#also the change from Bam to Yoru is interesting. i like it. hes the night
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asbestieos · 1 year ago
your tog reactions are giving me life esp because i can't get myself to catch up to the manhwa so im forever stuck in s1/s2
really curious to see your reaction when SIU (author) first addresses Baam and Rachel again in s2 if you read it (pleasepleasepleaseplease i promise you you don't have to read 500 chapters just get through s2)
HELLOO im excited to read more bc ive already decided to read ToG as well!! ive seen the first few pages and holy cow, theres way more dialogue with Bam than i expected. which makes sense, the medium calls for Bam’s thoughts to be centered and made clear to the audience
he is the main protagonist, but there’s a special Je Ne Sais Quoi that comes with a protagonist that isnt constantly projecting their thoughts / having their thoughts made known by the narrative.. hes a little more ‘indecipherable’ and less talkative in the anime, just because his internal dialogue has been cut out. it’s a necessary change to prevent the first episode’s time from bloating out of control, but its a change well-suited for an animated adaptation. it did well to cut down on dialogue but still maintain relatively the same amount of information conveyed to the audience
im also giggly to see additional scenes in the manhwa! again i know they had to cut a lot to condense the animation down to something watchable, but im also happy i get to see more of other characters. Yuri is baller shes my kiss kiss mwah mwah =~•~=
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japanessie · 6 years ago
Hii Shelly! Been reading your blog and it's extremely informative, so thank you for that! Anyways, i was really wondering what are your favourite songs from MFS! Thank you!
Hi there!!! 😁✌️
Hmm ….. that’s an interesting question 🤔. OK, my list changes with times I must say. There was a time when I used to listen to the album 虚言NEUROSE everyday during my daily commute to work as I liked ZERO Gravity and ROOM very much. I used to like What’s My Name? from BONEDS split album a lot too. Apart from the 1st song in the following list which is a crucial song to me, the rest are songs that I’ve noticed I tend to repeat every time I listen to them nowadays.
WARNING: I will be mentioning Taka and OOR a lot here. Read on to understand why.
1. 最終回STORY [Saishuukai STORY]
This is the most important MFS song for me because THIS is the song through which they stole my heart at the height of my “love affair” with OOR back in 2013. The one that turned me into an MFS fan. Don’t get me wrong, I still am an OOR fan. It’s just that I was also looking for something else I wasn’t getting from them. A certain kind of aggressiveness. Not necessarily had to be appealing to the commercial mass market. Something more metal yet still melodic and accessible. I was in love with the song March of Mephisto by Kamelot at the time and I wanted something that leaned more towards that. Then, I heard 最終回STORY. BAM! I found what I was looking for 😍! Different from OOR. Played it on repeat that night and it became the most played song on my phone quickly. I love everything about it and the MV, which somewhat hides the band members’ faces, is just right for it. It makes us focus on the amazing music and not their pretty faces. 
* Though I feel Hiro somewhat ruined it when he swang his mic at one point in the MV (one short second of a movement that his Onii-chan is famous for is enough to tarnish Hiro’s image for life 😖), but overall especially the angles that the video was shot, more than makes up for that “oops …” moment 😊.
2. 終焉レクイエム [Shuuen Requiem]
I do love string sections anywhere and the orchestral arrangement intensifies the song’s melancholic melody. Furthermore, I like how musically, this one leans more towards the work of older rock artists from HYDE’s generation than the younger OOR kind of crowds. It reminds me a lot of my favourite song Gekoukka by Janne da Arc from the anime Dr. Black Jack.
While I understand Hiro’s intention with BLACK RAIL, this one has a lot more depth and is far more revealing of his feelings about being cyber-bullied by some of his brother’s fans. I talked a lot more about it here.
3. 君のいない夜を越えて [Kimi no Inai Yoru o Koete]
Part of Sho’s musical works for Ochanomizu Rock. Musically, it’s safe and sweet.While it wasn’t love at first listen to me but thanks to the drama series, I got drawn more and more towards it. Upon finding out that Hiro cleverly inserted a lyric line that clearly mentions “my first story” which also seems to answer why he and big bro Taka appear detached in public, the song then totally etched itself on my heart. I wrote what I thought about that “hidden” message here. Despite the crazy accusations about him hating Taka, Hiro once again wants us to decipher all the clues he left here and there indicating how he carries his big brother in his heart very much ❤️.
Surprised to see this one? This one is in a league of its own to me. I wrote my thoughts on it back in 2015 here. OK, this one represents the time when I was adjusting to the fact that Hiro was no longer a boy when I first saw the trailer. How he had blossomed into a man. I remember that day very well. My hands felt cold and my heartbeat was racing, telling myself, “He’s not a baby anymore. Accept it,” 😮. 
