#also the dance dance game sprites are the cutest;;
alice-in-idol-land · 6 years
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Icons of Makoto Niijima for @ouma-san8
~Free for use, no credit necessary~
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puckinghell · 4 years
11:11 | Carter Hart
Summary: Hockey players are a little superstitious, so wishing on shooting stars, rainbows and dropped penny’s isn’t a rare occurrence. Normally, they’re wishing for things like wins and awards and cups, but Carter has a little something else on his wishlist.  Words: 2,5k Note: based on the song 11:11 by Jae Jin which is the cutest songs I’ve ever heard. Note 2.0: This has been sitting in my concepts for over a year cause I just don’t love it but I like it too much to throw it away, so I finally decided to just post it and be done with it. Hope you guys like it anyway!
It’s a well known fact that hockey players are superstitious. 
It’s a better known fact that hockey goalies are stupidly superstitious. 
So far, Carter has been trying to break the stigma, and he’s pretty damn good at it, thank you very much. He doesn’t care if he puts on his left or right skate first, he doesn’t have to turn the shower on and off twice, there’s no pregame meal better than others. Winning games depends on how well he’s playing, not on setting his alarm at 4:32 when he takes his pregame nap.
Carter isn’t superstitious, but he is a little stitious - and he’s watched The Office way too many times, clearly. There’s just one thing he can be superstitious about. Only one thing. 
You’ve been sitting on your porch, sketchbook in hand, drawing your neighbor’s dog. He’s big and black and at 11 years old, you’re not really sure if you’re supposed to be scared of him. He looks a bit scary, but he’s never done anything bad, and your parents don’t seem to mind him.
It’s hot outside. Too hot, really, to be outside your air conditioned living room, but your brothers are yelling inside and you just wanted some peace and quiet.
Some peace and quiet, and to stare at the boy next door. 
He’s a little older than you, a lot taller too, and he’s always intimidated you a bit. Sometimes he hangs out with your brothers, who are older too, but today he’s with some boys from around the neighborhood. 
They’re playing street hockey, like they usually are. You like watching them play; it’s such a fun game to watch, and you really wish you could try it, see if it’s fun to play too.
But your brothers always tell you to go away, and you’ve not had the guts to ask Carter. That’s the boy next door’s name; you heard it one time when his mom called him in for dinner. 
You’re focused on where the dog’s ears meet his head - on your paper it doesn’t quite look right - when something goes flying past your head.
“Duck!” you hear someone yell, but you’d already ducked in reflex. A plastic ball comes zooming past your ear, hits the wall behind you and bounces back; it rolls past your feet and ends up in front of somebody else’s.
“Are you okay?” the same voice asks, a little worried, and when you look up it’s Carter staring at you with wide eyes. “Did he hit you?” 
It takes a while for his words to synch into your brain, but then you shake your head. “No, he didn’t.”
Carter smiles, at that. “I’m sorry,” he says, “I’ve told Alex his aim is so bad he shouldn’t be allowed to play in public, but he didn’t believe me.” 
The other guy, Alex you presume, comes running over, his hockey stick still in his hands. “Shit, sorry,” he says, and you’re pretty sure you’re not allowed to say that word but you don’t mention it. 
“It’s okay,” you say instead. “You didn’t hit me.” 
“Maybe keep an eye on the clock,” says Carter to his friend. “If it’s 11:11, you can wish to actually hit the target, some time.” 
“If you catch 11:11 you can wish to actually make a save,” Alex shoots back.
“If I caught 11:11 I would wish for you to shut up,” Carter snaps back and that’s when you giggle.
Instantly, both the boys turn to you. Carter is grinning at you, a wide and happy grin that makes it impossible for you not to grin back. “What would you wish for, if you caught 11:11?” he asks.
You know the answer; it’s right there on the tip of your tongue and it tumbles out with thinking, words filled with earnest honesty like only those of a kid can be.
“I would wish that I could play hockey.” 
The boy in front of you smiles, yanks the hockey stick out of his friend’s hands and extends it in your direction.
“Come play,” he says. “It’s not like you could be any worse than Alex, anyway.” 
And under loud protest of Alex, a new friendship is born. 
Your 16th birthday party is crazy exactly the way 16th birthday parties are supposed to be, with beers snuck into the kitchen as your parents go away for the night, telling you again and again that you can always call them if you need them, even if you think they’ll be mad.
