#also thank you sheepy for sending me everything you’re the absolute best
babymorte · 4 months
What are YOUR thoughts on Maria's design?
okay okay okay ive gotten a lot of people asking my my thoughts on the silent hill thing and i just haven’t gotten around to replying im sorry that i haven’t gotten around to it so im just gonna put all my thoughts here if that’s okay??
*also spoilers*
to answer your question first..! i don’t hate her? she looks like a mix between kristen bell and ashley in re4 remake honestly…like they made her look too likeable? you’re not necessarily supposed to kil her? like there’s always something kind of off about her but you don’t know what kind of thing in the original…this maria i would trust with my life. like im not mad about it not even a little…she just oooks like a lost kid not someone whose meant to seduce someone? i get why people are upset but it’s not like ada in re6 bad so i don’t really have any complaints !
for the game as a whole? absolutely pumped i am so beyond excited and i am SO SO SO proud of bloober because you can tell they really are putting their all into this game. they haven’t really shown eddie yet though so im kind of worried about how they’re gonna change him cuz his mental breakdown scene is brutal and like they need to treat it carefully i think…
angela looks great and im wondering if they’re going to make her assault actually canon since thats always just been a fan theory. i definitely think there’s going to be backlash on some of the themes from people who don’t know how fucked up the game actually is and I’m sure they’ll blame bloober 😅 ur everything looks so good. the fog looks great, the lighting is spot on, it looks absolutely beautiful…they’re using the same dialogue?? like i really do think this is a game for the fans as much as it is a blatant cash grab and konami being ever the opportunist as they always are but like there’s been so much to look out for and compare between this remake and the og that fans who like that stuff are gonna have a freaking field day (totally speaking for myself here). Im very excited. I’ve been excited since it was first announced like bloober is one of my fave devs i want this to do well so badly you have no idea.
as for the rest of the transmission there’s a lot of collectibles i want but it’s kind of annoying there’s no collectors edition and you have to buy everything separately? like it is konami after all so im not surprised but like come on you know they’re all expensive as hell. honestly all the merch is pretty dope!
and the movie?? im so excited like we don’t need a sh2 movie but im gonna love it im sure. i love the first silent hill even though the story is changed so drastically because there IS enough subtle fan service in every scene for you to look for on top of the blatant ‘come see our movie cuz pyramidhead is in it’ fan service (which you know was a studio decision to put him in) but like such care was given to the first movie because the director is a fan of the games like an actual fan and you can tell! just like paul anderson with the first two resi movies (i will die on this hill) like i have so much faith return to silent hill will be good!!
like i know im getting more excited than i should be because its konami we’re talking about here. they’re bound to fuck it up somehow but I’m really hoping for once they’re using their heads and we’re gonna get some good silent hill content 🙏🏻🤞🏼
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Surprise Visit...
[chapter list here]
Basil held Rose’s hand under the table, good leg bouncing nervously as he tried to keep up with the conversation.  Everyone was talking so quickly, and there were so many numbers, and terms, he couldn’t keep track of them all.  He hoped Rose wouldn’t try to ask him to add to the conversation, he was completely lost.
Rose gave him a quick smile and squeezed his hand as someone else started to talk, reassuring him that it was going well, and he was doing a good job.
“Yes, I agree.  I think that if we were to--”
Rose’s thought was cut short as the door slammed open.  “Chairman Rose, Sir, I -- “  Bede stepped inside confidently, until he realized he was interrupting, and his shoulders hunched.  “I’m sorry, Chairman, I didn’t realize...”
Roses’s smile never faltered, but the look in his eyes quickly changed.  “Young Bede... You’re interrupting.  Where are your manners?”
“I’m sorry sir.”  He stared at the floor, sulking over at Rose’s beckon and taking a seat on his other side silently.  Basil watched him hide his face in the collar of his coat, the eyes of the board members all on him.  He straightened up his posture and looked back towards the group at the table.  If he wasn’t on his best behavior, Oleana would punish both of them for this...
Bede held the letter in his shaking hands, severe eyes barely making it past the first line before he was overcome with the urge to rip the letter into a million pieces and never look back.  But he knew he wouldn’t do that.  He couldn’t bring himself to do it.
He took a deep breath, and started the letter over.
Dearest Bede,
I hope this letter finds you well.  I know must not mean much coming from me right now, but it is the truth.  You have been at the forethought of my mind since our argument at Stow-on-Side, and I will be eternally grateful to Opal for opening her home to you, and seeing to it that you’ve been safe in my absence.  It warms my heart to have seen how far you’ve come as a trainer, and now a gym leader.  I always knew you’d find your place in the world.
I know It’s hard to understand, but believe me when I say, things are better this way.  For you, and for Basil.  I want you to remember me as someone who did everything I could to keep you safe.  Everything I did, I did for you.  For Galar.  Sometimes in life, we have to do the right thing, even if that makes us the villain.
I’m not asking you to forgive me.  I’m not asking for your pity.  I only wish that you know how much love I have, for you and your brother.  From the bottom of my heart, truly, I am sorry.
Your loving father,
Bede was gripping the fancy paper so hard it was starting to crumple in his grip, anger coursing through him like boiling water.  How dare he?  The nerve!  He abandoned them!  He can’t just drop them like they were nothing, only to come back when he wanted something!  He scanned the letter again, searching for a clue of what possible motive could be behind the sudden letter.  Why now..?  Why...?
He was brought back to the present by a sharp stab to his chest.  He looked down, smiling slightly as his Rapidash nudged his chest again with her horn, looking concerned.
“I’m alright.  There’s no pain there you’ll be able to heal...”  He pet her mane gently, though he didn’t think the healing energy his Rapidash tried so often to use could heal a heartbreak, the act of trying was healing enough.  He leaned back against her and shoved the letter in his pocket.  “I know, I know.  You’re worried.  You’re always worried about me, sweet thing...” 
He laid his head back against her flank and looked up at the stars, listening to the sounds of his team running and playing as they camped in the deep, dark center of the Glimwood Tangle.  Sylveon hopped up into his lap and curled up, licking his hand.  
“You’re worried too, huh?  Is it that obvious?”  He chuckled.  “Well don’t worry about me.  I’ll be okay.  If you’re gonna worry about someone, worry about... Basil.”  He sighed.  “Arceus, don’t send him a letter Rose... Don’t do this to him...”
“KABU!”  Basil kept an arm up, trying to shield his face from the whirlwind of sand making it impossible to see a thing.
“It’s okay, keep going!”  Kabu called through the swirling debris.  “Keep going!  Trust in your pokemon!”
A maniacal laugh tore through the blinding storm, and Basil turned towards it.  “There!  Go!”  He pointed, and Scorbunny and Nickit dissapeared into the storm too.
There was a quiet sound of confusion, but he didn’t hear the sound of an attack being made,  Suddenly, it was quiet.  Too quiet.
“Scorbunny?!  Nickit come back!”  He called, and in the same breath let out a cry as two claws grabbed him under his arms and lifted him into the air.  “HELP! NO!”
The storm began to clear, revealing two very confused looking Pokemon looking dazed and lost.  On the other side of the gym stood the Dragon Tamer himself, hands on his hips, laughing at Basil who was now dangling in the air, being held up by Raihan’s Duraludon.
“Close!  You almost had me that time kiddo!”  He teased, stepping up in front of him and poking his stomach with a grin.
Basil kicked at Raihan’s hand.  “Stohop!  Tell him to put me down!”  He pouted.  “Kabuuuu tell him to put me dooown!”
Kabu laughed from the sidelines.  “You didn’t trust your Pokemon enough!”  He called, which made Raihan laugh again. 
 “Okay, you’ve had your fun you can put him down now.”  He ruffled Basil’s hair, laughing as a dust cloud poofed up from him.  “You’re gonna need a bath after today!” he teased.
“Ugh...”  He dusted himself off.  “I’m never going to be able to do this...”
“Sure you will buddy!  Just keep practicing!”  Raihan encouraged.  “You’re a strong trainer, you just need to trust yourself more.  Don’t second guess yourself!”
Kabu pat his back.  “Head for the showers, kid.  You did good today.”  
Basil smiled at the praise and grabbed his cane.  “Thanks Mr. Raihan...”
“Any time kiddo!  Always up for a good spar!”
Basil waved shyly before rushing out of the gym with his Pokemon following close behind.  He was in an exceptionally good mood today, the excitement of the exibition matches happening over the weekend were already getting to him, the chance to meet the rest of the gym leaders was exciting enough as it is, but knowing that Bede would be in town, and that they’d get to see each other in a few days?  That was what excited him most.
The doorbell rang, and he detoured to the front door, trying to brush himself off enough that he was looking presentable if someone was calling for Kabu.  He opened the door and prepared to give his overly polite, generic greeting when he was almost knocked over by someone rushing him at the door and wrapping him in a big bear hug.
“Oof--!  Bede?!”
He hugged back immediately, melting into Bede’s hug.
“I missed you little brother...”  He squeezed tight.  “How have you gotten even shorter than the last time I saw you?”
Basil giggled.  “I didn’t get shorter you got taller you big jerk!  What are you doing here?”
“Bede has decided to come stay with us for a few days, until the exhibition is over.”  Kabu explained over his shoulder.  “Won’t you help him up to the spare room with his bags, Basil?” 
Basil already had an armload of stuff, hurrying  down the hall.  “Come on Bede!  I’ll show you where your room is!”  He limped, leaving his cane at the door.
“Hey!  You know you’re not supposed to be walking without your cane!”  Kabu called.
“It doesn’t hurt!  It’s okay!”
Kabu sighed.  “Basil, you know what the doctor said, I’m not going to tell you again.”
“I don’t need it!”
Bede grabbed the cane from the floor and followed Basil with his other bag.
“This is great!  I was worried I wasn’t gonna see you at all!”  Basil bounced all over happily, and Bede grabbed his shoulders and sat him down on the edge of the bed.  “I know.  That’s why I’m staying.  Also... Opal thought it would be good for me to spend a little time here with you and Kabu.  She thinks I’ve been spending too much time alone.”  He smirked, and there was a twinkle in his eye.  Basil couldn’t remember the last time he had seen Bede look this happy.
“So what’s she like?  What’s it like being a gym leader?  Tell me all about it!”
Bede flopped down beside him and told him all about life in Ballonlea, and about Opal, and all the hell she’d been putting him through.
Basil listened intently with wide eyes.  “She sounds awful!”
He giggled at that and nodded.  “Oh, she’s the absolute worst.”  Bede agreed.  “But... I have to admit.  It’s done me so much good.  And... sometimes I think she really does care about me.  And she wants me to be better.”
Basil hugged him again.  “I’m so happy for you Bede... I’ve been so worried about you... I’ve missed you so much...”
“Enough about me, tell me about you!”  Bede hugged back.  “I want to know everything!”
Basil gave him a tour, running around with excitement while pulling Bede along, telling him about all of the interesting new people he had met, and his new pokemon, and how nice Kabu had been to him.  Bede laughed at his stories and tried to keep up with him, and pretty soon he, Basil, and Kabu were in the living room having tea and snacks.  Bede and Kabu were talking cordially to each other, albeit a little coldly, Bede still hadn’t forgotten about the humiliation he had suffered at Kabu’s hands, and though Kabu knew the boy couldn’t have known, he hadn’t forgotten the humiliation that Rose had put him through later in payment.
Neither one of them noticed when Basil snuck out of the room and back upstairs.
“We normally don’t eat fast food, but I think tonight is a good night to order some delivery.  What do you think, Basil?”  Kabu glanced over finally and noticed he was gone.  “Basil?  Where’d he go?”
Bede frowned and shrugged.  “Maybe he went to take a nap.  He did just burn off a lot of energy...”
Kabu nodded.  Of course.  That made sense.
“Why don’t you go get settled, Bede?  I’ll order some food, and come get you when it gets here.”
He nodded in agreement, keeping his eyes narrowed and his shoulders tense as he stood, trying to look as mature and menacing as possible.
Kabu only smiled, sheepishly, wishing he could go back and fix things.  “Uh.  Sorry.”  He muttered.  “I know I... I mean.  You know.  I’m sorry.”
“Don’t mention it.”  There was a bite to Bede’s tone.  “Ever.”  He turned on his heel and marched to his room then, and once he was out of sight Kabu exhaled.  That was awkward.
Kabu set the table, humming to himself, before stepping out into the hallway.  “Boys, food is here!  Dinner is ready!”
He washed his hands and sat down at the table, waiting patiently.
Bede looked as if he had just woken up from a nap, hair sticking up in more odd places than usual and clothes wrinkled on one side.  “Where’s Basil?”
“He should be down soon.  Basil!  Dinner!”
They sat in silence a few beats, before Kabu frowned and stood.  “Don’t wait on us, go ahead.  Eat up.  I’m sure you’re hungry.”  He gave him a friendly but forced smile before excusing himself to Basil’s room.
The door was closed, and Kabu made sure to knock this time.  “Basil?  Is everything alright in there?  Dinner’s ready...”
“I’m not hungry.”
“Bede is waiting for you.”
“I don’t care.”
“Can I come in?”
Silence.  Kabu opened the door to find Basil curled up on his bed, holding his leg.  His face was red from crying, and one look told him he was fighting not to start again.
“You hurt your leg, didn’t you?”
Basil’s shoulders jumped with stiffled sobs and he nodded.
“Let me see.”  Kabu helped sit him up and straighten his leg, being gentle, careful not to do anything that might hurt him or make it worse.  “Tell me if this hurts...”  He started pressing around with his fingers, looking for out of place bones or other alarming issues.  Basil winced when Kabu’s fingers dug into the muscle, but that was all.
“I warned you, Basil.  You’re lucky, you’ve just knotted up some muscles, but if you aren’t careful your leg might not heal.  The doctor said as long as you give it time, you can make a full recovery.  But you have to be careful.  And use your cane.”
“I hate it!”  He cried.  “I hate it it isn’t fair!”
Kabu sat down beside him then and rubbed his back.  “I know it isn’t fair.  But it isn’t a punishment.  You want to get better, right?  It’s no different than using a cast for a broken bone, or medicine for a fever.  It’s to help you heal.”
Basil hiccuped.
“You understand don’t you?”
“I don’t want Bede to see.  He’s doing so much better now, I want to be better too.”
“You are!  Are you kidding?  You’re doing great!  You caught your own Pokemon!  And you learned how to fold laundry really fast!  You’ve made new friends, and you don’t have to use crutches anymore!”
Basil looked up at him then.  He hadn’t really thought of it that way.
“Where’s your cane?”
“I don’t know.”
“We’ll find it later.”  He put his arm around Basil and lifted him up a bit.  “Hold on to me, let’s go get some food.  Food fixes everything.”  He smiled.
Basil wrapped an arm around him to keep himself upright and limped along beside him, trying to keep his weight off of it with Kabu’s support.
“I think Bede’s still mad at you.”  He whispered once they got out into the hallway.
“That’s alright.”  Kabu soothed.  “He’s allowed to be mad.”
Bede was sitting at the table when they got back, and though he hid it well enough from Basil, Kabu could tell that his eyes looked red, like he had been crying.  He didn’t bring attention to it.  Bede would let them know if something was wrong, pressing would only upset someone.
Their meal was peaceful, and delicious.  Bede held Basil’s hand under the table when he wasn’t using it, and Basil didn’t fight it.  He squeezed tight, thankful for the comfort.
Kabu tucked Basil into bed, giving him some medicine to help soothe the pain in his leg and making sure he was set up for the night.  “You need anything else?”
“Another blanket?”  He asked shyly.  “It’s kind of cold tonight.”  
“Of course.  The warmest blanket I can find.”  He smiled and left the door open a crack as he left.  Basil relaxed and closed his eyes, not opening them when he heard the door open again. 
“Thanks, Kabu.” 
He didnt’ hear a response, which was weird, so he opened his eyes and turned to look at what he was doing.  The door was open, but no one was there. 
“BOO!”  Bede pounced on him, startling him with a cry.
“BEDE?!  Don’t do that!”  He shoved his brother hard, trying to avoid his hug.  “Youre a jerk!”
“Oh come on it was funny!  Don’t be such a stick in the mud!”  He moved around his arms and hugged him.
“What do you want!”
Bede’s smile fell a bit.  “I dunno.  Couldn’t sleep.”
Basil scooted over then, giving him room to crawl up further and sit.
Kabu returned with blankets, and two mugs of warm milk and honey.  “Hm.  I had a hunch you were gonna need these.”  He handed each of them a mug and distributed blankets to them.  “I’m going to bed, if you need me, wake me up.”  He ruffled Basil’s hair and kissed his forehead gently.  “You too, kiddo.”  He looked over at Bede, who looked only slightly jealous of the attention.
“I’m not a kid.”  Was all he could think to respond.
“Goodnight.”  He smiled and closed the door then, leaving the two alone, sipping their warm drinks and talking about the past.
“Remember the last time we had a sleepover like this?”  Basil yawned.  “You were afraid Oleana was gonna punish you for interrupting a meeting, and I told you that I was gonna protect you and I stayed awake all night waiting for her.”
Bede laughed.  “No you didn’t!  You fell asleep before I did!”
“Well i tried to stay awake all night!”
They both laughed then, lapsing into comfortable silence.
“Do you... ever miss Rose?”  Bede asked after he had sat his mug aside and curled up under the blankets.
“No.  I hate him.”  Basil said seriously.  “I never want to see him again.”
Bede nodded.  “Yeah.”  He thought about the letter in his pocket again.  
“Do you?”  Basil asked cautiously.
“I... Don’t know.”  Bede admit.  “I’m still so angry... but part of me wants an answer for what happened.  But I know that no answer could ever be good enough for me.”
“He used us.  That’s your answer.”
Bede sighed and closed his eyes.  “Yeah.  I know.”
“We don’t need him.”
Kabu cleared the last dish at the table, still rubbing the beginnings of sleep from his eyes.  It had been a long day, it was past his bed time, and all he wanted to do was crawl under the covers and sleep.  Something about this state he was in had him feeling venerable, so when there was a loud knock at the door, he practically jumped out of his skin.  
“Heavens!  At this hour?  I swear..!”
He stormed to the door and threw it open dramatically, putting on his fiercest scowl he could muster in his state.
There was no one there, he scanned the horizon looking for tricksters, but if they were out there, they were hidden well.  He glanced down before shutting the door, almost missing the bouquet of flowers on the doorstep.  He grabbed it, scanned the horizon one last time, and closed the door.
The flowers were beautiful, orange and red and yellow like a raging fire, with a note attached.
I’m sorry.  I was wrong.  Give me one more chance to make things right.  I won’t let you down.
Kabu rolled his eyes and chucked the note into the trash.  Until he could talk to him face to face like an adult without getting defensive, he could stay sorry.
The flowers were beautiful, though.
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bad-draft-stuff · 5 years
fate goes (to a scary place)
Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... ?? *he sits up and looks around. how'd he get back to his room? Better find out* Bedi?? Sheepy: Bedi: Ah, you've awoken. Arsé-kun: Merlin: What just happened?? Sheepy: Bedi: I'm not sure. Sheepy: Bedi: One moment, I was fine. The next moment, I felt...exhausted. Arsé-kun: Merlin: It wasn't just me, then... Sheepy: Bedi: Everyone else suffered it as well. Sheepy: Bedi: I heard fighting, but my top priority was keeping an eye on you. What became of the fighting, I haven't a clue. Arsé-kun: Merlin: That's not a good sign. Sheepy: Bedi: No, of course not. Arsé-kun: Merlin: We'd better find out. Sheepy: Bedi: Can you stand? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Probabl- *he stands and promptly fails standing up school. aaaand you fail* Sheepy: Bedi: Here, you're still wobbly. Let me help you. *he picks up Merlin* Arsé-kun: Merlin: Oh! That works too! Sheepy: Bedi: *he goes to investigate, Merlin in arms* Arsé-kun: Vlad: -- And I lost track of events from there. I'll take blame for failure. *he bows his head* Sheepy: Bedi: What's going on? Sheepy: Kintaro: ........ Arsé-kun: Mephisto: A dumpster fire! In the middle of a railroad! A trainwreck, on fire! I'd like to be on fire instead of dealing with this! Sheepy: Kintaro: Ain't nothin's golden 'bout hurtin' kids........ Arsé-kun: Mephisto: M-hm... Ya making it hard for me to be the clown for our benefits. Sit down, shut up, and consider the coconut! Arsé-kun: Merlin: This tells me everything and nothing at all! Sheepy: Kintaro: I'll send him to hell. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: That's my job!! Arsé-kun: Vlad: ..... Satoru was taken. Sheepy: Bedi: What?! Sheepy: Bedi: I see, I see, so that's what I heard and what I felt.. Sheepy: Bedi: Do we know who kidnapped him? Arsé-kun: Vlad: Yes. Yes, we do. Sheepy: Bedi: Whom? Arsé-kun: Hyde: The guy who lived here. Fuckin'... Asshole mcfuck. Not the sad shit. Sheepy: Bedi: Masato? Arsé-kun: Hyde: Yes and the other guy. He's the sad shit. The other one! Sheepy: Bedi: I see. Sheepy: Bedi: Tristan can find anyone in the world using his harp. Arsé-kun: Sakura: *she (finally) enters, probably having been held back* Then do it! Why are we just standing here?! Sheepy: Bedi: I cannot go to retrieve him, nor is this lowly knight capable of it. Sheepy: Bedi: As much as we would all love to rush in and deal with it, there's a few things to figure out before hand. Sheepy: Bedi: Who must stay, who must go, and who has the capabilities of getting the rescue party there. Sheepy: Bedi: I've already decided that I'm of the first party. Hate me as you wish, but my top priority is Merlin, who did not recover like everyone else did. Sheepy: Kintaro: I'm going to kill him... Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Taro, buddy! Getting a little hasty here, aren't we? Sheepy: Kintaro: It ain't hastiness. Chief's the brains and I'm the muscle. It's my job to crush evil for him. And makin' kids cry - that's as evil as they come. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: You were certainly sounding a bit evil there! That's also my job! You handle the golden justice! Sheepy: Kintaro: *he clutches his fists* Make your decisions. Now. Sheepy: Tristan: I'm stay- Arsé-kun: Sakura: Absolutely not! Sheepy: Kintaro: *he picks up Tristan by the collar* Sheepy: Kintaro: Anyone else coming? Sheepy: *Kintaro's arms are oddly red. It's probably nothing.* Arsé-kun: *Nothing, like that giant cigarette smoke cloud we call Moriarty. Anyway* Sheepy: Ozy:....Hmm. Arsé-kun: Sakura: There you are. You're coming along, too. Sheepy: Ozy: What? Sheepy: Ozy: Truly, you're troublesome... Fine, fine! I, Ozymandias, will escort you! Arsé-kun: Sakura: Thank you. Sheepy: Ozy: Hahahaha! I look forward to the entertainment your trip holds! Arsé-kun: Mephisto: If Kintaro's going, I'm going to! Sheepy: Eiji: I-I'm sorry...I..I really want to h-...help, but I... Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... I don't feel that great, either. Sheepy: Bedi: I will take care of both of you. Don't worry. Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... Thanks, babe. Sheepy: Bedi: It's my pleasure. Sheepy: Kintaro: *he looks to Vlad and then Moriarty* Arsé-kun: Lance: *he raises his hand, then puts it back down* Arsé-kun: Vlad: ... It's the middle of the day. Count me out, unfortunately. Sheepy: Guin: Did you want to go, Lance? Arsé-kun: Lance: mmmmmmmmhm. Arsé-kun: Sakura: Then you both, too. Sheepy: Tristan: *snore* Arsé-kun: Sakura: ..... Don't tell me we have to wait! Sheepy: Kintaro: *he shakes Tristan* Arsé-kun: *Lance grabs and lightly tugs Tristan's hair* Sheepy: Tristan: ...Fine, fine. Sheepy: *Tristan takes out the Failnaught* Sheepy: Tristan: He's not in this house. Carry me northward, my steed. Sheepy: Bedi: Sir Tristan. If you don't cooperate I won't be pleased. Sheepy: Bedi: I'll be very, very disappointed... Sheepy: Tristan: Follow me. Sheepy: *Tristan heads out.* Arsé-kun: *And Tris is quickly followed by those who agreed to go* Arsé-kun: *More importantly, lets check on Satoru* Sheepy: *Satoru is curled up in a ball. Nobody can see you if you're in a fetal position.* Arsé-kun: *This is incorrect, and Satoru is prompted with some sort of catalyst yet again. You gotta try again, bud, or they'll go for your circuits* Sheepy: Satoru: I-I don't know what this is... Sheepy: Satoru: Dad said not to accept anything weird from strangers... Arsé-kun: *The catalyst is put next to Satoru.* Sheepy: Satoru: *he hesitantly picks it up* Sheepy: Satoru: What do you want me to do with this...? Sheepy: Satoru: It's just a book... I don't want to read it... Arsé-kun: Grunt #28: We've told you already. That's your catalyst. Give it a shot. Sheepy: Satoru: But I don't even know who I'm calling...! Arsé-kun: Grunt #57: The original Avenger. None of us have enough Circuits to handle it. You, however, do. Sheepy: Satoru: Ah! Captain America! Arsé-kun: Grunt #57: ... Not quite. Sheepy: Satoru: Not Captain America? Sheepy: Satoru: That's too bad. Arsé-kun: Grunt #25: The Avenger class, not the movie. Sheepy: Satoru: ...Okay, fine. Sheepy: *Satoru gets to work, understanding that there's no way out.* Arsé-kun: *The assortment of grunts give him space to do so. And chalk, and whatever else he'll need. Hint #40958 that these people are not smart.* Sheepy: Satoru: I can have anything I need to summon him? Sheepy: Satoru: Then, I need my family here. Arsé-kun: Masanori: *he moves to the front and pulls up a seat* Go on. Sheepy: Satoru: You aren't my family. Arsé-kun: *Someone yells. That someone is probably dead now. Carry on* Sheepy: Satoru: *he realizes that he isn't going to see his family until he summons Avenger. And so, he tries.* Arsé-kun: *It doesn't seem like anything happened... But there's a black thing there now.* Sheepy: Satoru: What's that? Arsé-kun: *There's chattering among the grunts. Masanori seems interested as well.* Arsé-kun: *A moments pause, and the thing moves. It's certainly shaped like a person, but completely pitch black.. Except for the eyes that are staring at Satoru* Arsé-kun: Avenger: Heya! The weakest Heroic Spirit Avenger, has answered your summons! Arsé-kun: *And at least half the grunts groan. Masanori no longer seems interested* Sheepy: Satoru: You're only the weakest if you say you're the weakest! I believe in you!! Arsé-kun: Avenger: Kiddo, that has gotta be the nicest thing anyone has ever said ta me. You okay in the head? Sheepy: Satoru: Huh? Sheepy: Satoru: I might've hit my head. That guy was rough to me. *he points to Masanori* Sheepy: Satoru: And he kidnapped me and hurt my family. Arsé-kun: Avenger: Was 'e? And he's a plain ol' guy? Sheepy: Satoru: Yeah. Arsé-kun: Avenger: *he smirks* That's great. I can't do jack to other Heroic Spirits, but to people? Hoooo boy! Lemme dye the tiles crimson for you! Give me the word, Master! Sheepy: Satoru: But if you kill him I won't be able to get home. Arsé-kun: Avenger: Call someone else to you! Let them be your guide t' safety while I commit seppiku via combat! Sheepy: Satoru: Call? Sheepy: Satoru: ... I didn't know I could do that... Arsé-kun: *Masanori decides now is the best time to escape. Move it, gruntos, there he goes* Sheepy: *Satoru focuses very hard and summons Kintaro!* Sheepy: Satoru: Oh! Big bro Kintaro is here!- Sheepy: Kintaro: I'll crush each and every one of you, you monsters! Sheepy: Kintaro: *he whips out his axe. any grunts who want to live should run. Like number #58 or whatever. #28? the two who had personalities and a life* Arsé-kun: *oh, they'll probably get out. #57 and #28 have already exited the scene anyway* Arsé-kun: *anyway, Kintaro is free to splatter blood everywhere* Sheepy: *Which he does!* Sheepy: *Satoru is covering his eyes. Scary.* Arsé-kun: *Avenger just cheers Kintaro on. Glorified cheerleader* Sheepy: *Eventually, Kintaro finishes and turns to the two.* Arsé-kun: Avenger: Coooongratulations! You've probably scarred a child for life! Sheepy: Kintaro:...Eh? Sheepy: Kintaro: What's up with Chief? You didn't scare him, did you? Arsé-kun: Avenger: Oh, sure, blame me! Look at yourself n' then back to me! Sheepy: Kintaro: Speak clearly, I'm dumb. Arsé-kun: Avenger: You've got way more blood on your hands. Sheepy: Kintaro: ... Arsé-kun: Avenger: Don't look so sad! They deserved their fates! Sheepy: Satoru: But... Sheepy: Satoru: They're dead... Arsé-kun: Avenger: Eh. Shit happens Arsé-kun: *Meanwhile, Saku is shoving Tris' face into Golden Bear's fur.* Sheepy: Golden Bear: *grunting* Arsé-kun: Saku: Is it any clearer NOW?? Sheepy: Tristan: *muffled noises* Arsé-kun: Saku: *she pulls him back up* Repeat that? Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, if only it were King Arthur who was ordering me around. Sheepy: Tristan: She would simply ground me as opposed to pulling me around by the hair.... Arsé-kun: Saku: *she lets go of Tristan's hair* Sheepy: Tristan: Certainly, it would be a much better fate than this. Sheepy: Tristan: A bear can smell fear up to forty miles away, or something. Sheepy: Tristan: So why must I force myself to track them? Arsé-kun: Saku: Because you already said you would, and because I want my child back! Sheepy: Tristan: Let us say a gun was put to your head and you were told to do something you did not wish to do. Sheepy: Tristan: Would you be sincere in agreeing to it? Arsé-kun: Andersen: The moral of the story here is not to threaten others into doing things. I'll a-b-c my way out of this situation now. Sheepy: Guin: Tristan. We need your help. Sheepy: Tristan: *he grumbles something and lifts up his harp* ... ...This way. Why do we have to walk? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Taro's said Golden Bear can be anything.. So do we really gotta? Sheepy: Guin: It would be a good idea if we picked up the pace. Sheepy: Guin: Kintaro may be sweet but he's essentially a berserker who's gotten a moment of clarity... I guess that's a way to describe it.... Sheepy: Guin: He could accidentally hurt Satoru is my concern. Sheepy: Golden Bear: *sniff* Sheepy: Tristan: Bear, become a car. Sheepy: *Golden Bear becomes a car.* Sheepy: Tristan: Excellent. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: That worked too! Sheepy: *Tristan sits in the driver's seat* Sheepy: Guin:....... Arsé-kun: Lance: .... Fear. Sheepy: Guin: *lance i dont like this* Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Shotgun! *and he swings into the other front seat* Sheepy: Tristan: Get in. Sheepy: Guin: Tristan, you're blind. Sheepy: Tristan: Yes. Arsé-kun: Saku: I don't feel safe. Sheepy: Tristan: I'm excellent at driving. Sheepy: Ozy:... Arsé-kun: Lance: ... I'll... Backseat drive.. If I have to.. Sheepy: Guin: Yes, good idea. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Hurry up, get in! Who cares who drives? It's not me and I don't have any rider stuff! Sheepy: *Guin gets in with Lance. Ozy hesitantly joins them* Arsé-kun: *And Saku gets in, even more cautiously* Sheepy: *They get going! Either Tristan is a good driver or the bear is doing everything and is taking Tristan's directions.* Arsé-kun: *It's still very uncomfortable for everyone in the back seats* Sheepy: *Somehow everyone survives the trip* Arsé-kun: Lance: ... Ah. Sheepy: Tristan:... ... ... *snore* Sheepy: Guin:...Let's make sure never to let him drive a real car. Sheepy: Tristan:... ... kay, who lied to you saying that you look good in a mullet ... *mumbling* Sheepy: Guin: *she gets out of the car and pulls Tristan out of the front seat.* Sheepy: Ozy: *he stumbles out of the car and gags* Sheepy: Ozy: H..ha! Hahaha! -Hrk. ... Gh. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: You good, Pharaoh? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Or does a big, strong man need to carry you? Sheepy: Ozy: I can carry myself. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Good to know! Sheepy: Ozy: We're going now! Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Fine! Sheepy: *Ozy, visibly flustered, storms in* Sheepy: *Guin, Tristan in arms, follows.* Arsé-kun: *Mephisto laughs and follows. Shut ur mouth* Arsé-kun: *Lance waits for Saku to go, then follows himself* Sheepy: *When they enter, they're greeted by bodies. Many bodies. Some are quesionably alive. Kintaro is trying to cheer up a crying Satoru. Considering the blood on his hands and shirt, it's not working too well.* Arsé-kun: Avenger: Look on the bright side, will ya? Can't hurtcha if they're dying! Sheepy: Satoru: But now he's going to go to jail! Arsé-kun: Avenger: Self-defense via berserker! Just blame me for it n' it'll be peachy! Sheepy: Satoru: But you didn't do anything. Arsé-kun: Avenger: Shhh, shhh! It's my job to be blamed for evil acts! Sheepy: Satoru: But... Arsé-kun: Avenger: Wait! We've got company! *he stands up and holds his arms out* You who approach! Friend or foe? Best be friend, or be slain by everyone's favorite convenient villain! Sheepy: Ozy: It depends if you're going to prevent him from going home. Arsé-kun: Avenger: Do not pick a third option! It is one or the other! Sheepy: Guin: Friend. Arsé-kun: Avenger: Mmmm? We'll see how well that holds up. *he moves aside* Sheepy: Guin: Satoru, we're here. Sheepy: *Satoru doesn't seem to care too much. Dead bodies...* Arsé-kun: Saku: *she seems just as uncomfortable, honestly* Satoru! Lets get you out of here. Sheepy: *Those are the magic words. He shakily joins Saku* Arsé-kun: Mephisto: *he lowers himself down to Satoru's level and pats his head* :) ? Sheepy: Kintaro: W-woah! You're giving me a scary look, Guin...! Arsé-kun: Avenger: Don't give him the heated glare. T'was my doing, after all! This carnage would not have been possible without my supporting actions! Sheepy: Satoru: But you did nothing. Arsé-kun: Avenger: I-I did too..! Sheepy: Satoru: ? Arsé-kun: Avenger: I was... Moral support! Sheepy: Satoru: I see. Arsé-kun: Lance: .... *he grumbles and looks to Kintaro* Sheepy: Kintaro: S-sorry, I just can't stand seein' kids scared... Sheepy: Kintaro: It ain't golden at all. Arsé-kun: Lance: .... *he nods. seems he agrees with you.* Sheepy: Ozy: So, who are you, child? Arsé-kun: Avenger: Me? Sheepy: Ozy: Yes. Arsé-kun: Avenger: I'm able to share that knowledge so freely? Call me Avenger until we're inna more private place. Sheepy: Ozy: ....? Arsé-kun: Avenger: ... That not ringin' any alarm bells? Sheesh. Sheepy: Ozy: No. Sheepy: Ozy: Better question, where is your home? Arsé-kun: Avenger: Mine? Whatever doghouse the little Master dumps me in, of course. Sheepy: Ozy: You've lost me. Arsé-kun: Avenger: *he stoops down to pick up his now-bloodied scripture* Human scum were tryin' to summon a Divine Spirit. Tried to get the little guy to do it. Got me instead! I hope no one expects combat from me! Sheepy: Guin:...I wonder why? Arsé-kun: Avenger: Didn't hear the whys or hows. I just came to the call. Arsé-kun: Avenger: 'less you mean that last bit? 'Cuz I'm the weakest heroic spirit. Really shouldn't expect anythin' from me. Sheepy: Guin: No, why they kidnapped him for that purpose exclusively. Arsé-kun: Avenger: Like I said, missed that bit. Sheepy: Satoru: I don't know. Arsé-kun: Avenger: That guy knows, I'd wager. Arsé-kun: Avenger: Don't worry if you don't know who I mean. I do, and I ain't forgettin. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Arsé-kun: Lance: ... Lets... just go.. Sheepy: Guin: Yes, good idea. Sheepy: Tristan: *mumbling* Arsé-kun: Lance: . .... ..... I'll drive. Sheepy: Guin: Okay. Sheepy: *And so, the group gets home.* Sheepy: Tristan: Sir Lancelot, I had the silliest dream. I was driving a bear car. Arsé-kun: Lance: This car? Sheepy: Tristan: Yes. Arsé-kun: Lance: You did drive it. Sheepy: Tristan: Ah. Sheepy: Tristan: Oh. Sheepy: Tristan: I'll tell Sir Lancelot about this when I awaken - Arsé-kun: Lance: *he tugs Tris' hair* Sheepy: Tristan: ?! Sheepy: Tristan: So I'm not dreaming... Arsé-kun: Lance: That's right. Good evening. *and the helmet goes back on* Sheepy: Tristan: Good evening. Arsé-kun: *Avenger has his face pressed against the window. Productive* Sheepy: Tristan: The wind on my face and the breeze in my hair reminds me of my fateful meeting with my dearest. Sheepy: Ozy: *he's fidgeting uncomfortably* Arsé-kun: Mephisto: ... Soooo! Sheepy: Tristan: But perhaps both of us woild have been better off not meeting one another. I say this, and yet, I cannot bear the thought of losing these memories. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: SOOOO ANYWAY! Sheepy: Satoru: Masanori still thinks we're family. Sheepy: Satoru: And he also got away. Sheepy: Satoru: So he's still a threat, technically. Arsé-kun: Avenger: That his name? I won't forget it. Sheepy: Satoru: Uhuh Arsé-kun: Mephisto: .. So, what's green, has four legs, and would kill you if it jumped out of a tree? Sheepy: Satoru: A table with a temper. Sheepy: Kintaro: A bear. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Shoot! Sheepy: Satoru: Huh? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: You both had valid answers! Sheepy: Satoru: But what is it? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: A pool table. Sheepy: Satoru: Ah. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Okay, okay, better one! Arsé-kun: Mephisto: An Irishman walks out of a bar. He's sober. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: Big Bro Kintaro sometimes goes to bars. Sheepy: Satoru: So does Cu. