he walked, he found himself passing by a familiar tree, one that he had sat under many times before. He felt a sudden urge to sit down and think for a while, so he made his way over to it and sat down. Sonic settled beneath the comforting shade of the tree, its leaves rustling in the breeze above him. The dappled sunlight painted a mosaic of warmth on his face, evoking memories of laughter and adventures shared with Amy and all his other friends. The gentle sway of the branches whispered tales. As he looked out at the view, he felt a strong sense of nostalgia. He remembered all the good times he and Amy had shared, and he thought hard. "Wait, why am I denying a fact? Something I know is true? Why am I denying a true fact? A fact that ... You know what, I'm right. I, Sonic the Hedgehog, have fallen in love, with Amy Rose. I’ve changed and I'm okay with that. Oh, the irony." He let out a chuckle as he walked back to his house, a wide smile on his face.
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beevean · 4 years
Opinion: How could Sonamy progress in IDW?
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[note: the original article was written in Spanish by @latin-dr-robotnik​]
Today we’re going to discuss a recurring topic on my blog, with a more complete perspective.
Today’s article was inspired by an ask I got a few days ago about my possible perspective on the future of IDW Sonamy. I thought it would be interesting to revisit and expand this topic, because it’s still something of great interest for thousands of fans all around the world, and because SEGA has recently adopted a very peculiar position on the couple and their dynamic. As I detailed on my article SEGA and its most recent Sonamy side – more canon than ever, the dynamic has been going through a shift that can be distinguished into two main parts: 1) the commercial potential of Sonamy as a merchandising and marketing icon; 2) the stability of the interactions in the comics, in the short monthly stories on Sonic Channel, and so on.
That being said, there’s no need to mention that we’re going to focus entirely and nothing more than on this ship. I usually suggest other articles for those who prefer to read on other subjects, but today I will recommend our Discord server [translator’s note: the server is mainly Spanish-speaking], where discussions about ships are limited on their own canal that is separated from other themes: general discussions, music, fangames and mods, fanfics, fanart and even gaming in general. As you know, if you want to bring something else to our community, or just avoid talking about Sonamy, you’re more than welcome to join. Now, back on track.
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What’s going on with Sonamy in IDW?
To recap what’s happened in these last months: Sonic and his friends finally got through the nightmare that was the Metal Virus, he and Amy hugged a few times, and since very recently they’ve been involved in a short arc about Chao races in Twinkle Park Zone, with a sinister background. In these last months after the eradication of the virus, there have been much closer and warmer interactions between our two hedgehogs, and I suspect that part of this is what inspired that question in the first place: what’s going on?
As I commented in the article where I proposed that Sonamy is “more canon than ever” (I know that it’s an exaggeration, that was the point), SEGA is treading carefully and the main canon seems to be willing to negotiate a more open representation of the relationship between the two in their different continuities, from best friends to something more. What I did not expect to happen was reading an answer from Evan Stanley (artist and writer that replaces Ian Flynn) about their dynamic, summing it up with “they like each other”.
The redrawing of Sonic’s expression when Amy hugs him in a recent drawing of hers made people wonder if this was yet another example of SEGA’s “censoring” (comparison below), to which Evan answered that it was modified to keep Sonic in character: he’s a guy that does not show much emotional vulnerability or too many negative emotions, and this is why sometimes the artists have to adjust WIPs to keep in line with this official point of view. Evan assured that this is not any kind of confirmation that Sonic does not like Amy, and doubles down by highlighting that in the official material, in the wikis and on Sonic Channel they show that, and I quote: “They like each other, but Sonic just isn’t the kind of guy who is going to make goo-goo eyes at Amy or perform grand acts of romance. If you wanna see that, that’s what fan works are for.”
And Evan’s words are a great way to sum up what’s going on with IDW Sonic right now. When it comes to interactions, they’re working with two characters who deep down “like each other”, but both show it in their own way. Amy is much more proactive when it comes to express her feelings, while Sonic only sometimes shows a glimpse of his feelings, with a smile or a small gesture. But at the end of the day they’re still friends and, depending on the situation, the comic can focus more or less on these details.
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Comparison between the first sketch showed by Evan and the final product. The modification of the expression was minimal: Sonic’s slight blush was changed into a smile, maybe being a little overwhelmed by the gesture of affection.
The “progression” of the dynamic in the future
A good part of the answer to this question is based on my idea that right now, when it comes to Sonamy, we reached some kind of comfortable plateau. What am I referring to? To the fact that there have been a lot of varied interactions in these last 3 years of the comic, and they’re everything I could have asked for and then some. When we talk about Sonamy in canon, as Evan said, we don’t tend to hope for great romantic gestures from Sonic, we barely even ask for a look that hints that they understand each other beyond what it seems at first glance, so the fact that the IDW continuity is betting so much on this ship is basically a dream come true. For this reason, I don’t think things will change much in the future.
If I have to make a prediction on Sonamy’s future in IDW, I believe that there are still a lot of possibilities that our known writers (and maybe new writers!) could explore more, to see what makes this dynamic work so well. Actually, about 10 years ago, Ian Flynn wrote that if they could take advantage of the abilities and similarities between the two characters as adventurous spirits and with a strong moral sense, they would be “like poetry in motion”. This largely happens in IDW Sonic if you look carefully, but there are always new stories to tell and opportunities for them to work together and explore a bit more their strong bond, stronger than other friendships that they share. When the next major arc comes (which seems to be getting closer), they could explore aspects of their dynamic that are slightly more experimental, like being separated for extended periods of time and under dangerous situations… as long as they don’t turn it into a painful experience like the Metal Virus arc.
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What Ian Flynn wrote about Sonamy, what works and what doesn’t. This was written in 2011, when Archie Sonic was still the major comic continuity, and when, according to Ian, Sonic was still “tied” to Sally Acord, leaving little room to the writers’ opinions.
The reality is that I see a stable future for the dynamic in the IDW universe. Sonamy is not fit for a lot of drama (fights, breaking up, etc.) without feeling forced or completely out of place, and only fanfics and fanart could be capable of capitalizing on this kind of content. On the other hand, for reasons I detailed in past articles, SEGA would not dare to alter the established order of the dynamic, let alone new that they managed to recover and maintain control over the ways Sonamy is being portrayed everywhere. SEGA won’t pull a Dragon Prince, which ended up confirming the main ship and then they made them go through a crisis and break up in a heartwrenching way in the graphic novel that acts as a bridge between season 3 and 4.
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In short
The future of IDW Sonamy is looking bright and stable. I don’t think there will be serious changes to what we’re experiencing right now, and this is why both Evan Stanley and Ian Flynn agree that the dynamic is practically in the perfect place, keeping in line to how SEGA wants them to be represented together. This means we won’t see more affectionate gestures than what we’re seeing now (I doubt we’ll ever see again Sonic offering Amy a rose like in Sonic X), but it also means that we have now a solid basis for our expectations. In the now old IDW Sonic #2, Sonic and Amy had the chance of seriously talking a bit about what they thought of each other, with Sonic being determined to keep living life his own way (although he wouldn’t mind Amy to accompany him… or even suggesting himself that she could come), and Amy being determined to respect his way of life, because that’s what she loves about him, and she doesn’t want him to change. Since then, all we have seen and we’ll keep seeing in the comic is a consequence of this key moment; the two philosophies that they have and they share, in a constant back-and-forth with some tense moments and some cute moments.
An interesting detail that wasn’t included in the ask and that makes me think is the possibility that all of this will feature in the games as well. This is a completely different matter for another day, but I like to think that there is the possibility that we’ll see SEGA being more interested in inserting more Sonamy in the games, even if in an indirect way like in Sonic Unleashed and its emotional support, especially if the rumors that we’re about to get a soft-reboot are true. Romance is not something Sonic games are famous for doing well… at all, but that doesn’t mean it would be a bad idea to add a little sprinkle of IDW Sonamy in the mix.
And finally, I think I’ve talked enough about this topic, As you know, we’re waiting for some news, and I hope we’ll see each other again here or on our Discord. We’ll see if on this 25th something interesting happens. In any case, see you next time!
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The moment that shaped the present and future of their entire relationship, 3 years ago.
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latin-dr-robotnik · 3 years
Hola Sebas! I saw that you really like the character of knuckles and amy rose, and I though...
Do you have some headcanons about them? 👀 I like to think that knuckles and amy can develop a sibling bond.
For example, knux being worried about her and even trying to protect in a sibling way during a battle.
And with amy, she would try to mock out knux in a friendly way like she did in the episode of sonic x where she was saying to him that it was obvious that knuckles was grateful for sonic's help but didn't wanted to say that to him but amy could read that in a spare of seconds
¡Hola anon!
Headcanons? Back at the start of this year I was actually working on an actual KnuxAmy oneshot lol. It was a bit of a personal experiment to try and branch out of regular ol' SonAmy content and into a different type of dynamic. A slower, more intimate one. Although it's still incomplete to this day, the main points were that after some years of relative peace in the world causing the Sonic cast to split up and do their own things, an older Amy decides to drop by Angel Island unannounced to visit the lone guardian of the Master Emerald, catch up on what they've been doing, and maybe remembering some old adventures they took part. It's meant to be a rather chill and intimate read in a post-Forces alternate continuity that takes the two of them around some beautiful vistas and secrets of Angel Island that no one but Knuckles (and maybe Sonic) knew of, while they slowly realize they might have more in common than they think. They're older, their way of understanding life is different, and so they might end up working better as "more than just friends", or at least that's what I was working toward before leaving the project sitting on my drafts haha.
As for actual headcanons, that "they might have more in common than they think" point is something I can stand by for any context, not just my self-indulgent fanfic. Alternate Sonic media like the comics have tried to develop quiet moments between them to strengthen their friendship, and it's something I can also see working as a general series headcanon. Knuckles in the main series is a bit of a wildcard, swinging between being the hot-headed Master Emerald guardian that wants to be left alone (but will chase you to the end of the world if you piss him off or steal the Emerald) in the Adventure days, and a bit of a dumb jerk as of recent games (Gens, Lost World, to some extent even Forces); and while I like both approaches, my ideal Knuckles (as I talked about him in a previous ask) has more of that SA2 Knuckles interacting with Rouge or Heroes Knuckles energy. (I like Heroes Knuckles a lot, he's as ready for adventure as he can be, and he's having lots of fun throughout.)
Anyway, yes, headcanons:
For grumpy Knuckles, the one who doesn't want to be bothered when he's on his floating island, I think Amy of all people is the one that can better connect with him; and while at first he won't let her delve too deep into his own thoughts and motivations, at the end of the day it helps him a lot to know he has a friend that understands him on a more personal level than the rest. That's not to say Sonic and Tails aren't close friends to him, but both of them are always around for adventures and kicking Eggman's ass. Sonic will never have a heart-to-heart conversation with Knuckles because that's not his style, because he understands Knuckles as is, and the only thing he want is for Knuckles to be fine and in shape for both punching shit and messing with each other. But Amy? Amy's empathy is the one key aspect that always carried her very far, and I believe she wouldn't let Knuckles walk away back to his island without talking about it, not because she wants to change him and force him to be more open, more friendly or just a completely different person, but because she wants to understand what's up with him, and reassure him that she'll always be there if he ever needs her. Of course, even if Knuckles denies it, it doesn't hurt to have someone you can chat with when the fate of the world isn't at stake. The M.E. is great and pretty shiny but I don't see it being too talkative (unless you turn it into a real character and... hooo boy that's a rabbit hole for another time.)
As for Knuckles as a jerk, yeah, I agree with both of them bantering a lot. We kinda saw that already with Sonic X, Sonic Generations and Sonic Lost World (Knuckles makes a funny comment about Sonic, Amy immediately retaliates, often with a strong shove involved lol), but I can headcanon Knuckles and Amy being complete jerks to each other. Over every other headcanon, I think this is the one with the biggest sibling energy: Knuckles is the big grumpy bro while Amy is the cheery little sister, and they both go ham having lots of fun mocking and teasing each other, laughing and then having some ice cream together or something before calling it a day. But that's exclusively their thing, do not attempt to make fun of any of them or the other one will tear you to pieces. That "knucklehead" you just mocked is Amy's big bro and if you don't apologize you'll meet her hammer head-on; and don't even get me started on what happens if you make Amy cry (heck, I can headcanon Knuckles threatening Sonic to break all his bones if he ever breaks Amy's heart lol like that "Are you playing with that girl's heart again, Sonic?" Heroes quote but now a lot more serious, haha.)