There’s loud music everywhere, and people; you don’t even know half of them, but your brothers promised you they’d make it a party to remember and they’ve kept their promise.
The thing is, well, you’re not the biggest fan of parties, actually. You thought it would be cool, would be like in the movies and you’d feel all grown up and cool, but instead you feel a bit lost, with the noise of the people too loud and their drunken dancing having you worried about your parents furniture.
You also found out you really don’t like beer. 
You get a Pepsi from the fridge, where some friend of your brother’s is mixing some of your dad’s rum into a bottle of Sprite - it doesn’t seem like a good match, but then again, you’ve never tasted rum - while your brother is eating cheese straight from the packet. 
It’s all a bit too much, too sudden, and you find yourself yearning for some peace and quiet, some familiarity.
You make your way to the back yard; it’s quiet, there, the October air a little too cold for your guests, and you sit down on the porch, wrapping your arms around your knees.
The music booms through the walls and you can still hear people screaming, but it sounds more muffled, and it allows you to breathe.
Almost immediately after you sit down, you hear the creak of the backdoor and footsteps against the wood of the porch, and then a familiar body sits next to you, smelling like foresty cologne and floral laundry detergent. 
“Hey,” Carter says softly, smiling at you when you gaze up at him. “You okay?” 
“Yeah, just needed some quiet.” You take a deep breath. “It’s a bit too much, I guess.” 
Carter is your best friend; has been, for years, and you would trust him with literally anything, so you don’t hesitate, telling him the truth. You don’t think there’s anything you’ve not told him the truth on.
Except when he asked you why you never said yes to the boys asking you out on dates.
First, you’d tried to dodge, told him you never got asked, but that didn’t work because James had asked and you’d shot him down, and James was on the hockey team with Carter so obviously Carter had found out.
When he confronted you with that, you just shrugged. 
“Just not into it, Cart.” 
Because they’re not you. I would say yes if it was you. But those are words only meant for your own ears, words your heart utters into the silent void because there’s no way your brain would even let you say them out loud, not when it could ruin the best friendship you have. 
“You know,” Carter says now, “maybe we see a shooting star. Then you could still make your birthday wish.” 
You raise an eyebrow at him. “What are you on about?” 
He laughs, lightly. “I saw you when you blew out your candles, on the cake, earlier. You were super quick with it, there’s no way you made a wish.” 
It earns him an eye roll, from you. 
“Maybe I didn’t wanna make a wish. Maybe there’s nothing I wish for.” 
“Everyone has something they wish for,” says Carter wisely. He bumps your shoulder and then frowns, suddenly. “Fuck, Y/N, you’re freezing.” 
You put your hands on your own arms, wrap your arms around yourself, to feel that indeed your skin is cold and there’s goosebumps on your arms. Before you can comment on it, Carter has taken off his hoodie and is tugging it - not so carefully - over your head.
“Auw,” you whine, “you’re pulling my hair.” 
He immediately stops, then very slowly pulls the fabric down the rest of the way. It’s worse, that way, makes it feel more intimidate than it is. 
“Well,” you say finally, “there’s no shooting stars, so I guess no wish for me, this year.” 
Carter sighs, sounding defeated, then glances at his watch and his whole face lights up. 
“It’s 11:10! You can make a wish at 11:11!”
You can’t help but giggle at his excitement. “Cart, that doesn’t even have anything to do with my birthday.” 
“No,” says Carter, talking slow, as if he’s explaining something to a toddler. “They’re more special. Everyone gets a birthday wish, because everyone has a birthday. Not everyone catches the 11:11, though. That’s the universe telling you it’s your turn for a little bit of luck.” 
It’s dumb, and you don’t believe it, but he says it so adorably convinced, that when he motions at his watch that it’s time, you close your eyes and make a wish.
It’s fine if the wish will never come true. As long as it makes the tall, slender boy next to you happy, the way he does you. 
Carter’s first year as a Flyer is stressful.
You get to watch it from up close cause you followed him to Philly; there was never really an option not to. You know, after years of searching for something else, someone else that makes you feel the way he does, that it’s a lost cause.
It’s him, for you. It’s always been him. 
You’re driving to his apartment, the night of what you knew has been a hard game. They lost, again. You know Carter will - wrongfully - blame himself, again. You know you’re gonna do whatever it takes to pick up the pieces, again, and probably fail, again. 