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: But do they come back sober? Anyway, while that's happening, a man is building a house with bricks, see? Sheepy: Satoru: Sober..Sober... Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Not drunk. Sheepy: Satoru: Ummm.... Sheepy: Satoru: No. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Exactly. Anyhoo! Man, house, bricks. He orders a hundred bricks, but turns out, he only needs ninety-nine! Sheepy: Satoru: Oh. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: So, he throws the last brick into the air. Really hard. So hard it's gone from view. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: That's good. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: But more importantly, how do you put an elephant in the fridge? Sheepy: Satoru: You don't, because elephants live outside, not in the fridge. Sheepy: Satoru: They're happy outside. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Open the door, put the elephant in, and close the door. With that in mind, how do you put a giraffe in the fridge? Sheepy: Satoru: You don't, because giraffes live outside. There's no trees in the fridge, and a giraffe's height compared to a tree is all it has to make itself feel good about itself. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Open the door, take the elephant out, put the giraffe in,, and close the door. Sheepy: Satoru: So without trees, giraffes will slowly succumb to the dread of their lack of purpose in life. Finally they'll come to believe that their only skill is to be tall, and they'll fall into a deep depression. Sheepy: Satoru: Giraffes can't do math and they can't read. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Did you lose your sense of humor? Sheepy: Satoru: Huh? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: I'm telling jokes here! Sheepy: Satoru: I didn't notice. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Now that you know, I'll go on! Sheepy: Satoru: You're still telling jokes? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: I'm not done yet! There's two more to the set! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Have fun. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Will do! So there's gonna be a meeting of all the animals on a plane. Every one has to show up, and everyone does! Except one. Who? Sheepy: Satoru: The first inclination is to say the pilot, but planes technically don't require a pilot anymore. Their courses are set within the computer, and the pilot's only real job is to keep everyone in line and deal with any problems that arise. Sheepy: Satoru: So it really wouldn't be a problem if he left his seat because the computer is doing his job for him anyway. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: The giraffe, because it's still in the fridge! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. That's too bad. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: One more joke and I'll shut up! The giraffe gets let out, and everyone gets on the plane, okay? Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: A doglady brought her kid, who just keeps yapping. This annoys the rhino, who's smoking. "Tell your kid to shut it!" He says. She turns and tells him to put out the cigarette. They fight over this for a bit, ending with her throwing the rhino's cigarette out a window. For the best, I'd suppose, 'cuz smokes on planes are pretty bad. He leans out to try and catch it, and comes back with something- But not his cigarette. What'd he catch? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Other than a cold! Arsé-kun: *Mephisto waits a moment* Arsé-kun: Mephisto: The brick! *he seems proud of himself* I'll be here all week, unfortunately! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: *he huffs* Tough crowd. Arsé-kun: *He did his best, but not really. Those were bad jokes, but he expected more reactions than blank stares. Feels bad man* Sheepy: Satoru: *He sleepily rubs his eyes. he must stay awake.* Arsé-kun: *and now, a timeskip. so they can get Home* Sheepy: Bedi: -Lancelot! Tristan! Arsé-kun: Lance: ...? Sheepy: Bedi: Merlin! Merlin's....! Arsé-kun: Lance: What did he do this time..? Sheepy: Bedi: He's sick! I think! Arsé-kun: Mephisto: No wonder he looked nearly as pale as me! Sheepy: Bedi: That's not the point! The point is that I don't know what to do! Arsé-kun: Lance: .... Yelling.. Sheepy: Bedi: I'm sorry. I- I lost my composure. Arsé-kun: Lance: *he puts a hand on Bedi's shoulder. everything is okay* ... Where.. Is he? Sheepy: Bedi: Follow me. Arsé-kun: *bedi is followed* Sheepy: *Bedi brings everyone to Merlin.* Arsé-kun: Merlin: *he looks downright miserable. even his whiskers are wilting a bit* Sheepy: Bedi: I - uh - I brought them, in case they could help. Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... *he glances over* ... *and shakes his head* Sheepy: Bedi: Then what can I do? I don't know what's wrong with you. I don't know how to help. Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... Mana. *his voice sounds dry, and he coughs after speaking* Sheepy: Tristan: How can we give you mana? Arsé-kun: Merlin: .... ..... It's Me. .. What do you.. think? Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, I'll call the funeral house. Arsé-kun: Merlin: .. n' don't order flowers. Sheepy: *Tristan receives a punch to the back of the head. By Airgetlam.* Arsé-kun: Merlin: 'Ey! Sheepy: Bedi: *he huffs, but turns his attention to Merlin* I don't have much to offer, but I could try to help. Sheepy: Tristan: ... ... ... Arsé-kun: Merlin: You did. ... How many times? .. I've already forgotten. Sheepy: Bedi: Yes, but.... Arsé-kun: Merlin: .. Don't want to drain you dry. *he coughs again* Or.. anyone else. Sheepy: Bedi: But you need it. Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... 'm not feeling up to it. Sheepy: Bedi: ... Sheepy: Bedi: You're really that bad off? Arsé-kun: Merlin: .... m-hm. Sheepy: Bedi: I was hoping maybe it was a situation where they could help, but-... I can call Dr. Roman, would that help? Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... *he shrugs* Sheepy: Bedi: Here-just-sit tight, I'll call him. I'm sorry, Lancelot, I didn't think this through. Sheepy: Tristan: Ah...my head...my head... Arsé-kun: Lance: ... *he lightly smacks Bedi upside the head, and gestures to Tristan* Sheepy: Bedi: *He gives Lancelot a frustrated expression* Arsé-kun: Lance: You did this. Sheepy: Tristan: No... no... it's okay.... Sheepy: Tristan: My life isn't worth anything anyway... Sheepy: Tristan: If I happen to die from this, nobody would even care. Arsé-kun: Lance: *he makes a frustrated growl* Sheepy: Bedi: *Unfortunately for both of them, Bedi only cares about one thing right now: saving Merlin. He gives Lance a nasty look and goes to call Dr. Roman* Sheepy: Tristan: My best friend hates me now... Sheepy: Tristan: ...Perhaps. If I had not said those things back then, our downfall would have never happened. But would we be happier? Would he hate me now...? Sheepy: Tristan: My head feels heavy...and I think I'm bleeding. Sheepy: Tristan: Although... if I had not said those things... Arsé-kun: Lance: ... Shhhut up. Sheepy: Tristan: The only ones who would be servants would be Sir Lancelot and King Arthur. Perhaps Sir Gawain as well. Sheepy: Tristan: So then... Sir Bedivere would have never hooked up with Merlin... and thus he would've never punched me in the head. Sheepy: Tristan: In conclusion, my pessimism is why we are all here today. Sheepy: Tristan: You're welcome. Sheepy: Tristan: *mumbling* Sheepy: Bedi: -I called him. Sheepy: Tristan: Although technically our mothers and the timing of their hook-ups with our fathers are why we exist. Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... Blame me. Sheepy: Tristan: Since the timing is important. Arsé-kun: Lance: .. mmmmmhm. Sheepy: Bedi: What's he going on about now...? There's nothing to blame you for, Merlin. Sheepy: Tristan: Although, I suppose Queen Guinevere's father forcing her into a marriage she didn't want could contribute to it... Sheepy: Tristan: Especially with King Arthur. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Wouldn't've happened if I didn't. Sheepy: Bedi: Is this really the time to be discussing this? Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... Why not..? Sheepy: Bedi: Because you're sick? Arsé-kun: Merlin: n' Tristan is bleeding out. Lancelot's frustrated *cough, cough, wheeze* n' yur bein' a shit. Sheepy: Bedi:... Arsé-kun: Merlin: Who's this guy? Where's the Bedi that doesn't hit people? Sheepy: Bedi:..... Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, the temperature in the room dropped. Arsé-kun: Merlin: .... ... Bedivere, do leave. Take them with you. Sheepy: Bedi: Look- I called Dr. Roman. If leaving is what you want from me, that's fine. I'll come back when you need me. Sheepy: *Bedi picks up Tristan and looks to Lancelot. are you coming?* Arsé-kun: Merlin: *he pulls the blanket up and rolls over. Discussion Over* Arsé-kun: *Lance is absolutely following* Sheepy: *Bedi leaves and drops Tristan off on the nearest sofa* Arsé-kun: *Lance stares. Pressing X to disapprove* Sheepy: Tristan: I want my best friend baaaaack~ Sheepy: Tristan: He's gooooneee.... Sheepy: Tristan: And soon Lancelot will leave me too... Arsé-kun: *Lance responds by sitting down on the floor* Sheepy: Tristan: And then I'll be all alone.... *There's tears streaming down his face, but he's still got that relaxed expression he usually has...* Sheepy: Tristan: What will I do then...? Sheepy: Tristan: Lancelot, please don't leave me all alone. Arsé-kun: Lance: mmm not. Sheepy: Tristan: That's what Bedivere said. Sheepy: Tristan: And Bedivere never broke his promises. Ever. Sheepy: Tristan: But... he did this time. Sheepy: Tristan: ....So, what can I believe? Arsé-kun: Lance: .... Not me. Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, so you'll leave too.. Arsé-kun: Lance: Non. Sheepy: Tristan: But...you just said... Arsé-kun: Lance: ... How much control do you think I have over myself..? Sheepy: Tristan: I don't know. Arsé-kun: Lance: *he raises his arm.. And punches the floor. That definitely left a mark* Not enough! Sheepy: Tristan: Ah... that's what happened to my skull. Arsé-kun: Lance: Oui. Sheepy: Tristan: It still hurts. Arsé-kun: Lance: Why wouldn't it? Sheepy: Tristan: Because my best friend hit me... Sheepy: Tristan: And my emotions hurt more.... Sheepy: Tristan: *Sob* Arsé-kun: Lance: .... *he sighs and stays put* Sheepy: Cu: ...Why is he bleeding on the sofa? Sheepy: Tristan: My best friend punched me. Sheepy: Cu: That doesn't sound like a good friend. *He plops down next to Lance* Did you do this? *He gestures to the hole* Sheepy: Tristan: That's what Bedivere did to my skull... Sheepy: Cu: Again, that really doesn't sound like friend material. Social stuff isn't my forte, but get your bleeding to stop and then we'll discuss your bad friend. And you, did you put a hole in the floor? Sheepy: Tristan: I don't want pity...I just want him to come back... my heart yearns for my good friend, the one who supported me no matter what, the forgiving friend, the one who stayed with me through the worst of times... Sheepy: Tristan: It calls for the friend who understood me despite our differences, was kind no matter the situation, who showed more love and compassion than any knight to make up the difference of strength... Where has he gone? I feel lost without the one who gave me the encouraging words I needed, the one who warmed my cold, lonely heart despite me accidentally hurting his brother, the understanding one who never gave up on anyone. Sheepy: Cu: I'm not asking you. Arsé-kun: Lance: ....... I sure did. Arsé-kun: Lance: ... Lost temper for a moment. Sheepy: Cu: Well, just be ready for when that obnoxious red archer decides to drag you into repairs. Sheepy: Cu: Anyway, I can hear his crying from over there, so what can I do to make him stop crying? Arsé-kun: Lance: *he shrugs* Sheepy: Cu: Well, will someone explain what's going on so I can deal with it? Arsé-kun: Lance: ... Wizard's sick. *he huffs* Bedivere's panicking. Arsé-kun: Lance: ... Bedivere overreacted, hit Tristan. Arsé-kun: Lance: And Merlin kicked us out. For the best.. I suppose. Sheepy: Cu: Well, here's the plan. Sheepy: Cu: This guy isn't going to stop crying until this Bedivere apologizes, right? Arsé-kun: Lance: ... I doubt even that will stop it. Sheepy: Cu: Really? Arsé-kun: Lance: ... He'd cry out of happiness afterwards. Sheepy: Cu: But at least that has an end. Sheepy: Cu: This obviously doesn't. Sheepy: Cu: A hit to the head won't kill the man, since he's a servant. It might rattle his brains and stain the sofa, but otherwise it's nothing to be concerned about. Sheepy: Cu: All the same, it can potentially be used to exploit Bedivere's empathy. Sheepy: Cu: So we could maybe manipulate him with a "look at what you did" scenario...? Sheepy: Cu: Although... Sheepy: Cu: If he inflicted it, he's not going to feelbad until much later. Arsé-kun: Lance: .. M-hm. I did that already. It didn't work. Sheepy: Cu: Which is another few hours of me hearing this guy cry, which is unacceptable. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Ten more minutes will be unacceptable. Sheepy: Cu: Exactly! Sheepy: Tristan: *sob* Everyone hates me... Arsé-kun: Mozart: No one said that. I'd have certainly heard if it was said. Sheepy: Tristan: It wasn't said, it was acted upon.. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Why would I like you crying? That means something bad and shitty has happened- Which it has, I heard. Sheepy: Tristan: Bedivere punched me. Sheepy: Tristan: He's my best friend. Arsé-kun: Mozart: He does seem to be in sour spirits. Sheepy: Tristan: He's only punched me one other time. Sheepy: Tristan: The last time he punched me.. Sheepy: Tristan:... Sheepy: Tristan:...Perhaps...he knows something I don't? Sheepy: Tristan: Ah! If only I had a heart! Sir Lancelot could give me a quick death! Arsé-kun: Lance: Could, but won't. Sheepy: Tristan: Even if I requested it? Arsé-kun: Lance: I refuse. Sheepy: Tristan: Even if I gave you pocket lint in return? Arsé-kun: Lance: *he sighs* Even then. Sheepy: Tristan: You're certainly cruel, Sir Lancelot. The day may come where you have no choice. Arsé-kun: Lance: And that's either due to my own faults, or.. Something else. Sheepy: Tristan:... Sheepy: Tristan: Sir Bedivere did it for me. Sheepy: Tristan: So...why won't you? Arsé-kun: Lance: Do you want a real answer to that? Sheepy: Tristan: Yes. Sheepy: Cu: *He goes off to find Bedi meanwhile* Arsé-kun: Lance: Because I've already killed enough people. Sheepy: Tristan: I'm not a person. I'm something less than that. Arsé-kun: Mozart: :< Sheepy: Cu: *He gently shoves Bedi (?) into the room.* Go on. Apologize for what you did. Sheepy: Bedi?: Eh?! Arsé-kun: Mozart: That's not Bedivere. Sheepy: Cu: It looks like him. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Sounds different. Sheepy: Cu: But it's the same face and everything. *He tugs on Lucan's cheek* Then who are you? Sheepy: Lucan: You work with me! I have two arms! Arsé-kun: Lance: ... Lucan. Sheepy: Lucan: Yes? Arsé-kun: Lance: Good to see you. *he picks his helmet up. Hello* Sheepy: Lucan: *He looks to Tristan, opens his mouth, and closes it.* Sheepy: Tristan: I understand now.... Arsé-kun: Lance: No, it wasn't him, Tristan. Sheepy: Tristan: He sent you to gaze upon my cracked skull, to laugh as I bleed out. Sheepy: Tristan: He's getting vengeance. Sheepy: Lucan: Actually, I was just going for a jog. Arsé-kun: Mozart: ... I hear something above us. Sheepy: Tristan: It's death.... Arsé-kun: Mozart: No, that's a regular. Sheepy: Lucan: That's probably Bedi. Sheepy: Lucan: When he gets upset he goes to high places to relax since nobody will see him there. Sheepy: Lucan: He also said something along the lines of high places making everything seem small, so his problems come to seem small too. Sheepy: Tristan: Bedivere punched me... Sheepy: Lucan: Knowing Bedi, I'm sure it was completely justified. Sheepy: Lucan: So am I still needed or can I go? Arsé-kun: Lance: You can go, certainly. Sheepy: *Lucan heads out* Arsé-kun: Lance: Give it another shot, Cu. Maybe this time go upwards. Sheepy: Cu: Fine. Sheepy: *Cu leaves again to get Bedi* Arsé-kun: Mozart: I'm predicting he falls off the roof first. Sheepy: *There's a faint scream from Cu. You predicted right.* Arsé-kun: Mozart: I hate that I was correct. Arsé-kun: Mozart: I can't believe Lancer is dead again. Arsé-kun: Mozart: He was a good man, a loyal man, and the goodest boy. Arsé-kun: Mozart: *he's not sure if he's doing this right, but he trucks on anyways* Arsé-kun: Mozart: He may not have always come when he was called, but he never left a hand unshook and guarded his master with his life. Arsé-kun: Mozart: He did some other things, too. It's too bad that gravity was his downfall this week. Sheepy: Cu: -I'LL KILL YOU! Sheepy: Cu: *He leaps in, a very confused Bedi under his arm* Sheepy: Cu: I'M NO DOG! Sheepy: Bedi: ...What's going on? *He sounds exhausted...* Sheepy: Cu: You! *He drops Bedi* Need to apologize to the red-head over there so he stops crying! Sheepy: Bedi: ...Um. Tristan- Sheepy: Tristan: Do you hate me? Sheepy: Bedi: No! No, no! That's not what's going on at all! I, uh- I can't really justify punching you, and it was terrible of me to do so. I'm sorry. I know an apology won't make it up, so let me do something for you later. Oh. I could cook for you- Sheepy: Tristan: Please don't. Sheepy: Tristan: But- *sob* Sheepy: Bedi: *he rushes to Tristan's side* What is it? Sheepy: Tristan: My best friend! Doesn't hate me! *He embraces Bedi* Joy fills my very soul! Bedivere...! Arsé-kun: Mozart: ... I'm sorry, Cu, I had to make sure you were alive somehow. *he smiles a little* I also wanted to see if that was as fun as it seemed. Sheepy: Cu: If you want to see if it's fun, I can shove you off the roof. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Please don't. I don't come with Guts. Sheepy: Cu: Then what are you full of, fluff? Sheepy: Bedi: You can let go now... Sheepy: Tristan: *sob* Arsé-kun: Mozart: Not that kind of guts! Sheepy: Cu: Ah, that. Sheepy: Cu: -And you! Stop crying already! It's resolved! Sheepy: Tristan: *sob* Sheepy: Bedi:...Is that what you got me for? Tristan just cries until he feels tired and can't cry anymore. Sheepy: Bedi: And the moment he's up to crying again, chances are he'll start up again. Arsé-kun: Lance: ... Bedivere. Sheepy: Bedi: I've already apologized. Arsé-kun: Lance: Not that. Arsé-kun: Lance: Is it just me, or do we seem to be getting... ah.. Arsé-kun: Lance: .. Irritable.. When around Merlin? Sheepy: Bedi:..... Arsé-kun: Lance: ... I'm just saying! Sheepy: Bedi: *He smiles* I don't know what you're talking about. *He's definitely hiding something...* Arsé-kun: Lance: Don't make me punt you. Sheepy: Bedi:... Sheepy: Bedi: It's probably got to do with him being half-incubus. Arsé-kun: Lance: .... I suppose that's a point. *he gestures to the hole he made* But it caused this. Arsé-kun: Lance: I lost my temper. Sheepy: Bedi: No, he's probably taking mana from you. Sheepy: Bedi: Your Master gives you mana. Arsé-kun: Lance: ... ... *he considers this* Sheepy: Bedi: Ours does not. I was getting mine from Merlin. Sheepy: Bedi: Merlin is running out. So am I. Arsé-kun: Mozart: And on top of this was earlier today. I'd like to suggest to that adding to our dour atmosphere. Sheepy: Bedi: So potentially his body is trying to keep Merlin alive. Sheepy: Bedi: Whether he likes the method or not. Sheepy: Bedi:...Of course. Sheepy: Bedi: When a servant runs out of mana, it's.. Arsé-kun: Lance: Awful. I've been through that experience. Sheepy: Bedi:... It can't kill them, right? Arsé-kun: Lance: *he frowns. there's your answer, along with a hesitant grunt* Sheepy: Bedi:... Sheepy: Bedi: I- I think I'll go sit down. Arsé-kun: Lance: *he pats the floor next to him, where the hole Isn't* Sheepy: *Bedi sits next to Lance* Sheepy: *Bedi eventually leans towards Lance. Bedi why* Arsé-kun: Lance: ... *he puts an arm on Bedi's shoulders* Sheepy: Tristan: *he wants attention too* Arsé-kun: Lance: *this is Fine* Sheepy: Lobo: *he trots in, head raised high (and an unfortunate Dr. Roman dangling from Lobo's mouth by the collar of his coat) and tail wagging. He drops Dr. Roman in front of Lancelot and proceeds to scratch himself with his back leg.* Arsé-kun: Lance: ... Thank you, Lobo. Sheepy: Lobo: *yawn* Sheepy: Lobo: *he sniffs at Dr. Roman. Is he still alive?* Arsé-kun: Roman: .. *he's alive, but rather shook. Give him a moment* Arsé-kun: Roman: Is that how I'm going to be greeted every time, Lobo..?? Sheepy: Lobo: *he nudges Roman with his snout* Sheepy: Lobo: *His tail is still wagging...* Arsé-kun: Roman: Th-thanks.. Sheepy: Lobo: *boof* Arsé-kun: Roman: *he pats Lobo* Sheepy: Tristan: Merlin needed you. Sheepy: Tristan: Sir Bedivere needed you too, as much as he was not bringing it up, but Merlin needs you more. Arsé-kun: Lance: Hold on just a moment. Merlin can wait another minute. Arsé-kun: Lance: Are you still bleeding, or did it finally stop? Sheepy: Tristan: My blood is no matter - whether it is being spilled or not pales in comparison to my friend's problems. Sheepy: Tristan: But yes. I am. Arsé-kun: Roman: Let me see. Sheepy: Tristan: *He blankly "stares" in Roman's direction* Arsé-kun: *and Romani approaches Tristan instead* Sheepy: *Tristan is okay with this.* Arsé-kun: *Roman busts out the Heals. Was it magic? Was it machinery? idk idc what matters is that the wound has been Healed. tris' hair remains Untouched* Sheepy: Tristan: Now, go forth, hero, go and rescue the court jester. Arsé-kun: Lance: what Sheepy: Tristan: ... Sheepy: Tristan: Go forth. Rescue the court jester. *He points to Merlin's room* Arsé-kun: Lance: Ah. Arsé-kun: Roman: I should ask first, but how sick is he? Bedivere wasn't very clear about it. Retching sick, fainting sick, can't update his show for a month sick, dying sick, what is it? Sheepy: Tristan: Ah. Bedivere mentioned something about Merlin having no mana. Sheepy: Tristan: He also mentioned that he was getting mana from Merlin and not his Master. Arsé-kun: Roman: Eh? That's a whole different brand of sick! So it's the last one! Arsé-kun: Roman: Is it even safe to go in there? Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, it made Sir Bedivere punch me with his Airgetlam. Sheepy: Tristan: Hence the bleeding. Arsé-kun: Roman: So it's not? Sheepy: Tristan: Would you let him die just because you're a coward? Arsé-kun: Roman: !! Arsé-kun: Roman: I'm a coward but I'm not about to let that happen..! *away he goes, tossing all precaution to the wind. good going, tristan* Sheepy: Tristan: Goodbye, rest in peace. Arsé-kun: Lance: .... If something happens, whose job is it to clean up? Sheepy: Tristan: Not mine. It's yours. Arsé-kun: Lance: Okay. Arsé-kun: Mozart: ... If you two wish to do something other than stay put, you may. I'm keeping an ear out for any happenings, and I believe a movie is being put on downstairs. Sheepy: Tristan: Ah. Arsé-kun: Lance: Uh. Sheepy: Tristan: Sir Lancelot. What do you plan to do? Arsé-kun: Lance: To be honest? I'm not quite sure. Sheepy: Tristan: I never have good ideas. Arsé-kun: Lance: You've got more ideas than I. Do share. Sheepy: Tristan: Let's go off into the sunset and achieve our dreams upon Lobo's back. Sheepy: Lobo: *he flops over* Arsé-kun: Lance: Poetic. But Lobo doesn't seem to approve. Sheepy: Tristan: That's too bad. Sheepy: Tristan: Let's watch what they're watching downstairs. Sheepy: Bedi: *mumbling* Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, genius idea. Arsé-kun: Lance: ???????? Sheepy: Tristan: Your input has shattered my view of the world. Sheepy: Tristan: I haven't a clue what he said. Sheepy: Tristan: But I'm sure it's groundbreaking. Arsé-kun: Lance: Neither do I. Lets put him to bed and then join them, yes. Sheepy: Tristan: Excellent idea. Arsé-kun: Lance: You'll have to get off of me, then. Sheepy: Tristan:... *he hesitantly shifts off of Lance* Arsé-kun: *This allows Lance to pick up Bedivere and stand up* Sheepy: Bedi: *he doesn't stir. he's still sleeptalking occasionally. maybe about past events?* Arsé-kun: *It's not worth worrying about, Lance decides. He opts to ignore it and drops Bedi off* Sheepy: Tristan: *The moment Lance drops Bedi off, he leaps into Lance's arms* Arsé-kun: Lance: .... *he sighs and catches Tristan* Sir Tristan, with all due respect, why are you this way? Sheepy: Tristan: My body is cold but your friendship is warm. Sheepy: Tristan: Together we're like a depressed ice cream sundae. Arsé-kun: Lance: That's the nicest thing you've said all day. Sheepy: Tristan: Thank you. Sheepy: Tristan: I understand now, why my instincts brought me here. I assumed it was because of her house, but I believe now it was the strength of our bond calling to me. Arsé-kun: Lance: Perhaps so. Sheepy: Tristan: Now, let us join the party. We two will stand together even in the most socially awkward scenarios. Sheepy: Cu: -You should've gone WallE, Kiddo! You should've gone WallE! Sheepy: Satoru: She looks nice. I like her. Sheepy: Cu: She's killing people!! Sheepy: Tristan: Hm? Arsé-kun: Lance: Sounds lovely. Sheepy: Tristan: Yes. Sheepy: Satoru: Hmm.. Maybe I should've chosen WallE... Sheepy: Cu: Yes, yes! Let's watch that! Now! Arsé-kun: Andersen: I suppose I can find a well written synopsis about this instead. Sheepy: Satoru: We can keep watching if you want. Sheepy: Cu: No, no! Sheepy: Cu: Let's watch WallE! Or Monster's Inc! Or literally any of the other pixar movies you asked me to buy you and then you never watched them! Sheepy: Satoru:... Sheepy: Satoru: Toy Story 4. Sheepy: Cu: First of all, we haven't watched the first three, and second of all, that won't even be out for another year at least. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay, let's keep watching this then. Sheepy: Cu: *groan* Arsé-kun: Andersen: Hey, what the hell? Is that a jawbone? Sheepy: Satoru: Uhuh. Arsé-kun: Andersen: Hm. Maybe it's good that I got this movie. Sheepy: Satoru: Why? Arsé-kun: Andersen: Minako would enjoy it. Somehow. Sheepy: Satoru: Oh. Arsé-kun: Andersen: Would, if we could keep track of what was happening. Sheepy: Satoru: It's confusing. Arsé-kun: Andersen: Very Sheepy: Cu: I hate it... Arsé-kun: Andersen: You can leave anytime. It's not like Satoru doesn't have supervision. Sheepy: *Cu dashes out.* Arsé-kun: Andersen: It's like you'd expect the murder machine of Ireland to have a tolerance. Sheepy: Satoru: He doesn't like them because it gives him nightmares. Arsé-kun: Andersen: Hm. Arsé-kun: Andersen: .. Lets just finish this. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Arsé-kun: Lance: ... *he looks to Tris* I don't get the appeal of these kinds of things. Sheepy: Tristan: I don't either. Sheepy: Satoru: Uncle Lance is here. Arsé-kun: Lance: Yes, I am. Sheepy: Satoru: That's good. Thank you for helping me earlier. Arsé-kun: Lance: You're very welcome. Sakura was... Very persuasive about us coming along. Sheepy: Satoru: I thanked her already. Sheepy: Satoru: But I'll make sure to thank her for that too. Arsé-kun: Lance: *he nods and glances to the tv. shits going Down* oh Sheepy: Satoru: It's okay. It can't hurt you. Arsé-kun: Lance: Good to know. I still remember the bogart from months ago. Sheepy: Satoru: I don't know what you're talking about... Sheepy: Ozy: *he pops up from behind the couch* Hm? It's still going on? Sheepy: *One of the sphinx kittens mewls. Seems like he was playing with his kittens instead of watching the movie.* Arsé-kun: Andersen: I think it's almost over. ... I think. Sheepy: Ozy: *he slides down the back of the couch again* Arsé-kun: *and then the dvd glitches out and starts the movie over.* Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, something doesn't feel right. Arsé-kun: Andersen: I thought that was part of the movie for a moment. Sheepy: Tristan: Is it? Arsé-kun: Andersen: No. The clock on the player reset. Sheepy: Tristan: Is that normal? Arsé-kun: Andersen: No. Sheepy: Tristan: Ah. Sheepy: Satoru: That's too bad. Let's watch... Sheepy: Satoru:... Sheepy: Satoru: Uhhmmm... Arsé-kun: Andersen: Not that again. Someone take the dvd out. I can't reach. Sheepy: *Satoru goes and takes the DVD out* Sheepy: Ozy: *he pokes his head over the back of the sofa again* Arsé-kun: Andersen: What have I not seen yet... *he looks over the stack of DVDs. Wall-E is on top, and it forces him to GET UP to look at it* Sheepy: Satoru: I can't reach WallE and Cu is gone Arsé-kun: Andersen: I've got it. Sheepy: Satoru:? Sheepy: Satoru: Ozy- Sheepy: Ozy: No. Arsé-kun: Andersen: *he whistles* C'mere, dog! Sheepy: Cu: -THIS IS THE LAST TIME ANYONE IS GOING TO CALL ME A DOG! Sheepy: Cu: *he busts into the room, gae bolg in hand* GIVE ME YOUR FROZEN, ROTTING HEART YOU LIL BRAT! Arsé-kun: Andersen: But you still came. Good boy. We're putting the pixar flick on. Sheepy: Satoru: *he gently pats Cu* Good dog. Sheepy: Cu: Kiddo, I'm no dog! Sheepy: Satoru: But I called for a pet dog and you came. Arsé-kun: Andersen: And sure, take my heart. I'll just end up like heartless over here. Then again, nothing would change. Sheepy: Satoru: And then I called again and Lobo came. Sheepy: Tristan: Me? Arsé-kun: Andersen: Yes, you. Sheepy: Cu: *he storms over and grabs WallE* This? Sheepy: Tristan:... Arsé-kun: Andersen: Yes. Sheepy: Tristan: It's cold... not having a heart. Sheepy: Cu: *he hands WallE to Andersen* Sheepy: Satoru: Watch WallE with us. Sheepy: Cu: I just started something... Arsé-kun: Andersen: I already intended to. And that's a shame. Sheepy: Cu: ...Alright, fine. Move over, mopey. Sheepy: Tristan: *he moves an inch* Sheepy: Cu: *he plops down onto Tristan's leg* Sheepy: Tristan: Why. Arsé-kun: Andersen: You deserved that. Sheepy: Tristan: I was comfortable... Sheepy: Tristan: But I understand. Arsé-kun: Lance: *he kinda just rolls his eyes* Sheepy: Tristan: My feelings hold no worth. Sheepy: Tristan: I am just a piece of furniture. Arsé-kun: Lance: You stop that Sheepy: Tristan: That's how I'm being treated, so it must be accurate. Arsé-kun: *and eventually, they get settled and the movie goes On* Sheepy: Satoru: *He's interested in the movie* Arsé-kun: *Thankfully for everyone else, it's not scary.* Sheepy: *Always a bonus!* Sheepy: Tristan:....*his head droops some* Sheepy: *Ozy and one of the kittens are watching too!* Sheepy: Cu: *And he has relaxed.* Arsé-kun: *Andersen has Shut up, and Lancelot has also calmed down a fair bit* Arsé-kun: *and now, skipping the movie because we're not sitting here for over an hour* Sheepy: Satoru: I liked it. Arsé-kun: *Andersen has covered his face with his sleeves* Sheepy: Satoru: Do you need to sneeze? Arsé-kun: Andersen: Nooo.. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Arsé-kun: Andersen: That was... *he sniffs* Surprisingly well done.. Sheepy: Satoru: Are you crying? It's okay. Arsé-kun: Andersen: N-no! I-I'd never! Sheepy: Satoru: Oh. Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: Well, if you want to cry, that's okay. Crying is good for you. Sheepy: Cu: Aren't you glad you chose a pixar movie, kiddo? Sheepy: Satoru: I like the cockroach. Arsé-kun: Lance: If my opinion's of any value, I think this was preferable. Sheepy: Tristan: Yes. Arsé-kun: *Lancelot has been Validated. Feels good man* Sheepy: Satoru: I liked the robot. Arsé-kun: Lancelot: Which one? Sheepy: Satoru: WallE. Sheepy: Tristan: WallE is a robot? Sheepy: Satoru: Yes. Sheepy: Tristan: What's a robot? Arsé-kun: Andersen: Now he asks..! Sheepy: Tristan: Well? Arsé-kun: Andersen: A machine! A robot is a machine! Sheepy: Tristan: Is it? Arsé-kun: Andersen: Yes! Sheepy: Tristan: Well. Sheepy: Tristan: Machines aren't alive, so how are robots? Arsé-kun: Andersen: It's.. Questionable. Arsé-kun: *We now return to our regular program. Thank you for your patience* Arsé-kun: *Merlin snaps awake and quickly sits up in bed. Where is he? How long has it been? What's going on? He has no immediate answers for any of these questions. His attention is, instead, placed on how sore he feels. He must have been lying down for a long time.* Arsé-kun: *He takes his time getting up- his legs feel as heavy as stone, while his eyes haven't yet adjusted to the dim light. Even shifting his weight causes his body to ache, as if reminding him of his age. He groans and slowly stands up, only to fall a moment later onto the hard wood floor.* Arsé-kun: *He pauses and feels the floor with both hands. It doesn't feel right to him. Nowhere in the house was this specific kind of flooring, with so much magic inside that it was nearly sparking at the touch. The only place he'd ever seen that in was...* Arsé-kun: *"This better not be Avalon," Merlin growls to himself, getting back on his feet. He raises his hands, clearing his throat as he does. He hopes this doesn't work. "Avalon, online!" he yells, clapping his hands twice, "Start this party up!" To his object horror, countless screens turn on around him, various colors giving the room a kaleidoscopic appearance. He sinks back to his knees as a mechanical voice begins to drone about multiple statuses and updates. He doesn't need to listen- Merlin knows that if his conscious is here, then the projection of himself must have died...* Sheepy: Bedi: -What do you mean he's "dead"?! He's not! This must be another one of his pranks! He's pulled this sort of thing in the past! Arsé-kun: Roman: Are you a doctor?! Oh, you know better? Educate me, oh mighty smiter! Sheepy: Bedi: I don't care what your status is! I refuse to believe you! Sheepy: Bedi: Merlin would not just up and die on me! He just wouldn't! Sheepy: Bedi: And! If my only worth is to kill your enemies, I think I'd know when someone was dead! Arsé-kun: Roman: Then go ahead and check. *he manages to rein in his temper, but he's still fuming* Teach me something that God hasn't by now. Sheepy: Bedi: F-fine, I will. Sheepy: Bedi: *He enters Merlin's room* Sheepy: Bedi:.... Sheepy: Bedi: *...and he exits.* Sheepy: *And he plops onto the floor near Merlin's room* Arsé-kun: Roman: ... *he joins Bedi, taking out his phone and glancing elsewhere* Sheepy: Bedi:....I suppose I always knew it had to end up this way. Arsé-kun: Roman: mmmm-hm. Death isn't really something you look forward to. *he's.. typing. is this more important, Romani?* Sheepy: Bedi: He was good to leave me one way or another. ... ... Sheepy: Bedi: *he buries his face in his hands.* Sheepy: Bedi: So why does it hurt so much...? Arsé-kun: Roman: Because it's hard to part with loved ones. Look on the bright side, uh.. ... .... Uhm. Sheepy: Bedi: I thought I was mentally prepared for it- b-but the last thing he told me was to leave his room. I'd lost my temper with Sir Tristan and I'd disappointed him... In my last moments with him, I disappointed him. Sheepy: Bedi: *he laughs bitterly* King Arthur...now Merlin...that's just how my last meetings with my loved ones will be. Sheepy: Bedi: There's no bright side to this.... Arsé-kun: Roman: Ouch. That's pretty heavy stuff you've just dumped right there. *"Please help me, internet idols, I'm never prepared for this." He may have said that last bit out loud. Maybe* Sheepy: Bedi:.... Arsé-kun: Roman: .... I said that out loud, didn't I? Arsé-kun: Roman: Bright side! You're not a bigger disappointment like me! Sheepy: Bedi:.... Sheepy: Bedi: *sob* Sheepy: Bedi: What if he died hating me? Arsé-kun: Roman: Why would he? Does Merlin hate anyone? Sheepy: Bedi: ...I don't know. Arsé-kun: Roman: ... Yeah, me neither. Arsé-kun: *Then, both Roman and Bedi's phones buzz. Notification!* Sheepy: Bedi: Ugh, what is it? Sheepy: *Bedi checks.* Arsé-kun: *It's a message from F0V, MagiMari's automated update bot. A new video will be going online shortly!* Sheepy: Bedi: Now is not the time! Arsé-kun: Roman: Talk about bad timing. Arsé-kun: *Both phones buzz again. Another message?* Sheepy: Bedi: *he checks, visibly irritated* Arsé-kun: F0V: [text] You have been selected to receive a private video that will not be going on air! This video has been marked as Urgent, so please make some time to watch! Sheepy: Bedi: ...... Sheepy: Bedi: Of course, Merlin's silly pranks start happening now. Arsé-kun: Roman: I've never seen this notification before. I'll check it anyway, just in case. Sheepy: Bedi: I don't check it, ever. I'm a part of the development process, so I never need to. Arsé-kun: Roman: I'm not, as much as I'd like to be! *and now, we wait for the video to LOAD* Sheepy: *Bedi also checks.* Arsé-kun: *The video loads far faster for Bedi. Probably because he has the wifi. The video immediately opens to Merlin looking worried as he adjusts the camera. He's not even in costume. Didn't even Try* Sheepy: Bedi: ...? Arsé-kun: Video Merlin: ... Oh, screw it. It doesn't need a billion anything. *he lets go of the camera and leans towards it* Problem! I'm recording from Avalon! *he pauses, to let that sink in* And I don't wanna be here! I can't communicate any other way! Bedi, babe, I'll be back as soon as I can! And Doc, there's no way Bedi's gonna watch this on his own. You're gonna see it first, so bug him, aye? *another pause, as he twirls his hair* My projection died. That mana cutoff seems to have cut me off from Avalon, and doing that forced me back here. Sheepy: Bedi: !? Arsé-kun: Video Merlin: You get to throw me in the trash! .. Well, the dead one. It'll just burst into flowers anyway, so who cares? Uh.. Uhhhhhh.. Right, getting back, I'm.. Not too sure how to manage this? I'll work on it! Just.. 