Heck, take off the KnuxAmy component of my fic and it becomes a decent sibling headcanon: Amy will visit Knuckles over at Angel Island on occasion (don't ask how she gets up there... that's part of Amy's magic), and they may or may not end up spending the entire afternoon talking about Sonic. If Knuckles ever has to come down to Station Square, I'm sure the first person he visits is going to be Amy, maybe even stick around for a cup of tea! He doesn't understand tea, though, or even the concept of a city apartment, so Amy may need some extra patience to teach him how everything works. Sonic may even show up while Amy is teaching Knuckles how to make tea, and he'll make a funny comment about him, causing Knuckles to immediately drop everything and chase after the blue blur across the city only to kick his ass.
So, in conclusion: yes, I was working on getting into older!KnuxAmy and maybe take their dynamic one step further, but for actual headcanons I can see Amy being the only one Knuckles can actually and fully trust, since she can see right through him, leading to probably one of the most solid friendships in the entire series, on the same level as Sonic-Tails, the Chaotix or Shadow-Rouge (don't kill me, shadouge fans... haha... ha.) When Knuckles is in the jerk mood the sibling energy between them goes to the moon, and leads to incredibly fun moments when they playfully mess with each other, laugh a lot and maybe Knuckles gets the chance to learn a bit more of how the world works outside of Angel Island.
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another-sonic-blog · 4 years
The Fanfictioner
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Synopsis: Amy Rose secretly writes fanfiction out of the not so famous 'Sonic Boom' show in which she and her friends are the main actors. Everything was fine, filming the show and then writing. However, everything changed when the famous actor, Shadow the Hedgehog, showed up to participate in the show. Just like Amy, Shadow hides a secret. He loves to read fanfiction but will never admit that out loud. Shadow one day stumbles upon Amy's fanfiction and without knowing, they develop a friendly bond over comments, likes and messages of support. On work, Shadow and Amy have a normal co-worker relationship that will never develop more than that.   They fight in real life but are best-friends online. Will they ever find out each other's identities? And if they do, will things change between them?
When the romantic movie ended, Amy just couldn't stop thinking about the great acting in 'The Forest of Dreams.' Her friends and she had decided to get together for a well deserve movie night after battling Eggman for the whole week. With the hopes that he wouldn't burst into Hedgehog Village as he usually does. "It's a shame that we ended up seeing that indie movie ..." Sonic said as he opened the door to exit the movie theater. "I wanted to see Chao in Space!" "Yeah, too bad they ran out of tickets. Critics say that it is one of the best movies in the last decade." Tails looked around his group of friends, making sure that no one was missing. Nonetheless, he noticed that his pink friend was awfully quiet, looking at the ground. "Everything alright Amy?" As if his words didn't reach her ears, Amy kept looking down at the ground, silent. This time, Sonic noticed Amy's unusual mannerism and decided to investigate. "Amy?" Sonic's voice was all that she needed to get back to reality. The rosette hedgehog snapped her head and met emerald eyes. "Yes?" "You are very quiet ... That's not like you." Sonic said. Team Sonic had already begun their journey to go back home. It was late at night but the village's light poles gave them enough illumination to know their path. Walking through the village, they encountered a few Mobians still out, doing their thing and helping the atmosphere to be more vivid. "Sorry, I was just thinking about the movie ... The acting was amazing, wasn't it?" The pink one had a soft smile placed on her face, showing her excitement. "The actors were so young too, they look around our age ... 17 and they are so talented already." "I have to admit that batgirl was very beautiful." Knuckles let out an enamored sigh. "Yes and her acting was admirable," Amy said. "But the one that got my interest was that black hedgehog ... He indeed will become a great actor soon." Without the pink hedgehog knowing, Sonic rolled his eyes in annoyance. There was only one hedgehog she could fangirl about and that was him. "He was alright, I could do better," Sonic said. "I mean he was in an indie movie that's no big deal. I am sure we could all do it ... Right Sticks?" Sonic looked over at his badger friend who was way too quiet. Such an unusual thing of her. "Don't look at me, I fell asleep during the whole movie," Sticks said. "But if we ever become actors, I would love to be in Chao in Space." The team had come to a sudden stop, they had reached the end of the village. This is where they would part ways to their own perspective homes. "Good luck with that, I read that the casting process to get actors for Chao in Space is extremely difficult," Tails said as he faced his friends. "Two years ago, the directors conducted castings all over the world .. Out of thousands of participants only three main actors made it." "Ha, see Ames! There's no way that black hedgehog with average acting skills would be in a movie like Chao in Space." The blue hedgehog looked at the pink one and for the first time in a long time, he saw that Amy was utterly offended. For someone that she doesn't even know nonetheless. "I see great potential in him!" Amy said, her voice raises a little. "I bet he will become a great actor! I dare to say he will be in Chao In Space 2!"
. . . When the pink one got home, she immediately showered, got into her pajamas, and laid on her comfortable bed with her laptop on her lap. She began to browse more things on the 'The Forest of Dreams.' She found interesting things. For example, the name of the beautiful bat protagonist was Rouge the Bat. And then the black hedgehog's name appeared ... Shadow the Hedgehog. He was the co-protagonist and in all honesty, it was been a while since Amy felt such admiration for someone. Could you blame her? Shadow was an excellent actor. His profound words as he confessed his undying love to the protagonist were just ... So pure. It wasn't only the dialogue but the way he delivered the message. More than anything, Amy felt her heart skip a beat at each word he said. As if his confession was meant for her.
His words were strong and too real ... way too real. As if Shadow the Hedgehog was actually in love with Rouge the Bat.
And so this began.
Amy of course knew of the many wonders of the internet. One of them were fandoms and within fandoms were content creators.
The pink one wasn't unaware that many content creators wrote fanfiction. After all, Team Sonic had its own base of fans. They were the heroes of the village and Mobius nonetheless, always defending it against Eggman and other villains. So, it was natural that stories about them would be written. She read many of them especially the SonAmy ones, her guilty pleasure.
Although she had never written a fanfiction, Amy felt different about this one. In 'The Forest of Dreams' the ending was a cliffhanger. Amy desired more than anything than to provide a good conclusive ending. She had written before but only for school projects like essays and creative writing but never like this ... Never for a fandom.
Was it strange? That she wanted to see more of the exceptional romantic development between Rouge and Shadow?
Amy didn't care, it was just for fun. What was the harm in that?
And so ... Amy began to write.
"Shadow, what are you doing?"
On the other side of the island, a tiny wooden house in the middle of the forest emitted enough light to be seen in the night.
"Reading a story."
The black hedgehog responded, not leaving his eyesight away from his phone.
"Since when do you read?"
"Someone has to do it in this house."
The black hedgehog who was comfortably sitting on his sofa was greeted suddenly by the warmness of a beautiful blue-eyed bat.
"Our movie was released a few weeks ago ... Do you think we did well?" Rouge asked as she tried to get a peek of Shadow's phone but she was slow and Shadow was fast to close the internet tab.
"We won't know until next week when our producer calls us ... Hopefully, we get enough money to repair Omega." Shadow said as he looked over to the dining table where robot parts laid scatter across the wooden table. Shadow frowned as he saw Omega's head, immobile and without life. He was still inside there but Omega won't be the way he was until reparations were made.
"We really messed up on the last mission ... Didn't we?"
Rouge's voice was soft and she showed such concern that it made the black hedgehog's heart shrink a bit. Shadow let out a heavy sigh, he hated to see the white bat like that and although he would often disagree, there was no option but to affirm her assumption this time.
"We did ... That's why we are never going to steal again ... Never." Shadow said as he felt Rouge leaning her head on his shoulder and he didn't mind the act at all.
"... I wanted to steal a Chaos Emerald."
The black hedgehog let out a small smirk as he placed his arm around Rouge's shoulders. "I promise that one day I'll give you a Chaos Emerald and I'll give Omega one of those lie detectors he wants."
"Hopefully, this acting thing comes out alright ... I mean all of those years acting to survive and steal must pay off in this movie we made."
   Small memories crossed the white bat's mind. She remembers all of those times as a child that she and Shadow acted on street plays to get a few coins to eat something. More recent memories of them acting like business people, politicians, and regular folks also popped in her mind. All of that just so their stealing missions could go smoothly and unnoticed.
How Rouge, Shadow, and Omega met was a very interesting story, one that will be told at another time.
"Let's hope for the best."
   A few minutes passed in which Shadow and Rouge shared it in complete silence. The dark hedgehog looked over his shoulder in which he found Rouge completely asleep. With his phone still on his hand, he opened once again the previous internet tab he had before.
It was just a matter of time before his curiosity overtook him. As far as the internet said, 'The Forest of Dreams' was an excellent film even if it was an independent movie. Even art and small stories were already created in honor of the film.
Eventually, he found himself on a page called fanxfiction.com. An internet page where writers could write whatever they wanted online and others could interact with these authors by liking, sharing, and commenting on their work.
Shadow scrolled through the webpage and a story caught his interest. The synopsis was captivating , the tale was about an alternative ending to the movie's original ending.
The Forest of Dreams: A Love Story.
By A Rose Without Thorns
And so ... Shadow began to read.
A/N: I want to thank @redsunlight​ for the amazing artwork! Please go check out her artwork! 
The first chapter is coming out in a couple of minutes I just need to upload it in here. I recommend following me on Wattpad since Tumblr can be complicated at times and won’t let me upload. 
Also there’s a new chapter coming out for ‘By Accident’ really soon!
Next: https://another-sonic-blog.tumblr.com/post/621393925974999040/the-fanfictioner-ch1 
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/PeachesAndReams 
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nothing-fancy94 · 5 years
Excerpt: Let’s Go Home
This is an excerpt from my longer fiction called Let’s Go Home. The story itself is a Shadamy, but I just love this little Sonamy scene.
If you wanna read the story here’s the link:
Sonic sighed, and stood up. The sun was almost completely gone now, and he could see stars in the sky. He looked up at them, and suddenly he found himself smiling. He couldn't help but think to that night six months ago…
"What did Shadow want?"
"Come on, Sonic. Listen to me."
His emerald eyes rolled lazily to the direction of her exasperated voice. She was sitting on a rock that was halfway buried in the sand on the beach. Her short quills danced frantically in a soft breeze, and her eyes were narrowed in frustration.
"Sorry, Ames. Ask it again."
She rolled her eyes to above, her muzzle letting out a tired sigh. She was quiet for a moment, before she fell back onto the rock, and lay staring at the sky.
"Oh nevermind. It was probably something boring anyway, considering it was that gloom-day prince."
Sonic grinned at her nickname for Shadow, and he got up to join her on the rock. Her body stiffened right away from being in close vicinity to him, but after a few moments she relaxed again. The hero was still finding himself amazed at her maturity, even though it'd already been several years, since she'd stopped her obsession with him. If this was the old Amy, she would've jumped on him by now, screaming her love for him. However, she just laid beside him, peacefully, with a sweet smile, and a cute blush gracing her cheeks.
Sonic put his arms behind him and leaned backwards, he wanted to see what she was so intently staring at. Once his emerald eyes had lift to the heavens, he almost gasped aloud at the sight. He'd never seen so many stars from the ground before. Although - to be fair - he scarcelyever looked up. He seemed to look in only one direction, and that was forward. Even when they'd been in space, he'd hardly looked out into it, which he was now regretting.
"No matter where we go, or what horizons we see… this, right here on Mobius, is my favorite sky."
Her voice filled the early winter air, with a gentleness Sonic had never heard before. He wondered if she was looking at him - with those big eyes, that she always seemed to have when they were together. Curiosity getting the better of him, he looked over to his right.
