#also that version is cs6 and i'm used to working with cc also that version was so exhausting ngl
izzymalec · 2 years
8 years ago i downloaded gimp to start making graphics and gifs on tumblr, now i'm a mediadesigner downloading gimp to still have the option to make gifs for tumblr bc i no longer have private access to photoshop, even though i hardly ever use it, we've come full circle
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budgebuttons · 2 years
I saw a friend talking about this, but rather than spamming in her notes, I'm going here instead--
Clip Studio is going subscription. From the last 15 years of being jerked around by unavoidable, exploitative subscription services, we have a well-founded knee-jerk reaction that this will functionally ruin the product as we know it. I have nothing to say about how Clip will or won't successfully make paying for a sub worth it, but there is another side to this point that I think is arguably just as important:
Adobe CS6 is literally 10 years old. Photoshop CS6 still serves almost every single function to be found in Photoshop CC 2022, discounting niche additions that the majority of hobbyists and semi-pros will never even notice. More importantly to this point: It still works. It works so well that Adobe has bent over backwards since the launch of CC trying to convince us that it doesn't.
There is no current reason to think that a Clip key from now or any point in the past will stop working. If we are unwilling to take Celsys' word for it, we can look at the monopoly Clip is taking shots at just by existing: Adobe has failed for nearly a decade to make people stop using their old keys.
Software purchases have never been truly permanent. Before DRM subscriptions, we had annual version releases with varying degrees of forced obsolescence. Before the internet was mainstream, software was developed, sold on a disc, then existed for consumers as-is. If you wanted any updates, you bought the new one next year.
The expectation that a one time purchase should be updated and upkept forever isn't founded on any release model that has ever existed. Unfortunately, we live a world where money exists, and infinite install base growth is a lie of capitalism, so it is also an impossible promise from the people making it.
The "permanent" key version of Clip Studio is not going away. This isn't the death of a website or the end of Flash. It's just offline (so, not a security risk) art software that will continue to exist as-is the same way you can finagle CS2 to run in Windows. Depending on your creative needs (which, for the majority of us, is just "be a better drawing tool than photoshop") it will continue to have value for the long-forseeable future. Also, it's on sale right now.
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dailybayonetta · 3 years
What do you use to edits gifs? I really wanna get into this kinda thing but I dunno what program or website people tend to use
I'm old fashioned, so I mostly use Adobe CC 2017 or Adobe CS6 (if i need to do an old effect / function which isn't avaliable in newer versions) There are some online editors, but I do not find them suitable from tumblr format. Like, i’m sure they are fine if you just want make gifs / use gifs for other sites  But for the most part all of the internet moved pasted GIF format cause it’s dated and it’s heavy - which is bad for mobiles and stuff. BUT ANYWAY Also - it's always morally correct to pirate adobe products, just saying
Then there's two options (taken from HERE):
Tumblr media
I use the second option because it's easier, the newer version of photoshop always have this feature and because it's great for video games.
You can look at first option, but honestly, unless you're giffing animation / animes / some HD films from BLU-ray, I found the first method to be too much time consuming (in my opinion.)
Here are links to some tutorials that will help and teach u about gif sizes as well (some are with images!):
♥ // ♥ // ♥
I can't explain all of the stuff, but things you need to consider when it comes to quality of GIFs:
a) getting footage; while clips from youtube is an easy way of founding a needed stuff (or if, let's say, a console game you can't capture) - but there's the catch, youtube eats all the quality of video because of compression. even 1080p clips do look bad on BIG gifs - EXAMPLE OF MINE (made during time when bayo1 didn’t had PC port) - and most of the footage either has watermark or SUBTITLES (which are pain in the ass when you want to put subtitles yourself - you cut like 45% of the bottom and it’s not great)  ideally - you want to capture stuff yourself, even more ideally - capture stuff with OBS or bandicam which do not compress your footage and the output image is great, NVIDIA capture feature is an okay option, but it has a bit of compression - but honestly, not the worst option, it’s definetly a more safe option for your hard drive capacity i reached that point, when i started giffing specific scenes of bayo2 - i freaking emulated the game, terribly, but did so cause youtube just doesn’t provided what i wanted  like, you can use capture device, but i ain’t spending money on that unless i’ll be a streamer or idk content creator (but forget about that) 
b) coloring is your bread and butter; for the most part, even not that great of quality gif can be saved by coloring / adjusting brightness / levels and all of that. as an easy example, THIS SET, was taken from basic 1080p footage, but because i softed colors, almost all video compression is gone  cause when you loo at something LIKE THIS SET, man, this was not a great time for coloring it looks bad
or an example like THIS SET, that trailer is DO DATED that there’s just no HD version of it and you can see pixels, it’s bad in original game and looks even worse compressed that even coloring didn’t do much while starting, you can always use PSDs / colorings created by people - I suggest going into searching on tumblr in general or CHECKING THIS (it’s outdated, but some stuff is still avaliable) or even just do basic adjustement it’s fine. but eventually, you’ll just starting creating and doing it yourself, because it’s just simply easier.  c) tumblr compression / limiting; this site changed a lot, not only gifs automatically converts to gifvs (it’s like a video of your gif, again, done for mobile) and unless you have extension that gets rid of that, nothing u can do about it