'S all fine, not dead, absolutely gonna record a few while I'm here. Sheepy: Bedi: But it's not fine! Arsé-kun: *Bedi doesn't get a reply. It's a prerecorded video, silly* Arsé-kun: Video Merlin: .... I get the feeling I'd be getting yelled at by about now! About being more focused on work than anything, probably. Arsé-kun: Video Merlin: Iiii've already missed the prime time for beast-style magics, so I really do gotta wait a while. Doc, don't ask, I am not explaining my secrets. Fight me on it later! Speaking of, I'm absolutely doing that shark skit and no one can stop me! *he's trying to grin and seem fine, but his body language says otherwise* It's not like I'll be lonely or.. Anything.. Sheepy: Bedi:...? Arsé-kun: Video Merlin: Bedi, pal, bud. Don't do anything dumb? At least, not without me? Like, do who you want if you want, but nothing outrageous till I'm back! N' Doc, don't tell Chaldea. No one needs to know! It's just a... Momentary hiccup! Sheepy: Bedi:.... Arsé-kun: Video Merlin: If anyone asks, I just got a bad cold and needed a bit of time off! A really bad one! Arsé-kun: Video Merlin: Wait. Uh, no. The house can know I'm having. Projection problems? I don't think the Servant bond is broken at least! At least let Eiji know I can't make it to work! Sheepy: Bedi: And what am I supposed to do without you? Arsé-kun: Video Merlin: Because my bed is full of dead flowers, and I'm too busy goofing off in a tower! Little Merlin things! Sheepy: Bedi:.... I don't understand, what happened? Arsé-kun: Video Merlin: I'll post more like this if anything comes up! Don't worry too much, sit back, and Doc, you really need to get laid. I'm just saying! Sheepy: Bedi: And what am I going to do... Arsé-kun: Video Merlin: If I come back and find anyone dead, I'll throw a fit! That includes you, Bedi, don't join me here! Just wait! Believe in my loyalty for once! Sheepy: Bedi: *he grimaces* Loyalty... Sheepy: Bedi: I can't believe in something so flaky... Arsé-kun: Video Merlin: I'll make Cu look like Lu Bu in terms of it! Swear on it, or the faerie prince can have my head! Sheepy: Bedi: He probably already does... Arsé-kun: Video Merlin: ... Literally! Cut my head off at the neck and.. I don't know what he'd do with it. It's not like I've seen the guy recently. He probably got weirder. Still not doing him, by the way, creeps me out! Sheepy: Bedi: I...uh, oh, I misheard it as heart... Arsé-kun: Roman: *he glances at Bedi* Is that what he said? Sheepy: Bedi: I.... Sheepy: Bedi: That's! Not what's important right now! Arsé-kun: Video Merlin: Oh, derailed that train, but no train accidents! No deaths here! I'll be right bac- F0V, cancel, cancel, do not put up that brb title card! See what I have to deal with?? I swear, this one's almost as awful as the real one! Sheepy: Bedi: Fou is only awful to you because you can't take this sort of stuff seriously! Sheepy: Bedi: *He inhales sharply, trying to regain his composure* Sheepy: Bedi: So I just need to wait until Merlin is back. Did you have any jobs for him? I'll stand in his place. Arsé-kun: Video Merlin: Tiny little murdering machine! Hey, it could be worse! I could be Kay with Fou in the room! ... Oh, shit, my battery, I'm ending here, I need to charge this thing, so bad! How did I not consider this? Signing off, the disappointing idol! P.S! No, I'm not mad at you, Bedi! So shut it! *he reaches for the camera. Video ends* Arsé-kun: Roman: He generally just checks energy levels and acts like he knows what he's talking about. His job is a more important, more active version of goofing off in the office. Sheepy: Bedi:.. Sheepy: Bedi: I need something to do. Sheepy: Bedi: Eiji usually tells Merlin what he wants me to do. Sheepy: Bedi: It's not because I'm scary or that we don't get along, it's just that he can't pronounce my name to this day and it stresses him out. Sheepy: Bedi: And stress amplifies pain, of course, so I don't want to add any unnecessary stress onto him. Arsé-kun: Roman: I could pop downstairs and ask for you. I may as well check up on him while I'm at it. Sheepy: Bedi: Go ahead. Sheepy: Bedi:...Fine. Arsé-kun: *and Bedi gets Kindly Escorted.* Sheepy: Satoru: Dr. Marshmallow is here. Sheepy: Eiji: ... ! Sheepy: Satoru: Dr. Marshmallow, do you want to know what I did yesterday? Arsé-kun: Roman: Sure? Sheepy: Satoru: I got kidnapped. Sheepy: Satoru: Isn't that exciting? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: He's a kid and he napped :) Sheepy: Satoru: Huh? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: *he pouts. One day, Satoru will understand a joke* Sheepy: Satoru: No, Masato broke into our house and stole me away. he also made everyone very tired. Sheepy: Satoru: And then I watched WallE with my big brother and Andersen so it's okay. Arsé-kun: Andersen: There are some things you don't need to share. Like all of that. Sheepy: Satoru:? Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: None of that happened because Andersen said so. Arsé-kun: Andersen: That's not what I said. It's too late to take back. Sheepy: Eiji:...Um...D-doctor... ... Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Arsé-kun: Roman: Yes? Sheepy: Eiji: Wh-what did you come for...? Sheepy: Eiji: I...uh...didn't prepare f-for guests. S...sorry.. Arsé-kun: Roman: I swung by because Merlin was apparently ill. It got me out of Chaldea, so I can't complain. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: So it's just you? Arsé-kun: Roman: Yes? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: One guy. Single person. A solo mon! The man, the myth, the legend! Arsé-kun: *And Mephisto flits away, suppressing a giggle. No explanations given.* Arsé-kun: Roman: ? ?? All right, then. Let me start from the top, now. Arsé-kun: *and so the situation is explained* Sheepy: Eiji: So... um..m...M...Merlin will be back soon? Sheepy: Eiji: Th-that's good. Sheepy: Satoru: It's okay, Uncle Bedi. Sheepy: Satoru: He'll be back soon, and I'm sure he's working extra hard just for you. Arsé-kun: Andersen: Well, now I can't make this depressing. Back to work for me, then. *he takes out his book, right there, and starts frantically writing. Seems he has an Idea* Sheepy: Satoru: I'm not a pig. Sheepy: Satoru: I think I'm human. Arsé-kun: Mozart: You are. Don't worry too much about it. Sheepy: Satoru: I thought maybe I could be a dog. Sheepy: Satoru: Like Big Bro Cu. Sheepy: Satoru: I thought maybe I could be a dog. Sheepy: Satoru: Like Big Bro Cu. Sheepy: Satoru: But if you're sure I'm human, I'll believe you. Sheepy: Eiji: Um...th-the only dog is...L...Lobo. Sheepy: Satoru: *stare* Sheepy: Eiji:...I-I'm sorry!! Sheepy: Satoru:? Arsé-kun: Roman: .. Hey, while we're at it- Arsé-kun: Liz: -I dunno, Protopup seems like a dog too! Sheepy: Satoru:...... Sheepy: Satoru: The most important part of nicknames is knowing to whom it refers to! Sheepy: Satoru: The more complicated terms you add onto it, the more their identity is lost. Arsé-kun: Liz: I had his name right in there! Arsé-kun: Liz: Proto Lancer! Younger Chulainn! The one that actually barks! Sheepy: Satoru: Big Bro Setanta. Arsé-kun: Liz: Yes, him. Sheepy: Satoru: I like him. Sheepy: Satoru: He's my little big brother. Sheepy: Satoru: Cu is my big big brother. Kintaro is my biggest brother. Sheepy: Satoru: Not eldest. Just largest. Sheepy: Eiji: D...doctor. Wh-what is it? Arsé-kun: Roman: Would it be all right with you if I did an impromptu checkup on you while I'm here real quick? Sheepy: Eiji: *he slowly nods* Sheepy: Satoru: That sounds fun. Sheepy: Eiji: Um... Sheepy: Bedivere: I'll leave you two to that. Arsé-kun: Mozart: I agree with that sentiment. Sheepy: Eiji: Th-thanks.... Arsé-kun: *And so, Mozart waits for Bedi to exit before following.* Arsé-kun: *Liz does Not, plopping next to Andersen to read over his shoulder* Sheepy: *And Eiji joins Dr. Roman* Arsé-kun: *Romani starts the check up as soon as he gets Eiji to sit down* Sheepy: *Eiji is silent. He's visibly pained, but doesn't comment.* Arsé-kun: Roman: Sorry, sorry! I'll be more careful! Sheepy: Eiji: D-don't worry about it. Arsé-kun: Roman: It shouldn't be that sensitive, though..! Could it be deteriorating from underuse?? Or arthritis? ... Or maybe I'm just overthinking it. Sheepy: Eiji: ........I...uh...I d-don't know. Arsé-kun: Roman: That's my job to know! Sheepy: Eiji: ..Oh...right. Sheepy: Eiji: I uh......could try using it more, b-but...well, uh, you know, it's- it's painful. Arsé-kun: Roman: Right, of course.. Sheepy: Eiji: I... I can handle you looking into it, if you wanted. Sheepy: Eiji: R-Really, anything th...that'll reduce the, uh, pa-pain would make me hap-...happy. Arsé-kun: Roman: Then I'll get onto it immediately. Sheepy: *With that, Eiji looks to the ground silently.* Arsé-kun: *Eiji gets a headpat and a heatpad* Sheepy: Eiji:?? Sheepy: Eiji: Th...thanks... Arsé-kun: Roman: Anytime. According to my records *(which he just pulled up a couple of seconds ago)* We haven't tried any heat-based solutions. Sheepy: Eiji:...Um, I'll try it. Sheepy: Eiji: B...but... Sheepy: Eiji: When do I...um Sheepy: Eiji: Use it....? Arsé-kun: Roman: When it hurts- But not directly after activity! The i--- I recommend about fifteen minutes of use when needed. Sheepy: *You've lost him, Roman.* Sheepy: Eiji: I...uh... Sheepy: Eiji: ...No...okay... Arsé-kun: Roman: If you're doing a thing, don't use the heatpad directly after. Wait a bit, then use it. Sheepy: Eiji: ..OK Sheepy: Eiji: I will. Sheepy: Eiji:...Is th-there anything else? Sheepy: Eiji: If not... uh... S-Satoru mentioned a while back th...that he too, uhm... ... well, "met my fate"... ... he's okay, right? Arsé-kun: Roman: At a first glance, yes. I haven't done any detailed checks yet. Sheepy: Eiji: He... uh... acts oddly, so I'm worried th-that may be associated... I guess. Sheepy: Eiji: B...because what if he acts like thhat because he - he ...'ss in pain? Arsé-kun: Roman: Satoru? In any pain, buddy? Sheepy: Satoru: *he gives Roman a blank, wordless stare* Arsé-kun: Roman: *he stares back?* Sheepy: Satoru: What "pain"? Sheepy: Satoru: Physical? Psychological? Emotional? Arsé-kun: Roman: Any of them. Sheepy: Satoru: I don't like this question. Sheepy: Satoru: Let's talk about something else. Arsé-kun: Roman: That's fair, but I'm asking as a doctor. Sheepy: Satoru: *he breaks eye contact* Sheepy: Satoru: I stubbed my toe earlier, but otherwise I'm okay. Arsé-kun: *Local child is a bad liar. No one is fooled* Sheepy: Satoru:... Sheepy: Satoru: 'M not in pain, because if I was... I'd be a worthless brat. And I don't wanna be... Sheepy: Satoru:....So I'm not in pain. Sheepy: Satoru: So stop asking. Arsé-kun: Roman: That doesn't seem right. Pain's a natural thing. Sheepy: Satoru: No! Arsé-kun: Roman: No? Sheepy: Satoru: Pain is something that justifies adults punishing you! Sheepy: Satoru: So. I! Am not! In pain. Sheepy: Satoru: I'm fine. Arsé-kun: Roman: No?? Who told you that?! Sheepy: Satoru: .... Sheepy: Satoru: I don't want to talk about this. Sheepy: Satoru: Let's talk about something else. Sheepy: Satoru: I want to talk about the bug I found earlier. Arsé-kun: Roman: Oh? Was it big? Sheepy: Satoru: Uhuh. Sheepy: Satoru: It was so big. Sheepy: Satoru: It was a beetle. Sheepy: Satoru: And when I poked it it screamed so I left it alone. Sheepy: Satoru: I'm trying to find a replacement for Choo Choo. Arsé-kun: Roman: Choo choo? What was it, a long one? Sheepy: Satoru: Uhuh. He was a centipede. Sheepy: Satoru: He was so fast. Sheepy: Satoru: But Big Bro Cu stepped on him and killed him. Arsé-kun: Roman: That's a shame. Sheepy: Satoru: I miss him. Sheepy: Satoru: Choo Choo was always there for me. Arsé-kun: *Avenger entered at some point, and has been relatively unnoticed despite not having presence concealment. He opts to approach, smiling* Sheepy: Satoru: Hi. Arsé-kun: Avenger: I come bearing gifts relevant to whatever's happening. Sheepy: Satoru: We're mourning Choo Choo. Arsé-kun: Avenger: Would this be a fitting replacement? *he uncups his hands. He found a centipede. Or a millipede. Hard to tell at the moment* Sheepy: Satoru: ! Sheepy: Satoru: It's Choo Choo Sr.!! Sheepy: Eiji:...uh... Sheepy: Eiji: Who...are you? Arsé-kun: Avenger: Call me Avenger for now, old man. Sheepy: Eiji: Um... Sheepy: Eiji: I-I'm not th...that old... Arsé-kun: Avenger: *he looks Eiji over* Y'know? You're right. You're nowhere near as old as that guy. *he gestures to Roman with his free hand* Sheepy: Eiji: Ah...? Sheepy: Eiji: He's...younger than me I think... Arsé-kun: Roman: I'm.. I'm only in my thirties? Sheepy: Eiji: Y-yes. Sheepy: Eiji: Th-that's not...p-poisonous, right? Sheepy: Satoru: I like him! He's my friend now. Sheepy: Cu: *he picks up Satoru in one arm and takes out the Gae Bolg in another* No, that thing is NOT getting loose in the house! Sheepy: Satoru:? Sheepy: Cu: Are you TRYING to get the kid killed? Sheepy: Satoru: He's my friend. Sheepy: Cu: No, no he is not. Sheepy: Cu: Kiddo, it's time we talk about acceptable household bugs. Sheepy: Satoru: Like? Sheepy: Cu: None of them. Sheepy: Eiji: B-beetles are fine. Sheepy: Satoru:.... Sheepy: Satoru: *he gives Eiji a blank stare* Sheepy: Eiji: I-I'm sorry! I'm sorry!! Sheepy: Satoru:? Arsé-kun: *and now, an awkward silence, brought to you by Awkwardness* Arsé-kun: Avenger: ... Whoops, I lost the bug. Arsé-kun: *Romani wisely decides to Not Get Involved in this one* Sheepy: Cu: Are you kidding me!? Sheepy: Satoru: That's okay. Arsé-kun: Avenger: Oh, well. Didja know they're edible? Sheepy: Cu: Yes, now go and find it! Arsé-kun: Avenger: You're not my boss! Arsé-kun: Avenger: I don't have to do anything you tell me to do! You're not my dad! Sheepy: Cu: You've existed for very little time and you're already whiny and annoying! Arsé-kun: Avenger: Thank you very much! It doesn't take much work t'sound like you do! Sheepy: Cu: Shut up you brat! Sheepy: Satoru: *this is his life now.* Arsé-kun: *Avenger makes a face at Cu. There's a proper name for the eyelid-pull, tongue out face but I don't know what it Is* Sheepy: Cu: Oh, you! Sheepy: *Cu lifts his Gae Bolg* Sheepy: Cu: YOU'VE GOT THREE SECONDS TO GET YOUR STUPID FACE OUT OF MY SIGHT! Arsé-kun: Avenger: Gotcha! *he turns to the wall. waits for the punchline to kick in, and quickly exits stage right* Found the bug! Sheepy: Cu: Good! Now drop it outside! Arsé-kun: Avenger: Better idea! *he pops his head back in* You don't like smug goldy, right? Sheepy: Cu: Of course not. Arsé-kun: Avenger: I'm gonna go put it in his room. He screams, we win. He kills it, we still win. Can't go wrong on this one. Sheepy: Cu: Make sure it doesn't get anywhere else, and I'll accept it. Sheepy: *Gil is playing vidya and talking. Seems like he's streaming.* Arsé-kun: Avenger: *he slinks in and puts the centipede on the sofa, and it's definitely in frame on stream. Slinks back out* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: *he noticed* Ah, Gil.. Sheepy: Gil: Hm? Arsé-kun: Enkidu: There's a bug climbing onto you. Sheepy: Gil: !? Sheepy: *Gil throws the centipede off, a disgusted expression forming on his face* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: I would have gotten it..! *he gets up to rescue it* Sheepy: Gil: How did that thing get in here? Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Check the recording? I'll hold onto it so that can't happen again. .. Oh, it's a she. Sheepy: Gil: That's disgusting. Sheepy: Gil: People are posting clips - looks like a kid, so it was probably the Cursed Child again. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Too tall. Sheepy: Gil: No clue, then. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: We can worry more once we finish up. Sheepy: *Gil goes back to streaming.* Arsé-kun: *And Enkidu keeps a close eye on ms. Choo Choo II* Sheepy: Gil: -Did you want me for something, Enkidu? *he pauses the game.* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: No, I'm just watching. Sheepy: Gil: Me, or that centipede? Arsé-kun: Enkidu: You. .. Shall I release this little lady back into the wild? Sheepy: *Graffias sees a wiggly thing! He and Alkaiid curiously approach Choo Choo Sr* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: No, kittens, you cannot have her. Sheepy: *And Diadem sleepily looks over. He doesn't appear to care too much because he places his head down again.* Sheepy: Gil: Do whatever you want with it. Sheepy: *Graffias and Alkaiid pause and then approach once more* Sheepy: *And Graffias changes to a stalking position. Alkaiid looks to her brother and follows his example, looking back to Choo Choo Sr.* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Do you wish for them to chase this bug around your room, scattering her parts among it? Sheepy: Gil: I meant you, not the cats. Sheepy: Gil: They eat everything they haven't tried eating before. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: That's fair. I will release her. *he gets up and lets her go outside the window. Be free* Sheepy: *The two active kittens chase after Enkidu, mewling* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Oh, am I prey once again? *he closes the window and bends down to them* Meoow~ Sheepy: *Graffias looks to the window. Where did the bug go?* Arsé-kun: *The bug is GONE. What a shame* Sheepy: Graffais: *he turns his attention to Enkidu, and bumps his [Enkidu's] leg with his head. Alkaiid follows his example.* Sheepy: Gil: No, the bug wasn't Lancelot's replacement and no the bug didn't have a name. -- Sheepy: Gil: And if it did, its name wouldn't be Sir Legsalot the Quick. Sheepy: Gil: It's not dead, it's just outside. I'm not bringing it inside and making it Lancelot's replacement. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Knowing this household, it was probably Choo Choo the second. *he pets the kittens* Sheepy: Gil: Probably. Sheepy: Gil: Okay. the neighbor's kid loves bugs and keeps talking about some centipede he found before we moved in and he named it Choo Choo. Choo Choo is dead now. No, Sir Legsalot the Quick isn't Choo Choo. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: I get the distinct feeling chat isn't going to let Sir Legsalot die for a while. Sheepy: Gil: Sir Legsalot isn't going to be our new mascot! Arsé-kun: Enkidu: I agree. It's unfitting. Sheepy: Gil: I haven't thought of a mascot. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: How about a nice golden... Lion? Have I made that suggestion yet? Sheepy: Gil: It doesn't fit Lancelot. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: They both roar, but that's where the similarities end.. Sheepy: Gil: Lions are beautiful, which doesn't fit Lancelot. Sheepy: *Graffias and Alkaiid have grown bored of listening to this rather quickly and instead have opted to playfight.* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Lions also do nothing while their pack does all the work, unlike you. Sheepy: Gil: They protect the pack. Sheepy: Gil: And these three are kind of like lions. Sheepy: Gil: Yes, I know it's a pride of lions. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: .... I said pack instead of pride. Days of working in a zoo, wasted. Sheepy: Gil: Although I suppose Diadem is most like a housecat... Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Make the mascot a solid gold cat, then. Unless you'd prefer a canine? Sheepy: Gil: I'll decide on it later. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Can't let chat decide that one again. Sheepy: Gil: I won't, probably. Sheepy: Gil: Diadem my controller cord isn't food. Arsé-kun: *Enkidu picks up Diadem and returns to his seat* Sheepy: *Diadem lets out a soft, whiny mew* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: You're always tired, Diadem. Sheepy: Diadem: *mmeewww* Arsé-kun: Lance: *he enters scene, making sure not to trip on anything* Sorry I'm late. Sheepy: Gil: According to chat you've been replaced by Sir Legsalot the Quick. Arsé-kun: Lance: *he makes this surprised snorting noise* Pardon?? Sheepy: Gil: It's a centipede you missed earlier. Some kid dumped it on the couch. Arsé-kun: Lance: Ah. *he goes around the sofa to see the tv screen without blocking Gil* Everything still on track? Arsé-kun: Lance: It seems like it.. *he looks to the laptop screen* Catch me up, chat. Arsé-kun: *Within minutes, Lance is howling with laughter. The screencap of Gil throwing the bug has been sent at least four times, one dramatically zooming on his face. Is good* Sheepy: *Gil is amused.* Arsé-kun: *background Avenger is Not. Mission failed by all accounts. Maybe except for one. He slinks off to tell Cu that Choo Choo II has been released outside* Sheepy: Cu: Good. Arsé-kun: Avenger: And gold's face is going to end up being a reaction image on the internet. It'll be back for revenge in a couple of years. Sheepy: Satoru: Why is the Wizrad still dead? Sheepy: Satoru: Dr. Marshmallow. Arsé-kun: Roman: .. Huh? Sheepy: Satoru: Why don't dead people ever wake up from their nap? Sheepy: Satoru: Don't they get bored of sleeping? Arsé-kun: Roman: Am I really the person to be asking?? Sheepy: Satoru: ... Sheepy: Satoru: Well, you're a doctor and doctors know everything. Sheepy: Satoru:....So. Of course you'd know that. Arsé-kun: Roman: Well, uh. How can I explain this..? Arsé-kun: Roman: ... You know how you sleep when you're tired? Sheepy: Satoru: Uhuh. Arsé-kun: Roman: The brain and heart also get really tired after a while, and they stop to sleep. Thing is, they don't heal from doing this. Sheepy: Satoru:....Okay. Arsé-kun: Roman: And without those, everything else shuts down. ... From there, people usually don't get back up. Usually. Sheepy: Satoru: *he looks off into space, mulling this over* Sheepy: Satoru:...So then. Sheepy: Satoru: That's what's happening to Masato? Arsé-kun: Roman: Huh?? Sheepy: Satoru: He looked exhausted all the time. Sheepy: Satoru: And he had dark rings under his eyes. Arsé-kun: Roman: That could also just be advanced sadness. Sheepy: Satoru: Sometimes he wouldn't leave his room all day and when he did he was... Sheepy: Satoru:.... Sheepy: Satoru: So then he's sad all the time? Arsé-kun: Roman: Sounds like it, yeah. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: That's fine. Sheepy: Satoru: So then. Does Eiji have advanced sadness? Arsé-kun: Roman: Yeah. The medical term doesn't even cover it in my opinion. He's not depressed. He's hyper-depressed and somehow still functioning. Sheepy: Satoru: I don't get it. Sheepy: Satoru: Why? Arsé-kun: Roman: It's called Depression. But he's more than just depressed. It's almost, like, as bad as possible. I'm not a psychologist, it's something like that-- Why? How should I know? Sheepy: Satoru: Because you're a doctor and you know everything. Arsé-kun: Roman: Different doctors for different things. Sheepy: Satoru: But... Sheepy: Satoru:...You're... Sheepy: Satoru:.... Sheepy: Satoru: Why? Sheepy: Eiji: Uh, d-don't worry about me. Sheepy: Satoru: I'm not. Sheepy: Eiji:...Oh.... Arsé-kun: Roman: Because I don't know enough to be a fancy brain doctor. And too late. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Eiji: Th-there's nothing a...anyone can do about it. Arsé-kun: Roman: I'm not so sure about that. Sheepy: Eiji: I...uh.. Sheepy: Eiji:...Don't want surgery. Arsé-kun: Roman: There's probably a way to fix it. I know there are specialized doctors for this sort of thing. Sheepy: Eiji:.. Sheepy: Eiji: I'd..rather not get disappointed by keeping my hopes up... Arsé-kun: Roman: I understand that. Sheepy: Eiji:...But it's worth the try I suppose... Sheepy: Satoru: ? Arsé-kun: Roman: I'll put a note here then.. See what kind of input I can get on it. Sheepy: Eiji: Th-thanks. Sheepy: Satoru:..??? Arsé-kun: Roman: Quite welcome. Is there.. Anyone else I should check in with before I head out? Sheepy: Satoru: Where's the Wizrad? Arsé-kun: Roman: In his tower. He said he'd be back soon. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Arsé-kun: *with that, roman heads Out* Sheepy: Satoru: ... Bye. Sheepy: Satoru: *he turns his gaze towards the ground.* Arsé-kun: *and now, another convenient timeskip* Sheepy: Carmilla: Got any threes? Sheepy: Rider: ......*he begins shifting unnaturally...* Sheepy: Carmilla: Okay, not you, not you! Arsé-kun: Vlad: You stop that, Rider, before I impale you with the chair. Sheepy: Rider: .............. Sheepy: *Rider pauses and looks to Vlad. One of his arms is already partially out. It slowly slides back in, making a very uncomfortable noise as it goes.* Sheepy: Rider: "Why have you been picking on Lobo all game?" Sheepy: Carmila: ...Because I can see his cards? Arsé-kun: Liz: It makes it that much easier for us! Sheepy: Lobo: *He doesn't seem to care too much. Actually, he's sniffing at one of his cards. Lobo. Do not eat that. LOBO.* Sheepy: Rider: "...And that's the 3 you asked for." Arsé-kun: Vlad: What a shame. Sheepy: *Lobo apparently didn't like his meal that much, because he nudges the cards away from him and stands up.* Arsé-kun: Vlad: That wasn't food, Lobo. I don't know what you expected. Sheepy: Lobo: *He nudges Vlad with his snout. he wants better food.* Arsé-kun: Vlad: Didn't you just eat an hour ago? Sheepy: Lobo: *he stares* Sheepy: *And then turns his attention to the outside.* Arsé-kun: *from aforementioned outside is a soft 'pomf' like someone landed in the snow after jumping off the roof. Normally one wouldn't be able to identify this sound easily, but considering it's a house of weirdos, it's kind of expected.* Sheepy: *Lobo starts barking loudly.* Sheepy: *And Rider quicky rushes to his side and starts trying to quiet him.* Arsé-kun: *Mozart is going to be up all night at this rate. What a shame.* Sheepy: *Lobo rushes to the window, wagging his tail and snarling* Arsé-kun: Liz: Who is it, Lobo? Is someone there? *she joins him at the window* Sheepy: Lobo: *he snarls once more and then follows it up with a loud bark* Sheepy: Rider: *He pats Lobo's face. Lobo stop* Arsé-kun: Liz: What're you barking at, silly? Is anyone there? Sheepy: Rider: *he walks through the wall and outside to check.* Arsé-kun: *snow, snow, white, white, flower* Sheepy: *Rider goes to investigate the flower.* Arsé-kun: *It's marking Merlin's grave- I mean. No. Wait. He's right there. No guarantees he's alive though* Sheepy: Rider: *he slowly takes off a glove* Sheepy: *Rider then sticks his hand in Merlin's shirt, tightly clutching his spine area in order to shock him awake. His hands are freezing like icicles...* Arsé-kun: *Merlin squeaks and shifts. Not a whine. a Squeak. What a man* Sheepy: *Rider removes his hand. There's a crunching, sliding, and squelching noise. ...Something wet, cold, and slimy replaces Rider's hand where it initially was...* Arsé-kun: Merlin: Aiyiyi! That's awful, stop that! Sheepy: *It slowly slides across Merlin's spine and up to his neck to leave his shirt...* Arsé-kun: Merlin: I'm up, I'm up! No need to torture me! Sheepy: Rider: .... Sheepy: *The extra "arm" retreats back into Rider's body, and he puts on his glove again* Arsé-kun: Merlin: *he pushes himself up and wipes the snow off his face* Couldn't you be a bit more gentle?? Sheepy: Rider: "I am a monster. This is what I do." Arsé-kun: Merlin: I could argue that, but maybe lets not. Sheepy: Rider: .... Sheepy: Rider: *he points to the door* Arsé-kun: Merlin: That's a fantastic idea. Arsé-kun: *Merlin gets up and shakes off the snow. Or tries* Sheepy: *Rider doesn't move.* Arsé-kun: *Merlin grabs his shirt collar and starts the long trek to INSIDE THE HOUSE* Sheepy: *Rider doesn't react...* Arsé-kun: *Rider could probably get inside far faster, but he Isn't. Eventually, Merlin gets INSIDE. THANK GOD. IT ONLY TOOK TEN YEARS* Sheepy: Lobo: *He sticks his snout in Merlin's face and begins sniffing him.* Arsé-kun: Merlin: Oh! It's just me, Lobo! Sheepy: Lobo: *He yawns, losing interest in Merlin.* Sheepy: Rider: *He points towards Merlin's room* Arsé-kun: Merlin: Yeah? Sheepy: Rider:... Sheepy: Rider: "Aren't you tired?" Arsé-kun: Merlin: .. Well, yeah. But what'd I miss, anything? Sheepy: Rider:.... Sheepy: Rider: "Satoru wanted to talk to you and that knight was mopey." Arsé-kun: Merlin: Which knight? Sheepy: Rider: "The one-armed one." Arsé-kun: Merlin: Ah. Sheepy: Rider: "I paid little attention, so maybe you want to ask someone else in the morning." Arsé-kun: *and the vampires are being Petty. try again later* Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... Guess I'll wait, then. Sheepy: Rider: "Yes." Sheepy: Rider: "Go sleep." Arsé-kun: *With that, Merlin drags himself to his room. adios* Sheepy: *Bedi is fast asleep and mumbling in his sleep. Hope you didn't want a pillow, Merlin, because it's Bedi's now.* Arsé-kun: Merlin: *he doesn't mind. he just drops next to Bedi* Sheepy: *Bedi mumbles something along the lines of, "you can't teach bears to fly, kay" ... "rocket-propelled bears are also illegal"* Arsé-kun: Merlin: You tell him, Bedi. *he remembers he's damp from lying in the snow. magic solves everything, even continuity.* Sheepy: *So basically, Bedi is having a rare pleasant (?) dream. Not a nightmare. Like he usually does.* Arsé-kun: *Thank goodness* Sheepy: *Rip continuity also.* Arsé-kun: *nah it's fine and alive. also he just dried off* Sheepy: *Bedi continues occasionally mumbling, the fact that it's occasional means that any potential plot transitions of the dream are lost, and instead the sudden change from kay's bear experimentations to the subsequent merlin-enforced war against rabbits (and possibly bears)* Arsé-kun: Merlin: *he just pats Bedi's head* Sheepy: *Bedi quiets down. Hopefully that was your intended result, because you can sleep now without Bedi's sleeptalking keeping you awake.* Arsé-kun: *that was the intended result, yes* Arsé-kun: *and so, Merlin curls up next to the boyfriend. He'll probably be holding on by morning. .. Which he absolutely is.* Sheepy: *At least Merlin gets sleep, which is good.* Sheepy: *Presumably he does.* Arsé-kun: *he does* Sheepy: *Good.* Sheepy: *Morning comes.* Arsé-kun: *shit i hope it did* Sheepy: *Bedi awakens, initially surprised by Merlin's presence. Merlin is back!! He can hardly contain his excitement! but he does his best because he doesn't want to wake Merlin.* Arsé-kun: *He is successful. It might be a bit hard to get up with Merlin's arms wrapped around him though* Sheepy: *Guess he'll die* Sheepy: *By that I mean Bedi waits for Merlin to wake up.* Arsé-kun: *then it's gonna be a while. better find something to do Bedi* Sheepy: *Bedi doesn't have much to do. He decides to mull over the recent events.* Arsé-kun: *Most of which was Things Going Wrong. Start your morning off right, and don't depress yourself immediately!* Sheepy: *Well, he might come up with an answer if he thinks about it.* Arsé-kun: *an answer to what? Life? The universe? Everything going wrong? Peeing in pools?* Sheepy: *Why the recent events happened and what actions they may take next.* Sheepy: *He decides to ask Eiji if he can go to Chaldea and question the ex-prisoners later.* Arsé-kun: *This is a good decision* Sheepy: *He continues to wait for Merlin.* Arsé-kun: *Good morning, Merlin!* Arsé-kun: Merlin: ....mmm, 's it early..? Wh' day is it..? Sheepy: Bedi: Don't worry, it's not too early, and you've been back for less than a day. How are you feeling? Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... Hungry, mostly. Sheepy: Bedi: then we should probably go eat. Arsé-kun: Merlin: m-hm! Sheepy: *The two go to the kitchen!* Sheepy: Satoru: I've decided that I'll be 12 soon. Sheepy: Cu: ...What? Sheepy: Satoru: I'm going to be 12 soon. Sheepy: Cu: No, no you aren't. Sheepy: Satoru: People age when they want to so I'm going to be 12 soon. Sheepy: Cu: That's- That's not how it works. Sheepy: Cu: You'll be 12 when it's twelve years since you've been born. Your birthday. Sheepy: Satoru: I don't have a birthday. Arsé-kun: Sakura: Yes, you do. I've told you this before. Sheepy: Satoru: ? Sheepy: Satoru: No. Arsé-kun: Sakura: Yes. Sheepy: Satoru: I'm am alien. Aliens don't have birthdays. Arsé-kun: Sakura: .... Satoru, I gave birth to you. I would know that you have a birthday. And I do know when it is. Sheepy: Satoru: Big Bro Cu said not to blindly believe everything people say to me because Big Bro Kintaro's told me incorrect things in the past. Sheepy: Satoru: So. Sheepy: Satoru: Since I can't remember that, I can't believe you blindly. I need evidence. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Lighten up, kiddo. I think your mom would know that sorta thing! Where's the food at? Sheepy: *Satoru mimics Merlin's way of saying 'Where's the food at', except instead of 'food', he says 'evidence'...* Arsé-kun: Sakura: Would you like me to dig out a birth certificate once I'm done cooking? Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: That's evidence, I suppose. Sheepy: Cu: You can't change your birthday. Sheepy: Satoru: It's October 30 Sheepy: Cu: I just said- that would mean you won't be 12 for a while now! Arsé-kun: Sakura: It's March first. Sheepy: Satoru: Nuh-uh, it's still ... ?: Gawain, Goetia, the Black Shadow, Shirou, Artoria, Nightingale, Sheepy: Satoru: ... Sheepy: Satoru:...? Arsé-kun: Sakura: Your birthday. Is march first. Sheepy: Satoru: I don't know what month it is. Sheepy: Satoru: I don't like that birthday. Arsé-kun: Sakura: I can't help that. That's the day you were born, regardless if you like it or not. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Arsé-kun: Merlin: *he's staring at Food. good priorities* Sheepy: Satoru: You helped me, so I'll keep talking to you. Sheepy: Satoru: But... ... *he goes to say something, but Bedi interrupts. Local knight can read the mood.* Sheepy: Bedi: Ah, Sakura, I'll be going to Chaldea later to speak with the ex-prisoners. I believe that the two incidents are related. Sheepy: Bedi: I've yet to ask Master, but he's not here, so I believe I'll take my actions into my own hands. Arsé-kun: Sakura: Bring others with you. No more going solo, for any reason. Sheepy: Bedi: Yes, of course. Sheepy: Bedi: Ah, I've got an idea. Satoru. Sheepy: Satoru: No. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Shut down. Sheepy: Bedi: But I've heard rumors of a centipede man. Sheepy: Satoru:?! Sheepy: Satoru: Where??? Sheepy: Bedi: Chaldea. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. I want to go. Arsé-kun: Mori: *he lowers his paper a bit* I suppose I'll volunteer to come along. Sheepy: Cu: You couldn't possibly be talking about...No. Nevermind. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Arsé-kun: Mori: Go on, Cu. Sheepy: Cu: *groan* Sheepy: Cu: It's nothing, really. Arsé-kun: Mori: You're only making me wish to know more. Share with the class. Sheepy: Cu: If this so called centipede man bears a resemblance to me, he's a killer who cares about nothing. Sheepy: Satoru: But you do that too. Arsé-kun: Mori: ... Ah. Do you mean the man that Setanta bore resemblance to a couple of months ago? Sheepy: Cu: I kill- fight for the fun of the challenge, see? He kills for the sake of killing. Sheepy: Satoru: Wow. Sheepy: Cu: I don't know, I didn't see him. Sheepy: Cu: And so! My kil- fighting is perfectly justifiable because I don't pick on the weak and instead go for challenging foes, while his is not because he murders weaklings and strong people alike and feels nothing but annoyance that they wasted his time! Sheepy: Satoru: Wow. Arsé-kun: Mori: Perhaps it'd be safer if we inquired with someone who had encountered them before we make any rash decisions. Sheepy: Satoru: He's a centipede and centipedes are good. Sheepy: Tristan (Waffles): Ah, I hope she's making waffles. Sheepy: Tristan (French Toast): But, wouldn't french toast be better? Sheepy: Tristan (Pancakes): I enjoy pancakes the most. Sheepy: Bedi: Why are there three?! Arsé-kun: Mori: One is Yan, without a doubt. Sheepy: Tristan (Waffles): It'd be better if there were none of me. Sheepy: Tristan (French Toast): It'd be better off if I were never born. Sheepy: Tristan (Pancakes): Finally, someone who agrees. Arsé-kun: Mori: *he sighs and picks his paper back up* Yan Qing, no one invited you inside. Sherlock, get out. Tristan, shut up. Sheepy: Tristan (Waffles): It's too bad the only one who understands me is myself. Perhaps, this is evidence that my existence adds nothing... Sheepy: Tristan (Pancakes): Aw, old man! You never even gave me my reward! Arsé-kun: Mori: I was thinking you were Yan. You never came back for it. Sheepy: Tristan (French Toast): Too bad, I was hoping to go on for longer. Arsé-kun: Mori: Shut up, Sherlock. Sheepy: Tristan (Waffles): Hm? Where did my friends go? Sheepy: *Pancakes and French Toast remove their disguises. It's Yan Qing and Sherlock!* Arsé-kun: *Sherlock gets the paper thrown at him* Sheepy: Sherlock: Ow. What was that for? Arsé-kun: Mori: Being a disturbance. Sheepy: Sherlock: You always are a disturbance. Sheepy: Sherlock: It's why the kid is the way he is. Arsé-kun: Mori: Shut up. That wasn't my fault. Sheepy: Yan: Wow! Wow!!! Arsé-kun: Sakura: Pancakes are ready!~ Sheepy: Yan:!!! Sheepy: Yan: Pancakes! Pancakes! Sheepy: Tristan: Aw... Arsé-kun: Merlin: Me first! I call first dibs! Sheepy: Yan: What!! Arsé-kun: Merlin: I died yesterday! What did you do? Sheepy: Yan: Actual work. Arsé-kun: *and then, neither of them get the first set of pancakes. Satoru does, followed by Bedi. Good Boys* Sheepy: Satoru:...Uhm. Thank you. Sheepy: *Satoru seems a bit flustered...* Sheepy: Bedi: Thank you. Sheepy: Yan: Hey, hey, why did the pretty boy get it? I'm prettier. Arsé-kun: Sakura: Quite welcome. *she goes on to serve everyone else- Which is probably difficult, because the allure of food is Powerful* Arsé-kun: Merlin: Hm... I disagree. Bedi's prettier. Sheepy: Yan:?! Sheepy: Yan: Well. Sheepy: Yan: That's fine, because my goals are beautiful women. Sheepy: Yan: They all flock around me until I speak. Arsé-kun: Mori: Lets move on. Arsé-kun: Mori: Assassin. Describe for us the ex-prisoners. Sheepy: Yan: Spiny lancer, caster lancer, sick Shinsengumi - so Okita Souji, angry man with Okita Souji - so Toshizou Hijikata, and a senile man. Arsé-kun: Mori: A bit more detail than that, please. Sheepy: Yan: The caster lancer wants to get into lady's pants, the spiny lancer seemed to act irritable to make him seem scary, senile guy was senile, ehh.. Sheepy: Yan: Go look in a history book for the other two? Arsé-kun: Mori: But none should actually present a threat if one encountered them? Sheepy: Yan: Well. Probably not, unless you threatened them. Arsé-kun: Mori: Noted. Sheepy: Yan: So go ahead. Arsé-kun: Mori: Will do. Sheepy: Yan: Have fun. Arsé-kun: Mori: I'll consider that one. Sheepy: Yan: Great. Arsé-kun: Mori: Will it be just us going? Sheepy: Bedi: Unless others want to go, yes. Arsé-kun: Mori: Lets not make the group too large. We don't need to become a visible target. Sheepy: Bedi: That's fine. Sheepy: Bedi: Are you sure you don't want to come, Merlin? Arsé-kun: Merlin: ...hmm? I could. Sheepy: Bedi: It'd make me happy to be able to monitor your health in case any residual effects set in. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Y'know, you can just say "I care about you" and be done with it. Sheepy: Bedi: Ah? But.... Sheepy: Bedi: Would you know my exact thoughts through those four words? Sheepy: Bedi: If I don't give you my exact thoughts, I'm not being fully honest wih you. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Were we together for a thousand years for me not to know what you mean? Sheepy: Bedi: Ah, good point. Arsé-kun: Merlin: But you're totally right. Sheepy: Bedi: So you're coming as well? Sheepy: Satoru: *he looks over to Merlin silently* Arsé-kun: Merlin: I suppose so Sheepy: Satoru: *stare* Arsé-kun: Merlin: Yes? Sheepy: Satoru: Um. I know I mentioned this to you a while back, but I need to learn how to defend myself. Umm.....before it was because I didn't want my family to get hurt, but now it's more than that. Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... So you did. If we're not exhausted by the time we come home, I'll finally start on that. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: Thanks. Sheepy: Cu: There's a huge difference between fighting and defending yourself, just remember that. Sheepy: Cu: A capable fighter fights until his foe is dead. Sheepy: Cu: Defending yourself is fighting purely to create a moment of opportunity for your escape. No amount of magic or physical strength is going to help you there if you don't have the brains nor agility to run at the right time. Sheepy: Satoru: I'm not fast and I'm not strong. Sheepy: Cu: Go ahead and teach him magic or whatever you teach, but really, you create heroes, not people with a sense of self awareness. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Ouch. Sheepy: Cu: My point is that teaching him brute strength alone isn't gonna get him anywhere, and I'm no teacher. Arsé-kun: Merlin: But you had one hell of a teacher, so I can't say you're wrong. Sheepy: Cu: I'd kill the kid trying to teach him because at his age, I was already taking on enemies twice my size. Sheepy: Cu: I can't relate to his situation at all. Sheepy: Cu: That old hag gives me shivers down my spine every time I think about her. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Okay, better plan. Collaborative teaching. Sheepy: Cu: What do you mean? Arsé-kun: Merlin: I know some stuff, you know other stuff, together, we know more stuff. Sheepy: Cu: Wow, you really don't use your ears sometimes. Arsé-kun: Merlin: You misunderstand. Some of what you know would still be valuable info. Not all of it, of course, because you've got an unfair advantage. Sheepy: Cu: "If I train the kid I'll kill him", quote, me. Sheepy: Cu: I don't know if you heard earlier but I said a fighter doesn't stop fighting until his foe's dead. Sheepy: Cu: It's just my nature. Sheepy: Satoru: Is that what happened to Connla? Sheepy: Cu:.... Arsé-kun: Merlin: .... Arsé-kun: *Congratulations, now it's awkward!* Sheepy: Cu: Kiddo, you've barely touched your food. Eat it before I feed it to Lobo. Sheepy: Satoru:?! Sheepy: Yan: Merlin can teach people? What? Sheepy: Yan: How to get away with having the world's worst bedhead? Sheepy: Yan: The kid's hairstyle already looks like it's based on, ehh, what's his name, Dancelot or whatever? So he's getting there. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I can certainly teach that if I wanted to. Sheepy: Yan: Eh, eh? Sheepy: Yan: Like? Sheepy: Yan: Since you're technically aligned with me and you're only interesting due to your mystery, I never looked into you too much. Sheepy: Yan: Aha, but Old Man, I know everything about Old Man. Sheepy: Yan: Everything. Arsé-kun: Mori: -_-' Sheepy: Yan: Aren't you glad we're on the same team, Old Man? *His grin is almost shark-like in nature...* Sheepy: Yan: Oh, oh, oh! Old Man! Old Man! Arsé-kun: Mori: What? Sheepy: Yan: Where's the other old man? Arsé-kun: Mori: Hell if I know. Sheepy: Yan: You didn't even ask me who I meant. Sheepy: Yan: I mean the Caster. I liked him. Sheepy: Yan: Ah, you're no fun! Sheepy: Yan: No fun at all! Sheepy: Yan: No wonder you didn't have a wife~ Arsé-kun: Mori: But you don't know how many children I've had, hmm? Sheepy: Yan: And nor do you~ Sheepy: Satoru: Grandpa had kids? Arsé-kun: Mori: Perhaps. Perhaps not. I'll surely tell you, but not him. Sheepy: Satoru: So am I related to you? Arsé-kun: Mori: You know? I don't know. I doubt it, but a check wouldn't hurt. Sheepy: Satoru:!? Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Yan: He's on Twitter. Sheepy: Yan: I follow him, but I don't post much because my Twitter isn't for entertainment. Arsé-kun: Andersen: We're talking about Shitspeare, so I am going to intrude on this discussion. Sheepy: Yan: Yup yup, I like him. Arsé-kun: Andersen: As do I, except for when he waits until the absolute last moment to propose a draft, throwing everyone's deadlines out of whack. Sheepy: Yan: Don't rush genius~ Sheepy: Yan: My experience is that he was all shadowy and evil or whatever and then there were ghosts and two Old Mans. Sheepy: Yan: Thanks to the Grail, of course! Sheepy: Yan: But he was still fun. Sheepy: Yan: My impression of you is that you'd be boring as a villain. Arsé-kun: Andersen: And you're just trying to be as irritating as possible. Sheepy: Yan: Ah? Arsé-kun: Andersen: You seem to be amusing others, so perhaps keep that up. Sheepy: Yan: Sure. Arsé-kun: Andersen: Either way. I do agree with your statement of I being a poor villain. Entirely correct. Sheepy: Yan: Good! Arsé-kun: Andersen: Maybe I'd do better without the overbearing nun... I should try again one day. Sheepy: Yan: Well, just hope you're on my side when you do. Sheepy: Yan: I'm on the side that fits my interests. Arsé-kun: Andersen: I'll consider it. Sheepy: Yan: Good. Sheepy: *And so the group finally ends up at Chaldea* Arsé-kun: Mori: *whoop di do.* Sheepy: Satoru: I’ve been lied to. Sheepy: Satoru: There’s no centipedes. Arsé-kun: Mori: We've only just arrived. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: Then let’s find him. Sheepy: Bedi: Try wandering around and you may find the centipede. Sheepy: Bedi: In fact! Maybe if you ask the friendly faces around here, they'll help you find him. Sheepy: Satoru: Uhm...uhhmmm... ... Sheepy: Satoru: I don't like people. Sheepy: Bedi: But you like Dr. Marshmallow. Sheepy: Satoru: Dr. Marshmallow isn't a person, he's my friend Sheepy: Satoru: Let's go find the centipede. Sheepy: Bedi: I'm going to do what I came here to do. Have fun. Arsé-kun: Mori: Bedivere, wait a moment. We're searching for the same person. Sheepy: Bedi: I suppose so. Sheepy: *They hunt for aCu! Satoru doesn't stray from Mori's side* Arsé-kun: *Satoru can't even if he tried- Mori brought the child leash.* Sheepy: *That won't stop Satoru from trying once he sees aCu.* Arsé-kun: *He might even make progress if he manages to ruin Mori's back and/or hip* Sheepy: Bedi: -Hm? Sheepy: *Bedi slowly turns and looks behind them.* Sheepy: CasCu: I was wondering when you'd notice us! Sheepy: Satoru:! Arsé-kun: *Acu is standing behind Cascu, looking around in nonchalance. Cares given: Absolutely none. Maybe one because Cascu's being social again, and Acu might have to clean up his remains. Again.* Arsé-kun: Mori: *he quietly wraps the leash around his wrist and waits for the inevitable* Arsé-kun: *And Merlin has already managed to vanish into thin air. His one job was to not do that* Sheepy: Satoru: *he attempts to rush over to the two. HELLO!!* Sheepy: CasCu: You are here tooo~ give me a moment. Question us about the incident? Sheepy: Bedi:?! Sheepy: CasCu: Well, you see, there's nothing illegal going on. That's that. Sheepy: Bedi:...I think you and I are thinking of two very different incidents... Arsé-kun: Mori: I'm rather curious to know what it is you refer to currently. Sheepy: CasCu: Ah? Sheepy: CasCu: Long story short, someone accused my machines of being rigged, which they aren't. The cops looked into them and everything and found no evidence, but they're basing their claims on how they haven't won past that early win despite throwing their life's fortune at the slot machine. Sheepy: CasCu: But they made a big fuss out of it and now people are assuming that just because I have a staff instead of a lance, I'm suddenly dishonest and rigging it! Sheepy: Satoru: I've heard of that before. Arsé-kun: Mori: Perhaps I'll stop by when I have free time. That is not what we intended to ask you about, though. Sheepy: Satoru: They're called money machines. They eat money and spit out a life of despair, alcoholism, poverty, and depression. Sheepy: Satoru: And sometimes they like to gather all in one place and get people drunk so the people will feed them more. Sheepy: Satoru: They're called money machines. They eat money and spit out a life of despair, alcoholism, poverty, and depression. Sheepy: Satoru: And sometimes they like to gather all in one place and get people drunk so the people will feed them more. Sheepy: CasCu: You almost make it sound like they're living things, kiddo. Anyway, what is it? Arsé-kun: Mori: Saber here wanted to inquire about the whole Mainyu cult incident. Sheepy: CasCu: Ooh, that. Arsé-kun: *Acu makes a distasteful noise. Helpful* Sheepy: Bedi: What can you tell us about them? Like...what are their plans and why were you summoned? Sheepy: *Satoru imitates aCu.* Sheepy: CasCu: They wanted to summon the real Angra. Arsé-kun: Mori: You refer to the deity? Sheepy: CasCu: And they summoned us to try to get closer to their goal through experimentation, I guess. Arsé-kun: Acu: Not that it worked. Sheepy: Satoru: *he has stopped listening. aCu more important.* Sheepy: Bedi: I see. Sheepy: Bedi: Do you know of any future moves they may make? Sheepy: Bedi: They went after my Master's son. Arsé-kun: *Acu glances down at Satoru. What is this, a Master for Ants?* Sheepy: Satoru: *he is awe-struck by aCu.* Sheepy: Satoru: Are you a centipede? Arsé-kun: Acu: .... Sure. Sheepy: Satoru: That's really cool! I love centipedes! Sheepy: Satoru: You look like my big brother. Arsé-kun: *Acu's expression doesn't change.* Arsé-kun: Acu: ok. Sheepy: Satoru: Except he's shorter than you and has a lance. He works two jobs and gets angry at loud noises. Sheepy: Satoru: He and Lobo don't get along too well. Arsé-kun: *Acu's face still doesn't change. At least, until the loud noise bit. That gets a raised eyebrow. That's it* Sheepy: Satoru: When he hears loud noises he just yells at the source until they stop. Arsé-kun: Acu: .. This one does that, too. *and he smacks the back of Cascu's head. What would normally be a semi-affectionate gesture, but not at all that. heck the you cascu* Sheepy: CasCu: Ow! Arsé-kun: Acu: Stop barking so loud when you hear noises. Don't make me get you a muzzle. Sheepy: CasCu: How about you stop hitting me whenever you want?! Sheepy: Satoru: That's what he sounds like. Arsé-kun: Acu: Not a surprise at all. Sheepy: CasCu: What's that supposed to mean!? Sheepy: CasCu: You keep comparing me to a dog, but with your sense of morals and motives, you're no different than some beast. Arsé-kun: Acu: The difference is that I don't care. Sheepy: CasCu: And you! Got the Gae Bolg! Sheepy: CasCu: And I was stuck with some stick! Arsé-kun: Acu: Do you want it? Sheepy: CasCu: Yes, but I can't have it. Arsé-kun: Acu: You can have it square up your ass. Sheepy: Satoru: *this isn't bothering him at all* Arsé-kun: Mori: And thus, Cu behaves in the regular manner. Perhaps we should back off. Sheepy: Satoru: Huh? That's how he says he likes you. Arsé-kun: Acu: Oh, no. A suntan. What ever will I do. Stop barking at me. Sheepy: CasCu: Oi, maybe I'll just shove your head in a pot of cold water and see which happens first - you drown or you stop being some maddened boar! Sheepy: CasCu: Wouldn't that be a science experiment! Arsé-kun: Acu: You would die of strangulation first. Sheepy: Satoru: See? They're bonding. Arsé-kun: *Acu whips his tail around to lightly smack Cascu's back.* Sheepy: CasCu: Don't do that. Sheepy: Satoru: Big Bro Cu is friends with a red guy. They punch each other and stab each other. After that they drink together. Is that what you're doing? Sheepy: CasCu: I do no such thing! ... Eh, wait, you mean the better me. Arsé-kun: Mori: I wouldn't say better. This entire discussion has been more civil than he is in two hours. Sheepy: CasCu: He's got the Gae Bolg, he's got morals, and he isn't filled with embarrassing memories of the past. Arsé-kun: Mori: He lives with Setanta. Say that again. Sheepy: CasCu: He's not a symbol of those embarrassing memories. Sheepy: CasCu: Setanta is. Arsé-kun: Mori: Yes, but he has to tolerate seeing this behavior. Sheepy: CasCu: That's not my point. Sheepy: CasCu: My point is that I don't have the Gae Bolg, Alter doesn't have morals, and Setanta is an embarrassment. Sheepy: CasCu: And since Lancer me has the Gae Bolg, has morals, and isn't an embarrassment, he's the best of us three. Sheepy: CasCu: But mentally, of all of us, I'm closest to Lancer me. So I'm #2, Alter is #3, and Setanta is an embarrassment. Sheepy: Satoru: Embarrassment is my favorite number. Arsé-kun: *Mori suppresses a laugh* Sheepy: Satoru: And, I like Centipede Cu more. Arsé-kun: Acu: ... Stop saying words. Sheepy: Satoru: Huh? Sheepy: Satoru: Do you want another name? Arsé-kun: Acu: Yes. Sheepy: Satoru: What do you want to be? Arsé-kun: Acu: Alter Cu. Sheepy: Satoru: Alter Cu. Arsé-kun: Acu: Yes. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: What do I call the other Cu? Arsé-kun: Acu: Ask him, not me. Sheepy: CasCu: Hmm~ I get to choose my name? Sheepy: CasCu: Aniki. Sheepy: Satoru:.. Sheepy: Satoru: Nice to meet you, Stick Cu. Sheepy: CasCu:?! Sheepy: CasCu: Just call me, errr... Sheepy: CasCu: Cu Chulainn. Sheepy: Satoru: There's already a Cu Chulainn. Sheepy: CasCu: Caster Cu. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Arsé-kun: *And Merlin finally returns, with questionable equipment and a lizard on his head* Arsé-kun: Merlin: What'd I miss? Progress made? Anyone wanna see a skink I'm borrowing from the doctor? Arsé-kun: Merlin: His name is Lenny. Sheepy: Satoru: *he stays with aCu.* Sheepy: Bedi: Merlin, you need to stop running off. Sheepy: Bedi: You wouldn't want me to get a child leash for you like Satoru has, would you? Sheepy: Satoru: Uhmmm.... Sheepy: Satoru: I want to see him. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Here he comes! *he moves in closer and crouches. You may see the lizard. behold, Lenny* Sheepy: Satoru: He's small. Arsé-kun: Merlin: He sure is. Sheepy: Satoru: Is he your friend? Arsé-kun: Merlin: I don't see why not? He's the only one that lets me do this. Sheepy: Bedi: What do you mean? Arsé-kun: Merlin: The other skinks don't like me much. Sheepy: Bedi: I thought you meant people... Arsé-kun: Merlin: Nah. People are fine. Sheepy: Bedi: They'd kill you if they copied Lenny. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Ehh?? Sheepy: Bedi: He's sitting on your head. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Oh. Yeah. Arsé-kun: Mori: ... Here's an idea. Bedivere, perhaps you and Merlin will have more success with further questioning. Sheepy: Bedi: Yes, good idea...and Merlin can return Lenny. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Already? Sheepy: Bedi: After we talk to the others. Arsé-kun: Merlin: d'aww. Sheepy: Bedi: You get to keep him for a while. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Hooray! Sheepy: Bedi: Okay, let's go talk to the others. Arsé-kun: *and so, Merlin and Bedi exit scene right* Sheepy: Satoru: ...What do we do? Arsé-kun: Mori: I suppose we could take a look around meanwhile. Sheepy: CasCu: Hey, maybe you could tell me a bit about the servants you know, eh...what's your class. Sheepy: CasCu: You don't look like a caster, you're definitely not a berserker, and I don't see a weapon. Arsé-kun: Mori: Archer. I am an archer. Sheepy: Cascu: Ooooh, archer, I see. Sheepy: Cascu: I'm neutral on archers. I'd like to try out being a Saber one day, but...Archer... Not sure how I feel about it. Arsé-kun: Mori: It's interesting. Not always what's expected of it. Sheepy: CasCu: Obviously, I'm a Caster. Arsé-kun: Mori: Yes, but I would not be surprised if you still responded to 'Lancer'. Sheepy: CasCu: Eh, I'm not Caster Lancer, just Caster. Sheepy: CasCu: And the kid? Sheepy: CasCu: Are you babysitting for your Master? Arsé-kun: Mori: I am, yes. Arsé-kun: Mori: He cannot babysit himself, after all. Sheepy: CasCu:...Oh, of course, he wouldn't make you babysit if he could do it himself...Wait. Arsé-kun: *Acu yawns like a dog and lies down on the floor in the bg. Real productive!* Arsé-kun: Mori: You caught on quickly. Well done. Sheepy: CasCu: What purpose does a little kid have for a servant? Arsé-kun: Mori: Protection. Sheepy: CasCu: From what?? Sheepy: Satoru: *he seems focused on aCu* Arsé-kun: Mori: I cannot freely share that information. Sheepy: CasCu: Fine, I guess. Sheepy: CasCu: So tell me more, what servants do you know? Arsé-kun: Mori: Hmm.. About seven berserkers, four assassins, seven sabers, six lancers, six casters, six archers, four riders.. three avengers, a ruler, and a partridge in a pear tree. Sheepy: CasCu:...Three avengers? Arsé-kun: Mori: Perhaps. Sheepy: CasCu: Hmm, poor you. Arsé-kun: Mori: It's not that bad. One needs walks. The other two are surprisingly non-disruptive. Sheepy: Satoru: Lobo is my pet wolf. Arsé-kun: *and subtlety has exited the building* Sheepy: CasCu: Kiddo, I'd recommend being careful about namedropping your servants... Sheepy: Satoru: But Mozart brags about himself and doesn't seem to mind people knowing his name. Sheepy: ?: Did you say...Mozart? Arsé-kun: Mori: *he frowns* And what business of yours is it? Sheepy: ?: .... Sheepy: ?: He is...an acquaintance of mine. Sheepy: ?: Who is he to you? Arsé-kun: Mori: A dear family member. Sheepy: ?: No, that's not right. Arsé-kun: Mori: That's a shame. Sheepy: ?:I need to see him again. Arsé-kun: Mori: That cannot be immediately done, but I'm sure it can be arranged. Sheepy: ?: Then this isn't his Master? Arsé-kun: Mori: Maybe, maybe not. Sheepy: ?: You stated that he is your Master. You stated thay Mozart is your family. He mentioned Mozart bragging often. Arsé-kun: Mori: But that does not mean Mozart has the same master. Perhaps he is under one related to my Master. Perhaps I am lying. It is not your business. Sheepy: ?: It is. Sheepy: ?: I must see Mozart. Arsé-kun: Mori: And who are you to be prying so deeply? Sheepy: ?: ....... Sheepy: ?: Amadeus Alter. Arsé-kun: *Mori squints* Arsé-kun: Mori: ... I will ask him the next time I see him. Permission given, I will allow it. Sheepy: Amadeus: Good. Sheepy: Amadeus: I'll be waiting. Arsé-kun: Mori: Wonderful. *and he turns his attention back to CasCu* Arsé-kun: Mori: Is this normal behavior? *he gestures to Acu, who's still on the floor. acu plz* Sheepy: CasCu:...Oh, that? Sheepy: CasCu: Depends on your definition of normal... Arsé-kun: Mori: ... Absolutely decimated, with no consideration to the original meaning of the word. Sheepy: CasCu: Then sure. Arsé-kun: Mori: Please get your Alter off of the floor. He may be trampled on, tripped on, or he may melt into a puddle. Sheepy: CasCu: Oi, get off the floor! Arsé-kun: Acu: .... nah. Sheepy: Satoru: You should go to bed. Arsé-kun: Acu: ... Yeah. .. Have to get up. ... Nah. Arsé-kun: Acu: ... Can't be bothered. Sheepy: Satoru: Why not? Sheepy: Satoru: Bed would be more comfortable, right? Sheepy: CasCu: Don't even bother, Kiddo. Sheepy: CasCu: *He lifts aCu up* Sheepy: *..And then puts aCu on his feet, holding him up so he can't lie down again.* Arsé-kun: Acu: ..... :< Sheepy: CasCu: What? Arsé-kun: *Acu is unimpressed. How Dare You* Sheepy: CasCu: You either stand or you go to bed. Arsé-kun: Acu: ... Fine. Come get me if something happens, like murder. Sheepy: CasCu: Fine. Arsé-kun: *and he lumbers out of the area. he probably gives up like halfway there and takes over a row of chairs. Good enough.* Sheepy: *...Eventually, Bedi and Merlin return.* Arsé-kun: Merlin: Helloooo! Sheepy: Satoru: Hi. Sheepy: Bedi: How did it go? Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Bedi: We've finished our business. Did you want to go home, Archer? Arsé-kun: Mori: I would like to, yes. I've got no further business here. Sheepy: Bedi: Good, let's get going then. Sheepy: *The group heads home.* Sheepy: *Lobo is digging a hole in the front yard. Tristan is fast asleep near Lobo. ... Lobo swipes Tristan into the hole and starts burying him...* Arsé-kun: Mori: Lobo, no! Sheepy: Lobo: ? Sheepy: Lobo: *Boof* Sheepy: Bedi:...Is Tristan dead? Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... No? Sheepy: *Bedi approaches the hole, only for Lobo to block him and snarl loudly.* Arsé-kun: Mori: Lobo! *he moves in, mostly to pull Bedi back* Knock it off! Sheepy: Lobo: *He backs off, his tail lowering some* ... Sheepy: Lobo: *...He rolls over.* Arsé-kun: Mori: .. Thank you for the respect. *he lets go off the child leash, and considers getting Tris out Himself* Sheepy: Lobo: *He sees the leash and stands, picking it up* Sheepy: Satoru:? Arsé-kun: Merlin: He's gonna take you for a walk! Sheepy: Satoru: But his walks usually end in someone dying...the person he's walking very specifically... Sheepy: Lobo: *He walks toward the house and looks down at Satoru* Sheepy: *Satoru hesitantly follows Lobo.* Sheepy: Satoru: Lobo? Do you know where Uncle Mozzy is? Sheepy: Lobo: *He sniffs at Satoru, completely ignoring his question.* Sheepy: Satoru: Lobo? Do you know where Uncle Mozzy is? Sheepy: Lobo: *He sniffs at Satoru, completely ignoring his question.* Arsé-kun: *Mori opts to sliiide into the hole, and grabs Tristan's shirt collar. So far, so good.* Sheepy: Bedi: Are you sure you don't need help? Arsé-kun: Mori: *he starts trudging back up, and.. ends up sliding back down* I never stated that I didn't. Sheepy: Bedi:..Oh no. Sheepy: Bedi: Are you stuck? Arsé-kun: Mori: It seems like it. Sheepy: Bedi: *He leaves and returns with Sherlock* Arsé-kun: *Moriarty does not look impressed.* Sheepy: Bedi: Huh? Sheepy: Sherlock: Good afternoon, Professor Moriarty. Arsé-kun: Mori: Good afternoon, detective. Do assist me in getting this man out of this hole. Sheepy: Sherlock: No problem. Sheepy: Sherlock: *He helps pull Tristan out.* Sheepy: *...And then sits by the side of the hole in his generic thinking pose...* Sheepy: Sherlock: Happy to be of help, Professor. Arsé-kun: Mori: ... Well, I suppose you did what I had asked. I cannot complain. Sheepy: Sherlock: Aha, I did. Sheepy: Sherlock: You're catching on, good. Sheepy: Sherlock: What will you do next, Professor? Arsé-kun: Mori: Why wouldn't I? *he grumbles and starts the trek back up* What would you think? Sheepy: Sherlock: Ah, take the prideful route... Arsé-kun: Mori: I don't know if I need the assistance just yet. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'll be here. Waiting. Sheepy: Sherlock:...As a supporting friend, for you to succeed in your endeavors. Arsé-kun: Mori: How uplifting. Sheepy: Sherlock: After all, if you and I were in the opposite situations, I'm sure you'd laugh at me and leave me to die, but I'm sure that there'd be the tiniest fraction of your heart telling you to pull me out... Arsé-kun: Mori: Certainly, my spirit has been raised- *the dirt crumbles under his weight, and he falls back down into the hole* ?! Sheepy: Sherlock: Professor? Are you alright? Arsé-kun: Mori: ... *he sits back up. he seems a bit rattled* ... Unfortunately for you, I'm still here this time. Sheepy: Sherlock: Whyever would I wish for your death? Sheepy: Sherlock: You're a source of entertainment. Arsé-kun: Mori: I'm glad to know I only exist for that purpose to you. Sheepy: Sherlock: I never said that purpose alone, Professor. Sheepy: Sherlock: Make sure to exhaust all possibilities before coming to a single solution. Arsé-kun: Mori: I was going to ask for assistance, but it seems that wouldn't be entertaining. Sheepy: Sherlock: Professor, that's a bit childish. Sheepy: Sherlock: I never said that. Sheepy: *He's smiling...until Tristan in a half asleep state shoves him in, tells Gawain to stop talking directly next to him as he tries to sleep, and then conks out again...* Arsé-kun: *Moriarty stays right where he is. Karma's a bitch, ain't it?* Sheepy: Sherlock:.... Sheepy: *Sherlock seems a bit stunned...* Sheepy: Sherlock: ..Hmm. Arsé-kun: Mori: Welcome to the hole, detective. Sheepy: Sherlock: Thank you. Sheepy: Sherlock: *He puts his hands to his face once more, sitting cross-legged* Arsé-kun: Mori: Quite welcome. Arsé-kun: Mori: This seems to be a predicament that we can't brute force our way out of. Sheepy: Sherlock: Yes, we must think of a way to get you out. Arsé-kun: Mori: What, are you going to take up residence in this hole? Sheepy: Sherlock: It's not that. Sheepy: Sherlock: I could easily leave. Arsé-kun: Mori: Then go ahead. Sheepy: Sherlock: No. Sheepy: Sherlock: As I said, the goal is to get you out. Sheepy: Sherlock: Not for me to jump out and then laugh at you from a distance. Arsé-kun: Mori: What a surprise. Sheepy: Sherlock: What is? Arsé-kun: Mori: That you haven't already done that. Sheepy: Sherlock:...Professor. Sheepy: Sherlock: I may be Sherlock Holmes, but I'm not necessarily the one who would easily leave a companion. Arsé-kun: Mori: So, what? Are you going to just sit here? Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm thinking. Arsé-kun: Mori: Is that what's burning? We'll need something to burn at this rate. Sheepy: *The magnifying glasses on his back are shifting slightly and consistently, a soft whirring noise accompanying them. Seems like it's helping him think.* Sheepy: Sherlock:....Oh, yes. Sheepy: Sherlock: I theoretically could get out myself, but that doesn't get you anywhere... Arsé-kun: Mori: Just get a goddamn rope, Holmes. Sheepy: Sherlock:...Right. Sheepy: *Sherlock gets up* Arsé-kun: Mori: I'll be... Right here. Waiting. Sheepy: Sherlock: *He gets out via jumping and then goes to get a rope.* Arsé-kun: Mori: *while he HOPES Sherlock will keep his word, he's not really.. Expecting it?* Sheepy: *Sherlock returns a few minutes later with a rope. Expectations, shattered!* Arsé-kun: Mori: Oh! Sheepy: Sherlock: What is it, Professor? Arsé-kun: Mori: You came back. Sheepy: Sherlock: I sure did. *He drops the other end of the rope so Mori can grab it* Arsé-kun: *and Mori does so.* Sheepy: Sherlock: Do you need help getting in? Arsé-kun: Mori: I'd rather be out of the hole. Sheepy: Sherlock: Of course. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'll hold this end. Arsé-kun: Mori: ... I just now understood what you meant. The help would be nice, yes. *and he starts his way up for the umpteenth time* Sheepy: *The magnifying glass limbs are still twitching some... Perhaps he's still a little messed up from falling and it's bringing him comfort? Who knows.* Sheepy: Sherlock: Alright. Arsé-kun: *and Moriarty is able to get out this time! Hooray!* Sheepy: Sherlock: Here, let me help you inside. Arsé-kun: Mori: Please do. Sheepy: *Sherlock helps Moriarty inside* Sheepy: Sherlock: Do you need anything else? Arsé-kun: Mori: No, that should be all. Thank you. Sheepy: *Lobo is sitting next to the sofa, watching (a half asleep) Satoru, who's on the sofa. The sphinx kitten twins are chasing Lobo's tail. The third one is fast asleep next to Lobo.* Sheepy: Sherlock: You're welcome. Let me know if you need anything. Arsé-kun: Mori: Perhaps I will, detective. Perhaps I will. Sheepy: Lobo: *He catches sight of Moriarty and stares, his tail lifting some.* Arsé-kun: Mori: I hope you are proud of yourself, Lobo. *he hides his limp to the best of his ability, trudging to the sofa* I managed to get trapped in that hole of yours. Sheepy: Lobo: *Is that a good thing? He's wagging his tail now.* Arsé-kun: *He doesn't look happy, Lobo. What does that tell you?* Sheepy: Lobo:? Sheepy: Lobo: *He stands and licks Moriarty. This is an apology so everything is better.* Arsé-kun: *Mori reaches up and pats Lobo* Sheepy: Lobo: *He is pleased!* Sheepy: Satoru: *He groggily looks over* ...? Grandpa? Are you okay? Arsé-kun: Mori: Yes. Just a bit tired. Sheepy: Satoru:...OK. That's good. Arsé-kun: Mori: m-hm. Arsé-kun: *and so, Mori decides he can rest for a little bit. He knows better- He knows he'll end up napping for a few hours, and he does it anyway.* Arsé-kun: *On the more unfortunate side, he wakes up two hours later with sore muscles and everything hurts.* Sheepy: *Lobo has since left, and Satoru apparently copied Mori's example despite Guin not liking it when he [Satoru] sleeps on the sofa. Lobo apparently contributed one of his dog toys to Satoru before leaving.* Arsé-kun: Mori: *hoo boy. This is going to be an Evening.* Arsé-kun: Mori: *he'd try to get up, but this Satoru is on him. It's like having a cat on you. You'e now stuck forever.* Sheepy: Rider:... Arsé-kun: Mori: ... Please help. Sheepy: Rider: *He picks up Lobo's dog toy.* Arsé-kun: Mori: Rider. Sheepy: Rider: .... Arsé-kun: Mori: Please. Sheepy: *Rider shifts Satoru* Arsé-kun: Mori: Thank you. Arsé-kun: *and so, Mori forces himself up. What's going on now? Something's always going on* Sheepy: *You haven't told Mozart what he needs to know yet.* Arsé-kun: *Ah, yes, that. Upstairs he goes, then.* Arsé-kun: *is anyone around? is anything happening? it cannot just be moriarty and mozart up here.* Arsé-kun: *... Apparently, it is! What a shame.* Arsé-kun: Mori: *he heads straight to Mozart. No interruptions. No breaks. No stopping because his permanent servant arthritis is acting up.* Arsé-kun: Mozart: *he stops playing his keyboard, having heard Mori's uneven approach.* Can I help you, old man? Arsé-kun: Mori: Certainly. I was given a message to pass on. *at Mozart's insistence, he continues* The man claimed to be your Alter. He expressed desire to meet you? Sheepy: *Lobo lifts his head and looks over at Mori. Apparently he was listening to Mozart's music before he [Mozart] stopped.* Arsé-kun: Mozart: An alter? Of moi? I didn't know such a being existed. Arsé-kun: Mozart: I see no reason why to not meet the man. We could make wonderful music together~ Arsé-kun: Mozart: I should find myself a willing musician to duet with me and visit this concert hall. :) Arsé-kun: *Moriarty stares. He understood that perfectly, but BOY is he not in the mood for it* Arsé-kun: *and so, Mozart gets kicked out of his own room to find himself a partner to visit Chaldea with* Sheepy: *Lobo watches this silently...* Sheepy: Eiji: ... Umm... Sheepy: Satoru: *he scooches away from Eiji* Sheepy: Eiji: Oh... Arsé-kun: Mozart: Good afternoon! Sheepy: Eiji: Oh, uhm, g-good afternoon. Sheepy: Satoru: Uncle Mozzy, a guy wanted to see you. He was wearing red and black clothes. Arsé-kun: Mozart: I've just been informed of this. Would anyone wish to come with me to meet him? Sheepy: Satoru: Ummm...he was scary. Sheepy: Satoru: He said he was you but he put off an air that...uhm...no... maybe I'm just imagining it... Sheepy: Satoru: Nevermind. Arsé-kun: Mozart: No, no. I'd like to hear it. Sheepy: Satoru: Uhhh... Sheepy: Satoru: I couldn't see his face. He called you Mozart but himself Amadeus Alter. Sheepy: Satoru:..And something about him made my core feel cold. Sheepy: Satoru: But...uh...there's no reason for him to lie... Arsé-kun: Mozart: That's right, isn't it? I'll keep that in mind. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Good luck. Sheepy: Eiji: L-let me get... ... ... and then I'll come with you. Arsé-kun: Mozart: I understand. Thank you for volunteering! Sheepy: *Eiji leaves for a bit, returning with Bedi* Arsé-kun: Mozart: And a good afternoon to you as well! Sheepy: Bedi: Good afternoon, Mozart. Arsé-kun: Mozart: You don't mind going to Chaldea a second time, do you? Sheepy: Bedi: No, I don't. Are you ready? Arsé-kun: Mozart: Quite so. Sheepy: *They head to Chaldea once more.* Sheepy: *It's not too difficult to find Amadeus Alter. Upon arriving, the sound of Per la Ricuperata Salute di Ofelia can be heard. And then an incorrect note. A pause. It starts over from the beginning. An incorrect note in an earlier part. A pause. It starts over from the beginning. ... A pause. It starts over from the beginning.* Arsé-kun: Mozart: *he stops and listens. He's not going to interrupt-- That's rude.* Sheepy: *A try or two later, there's a loud cry of frustration and then silence. The voice is familiar.* Arsé-kun: Mozart: *he responds with the elegance of a mature adult, the simplest of replies-- The loudest fart noise he can produce without a tuba. Only the truest of Mozarts can communicate in such a manner.* Sheepy: Amadeus: Mozart... Mozart! *He seems...pleased...?* Sheepy: *...Amadeus's voice definitely isn't Mozart's...* Arsé-kun: Mozart: How could I forget your lovely voice? Salieri, you beautiful man, you gigantic pile of shit! Sheepy: Salieri: It's been so long... *...As Satoru said, there's something not quite right...* Sheepy: Salieri:...*He gasps of pain briefly, and pauses* ...Except. Sheepy: Salieri: I am not Salieri. Sheepy: Salieri: *pained gasp* Mozart...Mooozaaaart... I, Death, will kill you once more...Nothing will remain of you after I am done! Not your songs! Not the memory of you! Nothing! Sheepy: Bedi: *he unsheathes his sword and moves partially in front of Mozart* Arsé-kun: Mozart: ... ... How dare you. *he pats Bedi's shoulder. This isn't to you, Bedi. You're fine* You think that's at all possible? I could shit myself and it would remain in the public records for decades! Sheepy: Salieri: ... Sheepy: Salieri: I cannot simply erase your records...because erasing you...would erase me. Sheepy: Salieri: But I will kill you after tarnishing you! Arsé-kun: Mozart: What a load of crap! Allow me to take a big, steaming dump on your opinion! ... It sucks! Sheepy: Salieri: *he points his blade towards Mozart* I am the death god who stole your life! I am Salieri! ... No! I am Death! Salieri is dead! Arsé-kun: Mozart: Make up your minds! We've got all evening! Sheepy: *...Salieri lifts his sword.* Arsé-kun: *Mozart lifts up his hands, in a similar, composer style.* Sheepy: *There's a clicking noise behind Mozart, followed up by a cry from Salieri. "Kill, KILL!"* Arsé-kun: *Mozart whirls around, whipping a bit of magic as he does. What is it? What's behind him?* Sheepy: *Four reaper minions with rifles.* Arsé-kun: *Well, that's not good.* Sheepy: *They open fire!* Sheepy: *...Bedi shoves Mozart out of the way!* Arsé-kun: *Mozart is still hit by a bullet or two, and he cries out on the way down* Sheepy: *There's laughter from Salieri, followed up by wheezing.* Sheepy: *...There's a few holes in Salieri, too...* Arsé-kun: Mozart: ... ... *he shakes his head and forces himself back to his feet* How'd that go for you..? Sheepy: Salieri: Mozart...Mozart....I'll kill you.... like you killed m...No...no...like... Sheepy: Salieri:... ... Sheepy: Salieri: *he lifts his hands* Arsé-kun: *As does Mozart.* Sheepy: *And begins playing an air piano. There is actual piano music coming out of this. HOW* Arsé-kun: Mozart: ... I'd be more impressed if I didn't know this was an assault! Sheepy: Salieri: No...No! Sheepy: Salieri: *he pauses playing, his minions pausing in their movements. Bedi strikes them with his sword. Salieri doesn't care.* Sheepy: Salieri: You can't be impressed! Arsé-kun: Mozart: Who lied to you? Sheepy: Salieri: I make no music, just sound! Nothing compares to yours! Arsé-kun: Mozart: Oh, lick my ass, will you?? Sheepy: Salieri: Mozart! MOZART! I'll kill you! Arsé-kun: Mozart: At least take me on a first date before destroying my ass! Sheepy: *Salieri begins furiously playing the air piano. He keeps hitting the wrong notes. His new minions are confused and all looking to him, unsure of how to take these orders...* Sheepy: *It devolves into him, once more, trying to play Per la Ricuperata Salite di Ofelia. A wrong note. A sob. The minions look to one another and slowly lift their spears towards Salieri, unsure of how to take these orders.* Arsé-kun: *Mozart moves in without interruption, lifts up his leg, and slams it down where the keyboard would be. Eat shit.* Sheepy: *Salieri collapses to the floor. The minions, along with his mystic code, fade, leaving Salieri in his usual suit.* Sheepy: Salieri:.... Sheepy: Salieri: *Wheeze* Mozart.... I... ... I don't want to... ... *He clutches his head in silence, the only sound from him being his quickened, unsteady breathing and the occasional sob.* Arsé-kun: Mozart: *he keeps his guard up, slowly lowering himself down to check on Salieri* I know. Sheepy: Salieri:...Kill me. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Who do you think I am, an executioner? Give me your hands. Sheepy: *Salieri does so hesitantly* Sheepy: Salieri: I'll kill you one day...if you don't kill me now. Arsé-kun: Mozart: I'd rather it be by you than.. Whatever actually did. Sheepy: Salieri:...No. Arsé-kun: Mozart: No? Sheepy: Salieri: I am, because that's what's been decided. Arsé-kun: *Mozart squints, frowning deeply* Sheepy: Salieri: Because of them, I cannot hear my own music... just its inadequacy compared to yours... Sheepy: Salieri:...*He laughs, followed by a sob.* Arsé-kun: Mozart: ... Salieri. I have a keyboard that does nothing but farting sounds. If you say I'm better again, I'll call you Arschgeige from now on! Sheepy: Salieri:... Sheepy: Salieri: It's not something I can't control. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Then lets do something else. You can call me Arsch. Sheepy: Salieri:.... Sheepy: Salieri: You really should kill me. Arsé-kun: Mozart: I'm not Sanson! Do I look armed to you?? Sheepy: Salieri:...No... Arsé-kun: Mozart: Then shhhhhhut up. Sheepy: Salieri:.... Arsé-kun: Mozart: I'm not going to kill you. Sheepy: Salieri:...Just because you don't have a weapon...? Sheepy: Salieri:...Take my sword and kill me with it. It is the embodiment of humanity's beliefs that I killed you. Sheepy: Salieri: Simply, it is the weapon they believed I killed you with. Arsé-kun: Mozart: ... *he casts the sword a glare, and kicks it away. Sure, this messes up his balance and he falls over, but mission accomplished* Sheepy: Salieri:... Arsé-kun: Mozart: ....... Arsé-kun: *And, of Course, this is Chaldea, not some random alleyway, so of Course someone is going to be sent to check why two men are bleeding on the floor. Unfortunately for everyone, it's the vampire.* Sheepy: Bedi: Good afternoon. Do you think you could help them? Sheepy: Haku: Tepes, no, you're like a shark. Arsé-kun: Tepes: I got us here, didn't I, dear? Sheepy: Haku: Yes, you did. Sheepy: Haku: Can you explain what happened, one of you? Arsé-kun: *Mozart is remarkably quiet. He is Not Happy* Sheepy: Bedi: Mozart was attacked by the man in the suit. Sheepy: Bedi: I ended up getting shot due to bodyblocking some bullets, but I believe one or two hit Mozart. Sheepy: Bedi:...Furthermore, the man in the suit accidentally hit himself as well. Sheepy: Bedi: Based on my understanding of the situation, he was not in control of his actions at the time. Sheepy: Bedi: Do not concern yourself with me. Focus on Mozart and the man in the suit instead. Arsé-kun: *and Mozart points to Salieri. No, HIM first* Sheepy: *Salieri has no response to this. he's breathing heavily...* Arsé-kun: Tepes: ... *he sniffs* .. The one in the suit is far worse off. Sheepy: Bedi: This isn't my area of expertise. Arsé-kun: Tepes: If it was, you would have dealt with it by now. Sheepy: Bedi: *He nods* Sheepy: *There's a small groan from Eiji...* Arsé-kun: Mozart: *he shifts to look over to Eiji* ? Sheepy: *He's lying face-down on the floor. So basically something that Satoru has done a thousand times. Except there's the occasional groan accompanied by this. No blood, so he wasn't hit by any of the bullets.* Arsé-kun: Tepes: ... .. Dearie? He's on you. Suits' on me. *he goes to lift up Salieri, only to be met with objection from Mozart* Y'know, you could stand to lose a bit more blood. I can help. Arsé-kun: *Mozart lets the fuck go and shuts the fuck up* Sheepy: Haku: You mean like I'm supposed to pick him up? Arsé-kun: Tepes: No, no. Get off and check on him, please. Sheepy: *Haku slips off of Tepes's back and goes to check on Eiji.* Arsé-kun: *Tepes does an about face and slips out of the scene with Salieri. Oh. Bye?* Sheepy: Haku: Oh, bye. Sheepy: Haku: *She pokes at Eiji* Hi, are you dead? Sheepy: Eiji: *groan* Sheepy: Bedi: Please stop tormenting him... Sheepy: Bedi: *He smiles* It'd be better if you did nothing and left, because all you're doing is making things worse. Sheepy: Haku: ...Well, that's certainly a cruel way to put it. Arsé-kun: Mozart: *GUESS I'LL DIE.* Arsé-kun: Acu: Do any of you know how to shut up?? *oh. didn't even notice him there, still laying across multiple chairs like it's his city now. he's been there... The entire time? Doing nothing to help.* Sheepy: Haku: Yup, but I don't use that ability of mine ever because it's too powerful. Sheepy: Haku: Anyway, you over there, with the blond hair, are you okay? Arsé-kun: Mozart: .... I'm certainly alive. Sheepy: Bedi: *His smile grows* We know how to shut up as well as you know how to help. Sheepy: Bedi: We are capable of it, but we do not do it. Sheepy: Haku: So I'm guessing it's not just a case of you hurting physically? Sheepy: Haku: What's up? It's my job to listen to people's concerns, as much as I may seem like I'm a nasty person. Arsé-kun: Mozart: .... .... For starters, I just witnessed my friend nearly kill us both. Sheepy: Haku: ...Right. Sheepy: Haku: He's an Avenger class. Arsé-kun: Mozart: .... That's somehow worse. Arsé-kun: *Acu loudly growls. Shut the fuck upppp, he is Trying to SLEEP here. And he was here first!