She wasn't looking at him. She was gazing at the stars. Her peach muzzle was relaxed in a serenesmile, her hands neatly folded on her stomach, and her quills fanned out like the feathers of a paradise bird. But it was her eyes that made Sonic catch his breath, and his heart beat faster. Her jade eyes reflected the starlight like infinity pools. Her bright green irises were the frames for two tiny universes, that seemed to twinkle more brightly than the night sky above them.
He was entranced. Trapped. And normally he would try to run as far from there as possible, but that night was different. For some unknown reason, he found himself actually wanting to dive in her depths... Wanting to lose himself in those unknown, yet exotic, cosmos.
He wanted to stay, exactly where he was.
As panic tried to seize his heart, her head rolled over to look at him. She smiled up at him, and he felt calm. He gave her a smile back. A comfortable, almost intimate, silence fell between them, and Sonic gulped nervously as those endless pools blinked slowly at him. He didn't know how long they would've remained stuck in that trance if it weren't for an unexpected interruption. Suddenly, her face had screwed up, and she abruptly sat up. Sonic's eyes widened in surprise.
"What's wro -"
She held up her hand, her muzzle opening widely to reveal her fangs and molars. And the air was filled with a loud -
She sniffed, and wiped underneath her nose, letting in a gasp, as she tried to compose herself. Sonic stared at her - baffled - for a moment, before holding in a chuckle. Her face twisted into another sneeze, and he realized she was cold.
The jungle was still fairly warm during winter days, but the nights were almost freezing. Amy was wearing shorts and a tank top - since the early winter day had been a bit warmer than usual - but now the sun was gone, and she was regretting it.
Before a sneeze could escape another time, she felt something being pulled over her head. Sonic had taken off his white T-shirt, and stuck it over her. She struggled at first, but then calmed as he gently tugged downwards to allow her head freedom.
At first, all that could be seen was the top of her pink quills, until - with a cute 'spring,' - her pointed ears popped out from the neck opening. Then slowly her face started to appear, first her huge jade eyes - Sonic gulped at their appearance - than her adorable button nose, until finally, the large shirt was hanging very loosely off her shoulders. She kept her arms tucked inside the large clothing, and her face was lit up like a cherry.
"Um - Th-thanks, Sonic."
The blue hero looked away, now embarrassed with his kind act. He coughed and gave her a nervous smirk to hide his blush.
"Don't mention it, Ames."
She smiled at him, and snuggled into his shirt. They stared at each other for a while until Sonic gave another awkward cough.
"Well, I guess I better take you home before it gets even colder."
Amy nodded, a smile still lingering on her lips. He knew she wanted to stay longer, but he was already reaching his limit. His heart was beating wildly, and his leg couldn't stop shaking. But he refused to run this time, he wouldn't allow her to walk home alone at night.
He picked her up and within seconds, they were in front of her door. He lightly set her down, and stood while she fumbled in the pockets of her shorts for her house key.
"Damn, where are they?" She muttered, and Sonic smirked.
Finally, she managed to pull them free, and turn the lock in her door. She opened it slightly, but then turned back to Sonic. She glanced from side to side, obviously looking for an excuse not to say goodbye, but also not wanting to force him to stay.
"Why is this sky your favorite?"
There was a thick silence, as both hedgehogs were surprised at the question (an obvious way to lengthen the time together) and by who had asked it. Amy looked up at him, her gaze confused at first, but then she smiled like usual, that smile he would never admit that he craved to see.
"It's the sky that I was born under - the sky all of us were brought to life under. It's the sky of our home… and it's the sky my mother, and father live in now."
Her answer was honest, and soft, her voice trembling slightly at the end. Her figure standing before him, looked so sad for a moment, the hero almost hugged her. But she shook her head, and gave him a careful look, her eyes searching his.
"It's the sky that looks down on the ones I love."
His breath hitched in his throat for the second time that night. He knew she was saying, in a roundabout way, that she loved him. Sonic knew she had stopped saying she loved him all the time - in an attempt to give him space. This was her way to gently remind him of the words she always wanted to confess.
As they looked at each other in silence, Sonic felt he could almost stop. Maybe going slow wasn't such a bad thing. Maybe running didn't have to be the only thing worthwhile in his life. Amy smiled, and took off his shirt. She walked up to him, and put the clothing in his arms, her hands resting atop the mound. Her weight causing his heart to flutter and beat erratically.
"Thank you Sonic. Even though we never seem to hang out, without something happening - in this case a surprise visit, from an old hedgehog-hermit - I had fun looking at the stars with you."
She went on her tiptoes, and kissed him on the cheek, before quickly dashing into to her house.
He stood there for a moment, before stiffly turning around, and walking down the boardwalk. He continued all the way, refusing to glance back, until he was completely covered by jungle overgrowth. There he stood, staring at her hut, until all her lights were turned off. He told himself that he wanted to make sure she was safe - that no enemies would pop out to harm her - once they thought he was gone.
After several minutes of staring at her dark home, he ran back to his and Tails' hut. Wasting no time, he bolted inside, and into his room, where he flopped onto his bed, face first. His body remained stiff as a board, and he tried controlling his breathing in an attempt to bring down the pace of his racing heart.
It was the just the effect of the run… right?
On the intake of a large breath, he realized he could smell something sweet - something intoxicating... a scent he wanted to become addicted to. He lifted his head to see what he was lying on, only to find his crumpled shirt underneath his nose. He pondered it for a moment, but the clothing smelled amazing, and who cared what the reason was - it wasn't like it was poison. He smashed his muzzle back into it, inhaling deeply. A smile curled on his lips, and he sighed contentedly. Would it be so bad to fall into this scent's warm welcome?
He stayed like that for a while, simply immersing himself in that scent. It wasn't until a half an hour later, that he realized, his shirt smelled of Amy.
He stood, feeling the breeze ruffle his quills, and he tried to conjure her scent, that sweet strawberry-flowery perfume. But all he could smell was the salty air of the sea. He sighed and opened his emerald eyes to the darkening sky. He missed Amy, he missed his friends. He felt like he'd become distant from all of them. He wanted to go back to how it was before. Before he and Per -
Want more? Here’s the link to the full story:
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lyrazehedgieboiii · 4 years
Wedding Disaster!
Another crappy story I made long ago. Original is on Wattpad under Lyra_ze_hedgie. Both part 1 and part 2 is on this.
Amy= 19 years old
Sonic= 21 years old
Lyra 18 1/2 years old
Blaze= 19 years old
Cream= 18 years old
Rouge= 19 years old
Maria= 19 years old
Silver= 21 years old
Knuckles= 21 1/2 years old
Shadow= 22 years old
Tails= 20 years old
It was 7 in the morning, and the Sonic Team girls were wide awake. As you can see in your brain, the girls are at Amy's house, sneaking through the door. They were about to wake up Amy and get her ready.
Cream, Amy's self proclaimed little sister, did the honors of waking the sleeping beauty. "Amy, wake up! You got to get ready for the happiest day of your life!" Cream squealed with excitement.
"I'm gonna give birth..?" Amy said dozily. She was 1/2 asleep, if you were wondering. Rouge and Maria were holding their chests from trying not to snort and laugh.
"Out of the way everyone! This is sure to wake Rosy Posy up!" Lyra yelled as she carried a 3 gallon full bucket into Amy's bedroom. She sprinkled a few drops onto Amelia's face. She still isn't up. She spills a little on to her face. Amy got up immediately.
"I'm up, let's get ready! Lyra water the plants with that, and make me look like a goddess, girls!" Lyra opened Amy's window and dumped the water close enough to the plants. The girls all dragged Amy to Rouge's mansion because her wedding dress was there. They had her take a shower, and while Amy was doing that, the girls took all the make-up out.
"This is going to be amazing! Sonic and Amy getting married! Amy will be my sister-in-law! Girls, she has to look perfect!" Lyra said. Lyra is Sonic's little sister.
"Amy, are you done yet?" Maria asked from outside the bathroom door.
"Yes!" A muffled voice answered from the other side of the door.
The girls all shoved Amy into a chair in front of Lyra's vanity table, and began to look at Amy and thought of what to do.
"Oh shoot! I forgot the curling iron! My 20 others are broken." Rouge realized.
"It's alright, Rouge. Besides, I have fire powers, so watch what I can do. Oh wait, first dry Amy's hair." Cream quickly did that with the blow dryer. Blaze wrapped sections of Amy's quills around her finger and warmed it up. She let go, and made luscious curls. "There, perfect. Amy, you look like an angel."
"She'll look more like an angel once she wears her wedding dress!" Lyra said, while bringing in the wedding dress. (It was a long white gown with red petals all over the bottom hem and along the chest.           
"Oh Lyra, it's beautiful." Amy said with tears in her eyes.
"Don't cry, Amy, or else you'll ruin your makeup!" Cream yelled.
"Okay, okay!"
Amy put on her dress, and it fit perfectly on her. It made her look like a princess. While admiring her wedding dress, Rouge and Lyra put some eyeliner and some blush on.
"Perfect! Now let's go, or we'll be 5 minutes late to being early." Lyra said.
"You sound like Spongebob, Hun." Rouge stated.
"Point is, we should be out now!" Blaze said, in an impatient tone. "I want to see some SonAmy smooching!" Amy blushed in embarrassment.
"Amelia! Now I can't tell if you're blushing, or if that's your blush making you look pink on the muzzle!" Cream said. Everyone laughed.
As the girls went out, something totally unexpected happened...
Hey, it's chapter 2. (Cream's POV)
Oh no. Eggbots. They're going to ruin Amy's wedding day, and her dress! Everyone immediately gets into battle stance, and takes out their weapons, or show their powers. Me? I stayed in front of Amy to guard her. Lyra, who's still learning to use her scythe, has formed a somewhat big shield around Amy and the girls. I was scared, was Amy going to be kidnapped by Eggman? That bastard! He's in his 70's or something, and he's still trying to kill Sonic! Then, Lyra moved a little, she could only protect me and Amy. The girls started to fight the crab-bots, and bee bots, whatever they're called. I heard some short battle cries. "Cream! Run Amy over to the limo!!!" Maria yells.
"Okay!" I take the hem at the back of Amy's dress, and raise it up, so it doesn't get dirty. I didn't really care about my dress getting messed up, it's Amy's that mattered. We suddenly see all the girls get thrown back. Oh, no... Amy hates when any of her friends get attacked, so in a snap, her piko-piko hammer comes out of nowhere, and Amy makes pissed off look at the robots. I don't want to interfere, but this is her wedding, I don't want her beautiful image get ruined! "Amy! Don't! You'll ruin your dress!" I shouted, but she ignored me. 
Oh no. 
It's the hammer of doom! Amy's hammer evolved and she was swearing like there was no tomorrow. Hey, I'd be doing the same thing if it were my wedding. Amy suddenly smashed all the bots, and strutted her way to the limo, all the girls watching her with shocked faces. She didn't even ruin anything! We all ran to the car, me going first. Not to brag, but I'm the maid of honor!!! Everyone expected Rouge, but I was chosen. I'm the most like her sister! Suddenly, Maria kicked the driver out of his seat.
"We are supposed to be at the altar by now!" Maria stepped on the peddle, not caring whether she got a ticket or not. Within minutes we were here. Lyra checked to see if everyone was there, and they were. First the ring bearer, and flower girl, which were Sonia's kids, Cecilia and Carlos. Then came in Amy, arm in arm with Shadow, since Amy had no father figure in her life. Behind her was the maid of honor. Which happens to be me. Then, came in Rouge, Sonia, Blaze, and Maria. Lyra was going to be the person that recited the vow things. On the side were Sonic's groomsmen, Shadow, Silver, Knuckles, and Manic. The best man was my boyfriend, Tails. We lined up beside Amy, and watched everything.
"How come the girls look like they were ambushed?" Tails asked.
"Amy looks like an angel."
"And in a few minutes she'll be my sister in law!"
"Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today on this momentous occasion, to witness the joining together of Sonic Ogilvie Maurice the Hedgehog, and Amelia Lynn Merica Rosette. Now, before we begin, is there anyone who rejects this proposal?" We looked around. "Thank Chaos, no one. Sonic, do you take Amelia to be your wife, through life and sickness, and til death do you part?" Lyra looked at Sonic, who was smiling, a few tears falling down his face.