but currently all you need to know is that: at the moment tumblr limit of giz size is 8MB, if you got past that - the gif is not gonna work. (and it loads badly, it was bad even before, but tumblr is a mess if saying it easy)
Honestly and that’s all I can say. it’s gonna be rough at the start, but eventually and quite quick you get the hand of it, you even might find a more suitable way for you to gif or color stuff or sharpen your gifs (that’s another whole story) If you look back at my old stuff from freaking 2013 from my main blog - enjoy the ride (82 pages!!) - it wasn’t looking great and it took some time for sure to start making progress and be better at that or even just for this blog in particular - half the less pages than on main - but i still chagned a lot in my “style” of editing and colorings
But most importantly - just have with it, it’s not the most enjoyable ride, considering this site history, but I still find it a enjoyable hobby :)
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cilly-murphy · 3 years
i remember you said that photoshop 2020 isn't good for giffing. can you elaborate on that? i have to get a new mac and it doesn't support older versions of photoshop :/
hello! i'm an old school person when it comes to giffing, i use cs5 and any other version of photoshop just doesn't work for me. while i use the newer programs for my job (i'm a graphic designer), when it comes to gifs no other photoshop works for me. a very big factor is the sharpening. sharpening and quality in new versions just looks so off to me. especially in older media with less quality files (when i tried to gif merlin in cc 2020 oh god). basically it's also personal preference, i just can't move on to the new versions for giffing, they don't suit me at all. and it's something i've heard from many old giffers as well. it's like adobe is trying to yeet the gif function for some reason, the more it updates the more hard it gets to gif. i have a macbook, a fairly new one, but i have downgraded its os to work cs5. i'm at sierra now, cs5 works on high sierra too but it crashes more often, doesn't work on mojave and past. cs6 works on mojave which is a good alternative. honestly i wouldn't buy a macbook for personal use. i have mine now and i truly hate it, i'm going to buy a gaming windows one for personal use and keep this for work. i suppose you know how to crack photoshops since you asked me about the 2020 version. i hope i helped, anything else, let me know!
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ahkaraii · 7 years
Hi again, sorry to bother you with another question. I've seen you make comments about doing sketches for Five in between classes and I was wondering do you sketch traditionally and then scan or redraw them later or do you use a program on a portable device like a tablet? If the latter could you please tell me which drawing programs you use? I really struggle with only being able to draw traditionally when I'm out of the house so I'm hoping you have some recommendations. :)
I’m a digital artist above all so I primarily draw via Photoshop (the current version I have is CC, but I’ve worked with CS2 and CS6 with equal happiness) using the IntuousPro Wacom tablet connected to my laptop. During lectures I’ll often just have a word document open next to photoshop and flip between the two seamlessly as I take notes and doodle.
However, I do also have a school notebook for classes wherein the teacher is anal about us not having digital devices. My notebook is a super cheap grid-lined one, nothing fancy at all (I know lots of artists love “moleskins” but I get paralyzed in front of one, they cost so dang much and all I wanna do is doodle without worrying, you know??). I like it better this way because in this manner I don’t spend too much time on any one sketch, I mostly do quick gestures or possible facial expressions for the scene I have in mind, which I will later redraw when I get home.
Everyone has different methods though! :D Experiment around and work with whatever suits you best
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prkjmins · 8 years
hello! i'm a bit scared to ask but...how do you make your graphics? they're so beautiful! What apps/online things do you use and do you recommend any tutorials? thank you so much ♥♥
hi there! first of all thank u so much for ur kind mssg! to get to it i tried to compose all of my sources of inspiration and general resources that helped me learn down here! ❤first! i have several inspiration blogs (3 to be exact, lol) and on these i reblog different types of graphics that i find on three different types of blogs. i'd really recommend u make urself a sideblog where u keep nice things that you can draw insp from or u can just make an ‘insp’ tag on ur blog. here are mine: kpop gfx, anime gfx, and my most used one, general graphic design.
as for apps, i use photoshop cc for all of my graphics and you can download whatever version of photoshop you prefer (i'd recommend cs5, cs6 or cc) if you look hard enough online. here u can find a few download links that r safe: x 
tutorials! in my opinion tutorials are the most important thing. these are some bare basics which you can basically learn a lot from if you expand on them:
how to make gifs x
how to color: x x
how to crop/render x x
how to color b&w pictures/add make up x x 
and then itsphotoshop has this super helpful page 
and that's it! just go through yeahps and itsphotoshop and look at any tutorials that interests you and that you think could help you build your style/what you prefer! eventually you'll start picking things up and learning about new tools on the program you use and from there on you'll apply your own techniques and what works best for you. on those same blogs you can find so many resources on textures, fonts, etc, as well.i'd also advice you to check out this post because it puts into words something that i consider really important at any stage you are of creating and posting things online!hope this helped ❤
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