* Sheepy: Bedi: *He doesn't appear at all concerned about Acu's growling.* Sheepy: *..Instead, he defensively steps to block Acu's view of Eiji, grinning a pleasant grin as he does...* Arsé-kun: Acu: ..... Are you an idiot, or do you have a death wish? Sheepy: Bedi: All I know is that you are being aggressive, and it is my duty to protect Master Eiji. Arsé-kun: Acu: I just want you to shut the hell up. Sheepy: Bedi: Yes, and we will when everything is resolved. Sheepy: Bedi: All you're doing is dragging it out longer. Arsé-kun: Acu: For the love of an irish whore. Get done or something. Sheepy: Bedi: Okay, sure. Sheepy: *Bedi strolls over to aCu, picks him up with the Airgetlam, and then picks up one of the chairs.* Sheepy: *...He then proceeds to walk a few feet away, put the chair down, and then aCu on it.* Sheepy: Bedi: You're now further away. Aren't you happy about that? Arsé-kun: Acu: *he's.. more confused than bothered. what the hell just happened. the fucking NERVE of this guy.* Sheepy: Bedi: After all, you seemed like you had a problem with being there, so I thought I may as well help. Arsé-kun: Acu: .... .... I, uh. I guess so. Sheepy: Bedi: That's good. Sheepy: Bedi: Did you need anything else before I return to Master Eiji? Arsé-kun: Acu: ... No? heepy: Bedi: That's fine. Arsé-kun: *and so, Acu has been Shut Up by Bedi, and his strong ass arm. Great. NOW DO WHAT U NEED TO, BEDI* Arsé-kun: *AND NOW, THIS IS BORING. WHAT'S HAPPENING AT HOME?* Sheepy: *Satoru has decided that right now Uncle Lance should be the target of his attention. What're you up to, Lance?* Arsé-kun: *Lance is... Channeling his natural aggression into video games. Is it being recorded? I don't know. The gameplay might.* Arsé-kun: *It's very possible the footage gets posted somewhere, but Lancelot is not the editor or poster. No patience for that sort of thing.* Sheepy: Satoru: *he sits down next to Lance. He'd sit on Lance but he doesn't have access.* Arsé-kun: *do it anyway!* Sheepy: *Satoru tries to.* Arsé-kun: *Lance gets distracted and dies. Ingame, of course. Not literally. He grumbles and moves his arms for Satoru* Sheepy: *Satoru sits on Lance's lap. Hello!* Arsé-kun: Lance: .... Hello to you, too. Sheepy: Satoru: Hello! Arsé-kun: Lance: ... Is today Get Close to Unclelot day? Sheepy: Satoru: Is that a bad day? Arsé-kun: Lance: Were it, I'd shoo you away. Sheepy: Satoru: Oh. Arsé-kun: Lance: .. 'm just recording anyway. It's fine. Sheepy: Satoru: Recording? Arsé-kun: Lance: mhm. Just the screen. Nothing else. Sheepy: Satoru: Why? Arsé-kun: Lance: ... Why not? Sheepy: Satoru: Uhmmm... Arsé-kun: Lance: ... It gives me something to do. Sheepy: Satoru: Ooohh... Arsé-kun: Lance: ... I can't.. Pick fights for fun. I'm too destructive. Sheepy: Satoru: Is that why harp guy is on the floor behind the sofa? Arsé-kun: Lance: .... Is he? Sheepy: Satoru: Yeah. Arsé-kun: Lance: *he glances over the back. LETS GUESS. TRIS IS SNOOZING AS USUAL* Sheepy: *He sure is. Face down on the floor.* Arsé-kun: *This is Uninteresting to Lance, since it's the norm.* Arsé-kun: Lance: ... *he sighs and looks back to the screen. he's dead again. NOT BIG SUR PRISE* Sheepy: Satoru: I like watching Kintaro play... uhhhmmm... Sheepy: Satoru: Animal Leaf. Sheepy: Satoru: All of his friends in it are bears. Sheepy: Satoru: And a chicken. Arsé-kun: Lance: ... Ah. Sheepy: Satoru: Do you play Animal Leaf? Arsé-kun: Lance: .. Non. It's too.. ... I don't want to say boring. Sheepy: Satoru: It's okay to be bored by something. Everyone has their own tastes. Sheepy: Satoru: I don't play video games. I'm bad at them. I just watch others. Sheepy: Satoru: Dad is good at them. Arsé-kun: Lance: ...? Sheepy: Satoru: Video games. Arsé-kun: Lance: Ah. Sheepy: Satoru: Auntie Guin doesn't play them...uhhmm...Big Bro Cu gets really competitive and ends up yelling a lot. Sheepy: Satoru: Lobo thinks they're food. Arsé-kun: Lance: Well, of course. Sheepy: Satoru: Lobo thinks everything is food. Sheepy: Satoru: Grandpa likes puzzle games. Especially top hat guy. Sheepy: Tristan: I like the sweet embrace of death. Arsé-kun: Lance: Then get up here and play Bloodborne with me. I've died at least twenty times in the last three hours. Sheepy: Tristan:.... Arsé-kun: Lance: .... I know what you meant. Ignored it. Give me moral support. Sheepy: Tristan: Don't die. Live on. Arsé-kun: Lance: Thanks. Sheepy: Tristan: Don't be like me. Sheepy: Tristan: Be strong. Endure. Sheepy: Tristan:...Is that everything? Arsé-kun: Lance: I think so. Sheepy: Tristan: Then. Good night. Sheepy: Satoru: Oh, umm... Arsé-kun: Lance: ?? Sheepy: Satoru: How did you become strong? Arsé-kun: Lance: ... Training, mostly. Sheepy: Satoru: So strength comes from training? That's all? Arsé-kun: Lance: *he grumbles* It helps. Sheepy: Satoru:...Okay. Arsé-kun: Lance: .. Ah. Give me a couple of minutes for this boss. Arsé-kun: *cue Lance trying his best against what looks like a big white wolf. He wins this time.* Sheepy: Satoru: It's a puppy. Sheepy: Satoru: Like Lobo. Arsé-kun: Lance: I suppose so. Sheepy: Satoru: Why did you kill it? Arsé-kun: Lance: Because she was going to kill people. Sheepy: Satoru: But why? Arsé-kun: Lance: Because she got... Corrupted and sick. .... It's just a game. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Arsé-kun: Lance: ... Maybe I'll find something you can.. Actually play once I'm done. Sheepy: Satoru: You don't have to. I just wanted to spend time with you. Arsé-kun: Lance: *TOUCHING* Arsé-kun: *in the distance, a loud door slam. welcome back mozart.* Sheepy: Satoru: *He didn't like that noise.* Arsé-kun: *Neither did Lance, who jumped and almost broke his controller* Arsé-kun: Lance: ■■! Sheepy: Satoru: Wh-who, uh, do you think that is? Arsé-kun: Lance: ▂▂▃▂on't know. Sheepy: Satoru: I don't like it... Arsé-kun: *Lancelot grumbles. Give him a few minutes to formulate words* Sheepy: Satoru:... Sheepy: Cu: DONT SLAM DOORS OR ILL SLAM YOU INTO THE DOOR! Arsé-kun: Mozart: SHOVE A WATER BOTTLE UP YOUR ASS AND FART ME A SONATA, YOU ABSOLUTE WASTE OF SPERM! Sheepy: Cu: WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME?! ILL SHOVE THIS SPEAR SO FAR DOWN YOUR THROAT YOULL BE A- *lobo barking* -KA BOB! Sheepy: Cu: HOW ABOUT YOU BECOME AN ASTRONAUT, BECAUSE YOU SURE DO LOVE TAKING UP SPACE! HERE! I CAN EVEN THROW YOU UP THERE! Arsé-kun: Mozart: I'M ALREADY SHIT, TELL ME SOMETHING I DIDN'T KNOW! GET A MUZZLE! Sheepy: Cu: GET A GOOD ADDITUDE! YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO ALL MUSICIANS! Arsé-kun: *Mozart's reply, after a minute of silence, is the loudest sousaphone B sharp he can muster.* Sheepy: Cu: YOU ARE SO ANNOYING! Sheepy: Cu: ALL YOU DO IS CREATE NOISE POLLUTION AND AIR POLLUTION! Arsé-kun: Vlad: WHO IS SCREAMING?! WHO DARE WAKE US?? YOU'RE GOING TO BE DINNER! Sheepy: Satoru: Oh, Big Bro Cu is happy to see him. Sheepy: Satoru: So is Dad. Arsé-kun: Lance: Ssseems that way. Sheepy: Cu: YOU SHUT UP TOO! GO BACK TO SLEEP! THIS IS BETWEEN ME AND THE FARTIST! Arsé-kun: Andersen: Fartist. I must add this to my lexicon immediately. Thank you for your genius with the English language. Sheepy: Cu: You're welcome. Arsé-kun: Merlin: *that. happened. He opts to try and edge out. Nothing to see here!* Sheepy: Bedi: Ah, Merlin. Arsé-kun: Merlin: *MISSION FAILED.* Yes..? Sheepy: Bedi: I wasn't able to prevent a fight from breaking out Arsé-kun: Merlin: ..... I see that. Who did this to you? Sheepy: Bedi: Mozart's friend. He shot me. Arsé-kun: Merlin: ...... *he looks.. Displeased.* Sheepy: Bedi: Don't worry, though. Mozart and his friend have received medical assistance. Sheepy: Bedi: Both should be fine. Sheepy: Bedi: Master Eiji is uninjured. He took a nap. Arsé-kun: Merlin: ............ You, though. Also, did something happen that I am not aware of? Sheepy: Bedi: What about me? ...Ah. Sheepy: Bedi: He attacked us because he wasn't quite himself. Sheepy: Bedi: He ended up shooting himself as well. I took most of the damage for Mozart but I failed to protect him completely. Arsé-kun: Merlin: ......... *he looks even more sour but doesn't complain. Here's the heals, free of charge* Sheepy: Bedi: Thank you. ... What's wrong? Sheepy: Bedi: Is it that I let Master Eiji fall asleep during a fight? ... Sorry, I should've paid better attention.. Arsé-kun: Merlin: No, not that. Just tell me when you're hurting for once! Sheepy: Bedi: *He frowns* Sheepy: Bedi: My injuries come from my mistakes. I don't want to bother you purely because I made a mistake. Arsé-kun: *in the distance is a bass drum impacting on some poor sod, and the door slamming again. nice* Sheepy: Bedi: ...More importantly, Mozart is understandably upset, and....ah...I wouldn't say we two are Master Eij's only servants anymore...? Arsé-kun: Merlin: That's what it was?? Sheepy: Bedi: I guess you could say he's fostering two for Satoru. ...Personally, I'd rather we two be the only ones... Arsé-kun: Merlin: It lets us have more time alone, though~ Sheepy: Bedi:...It does? Wouldn't it be less because we now have more servants attached to Master Eiji? Sheepy: Bedi: Now we're no longer alone... Arsé-kun: *Merlin wiggles his eyebrows.* Sheepy: Bedi:...! ...Oh. I understand. Sheepy: Bedi: But... what if we're needed? I wouldn't say either of them have any experience being a servant. Sheepy: Bedi: Especially not of one as different as Master Eiji... Arsé-kun: Merlin: I think we'll figure something out. Sheepy: Bedi:...Both are Cu, so you know. Sheepy: Cu: What?! Arsé-kun: Merlin: .... This is now a hound only household. Of Cus, bitches, and everyone else. Sheepy: Cu: I'M NOT A DOG! Arsé-kun: Proto: WHY ARE WE YELLING? Sheepy: Cu: Backtrack! What mes?! Arsé-kun: Merlin: .... I think I know. Sheepy: Cu: There's normal me, sure, and then Setanta! Sheepy: Cu: ...Wait, is one... Sheepy: Cu:...That guy isn't getting close to the kid AT ALL! Sheepy: Bedi: Caster Lancer and All Bark and No Bite Lancer. Sheepy: Cu: Caster...? What makes me capable of being a caster.... Arsé-kun: Proto: Rune magic? Teacher taught us, after all.. Sheepy: Cu: I sealed that away though because it's useless to me. Arsé-kun: Proto: It's haaard. Sheepy: CasCu: His face is like...a little chick plastered onto a weirdly kinda like me body. I was him once? Sheepy: Cu: Oh my gosh you look like a middle aged treehugging hippie. Arsé-kun: Proto: You look like.. Big bro, but older! Sheepy: CasCu: Big bro? That's what everyone calls me. Arsé-kun: Proto: I can't call you both that! Sheepy: CasCu: Hmm~ Too bad. Arsé-kun: *In the background, Acu gives up a foot past the door and lays down on the floor. I am a fucking poet. I am the next Willy Shakes.* Sheepy: CasCu: Call me Aniki, then. It's Big Bro but like we're the yakuza. Arsé-kun: Proto: That works! Sheepy: CasCu: Eh? Really? I mean... of course you'd agree! Arsé-kun: Acu: ... Shut up, you sound desperate. Sheepy: CasCu: And you sound like you wish for the sweet embrace of- Sheepy: Cu: *He smacks aCu with a broom* Out, out! Arsé-kun: Acu: ... Make me, you little yappy dog. Sheepy: Cu: Nobody wants you here! Go back to Queen Mebd, you nasty Queen Mebd fanboy! Arsé-kun: Acu: Ew. Sheepy: Cu: Ew? Arsé-kun: Acu: Ew. She makes Fergus look like... ... A nerdy virgin bitch. Sheepy: Cu: Are you not even loyal? Arsé-kun: Acu: To that thing? Sheepy: Cu:...Well, yes Arsé-kun: Acu: I was made to be a king, not a whipped husband. Sheepy: Cu: ...*He raises an eyebrow* King? Sheepy: Cu: We already have three of those. Arsé-kun: Acu: Long story. Don't care. Sheepy: Cu: Wait. Four. Sheepy: Cu: None of them will give up their title. You'll have to fight them for it. Arsé-kun: Acu: Can't be bothered. I'll fight them if they'll give me a good challenge. Sheepy: Cu: Like, where is he - Lobo! Sheepy: *Lobo arrives.* Sheepy: Cu: This is one of 'em. Sheepy: Lobo: *He approaches aCu and starts sniffing at him* Arsé-kun: Acu: ... Get your nose away from my ass. Sheepy: Lobo: *He picks up aCu in his mouth* Sheepy: Cu: Lobo. Down. Sheepy: Cu: Lobo. Sheepy: Cu: No. Arsé-kun: Proto: Don't shake, Lobo! Sheepy: Lobo: *He looks to Proto, and then to Cu. His tail is wagging...* Arsé-kun: Acu: .... Down, before I cut holes in your jaw. Sheepy: Lobo: *He starts rapidly shaking aCu* Sheepy: Cu: Lobo NO!! Sheepy: CasCu: Wow. Sheepy: Cu: VLAD! GET YOUR ALPHA BUTT UP HERE! Arsé-kun: Vlad: *he ascends from the basement* Lobo! Not a toy! Down! Sheepy: Lobo: *He stops shaking aCu and trots towards Vlad. He drops aCu in front of Vlad and sits.* Arsé-kun: Vlad: Good Lobo. Have any of you taken him o-u-t yet? Sheepy: Cu: No, because it's not my job Arsé-kun: Proto: Not yet..! Sheepy: Lobo: *He can't spell, so he's just expectantly watching Vlad.* Arsé-kun: Vlad: ... I'll do it, then. Sheepy: Lobo: ? Sheepy: Cu: Good, he actually listens to you. Arsé-kun: Vlad: Get me the leash, Lobo. And of course he does. Sheepy: *Lobo excitedly gies to get it.* Sheepy: Cu: Why??? Sheepy: Cu: You're not a dog. Arsé-kun: Vlad: Perhaps. Sheepy: Cu: Perhaps? Maybe you are a dog, then?! You don't look it! Sheepy: *Lobo returns with the leash.* Arsé-kun: Vlad: I'll show you when I wish to. Now is not the time. Sheepy: Lobo: *boof* Arsé-kun: Vlad: Yes, yes, Lobo. We can go now. Sheepy: Lobo: *He's excited!* Arsé-kun: *and so, Vlad takes Lobo for a "walk".* Arsé-kun: *And Acu, once again, stays where he is. This is a nice floor.* Sheepy: CasCu: What was with that dog? Arsé-kun: Proto: Lobo's a wolf king. He decided it's his territory. Sheepy: CasCu: Wolf..King...? Sheepy: CasCu: Wolves don't have royalty. Sheepy: Cu: Don't question it. Really. Don't. Question his position as the ruler over all of us other than Vlad and Moriarty and he'll use you as a chew toy. Sheepy: Cu: Rule #2. Don't get too close to the kid right off the bat. He'll tear you to shreds. Sheepy: Cu: This is difficult because the kid has no sense of patience in terms of bonding and if he decides he likes you he'll cling to you. Sheepy: Cu: Rule #3. Feeding Lobo part of your dinner unless you're Kintaro won't put you in his good graces. He'll just expect it and then get mad and shake you around when he doesn't get it. Sheepy: Cu: He gets his own dinner and doesn't need yours. Sheepy: CasCu: Sure, sure, but what should I know about in terms of the ladies? Sheepy: Cu: Don't bother. The only good one is Guinevere and she's already taken. Sheepy: CasCu: That soon? Sheepy: Cu: She was taken thousands of years ago, sorry bud. Sheepy: CasCu: By whom? Sheepy: Cu: Lancelot. Sheepy: CasCu: The name rings a bell. Sheepy: Cu: There's Liz who is loud and annoying, Carmilla who is loud and annoying, and the kid's mom who's obviously married. Sheepy: CasCu: Another one I missed out on? Sheepy: Cu: She's married to your current Master. Sheepy: CasCu: Ugghhh... Sheepy: Cu: Sorry, bud. I said obviously because I assumed you knew. Arsé-kun: Proto: .. Wait, that's not all of the girls! Arsé-kun: Proto: I mean, yeah, you only skipped two, but.. Arsé-kun: Proto: I don't think my Master would appreciate being approached that way? Arsé-kun: Proto: And the other's a snake! Sheepy: Cu: That's why I skipped them. Arsé-kun: Proto: ... Does Mud count as a dude or a lady? Sheepy: Cu: Mud? Sheepy: Cu: No clue. Arsé-kun: Proto: They're out, too, you'll be impaled for trying probably. Sheepy: CasCu: Eh. Arsé-kun: Acu: ... He'll get impaled anyway. Sheepy: CasCu: What!? Arsé-kun: Acu: It happens to all of us. Arsé-kun: Acu: That, and you never shut up. Sheepy: CasCu: I do! Arsé-kun: Acu: And neither does he. Shut up. Sheepy: CasCu: You shut up! Sheepy: Bedi: Master Eiji needs sleep. You are being loud. Sheepy: Bedi: Furthermore, you're probably bothering Mozart, who's already down. ...So. It's best that you quiet down. Arsé-kun: Proto: Huh? What happened? Sheepy: Bedi: I mentioned it earlier, but his friend attacked both him and me. Sheepy: Bedi: He's understandably upset about his friend's actions. Arsé-kun: Proto: And that's why you smell like used bullets and blood? Sheepy: Bedi: Do I...? Sorry. Arsé-kun: Merlin: All right, you manly men have fun doing whatever you're doing! I'm stealing this, thank you! *he picks up Bedi* Sheepy: Bedi: ?! Arsé-kun: Merlin: *aaand he exits with Bedi* You gotta clean up..! Sheepy: Bedi: Yes, of course, sorry. Arsé-kun: Merlin: And are we going to take two hours? Sheepy: Bedi: Of course not. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Are we going to turn the bathroom into a local sauna? Sheepy: Bedi: Ah...uh...no. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Great! Sheepy: Bedi: I'll have it at the usual temperature. Arsé-kun: Merlin: So rivaling the sun in heat? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Bedi, you could pour an entire pot of scalding hot coffee on yourself and you wouldn't be bothered by it! Sheepy: Bedi:...Ah. Sheepy: Bedi: I understand your point... Arsé-kun: Merlin: But I guess we're doing it anyway. Sheepy: Bedi: No, no, I'll put it down a little. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Three degrees? Sheepy: Bedi: That many? Arsé-kun: Merlin: What? Sheepy: Bedi: I was thinking one or two. Arsé-kun: Merlin: One? One?? Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... And what's this? Are you all going to break Mozart's door down? Sheepy: Satoru: Merlin. I'm sad. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Is it because the door's shut? Sheepy: Satoru: Uhuh. Sheepy: Satoru: He slammed a door and I don't like that noise. It's scary. So he must be upset. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Sounds it! Shall I give it a try? Sheepy: Satoru: Uhuh. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Ay-yo, musicman, open the door! *he kicks it* Stop having it be closed! Satoru's out here! Sheepy: Satoru: Did you hurt your foot kicking the door? Arsé-kun: Merlin: That absolutely hurt. Sheepy: Satoru: That's not good. Feel better soon. Arsé-kun: Merlin: And we aren't gonna ram it down.. Sheepy: Bedi: We could try leaving him alone. Arsé-kun: Merlin: And what, be played depressing songs all night? Sheepy: Bedi: Well...I mean... Sheepy: Bedi:...I guess. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Someone already has that job! His name is Tristan! Sheepy: Satoru: I want to see Uncle Mozzy. Sheepy: Bedi: Tristan is always sad, though... Arsé-kun: Herc: ▃▃▅▃▂▃ ?? Sheepy: Satoru: It's Fluffy. Hello! Do you want to see Uncle Mozzy too? Arsé-kun: Herc: ▂▃▂▃▂▂? Sheepy: Satoru: He's sad and locked the door. Unless you know a way in, we'll have to wait until he unlocks it. Arsé-kun: *Herc takes the doorknob and turns it. It breaks instantly and the door is easily opened* Arsé-kun: Herc: ▅. Sheepy: Satoru: Oh! It was unlocked this entire time. Thank you, Fluffy. Sheepy: *Herc receives a hug before Satoru enters the room to see Mozart.* Sheepy: Bedi: Oh no... Arsé-kun: Merlin: I'm not fixing that. Sheepy: Satoru: Uncle Mozzy? Sheepy: Bedi: The poor door... Arsé-kun: Mozart: ... What? Sheepy: Satoru: Are you upset? Arsé-kun: Mozart: Yes. Sheepy: Satoru: Can I help make you feel better? Arsé-kun: Mozart: Sure. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Well. If you have something you want to vent about, I'm here. Arsé-kun: Mozart: .... You recall the movie made about me, yes? Sheepy: Satoru: Uhuh. The one you didn't want me to watch. Arsé-kun: Mozart: It's wildly incorrect Arsé-kun: Mozart: No, no! Arsé-kun: Mozart: Not that! Just... The part about how I died and who did it. Sheepy: Satoru: Ooooh. Sheepy: Satoru: Did someone say the movie was accurate? Is that why you're upset? Arsé-kun: Mozart: ... You know how Dracula caused Vlad to be a vampire? Sheepy: Satoru: Yeah. Arsé-kun: Mozart: A dear friend has been turned into a homicidal man that he never was. Sheepy: Satoru: ... Maybe there’s some way to reach out to him? Arsé-kun: Mozart: Oh, we tried. He barely has control over his own body at this point.. Sheepy: Satoru: Uhhmmm... Maybe Dr. Marshmallow can help. Arsé-kun: Mozart: I don't think he can magically change someone's class.. Sheepy: Satoru: Class? Sheepy: Satoru: So he’s... uhhh... Arsé-kun: Mozart: He's an Avenger. Certainly behaves like a Berserker. Sheepy: Satoru: ?! So then he knows Hulk? And Captain America? Arsé-kun: Mozart: ... No, no. Like Lobo and Rider. Sheepy: Satoru: ... Oh. Sheepy: *Satoru seems a bit embarrassed...* Sheepy: Satoru: But then that means he hates humanity. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Yes. That is part of the problem. Sheepy: Satoru: But the movie didn’t say that he hated humanity. Sheepy: Satoru: So I don’t get why he’s suddenly an Avenger if he didn’t hate humanity in the first place. Arsé-kun: Mozart: It said he hated me. ... *he sighs* That leads to the second problem. Sheepy: Satoru: “It”? Second problem? Arsé-kun: Mozart: It doesn't matter what is true or not for Servants. What's believed by the people affects us. People believed, partially due to the film, that he outright hated me. Sheepy: Satoru: Ooohhh... Arsé-kun: Mozart: ... Which makes it hard to approach without being shot. Sheepy: Satoru: ... That’s bad. So then why is he calling himself Alter Amadeus? His outfit even looks like yours. Sheepy: Satoru: But you appeared in that outfit and considering he’s had no interaction with you before today, he couldn’t have known what it looked like. Arsé-kun: Mozart: ... I am not sure. Perhaps due to us having been connected in the past. Sheepy: Satoru: Because that outfit is a lot like thr one you wore in the movie. Sheepy: Satoru: ? Sheepy: Satoru: *...he parrots a few...* Sheepy: Satoru: What do they mean? Arsé-kun: Mozart: They mean Guinevere is going to kill me if you repeat any of it. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: Do you want her to kill you? Arsé-kun: Mozart: No. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Your secret is safe then. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Thank you. Sheepy: Satoru: And just because he hates you on the outside doesn't mean he hates you on the inside. Arsé-kun: Mozart: He doesn't hate me on the inside. I know this as fact. That's part of why it's so... ... Messed up. Sheepy: Satoru: Well, maybe you can help bring that side out. Sheepy: Satoru: Why is he acting like he hates you? Arsé-kun: Mozart: ..... I'll be simple. Masato was also another person? So is my friend. Sheepy: Satoru:....So it's like that. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Yes. Sheepy: Satoru:.... Sheepy: Satoru: The only solution to that problem was to send him away. But he came back. He's not going to stay away forever. Arsé-kun: Mozart: No. Masanori came back. Masato did not. But, you're right. Sheepy: Satoru: But still, maybe Dr. Marshmallow can help with that. Doctors can do anything. Sheepy: Satoru: Grandpa is a doctor and he can do anything, so all doctors can do anything. Arsé-kun: Mozart: ... Ok. Sheepy: Satoru: If you give up before you've even started, you're only stealing away any chances you may find to help your friend. Arsé-kun: Mozart: ... You'd be right, but I'm really not feeling it. Sheepy: Satoru: Even if you don't think Dr. Marshmallow can help, there's always a chance. Not taking the chance at all is the same thing as it being guaranteed that it doesn't help. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. That's fine. Don't push yourself. Sheepy: Satoru: But as long as you believe really hard, eventually it'll work out. Arsé-kun: Mozart: ... All right, Aristotle, thank you for the philosophy lesson. Sheepy: Satoru: Where? Arsé-kun: Mozart: You. Sheepy: Satoru: No, I'm Satoru. Sheepy: Satoru: Satoru... ... Arsé-kun: Mozart: I'd like to order a "I was being figurative" with a side of "Hi Satoru, I'm Uncle Farts." Sheepy: Satoru: Sometimes Big Bro Cu refers to you as Mofart. Sheepy: Satoru: And I haven't decided on whose family name to adopt yet. Sheepy: Satoru: Moriarty doesn't work well with my name. That's unfortunate. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Why not just take your mothers'..? *he's trying not to smile. MOFART.* Sheepy: Satoru: But Carmilla doesn't have a last name. Unless you mean...uh... Sheepy: Satoru:...I'm not comfortable with that. Sheepy: Satoru: I'm grateful for what she's done but she still scares me somewhat. Arsé-kun: Mozart: ... Kintaro's? Sheepy: Satoru: The alliteration is weird. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Is it? Arsé-kun: Mozart: Hm.. Sheepy: Satoru: Are you feeling better? Arsé-kun: Mozart: ... A bit, yes. Sheepy: Satoru: That's good. Sheepy: Satoru: Just try to relax so you can feel better. Arsé-kun: *and now, a short timeskip. just to the next day, nothing massive. no cu are dead somehow. Mozart's still unhappy* Sheepy: Holmes: -- *Meanwhile, he's thoughtfully chewing on the end of his pipe. He pauses. He slowly takes the pipe out of his mouth.* ...Sometimes. Arsé-kun: Mori: Sometimes you don't talk until I've at least had coffee. Those are good days. Sheepy: Holmes: I question the reality of my existence. Arsé-kun: Mori: It's too early for this. Sheepy: Holmes: Did I really exist? Am I just made up? I know what I believe, but did humanity imprint that on to me? Arsé-kun: Mori: Can I calculate how long you'll prattle on for? Sheepy: Holmes: Go ahead. Arsé-kun: Mori: Too damn long. Sheepy: Holmes: Hmm. ... So you don't think about that ever? Sheepy: Holmes: Everything about you is technically born from the beliefs that came about upon reading The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Arsé-kun: Mori: It's a good 50-50. It's still one or the other for you. Sheepy: Holmes: You have a lackadaisical approach. Arsé-kun: Mori: No. It's too early for this. Sheepy: Holmes: I was hoping for an interesting conversation. Sheepy: Holmes: In some ways I believe you changed more than me. Arsé-kun: Mori: Highly likely. Sheepy: Holmes:...Such as. The Moriarty I knew back then would not be content with this lifestyle. The Moriarty I know now, is. Sheepy: Holmes: Perhaps you've changed due to being a servant... or. What's important to you has changed. Character development. Sheepy: Holmes: Or- Sheepy: Lobo: *he sticks his snout in Holmes's face, teeth bared.* Arsé-kun: Mori: Heel, Lobo. *he goes to lightly push on Lobo's nose. booooop* Sheepy: Lobo: *His ears perk up. What does this mean? Why is his nose being booped?* Arsé-kun: Mori: You can wait. Sheepy: Lobo: *He huffs* Arsé-kun: Mori: And I am not going to deny your claim if that's what you truly believe. Sheepy: Holmes: ...Hm. Sheepy: Lobo: *he sniffs at Holmes's coffee* Arsé-kun: Mori: ... And while I'm on this train of thought- The second-closest museum has awful security. I'm just saying. Sheepy: Holmes: So that's where you intend to strike next? Well, I won't stop you. Arsé-kun: Mori: Is it, though? Sheepy: Holmes: Who knows. Arsé-kun: Mori: Not you. Certainly me. Sheepy: Holmes: Of course. Sheepy: Holmes: It'd be dull if I could tell what your next actions would be. Arsé-kun: Mori: Wouldn't it? Sheepy: Holmes: Yes.
0 notes
badlydrawnstuff · 6 years
fate goes (to a scary place)
Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... ?? *he sits up and looks around. how'd he get back to his room? Better find out* Bedi?? Sheepy: Bedi: Ah, you've awoken. Arsé-kun: Merlin: What just happened?? Sheepy: Bedi: I'm not sure. Sheepy: Bedi: One moment, I was fine. The next moment, I felt...exhausted. Arsé-kun: Merlin: It wasn't just me, then... Sheepy: Bedi: Everyone else suffered it as well. Sheepy: Bedi: I heard fighting, but my top priority was keeping an eye on you. What became of the fighting, I haven't a clue. Arsé-kun: Merlin: That's not a good sign. Sheepy: Bedi: No, of course not. Arsé-kun: Merlin: We'd better find out. Sheepy: Bedi: Can you stand? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Probabl- *he stands and promptly fails standing up school. aaaand you fail* Sheepy: Bedi: Here, you're still wobbly. Let me help you. *he picks up Merlin* Arsé-kun: Merlin: Oh! That works too! Sheepy: Bedi: *he goes to investigate, Merlin in arms* Arsé-kun: Vlad: -- And I lost track of events from there. I'll take blame for failure. *he bows his head* Sheepy: Bedi: What's going on? Sheepy: Kintaro: ........ Arsé-kun: Mephisto: A dumpster fire! In the middle of a railroad! A trainwreck, on fire! I'd like to be on fire instead of dealing with this! Sheepy: Kintaro: Ain't nothin's golden 'bout hurtin' kids........ Arsé-kun: Mephisto: M-hm... Ya making it hard for me to be the clown for our benefits. Sit down, shut up, and consider the coconut! Arsé-kun: Merlin: This tells me everything and nothing at all! Sheepy: Kintaro: I'll send him to hell. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: That's my job!! Arsé-kun: Vlad: ..... Satoru was taken. Sheepy: Bedi: What?! Sheepy: Bedi: I see, I see, so that's what I heard and what I felt.. Sheepy: Bedi: Do we know who kidnapped him? Arsé-kun: Vlad: Yes. Yes, we do. Sheepy: Bedi: Whom? Arsé-kun: Hyde: The guy who lived here. Fuckin'... Asshole mcfuck. Not the sad shit. Sheepy: Bedi: Masato? Arsé-kun: Hyde: Yes and the other guy. He's the sad shit. The other one! Sheepy: Bedi: I see. Sheepy: Bedi: Tristan can find anyone in the world using his harp. Arsé-kun: Sakura: *she (finally) enters, probably having been held back* Then do it! Why are we just standing here?! Sheepy: Bedi: I cannot go to retrieve him, nor is this lowly knight capable of it. Sheepy: Bedi: As much as we would all love to rush in and deal with it, there's a few things to figure out before hand. Sheepy: Bedi: Who must stay, who must go, and who has the capabilities of getting the rescue party there. Sheepy: Bedi: I've already decided that I'm of the first party. Hate me as you wish, but my top priority is Merlin, who did not recover like everyone else did. Sheepy: Kintaro: I'm going to kill him... Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Taro, buddy! Getting a little hasty here, aren't we? Sheepy: Kintaro: It ain't hastiness. Chief's the brains and I'm the muscle. It's my job to crush evil for him. And makin' kids cry - that's as evil as they come. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: You were certainly sounding a bit evil there! That's also my job! You handle the golden justice! Sheepy: Kintaro: *he clutches his fists* Make your decisions. Now. Sheepy: Tristan: I'm stay- Arsé-kun: Sakura: Absolutely not! Sheepy: Kintaro: *he picks up Tristan by the collar* Sheepy: Kintaro: Anyone else coming? Sheepy: *Kintaro's arms are oddly red. It's probably nothing.* Arsé-kun: *Nothing, like that giant cigarette smoke cloud we call Moriarty. Anyway* Sheepy: Ozy:....Hmm. Arsé-kun: Sakura: There you are. You're coming along, too. Sheepy: Ozy: What? Sheepy: Ozy: Truly, you're troublesome... Fine, fine! I, Ozymandias, will escort you! Arsé-kun: Sakura: Thank you. Sheepy: Ozy: Hahahaha! I look forward to the entertainment your trip holds! Arsé-kun: Mephisto: If Kintaro's going, I'm going to! Sheepy: Eiji: I-I'm sorry...I..I really want to h-...help, but I... Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... I don't feel that great, either. Sheepy: Bedi: I will take care of both of you. Don't worry. Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... Thanks, babe. Sheepy: Bedi: It's my pleasure. Sheepy: Kintaro: *he looks to Vlad and then Moriarty* Arsé-kun: Lance: *he raises his hand, then puts it back down* Arsé-kun: Vlad: ... It's the middle of the day. Count me out, unfortunately. Sheepy: Guin: Did you want to go, Lance? Arsé-kun: Lance: mmmmmmmmhm. Arsé-kun: Sakura: Then you both, too. Sheepy: Tristan: *snore* Arsé-kun: Sakura: ..... Don't tell me we have to wait! Sheepy: Kintaro: *he shakes Tristan* Arsé-kun: *Lance grabs and lightly tugs Tristan's hair* Sheepy: Tristan: ...Fine, fine. Sheepy: *Tristan takes out the Failnaught* Sheepy: Tristan: He's not in this house. Carry me northward, my steed. Sheepy: Bedi: Sir Tristan. If you don't cooperate I won't be pleased. Sheepy: Bedi: I'll be very, very disappointed... Sheepy: Tristan: Follow me. Sheepy: *Tristan heads out.* Arsé-kun: *And Tris is quickly followed by those who agreed to go* Arsé-kun: *More importantly, lets check on Satoru* Sheepy: *Satoru is curled up in a ball. Nobody can see you if you're in a fetal position.* Arsé-kun: *This is incorrect, and Satoru is prompted with some sort of catalyst yet again. You gotta try again, bud, or they'll go for your circuits* Sheepy: Satoru: I-I don't know what this is... Sheepy: Satoru: Dad said not to accept anything weird from strangers... Arsé-kun: *The catalyst is put next to Satoru.* Sheepy: Satoru: *he hesitantly picks it up* Sheepy: Satoru: What do you want me to do with this...? Sheepy: Satoru: It's just a book... I don't want to read it... Arsé-kun: Grunt #28: We've told you already. That's your catalyst. Give it a shot. Sheepy: Satoru: But I don't even know who I'm calling...! Arsé-kun: Grunt #57: The original Avenger. None of us have enough Circuits to handle it. You, however, do. Sheepy: Satoru: Ah! Captain America! Arsé-kun: Grunt #57: ... Not quite. Sheepy: Satoru: Not Captain America? Sheepy: Satoru: That's too bad. Arsé-kun: Grunt #25: The Avenger class, not the movie. Sheepy: Satoru: ...Okay, fine. Sheepy: *Satoru gets to work, understanding that there's no way out.* Arsé-kun: *The assortment of grunts give him space to do so. And chalk, and whatever else he'll need. Hint #40958 that these people are not smart.* Sheepy: Satoru: I can have anything I need to summon him? Sheepy: Satoru: Then, I need my family here. Arsé-kun: Masanori: *he moves to the front and pulls up a seat* Go on. Sheepy: Satoru: You aren't my family. Arsé-kun: *Someone yells. That someone is probably dead now. Carry on* Sheepy: Satoru: *he realizes that he isn't going to see his family until he summons Avenger. And so, he tries.* Arsé-kun: *It doesn't seem like anything happened... But there's a black thing there now.* Sheepy: Satoru: What's that? Arsé-kun: *There's chattering among the grunts. Masanori seems interested as well.* Arsé-kun: *A moments pause, and the thing moves. It's certainly shaped like a person, but completely pitch black.. Except for the eyes that are staring at Satoru* Arsé-kun: Avenger: Heya! The weakest Heroic Spirit Avenger, has answered your summons! Arsé-kun: *And at least half the grunts groan. Masanori no longer seems interested* Sheepy: Satoru: You're only the weakest if you say you're the weakest! I believe in you!! Arsé-kun: Avenger: Kiddo, that has gotta be the nicest thing anyone has ever said ta me. You okay in the head? Sheepy: Satoru: Huh? Sheepy: Satoru: I might've hit my head. That guy was rough to me. *he points to Masanori* Sheepy: Satoru: And he kidnapped me and hurt my family. Arsé-kun: Avenger: Was 'e? And he's a plain ol' guy? Sheepy: Satoru: Yeah. Arsé-kun: Avenger: *he smirks* That's great. I can't do jack to other Heroic Spirits, but to people? Hoooo boy! Lemme dye the tiles crimson for you! Give me the word, Master! Sheepy: Satoru: But if you kill him I won't be able to get home. Arsé-kun: Avenger: Call someone else to you! Let them be your guide t' safety while I commit seppiku via combat! Sheepy: Satoru: Call? Sheepy: Satoru: ... I didn't know I could do that... Arsé-kun: *Masanori decides now is the best time to escape. Move it, gruntos, there he goes* Sheepy: *Satoru focuses very hard and summons Kintaro!* Sheepy: Satoru: Oh! Big bro Kintaro is here!- Sheepy: Kintaro: I'll crush each and every one of you, you monsters! Sheepy: Kintaro: *he whips out his axe. any grunts who want to live should run. Like number #58 or whatever. #28? the two who had personalities and a life* Arsé-kun: *oh, they'll probably get out. #57 and #28 have already exited the scene anyway* Arsé-kun: *anyway, Kintaro is free to splatter blood everywhere* Sheepy: *Which he does!* Sheepy: *Satoru is covering his eyes. Scary.* Arsé-kun: *Avenger just cheers Kintaro on. Glorified cheerleader* Sheepy: *Eventually, Kintaro finishes and turns to the two.* Arsé-kun: Avenger: Coooongratulations! You've probably scarred a child for life! Sheepy: Kintaro:...Eh? Sheepy: Kintaro: What's up with Chief? You didn't scare him, did you? Arsé-kun: Avenger: Oh, sure, blame me! Look at yourself n' then back to me! Sheepy: Kintaro: Speak clearly, I'm dumb. Arsé-kun: Avenger: You've got way more blood on your hands. Sheepy: Kintaro: ... Arsé-kun: Avenger: Don't look so sad! They deserved their fates! Sheepy: Satoru: But... Sheepy: Satoru: They're dead... Arsé-kun: Avenger: Eh. Shit happens Arsé-kun: *Meanwhile, Saku is shoving Tris' face into Golden Bear's fur.* Sheepy: Golden Bear: *grunting* Arsé-kun: Saku: Is it any clearer NOW?? Sheepy: Tristan: *muffled noises* Arsé-kun: Saku: *she pulls him back up* Repeat that? Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, if only it were King Arthur who was ordering me around. Sheepy: Tristan: She would simply ground me as opposed to pulling me around by the hair.... Arsé-kun: Saku: *she lets go of Tristan's hair* Sheepy: Tristan: Certainly, it would be a much better fate than this. Sheepy: Tristan: A bear can smell fear up to forty miles away, or something. Sheepy: Tristan: So why must I force myself to track them? Arsé-kun: Saku: Because you already said you would, and because I want my child back! Sheepy: Tristan: Let us say a gun was put to your head and you were told to do something you did not wish to do. Sheepy: Tristan: Would you be sincere in agreeing to it? Arsé-kun: Andersen: The moral of the story here is not to threaten others into doing things. I'll a-b-c my way out of this situation now. Sheepy: Guin: Tristan. We need your help. Sheepy: Tristan: *he grumbles something and lifts up his harp* ... ...This way. Why do we have to walk? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Taro's said Golden Bear can be anything.. So do we really gotta? Sheepy: Guin: It would be a good idea if we picked up the pace. Sheepy: Guin: Kintaro may be sweet but he's essentially a berserker who's gotten a moment of clarity... I guess that's a way to describe it.... Sheepy: Guin: He could accidentally hurt Satoru is my concern. Sheepy: Golden Bear: *sniff* Sheepy: Tristan: Bear, become a car. Sheepy: *Golden Bear becomes a car.* Sheepy: Tristan: Excellent. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: That worked too! Sheepy: *Tristan sits in the driver's seat* Sheepy: Guin:....... Arsé-kun: Lance: .... Fear. Sheepy: Guin: *lance i dont like this* Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Shotgun! *and he swings into the other front seat* Sheepy: Tristan: Get in. Sheepy: Guin: Tristan, you're blind. Sheepy: Tristan: Yes. Arsé-kun: Saku: I don't feel safe. Sheepy: Tristan: I'm excellent at driving. Sheepy: Ozy:... Arsé-kun: Lance: ... I'll... Backseat drive.. If I have to.. Sheepy: Guin: Yes, good idea. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Hurry up, get in! Who cares who drives? It's not me and I don't have any rider stuff! Sheepy: *Guin gets in with Lance. Ozy hesitantly joins them* Arsé-kun: *And Saku gets in, even more cautiously* Sheepy: *They get going! Either Tristan is a good driver or the bear is doing everything and is taking Tristan's directions.