"I do." Sonic responded. Amy was crying heavily, and so was I, it was beautiful!
"And Amy, do you take Sonic to be your lawfully wedded husband, to protect you, to love you, through life and sickness, and til death do you part?" Lyra looked in Amy's direction.
"I do."
"A good marriage is created. The little things in your life will become the big things. You will never be too old to hold hands, never be too old to say good night or for a gentle kiss.
A good marriage is remembering to say "I love you" on a regular basis. It is never going to sleep angry. It is standing together, on each other’s strength and support.
It is having the capacity to forgive and forget. It is providing an atmosphere in which each of you can grow.
It is finding room for the fruits of the spirit; which are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control.
It is not only marrying the right partner, it is being the right partner.
You will have this kind of marriage if you continue to Chaos as the source of your romance, love, and affection. Now, say your vows." Sonic started first.
"Ames," everyone 'aww's when he said 'Ames.' "When I first saved you from Metal Sonic, I was surprised to see someone as brave and courageous as you. You were as cute as a button, but fierce with that hammer, and I wouldn't marry anyone else. You are the only thing that keeps me happy. You were the only person I noticed, the only person who could turn me on. You were different from those other fan-girls. You were always by my side, even if I lost a battle, you still loved me, even if I was a werehog!" He chuckled. "And since I met you, every time you talked to me, my heart beat in my chest, and only you made me feel like that. I love you Ames." Amy was crying heavily. She sobbed, and gave him a quick hug, before beginning. (Lmao so uncharacteristic)
"Sonikku, before we met, I had a thing for tarot cards, it would say we will meet, it would say you are my perfect soulmate. I believed all of that, in fact, it's one of the things that got us together. And when I got kidnapped by Metal Sonic unexpectedly, you saved me. You were exactly everything I imagined. You were brave, courageous, loyal, smart, strong, loving, and experienced, if you know what I mean." Insert a dirty smirk and wink amen. "You're also very confident, and knew when pride got in your way. I wanted to always be beside you, to love you, to make you happy, to stay with you for all eternity. And now you made my dreams come true. And you have my near all to yourself, until our futures children are born. I love Sonikku."
"With the power bestowed upon Chaos, I pronounce you Husband and Wife. You may kiss the bride." Lyra said. Sonic picked Amy up and spun her around before kissing her gently. She kissed him back, hands never leaving each other.
"Hey, Sonic?"
"I caught you."
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What are all your Kingdom Hearts pairings?
I am so sorry I never answered this:( I kept meaning to, but every time I’d get distracted with family being over for the holidays.
I used to have a ton of KH ships, but I’ve kind of cooled down on a lot of them now (for some reason. IDK why I think I’m just not as interested in romance as I used to be. I still love it, of course, but now I value other kinds of relationships in series, too.) So for the most part, I’m really only going to tell you the ones I search for in the tags every day and maybe a few others.
SoKai is my ultimate OTP forever and ever. It always has been and it probably always will be. I don’t really ever see that changing. I should maybe mention that I also like the fandom’s invention (that I helped to create;)) of dark Sora and Kairi. And, yes: that even includes the rare dark Kairi… that I should really finish my fic of.
I love RokuShi a lot, but I’ve even cooled down on them a little. They used to be one of my ultimate OTPs–and to be fair, they still kind of are–and were my second favorite KH pairing (heck, there was a hot second where I even liked them more than SoKai. Weird, I know), but now they’re probably more equal with my other ships and most don’t even come close to reaching SoKai level for me.
Namiku. I love it a lot and mostly always have. RokuShi and Namiku are my ideal pairings when it comes to shipping Roxas, Xion, Riku, and Naminé with people. Though I do love RokuNami now, and have for a while.
Speaking of: RokuNami.
Terqua. But maybe not as much as the above. IDK. I’ve kind of flip-flopped on this one over the years. And KHIII really made me love them again… but at the same time, I’m okay with them being platonic and like siblings… which is apparently what their relationship in canon is, along with their relationships to Ven and vice versa. (According to the KHIII Journal and Ultimania).
Gulava. They’re precious and I love them a lot.
Epheplayer (I’m also okay with SkuldPlayer, or EphemerSkuldPlayer being OT3d, but I probably prefer PlayerStrelitzia and Epheplayer first… and the latter one is funny, because I think I used to prefer SkuldPlayer over it. But not anymore. I blame all you people who make cute Epheplayer stuff:)
VentusStrelitzia, because of the fandom. Because of the fandom (also with a side bit of VanitasStrelitzia because of the fandom). But not if Ven in any form is her killer.
IraInvi… just because of that one line in Back Cover about Invi not wanting the others “to get the wrong idea about them”… even though I kind of don’t like Ira that much (yet. Hopefully that’ll change), because he kind of feels like a wet blanket to me so far.
Maybe Aced and Invi, but just because of Terra and Aqua feeling somewhat similar to them, if I ship AcedInvi at all. I don’t know if I do. Also, maybe Ava and Invi. IDK. 
XehanortEraqus, I guess (even though I hate Xehanort).
The one Sewer Squad girl with the newest girl added to the Sewer Squad?
SoRiKai… Because I can take the things I don’t like about S*Riku if Kairi’s involved, though it’s not my favorite (I’ll always prefer SoKai by itself. But I’ll still happily take SoRiKai posts, since it’s better than the alternative… which is Kairi being left out of everything, that I can’t stand).
RiKai. I ship RiKai a lot. Mainly because my old best friend loved loved loved loved them (and a few other of my RL friends, oddly enough), and she was always trying to pull me over to the RiKai side… And while I still prefer SoKai, she did make me like RiKai a lot. And because this pairing is made up of tropes people usually love, so I don’t get why it’s not more popular. And because their story in KHI (mainly on Riku’s side) breaks my heart in the best way possible.
Roxiri… for some reason. I blame awesome YouTube editors for this one.
Vanaqua (that I actually ship a lot, and also look for in the tags a lot. Even though I don’t love them as much as the first pairings I posted here, but still maybe moreso than some of the other ones I put in the middle here. I don’t know why I put this ship so low).
Vennami (same thing as VanAqua).
Venaqua… or at least I did until the age difference.
Slightly VaniKai now, but just for the good fan art.
Some Kailette…
SoNami in CoM only (and also kind of one-sided on Naminé’s part).
Replinami. But I probably don’t ship it as much as I should, especially if Nomura’s now trying to sell that Naminé’s always had some great love for him (that I don’t really buy, but shh).
Rion… but more because so much of the fandom ships them, and I feel I sort of have to because of that and not so much because I really want to. They’re okay. And I get why people ship them, but they’re kind of meh for me, but maybe getting a bit better. I’ve just… always had some issues with them (mainly that I feel like Riku kind of goaded Xion into committing suicide to save Sora: which is an issue I had with RokuNami for some time, too, and took me many years to get over for them. But now I have and they’re one of my fave pairings). But at the same time, I wouldn’t hate it if it happened.
Riku and Aqua, for some reason (though that darn age difference!). Maybe because I ship Terqua and this ship has stuff in common with it, and Riku’s sort of the version of Terra that passed with flying colors?
Perhaps Marluxia and Larxene, since I think that’s where the narrative is going. Perhaps.
Haynette. I also don’t mind Pencette. I also like Roxette quite a lot.
I shipped Larxel long ago, but not anymore. And yet I always feel the need to still put it down for some reason…
Ira and Aced, maybe: they did have a good arc in Back Cover.
Brain and Lauriam, possibly, because of the fandom. I’ve seen some Ephemer ships here too, I think, that could be cute.
I feel like part of me would have shipped Sora and Roxas somewhat, if they weren’t Nobody and Other…
TerraVen a bit… Well, maybe I did a bit before I knew their ages… probably not now (I shipped them a bit back in the day, when I felt like in BbS they cared way more about each other than they ever did Aqua).
Xion and Repliku a bit… maybe. But I’d prefer them more to have a sibling bond.
Sora and Ariel for crack… and a bit of Sora and Rapunzel.
Terra and Cinderella and Aqua and Cinderella (also, Aqua and Philip) for the above reason. Maybe even Ven and Snow White.
Roxas and the Accessory Shop Girl for crack.
A bit of KairiXion.
Yozora and brown-haired Stella! I will go down with this ship, as I’ve been shipping “them” since Versus XIII, essentially. And maybe Yozora with some of his bros, but we’ll see.
There are probably some FF ones, too (though I don’t care about them that much)… usually the canon ones, like CloTi, Zerith, Clerith, TiYuna, Squinoa (because Nomura eluded long ago that she was a part of the fall of Radiant Garden and why Squall changed his name to Leon, in losing her for the time being), and maybe Seifer and Fuu. But I’m also okay with things like Selphie and Tidus, Leon and Yuffie, Leon and Aerith, and even Leon and Tifa because of one amv (where he started liking her in seeing her as a replacement for Rinoa, and then began to fall for her as her).
Oh, and Neku and Shiki… slight JoshNeku, and maybe Joshua and Rhyme (because I’m still somewhat Joshyme trash, gosh darnit) and some BeatJoshua (though this is moreso for TWEWY, of course, than KH. But they seem to be their true TWEWY selves in KH, so…)
All of the canon Disney couples, of course.
Edit: Maybe Ven and Skuld, now that Ven asked her to build a snowman together and all. Their interaction there was cute.
Aqua and Axel for crack.
…I realize I told you I was going to make this list short, and really I pretty much put everything I could think of. I apologize (and a lot of this did not end up in any good order whatsoever), but SoKai, RokuShi, Namiku, RokuNami, Terqua, Gulava, Skulmera, PlayerStrelitzia, and IraInvi (for some reason) are the ones I look for in the tags every day (also, Vanaqua. And sometimes Vennami). Then, it’s probably RiKai and SoRiKai at this point? With some of these others thrown in there? Like the “If Kairi died and sadly stayed dead, maybe Sora and Naminé could be a thing” kind of ones? Even though they don’t come close to the other ones? IDK.
Edit: XioRokuNami is a major one!
#oh also sora and olette for some reason. it's a weird crack pairing I wrote for once that has weirdly stuck with me#I also know a lot of people like vanshion and it's okay but I'm meh about it. but it's not bad#I've also seen aqua/larxene and that might not be bad#and I could see people shipping xion and olette after khiii and that could be cute#does anyone ship fuu and olette? I bet they have and that could be cute too#I also shipped venfuu a tiny tiny bit when deviantart was going crazy over it and making all the art for them. I even wrote one fic#vanities and riku maybe#and I maybe COULD'VE shipped ven and lea during the time of bbs. but obviously not now#also... if I'm being honest? sometimes problematic master of masters and Ava since she was the only one he was nice to#and when I say that I don't really ship it at all. gosh I don't want that ship to EVER happen and it never should#but I've still written it in a few fics... where I've treated it as the problematic thing it is (and only ever from the master's side and#not Ava's) to help show how the master HIMSELF is problematic. and I'm very careful with it and I swear I'm not endorsing it and wouldn't#though actually... now that I think about it her being the only one he was ever nice to is probably a moot point now#since at this point they're opposed to each other and are probably going to be at each other's throats in khiv#actually maybe the only reason he was ever nice to her was manipulation. hoping that if he was she wouldn't betray him and yet she still#did as she should have#also in the fics where I've written the master of masters having an infatuation for Ava I've never even had him touch her in#a platonic gesture. let alone anything else or worse. but still him having feelings for her at all. even if he doesn't act on them. is bad#maybe also sora and Ava if he thought she was Kairi or something. sora and strelitziaalso had some good accidental chemistry#I feel like I might have shipped axel/xion if not for the age difference#if Elsa wasn't too old for him. Riku and Elsa for crack since I get where people are coming from with it. maybe sora/Anna in the same light#maybe master of masters and Xigbar/braig. I also feel invi has a crush on the mom. but we're doing nothing with that#luxu/ava maybe. I saw some cool stuff with them before we found out he's braig#the 'my friends aren't my power' guy with his friend#maybe some veniri
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asiryn · 6 years
Healing Vision Headcanons: Olette/Xion/Namine/Sora/Riku Edition
will be putting this behind a cut for the length. will contain a bit of kh3 spoilers behind the cut. refer to this post for background knowledge about this verse.
as indicated by the title, this post will all be about that ship, and the subset ships of olette/namine, xion/namine, xion/olette, sora/riku, and sora/namine.  