Maybe Carter’s stupid goalie superstition has rubbed off on you, but when you drive through a tunnel, you hold your breath until the end of it.
Let him be okay.
His front door creaks as you open it; he gave you a key as soon as he moved in, and you’ve been using it ever since. You don’t even think you know what his doorbell sounds like.
“Carter?” you call out. You know he’s not asleep; he never sleeps well, after losses. It takes him ages, tossing and turning in his sheets until he just gives up and sits on the balcony, staring at the stars.
He says it calms him down.
You’re pretty sure you know where to find him.
“Cart?” you mutter, opening the balcony door carefully, and indeed, there’s a human figure slumped over the railing, head down, hands tucked into the sleeves of his hoodie. At your voice, he looks up, and you’re struck with how tired he looks. 
Dark circles surround his bright eyes, which seem to light up the dark night as much as the city lights below you.
You go stand next to him, close enough for your shoulders to touch; warmth is still radiating off him, his cheeks are flushed. 
“I don’t get what you’re looking at, here,” you tell him, giving him time to decide whether or not he wants to talk about the game. You know he doesn’t do well when you push him. “You can’t even see the stars. The city lights are way too bright.” You crinkle your nose in disgust. “The stars were so much more beautiful back home.” 
“Do you miss home?” Carter asks.
You shrug. “Sometimes. Some things. You?” 
“I miss my family.” Carter pauses. “Not home, so much. I thought I would, but, the one part I thought I’d miss the most...” Another pause, then a tentative smile. “Well, she followed me here.” 
Your heart flutters at that and you have to remind yourself that he’s just in a mushy mood, probably trying to hide his emotions about the game. 
But you still wanna let him know you appreciate it, and you feel the same, so you lean closer, letting your head drop to his shoulder. Right away, his head is resting on top of yours.
“Can you wish on city lights?” you ask, just to fill the quiet night, and he chuckles.
“Probably not, but I don’t think I’ll need the stars to wish on. I make wishes when I hold my breath in tunnels, when I throw pennies in wells, when I blow out candles...” 
“There’s no wells around here,” you interrupt, and you feel Carter’s shoulders shake with muted laughter. It’s so much better than the sad expression he wore when you got here, and you feel the brick that’s settled in the pit of your stomach since you saw the score, slightly dissipate. 
“I think it’s probably around 11,” says Carter, then. “If we catch it, we can make another wish.” 
You know what you would wish for; the same thing you’ve been wishing for for 8 years. You also know you might as well be wishing for the sky to turn purple, so you’re not really too worried about catching 11:11.
“What do you wish for, anyway?” you ask him. He turns slightly, so he’s facing you now, and incredulous look on his face.
“You really don’t know?” he says. “It’s the same thing, every time.” 
“How would I know?” you huff. “You’ve never told me.” 
You don’t see the fun in this game but you’d do anything to see him smile, anything to keep his mind off the game, so you humor him.
“Stanley Cup.” 
“World peace.” Carter seems like that guy.
“No, but I would, if I thought it was possible.” 
“A puppy.” 
He laughs. “No, but I should.” 
“I don’t know, Cart,” you tell him, smiling now. You expect him to say something silly, but a serious expression crosses his face, and then his hands come down and grab hold of your hips. He takes a step closer and your breath hitches in your throat.
“What...” are you doing, you start, but he interrupts you.
“When I wish on 11:11, I’m wishing for you.” 
His lips touch yours before you’ve processed the words, but as soon as you realize what’s happening, you hook your arms behind his neck, push up on your tiptoes to kiss him deeper. 
You try to put everything you have into that kiss; try to tell him, wordlessly, that you wanna grow old together, wanna be his person, want him to stay with you even when you’re scared, that you think he’s beautiful and magical and everything you could ever wish for. 
That every time you wish on shooting stars and ticking clocks, you’re wishing for him too.
“I think we might’ve missed 11:11,” is the first thing you say when you finally pull apart, breathing a little heavily, Carter’s cheeks tinted a little pink.
He breathes out a chuckle, rests his forehead against yours.
“That’s okay,” he says. 
“I’ve got all I’d wish for right here.” 
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hyycks · 5 years
100 reasons to love lee donghyuck
[repost cause i remade oops; ill be posting part two for his birthday!]