* Arsé-kun: *It's still very uncomfortable for everyone in the back seats* Sheepy: *Somehow everyone survives the trip* Arsé-kun: Lance: ... Ah. Sheepy: Tristan:... ... ... *snore* Sheepy: Guin:...Let's make sure never to let him drive a real car. Sheepy: Tristan:... ... kay, who lied to you saying that you look good in a mullet ... *mumbling* Sheepy: Guin: *she gets out of the car and pulls Tristan out of the front seat.* Sheepy: Ozy: *he stumbles out of the car and gags* Sheepy: Ozy: H..ha! Hahaha! -Hrk. ... Gh. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: You good, Pharaoh? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Or does a big, strong man need to carry you? Sheepy: Ozy: I can carry myself. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Good to know! Sheepy: Ozy: We're going now! Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Fine! Sheepy: *Ozy, visibly flustered, storms in* Sheepy: *Guin, Tristan in arms, follows.* Arsé-kun: *Mephisto laughs and follows. Shut ur mouth* Arsé-kun: *Lance waits for Saku to go, then follows himself* Sheepy: *When they enter, they're greeted by bodies. Many bodies. Some are quesionably alive. Kintaro is trying to cheer up a crying Satoru. Considering the blood on his hands and shirt, it's not working too well.* Arsé-kun: Avenger: Look on the bright side, will ya? Can't hurtcha if they're dying! Sheepy: Satoru: But now he's going to go to jail! Arsé-kun: Avenger: Self-defense via berserker! Just blame me for it n' it'll be peachy! Sheepy: Satoru: But you didn't do anything. Arsé-kun: Avenger: Shhh, shhh! It's my job to be blamed for evil acts! Sheepy: Satoru: But... Arsé-kun: Avenger: Wait! We've got company! *he stands up and holds his arms out* You who approach! Friend or foe? Best be friend, or be slain by everyone's favorite convenient villain! Sheepy: Ozy: It depends if you're going to prevent him from going home. Arsé-kun: Avenger: Do not pick a third option! It is one or the other! Sheepy: Guin: Friend. Arsé-kun: Avenger: Mmmm? We'll see how well that holds up. *he moves aside* Sheepy: Guin: Satoru, we're here. Sheepy: *Satoru doesn't seem to care too much. Dead bodies...* Arsé-kun: Saku: *she seems just as uncomfortable, honestly* Satoru! Lets get you out of here. Sheepy: *Those are the magic words. He shakily joins Saku* Arsé-kun: Mephisto: *he lowers himself down to Satoru's level and pats his head* :) ? Sheepy: Kintaro: W-woah! You're giving me a scary look, Guin...! Arsé-kun: Avenger: Don't give him the heated glare. T'was my doing, after all! This carnage would not have been possible without my supporting actions! Sheepy: Satoru: But you did nothing. Arsé-kun: Avenger: I-I did too..! Sheepy: Satoru: ? Arsé-kun: Avenger: I was... Moral support! Sheepy: Satoru: I see. Arsé-kun: Lance: .... *he grumbles and looks to Kintaro* Sheepy: Kintaro: S-sorry, I just can't stand seein' kids scared... Sheepy: Kintaro: It ain't golden at all. Arsé-kun: Lance: .... *he nods. seems he agrees with you.* Sheepy: Ozy: So, who are you, child? Arsé-kun: Avenger: Me? Sheepy: Ozy: Yes. Arsé-kun: Avenger: I'm able to share that knowledge so freely? Call me Avenger until we're inna more private place. Sheepy: Ozy: ....? Arsé-kun: Avenger: ... That not ringin' any alarm bells? Sheesh. Sheepy: Ozy: No. Sheepy: Ozy: Better question, where is your home? Arsé-kun: Avenger: Mine? Whatever doghouse the little Master dumps me in, of course. Sheepy: Ozy: You've lost me. Arsé-kun: Avenger: *he stoops down to pick up his now-bloodied scripture* Human scum were tryin' to summon a Divine Spirit. Tried to get the little guy to do it. Got me instead! I hope no one expects combat from me! Sheepy: Guin:...I wonder why? Arsé-kun: Avenger: Didn't hear the whys or hows. I just came to the call. Arsé-kun: Avenger: 'less you mean that last bit? 'Cuz I'm the weakest heroic spirit. Really shouldn't expect anythin' from me. Sheepy: Guin: No, why they kidnapped him for that purpose exclusively. Arsé-kun: Avenger: Like I said, missed that bit. Sheepy: Satoru: I don't know. Arsé-kun: Avenger: That guy knows, I'd wager. Arsé-kun: Avenger: Don't worry if you don't know who I mean. I do, and I ain't forgettin. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Arsé-kun: Lance: ... Lets... just go.. Sheepy: Guin: Yes, good idea. Sheepy: Tristan: *mumbling* Arsé-kun: Lance: . .... ..... I'll drive. Sheepy: Guin: Okay. Sheepy: *And so, the group gets home.* Sheepy: Tristan: Sir Lancelot, I had the silliest dream. I was driving a bear car. Arsé-kun: Lance: This car? Sheepy: Tristan: Yes. Arsé-kun: Lance: You did drive it. Sheepy: Tristan: Ah. Sheepy: Tristan: Oh. Sheepy: Tristan: I'll tell Sir Lancelot about this when I awaken - Arsé-kun: Lance: *he tugs Tris' hair* Sheepy: Tristan: ?! Sheepy: Tristan: So I'm not dreaming... Arsé-kun: Lance: That's right. Good evening. *and the helmet goes back on* Sheepy: Tristan: Good evening. Arsé-kun: *Avenger has his face pressed against the window. Productive* Sheepy: Tristan: The wind on my face and the breeze in my hair reminds me of my fateful meeting with my dearest. Sheepy: Ozy: *he's fidgeting uncomfortably* Arsé-kun: Mephisto: ... Soooo! Sheepy: Tristan: But perhaps both of us woild have been better off not meeting one another. I say this, and yet, I cannot bear the thought of losing these memories. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: SOOOO ANYWAY! Sheepy: Satoru: Masanori still thinks we're family. Sheepy: Satoru: And he also got away. Sheepy: Satoru: So he's still a threat, technically. Arsé-kun: Avenger: That his name? I won't forget it. Sheepy: Satoru: Uhuh Arsé-kun: Mephisto: .. So, what's green, has four legs, and would kill you if it jumped out of a tree? Sheepy: Satoru: A table with a temper. Sheepy: Kintaro: A bear. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Shoot! Sheepy: Satoru: Huh? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: You both had valid answers! Sheepy: Satoru: But what is it? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: A pool table. Sheepy: Satoru: Ah. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Okay, okay, better one! Arsé-kun: Mephisto: An Irishman walks out of a bar. He's sober. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: Big Bro Kintaro sometimes goes to bars. Sheepy: Satoru: So does Cu. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: But do they come back sober? Anyway, while that's happening, a man is building a house with bricks, see? Sheepy: Satoru: Sober..Sober... Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Not drunk. Sheepy: Satoru: Ummm.... Sheepy: Satoru: No. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Exactly. Anyhoo! Man, house, bricks. He orders a hundred bricks, but turns out, he only needs ninety-nine! Sheepy: Satoru: Oh. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: So, he throws the last brick into the air. Really hard. So hard it's gone from view. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: That's good. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: But more importantly, how do you put an elephant in the fridge? Sheepy: Satoru: You don't, because elephants live outside, not in the fridge. Sheepy: Satoru: They're happy outside. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Open the door, put the elephant in, and close the door. With that in mind, how do you put a giraffe in the fridge? Sheepy: Satoru: You don't, because giraffes live outside. There's no trees in the fridge, and a giraffe's height compared to a tree is all it has to make itself feel good about itself. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Open the door, take the elephant out, put the giraffe in,, and close the door. Sheepy: Satoru: So without trees, giraffes will slowly succumb to the dread of their lack of purpose in life. Finally they'll come to believe that their only skill is to be tall, and they'll fall into a deep depression. Sheepy: Satoru: Giraffes can't do math and they can't read. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Did you lose your sense of humor? Sheepy: Satoru: Huh? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: I'm telling jokes here! Sheepy: Satoru: I didn't notice. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Now that you know, I'll go on! Sheepy: Satoru: You're still telling jokes? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: I'm not done yet! There's two more to the set! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Have fun. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Will do! So there's gonna be a meeting of all the animals on a plane. Every one has to show up, and everyone does! Except one. Who? Sheepy: Satoru: The first inclination is to say the pilot, but planes technically don't require a pilot anymore. Their courses are set within the computer, and the pilot's only real job is to keep everyone in line and deal with any problems that arise. Sheepy: Satoru: So it really wouldn't be a problem if he left his seat because the computer is doing his job for him anyway. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: The giraffe, because it's still in the fridge! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. That's too bad. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: One more joke and I'll shut up! The giraffe gets let out, and everyone gets on the plane, okay? Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: A doglady brought her kid, who just keeps yapping. This annoys the rhino, who's smoking. "Tell your kid to shut it!" He says. She turns and tells him to put out the cigarette. They fight over this for a bit, ending with her throwing the rhino's cigarette out a window. For the best, I'd suppose, 'cuz smokes on planes are pretty bad. He leans out to try and catch it, and comes back with something- But not his cigarette. What'd he catch? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Other than a cold! Arsé-kun: *Mephisto waits a moment* Arsé-kun: Mephisto: The brick! *he seems proud of himself* I'll be here all week, unfortunately! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: *he huffs* Tough crowd. Arsé-kun: *He did his best, but not really. Those were bad jokes, but he expected more reactions than blank stares. Feels bad man* Sheepy: Satoru: *He sleepily rubs his eyes. he must stay awake.* Arsé-kun: *and now, a timeskip. so they can get Home* Sheepy: Bedi: -Lancelot! Tristan! Arsé-kun: Lance: ...? Sheepy: Bedi: Merlin! Merlin's....! Arsé-kun: Lance: What did he do this time..? Sheepy: Bedi: He's sick! I think! Arsé-kun: Mephisto: No wonder he looked nearly as pale as me! Sheepy: Bedi: That's not the point! The point is that I don't know what to do! Arsé-kun: Lance: .... Yelling.. Sheepy: Bedi: I'm sorry. I- I lost my composure. Arsé-kun: Lance: *he puts a hand on Bedi's shoulder. everything is okay* ... Where.. Is he? Sheepy: Bedi: Follow me. Arsé-kun: *bedi is followed* Sheepy: *Bedi brings everyone to Merlin.* Arsé-kun: Merlin: *he looks downright miserable. even his whiskers are wilting a bit* Sheepy: Bedi: I - uh - I brought them, in case they could help. Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... *he glances over* ... *and shakes his head* Sheepy: Bedi: Then what can I do? I don't know what's wrong with you. I don't know how to help. Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... Mana. *his voice sounds dry, and he coughs after speaking* Sheepy: Tristan: How can we give you mana? Arsé-kun: Merlin: .... ..... It's Me. .. What do you.. think? Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, I'll call the funeral house. Arsé-kun: Merlin: .. n' don't order flowers. Sheepy: *Tristan receives a punch to the back of the head. By Airgetlam.* Arsé-kun: Merlin: 'Ey! Sheepy: Bedi: *he huffs, but turns his attention to Merlin* I don't have much to offer, but I could try to help. Sheepy: Tristan: ... ... ... Arsé-kun: Merlin: You did. ... How many times? .. I've already forgotten. Sheepy: Bedi: Yes, but.... Arsé-kun: Merlin: .. Don't want to drain you dry. *he coughs again* Or.. anyone else. Sheepy: Bedi: But you need it. Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... 'm not feeling up to it. Sheepy: Bedi: ... Sheepy: Bedi: You're really that bad off? Arsé-kun: Merlin: .... m-hm. Sheepy: Bedi: I was hoping maybe it was a situation where they could help, but-... I can call Dr. Roman, would that help? Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... *he shrugs* Sheepy: Bedi: Here-just-sit tight, I'll call him. I'm sorry, Lancelot, I didn't think this through. Sheepy: Tristan: Ah...my head...my head... Arsé-kun: Lance: ... *he lightly smacks Bedi upside the head, and gestures to Tristan* Sheepy: Bedi: *He gives Lancelot a frustrated expression* Arsé-kun: Lance: You did this. Sheepy: Tristan: No... no... it's okay.... Sheepy: Tristan: My life isn't worth anything anyway... Sheepy: Tristan: If I happen to die from this, nobody would even care. Arsé-kun: Lance: *he makes a frustrated growl* Sheepy: Bedi: *Unfortunately for both of them, Bedi only cares about one thing right now: saving Merlin. He gives Lance a nasty look and goes to call Dr. Roman* Sheepy: Tristan: My best friend hates me now... Sheepy: Tristan: ...Perhaps. If I had not said those things back then, our downfall would have never happened. But would we be happier? Would he hate me now...? Sheepy: Tristan: My head feels heavy...and I think I'm bleeding. Sheepy: Tristan: Although... if I had not said those things... Arsé-kun: Lance: ... Shhhut up. Sheepy: Tristan: The only ones who would be servants would be Sir Lancelot and King Arthur. Perhaps Sir Gawain as well. Sheepy: Tristan: So then... Sir Bedivere would have never hooked up with Merlin... and thus he would've never punched me in the head. Sheepy: Tristan: In conclusion, my pessimism is why we are all here today. Sheepy: Tristan: You're welcome. Sheepy: Tristan: *mumbling* Sheepy: Bedi: -I called him. Sheepy: Tristan: Although technically our mothers and the timing of their hook-ups with our fathers are why we exist. Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... Blame me. Sheepy: Tristan: Since the timing is important. Arsé-kun: Lance: .. mmmmmhm. Sheepy: Bedi: What's he going on about now...? There's nothing to blame you for, Merlin. Sheepy: Tristan: Although, I suppose Queen Guinevere's father forcing her into a marriage she didn't want could contribute to it... Sheepy: Tristan: Especially with King Arthur. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Wouldn't've happened if I didn't. Sheepy: Bedi: Is this really the time to be discussing this? Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... Why not..? Sheepy: Bedi: Because you're sick? Arsé-kun: Merlin: n' Tristan is bleeding out. Lancelot's frustrated *cough, cough, wheeze* n' yur bein' a shit. Sheepy: Bedi:... Arsé-kun: Merlin: Who's this guy? Where's the Bedi that doesn't hit people? Sheepy: Bedi:..... Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, the temperature in the room dropped. Arsé-kun: Merlin: .... ... Bedivere, do leave. Take them with you. Sheepy: Bedi: Look- I called Dr. Roman. If leaving is what you want from me, that's fine. I'll come back when you need me. Sheepy: *Bedi picks up Tristan and looks to Lancelot. are you coming?* Arsé-kun: Merlin: *he pulls the blanket up and rolls over. Discussion Over* Arsé-kun: *Lance is absolutely following* Sheepy: *Bedi leaves and drops Tristan off on the nearest sofa* Arsé-kun: *Lance stares. Pressing X to disapprove* Sheepy: Tristan: I want my best friend baaaaack~ Sheepy: Tristan: He's gooooneee.... Sheepy: Tristan: And soon Lancelot will leave me too... Arsé-kun: *Lance responds by sitting down on the floor* Sheepy: Tristan: And then I'll be all alone.... *There's tears streaming down his face, but he's still got that relaxed expression he usually has...* Sheepy: Tristan: What will I do then...? Sheepy: Tristan: Lancelot, please don't leave me all alone. Arsé-kun: Lance: mmm not. Sheepy: Tristan: That's what Bedivere said. Sheepy: Tristan: And Bedivere never broke his promises. Ever. Sheepy: Tristan: But... he did this time. Sheepy: Tristan: ....So, what can I believe? Arsé-kun: Lance: .... Not me. Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, so you'll leave too.. Arsé-kun: Lance: Non. Sheepy: Tristan: But...you just said... Arsé-kun: Lance: ... How much control do you think I have over myself..? Sheepy: Tristan: I don't know. Arsé-kun: Lance: *he raises his arm.. And punches the floor. That definitely left a mark* Not enough! Sheepy: Tristan: Ah... that's what happened to my skull. Arsé-kun: Lance: Oui. Sheepy: Tristan: It still hurts. Arsé-kun: Lance: Why wouldn't it? Sheepy: Tristan: Because my best friend hit me... Sheepy: Tristan: And my emotions hurt more.... Sheepy: Tristan: *Sob* Arsé-kun: Lance: .... *he sighs and stays put* Sheepy: Cu: ...Why is he bleeding on the sofa? Sheepy: Tristan: My best friend punched me. Sheepy: Cu: That doesn't sound like a good friend. *He plops down next to Lance* Did you do this? *He gestures to the hole* Sheepy: Tristan: That's what Bedivere did to my skull... Sheepy: Cu: Again, that really doesn't sound like friend material. Social stuff isn't my forte, but get your bleeding to stop and then we'll discuss your bad friend. And you, did you put a hole in the floor? Sheepy: Tristan: I don't want pity...I just want him to come back... my heart yearns for my good friend, the one who supported me no matter what, the forgiving friend, the one who stayed with me through the worst of times... Sheepy: Tristan: It calls for the friend who understood me despite our differences, was kind no matter the situation, who showed more love and compassion than any knight to make up the difference of strength... Where has he gone? I feel lost without the one who gave me the encouraging words I needed, the one who warmed my cold, lonely heart despite me accidentally hurting his brother, the understanding one who never gave up on anyone. Sheepy: Cu: I'm not asking you. Arsé-kun: Lance: ....... I sure did. Arsé-kun: Lance: ... Lost temper for a moment. Sheepy: Cu: Well, just be ready for when that obnoxious red archer decides to drag you into repairs. Sheepy: Cu: Anyway, I can hear his crying from over there, so what can I do to make him stop crying? Arsé-kun: Lance: *he shrugs* Sheepy: Cu: Well, will someone explain what's going on so I can deal with it? Arsé-kun: Lance: ... Wizard's sick. *he huffs* Bedivere's panicking. Arsé-kun: Lance: ... Bedivere overreacted, hit Tristan. Arsé-kun: Lance: And Merlin kicked us out. For the best.. I suppose. Sheepy: Cu: Well, here's the plan. Sheepy: Cu: This guy isn't going to stop crying until this Bedivere apologizes, right? Arsé-kun: Lance: ... I doubt even that will stop it. Sheepy: Cu: Really? Arsé-kun: Lance: ... He'd cry out of happiness afterwards. Sheepy: Cu: But at least that has an end. Sheepy: Cu: This obviously doesn't. Sheepy: Cu: A hit to the head won't kill the man, since he's a servant. It might rattle his brains and stain the sofa, but otherwise it's nothing to be concerned about. Sheepy: Cu: All the same, it can potentially be used to exploit Bedivere's empathy. Sheepy: Cu: So we could maybe manipulate him with a "look at what you did" scenario...? Sheepy: Cu: Although... Sheepy: Cu: If he inflicted it, he's not going to feelbad until much later. Arsé-kun: Lance: .. M-hm. I did that already. It didn't work. Sheepy: Cu: Which is another few hours of me hearing this guy cry, which is unacceptable. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Ten more minutes will be unacceptable. Sheepy: Cu: Exactly! Sheepy: Tristan: *sob* Everyone hates me... Arsé-kun: Mozart: No one said that. I'd have certainly heard if it was said. Sheepy: Tristan: It wasn't said, it was acted upon.. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Why would I like you crying? That means something bad and shitty has happened- Which it has, I heard. Sheepy: Tristan: Bedivere punched me. Sheepy: Tristan: He's my best friend. Arsé-kun: Mozart: He does seem to be in sour spirits. Sheepy: Tristan: He's only punched me one other time. Sheepy: Tristan: The last time he punched me.. Sheepy: Tristan:... Sheepy: Tristan:...Perhaps...he knows something I don't? Sheepy: Tristan: Ah! If only I had a heart! Sir Lancelot could give me a quick death! Arsé-kun: Lance: Could, but won't. Sheepy: Tristan: Even if I requested it? Arsé-kun: Lance: I refuse. Sheepy: Tristan: Even if I gave you pocket lint in return? Arsé-kun: Lance: *he sighs* Even then. Sheepy: Tristan: You're certainly cruel, Sir Lancelot. The day may come where you have no choice. Arsé-kun: Lance: And that's either due to my own faults, or.. Something else. Sheepy: Tristan:... Sheepy: Tristan: Sir Bedivere did it for me. Sheepy: Tristan: So...why won't you? Arsé-kun: Lance: Do you want a real answer to that? Sheepy: Tristan: Yes. Sheepy: Cu: *He goes off to find Bedi meanwhile* Arsé-kun: Lance: Because I've already killed enough people. Sheepy: Tristan: I'm not a person. I'm something less than that. Arsé-kun: Mozart: :< Sheepy: Cu: *He gently shoves Bedi (?) into the room.* Go on. Apologize for what you did. Sheepy: Bedi?: Eh?! Arsé-kun: Mozart: That's not Bedivere. Sheepy: Cu: It looks like him. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Sounds different. Sheepy: Cu: But it's the same face and everything. *He tugs on Lucan's cheek* Then who are you? Sheepy: Lucan: You work with me! I have two arms! Arsé-kun: Lance: ... Lucan. Sheepy: Lucan: Yes? Arsé-kun: Lance: Good to see you. *he picks his helmet up. Hello* Sheepy: Lucan: *He looks to Tristan, opens his mouth, and closes it.* Sheepy: Tristan: I understand now.... Arsé-kun: Lance: No, it wasn't him, Tristan. Sheepy: Tristan: He sent you to gaze upon my cracked skull, to laugh as I bleed out. Sheepy: Tristan: He's getting vengeance. Sheepy: Lucan: Actually, I was just going for a jog. Arsé-kun: Mozart: ... I hear something above us. Sheepy: Tristan: It's death.... Arsé-kun: Mozart: No, that's a regular. Sheepy: Lucan: That's probably Bedi. Sheepy: Lucan: When he gets upset he goes to high places to relax since nobody will see him there. Sheepy: Lucan: He also said something along the lines of high places making everything seem small, so his problems come to seem small too. Sheepy: Tristan: Bedivere punched me... Sheepy: Lucan: Knowing Bedi, I'm sure it was completely justified. Sheepy: Lucan: So am I still needed or can I go? Arsé-kun: Lance: You can go, certainly. Sheepy: *Lucan heads out* Arsé-kun: Lance: Give it another shot, Cu. Maybe this time go upwards. Sheepy: Cu: Fine. Sheepy: *Cu leaves again to get Bedi* Arsé-kun: Mozart: I'm predicting he falls off the roof first. Sheepy: *There's a faint scream from Cu. You predicted right.* Arsé-kun: Mozart: I hate that I was correct. Arsé-kun: Mozart: I can't believe Lancer is dead again. Arsé-kun: Mozart: He was a good man, a loyal man, and the goodest boy. Arsé-kun: Mozart: *he's not sure if he's doing this right, but he trucks on anyways* Arsé-kun: Mozart: He may not have always come when he was called, but he never left a hand unshook and guarded his master with his life. Arsé-kun: Mozart: He did some other things, too. It's too bad that gravity was his downfall this week. Sheepy: Cu: -I'LL KILL YOU! Sheepy: Cu: *He leaps in, a very confused Bedi under his arm* Sheepy: Cu: I'M NO DOG! Sheepy: Bedi: ...What's going on? *He sounds exhausted...* Sheepy: Cu: You! *He drops Bedi* Need to apologize to the red-head over there so he stops crying! Sheepy: Bedi: ...Um. Tristan- Sheepy: Tristan: Do you hate me? Sheepy: Bedi: No! No, no! That's not what's going on at all! I, uh- I can't really justify punching you, and it was terrible of me to do so. I'm sorry. I know an apology won't make it up, so let me do something for you later. Oh. I could cook for you- Sheepy: Tristan: Please don't. Sheepy: Tristan: But- *sob* Sheepy: Bedi: *he rushes to Tristan's side* What is it? Sheepy: Tristan: My best friend! Doesn't hate me! *He embraces Bedi* Joy fills my very soul! Bedivere...! Arsé-kun: Mozart: ... I'm sorry, Cu, I had to make sure you were alive somehow. *he smiles a little* I also wanted to see if that was as fun as it seemed. Sheepy: Cu: If you want to see if it's fun, I can shove you off the roof. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Please don't. I don't come with Guts. Sheepy: Cu: Then what are you full of, fluff? Sheepy: Bedi: You can let go now... Sheepy: Tristan: *sob* Arsé-kun: Mozart: Not that kind of guts! Sheepy: Cu: Ah, that. Sheepy: Cu: -And you! Stop crying already! It's resolved! Sheepy: Tristan: *sob* Sheepy: Bedi:...Is that what you got me for? Tristan just cries until he feels tired and can't cry anymore. Sheepy: Bedi: And the moment he's up to crying again, chances are he'll start up again. Arsé-kun: Lance: ... Bedivere. Sheepy: Bedi: I've already apologized. Arsé-kun: Lance: Not that. Arsé-kun: Lance: Is it just me, or do we seem to be getting... ah.. Arsé-kun: Lance: .. Irritable.. When around Merlin? Sheepy: Bedi:..... Arsé-kun: Lance: ... I'm just saying! Sheepy: Bedi: *He smiles* I don't know what you're talking about. *He's definitely hiding something...* Arsé-kun: Lance: Don't make me punt you. Sheepy: Bedi:... Sheepy: Bedi: It's probably got to do with him being half-incubus. Arsé-kun: Lance: .... I suppose that's a point. *he gestures to the hole he made* But it caused this. Arsé-kun: Lance: I lost my temper. Sheepy: Bedi: No, he's probably taking mana from you. Sheepy: Bedi: Your Master gives you mana. Arsé-kun: Lance: ... ... *he considers this* Sheepy: Bedi: Ours does not. I was getting mine from Merlin. Sheepy: Bedi: Merlin is running out. So am I. Arsé-kun: Mozart: And on top of this was earlier today. I'd like to suggest to that adding to our dour atmosphere. Sheepy: Bedi: So potentially his body is trying to keep Merlin alive. Sheepy: Bedi: Whether he likes the method or not. Sheepy: Bedi:...Of course. Sheepy: Bedi: When a servant runs out of mana, it's.. Arsé-kun: Lance: Awful. I've been through that experience. Sheepy: Bedi:... It can't kill them, right? Arsé-kun: Lance: *he frowns. there's your answer, along with a hesitant grunt* Sheepy: Bedi:... Sheepy: Bedi: I- I think I'll go sit down. Arsé-kun: Lance: *he pats the floor next to him, where the hole Isn't* Sheepy: *Bedi sits next to Lance* Sheepy: *Bedi eventually leans towards Lance. Bedi why* Arsé-kun: Lance: ... *he puts an arm on Bedi's shoulders* Sheepy: Tristan: *he wants attention too* Arsé-kun: Lance: *this is Fine* Sheepy: Lobo: *he trots in, head raised high (and an unfortunate Dr. Roman dangling from Lobo's mouth by the collar of his coat) and tail wagging. He drops Dr. Roman in front of Lancelot and proceeds to scratch himself with his back leg.* Arsé-kun: Lance: ... Thank you, Lobo. Sheepy: Lobo: *yawn* Sheepy: Lobo: *he sniffs at Dr. Roman. Is he still alive?* Arsé-kun: Roman: .. *he's alive, but rather shook. Give him a moment* Arsé-kun: Roman: Is that how I'm going to be greeted every time, Lobo..?? Sheepy: Lobo: *he nudges Roman with his snout* Sheepy: Lobo: *His tail is still wagging...* Arsé-kun: Roman: Th-thanks.. Sheepy: Lobo: *boof* Arsé-kun: Roman: *he pats Lobo* Sheepy: Tristan: Merlin needed you. Sheepy: Tristan: Sir Bedivere needed you too, as much as he was not bringing it up, but Merlin needs you more. Arsé-kun: Lance: Hold on just a moment. Merlin can wait another minute. Arsé-kun: Lance: Are you still bleeding, or did it finally stop? Sheepy: Tristan: My blood is no matter - whether it is being spilled or not pales in comparison to my friend's problems. Sheepy: Tristan: But yes. I am. Arsé-kun: Roman: Let me see. Sheepy: Tristan: *He blankly "stares" in Roman's direction* Arsé-kun: *and Romani approaches Tristan instead* Sheepy: *Tristan is okay with this.* Arsé-kun: *Roman busts out the Heals. Was it magic? Was it machinery? idk idc what matters is that the wound has been Healed. tris' hair remains Untouched* Sheepy: Tristan: Now, go forth, hero, go and rescue the court jester. Arsé-kun: Lance: what Sheepy: Tristan: ... Sheepy: Tristan: Go forth. Rescue the court jester. *He points to Merlin's room* Arsé-kun: Lance: Ah. Arsé-kun: Roman: I should ask first, but how sick is he? Bedivere wasn't very clear about it. Retching sick, fainting sick, can't update his show for a month sick, dying sick, what is it? Sheepy: Tristan: Ah. Bedivere mentioned something about Merlin having no mana. Sheepy: Tristan: He also mentioned that he was getting mana from Merlin and not his Master. Arsé-kun: Roman: Eh? That's a whole different brand of sick! So it's the last one! Arsé-kun: Roman: Is it even safe to go in there? Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, it made Sir Bedivere punch me with his Airgetlam. Sheepy: Tristan: Hence the bleeding. Arsé-kun: Roman: So it's not? Sheepy: Tristan: Would you let him die just because you're a coward? Arsé-kun: Roman: !! Arsé-kun: Roman: I'm a coward but I'm not about to let that happen..! *away he goes, tossing all precaution to the wind. good going, tristan* Sheepy: Tristan: Goodbye, rest in peace. Arsé-kun: Lance: .... If something happens, whose job is it to clean up? Sheepy: Tristan: Not mine. It's yours. Arsé-kun: Lance: Okay. Arsé-kun: Mozart: ... If you two wish to do something other than stay put, you may. I'm keeping an ear out for any happenings, and I believe a movie is being put on downstairs. Sheepy: Tristan: Ah. Arsé-kun: Lance: Uh. Sheepy: Tristan: Sir Lancelot. What do you plan to do? Arsé-kun: Lance: To be honest? I'm not quite sure. Sheepy: Tristan: I never have good ideas. Arsé-kun: Lance: You've got more ideas than I. Do share. Sheepy: Tristan: Let's go off into the sunset and achieve our dreams upon Lobo's back. Sheepy: Lobo: *he flops over* Arsé-kun: Lance: Poetic. But Lobo doesn't seem to approve. Sheepy: Tristan: That's too bad. Sheepy: Tristan: Let's watch what they're watching downstairs. Sheepy: Bedi: *mumbling* Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, genius idea. Arsé-kun: Lance: ???????? Sheepy: Tristan: Your input has shattered my view of the world. Sheepy: Tristan: I haven't a clue what he said. Sheepy: Tristan: But I'm sure it's groundbreaking. Arsé-kun: Lance: Neither do I. Lets put him to bed and then join them, yes. Sheepy: Tristan: Excellent idea. Arsé-kun: Lance: You'll have to get off of me, then. Sheepy: Tristan:... *he hesitantly shifts off of Lance* Arsé-kun: *This allows Lance to pick up Bedivere and stand up* Sheepy: Bedi: *he doesn't stir. he's still sleeptalking occasionally. maybe about past events?* Arsé-kun: *It's not worth worrying about, Lance decides. He opts to ignore it and drops Bedi off* Sheepy: Tristan: *The moment Lance drops Bedi off, he leaps into Lance's arms* Arsé-kun: Lance: .... *he sighs and catches Tristan* Sir Tristan, with all due respect, why are you this way? Sheepy: Tristan: My body is cold but your friendship is warm. Sheepy: Tristan: Together we're like a depressed ice cream sundae. Arsé-kun: Lance: That's the nicest thing you've said all day. Sheepy: Tristan: Thank you. Sheepy: Tristan: I understand now, why my instincts brought me here. I assumed it was because of her house, but I believe now it was the strength of our bond calling to me. Arsé-kun: Lance: Perhaps so. Sheepy: Tristan: Now, let us join the party. We two will stand together even in the most socially awkward scenarios. Sheepy: Cu: -You should've gone WallE, Kiddo! You should've gone WallE! Sheepy: Satoru: She looks nice. I like her. Sheepy: Cu: She's killing people!! Sheepy: Tristan: Hm? Arsé-kun: Lance: Sounds lovely. Sheepy: Tristan: Yes. Sheepy: Satoru: Hmm.. Maybe I should've chosen WallE... Sheepy: Cu: Yes, yes! Let's watch that! Now! Arsé-kun: Andersen: I suppose I can find a well written synopsis about this instead. Sheepy: Satoru: We can keep watching if you want. Sheepy: Cu: No, no! Sheepy: Cu: Let's watch WallE! Or Monster's Inc! Or literally any of the other pixar movies you asked me to buy you and then you never watched them! Sheepy: Satoru:... Sheepy: Satoru: Toy Story 4. Sheepy: Cu: First of all, we haven't watched the first three, and second of all, that won't even be out for another year at least. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay, let's keep watching this then. Sheepy: Cu: *groan* Arsé-kun: Andersen: Hey, what the hell? Is that a jawbone? Sheepy: Satoru: Uhuh. Arsé-kun: Andersen: Hm. Maybe it's good that I got this movie. Sheepy: Satoru: Why? Arsé-kun: Andersen: Minako would enjoy it. Somehow. Sheepy: Satoru: Oh. Arsé-kun: Andersen: Would, if we could keep track of what was happening. Sheepy: Satoru: It's confusing. Arsé-kun: Andersen: Very Sheepy: Cu: I hate it... Arsé-kun: Andersen: You can leave anytime. It's not like Satoru doesn't have supervision. Sheepy: *Cu dashes out.* Arsé-kun: Andersen: It's like you'd expect the murder machine of Ireland to have a tolerance. Sheepy: Satoru: He doesn't like them because it gives him nightmares. Arsé-kun: Andersen: Hm. Arsé-kun: Andersen: .. Lets just finish this. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Arsé-kun: Lance: ... *he looks to Tris* I don't get the appeal of these kinds of things. Sheepy: Tristan: I don't either. Sheepy: Satoru: Uncle Lance is here. Arsé-kun: Lance: Yes, I am. Sheepy: Satoru: That's good. Thank you for helping me earlier. Arsé-kun: Lance: You're very welcome. Sakura was... Very persuasive about us coming along. Sheepy: Satoru: I thanked her already. Sheepy: Satoru: But I'll make sure to thank her for that too. Arsé-kun: Lance: *he nods and glances to the tv. shits going Down* oh Sheepy: Satoru: It's okay. It can't hurt you. Arsé-kun: Lance: Good to know. I still remember the bogart from months ago. Sheepy: Satoru: I don't know what you're talking about... Sheepy: Ozy: *he pops up from behind the couch* Hm? It's still going on? Sheepy: *One of the sphinx kittens mewls. Seems like he was playing with his kittens instead of watching the movie.* Arsé-kun: Andersen: I think it's almost over. ... I think. Sheepy: Ozy: *he slides down the back of the couch again* Arsé-kun: *and then the dvd glitches out and starts the movie over.* Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, something doesn't feel right. Arsé-kun: Andersen: I thought that was part of the movie for a moment. Sheepy: Tristan: Is it? Arsé-kun: Andersen: No. The clock on the player reset. Sheepy: Tristan: Is that normal? Arsé-kun: Andersen: No. Sheepy: Tristan: Ah. Sheepy: Satoru: That's too bad. Let's watch... Sheepy: Satoru:... Sheepy: Satoru: Uhhmmm... Arsé-kun: Andersen: Not that again. Someone take the dvd out. I can't reach. Sheepy: *Satoru goes and takes the DVD out* Sheepy: Ozy: *he pokes his head over the back of the sofa again* Arsé-kun: Andersen: What have I not seen yet... *he looks over the stack of DVDs. Wall-E is on top, and it forces him to GET UP to look at it* Sheepy: Satoru: I can't reach WallE and Cu is gone Arsé-kun: Andersen: I've got it. Sheepy: Satoru:? Sheepy: Satoru: Ozy- Sheepy: Ozy: No. Arsé-kun: Andersen: *he whistles* C'mere, dog! Sheepy: Cu: -THIS IS THE LAST TIME ANYONE IS GOING TO CALL ME A DOG! Sheepy: Cu: *he busts into the room, gae bolg in hand* GIVE ME YOUR FROZEN, ROTTING HEART YOU LIL BRAT! Arsé-kun: Andersen: But you still came. Good boy. We're putting the pixar flick on. Sheepy: Satoru: *he gently pats Cu* Good dog. Sheepy: Cu: Kiddo, I'm no dog! Sheepy: Satoru: But I called for a pet dog and you came. Arsé-kun: Andersen: And sure, take my heart. I'll just end up like heartless over here. Then again, nothing would change. Sheepy: Satoru: And then I called again and Lobo came. Sheepy: Tristan: Me? Arsé-kun: Andersen: Yes, you. Sheepy: Cu: *he storms over and grabs WallE* This? Sheepy: Tristan:... Arsé-kun: Andersen: Yes. Sheepy: Tristan: It's cold... not having a heart. Sheepy: Cu: *he hands WallE to Andersen* Sheepy: Satoru: Watch WallE with us. Sheepy: Cu: I just started something... Arsé-kun: Andersen: I already intended to. And that's a shame. Sheepy: Cu: ...Alright, fine. Move over, mopey. Sheepy: Tristan: *he moves an inch* Sheepy: Cu: *he plops down onto Tristan's leg* Sheepy: Tristan: Why. Arsé-kun: Andersen: You deserved that. Sheepy: Tristan: I was comfortable... Sheepy: Tristan: But I understand. Arsé-kun: Lance: *he kinda just rolls his eyes* Sheepy: Tristan: My feelings hold no worth. Sheepy: Tristan: I am just a piece of furniture. Arsé-kun: Lance: You stop that Sheepy: Tristan: That's how I'm being treated, so it must be accurate. Arsé-kun: *and eventually, they get settled and the movie goes On* Sheepy: Satoru: *He's interested in the movie* Arsé-kun: *Thankfully for everyone else, it's not scary.* Sheepy: *Always a bonus!* Sheepy: Tristan:....*his head droops some* Sheepy: *Ozy and one of the kittens are watching too!* Sheepy: Cu: *And he has relaxed.* Arsé-kun: *Andersen has Shut up, and Lancelot has also calmed down a fair bit* Arsé-kun: *and now, skipping the movie because we're not sitting here for over an hour* Sheepy: Satoru: I liked it. Arsé-kun: *Andersen has covered his face with his sleeves* Sheepy: Satoru: Do you need to sneeze? Arsé-kun: Andersen: Nooo.. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Arsé-kun: Andersen: That was... *he sniffs* Surprisingly well done.. Sheepy: Satoru: Are you crying? It's okay. Arsé-kun: Andersen: N-no! I-I'd never! Sheepy: Satoru: Oh. Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: Well, if you want to cry, that's okay. Crying is good for you. Sheepy: Cu: Aren't you glad you chose a pixar movie, kiddo? Sheepy: Satoru: I like the cockroach. Arsé-kun: Lance: If my opinion's of any value, I think this was preferable. Sheepy: Tristan: Yes. Arsé-kun: *Lancelot has been Validated. Feels good man* Sheepy: Satoru: I liked the robot. Arsé-kun: Lancelot: Which one? Sheepy: Satoru: WallE. Sheepy: Tristan: WallE is a robot? Sheepy: Satoru: Yes. Sheepy: Tristan: What's a robot? Arsé-kun: Andersen: Now he asks..! Sheepy: Tristan: Well? Arsé-kun: Andersen: A machine! A robot is a machine! Sheepy: Tristan: Is it? Arsé-kun: Andersen: Yes! Sheepy: Tristan: Well. Sheepy: Tristan: Machines aren't alive, so how are robots? Arsé-kun: Andersen: It's.. Questionable. Arsé-kun: *We now return to our regular program. Thank you for your patience* Arsé-kun: *Merlin snaps awake and quickly sits up in bed. Where is he? How long has it been? What's going on? He has no immediate answers for any of these questions. His attention is, instead, placed on how sore he feels. He must have been lying down for a long time.* Arsé-kun: *He takes his time getting up- his legs feel as heavy as stone, while his eyes haven't yet adjusted to the dim light. Even shifting his weight causes his body to ache, as if reminding him of his age. He groans and slowly stands up, only to fall a moment later onto the hard wood floor.* Arsé-kun: *He pauses and feels the floor with both hands. It doesn't feel right to him. Nowhere in the house was this specific kind of flooring, with so much magic inside that it was nearly sparking at the touch. The only place he'd ever seen that in was...