- namette, namishi, xiolette, soriku, and sonami will all be romantic ships
- olette/sora, olette/riku, xion/sora, rikushi, and namiku will all be more on the queerplatonic end of the spectrum
- sora is pan; riku is gay; olette is a lesbian; xion is a lesbian demisexual; namine is a demiromantic ace
- xion is intersex, but i’m still deciding between her either being a trans girl or nonbinary; i’m similarly undecided about namine, tho for her i’m deciding between bigender or nonbinary
- originally in the HV, soriku and namixiolette were going remain separate. but then i played kh3, and my sonami feels were really reawakened with a vengeance; when i went to look up fanfic for the ship, i was distressed to see that the majority of them were all alternative CoM angst endings---there was pretty much no fluff, none where sora and namine just got to be happy together. so---i’m being the change that i want to see in the world :3
- many years ago now (o.o ...god saying that makes me feel old), i wrote an olette/namine fanfic, which essentially details how i think they could have met in the canon verse, and even now it’s still essentially my headcanon. this is a bit of a spoiler for the end of that fic, but namine ends up having to wipe herself from olette’s memory. in the HV, when olette sees namine again for the first time after kh3, all her memories come back, and she remembers her again
- xion and namine bond over their similar experiences of being forgotten by the ppl they cared about
- part of the reason that xion and namine are drawn to olette is bc, compared to most of the ppl they’ve known, she’s so simple and uncomplicated; she’s warm, genuine, honest, easygoing, affectionate, and compassionate, and so she’s like a breath of fresh air to them
- sora’s feelings for riku have been present for a long time, though before the events of the series, he was a bit oblivious to the true, romantic nature of those feelings, mostly bc he just didn’t really dwell on it that much. all he knew was that riku was his favorite person to be around, and he was content w/ that
- but as they grew older, and especially as riku hit puberty, riku’s relationships with both sora and kairi started to take a downward swing. riku started getting very jealous of sora and kairi’s relationship, bc he was realizing that he was in love with sora, and wanted all of sora’s attention to himself, especially romantically. but riku was also experiencing an incredible amount of internalized homophobia, and he started lashing out at sora, which drove sora into spending more time with kairi
- riku’s parents were extremely homophobic, and so riku grew up knowing from a pretty young age that he was in love w/ sora, and also that those feelings were Wrong, but no matter how much he tried to ignore them, they never went away. and as he grew up, riku knew perfectly well that his parents would kick him out, at best, if they found out he was gay, and so he grew up with a crippling fear of abandonment, and he especially became terrified of losing sora too (riku attempting to share a paopu fruit w/ sora was partially motivated as a way to ensure that sora would never abandon him)
- ftr, when sora and riku are finally together and are going to go home after kh3, they discuss how they want to handle their relationship, and when riku finally reveals his parents’ emotional abuse, sora refuses to let riku go back to living w/ them. so first they come out to sora’s mom, who’s supportive and agrees to let riku live w/ them from now on, and then after they pack up riku’s belongings, they come out to riku’s parents and the community on their own terms (bc after everything they’ve been through, they refuse to be ashamed about this, and they know that word would travel fast anyway); riku’s parents react as expected, but at this point, riku’s done giving a shit about them, and so he moves in w/ sora 
- (this is the beginning of hikari becoming the pioneer of what i call the gaywakening of destiny islands; she’s on a one-woman crusade to bring about queer education, rights, and pride, and it is 50% her being determined to be the most supportive parent in all the known universe, and 50% her being passive-aggressive as fuck towards riku’s parents. but the details of her crusade will be for another post XP)
- by the beginning of kh1, sora was starting to feel more flashes of attraction to riku. when riku first attempted to share a paopu fruit w/ him, sora kind of panicked, and thought that riku was just teasing him, and so sora tossed it away (riku of course took this as a total rejection)
- the next day, when riku brought up the idea of sharing a paopu fruit w/ kairi, was when sora’s confusion over his feelings really started. bc of general compulsory heterosexuality, and bc destiny islands was a more conservative community and thus had a lot of casual homophobia, sora never much questioned the assumption that boys and girls could only date each other (not that he had really given dating much thought before then, either). and w/ the assumption that strong relationships between boys and girls always ended up as romances, sora started wondering if his feelings towards kairi were romantic, and whether he did want to share a paopu fruit w/ her. complicating this was the fact that he really didn’t like the idea of riku sharing a paopu fruit w/ her, though he didn’t quite understand why, combined w/ the fact that he hated feeling like he was only ever second best to riku
- all of riku’s anguish came to a boiling and breaking point in kh1, as riku perceived all of sora’s actions as him choosing to abandon riku, just like he’d always feared. at this point, riku felt that he needed to be needed and necessary, and his whole identity was built on the idea that his friends needed him to be their strong protector, and he couldn’t really cope w/ the idea of sora not needing him after all; he latched onto saving kairi bc she really did need help
- as the series went on, sora became more fixated on the idea of kairi; she came to sort of represent the home that he missed so much. and w/ everyone else just assuming that it was So Obvious that sora was in love w/ kairi, he went along w/ that assumption too. upon his reunions w/ kairi and riku in twtnw at the end of kh2, and the wildly different emotions they each had inspired in him, sora began to realize the truth of his feelings, but he was still mostly in denial. when they were all home for a brief bit before the mark of mastery exams, sora was being confronted w/ the fact that his ideal of both kairi and Being Home weren’t matching up w/ the reality and things were awkward between them, but sora tried to tell himself that it was just bc they still needed more time
- all of this was even further compounded by the fact that sora fell in love w/ namine during re:com, and tho he couldn’t recall the memories of her, his feelings for her were still there, along with the aching sense that he had forgotten something important. seeing namine again at the end of kh2 really sparked and stirred up his feelings again, but sora had no context to understand them (how could he be in love w/ someone that he didn’t even know?). he kind of tried to convince himself that these feelings were for kairi, but he knew that they weren’t really
- obvs, after kh3, sora remembers (and thanks) namine; the circumstances of this aren’t fully fleshed out. partially it’s bc it’s tied in with my indecision about in what way i should alter the canon scenes of kairi being fridged. on one hand, bc i feel that the whole affair of kairi dying was entirely superfluous, i could tweak it so that she never dies. on the other hand, i could go with kairi ‘dying’ in the battle, but in a more heroic self-sacrificial way (maybe she took a hit meant for sora or someone else), and then there being an actual story arc where sora and riku go and save her. it would essentially involve them collecting the pieces of her and putting her back together (like sora did for himself in the final world), but with more...effort involved. and in said story arc, there could be an event that triggers sora into remembering namine, or something to that effect.  
- again, undecided if i want to change the canon paopu fruit scene into being a sorikai friendship moment instead, or if i’ll keep the canon version, but with the reading that it happened bc sora and kairi were both still suffering from compulsory heterosexuality, and still trying to force themselves into believing that they liked each other romantically; if i go with the saving kairi story arc, it would be the latter option
- continuing on with ‘saving kairi’ story arc, in this version, when sora and riku go off to save her together (on a meta-textual level, it’d be a way for their story to come full circle: they’re back where they started, but they’re going to do it right this time; instead of having petty fights with each other over who gets to save kairi, they’ll save her together), sora still would have been in denial about the true nature of his feelings for riku. but travelling together with him, and actually spending time with riku after being apart for so long, sora will start to understand his feelings better
- riku of course already knows that he’s deeply in love with sora and is pining, but he’s trying to keep his distance, bc sora and kairi are ‘together’ now (and mostly riku is just resolved that he won’t let his jealousy get the better of him this time, and he’s determined to be the best and most supportive friend that he can be)
- romantic moments and almost kisses keep happening anyway, but riku tries to tell himself that he’s imagining things and reading too much into it, while sora struggles with acceptance of his true feelings
- even still, sora and riku won’t actually get together until after sora and kairi have some sort of conversation where they finally talk through everything and can admit that they only love each other as friends, and they finally put to rest their attempts to force romantic feelings for each other
- after coming to an understanding with kairi, sora will then seek out to riku finally talk things out with him and to confess his true feelings (and there’ll be a lot of happy tears, probably)
- even tho sora might be a bit hesitant to potentially rock the boat this early in his new relationship w/ riku, in the interests of honesty and full disclosure, and having by this point remembered namine and had all those feelings come rushing back to the forefront, sora will quietly confess to riku that he thinks he might be in love with namine too
- to sora’s surprise, riku’s quiet for a moment, but then tells him that he’s honestly not really surprised, as he’s always thought that a lot more went down between sora and namine in castle oblivion than namine tried to let on; at this point, riku reminds sora that he spent the majority of a year w/ namine while she was trying to fix his memories, and he remembered her heartbreak and anguish as she essentially worked to erase herself from sora’s memories, tho she tried to conceal her pain
- riku remembers this as being one of the big turning points for him as a person, bc instead of being jealous about namine being in love w/ sora too, he just empathized w/ her instead, and thought that they were/would be suffering the same pain of being in unrequited love w/ sora, as he thought they’d both have to watch sora be in love w/ kairi
- while sora and riku are off saving kairi, and incidentally saving namine as well, during that time, xion and olette are meeting and getting to know each other as friends
- xion and olette may have already started going on a few dates by the time sora and riku get back w/ kairi, and namine is given her own body again; sora and riku get together not long after they get back
- at first, namine is more focused on forming friendships; during this time, the person she becomes closest to is xion, bc again, they can both empathize w/ each other a lot
- during this time, sora and namine are trying to keep their promise of being friends for real this time, but it’s not quite working out bc they’re both kinda pining for each other
- all the while, namine is coming to terms w/ her asexuality, and she’s also starting to fall for xion especially, but also olette; namine tends to experience a lot of insecurity and anxiety, and she becomes terrified of possibly ruining her friendship w/ xion, and so ends up confiding in her all of her angst. xion assures her that she’s not ruining anything, and that she’s interested in namine as well, but admits that she doesn’t really know what she’s doing either, and suggests that they consult w/ olette, who’s pretty much the relationship expert
- olette is the one who helps namine understand her asexuality, and suggests the polyamory option; xion and olette have an allosexual relationship, while their relationship w/ namine is purely ace
- meanwhile, riku can’t stand seeing sora be unhappy, and so he goes to consult w/ olette, and together they arrange for all five of them to sit down and hash everything out, w/ the end result being that sora and namine will also be dating; their relationship is also purely ace, and sora’s w/ riku is allosexual
- after kh3, axel and saix effectively adopt roxas and xion, and they’re all living in twilight town now
- sora and riku are of course living w/ sora’s mom on destiny islands, and namine was adopted by kairi’s dad, and so now she’s living w/ kairi (at first namine was afraid of kairi being mad at her for dating sora, but kairi’s perfectly fine w/ it)
- if the ‘saving kairi’ story arc didn’t happen, then during the amount of time that it would have taken for sora and riku to save her, that time was instead sora and kairi attempting to date each other; when they realized that the relationship wasn’t working for them and neither of them were happy, they finally gave up on being in denial and called it quits. during that time, riku and namine were pining for sora, while in this version, namixiolette fell for each other at around the same time and pace (instead of it being xiolette first, and then namine coming into the relationship later)
- after sokai stopped dating, the ot5 getting together went down pretty much in the same way as in the ‘saving kairi’ story arc
- is it perhaps excessive that namine has two girlfriends, a boyfriend, and a queerplatonic partner? imo, she’s been alone and isolated for far too long, so i’m giving her all the love that she deserves (and she’ll also have ALL the friends; a few of the ones she’s closest to being kairi and terra)
- every one of the ot5 ships will just be full of softness and gentleness 
- sora and olette.....are just gonna be such BROS to each other (in general, olette is just cultivating her butch lesbian #aesthetic these days). she’ll be like this w/ roxas too, but they’ll just constantly be playing video games and skateboarding; xion’ll be getting in on this too
- okay, so xion and riku’s relationship. during Days, when xion was absorbing sora and his memories, she did experience and kinda channel sora’s feelings for riku (and for his part, riku felt something of an echo of sora from her). so while she doesn’t experience those feelings for herself anymore, she still remembers the echo of it, and so things are a bit awkward between them at first (also riku still feels guilty about essentially coercing xion and roxas into dying). eventually they do find common ground and settle into a comfortable friendship (also, xion experienced the same thing in regards to kairi)
- for sora, he had a similar problem w/ xion, in that he experienced a lot of roxas’s feelings towards her (tho that was mostly the pain of losing her), so he still remembers the echoes of those emotions. but again, he ends up really becoming bros w/ her and olette
- olette and riku probably took the longest to really bond, tho they eventually did bc they discovered they liked doing little crafts together
- being both introverts, riku and namine find a lot of solace in each other when they just need some quiet time; olette and sora are both extroverts, w/ xion being somewhere in the middle
- olette does have some playful flirting going on w/ kairi, but it’s never anything serious. xion and kairi like sparring w/ their keyblades together
- if the five of them ever moved in together, it’d probably be in either twilight town or destiny islands. there’d be at least 3 bedrooms (one for if someone needed some alone time, one for cuddles, and one for activities that would not involve namine)
- the more likely option is that soriku and xiolette would each have their own houses/apartments (in destiny islands and twilight town, respectively), and namine would bounce back and forth between them. both places would have at least 2 bedrooms each
- soriku’s place is probably more of a cottage that’s closer to the seaside than the center of the mainland, while xiolette’s place is an apartment. namine has rooms set aside for her in both places, and her belongings are scattered between them. big things like her easels for paintings and canvases and things like that are at soriku’s cottage, which has more space than xiolette’s apartment, etc. 