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“hAEllo my name is Haechan :D”
his raw talent and passion for performing.
he’s always ready to jump on stage and for his very best, and you can see it everytime he smiles at the end of his performance
as a trainee he was one of the best rappers since he had such an amazing sense of rhythm as doyoung mentioned  
music is more than just his job, it’s his passion and he genuinely enjoys learning and experiencing music
his undying love for Michael Jackson
his heart shaped smile that really rivals the sun itself.
his smile is so pure and sincere it can make anyone’s day better
his confidence in his tanned skin, even though some people tease him for it he’s always so loving about his own skin color.
his constant need for physical affection whether it be hugging his members or trying to give Mark cheek kisses
hes not afraid to show his love adoration for members
his laugh and the way he almost falls over from laughing too hard
the fact that he cooks for the members from time to time, showing how much he truly cares for them
mood maker of the group!!! he’s always trying to make everyone happy and keep the team energized with his jokes or random acts!
he’s more considerate than people make him out to be. although people keep teasing Jeno for being “No Jam” he said Jeno is really one of the funniest members as a compliment and Jeno was so smiley throughout the rest of the vlive.
the way he smiles so fondly at the younger members and is always looking out for them
his passion for dancing. even though he’s the vocalist in the group, his dancing skills are truly commendable. he has sharp memory when it comes to dance and he enjoys learning to choreo to sooo many songs!!
the way he calls himself fullsun in English!
HIS ENGLISH! *cue donghyuck saying marshmallow*
his taste in music, he listens to amazing songs across so many different genres, and loves recommending songs to us as well which is so adorable
the way he styles himself! he knows what looks good on him but he’s not afraid to try new things
the fact that he collects LPs! he loves collecting LPs of his favorite albums, and you can see the glimmer of excitement in his eyes when he spotted a few of his fav in LA
his cute tarot readings! also in LA he bought a pack of tarot cards and did some readings for the members and he was so engrossed and into it!
when he’s deeply invested in something, he suddenly goes all quiet and concentrates.
his love for video games! he keeps complaining saying he’s not the best at them but he still tries regardless and enjoys himself!
his voice. his voice is so soothing and gentle, it’s honestly so angelic sm pls let him release a solo track
he can play the piano really well and it’s one of his favorite hobbies !!
he respects shinee a lot, and especially adores Taemins music and he looks up to them!
he grew up so much!! he used to be short and really cute during chewing gum but since then he’s grown really tall!
not just physically, he’s grown so much more mentally. as a person he’s more responsible and careful and he’s so kind and loving
he loves playing with children, and he’s so kind and careful when playing with them!!
even when he’s going through a hard time he tries his best to stay the smiley donghyuck we know of!
his talent doesn’t just stop at performing he does his own eye makeup and shines in his own special way
he wants to be a singer-songwriter and I truly believe he his capable of writing beautiful and amazing music !!
he’s improved so much since the start! he keeps practicing and learning more day by day
he’s so so so caring, when Jisung couldn’t dribble the ball, he kept causing disturbances so that he could redo it!!
the tinie way he kept repeating I love you to sicheng during the 2 year anniversary olive
his giggles!!
dongsookie and the way he laughs while covering his mouth
the way his skin glimmers when he wears the color red
he looks so good in red, when he had red hair or whenever he wears red items of clothing his features just stand out so much more!!
he’s been playing football since he was in elementary school and is good at it too!
he’s so good with his words and could easily become a well known variety!dol with his wit and sharp comments
sm make hyuck an MC or send him to a variety show please he’s so funnie and quick witted I’m sure he’ll do a great job!
his acting skills! ask him to be dramatic, he’s your guy he can portray multiple emotions in 0.003 seconds what a legend
his lines in paradise :(( (they’re so beautiful I love his voice)
whenever hyuck wears SnapBacks and you can see his cute forehead it just makes me want to give him a thousand tinie kisses
when he gave jeno a kiss on the cheek during the shooting of ‘go’ and just bolted away and how the dreamies remembered it as a memory from shooting the MV
when he harmonizes with Jaehyun and both of their voices sound like angels singing together
on his phone cover he has stickers of all the 127 members from the chain album :(( how … cute
his verses in heartbreaker and angel are the reason why I still breathe they make me feel all giddy inside his voice is so so nice?!
that gif… of donghyuck wrapped up in a blanket and giggling makes my heart jump around like a fool I might as well join the olympics
his high note in ‘go’ is single handedly the best thing ever (renjun singing that part is second)
NCT members said that donghyuck can make delicious food with wtv is in the fridge we love a king of improv cooking
when his hair has his natural waves and he suddenly looks so much more adorable I don’t know how to explain it but .. that photo shoot of his wavy hair … I love it
that aside the dreamies choreos aren’t simple they all put in a lot of work and effort and I’m so proud of all of them, especially my first and last the choreo is so detailed !!