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Just look at how he flirted with the viewers through the camera lens 😍.
He ended it with alternate wink of one eye! Oh my kokoro ❤️❤️❤️
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The song also has a different and sexier groove that sets itself apart from other MFS songs. Listen to those crunchy rhythm guitars 😙!! My favourite part is when they put Hiro’s voice through that “groveling” vocal effect about 1 min into the song. Come on, how can I not find that sexy 😉? You don’t often get to hear Hiro sounding masculine, thanks to his high-pitched natural voice. So, this is where the right voice effect works very well to enhance the man side of him. I also love how schizophrenic the song arrangement is. How it twists to different turns one after another. Weird but good weird 😉. Whether you like the song or not, you have to admit that this song is only one of its kind in their repertoire as they have never made another song that sounds like FAKE again.
* Some fans compared the chorus to OOR’s Never Let It Go but still the overall feels of both songs are worlds apart. The former is an arena rock anthem with a soaring chorus. The latter is just weird but a deliciously sexy groovy kind of weird.
5. The Puzzle
The song that didn’t impress me AT ALL during the trailer. Then they released the video on STORYTELLER in full. Wow! Suddenly I knew how to appreciate it. You can feel the raw feelings and vulnerability they exuded with that video. The video was recorded at their 1st public performance after the lineup change. It was a period of MAJOR adjustment especially for the 3 youngest members Hiro, Teru and Kid’z. Hiro trying to hold back his tears mid-song, Teru still playing under Sho’s shadow and Kid’z (who was still worrying about fans’acceptance) doing his best to prove his worth by elevating the song through his own style of drumming. I almost feel like Kid’z was making his drum beats “sing” with Hiro at certain parts.
* For those just joining STORYTELLER Club, you can watch The Puzzle MV only after being a member for 90 days. Be patient, OK? It’s worth waiting to see Hiro’s raw pain when he sang the line “boku dake / only me”.
I love heavy sounding bass lines which this song has in abundance. TQ Nob for your awesome work! What a pity it was not made into an MV. To me, this song is a missed opportunity for MFS to show the world especially the skeptics that they really do play a different kind of music from big brother band OOR. Where the big bro is more Good Charlotte & Yellowcard, this one has Limp Bizkit running through its veins. Different leagues. Fred Durst would be proud 😉
7. 悪戯フィクション [Itazura FICTION]
It’s dark and lyrically intense!  I wrote about what I think the lyrics are about here, here and here. Also, why I think it inspired the lyrics to LET IT DIE here. Then how to not fall head over heel over that drumming ❤️? Turned out it was the most challenging arrangement to Kid’z from that album and the one he worked the hardest on to get it right. Hmm …. does that mean I can now trust my ears to detect quality work? Hehe 😁. That sounds like bragging but, from the start, the drumming had been the part that drew me to this song 😊. A song meant to be performed in large halls/arenas.
8. 不可逆リプレース [Fukagyaku REPLACE] acoustic version
The reason? My mind likes to imagine Taka singing with Hiro on this version. Somehow I think the gentler music arrangement fits to bring the two brothers’ voices together onstage. Imagine them singing the lines “… I will follow you … follow you ….“ and “keep you close to me …. close to me ….” to each other. But, I want to see them both together onstage NOT because I think it would be an explosive collaboration. Instead, I want to see the “tears fest” that would happen on that stage. My mind also likes to make a bet who from each band would cry first watching them. My bet ….. from MFS, it’s a toss between Nob and Teru. Then from OOR, it’s Ryota. Am I sadistic or what 😮? Wanting a song to be performed just to see people cry 😄? 
I love how somewhat 80′s rock and old school this song is. I talked about that in this post. Even the MV’s aspect ratio is old school! Teruki shines here 😊. Proudly wearing an Ozzy Osbourne T-shirt. Basically declaring where his musical influences came from. OK. I don’t need to repeat REVIVER because they actually made TWO equally excellent versions of it and now they added the orchestral version too. Aah …. MFS loves me 😍!
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Of course, like the rest of you, I love ALONE, LET IT DIE, Missing You etc. Special mention for AWAKE which I call “the song Hiro has never screwed up Live”. An older song Warning always makes me happy too. Another special mention is If I Am which everyone else seems to find lame but I, on the other hand, think that it has an epic acoustic potential LOL. Did you all see how dead and quiet the crowd was when they performed this song in the ITSUWARI NEUROSE Tour Final DVD 😂? Yeah, I think the guys need to revive the song with a different arrangement.
Sorry this got too long 😮
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