- sora, riku, and xion are all officially keyblade wielders/masters, so that’s pretty much their occupations. olette is probably going to be attending university soon, and namine will probably go to art school (probably just for the experience more than anything else)
- tbh, idk what olette would be studying at university. maybe business management and/or marketing, bc she found she really liked working at scrooge’s bistro and wants to take over it someday? maybe she wants to open her own small business. maybe it’s a sports scholarship. fashion or graphic design? idkkk
okay, i think that’ll be enough for this post. if i have more headcanons about this ship, i’ll be making another post for them, bc this one is already probably far too long XDD
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prowerprojects · 10 months
Hi! Hope you’re doing wonderfully!✨ My question is what got you into Sonamy? (If you are)
Hi! Thank you ^_^
I am! In fact, I would say it's my top ship for both of them (though with Sonic this spot is shared with Sonknux, I couldn't be asked to choose between them hehe).
The only versions of them that I don't really ship is Fleetway, and Boom (more on that later).
With Fleetway, I feel like it does a very good job at doing a "What if Amy actually got over Sonic and then got into a relationship with someone else (who isn't similar to Sonic so it doesn't look like a bad rebound), and she and Sonic become even closer friends" type of scenario (Which I gotta admit, Fleetway Sonic and Amy have an amazing dynamic and they're ride or die for each other), which is also partially why I'm not interested in seeking it out just for the sake of it. (I do ship Amy with characters other than Sonic or Tekno, but that's not the reason why). I feel like it partially also raises my interest in Sonamy, like. We've already seen what happens when she gets over Sonic, let's see something else now? Right?
Some people might think it doesn't count, because Fleetway Amy is so different from regular Amy, and maybe, if you compare her to Adventure Amy. But I actually find her quite similar to the way Amy is written in IDW, they even have kind of a similar, "edgier" compared to other versions of the character, sense of humor. (Also this is me saying modern!Teknamy would totally work how are there no fics with Tekno in the game-esque universe?? (Heck there's almost no Fleetway based Teknamy fics either for how much everyone is gushing about their relationship) I can't see her working for Eggman here, but maybe she could work for GUN developing weapons for them, while also using their resources for personal projects on the side (maybe befriending Team Dark in the process), but when it gets discovered GUN tries to arrest them but Team Dark helps them get away and hide, eventually they meet Sonic & friends, including Amy. Since GUN got destroyed in Forces, Tekno is free now, maybe if you're doing an idw-based thing they could join the restoration or something. It could work! Modern!Teknamy! Think about it!)
Anyway, back to Sonamy. I don't actually remember how I started shipping them. I used to watch Sonic X a lot when I was little, but I guess the Sonamy didn't make that big of an impact on me back then, I mostly remembered Knuckles and Rouge having a thing there.
Then way later I was actively watching the Sonic Boom tv show as it was coming out, but... I didn't like Sonamy there at all. It's not their relationship on its own, but everyone making jokes about it, "shipping" them together in-universe which made me not like it. It just felt really forced. (And the issues with Amy's portrayal in Boom are a topic for a completely different discussion)
And it's only when I properly got into games that I actually saw what their relationship is actually like!
And I'll be real... it wasn't always... great. There was some turbulence. I even believe the people who think Amy didn't even initially like Sonic, but only was infatuated with his image of a hero and the freedom & adventures that she had associated with him. She projected her fairytale fantasies combined with heteronormative societal expectations onto him and their potential relationship. (Just look at her in Adventure! She misses Sonic because she misses adventures, she thanks him for saving her because he's her hero but he actually barely did anything there! She was the hero!) No wonder Sonic wasn't on board with that! (Even though he still was always friends with Amy) Who would be! But here's the kicker:
It changed
The dynamic changed! They changed! And it's always fun. I can't hate the way Tails is written on Colors–Frontiers because there's dynamic! He's going through a little character arc! (A character arc of hitting rock bottom instead of becoming his best self but an arc nonetheless. It's something interesting. And now we get to see him rise back up)
And it also shows that their dynamic is able to evolve and isn't stuck! Which means there is a possibility that it would evolve further! Isn't that just fun to think about?
Amy became more confident in herself. She realized she didn't need Sonic to go on adventures or to save her. With this, their relationship became more equal. Sonic in general became more personable and closer to his friends.
Amy is now not blinded by just seeing Sonic as "Her Hero" and is able to see him as a person that he actually is and falls in love for real! I already mentioned this before, but I think her attempt at confession in Lost World signifies that. Everyone already knows she loves him, but now, it's different.
On Sonic's end, there aren't as many changes, he's just able to be more open and comfortable around her (even though she's still able to occasionally throw him off with her over the top energy). (I also personally headcanon that Sonic didn't have a lot of experiences with romance which might have lead him to believe that the way Amy acted initially is "the standard" (which he couldn't and didn't want to match, and prevented him from realizing his feelings for a longer time. I personally headcanon him as demiro which is probably why my top ships with his are with his two closest friends)
Ultimately, their dynamic on its own is fun, too. They're a kickass team and they have a similar sense of humor, which is fun and I wish we got to see them banter more. They also have a similar fascination with adventures and love for nature and the world. Sonic doesn't need to slow down for Amy because she loves him as he is, and Amy doesn't need to give up her projects to be by Sonic's side because he's always supportive and encouraging of her!
They just have a very cozy friendship nowadays, especially when you remember everything that happened before we got there! But that's what makes it so good. The history they have, the work they put into their relationship, no soulmate "love from first sight" can match that. (Though of course they're also now canonically soulmates too because of Frontiers but they're also soulmates with Tails and Knuckles so it's not like that)
Hehe, well. I rambled a lot, not sure I actually answered your question 😅 I guess they're just cute!
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cutegirlmayra · 4 years
Sonamy snuggling after the metal virus
Additional notes:  It’s after the metal virus outbreak and healing has begun, Amy is still going around trying to help people out and is currently tending to Sonic before he finally gets some much needed sleep. Sonic notices her still driving herself ragged and tells her she needs to rest as well, not only for herself but for others. This ends up with two sleep deprived hedgies snuggling in for some sleep. -Sonic normally isn’t this affectionate and the intimate closeness spooks him for a second but he’s too tired to do anything about it. And starts to admit to himself he really missed contact with others when he was infected. He also realizes he wouldn’t really want anyone other than Amy this close either. It doesn’t hurt she’s warm, soft, pretty, and smells like flowers.
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Preview image from @uhsecretaccount (x) Thank you so much! Please support the artist!
Amy put the medical supplies away and shut the lid of the tin box, sighing out her final bit of stress as the peace of success electrified down her weary arms and all the way to her toes.
In a moment of glee, she tensed up and smiled, then shot her arms straight up, “We did it!” she exclaimed, giggling before Tails walks up behind her.
“Did you clear section C?”
“And B, and just finished D.” she threw him a thumbs up as she twisted her back to him, then stuck out her tongue in a silly flare of pride.
Tails’s eyes blinked a moment before the realization of that set in. “You did!?” He flinched himself back, shocked, and stepped back a moment to continue processing how that was even possible. “When did you start-!?”
“11 o’clock.” Amy chimed back.
“O-oh, this morning?” He seemed to be calming down a bit.
“No, last night.” she yawned, lifting a casual hand up to her mouth like it was nothing, then stretched out her hands by putting them together, turning them, and extending her arms with an arch in her back. “The second I got news.... ahhh~ That you had re-intented the cure.” she acted like it wasn’t a big deal, but that was literally minutes after the news got out.
She had woken up, strapped up the injections and wispons and rushed to the many different locations they had localized the infected citizens in.
“A-Amy...” He was jawstruck. “Did you not sleep all day!?” He sounded amazed.
She took that as a sign that she did the right thing, “Cream started helping once she was cured, and then I heard Section A was already taken by Silver and Whisper, so I thought I’d get a step ahead of them and save some of the trouble.”
“W-well, now everyone’s everywhere but...” He scratched the back of his head, “You and him both deserve some rest...”
“Hmm?” Amy tilted her head.
“The virus had been held back so long by Sonic... that when we finally did cure him, it left him with zero strength, and barely any fight left. He wants to help and refuses further care. I figured... I’d come see you and maybe you’d fight the stubbornness out of him with your own will power.” He gave her a sheepish smile, hoping she found that as a compliment and not an excuse.
“Oh...” her demeanor turned solemn again, “He’s probably tired of feeling useless by now...” She pondered out loud, and Tails nodded his head, lowering it to show some respect to that thought, as though he had also shared it too.
Confidently, and trying to gain further energy back for the undertaking, she patted the sides of her hips and let her hands push to straight her back out, standing tall. “Leave it to me!”
“B-but... I didn’t realize you had already-”
It was common for Amy to cut him off at this point...
She placed a hand on his shoulder and patted it twice as well, “Cheer up, Tails! We’re all running on steam at this point! The last of us will become all of us... Let’s not forget that.” She gave him a positive wink and took off, but Tails felt bad... seeing her rush away with barely any juice left in her to do so. She jogged, holding her head down and then whipping it up to say, “Okay, come on, let’s go!” as though trying to motivate her own body not to give just yet.
“We’re counting on you... Amy.” He bent his ears back, worried Sonic may take the last bit of strength out of her.
Upon arriving, she heard munching sounds and turned to see Sonic staring out a window, angrily chewing before driving his hand into a bowl of chips and shoving them back into his mouth.
She smiled weakly, panting in her hurried jog but realizing he was probably just grumpy at not having enough strength to stand... and no one allowing him to try again.
“Hey there, crunch.” she teased, as he smacked his jaw as he chewed before turning to look back at her. “Gonna save any of those for me?”
He frowned, “Resting isn’t my specialty,” He pushed the bowl towards her, laying on what looked like an elevated bench made into a bed for him. “But saving is.”
She found that funny and took some chips, tossing one in her mouth. “Kinda dry.” she complained, wiping her now crumbs-filled gloves off on her dress, not caring while a war was going on.
“That’s what I said.” he quipped back, rolling his eyes back to the window. “They mock me worse than the moon...” He made a tight line with his mouth as he watched Shadow, Rouge, and Knuckles assisting others with shots of the cure. “I could help... I’d get people injected with the cure faster than-”
She flopped on the bench next to him, her back facing him.
“Ah!” He lifted an arm up, unsure if she just passed out or not. “A-Amy? What are you-?”
“...Hmm?” Amy opened her eyes, then pushed herself up, “N-nothing... it just looked... comfy.” she leaned back down to sneak a whiff of Sonic’s scent, but he noticed the rascally move and shoved her up.