“hErE iS kORea mAN.” “don’T fOrGet okAY?”
him trying to give spoilers for ‘go’ and being pushed off by the other members because he was overdoing it soo much fshsh
whenever they do yaja time, hyuck is either the one having the most fun or suffering the most
when he’s with 127 doing yaja time, he really doesn’t hold back but then karma gets it when jisung picks on him when he’s with the dreamies
when he was directing the boy video for mark and chenle and he kept asking them to change the ‘mood’ of the shoot after every few seconds making everyone laugh
when he held that same eye batting cute smile through most of the live (´。• ω •。`)
the fact that he makes up different handshakes with each member and showed them to us too!
behind video for joy and hyuck kept pretending to be lifted up by the helium balloon in the background
Johnny’s love for hyuck and hyucks love johnny, we don’t talk enough about this, they’re both just adorable and so precious
his “hi girls ;D” in the momo x video
when chenle said “sea” in Chinese and hyuck replying “hi :D” cause they sound similar
his cute frustrated face when chenle said he didn’t know what shadow was in korean and he lost the game
when he clung on to mark and said “hyung, I’m hungryyy.” in the most adorable voice ever
“booming system up uh ty track uh ty track”
when doyoung asked hyuck to sing a song from his ost to prove that he heard it and he just sang “APADO GWENCHANA.”
he’s savage and a teasing mess a lot of the times but he’s secretly really sweet and caring and that makes him just so endearing
he may tease mark relentlessly but mark sees him as a younger sibling which shows just how close these two are :((
when his karaoke got voted the most not fun event during NCT life in Paju but instead of just complaining he got up and made a nice breakfast for all of the members
his cover of smooth criminal on weekly idol [plus his cute lisp]
this five seconds at the end of the 00+00+00+00=LOVE vlive where hyuck plays a cover of a thousand miles
when he couldn’t break his chopsticks and taeyong gave him his instead, the way he smiled out of love is just so warm???
he’s honestly so so so talented I mean he’s even good at archery he went on isac and did his very best I was so proud?
when he did a freestyle to whiplash? like where does his talent stop? he’s so talented and skilled in so many areas?
those tiny video which he posts on twitter looking like the cutest boy ever
the way he looks when he wears glasses is just so cute and adorable?
that clip of him jumping around in the feathers for the touch MV
his eyes that are shaped like tony almonds that hold the glimmer of all the stars in this universe combined
his strong stage charisma that has the ability to leave everyone stunned
his scar next to his eye that just makes him all the more human and all the more lovable
all of the moles on his body that deserve to kissed and loved over and over again
he’s really sweet and kind but he loves prancing his members tbt NCT life in Paju when he pranked the members with salted sprite and soy sauce cola and half the members didn’t trust him because they’re used to his pranks
that time when he and Jeno pranked jisung by changing his iPad wallpaper to a cockroach
the way he giggles is so soft and loving it makes flowers bloom all over the world
That time when Chenle and Hyuck relentlessly pushed away members in NCT Dream School Mate to win the game. “yEA ChEnLE BaBY”
he’s actually so thoughtful, he bought a radio just because Johnny and Jaehyun host a radio show to show how much he loves and supports them
when he was singing “baby don’t like it” live on NCT night night but forgot the lyrics it was so cute? (not to mention how blessed his voice was)
kept dancing to other groups choreos instead of their own when dreamies were doing the let’s dance and mark got so frustrated
NCT 127 on Ah!Nimdle where he kept rushing to the front to answer questions about the members by “giving up on looking handsome” (we’d all do it for food thanks)
his commentary on the soccer vlive he did with Jisung and Jungwoo and Yuta! (sm he’s so talented look)
he cuddles people in his sleep which is why he wanted to room with Jeno because he’s comfortable with him but when Jeno exposed hyuck he got so so so so so shy owo
In general he’s such an amazingly talented and wonderful person. He deserves so much more love and I just wish he’d get the appreciation he deserves because even through all the hardships he manages to stay the fullsun we all know and love.
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