“Quit that! Have you no shame?” he shook his head, “Geez, that’s worse than your normal flirtations...”
“Hehe~ Opps.” She stuck her tongue out, but he noticed her shift on her feet and get woozy again.
“...Amy?” He looked back at her and saw her grip her head suddenly, catching herself from falling again as her hand braced her against the bench. “Woah! Hold on, have you rested yet?”
“You know I can’t do that.” She rubbed her eyes a moment, trying to wipe the blackness away from them. “Just light-headed.”
He watched her closely, already leaned up, he reached a hand out to her, prepared to catch her if she fell forward again. “How long have you been up?”
“Working for the two of us.” She turned her head and gave him a thumbs up.
“So that means long.” He narrowed his eyes, putting two and two together. “At this rate, they’ll be dragging you across the field, you won’t be any good to them without taking a second breather.”
“Oh, look who’s talking?” She sassily put her hand back to her hip, still leaning on her hand that pushed off the bench. “Driving myself for others is what I do best.” she took another chip, “And driving you wild.” she winked, charmingly bad at the deliver--per usual--and then took a bite of the chip.
He just stared at her, unamused by her remark. “You expect me to laugh at that?”
“I expect you to sleep on it.” she lifted up her hand she was balancing herself on and pushed her finger against his forehead, driving him to lay back down. “Now... you... just... lay there-!” she suddenly fell forward again and he caught her.
“Sheesh! Cool your jets!” he thought she was flirting again but when he saw the pain on her face, he realized she was suffering. “Amy... Alright, I’m not usually one for deals, but this is how it’s gonna work.” He took on a bit of a leader’s tone and transitioned her off of him, onto the side of the bench. “You’re gonna rest, and I’m gonna take over from- HERE.” he was yanked back as he started to get up, and she caught him in a death grip on the bench.
“Emm... pillow.” she held him there, sounding like she was half-losing it, being sleep-deprived but also knowing she needed to check Sonic’s condition.
The cure was doing well, it seemed the metallic flakes that still remained were chipping off as though fake silver furnishing. 
She smiled, her eyes growing droopy, seeing that he would be alright. He was just as sleep-deprived as her, but he patted lightly against her hand in a panic, spooked that she would strangle him.
It was funny, so she closed her eyes and let him struggle.
“Emm... ow!” with all his minimal thrashing, one of his quills wiggled itself to it’s pointy end and stabbed her closed eye, making the other jump awake and her arms let go of Sonic in a chain reaction to the pain. “Spiky pillow!”
She rubbed her eye as he got up to a sitting position lower down the bench, then leaned over with his hands between his spread legs, still looking exhausted as his eyes seemed to finally reveal his true condition.
“You don’t give up... do you?” There was a tad bit of fondness over her extreme actions to keep him down, but seeing as those weren’t gonna work, she blew a raspberry and got comfy, putting her hands under her cheek to sleep.
“If I didn’t... would you ever notice me?” she yawned, “You’re sleepy. I’m sleepy. There’s a reasonable solution for this~” she wiggled her finger down by him, but he flinched a leg away so she shot her flirty finger up to his nose and started fondling it like a child would play with a door-stopper.
He spread his frown so far down his muzzle that she was surprised it could stretch that long, but continued the insistent, repetitive fiddling and spastic movement with her finger to his nose. “You seem to very much dislike this.” She giggled, finding this so entertaining. “Ohh... look at it go. It’s got more energy than you do right now-Noooo...!”
He pulled his head away from her reach.
“Bring it baaaackkk..!!!”
“You’re acting like a loony, you know that?” He gave her a disapproving look but that only made her ‘pfft’ to hold in a bigger spurt of laughter.
She buried her head into the bench’s actual padding and smiled, “It’s warm... soft... inviting.” she lightly stroked the other side of the bench, looking up to him in weary pleading. “Wouldn’t it be nice... to just take your own advice?”
He lost a bit of his agitation then,... staring at the pretty scene.
“...You calling me a hypocrite?”
“Oh, most definitely, accurate. Shall I get it in writing?” she continued to joke as he sighed and rubbed the back of his head.
After a moment of hesitation, she realized he needed some more coaxing, seeing that he was looking off and to the side, nervous.
“I know you don’t usually do these things... but I’ll probably get up and insist on shaking off the rest of the silver from your fur if you don’t.” the light threat made him realize that further, and far worse intimacies could be had and slowly lowered himself back down.
“Alright, alright, you win. No need to shake me down!” he awkwardly found a comfortable spot but Amy eyed his hands and then looked back to him.
Without a word, Sonic looked away and put his hands around her. “There’s not enough space.”
“I know.” she lightly mouthed, blushing a faint pink that he dared to notice before looking away again.
She softly took a deep, cleansing breath in, before fully seeping into the curve of his body and resting by him.
She could tell by the random twitches that he wasn’t used to her being this close, and mentally pouted at his immaturity.
This was everything she loved and hoped for in their relationship, could he just enjoy it for a minute?! A good solid,... sweet... minute?
But Sonic did miss this. Ever so gently, he pulled her a little closer to his chest, held her a little tighter, and found that her own scent of flowers was like a natural muscle relaxer... and the exhaustion took over from then on.
His breathing became more naturally rhythmic, and good few seconds went by of silence, but not the awkward kind he was so used too.
This one was filled to the brim with security, understanding the other’s needs and giving in to exactly what Amy had stated.
“You’re right.” He finally spoke up, as Amy’s eyes batted as though she was practically asleep before he spoke up again. “Is it warm... and soft...”
“Heee... I keep my quills down for a reason. Shampoo a softener too...” her voice was laxed as she grinned widely and went back to scooting her face closer towards his neck, angling down as not to upset him.
 Amy was probably the only one he would ever feel this comfortable doing this with... he had gone so long without her hugs, without her teasing... that this moment was finally like saying, ‘I’m back’.
As though wondering if her hugs always felt like this, he leaned his head to let her head take some of his own weight, resting it down by it.
Amy tried to not ruin the moment, but that subtle acceptance made her chest jump in puffs of excitement.
She kept her snickering to a minimum, before finally laughing as Sonic looked down at her, confused because he was finally starting to think resting might not be such a bad idea.
“What?” he felt her turning to her back and adjusted his hold on her, loosening but keeping his hands around her still. “Thought we were napping?”
“Hehehe... haha..! Did you just..?” She wiped a tear from her eye, pointing a crooked finger at him, “Smell my head?”
He looked horrified she had noticed.
“BAH-HAW-HAHAHAHA!!!” She clutched her stomach and howled in rolling laughing, picking her knees up as Sonic was tempting to just flop her off and onto the cool, hard steel floor beneath them.
“Yeah, so what? They smell of flowers!” he let her go and turned to his back, pouting that he ever thought snuggling with Amy was actually seemingly alright.
He would have to remind himself from now on, never to let his guard down again!
(I originally thought of something else but I think I like this version better XD)
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Sky Moon of Floowebtra
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Data: The Eldest of the Moon Siblings Younge Sky and her Elderly Uncle Clipo took on the important responciblity of raising her large litter of younger siblings in the Abcents of her missing parents. Young Sky however would not stay grounded forever as she always had a dream of going to distant worlds in space. This dream would be realised as her home planet is getting over populated and the demand for new habitable homes is on the rise. She sighn up for Space Camp at the age of 13 and soon in her mid teens be selected for the imporant Mission of Preparing Planet Izikan for terraforming and Setlle ment. There was also the matter of maybe trying to save the colapsing enviroment of Magtus 2. After All Mobias 2 is just to far from home. So she left Uncle Clipo and the eldest of her younger siblings incharge of things as she ventures off on her lifes mission and on new adventures. Course there are some sped bumps along the way in the form of side missions and goals set upon her by higher officials. She would bourd many ships too with one of the most fasniating being the Floowebtra a Bio Cyborganic ship Engineered and created on the Planet Magtus 1. Here she met the Brilliant Dr Sam Flaint who maintain the ship and who also is responcable for the creation of the Clone Avatar Experiment which allows people to be cloned so that even if their origanal bodies are lost their Minds and souls can be instantly transfured to a new vassle. Upon this ship and others Moon Sky has become Aquainted with many differant people who travle into space as well as natives to some of the planets she has visited. She has met many people including Latch the Jackle, an AI named Nichole 5 and a Hedgehog name....OH! DID I forget to mention silly me hehehe She also posses an Interesting Ability to alter her Gravity and increase her spead. When  outside a ship in space there are speacial Light Teathers that can be used to allow one to travle at great lengths. This is a god way to provide a life line that can't be snagged or broken in space. She also has a Flight pack that doubles as an Oxegen tank. Speacial portal techknowledgy allows for Air to warped into the tank when drawing low.  However she still needs to avoid getting to out of range. Int also important to make sure the portal fuctions are fuctional and so trying not to use them to much is important for not draining battery power. So watching Oxygen levels  and not over using the  Air Portal feature is pretty Important. A speacial Bubble Helmate is speacialy generated to maintain an Atmosphere as well as provide protection for the head from debrii. However if need be a special back up helmat can be slid into place incase of -Power malfuction. However the Battery System is a Magnet Mother Mok 9 so One could float out in space for years before running out. Life isn't all fun and games however , spacecomes with dangersous advisaries and monsters. Inthese recent years the biggest enemy is Among us hiding and waiting commit hainess deeds. From traitors, to Malfuctioning machines, to rouge mutants, to corrupted clones to shape shifters and other menacing  charecters. And that's just the people. I know what your thinking if Cloning exists why hasn't Sky Moon's parents been brought back as such? One requires a Soul mind link connection and most importantly DNA. The Moon couple's fate is a mystory with no real truth as to if they are alive or dead. I still have others to reveal too like more on those earlier mentioned and still have yet to name her siblings and parents. Well those names are . _STATIC_STATIC_ZZZZZ Sorry there was a malfuntion in the communication what was I talking about again? huh HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?! wait what are you............................. _static--------------------------------------------------------------
Art facts:
The Ship, Sky Moon the Rabbit, the back ground were all done seprately and the Light Life Line and the Bubble Helmate were all added in as I brough all 3 together. I aslo recustomised her Oxygen Tank into her Flight pack inoder to make it all fit with her bUbble Helmate more.
Sky Moon came first so then I made the back ground to compliment her (Ironic?) and then the Ship was ofcourse needed to be added in so she could fit in her enviroment more. This ship went though alot of evolution before it was ready. I was honestly owrried I'd never have a ship for her at all. To be honest this wasn't the ship I origanal Invision for her but as I was playign around I liked the look of this ship and how it has this almost organic look as well as metalic. It even has this wortish bubble like spore like domes that I could imagine people being able to look out into space through. Aswell as being strong enough to resist space debree. I would basicly just be molding shapes in Muro making shapes root and weave into others like I was playing with clay or something.
As for the background I simple did alot oif blending, clipping and played around with creating weird shapes as well. Basicly first I made one Backgroun calledWhisful Night Skies which almost became something else entirely but then I zoomed in one spot that looked more interesting than the rest and then started playing with it. Then in a save file I played around even more until I got a more galaxy looking background with some ovrtexes and stars in the back ground.
Flootwebta non Flat
Whisful Galaxy
Whisful Night Skies Prototype for Whisful Galaxy
Gorganchi Precurser to Floowebtra
Sky Moon the Space Bun
SkyMoon of the Floowebtra With out the Green Light
StarCraft OST youtu.be/pNt0iVG2VOA
Emperor Battle of Dune Sountrack youtu.be/HJgdp4uhSbs
Legend of Zelda Synthwav vapor wave youtu.be/TZawqWnFQ3w
Among Us Main theme youtu.be/o7oKN3IkO4M
KP8BIT youtu.be/-l4ZmmsseIc
Hope is like a Christmas Tree youtu.be/iZxIdqZfEV8
Skyrim Night Ambiance Soundtrack youtu.be/aK4JSwhdcdE
Moon Rises Instromental youtu.be/YYB2ff4Hlqk
Sega Genisis Storm Eagul youtu.be/F28uArEvtxI
Spore Galaxy Ambiance youtu.be/xZPQbeAnQ0E
Robocop youtu.be/Kb1_38445vA
Metroid Relaxing Ambiance and rain youtu.be/sxyOL0YjZA0
WilyKit Lulabye youtu.be/SpxEwdtO6bI
Spore Planet Ambiance youtu.be/k9VbS3m5bIU
Me and My Broken Heart youtu.be/kn2vTBo9-gs
ObanStar racers ending youtu.be/0Sj8oF_HYmE
OS Never say Never youtu.be/hZ9YTr8gBPI
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SMG Bowser Appears youtu.be/Ph6Qav-wQBg?listL7C…
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SMG Ball Rolling 2 youtu.be/Rcrsi3538eM?listL7C…
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SMG Bowser Choir
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lUMA'S tHEME BY gUIDSTOCK youtu.be/gI-GcwHBaMg
PVSL Espella's Theme youtu.be/Iapf7Adg3nE?listLz5…
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Random vid ideas
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kellodrawsalot · 6 years
So I've seen you reblogging a lot about this fujioshi war. But I've been thinking. Why is it socially accepted that men can like girl love but when girls like male love it is frowned upon ? People are crazy
Yes its kind of weird, there is this weird silence when it comes to men who produce Yuri or lesbian porn work, there is also this this silence about male Straight Fudanshi’s who product or love Yaoi work. ( I honestly never see  antis complain about heterosexual men consuming Yaoi work , they seem to get a free-pass ) 
Yaoi fangirls/Early generation Western Fujoshi’s were never populair in fandoms from the beginning, and some part that was to blame to the bad-apples in the fandom. (the yaoi paddles, the ones who screamed your homophobic for not liking this ship!!) but I have been online and involved in fandoms since early as 2004 and I have always notice this double standard. Plenty of fangirls on Deviantart and early days of fanficion who loved straight ships acted insane or crazy too, some of them shipped het ships or paired their own female character with a famous male characters and attacked people for shipping their fave character with someone else. but I never heard anyone judge the ‘’straight/ shippers/  with these bad apples. When I was involved in the Sonic shipping fandom fans were a-okay with strange and uncomfortable  age-difference ships like Tails/Rouge and Cream/Shadow, but the ones who shipped Sonic/Shadow were the ones being called pedo’s  which is just a huge double standard. (Personally I a more of a SonicxSally or Sonamy shipper myself but Sonic fans can get weird on this issue too)
What makes me sad is that Fujoshi’s used to deal with actual homophobic people in the fandom who used their views or religion to bash their fanwork and their fanfiction or even harassing people for the ships they like. I used to get negative comments how wrong homosexuality was sick and that I was disgusting for making that character gay. 
Now we have people who  harass Fujoshi’s who are not ‘’homophobic’’ but harass in the name of gay rights and its a different sort of wrong all together…I discovered this myself when I saw people bashing Fujoshi’s on a Discord of a Komahina chat group I used to be active on. But I notice one big difference, the most of the userswho did this were al very young. So I can only conclude that these young fans just ate up anything they see on tumblr anti Fujoshi’s blogs and want to feel like they do some sort of’’ justice’’ when they attack and harass Fujoshi’s. When no, bashing Fujoshi’s doesnt make you some true warrior of gay rights. Mygay male friends I have spoken too about this, dont care what yaoi is and that women like it or they love the yaoi works themselves too and dont care that the ones who consume it are women. Another irony is that a lot of these anti Fujoshi’s dont realize that a lot of their favorite works are created by Fujoshi’s (Black Butler, Yuri on Ice, every series created by CLAMP. and even open lesbian Mangaka’s like the author of ‘’My Lesbian experience with loneliness’’, is  also a Fujoshi. Its interesting to note that a lot of Japanese lesbian women are Fujoshi’s.  because Yaoi for a lot of women, gay bisexual or straight is a safe way for them to express sexual feelings without guilt or shame. The biggest problem is that the majority of lesbian and heterosexual pornographic works are made by straight men for straight men. Women in porn trough the straight male -lens is not always comfortable for women to see. With Yaoi/boys love, this isnt a problem.
and for those who think Seme and Uke are offensive, Tops and Bottom are terms that are used in the gay men and women community too. 
having said that, Fujoshi also just means a woman who loves Homosexual ships and there is nothing wrong with that. 
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beevean · 4 years
SEGA and the eternal issue of the Sonic-Amy dynamic
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[Translator’s note: here’s the original article written by @latin-dr-robotnik​, originally written on the 26th of August 2018]
While the Bowsette phenomenon shattered the internet into a thousand pieces, it seems like the Sonic fandom is splitting itself over a completely different matter: the eternal discussion over Sonic and Amy’s dynamic, and how much it can be considered official from SEGA’s perspective.
Note: this article ended up becoming the first part of a trilogy. Stay tuned for the next two parts!
The main culprit of this new chapter of the discourse is, believe it or not, the official SEGA Shop.
Emi Jones (I don’t need to introduce her, most people in the fandom know her) brought the attention on the description of one of the new clothing pieces that appeared in the shop for Amy’s 25th birthday, which essentially invited us to “celebrate 25 years of Sonic the Hedgehog’s girlfriend”. This short sentence generated a chain reaction in the fandom, both positive and negative, and it brought to the light once again the eternal question: is it really possible that they’re actually a couple? What is the official position of SEGA about this? There are good arguments for both sides.
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Eggman: If you fight my robot, we’ll be disqualified and you’ll never win that couch for that whiny little girlfriend of yours.
*wrong answer noise*
Sonic Boom – S1E41
First and foremost, who is Amy?
Note: the article is based on Cutegirlmayra’s research in different magazines, in the games’ canon, in the differences between Japan and the West, in the structure of the relationship, and in SEGA’s marketing.
Note 2: while there will be mentions of other medias such as comics and TV series, this article will explicitly focus on the dynamic between Sonic and Amy in their official Modern versions, that is, from the videogames.
Since her official conception in Sonic CD, Amy has simply been considered our blue hedgehog’s girlfriend without any issue, but Sonic Team looked for a way to make this common cliché a little different. So a “unique” dynamic was established between them: Amy is the one chasing Sonic, Sonic tries to avoid her explicit affection, but despite this they are destined together, both in the proper canon (according to Amy’s tarot cards the two are made for each other) and outside of it (SEGA’s directives). This means that their dynamic is written in an implicit manner, and it’s never clear if Sonic wants to flee to a different galaxy to get away from Amy or if he wants to stay with her forever. Officially, there have been signs both in favor and against it, and the rest is normally left to the interpretations of the fans. Nevertheless, SEGA of Japan and SEGA of America (with the complicity of Europe) have radically different ways of dealing with the Sonamy dynamic.
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Sonamy in Japan
The relationship between Sonic and Amy, with its twists and turns, is deeply rooted into the Japanese culture of the ‘90s. According with the material found by Cutegirlmayra, Sonic and Amy are a couple in Japan, no doubt about it. This simple vision is due to how the Adventure era games were written: Sonic is much more gentle and subtle with Amy, to the point that there is a clear difference in tone in the Adventure 2 scene when Sonic, about to be sent off into space in a capsule, tells Amy to take care of herself. Japan didn’t have this vision of an openly hostile Sonic or of a totally-obsessed-to-the-point-of-violence Amy, in their culture and in the game scripts everything is much more serene and acceptable. At the same time, the situation is kept under control thanks to the mandates that SEGA strictly enforces over how to write the characters: for example, one of the most infamous ones is “Sonic can’t explicitly show affection to Amy Rose”. This kind of control allows SEGA of Japan to avoid problems like the ones in the West.
Then we have Sonic Channel, the official Japanese website for information and art, where once in a while events about Sonic and Amy take place, with fans sending their fanart of the official couple.
And finally, we can’t forget Sonic X, that, despite not being part of the official game canon, clearly shows the agenda of SEGA of Japan and Sonic Team for the two characters: dozens of scenes that imply something more, many songs about love/lovers and, well, everything about the famous Episode 52 ending.
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Sonamy in the West.
In the West things became more complicated. On one hand, the West came to know Sally Acorn before Amy, and the way they presented the Sonic/Sally relationship was, without any doubt, much healthier in SatAM than, for example, Sonic/Amy in Adventure (note: I purposefully won’t mention Archie Sonic here). At the same time, the differences in translation of the original Japanese scripts, and the cultural differences between these two countries on opposite sides of the world, radically changed the personalities of both characters, giving us the infamous “hysterical fan” Amy in Adventure and Heroes, the one who chases Sonic to force him to marry her. The general public’s perception quickly opposed these attitudes, seeing that they could be potentially toxic and that they undermine the very nature of Sonic. Sonic X did little to help in the West due to the strong censorship process it received when translated from Japanese to English. By 2006 the damage was done, and subsequent attempts to modify Amy’s personality, so that she was not as effusive with Sonic, have been tried over the last decade to repair their dynamics, with a little help from Sonic Boom (where the dynamic is so well written that, in the penultimate episode of season 2, Sonic literally stops racing Tails and Knuckles at Amy’s request to go buy ingredients for the cake he was making - Modern Sonic wouldn’t do that in a thousand years) and from the direction Ian Flynn has been taking the comics he’s been involved in. SEGA’s mandates were applied in the West as well, but relatively late and as a consequence of some things that were slipping out of control, like Archie Sonic. Both Flynn and the writers of Sonic Boom had to find new ways to present the characters, adjusted to both Western cultural patterns and also to the mandates of a Japanese company. Anyway, thanks to the recent accomplishments, we can deduce that the rigid structure of the official mandates is going through some changes that could mean a new agenda from SEGA to represent the Sonamy dynamic.
All of this information leaves us with the last question, that brings us back to the topic of this article and concludes it:
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Could Sonamy work today?
In the last 5 years we’ve seen a series of important transformations, both in the way Amy sees the world, her responsibilities and Sonic (ex: Sonic Lost World), and in the way Sonic himself treats Amy. Sonic Forces took some pages from Boom’s book when it came to their personalities, and it seems to be the beginning of a new era, made explicit by that description appeared in the SEGA Shop that sparked today’s discussion.
In 25 years, we’ve seen Amy chasing Sonic all over the world, living a life of adventures that contradicts her dreams of a stable life and a marriage, according to her declarations in games like Adventure. At the same time, Sonic never stopped seeking adventures all over the world, both alone and with his friends, of which he became the protector, including Amy. For the Sonamy dynamic to work today, I think the most obvious solution would be for the two of them to go on adventures together. How we see love has changed a lot in the span of 25 years, and Sonic and Amy would fit well the modern stereotype of those couples that travel all over the world to find adventures, and that we see in those posts labeled “Relationship goals”; at the end of the day, Sonic and Amy are this, stereotypes that follow a certain pattern. What’s more, such a relationship can still be kept subtle and true to official mandates if we add the rest of Team Sonic to the equation, which is basically what Sonic Boom did.
No need for kisses, no need for grandiose love declarations, weddings, or forming a family. All of this would even be extremely out of character for Sonic, and I’d hate for something like this to happen. Team Sonic is the only family he needs, and the Sonamy dynamic could benefit from the adventures, the anecdotes and the moments they spend together. A race at sunset, the view of a mountain, defeating a giant robot together… that’s how I would see a canonical relationship possible, and indeed I’m not the only one who sees it that way - remember IDW Sonic #2? [Translator’s note: the article is in Spanish and outdated]
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And let’s not forget about this scene from IDW Sonic #2: Sonic tells Amy that she can come on an adventure with him, but Amy refuses Sonic’s offer because of her responsibilities. Small changes like these have the potential to be slowly integrated into the official canon, and we have already seen how in Forces Amy barely bothers Sonic with her feelings.
So, when the eternal question of whether or not Sonic and Amy would work as a couple comes up again, you can say, yes! Yes, it can work without Sonic having to sacrifice his freedom, or Amy her dreams! The current context is making way for this, and while I may not think this whole SEGA store thing was completely intentional to drive the fandom crazy, I do think it’s time to start accepting the validity and potential of the couple. At the end of the day, everyone will ship what they want anyway, and that’s perfect. It will sound cliché, but remember that phrase that always circulates on social networks: "There are best friends who look like a couple, and couples who look like best friends."
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