* Arsé-kun: *"This better not be Avalon," Merlin growls to himself, getting back on his feet. He raises his hands, clearing his throat as he does. He hopes this doesn't work. "Avalon, online!" he yells, clapping his hands twice, "Start this party up!" To his object horror, countless screens turn on around him, various colors giving the room a kaleidoscopic appearance. He sinks back to his knees as a mechanical voice begins to drone about multiple statuses and updates. He doesn't need to listen- Merlin knows that if his conscious is here, then the projection of himself must have died...* Sheepy: Bedi: -What do you mean he's "dead"?! He's not! This must be another one of his pranks! He's pulled this sort of thing in the past! Arsé-kun: Roman: Are you a doctor?! Oh, you know better? Educate me, oh mighty smiter! Sheepy: Bedi: I don't care what your status is! I refuse to believe you! Sheepy: Bedi: Merlin would not just up and die on me! He just wouldn't! Sheepy: Bedi: And! If my only worth is to kill your enemies, I think I'd know when someone was dead! Arsé-kun: Roman: Then go ahead and check. *he manages to rein in his temper, but he's still fuming* Teach me something that God hasn't by now. Sheepy: Bedi: F-fine, I will. Sheepy: Bedi: *He enters Merlin's room* Sheepy: Bedi:.... Sheepy: Bedi: *...and he exits.* Sheepy: *And he plops onto the floor near Merlin's room* Arsé-kun: Roman: ... *he joins Bedi, taking out his phone and glancing elsewhere* Sheepy: Bedi:....I suppose I always knew it had to end up this way. Arsé-kun: Roman: mmmm-hm. Death isn't really something you look forward to. *he's.. typing. is this more important, Romani?* Sheepy: Bedi: He was good to leave me one way or another. ... ... Sheepy: Bedi: *he buries his face in his hands.* Sheepy: Bedi: So why does it hurt so much...? Arsé-kun: Roman: Because it's hard to part with loved ones. Look on the bright side, uh.. ... .... Uhm. Sheepy: Bedi: I thought I was mentally prepared for it- b-but the last thing he told me was to leave his room. I'd lost my temper with Sir Tristan and I'd disappointed him... In my last moments with him, I disappointed him. Sheepy: Bedi: *he laughs bitterly* King Arthur...now Merlin...that's just how my last meetings with my loved ones will be. Sheepy: Bedi: There's no bright side to this.... Arsé-kun: Roman: Ouch. That's pretty heavy stuff you've just dumped right there. *"Please help me, internet idols, I'm never prepared for this." He may have said that last bit out loud. Maybe* Sheepy: Bedi:.... Arsé-kun: Roman: .... I said that out loud, didn't I? Arsé-kun: Roman: Bright side! You're not a bigger disappointment like me! Sheepy: Bedi:.... Sheepy: Bedi: *sob* Sheepy: Bedi: What if he died hating me? Arsé-kun: Roman: Why would he? Does Merlin hate anyone? Sheepy: Bedi: ...I don't know. Arsé-kun: Roman: ... Yeah, me neither. Arsé-kun: *Then, both Roman and Bedi's phones buzz. Notification!* Sheepy: Bedi: Ugh, what is it? Sheepy: *Bedi checks.* Arsé-kun: *It's a message from F0V, MagiMari's automated update bot. A new video will be going online shortly!* Sheepy: Bedi: Now is not the time! Arsé-kun: Roman: Talk about bad timing. Arsé-kun: *Both phones buzz again. Another message?* Sheepy: Bedi: *he checks, visibly irritated* Arsé-kun: F0V: [text] You have been selected to receive a private video that will not be going on air! This video has been marked as Urgent, so please make some time to watch! Sheepy: Bedi: ...... Sheepy: Bedi: Of course, Merlin's silly pranks start happening now. Arsé-kun: Roman: I've never seen this notification before. I'll check it anyway, just in case. Sheepy: Bedi: I don't check it, ever. I'm a part of the development process, so I never need to. Arsé-kun: Roman: I'm not, as much as I'd like to be! *and now, we wait for the video to LOAD* Sheepy: *Bedi also checks.* Arsé-kun: *The video loads far faster for Bedi. Probably because he has the wifi. The video immediately opens to Merlin looking worried as he adjusts the camera. He's not even in costume. Didn't even Try* Sheepy: Bedi: ...? Arsé-kun: Video Merlin: ... Oh, screw it. It doesn't need a billion anything. *he lets go of the camera and leans towards it* Problem! I'm recording from Avalon! *he pauses, to let that sink in* And I don't wanna be here! I can't communicate any other way! Bedi, babe, I'll be back as soon as I can! And Doc, there's no way Bedi's gonna watch this on his own. You're gonna see it first, so bug him, aye? *another pause, as he twirls his hair* My projection died. That mana cutoff seems to have cut me off from Avalon, and doing that forced me back here. Sheepy: Bedi: !? Arsé-kun: Video Merlin: You get to throw me in the trash! .. Well, the dead one. It'll just burst into flowers anyway, so who cares? Uh.. Uhhhhhh.. Right, getting back, I'm.. Not too sure how to manage this? I'll work on it! Just.. 'S all fine, not dead, absolutely gonna record a few while I'm here. Sheepy: Bedi: But it's not fine! Arsé-kun: *Bedi doesn't get a reply. It's a prerecorded video, silly* Arsé-kun: Video Merlin: .... I get the feeling I'd be getting yelled at by about now! About being more focused on work than anything, probably. Arsé-kun: Video Merlin: Iiii've already missed the prime time for beast-style magics, so I really do gotta wait a while. Doc, don't ask, I am not explaining my secrets. Fight me on it later! Speaking of, I'm absolutely doing that shark skit and no one can stop me! *he's trying to grin and seem fine, but his body language says otherwise* It's not like I'll be lonely or.. Anything.. Sheepy: Bedi:...? Arsé-kun: Video Merlin: Bedi, pal, bud. Don't do anything dumb? At least, not without me? Like, do who you want if you want, but nothing outrageous till I'm back! N' Doc, don't tell Chaldea. No one needs to know! It's just a... Momentary hiccup! Sheepy: Bedi:.... Arsé-kun: Video Merlin: If anyone asks, I just got a bad cold and needed a bit of time off! A really bad one! Arsé-kun: Video Merlin: Wait. Uh, no. The house can know I'm having. Projection problems? I don't think the Servant bond is broken at least! At least let Eiji know I can't make it to work! Sheepy: Bedi: And what am I supposed to do without you? Arsé-kun: Video Merlin: Because my bed is full of dead flowers, and I'm too busy goofing off in a tower! Little Merlin things! Sheepy: Bedi:.... I don't understand, what happened? Arsé-kun: Video Merlin: I'll post more like this if anything comes up! Don't worry too much, sit back, and Doc, you really need to get laid. I'm just saying! Sheepy: Bedi: And what am I going to do... Arsé-kun: Video Merlin: If I come back and find anyone dead, I'll throw a fit! That includes you, Bedi, don't join me here! Just wait! Believe in my loyalty for once! Sheepy: Bedi: *he grimaces* Loyalty... Sheepy: Bedi: I can't believe in something so flaky... Arsé-kun: Video Merlin: I'll make Cu look like Lu Bu in terms of it! Swear on it, or the faerie prince can have my head! Sheepy: Bedi: He probably already does... Arsé-kun: Video Merlin: ... Literally! Cut my head off at the neck and.. I don't know what he'd do with it. It's not like I've seen the guy recently. He probably got weirder. Still not doing him, by the way, creeps me out! Sheepy: Bedi: I...uh, oh, I misheard it as heart... Arsé-kun: Roman: *he glances at Bedi* Is that what he said? Sheepy: Bedi: I.... Sheepy: Bedi: That's! Not what's important right now! Arsé-kun: Video Merlin: Oh, derailed that train, but no train accidents! No deaths here! I'll be right bac- F0V, cancel, cancel, do not put up that brb title card! See what I have to deal with?? I swear, this one's almost as awful as the real one! Sheepy: Bedi: Fou is only awful to you because you can't take this sort of stuff seriously! Sheepy: Bedi: *He inhales sharply, trying to regain his composure* Sheepy: Bedi: So I just need to wait until Merlin is back. Did you have any jobs for him? I'll stand in his place. Arsé-kun: Video Merlin: Tiny little murdering machine! Hey, it could be worse! I could be Kay with Fou in the room! ... Oh, shit, my battery, I'm ending here, I need to charge this thing, so bad! How did I not consider this? Signing off, the disappointing idol! P.S! No, I'm not mad at you, Bedi! So shut it! *he reaches for the camera. Video ends* Arsé-kun: Roman: He generally just checks energy levels and acts like he knows what he's talking about. His job is a more important, more active version of goofing off in the office. Sheepy: Bedi:.. Sheepy: Bedi: I need something to do. Sheepy: Bedi: Eiji usually tells Merlin what he wants me to do. Sheepy: Bedi: It's not because I'm scary or that we don't get along, it's just that he can't pronounce my name to this day and it stresses him out. Sheepy: Bedi: And stress amplifies pain, of course, so I don't want to add any unnecessary stress onto him. Arsé-kun: Roman: I could pop downstairs and ask for you. I may as well check up on him while I'm at it. Sheepy: Bedi: Go ahead. Sheepy: Bedi:...Fine. Arsé-kun: *and Bedi gets Kindly Escorted.* Sheepy: Satoru: Dr. Marshmallow is here. Sheepy: Eiji: ... ! Sheepy: Satoru: Dr. Marshmallow, do you want to know what I did yesterday? Arsé-kun: Roman: Sure? Sheepy: Satoru: I got kidnapped. Sheepy: Satoru: Isn't that exciting? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: He's a kid and he napped :) Sheepy: Satoru: Huh? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: *he pouts. One day, Satoru will understand a joke* Sheepy: Satoru: No, Masato broke into our house and stole me away. he also made everyone very tired. Sheepy: Satoru: And then I watched WallE with my big brother and Andersen so it's okay. Arsé-kun: Andersen: There are some things you don't need to share. Like all of that. Sheepy: Satoru:? Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: None of that happened because Andersen said so. Arsé-kun: Andersen: That's not what I said. It's too late to take back. Sheepy: Eiji:...Um...D-doctor... ... Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Arsé-kun: Roman: Yes? Sheepy: Eiji: Wh-what did you come for...? Sheepy: Eiji: I...uh...didn't prepare f-for guests. S...sorry.. Arsé-kun: Roman: I swung by because Merlin was apparently ill. It got me out of Chaldea, so I can't complain. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: So it's just you? Arsé-kun: Roman: Yes? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: One guy. Single person. A solo mon! The man, the myth, the legend! Arsé-kun: *And Mephisto flits away, suppressing a giggle. No explanations given.* Arsé-kun: Roman: ? ?? All right, then. Let me start from the top, now. Arsé-kun: *and so the situation is explained* Sheepy: Eiji: So... um..m...M...Merlin will be back soon? Sheepy: Eiji: Th-that's good. Sheepy: Satoru: It's okay, Uncle Bedi. Sheepy: Satoru: He'll be back soon, and I'm sure he's working extra hard just for you. Arsé-kun: Andersen: Well, now I can't make this depressing. Back to work for me, then. *he takes out his book, right there, and starts frantically writing. Seems he has an Idea* Sheepy: Satoru: I'm not a pig. Sheepy: Satoru: I think I'm human. Arsé-kun: Mozart: You are. Don't worry too much about it. Sheepy: Satoru: I thought maybe I could be a dog. Sheepy: Satoru: Like Big Bro Cu. Sheepy: Satoru: I thought maybe I could be a dog. Sheepy: Satoru: Like Big Bro Cu. Sheepy: Satoru: But if you're sure I'm human, I'll believe you. Sheepy: Eiji: Um...th-the only dog is...L...Lobo. Sheepy: Satoru: *stare* Sheepy: Eiji:...I-I'm sorry!! Sheepy: Satoru:? Arsé-kun: Roman: .. Hey, while we're at it- Arsé-kun: Liz: -I dunno, Protopup seems like a dog too! Sheepy: Satoru:...... Sheepy: Satoru: The most important part of nicknames is knowing to whom it refers to! Sheepy: Satoru: The more complicated terms you add onto it, the more their identity is lost. Arsé-kun: Liz: I had his name right in there! Arsé-kun: Liz: Proto Lancer! Younger Chulainn! The one that actually barks! Sheepy: Satoru: Big Bro Setanta. Arsé-kun: Liz: Yes, him. Sheepy: Satoru: I like him. Sheepy: Satoru: He's my little big brother. Sheepy: Satoru: Cu is my big big brother. Kintaro is my biggest brother. Sheepy: Satoru: Not eldest. Just largest. Sheepy: Eiji: D...doctor. Wh-what is it? Arsé-kun: Roman: Would it be all right with you if I did an impromptu checkup on you while I'm here real quick? Sheepy: Eiji: *he slowly nods* Sheepy: Satoru: That sounds fun. Sheepy: Eiji: Um... Sheepy: Bedivere: I'll leave you two to that. Arsé-kun: Mozart: I agree with that sentiment. Sheepy: Eiji: Th-thanks.... Arsé-kun: *And so, Mozart waits for Bedi to exit before following.* Arsé-kun: *Liz does Not, plopping next to Andersen to read over his shoulder* Sheepy: *And Eiji joins Dr. Roman* Arsé-kun: *Romani starts the check up as soon as he gets Eiji to sit down* Sheepy: *Eiji is silent. He's visibly pained, but doesn't comment.* Arsé-kun: Roman: Sorry, sorry! I'll be more careful! Sheepy: Eiji: D-don't worry about it. Arsé-kun: Roman: It shouldn't be that sensitive, though..! Could it be deteriorating from underuse?? Or arthritis? ... Or maybe I'm just overthinking it. Sheepy: Eiji: ........I...uh...I d-don't know. Arsé-kun: Roman: That's my job to know! Sheepy: Eiji: ..Oh...right. Sheepy: Eiji: I uh......could try using it more, b-but...well, uh, you know, it's- it's painful. Arsé-kun: Roman: Right, of course.. Sheepy: Eiji: I... I can handle you looking into it, if you wanted. Sheepy: Eiji: R-Really, anything th...that'll reduce the, uh, pa-pain would make me hap-...happy. Arsé-kun: Roman: Then I'll get onto it immediately. Sheepy: *With that, Eiji looks to the ground silently.* Arsé-kun: *Eiji gets a headpat and a heatpad* Sheepy: Eiji:?? Sheepy: Eiji: Th...thanks... Arsé-kun: Roman: Anytime. According to my records *(which he just pulled up a couple of seconds ago)* We haven't tried any heat-based solutions. Sheepy: Eiji:...Um, I'll try it. Sheepy: Eiji: B...but... Sheepy: Eiji: When do I...um Sheepy: Eiji: Use it....? Arsé-kun: Roman: When it hurts- But not directly after activity! The i--- I recommend about fifteen minutes of use when needed. Sheepy: *You've lost him, Roman.* Sheepy: Eiji: I...uh... Sheepy: Eiji: ...No...okay... Arsé-kun: Roman: If you're doing a thing, don't use the heatpad directly after. Wait a bit, then use it. Sheepy: Eiji: ..OK Sheepy: Eiji: I will. Sheepy: Eiji:...Is th-there anything else? Sheepy: Eiji: If not... uh... S-Satoru mentioned a while back th...that he too, uhm... ... well, "met my fate"... ... he's okay, right? Arsé-kun: Roman: At a first glance, yes. I haven't done any detailed checks yet. Sheepy: Eiji: He... uh... acts oddly, so I'm worried th-that may be associated... I guess. Sheepy: Eiji: B...because what if he acts like thhat because he - he ...'ss in pain? Arsé-kun: Roman: Satoru? In any pain, buddy? Sheepy: Satoru: *he gives Roman a blank, wordless stare* Arsé-kun: Roman: *he stares back?* Sheepy: Satoru: What "pain"? Sheepy: Satoru: Physical? Psychological? Emotional? Arsé-kun: Roman: Any of them. Sheepy: Satoru: I don't like this question. Sheepy: Satoru: Let's talk about something else. Arsé-kun: Roman: That's fair, but I'm asking as a doctor. Sheepy: Satoru: *he breaks eye contact* Sheepy: Satoru: I stubbed my toe earlier, but otherwise I'm okay. Arsé-kun: *Local child is a bad liar. No one is fooled* Sheepy: Satoru:... Sheepy: Satoru: 'M not in pain, because if I was... I'd be a worthless brat. And I don't wanna be... Sheepy: Satoru:....So I'm not in pain. Sheepy: Satoru: So stop asking. Arsé-kun: Roman: That doesn't seem right. Pain's a natural thing. Sheepy: Satoru: No! Arsé-kun: Roman: No? Sheepy: Satoru: Pain is something that justifies adults punishing you! Sheepy: Satoru: So. I! Am not! In pain. Sheepy: Satoru: I'm fine. Arsé-kun: Roman: No?? Who told you that?! Sheepy: Satoru: .... Sheepy: Satoru: I don't want to talk about this. Sheepy: Satoru: Let's talk about something else. Sheepy: Satoru: I want to talk about the bug I found earlier. Arsé-kun: Roman: Oh? Was it big? Sheepy: Satoru: Uhuh. Sheepy: Satoru: It was so big. Sheepy: Satoru: It was a beetle. Sheepy: Satoru: And when I poked it it screamed so I left it alone. Sheepy: Satoru: I'm trying to find a replacement for Choo Choo. Arsé-kun: Roman: Choo choo? What was it, a long one? Sheepy: Satoru: Uhuh. He was a centipede. Sheepy: Satoru: He was so fast. Sheepy: Satoru: But Big Bro Cu stepped on him and killed him. Arsé-kun: Roman: That's a shame. Sheepy: Satoru: I miss him. Sheepy: Satoru: Choo Choo was always there for me. Arsé-kun: *Avenger entered at some point, and has been relatively unnoticed despite not having presence concealment. He opts to approach, smiling* Sheepy: Satoru: Hi. Arsé-kun: Avenger: I come bearing gifts relevant to whatever's happening. Sheepy: Satoru: We're mourning Choo Choo. Arsé-kun: Avenger: Would this be a fitting replacement? *he uncups his hands. He found a centipede. Or a millipede. Hard to tell at the moment* Sheepy: Satoru: ! Sheepy: Satoru: It's Choo Choo Sr.!! Sheepy: Eiji:...uh... Sheepy: Eiji: Who...are you? Arsé-kun: Avenger: Call me Avenger for now, old man. Sheepy: Eiji: Um... Sheepy: Eiji: I-I'm not th...that old... Arsé-kun: Avenger: *he looks Eiji over* Y'know? You're right. You're nowhere near as old as that guy. *he gestures to Roman with his free hand* Sheepy: Eiji: Ah...? Sheepy: Eiji: He's...younger than me I think... Arsé-kun: Roman: I'm.. I'm only in my thirties? Sheepy: Eiji: Y-yes. Sheepy: Eiji: Th-that's not...p-poisonous, right? Sheepy: Satoru: I like him! He's my friend now. Sheepy: Cu: *he picks up Satoru in one arm and takes out the Gae Bolg in another* No, that thing is NOT getting loose in the house! Sheepy: Satoru:? Sheepy: Cu: Are you TRYING to get the kid killed? Sheepy: Satoru: He's my friend. Sheepy: Cu: No, no he is not. Sheepy: Cu: Kiddo, it's time we talk about acceptable household bugs. Sheepy: Satoru: Like? Sheepy: Cu: None of them. Sheepy: Eiji: B-beetles are fine. Sheepy: Satoru:.... Sheepy: Satoru: *he gives Eiji a blank stare* Sheepy: Eiji: I-I'm sorry! I'm sorry!! Sheepy: Satoru:? Arsé-kun: *and now, an awkward silence, brought to you by Awkwardness* Arsé-kun: Avenger: ... Whoops, I lost the bug. Arsé-kun: *Romani wisely decides to Not Get Involved in this one* Sheepy: Cu: Are you kidding me!? Sheepy: Satoru: That's okay. Arsé-kun: Avenger: Oh, well. Didja know they're edible? Sheepy: Cu: Yes, now go and find it! Arsé-kun: Avenger: You're not my boss! Arsé-kun: Avenger: I don't have to do anything you tell me to do! You're not my dad! Sheepy: Cu: You've existed for very little time and you're already whiny and annoying! Arsé-kun: Avenger: Thank you very much! It doesn't take much work t'sound like you do! Sheepy: Cu: Shut up you brat! Sheepy: Satoru: *this is his life now.* Arsé-kun: *Avenger makes a face at Cu. There's a proper name for the eyelid-pull, tongue out face but I don't know what it Is* Sheepy: Cu: Oh, you! Sheepy: *Cu lifts his Gae Bolg* Sheepy: Cu: YOU'VE GOT THREE SECONDS TO GET YOUR STUPID FACE OUT OF MY SIGHT! Arsé-kun: Avenger: Gotcha! *he turns to the wall. waits for the punchline to kick in, and quickly exits stage right* Found the bug! Sheepy: Cu: Good! Now drop it outside! Arsé-kun: Avenger: Better idea! *he pops his head back in* You don't like smug goldy, right? Sheepy: Cu: Of course not. Arsé-kun: Avenger: I'm gonna go put it in his room. He screams, we win. He kills it, we still win. Can't go wrong on this one. Sheepy: Cu: Make sure it doesn't get anywhere else, and I'll accept it. Sheepy: *Gil is playing vidya and talking. Seems like he's streaming.* Arsé-kun: Avenger: *he slinks in and puts the centipede on the sofa, and it's definitely in frame on stream. Slinks back out* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: *he noticed* Ah, Gil.. Sheepy: Gil: Hm? Arsé-kun: Enkidu: There's a bug climbing onto you. Sheepy: Gil: !? Sheepy: *Gil throws the centipede off, a disgusted expression forming on his face* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: I would have gotten it..! *he gets up to rescue it* Sheepy: Gil: How did that thing get in here? Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Check the recording? I'll hold onto it so that can't happen again. .. Oh, it's a she. Sheepy: Gil: That's disgusting. Sheepy: Gil: People are posting clips - looks like a kid, so it was probably the Cursed Child again. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Too tall. Sheepy: Gil: No clue, then. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: We can worry more once we finish up. Sheepy: *Gil goes back to streaming.* Arsé-kun: *And Enkidu keeps a close eye on ms. Choo Choo II* Sheepy: Gil: -Did you want me for something, Enkidu? *he pauses the game.* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: No, I'm just watching. Sheepy: Gil: Me, or that centipede? Arsé-kun: Enkidu: You. .. Shall I release this little lady back into the wild? Sheepy: *Graffias sees a wiggly thing! He and Alkaiid curiously approach Choo Choo Sr* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: No, kittens, you cannot have her. Sheepy: *And Diadem sleepily looks over. He doesn't appear to care too much because he places his head down again.* Sheepy: Gil: Do whatever you want with it. Sheepy: *Graffias and Alkaiid pause and then approach once more* Sheepy: *And Graffias changes to a stalking position. Alkaiid looks to her brother and follows his example, looking back to Choo Choo Sr.* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Do you wish for them to chase this bug around your room, scattering her parts among it? Sheepy: Gil: I meant you, not the cats. Sheepy: Gil: They eat everything they haven't tried eating before. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: That's fair. I will release her. *he gets up and lets her go outside the window. Be free* Sheepy: *The two active kittens chase after Enkidu, mewling* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Oh, am I prey once again? *he closes the window and bends down to them* Meoow~ Sheepy: *Graffias looks to the window. Where did the bug go?* Arsé-kun: *The bug is GONE. What a shame* Sheepy: Graffais: *he turns his attention to Enkidu, and bumps his [Enkidu's] leg with his head. Alkaiid follows his example.* Sheepy: Gil: No, the bug wasn't Lancelot's replacement and no the bug didn't have a name. -- Sheepy: Gil: And if it did, its name wouldn't be Sir Legsalot the Quick. Sheepy: Gil: It's not dead, it's just outside. I'm not bringing it inside and making it Lancelot's replacement. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Knowing this household, it was probably Choo Choo the second. *he pets the kittens* Sheepy: Gil: Probably. Sheepy: Gil: Okay. the neighbor's kid loves bugs and keeps talking about some centipede he found before we moved in and he named it Choo Choo. Choo Choo is dead now. No, Sir Legsalot the Quick isn't Choo Choo. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: I get the distinct feeling chat isn't going to let Sir Legsalot die for a while. Sheepy: Gil: Sir Legsalot isn't going to be our new mascot! Arsé-kun: Enkidu: I agree. It's unfitting. Sheepy: Gil: I haven't thought of a mascot. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: How about a nice golden... Lion? Have I made that suggestion yet? Sheepy: Gil: It doesn't fit Lancelot. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: They both roar, but that's where the similarities end.. Sheepy: Gil: Lions are beautiful, which doesn't fit Lancelot. Sheepy: *Graffias and Alkaiid have grown bored of listening to this rather quickly and instead have opted to playfight.* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Lions also do nothing while their pack does all the work, unlike you. Sheepy: Gil: They protect the pack. Sheepy: Gil: And these three are kind of like lions. Sheepy: Gil: Yes, I know it's a pride of lions. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: .... I said pack instead of pride. Days of working in a zoo, wasted. Sheepy: Gil: Although I suppose Diadem is most like a housecat... Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Make the mascot a solid gold cat, then. Unless you'd prefer a canine? Sheepy: Gil: I'll decide on it later. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Can't let chat decide that one again. Sheepy: Gil: I won't, probably. Sheepy: Gil: Diadem my controller cord isn't food. Arsé-kun: *Enkidu picks up Diadem and returns to his seat* Sheepy: *Diadem lets out a soft, whiny mew* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: You're always tired, Diadem. Sheepy: Diadem: *mmeewww* Arsé-kun: Lance: *he enters scene, making sure not to trip on anything* Sorry I'm late. Sheepy: Gil: According to chat you've been replaced by Sir Legsalot the Quick. Arsé-kun: Lance: *he makes this surprised snorting noise* Pardon?? Sheepy: Gil: It's a centipede you missed earlier. Some kid dumped it on the couch. Arsé-kun: Lance: Ah. *he goes around the sofa to see the tv screen without blocking Gil* Everything still on track? Arsé-kun: Lance: It seems like it.. *he looks to the laptop screen* Catch me up, chat. Arsé-kun: *Within minutes, Lance is howling with laughter. The screencap of Gil throwing the bug has been sent at least four times, one dramatically zooming on his face. Is good* Sheepy: *Gil is amused.* Arsé-kun: *background Avenger is Not. Mission failed by all accounts. Maybe except for one. He slinks off to tell Cu that Choo Choo II has been released outside* Sheepy: Cu: Good. Arsé-kun: Avenger: And gold's face is going to end up being a reaction image on the internet. It'll be back for revenge in a couple of years. Sheepy: Satoru: Why is the Wizrad still dead? Sheepy: Satoru: Dr. Marshmallow. Arsé-kun: Roman: .. Huh? Sheepy: Satoru: Why don't dead people ever wake up from their nap? Sheepy: Satoru: Don't they get bored of sleeping? Arsé-kun: Roman: Am I really the person to be asking?? Sheepy: Satoru: ... Sheepy: Satoru: Well, you're a doctor and doctors know everything. Sheepy: Satoru:....So. Of course you'd know that. Arsé-kun: Roman: Well, uh. How can I explain this..? Arsé-kun: Roman: ... You know how you sleep when you're tired? Sheepy: Satoru: Uhuh. Arsé-kun: Roman: The brain and heart also get really tired after a while, and they stop to sleep. Thing is, they don't heal from doing this. Sheepy: Satoru:....Okay. Arsé-kun: Roman: And without those, everything else shuts down. ... From there, people usually don't get back up. Usually. Sheepy: Satoru: *he looks off into space, mulling this over* Sheepy: Satoru:...So then. Sheepy: Satoru: That's what's happening to Masato? Arsé-kun: Roman: Huh?? Sheepy: Satoru: He looked exhausted all the time. Sheepy: Satoru: And he had dark rings under his eyes. Arsé-kun: Roman: That could also just be advanced sadness. Sheepy: Satoru: Sometimes he wouldn't leave his room all day and when he did he was... Sheepy: Satoru:.... Sheepy: Satoru: So then he's sad all the time? Arsé-kun: Roman: Sounds like it, yeah. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: That's fine. Sheepy: Satoru: So then. Does Eiji have advanced sadness? Arsé-kun: Roman: Yeah. The medical term doesn't even cover it in my opinion. He's not depressed. He's hyper-depressed and somehow still functioning. Sheepy: Satoru: I don't get it. Sheepy: Satoru: Why? Arsé-kun: Roman: It's called Depression. But he's more than just depressed. It's almost, like, as bad as possible. I'm not a psychologist, it's something like that-- Why? How should I know? Sheepy: Satoru: Because you're a doctor and you know everything. Arsé-kun: Roman: Different doctors for different things. Sheepy: Satoru: But... Sheepy: Satoru:...You're... Sheepy: Satoru:.... Sheepy: Satoru: Why? Sheepy: Eiji: Uh, d-don't worry about me. Sheepy: Satoru: I'm not. Sheepy: Eiji:...Oh.... Arsé-kun: Roman: Because I don't know enough to be a fancy brain doctor. And too late. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Eiji: Th-there's nothing a...anyone can do about it. Arsé-kun: Roman: I'm not so sure about that. Sheepy: Eiji: I...uh.. Sheepy: Eiji:...Don't want surgery. Arsé-kun: Roman: There's probably a way to fix it. I know there are specialized doctors for this sort of thing. Sheepy: Eiji:.. Sheepy: Eiji: I'd..rather not get disappointed by keeping my hopes up... Arsé-kun: Roman: I understand that. Sheepy: Eiji:...But it's worth the try I suppose... Sheepy: Satoru: ? Arsé-kun: Roman: I'll put a note here then.. See what kind of input I can get on it. Sheepy: Eiji: Th-thanks. Sheepy: Satoru:..??? Arsé-kun: Roman: Quite welcome. Is there.. Anyone else I should check in with before I head out? Sheepy: Satoru: Where's the Wizrad? Arsé-kun: Roman: In his tower. He said he'd be back soon. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Arsé-kun: *with that, roman heads Out* Sheepy: Satoru: ... Bye. Sheepy: Satoru: *he turns his gaze towards the ground.* Arsé-kun: *and now, another convenient timeskip* Sheepy: Carmilla: Got any threes? Sheepy: Rider: ......*he begins shifting unnaturally...* Sheepy: Carmilla: Okay, not you, not you! Arsé-kun: Vlad: You stop that, Rider, before I impale you with the chair. Sheepy: Rider: .............. Sheepy: *Rider pauses and looks to Vlad. One of his arms is already partially out. It slowly slides back in, making a very uncomfortable noise as it goes.* Sheepy: Rider: "Why have you been picking on Lobo all game?" Sheepy: Carmila: ...Because I can see his cards? Arsé-kun: Liz: It makes it that much easier for us! Sheepy: Lobo: *He doesn't seem to care too much. Actually, he's sniffing at one of his cards. Lobo. Do not eat that. LOBO.* Sheepy: Rider: "...And that's the 3 you asked for." Arsé-kun: Vlad: What a shame. Sheepy: *Lobo apparently didn't like his meal that much, because he nudges the cards away from him and stands up.* Arsé-kun: Vlad: That wasn't food, Lobo. I don't know what you expected. Sheepy: Lobo: *He nudges Vlad with his snout. he wants better food.* Arsé-kun: Vlad: Didn't you just eat an hour ago? Sheepy: Lobo: *he stares* Sheepy: *And then turns his attention to the outside.* Arsé-kun: *from aforementioned outside is a soft 'pomf' like someone landed in the snow after jumping off the roof. Normally one wouldn't be able to identify this sound easily, but considering it's a house of weirdos, it's kind of expected.* Sheepy: *Lobo starts barking loudly.* Sheepy: *And Rider quicky rushes to his side and starts trying to quiet him.* Arsé-kun: *Mozart is going to be up all night at this rate. What a shame.* Sheepy: *Lobo rushes to the window, wagging his tail and snarling* Arsé-kun: Liz: Who is it, Lobo? Is someone there? *she joins him at the window* Sheepy: Lobo: *he snarls once more and then follows it up with a loud bark* Sheepy: Rider: *He pats Lobo's face. Lobo stop* Arsé-kun: Liz: What're you barking at, silly? Is anyone there? Sheepy: Rider: *he walks through the wall and outside to check.* Arsé-kun: *snow, snow, white, white, flower* Sheepy: *Rider goes to investigate the flower.* Arsé-kun: *It's marking Merlin's grave- I mean. No. Wait. He's right there. No guarantees he's alive though* Sheepy: Rider: *he slowly takes off a glove* Sheepy: *Rider then sticks his hand in Merlin's shirt, tightly clutching his spine area in order to shock him awake. His hands are freezing like icicles...* Arsé-kun: *Merlin squeaks and shifts. Not a whine. a Squeak. What a man* Sheepy: *Rider removes his hand. There's a crunching, sliding, and squelching noise. ...Something wet, cold, and slimy replaces Rider's hand where it initially was...* Arsé-kun: Merlin: Aiyiyi! That's awful, stop that! Sheepy: *It slowly slides across Merlin's spine and up to his neck to leave his shirt...* Arsé-kun: Merlin: I'm up, I'm up! No need to torture me! Sheepy: Rider: .... Sheepy: *The extra "arm" retreats back into Rider's body, and he puts on his glove again* Arsé-kun: Merlin: *he pushes himself up and wipes the snow off his face* Couldn't you be a bit more gentle?? Sheepy: Rider: "I am a monster. This is what I do." Arsé-kun: Merlin: I could argue that, but maybe lets not. Sheepy: Rider: .... Sheepy: Rider: *he points to the door* Arsé-kun: Merlin: That's a fantastic idea. Arsé-kun: *Merlin gets up and shakes off the snow. Or tries* Sheepy: *Rider doesn't move.* Arsé-kun: *Merlin grabs his shirt collar and starts the long trek to INSIDE THE HOUSE* Sheepy: *Rider doesn't react...* Arsé-kun: *Rider could probably get inside far faster, but he Isn't. Eventually, Merlin gets INSIDE. THANK GOD. IT ONLY TOOK TEN YEARS* Sheepy: Lobo: *He sticks his snout in Merlin's face and begins sniffing him.* Arsé-kun: Merlin: Oh! It's just me, Lobo! Sheepy: Lobo: *He yawns, losing interest in Merlin.* Sheepy: Rider: *He points towards Merlin's room* Arsé-kun: Merlin: Yeah? Sheepy: Rider:... Sheepy: Rider: "Aren't you tired?" Arsé-kun: Merlin: .. Well, yeah. But what'd I miss, anything? Sheepy: Rider:.... Sheepy: Rider: "Satoru wanted to talk to you and that knight was mopey." Arsé-kun: Merlin: Which knight? Sheepy: Rider: "The one-armed one." Arsé-kun: Merlin: Ah. Sheepy: Rider: "I paid little attention, so maybe you want to ask someone else in the morning." Arsé-kun: *and the vampires are being Petty. try again later* Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... Guess I'll wait, then. Sheepy: Rider: "Yes." Sheepy: Rider: "Go sleep." Arsé-kun: *With that, Merlin drags himself to his room. adios* Sheepy: *Bedi is fast asleep and mumbling in his sleep. Hope you didn't want a pillow, Merlin, because it's Bedi's now.* Arsé-kun: Merlin: *he doesn't mind. he just drops next to Bedi* Sheepy: *Bedi mumbles something along the lines of, "you can't teach bears to fly, kay" ... "rocket-propelled bears are also illegal"* Arsé-kun: Merlin: You tell him, Bedi. *he remembers he's damp from lying in the snow. magic solves everything, even continuity.* Sheepy: *So basically, Bedi is having a rare pleasant (?) dream. Not a nightmare. Like he usually does.* Arsé-kun: *Thank goodness* Sheepy: *Rip continuity also.* Arsé-kun: *nah it's fine and alive. also he just dried off* Sheepy: *Bedi continues occasionally mumbling, the fact that it's occasional means that any potential plot transitions of the dream are lost, and instead the sudden change from kay's bear experimentations to the subsequent merlin-enforced war against rabbits (and possibly bears)* Arsé-kun: Merlin: *he just pats Bedi's head* Sheepy: *Bedi quiets down. Hopefully that was your intended result, because you can sleep now without Bedi's sleeptalking keeping you awake.* Arsé-kun: *that was the intended result, yes* Arsé-kun: *and so, Merlin curls up next to the boyfriend. He'll probably be holding on by morning. .. Which he absolutely is.* Sheepy: *At least Merlin gets sleep, which is good.* Sheepy: *Presumably he does.* Arsé-kun: *he does* Sheepy: *Good.* Sheepy: *Morning comes.* Arsé-kun: *shit i hope it did* Sheepy: *Bedi awakens, initially surprised by Merlin's presence. Merlin is back!! He can hardly contain his excitement! but he does his best because he doesn't want to wake Merlin.* Arsé-kun: *He is successful. It might be a bit hard to get up with Merlin's arms wrapped around him though* Sheepy: *Guess he'll die* Sheepy: *By that I mean Bedi waits for Merlin to wake up.* Arsé-kun: *then it's gonna be a while. better find something to do Bedi* Sheepy: *Bedi doesn't have much to do. He decides to mull over the recent events.* Arsé-kun: *Most of which was Things Going Wrong. Start your morning off right, and don't depress yourself immediately!* Sheepy: *Well, he might come up with an answer if he thinks about it.* Arsé-kun: *an answer to what? Life? The universe? Everything going wrong? Peeing in pools?* Sheepy: *Why the recent events happened and what actions they may take next.* Sheepy: *He decides to ask Eiji if he can go to Chaldea and question the ex-prisoners later.* Arsé-kun: *This is a good decision* Sheepy: *He continues to wait for Merlin.* Arsé-kun: *Good morning, Merlin!* Arsé-kun: Merlin: ....mmm, 's it early..? Wh' day is it..? Sheepy: Bedi: Don't worry, it's not too early, and you've been back for less than a day. How are you feeling? Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... Hungry, mostly. Sheepy: Bedi: then we should probably go eat. Arsé-kun: Merlin: m-hm! Sheepy: *The two go to the kitchen!* Sheepy: Satoru: I've decided that I'll be 12 soon. Sheepy: Cu: ...What? Sheepy: Satoru: I'm going to be 12 soon. Sheepy: Cu: No, no you aren't. Sheepy: Satoru: People age when they want to so I'm going to be 12 soon. Sheepy: Cu: That's- That's not how it works. Sheepy: Cu: You'll be 12 when it's twelve years since you've been born. Your birthday. Sheepy: Satoru: I don't have a birthday. Arsé-kun: Sakura: Yes, you do. I've told you this before. Sheepy: Satoru: ? Sheepy: Satoru: No. Arsé-kun: Sakura: Yes. Sheepy: Satoru: I'm am alien. Aliens don't have birthdays. Arsé-kun: Sakura: .... Satoru, I gave birth to you. I would know that you have a birthday. And I do know when it is. Sheepy: Satoru: Big Bro Cu said not to blindly believe everything people say to me because Big Bro Kintaro's told me incorrect things in the past. Sheepy: Satoru: So. Sheepy: Satoru: Since I can't remember that, I can't believe you blindly. I need evidence. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Lighten up, kiddo. I think your mom would know that sorta thing! Where's the food at? Sheepy: *Satoru mimics Merlin's way of saying 'Where's the food at', except instead of 'food', he says 'evidence'...* Arsé-kun: Sakura: Would you like me to dig out a birth certificate once I'm done cooking? Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: That's evidence, I suppose. Sheepy: Cu: You can't change your birthday. Sheepy: Satoru: It's October 30 Sheepy: Cu: I just said- that would mean you won't be 12 for a while now! Arsé-kun: Sakura: It's March first. Sheepy: Satoru: Nuh-uh, it's still ... ?: Gawain, Goetia, the Black Shadow, Shirou, Artoria, Nightingale, Sheepy: Satoru: ... Sheepy: Satoru:...? Arsé-kun: Sakura: Your birthday. Is march first. Sheepy: Satoru: I don't know what month it is. Sheepy: Satoru: I don't like that birthday. Arsé-kun: Sakura: I can't help that. That's the day you were born, regardless if you like it or not. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Arsé-kun: Merlin: *he's staring at Food. good priorities* Sheepy: Satoru: You helped me, so I'll keep talking to you. Sheepy: Satoru: But... ... *he goes to say something, but Bedi interrupts. Local knight can read the mood.* Sheepy: Bedi: Ah, Sakura, I'll be going to Chaldea later to speak with the ex-prisoners. I believe that the two incidents are related. Sheepy: Bedi: I've yet to ask Master, but he's not here, so I believe I'll take my actions into my own hands. Arsé-kun: Sakura: Bring others with you. No more going solo, for any reason. Sheepy: Bedi: Yes, of course. Sheepy: Bedi: Ah, I've got an idea. Satoru. Sheepy: Satoru: No. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Shut down. Sheepy: Bedi: But I've heard rumors of a centipede man. Sheepy: Satoru:?! Sheepy: Satoru: Where??? Sheepy: Bedi: Chaldea. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. I want to go. Arsé-kun: Mori: *he lowers his paper a bit* I suppose I'll volunteer to come along. Sheepy: Cu: You couldn't possibly be talking about...No. Nevermind. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Arsé-kun: Mori: Go on, Cu. Sheepy: Cu: *groan* Sheepy: Cu: It's nothing, really. Arsé-kun: Mori: You're only making me wish to know more. Share with the class. Sheepy: Cu: If this so called centipede man bears a resemblance to me, he's a killer who cares about nothing. Sheepy: Satoru: But you do that too. Arsé-kun: Mori: ... Ah. Do you mean the man that Setanta bore resemblance to a couple of months ago? Sheepy: Cu: I kill- fight for the fun of the challenge, see? He kills for the sake of killing. Sheepy: Satoru: Wow. Sheepy: Cu: I don't know, I didn't see him. Sheepy: Cu: And so! My kil- fighting is perfectly justifiable because I don't pick on the weak and instead go for challenging foes, while his is not because he murders weaklings and strong people alike and feels nothing but annoyance that they wasted his time! Sheepy: Satoru: Wow. Arsé-kun: Mori: Perhaps it'd be safer if we inquired with someone who had encountered them before we make any rash decisions. Sheepy: Satoru: He's a centipede and centipedes are good. Sheepy: Tristan (Waffles): Ah, I hope she's making waffles. Sheepy: Tristan (French Toast): But, wouldn't french toast be better? Sheepy: Tristan (Pancakes): I enjoy pancakes the most. Sheepy: Bedi: Why are there three?! Arsé-kun: Mori: One is Yan, without a doubt. Sheepy: Tristan (Waffles): It'd be better if there were none of me. Sheepy: Tristan (French Toast): It'd be better off if I were never born. Sheepy: Tristan (Pancakes): Finally, someone who agrees. Arsé-kun: Mori: *he sighs and picks his paper back up* Yan Qing, no one invited you inside. Sherlock, get out. Tristan, shut up. Sheepy: Tristan (Waffles): It's too bad the only one who understands me is myself. Perhaps, this is evidence that my existence adds nothing... Sheepy: Tristan (Pancakes): Aw, old man! You never even gave me my reward! Arsé-kun: Mori: I was thinking you were Yan. You never came back for it. Sheepy: Tristan (French Toast): Too bad, I was hoping to go on for longer. Arsé-kun: Mori: Shut up, Sherlock. Sheepy: Tristan (Waffles): Hm? Where did my friends go? Sheepy: *Pancakes and French Toast remove their disguises. It's Yan Qing and Sherlock!* Arsé-kun: *Sherlock gets the paper thrown at him* Sheepy: Sherlock: Ow. What was that for? Arsé-kun: Mori: Being a disturbance. Sheepy: Sherlock: You always are a disturbance. Sheepy: Sherlock: It's why the kid is the way he is. Arsé-kun: Mori: Shut up. That wasn't my fault. Sheepy: Yan: Wow! Wow!!! Arsé-kun: Sakura: Pancakes are ready!~ Sheepy: Yan:!!! Sheepy: Yan: Pancakes! Pancakes! Sheepy: Tristan: Aw... Arsé-kun: Merlin: Me first! I call first dibs! Sheepy: Yan: What!! Arsé-kun: Merlin: I died yesterday! What did you do? Sheepy: Yan: Actual work. Arsé-kun: *and then, neither of them get the first set of pancakes. Satoru does, followed by Bedi. Good Boys* Sheepy: Satoru:...Uhm. Thank you. Sheepy: *Satoru seems a bit flustered...* Sheepy: Bedi: Thank you. Sheepy: Yan: Hey, hey, why did the pretty boy get it? I'm prettier. Arsé-kun: Sakura: Quite welcome. *she goes on to serve everyone else- Which is probably difficult, because the allure of food is Powerful* Arsé-kun: Merlin: Hm... I disagree. Bedi's prettier. Sheepy: Yan:?! Sheepy: Yan: Well. Sheepy: Yan: That's fine, because my goals are beautiful women. Sheepy: Yan: They all flock around me until I speak. Arsé-kun: Mori: Lets move on. Arsé-kun: Mori: Assassin. Describe for us the ex-prisoners. Sheepy: Yan: Spiny lancer, caster lancer, sick Shinsengumi - so Okita Souji, angry man with Okita Souji - so Toshizou Hijikata, and a senile man. Arsé-kun: Mori: A bit more detail than that, please. Sheepy: Yan: The caster lancer wants to get into lady's pants, the spiny lancer seemed to act irritable to make him seem scary, senile guy was senile, ehh.. Sheepy: Yan: Go look in a history book for the other two? Arsé-kun: Mori: But none should actually present a threat if one encountered them? Sheepy: Yan: Well. Probably not, unless you threatened them. Arsé-kun: Mori: Noted. Sheepy: Yan: So go ahead. Arsé-kun: Mori: Will do. Sheepy: Yan: Have fun. Arsé-kun: Mori: I'll consider that one. Sheepy: Yan: Great. Arsé-kun: Mori: Will it be just us going? Sheepy: Bedi: Unless others want to go, yes. Arsé-kun: Mori: Lets not make the group too large. We don't need to become a visible target. Sheepy: Bedi: That's fine. Sheepy: Bedi: Are you sure you don't want to come, Merlin? Arsé-kun: Merlin: ...hmm? I could. Sheepy: Bedi: It'd make me happy to be able to monitor your health in case any residual effects set in. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Y'know, you can just say "I care about you" and be done with it. Sheepy: Bedi: Ah? But.... Sheepy: Bedi: Would you know my exact thoughts through those four words? Sheepy: Bedi: If I don't give you my exact thoughts, I'm not being fully honest wih you. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Were we together for a thousand years for me not to know what you mean? Sheepy: Bedi: Ah, good point. Arsé-kun: Merlin: But you're totally right. Sheepy: Bedi: So you're coming as well? Sheepy: Satoru: *he looks over to Merlin silently* Arsé-kun: Merlin: I suppose so Sheepy: Satoru: *stare* Arsé-kun: Merlin: Yes? Sheepy: Satoru: Um. I know I mentioned this to you a while back, but I need to learn how to defend myself. Umm.....before it was because I didn't want my family to get hurt, but now it's more than that. Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... So you did. If we're not exhausted by the time we come home, I'll finally start on that. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: Thanks. Sheepy: Cu: There's a huge difference between fighting and defending yourself, just remember that. Sheepy: Cu: A capable fighter fights until his foe is dead. Sheepy: Cu: Defending yourself is fighting purely to create a moment of opportunity for your escape. No amount of magic or physical strength is going to help you there if you don't have the brains nor agility to run at the right time. Sheepy: Satoru: I'm not fast and I'm not strong. Sheepy: Cu: Go ahead and teach him magic or whatever you teach, but really, you create heroes, not people with a sense of self awareness. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Ouch. Sheepy: Cu: My point is that teaching him brute strength alone isn't gonna get him anywhere, and I'm no teacher. Arsé-kun: Merlin: But you had one hell of a teacher, so I can't say you're wrong. Sheepy: Cu: I'd kill the kid trying to teach him because at his age, I was already taking on enemies twice my size. Sheepy: Cu: I can't relate to his situation at all. Sheepy: Cu: That old hag gives me shivers down my spine every time I think about her. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Okay, better plan. Collaborative teaching. Sheepy: Cu: What do you mean? Arsé-kun: Merlin: I know some stuff, you know other stuff, together, we know more stuff. Sheepy: Cu: Wow, you really don't use your ears sometimes. Arsé-kun: Merlin: You misunderstand. Some of what you know would still be valuable info. Not all of it, of course, because you've got an unfair advantage. Sheepy: Cu: "If I train the kid I'll kill him", quote, me. Sheepy: Cu: I don't know if you heard earlier but I said a fighter doesn't stop fighting until his foe's dead. Sheepy: Cu: It's just my nature. Sheepy: Satoru: Is that what happened to Connla? Sheepy: Cu:.... Arsé-kun: Merlin: .... Arsé-kun: *Congratulations, now it's awkward!* Sheepy: Cu: Kiddo, you've barely touched your food. Eat it before I feed it to Lobo. Sheepy: Satoru:?! Sheepy: Yan: Merlin can teach people? What? Sheepy: Yan: How to get away with having the world's worst bedhead? Sheepy: Yan: The kid's hairstyle already looks like it's based on, ehh, what's his name, Dancelot or whatever? So he's getting there. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I can certainly teach that if I wanted to. Sheepy: Yan: Eh, eh? Sheepy: Yan: Like? Sheepy: Yan: Since you're technically aligned with me and you're only interesting due to your mystery, I never looked into you too much. Sheepy: Yan: Aha, but Old Man, I know everything about Old Man. Sheepy: Yan: Everything. Arsé-kun: Mori: -_-' Sheepy: Yan: Aren't you glad we're on the same team, Old Man? *His grin is almost shark-like in nature...* Sheepy: Yan: Oh, oh, oh! Old Man! Old Man! Arsé-kun: Mori: What? Sheepy: Yan: Where's the other old man? Arsé-kun: Mori: Hell if I know. Sheepy: Yan: You didn't even ask me who I meant. Sheepy: Yan: I mean the Caster. I liked him. Sheepy: Yan: Ah, you're no fun! Sheepy: Yan: No fun at all! Sheepy: Yan: No wonder you didn't have a wife~ Arsé-kun: Mori: But you don't know how many children I've had, hmm? Sheepy: Yan: And nor do you~ Sheepy: Satoru: Grandpa had kids? Arsé-kun: Mori: Perhaps. Perhaps not. I'll surely tell you, but not him. Sheepy: Satoru: So am I related to you? Arsé-kun: Mori: You know? I don't know. I doubt it, but a check wouldn't hurt. Sheepy: Satoru:!? Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Yan: He's on Twitter. Sheepy: Yan: I follow him, but I don't post much because my Twitter isn't for entertainment. Arsé-kun: Andersen: We're talking about Shitspeare, so I am going to intrude on this discussion. Sheepy: Yan: Yup yup, I like him. Arsé-kun: Andersen: As do I, except for when he waits until the absolute last moment to propose a draft, throwing everyone's deadlines out of whack. Sheepy: Yan: Don't rush genius~ Sheepy: Yan: My experience is that he was all shadowy and evil or whatever and then there were ghosts and two Old Mans. Sheepy: Yan: Thanks to the Grail, of course! Sheepy: Yan: But he was still fun. Sheepy: Yan: My impression of you is that you'd be boring as a villain. Arsé-kun: Andersen: And you're just trying to be as irritating as possible. Sheepy: Yan: Ah? Arsé-kun: Andersen: You seem to be amusing others, so perhaps keep that up. Sheepy: Yan: Sure. Arsé-kun: Andersen: Either way. I do agree with your statement of I being a poor villain. Entirely correct. Sheepy: Yan: Good! Arsé-kun: Andersen: Maybe I'd do better without the overbearing nun... I should try again one day. Sheepy: Yan: Well, just hope you're on my side when you do. Sheepy: Yan: I'm on the side that fits my interests. Arsé-kun: Andersen: I'll consider it. Sheepy: Yan: Good. Sheepy: *And so the group finally ends up at Chaldea* Arsé-kun: Mori: *whoop di do.* Sheepy: Satoru: I’ve been lied to. Sheepy: Satoru: There’s no centipedes. Arsé-kun: Mori: We've only just arrived. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: Then let’s find him. Sheepy: Bedi: Try wandering around and you may find the centipede. Sheepy: Bedi: In fact! Maybe if you ask the friendly faces around here, they'll help you find him. Sheepy: Satoru: Uhm...uhhmmm... ... Sheepy: Satoru: I don't like people. Sheepy: Bedi: But you like Dr. Marshmallow. Sheepy: Satoru: Dr. Marshmallow isn't a person, he's my friend Sheepy: Satoru: Let's go find the centipede. Sheepy: Bedi: I'm going to do what I came here to do. Have fun. Arsé-kun: Mori: Bedivere, wait a moment. We're searching for the same person. Sheepy: Bedi: I suppose so. Sheepy: *They hunt for aCu! Satoru doesn't stray from Mori's side* Arsé-kun: *Satoru can't even if he tried- Mori brought the child leash.* Sheepy: *That won't stop Satoru from trying once he sees aCu.* Arsé-kun: *He might even make progress if he manages to ruin Mori's back and/or hip* Sheepy: Bedi: -Hm? Sheepy: *Bedi slowly turns and looks behind them.* Sheepy: CasCu: I was wondering when you'd notice us! Sheepy: Satoru:! Arsé-kun: *Acu is standing behind Cascu, looking around in nonchalance. Cares given: Absolutely none. Maybe one because Cascu's being social again, and Acu might have to clean up his remains. Again.* Arsé-kun: Mori: *he quietly wraps the leash around his wrist and waits for the inevitable* Arsé-kun: *And Merlin has already managed to vanish into thin air. His one job was to not do that* Sheepy: Satoru: *he attempts to rush over to the two. HELLO!!* Sheepy: CasCu: You are here tooo~ give me a moment. Question us about the incident? Sheepy: Bedi:?! Sheepy: CasCu: Well, you see, there's nothing illegal going on. That's that. Sheepy: Bedi:...I think you and I are thinking of two very different incidents... Arsé-kun: Mori: I'm rather curious to know what it is you refer to currently. Sheepy: CasCu: Ah? Sheepy: CasCu: Long story short, someone accused my machines of being rigged, which they aren't. The cops looked into them and everything and found no evidence, but they're basing their claims on how they haven't won past that early win despite throwing their life's fortune at the slot machine. Sheepy: CasCu: But they made a big fuss out of it and now people are assuming that just because I have a staff instead of a lance, I'm suddenly dishonest and rigging it! Sheepy: Satoru: I've heard of that before. Arsé-kun: Mori: Perhaps I'll stop by when I have free time. That is not what we intended to ask you about, though. Sheepy: Satoru: They're called money machines. They eat money and spit out a life of despair, alcoholism, poverty, and depression. Sheepy: Satoru: And sometimes they like to gather all in one place and get people drunk so the people will feed them more. Sheepy: Satoru: They're called money machines. They eat money and spit out a life of despair, alcoholism, poverty, and depression. Sheepy: Satoru: And sometimes they like to gather all in one place and get people drunk so the people will feed them more. Sheepy: CasCu: You almost make it sound like they're living things, kiddo. Anyway, what is it? Arsé-kun: Mori: Saber here wanted to inquire about the whole Mainyu cult incident. Sheepy: CasCu: Ooh, that. Arsé-kun: *Acu makes a distasteful noise. Helpful* Sheepy: Bedi: What can you tell us about them? Like...what are their plans and why were you summoned? Sheepy: *Satoru imitates aCu.* Sheepy: CasCu: They wanted to summon the real Angra. Arsé-kun: Mori: You refer to the deity? Sheepy: CasCu: And they summoned us to try to get closer to their goal through experimentation, I guess. Arsé-kun: Acu: Not that it worked. Sheepy: Satoru: *he has stopped listening. aCu more important.* Sheepy: Bedi: I see. Sheepy: Bedi: Do you know of any future moves they may make? Sheepy: Bedi: They went after my Master's son. Arsé-kun: *Acu glances down at Satoru. What is this, a Master for Ants?* Sheepy: Satoru: *he is awe-struck by aCu.* Sheepy: Satoru: Are you a centipede? Arsé-kun: Acu: .... Sure. Sheepy: Satoru: That's really cool! I love centipedes! Sheepy: Satoru: You look like my big brother. Arsé-kun: *Acu's expression doesn't change.* Arsé-kun: Acu: ok. Sheepy: Satoru: Except he's shorter than you and has a lance. He works two jobs and gets angry at loud noises. Sheepy: Satoru: He and Lobo don't get along too well. Arsé-kun: *Acu's face still doesn't change. At least, until the loud noise bit. That gets a raised eyebrow. That's it* Sheepy: Satoru: When he hears loud noises he just yells at the source until they stop. Arsé-kun: Acu: .. This one does that, too. *and he smacks the back of Cascu's head. What would normally be a semi-affectionate gesture, but not at all that. heck the you cascu* Sheepy: CasCu: Ow! Arsé-kun: Acu: Stop barking so loud when you hear noises. Don't make me get you a muzzle. Sheepy: CasCu: How about you stop hitting me whenever you want?! Sheepy: Satoru: That's what he sounds like. Arsé-kun: Acu: Not a surprise at all. Sheepy: CasCu: What's that supposed to mean!? Sheepy: CasCu: You keep comparing me to a dog, but with your sense of morals and motives, you're no different than some beast. Arsé-kun: Acu: The difference is that I don't care. Sheepy: CasCu: And you! Got the Gae Bolg! Sheepy: CasCu: And I was stuck with some stick! Arsé-kun: Acu: Do you want it? Sheepy: CasCu: Yes, but I can't have it. Arsé-kun: Acu: You can have it square up your ass. Sheepy: Satoru: *this isn't bothering him at all* Arsé-kun: Mori: And thus, Cu behaves in the regular manner. Perhaps we should back off. Sheepy: Satoru: Huh? That's how he says he likes you. Arsé-kun: Acu: Oh, no. A suntan. What ever will I do. Stop barking at me. Sheepy: CasCu: Oi, maybe I'll just shove your head in a pot of cold water and see which happens first - you drown or you stop being some maddened boar! Sheepy: CasCu: Wouldn't that be a science experiment! Arsé-kun: Acu: You would die of strangulation first. Sheepy: Satoru: See? They're bonding. Arsé-kun: *Acu whips his tail around to lightly smack Cascu's back.* Sheepy: CasCu: Don't do that. Sheepy: Satoru: Big Bro Cu is friends with a red guy. They punch each other and stab each other. After that they drink together. Is that what you're doing? Sheepy: CasCu: I do no such thing! ... Eh, wait, you mean the better me. Arsé-kun: Mori: I wouldn't say better. This entire discussion has been more civil than he is in two hours. Sheepy: CasCu: He's got the Gae Bolg, he's got morals, and he isn't filled with embarrassing memories of the past. Arsé-kun: Mori: He lives with Setanta. Say that again. Sheepy: CasCu: He's not a symbol of those embarrassing memories. Sheepy: CasCu: Setanta is. Arsé-kun: Mori: Yes, but he has to tolerate seeing this behavior. Sheepy: CasCu: That's not my point. Sheepy: CasCu: My point is that I don't have the Gae Bolg, Alter doesn't have morals, and Setanta is an embarrassment. Sheepy: CasCu: And since Lancer me has the Gae Bolg, has morals, and isn't an embarrassment, he's the best of us three. Sheepy: CasCu: But mentally, of all of us, I'm closest to Lancer me. So I'm #2, Alter is #3, and Setanta is an embarrassment. Sheepy: Satoru: Embarrassment is my favorite number. Arsé-kun: *Mori suppresses a laugh* Sheepy: Satoru: And, I like Centipede Cu more. Arsé-kun: Acu: ... Stop saying words. Sheepy: Satoru: Huh? Sheepy: Satoru: Do you want another name? Arsé-kun: Acu: Yes. Sheepy: Satoru: What do you want to be? Arsé-kun: Acu: Alter Cu. Sheepy: Satoru: Alter Cu. Arsé-kun: Acu: Yes. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: What do I call the other Cu? Arsé-kun: Acu: Ask him, not me. Sheepy: CasCu: Hmm~ I get to choose my name? Sheepy: CasCu: Aniki. Sheepy: Satoru:.. Sheepy: Satoru: Nice to meet you, Stick Cu. Sheepy: CasCu:?! Sheepy: CasCu: Just call me, errr... Sheepy: CasCu: Cu Chulainn. Sheepy: Satoru: There's already a Cu Chulainn. Sheepy: CasCu: Caster Cu. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Arsé-kun: *And Merlin finally returns, with questionable equipment and a lizard on his head* Arsé-kun: Merlin: What'd I miss? Progress made? Anyone wanna see a skink I'm borrowing from the doctor? Arsé-kun: Merlin: His name is Lenny. Sheepy: Satoru: *he stays with aCu.* Sheepy: Bedi: Merlin, you need to stop running off. Sheepy: Bedi: You wouldn't want me to get a child leash for you like Satoru has, would you? Sheepy: Satoru: Uhmmm.... Sheepy: Satoru: I want to see him. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Here he comes! *he moves in closer and crouches. You may see the lizard. behold, Lenny* Sheepy: Satoru: He's small. Arsé-kun: Merlin: He sure is. Sheepy: Satoru: Is he your friend? Arsé-kun: Merlin: I don't see why not? He's the only one that lets me do this. Sheepy: Bedi: What do you mean? Arsé-kun: Merlin: The other skinks don't like me much. Sheepy: Bedi: I thought you meant people... Arsé-kun: Merlin: Nah. People are fine. Sheepy: Bedi: They'd kill you if they copied Lenny. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Ehh?? Sheepy: Bedi: He's sitting on your head. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Oh. Yeah. Arsé-kun: Mori: ... Here's an idea. Bedivere, perhaps you and Merlin will have more success with further questioning. Sheepy: Bedi: Yes, good idea...and Merlin can return Lenny. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Already? Sheepy: Bedi: After we talk to the others. Arsé-kun: Merlin: d'aww. Sheepy: Bedi: You get to keep him for a while. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Hooray! Sheepy: Bedi: Okay, let's go talk to the others. Arsé-kun: *and so, Merlin and Bedi exit scene right* Sheepy: Satoru: ...What do we do? Arsé-kun: Mori: I suppose we could take a look around meanwhile. Sheepy: CasCu: Hey, maybe you could tell me a bit about the servants you know, eh...what's your class. Sheepy: CasCu: You don't look like a caster, you're definitely not a berserker, and I don't see a weapon. Arsé-kun: Mori: Archer. I am an archer. Sheepy: Cascu: Ooooh, archer, I see. Sheepy: Cascu: I'm neutral on archers. I'd like to try out being a Saber one day, but...Archer... Not sure how I feel about it. Arsé-kun: Mori: It's interesting. Not always what's expected of it. Sheepy: CasCu: Obviously, I'm a Caster. Arsé-kun: Mori: Yes, but I would not be surprised if you still responded to 'Lancer'. Sheepy: CasCu: Eh, I'm not Caster Lancer, just Caster. Sheepy: CasCu: And the kid? Sheepy: CasCu: Are you babysitting for your Master? Arsé-kun: Mori: I am, yes. Arsé-kun: Mori: He cannot babysit himself, after all. Sheepy: CasCu:...Oh, of course, he wouldn't make you babysit if he could do it himself...Wait. Arsé-kun: *Acu yawns like a dog and lies down on the floor in the bg. Real productive!* Arsé-kun: Mori: You caught on quickly. Well done. Sheepy: CasCu: What purpose does a little kid have for a servant? Arsé-kun: Mori: Protection. Sheepy: CasCu: From what?? Sheepy: Satoru: *he seems focused on aCu* Arsé-kun: Mori: I cannot freely share that information. Sheepy: CasCu: Fine, I guess. Sheepy: CasCu: So tell me more, what servants do you know? Arsé-kun: Mori: Hmm.. About seven berserkers, four assassins, seven sabers, six lancers, six casters, six archers, four riders.. three avengers, a ruler, and a partridge in a pear tree. Sheepy: CasCu:...Three avengers? Arsé-kun: Mori: Perhaps. Sheepy: CasCu: Hmm, poor you. Arsé-kun: Mori: It's not that bad. One needs walks. The other two are surprisingly non-disruptive. Sheepy: Satoru: Lobo is my pet wolf. Arsé-kun: *and subtlety has exited the building* Sheepy: CasCu: Kiddo, I'd recommend being careful about namedropping your servants... Sheepy: Satoru: But Mozart brags about himself and doesn't seem to mind people knowing his name. Sheepy: ?: Did you say...Mozart? Arsé-kun: Mori: *he frowns* And what business of yours is it? Sheepy: ?: .... Sheepy: ?: He is...an acquaintance of mine. Sheepy: ?: Who is he to you? Arsé-kun: Mori: A dear family member. Sheepy: ?: No, that's not right. Arsé-kun: Mori: That's a shame. Sheepy: ?:I need to see him again. Arsé-kun: Mori: That cannot be immediately done, but I'm sure it can be arranged. Sheepy: ?: Then this isn't his Master? Arsé-kun: Mori: Maybe, maybe not. Sheepy: ?: You stated that he is your Master. You stated thay Mozart is your family. He mentioned Mozart bragging often. Arsé-kun: Mori: But that does not mean Mozart has the same master. Perhaps he is under one related to my Master. Perhaps I am lying. It is not your business. Sheepy: ?: It is. Sheepy: ?: I must see Mozart. Arsé-kun: Mori: And who are you to be prying so deeply? Sheepy: ?: ....... Sheepy: ?: Amadeus Alter. Arsé-kun: *Mori squints* Arsé-kun: Mori: ... I will ask him the next time I see him. Permission given, I will allow it. Sheepy: Amadeus: Good. Sheepy: Amadeus: I'll be waiting. Arsé-kun: Mori: Wonderful. *and he turns his attention back to CasCu* Arsé-kun: Mori: Is this normal behavior? *he gestures to Acu, who's still on the floor. acu plz* Sheepy: CasCu:...Oh, that? Sheepy: CasCu: Depends on your definition of normal... Arsé-kun: Mori: ... Absolutely decimated, with no consideration to the original meaning of the word. Sheepy: CasCu: Then sure. Arsé-kun: Mori: Please get your Alter off of the floor. He may be trampled on, tripped on, or he may melt into a puddle. Sheepy: CasCu: Oi, get off the floor! Arsé-kun: Acu: .... nah. Sheepy: Satoru: You should go to bed. Arsé-kun: Acu: ... Yeah. .. Have to get up. ... Nah. Arsé-kun: Acu: ... Can't be bothered. Sheepy: Satoru: Why not? Sheepy: Satoru: Bed would be more comfortable, right? Sheepy: CasCu: Don't even bother, Kiddo. Sheepy: CasCu: *He lifts aCu up* Sheepy: *..And then puts aCu on his feet, holding him up so he can't lie down again.* Arsé-kun: Acu: ..... :< Sheepy: CasCu: What? Arsé-kun: *Acu is unimpressed. How Dare You* Sheepy: CasCu: You either stand or you go to bed. Arsé-kun: Acu: ... Fine. Come get me if something happens, like murder. Sheepy: CasCu: Fine. Arsé-kun: *and he lumbers out of the area. he probably gives up like halfway there and takes over a row of chairs. Good enough.* Sheepy: *...Eventually, Bedi and Merlin return.* Arsé-kun: Merlin: Helloooo! Sheepy: Satoru: Hi. Sheepy: Bedi: How did it go? Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Bedi: We've finished our business. Did you want to go home, Archer? Arsé-kun: Mori: I would like to, yes. I've got no further business here. Sheepy: Bedi: Good, let's get going then. Sheepy: *The group heads home.* Sheepy: *Lobo is digging a hole in the front yard. Tristan is fast asleep near Lobo. ... Lobo swipes Tristan into the hole and starts burying him...* Arsé-kun: Mori: Lobo, no! Sheepy: Lobo: ? Sheepy: Lobo: *Boof* Sheepy: Bedi:...Is Tristan dead? Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... No? Sheepy: *Bedi approaches the hole, only for Lobo to block him and snarl loudly.* Arsé-kun: Mori: Lobo! *he moves in, mostly to pull Bedi back* Knock it off! Sheepy: Lobo: *He backs off, his tail lowering some* ... Sheepy: Lobo: *...He rolls over.* Arsé-kun: Mori: .. Thank you for the respect. *he lets go off the child leash, and considers getting Tris out Himself* Sheepy: Lobo: *He sees the leash and stands, picking it up* Sheepy: Satoru:? Arsé-kun: Merlin: He's gonna take you for a walk! Sheepy: Satoru: But his walks usually end in someone dying...the person he's walking very specifically... Sheepy: Lobo: *He walks toward the house and looks down at Satoru* Sheepy: *Satoru hesitantly follows Lobo.* Sheepy: Satoru: Lobo? Do you know where Uncle Mozzy is? Sheepy: Lobo: *He sniffs at Satoru, completely ignoring his question.* Sheepy: Satoru: Lobo? Do you know where Uncle Mozzy is? Sheepy: Lobo: *He sniffs at Satoru, completely ignoring his question.* Arsé-kun: *Mori opts to sliiide into the hole, and grabs Tristan's shirt collar. So far, so good.* Sheepy: Bedi: Are you sure you don't need help? Arsé-kun: Mori: *he starts trudging back up, and.. ends up sliding back down* I never stated that I didn't. Sheepy: Bedi:..Oh no. Sheepy: Bedi: Are you stuck? Arsé-kun: Mori: It seems like it. Sheepy: Bedi: *He leaves and returns with Sherlock* Arsé-kun: *Moriarty does not look impressed.* Sheepy: Bedi: Huh? Sheepy: Sherlock: Good afternoon, Professor Moriarty. Arsé-kun: Mori: Good afternoon, detective. Do assist me in getting this man out of this hole. Sheepy: Sherlock: No problem. Sheepy: Sherlock: *He helps pull Tristan out.* Sheepy: *...And then sits by the side of the hole in his generic thinking pose...* Sheepy: Sherlock: Happy to be of help, Professor. Arsé-kun: Mori: ... Well, I suppose you did what I had asked. I cannot complain. Sheepy: Sherlock: Aha, I did. Sheepy: Sherlock: You're catching on, good. Sheepy: Sherlock: What will you do next, Professor? Arsé-kun: Mori: Why wouldn't I? *he grumbles and starts the trek back up* What would you think? Sheepy: Sherlock: Ah, take the prideful route... Arsé-kun: Mori: I don't know if I need the assistance just yet. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'll be here. Waiting. Sheepy: Sherlock:...As a supporting friend, for you to succeed in your endeavors. Arsé-kun: Mori: How uplifting. Sheepy: Sherlock: After all, if you and I were in the opposite situations, I'm sure you'd laugh at me and leave me to die, but I'm sure that there'd be the tiniest fraction of your heart telling you to pull me out... Arsé-kun: Mori: Certainly, my spirit has been raised- *the dirt crumbles under his weight, and he falls back down into the hole* ?! Sheepy: Sherlock: Professor? Are you alright? Arsé-kun: Mori: ... *he sits back up. he seems a bit rattled* ... Unfortunately for you, I'm still here this time. Sheepy: Sherlock: Whyever would I wish for your death? Sheepy: Sherlock: You're a source of entertainment. Arsé-kun: Mori: I'm glad to know I only exist for that purpose to you. Sheepy: Sherlock: I never said that purpose alone, Professor. Sheepy: Sherlock: Make sure to exhaust all possibilities before coming to a single solution. Arsé-kun: Mori: I was going to ask for assistance, but it seems that wouldn't be entertaining. Sheepy: Sherlock: Professor, that's a bit childish. Sheepy: Sherlock: I never said that. Sheepy: *He's smiling...until Tristan in a half asleep state shoves him in, tells Gawain to stop talking directly next to him as he tries to sleep, and then conks out again...* Arsé-kun: *Moriarty stays right where he is. Karma's a bitch, ain't it?* Sheepy: Sherlock:.... Sheepy: *Sherlock seems a bit stunned...* Sheepy: Sherlock: ..Hmm. Arsé-kun: Mori: Welcome to the hole, detective. Sheepy: Sherlock: Thank you. Sheepy: Sherlock: *He puts his hands to his face once more, sitting cross-legged* Arsé-kun: Mori: Quite welcome. Arsé-kun: Mori: This seems to be a predicament that we can't brute force our way out of. Sheepy: Sherlock: Yes, we must think of a way to get you out. Arsé-kun: Mori: What, are you going to take up residence in this hole? Sheepy: Sherlock: It's not that. Sheepy: Sherlock: I could easily leave. Arsé-kun: Mori: Then go ahead. Sheepy: Sherlock: No. Sheepy: Sherlock: As I said, the goal is to get you out. Sheepy: Sherlock: Not for me to jump out and then laugh at you from a distance. Arsé-kun: Mori: What a surprise. Sheepy: Sherlock: What is? Arsé-kun: Mori: That you haven't already done that. Sheepy: Sherlock:...Professor. Sheepy: Sherlock: I may be Sherlock Holmes, but I'm not necessarily the one who would easily leave a companion. Arsé-kun: Mori: So, what? Are you going to just sit here? Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm thinking. Arsé-kun: Mori: Is that what's burning? We'll need something to burn at this rate. Sheepy: *The magnifying glasses on his back are shifting slightly and consistently, a soft whirring noise accompanying them. Seems like it's helping him think.* Sheepy: Sherlock:....Oh, yes. Sheepy: Sherlock: I theoretically could get out myself, but that doesn't get you anywhere... Arsé-kun: Mori: Just get a goddamn rope, Holmes. Sheepy: Sherlock:...Right. Sheepy: *Sherlock gets up* Arsé-kun: Mori: I'll be... Right here. Waiting. Sheepy: Sherlock: *He gets out via jumping and then goes to get a rope.* Arsé-kun: Mori: *while he HOPES Sherlock will keep his word, he's not really.. Expecting it?* Sheepy: *Sherlock returns a few minutes later with a rope. Expectations, shattered!* Arsé-kun: Mori: Oh! Sheepy: Sherlock: What is it, Professor? Arsé-kun: Mori: You came back. Sheepy: Sherlock: I sure did. *He drops the other end of the rope so Mori can grab it* Arsé-kun: *and Mori does so.* Sheepy: Sherlock: Do you need help getting in? Arsé-kun: Mori: I'd rather be out of the hole. Sheepy: Sherlock: Of course. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'll hold this end. Arsé-kun: Mori: ... I just now understood what you meant. The help would be nice, yes. *and he starts his way up for the umpteenth time* Sheepy: *The magnifying glass limbs are still twitching some... Perhaps he's still a little messed up from falling and it's bringing him comfort? Who knows.* Sheepy: Sherlock: Alright. Arsé-kun: *and Moriarty is able to get out this time! Hooray!* Sheepy: Sherlock: Here, let me help you inside. Arsé-kun: Mori: Please do. Sheepy: *Sherlock helps Moriarty inside* Sheepy: Sherlock: Do you need anything else? Arsé-kun: Mori: No, that should be all. Thank you. Sheepy: *Lobo is sitting next to the sofa, watching (a half asleep) Satoru, who's on the sofa. The sphinx kitten twins are chasing Lobo's tail. The third one is fast asleep next to Lobo.* Sheepy: Sherlock: You're welcome. Let me know if you need anything. Arsé-kun: Mori: Perhaps I will, detective. Perhaps I will. Sheepy: Lobo: *He catches sight of Moriarty and stares, his tail lifting some.* Arsé-kun: Mori: I hope you are proud of yourself, Lobo. *he hides his limp to the best of his ability, trudging to the sofa* I managed to get trapped in that hole of yours. Sheepy: Lobo: *Is that a good thing? He's wagging his tail now.* Arsé-kun: *He doesn't look happy, Lobo. What does that tell you?* Sheepy: Lobo:? Sheepy: Lobo: *He stands and licks Moriarty. This is an apology so everything is better.* Arsé-kun: *Mori reaches up and pats Lobo* Sheepy: Lobo: *He is pleased!* Sheepy: Satoru: *He groggily looks over* ...? Grandpa? Are you okay? Arsé-kun: Mori: Yes. Just a bit tired. Sheepy: Satoru:...OK. That's good. Arsé-kun: Mori: m-hm. Arsé-kun: *and so, Mori decides he can rest for a little bit. He knows better- He knows he'll end up napping for a few hours, and he does it anyway.* Arsé-kun: *On the more unfortunate side, he wakes up two hours later with sore muscles and everything hurts.* Sheepy: *Lobo has since left, and Satoru apparently copied Mori's example despite Guin not liking it when he [Satoru] sleeps on the sofa. Lobo apparently contributed one of his dog toys to Satoru before leaving.* Arsé-kun: Mori: *hoo boy. This is going to be an Evening.* Arsé-kun: Mori: *he'd try to get up, but this Satoru is on him. It's like having a cat on you. You'e now stuck forever.* Sheepy: Rider:... Arsé-kun: Mori: ... Please help. Sheepy: Rider: *He picks up Lobo's dog toy.* Arsé-kun: Mori: Rider. Sheepy: Rider: .... Arsé-kun: Mori: Please. Sheepy: *Rider shifts Satoru* Arsé-kun: Mori: Thank you. Arsé-kun: *and so, Mori forces himself up. What's going on now? Something's always going on* Sheepy: *You haven't told Mozart what he needs to know yet.* Arsé-kun: *Ah, yes, that. Upstairs he goes, then.* Arsé-kun: *is anyone around? is anything happening? it cannot just be moriarty and mozart up here.* Arsé-kun: *... Apparently, it is! What a shame.* Arsé-kun: Mori: *he heads straight to Mozart. No interruptions. No breaks. No stopping because his permanent servant arthritis is acting up.* Arsé-kun: Mozart: *he stops playing his keyboard, having heard Mori's uneven approach.* Can I help you, old man? Arsé-kun: Mori: Certainly. I was given a message to pass on. *at Mozart's insistence, he continues* The man claimed to be your Alter. He expressed desire to meet you? Sheepy: *Lobo lifts his head and looks over at Mori. Apparently he was listening to Mozart's music before he [Mozart] stopped.* Arsé-kun: Mozart: An alter? Of moi? I didn't know such a being existed. Arsé-kun: Mozart: I see no reason why to not meet the man. We could make wonderful music together~ Arsé-kun: Mozart: I should find myself a willing musician to duet with me and visit this concert hall. :) Arsé-kun: *Moriarty stares. He understood that perfectly, but BOY is he not in the mood for it* Arsé-kun: *and so, Mozart gets kicked out of his own room to find himself a partner to visit Chaldea with* Sheepy: *Lobo watches this silently...* Sheepy: Eiji: ... Umm... Sheepy: Satoru: *he scooches away from Eiji* Sheepy: Eiji: Oh... Arsé-kun: Mozart: Good afternoon! Sheepy: Eiji: Oh, uhm, g-good afternoon. Sheepy: Satoru: Uncle Mozzy, a guy wanted to see you. He was wearing red and black clothes. Arsé-kun: Mozart: I've just been informed of this. Would anyone wish to come with me to meet him? Sheepy: Satoru: Ummm...he was scary. Sheepy: Satoru: He said he was you but he put off an air that...uhm...no... maybe I'm just imagining it... Sheepy: Satoru: Nevermind. Arsé-kun: Mozart: No, no. I'd like to hear it. Sheepy: Satoru: Uhhh... Sheepy: Satoru: I couldn't see his face. He called you Mozart but himself Amadeus Alter. Sheepy: Satoru:..And something about him made my core feel cold. Sheepy: Satoru: But...uh...there's no reason for him to lie... Arsé-kun: Mozart: That's right, isn't it? I'll keep that in mind. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Good luck. Sheepy: Eiji: L-let me get... ... ... and then I'll come with you. Arsé-kun: Mozart: I understand. Thank you for volunteering! Sheepy: *Eiji leaves for a bit, returning with Bedi* Arsé-kun: Mozart: And a good afternoon to you as well! Sheepy: Bedi: Good afternoon, Mozart. Arsé-kun: Mozart: You don't mind going to Chaldea a second time, do you? Sheepy: Bedi: No, I don't. Are you ready? Arsé-kun: Mozart: Quite so. Sheepy: *They head to Chaldea once more.* Sheepy: *It's not too difficult to find Amadeus Alter. Upon arriving, the sound of Per la Ricuperata Salute di Ofelia can be heard. And then an incorrect note. A pause. It starts over from the beginning. An incorrect note in an earlier part. A pause. It starts over from the beginning. ... A pause. It starts over from the beginning.* Arsé-kun: Mozart: *he stops and listens. He's not going to interrupt-- That's rude.* Sheepy: *A try or two later, there's a loud cry of frustration and then silence. The voice is familiar.* Arsé-kun: Mozart: *he responds with the elegance of a mature adult, the simplest of replies-- The loudest fart noise he can produce without a tuba. Only the truest of Mozarts can communicate in such a manner.* Sheepy: Amadeus: Mozart... Mozart! *He seems...pleased...?* Sheepy: *...Amadeus's voice definitely isn't Mozart's...* Arsé-kun: Mozart: How could I forget your lovely voice? Salieri, you beautiful man, you gigantic pile of shit! Sheepy: Salieri: It's been so long... *...As Satoru said, there's something not quite right...* Sheepy: Salieri:...*He gasps of pain briefly, and pauses* ...Except. Sheepy: Salieri: I am not Salieri. Sheepy: Salieri: *pained gasp* Mozart...Mooozaaaart... I, Death, will kill you once more...Nothing will remain of you after I am done! Not your songs! Not the memory of you! Nothing! Sheepy: Bedi: *he unsheathes his sword and moves partially in front of Mozart* Arsé-kun: Mozart: ... ... How dare you. *he pats Bedi's shoulder. This isn't to you, Bedi. You're fine* You think that's at all possible? I could shit myself and it would remain in the public records for decades! Sheepy: Salieri: ... Sheepy: Salieri: I cannot simply erase your records...because erasing you...would erase me. Sheepy: Salieri: But I will kill you after tarnishing you! Arsé-kun: Mozart: What a load of crap! Allow me to take a big, steaming dump on your opinion! ... It sucks! Sheepy: Salieri: *he points his blade towards Mozart* I am the death god who stole your life! I am Salieri! ... No! I am Death! Salieri is dead! Arsé-kun: Mozart: Make up your minds! We've got all evening! Sheepy: *...Salieri lifts his sword.* Arsé-kun: *Mozart lifts up his hands, in a similar, composer style.* Sheepy: *There's a clicking noise behind Mozart, followed up by a cry from Salieri. "Kill, KILL!"* Arsé-kun: *Mozart whirls around, whipping a bit of magic as he does. What is it? What's behind him?* Sheepy: *Four reaper minions with rifles.* Arsé-kun: *Well, that's not good.* Sheepy: *They open fire!* Sheepy: *...Bedi shoves Mozart out of the way!* Arsé-kun: *Mozart is still hit by a bullet or two, and he cries out on the way down* Sheepy: *There's laughter from Salieri, followed up by wheezing.* Sheepy: *...There's a few holes in Salieri, too...* Arsé-kun: Mozart: ... ... *he shakes his head and forces himself back to his feet* How'd that go for you..? Sheepy: Salieri: Mozart...Mozart....I'll kill you.... like you killed m...No...no...like... Sheepy: Salieri:... ... Sheepy: Salieri: *he lifts his hands* Arsé-kun: *As does Mozart.* Sheepy: *And begins playing an air piano. There is actual piano music coming out of this. HOW* Arsé-kun: Mozart: ... I'd be more impressed if I didn't know this was an assault! Sheepy: Salieri: No...No! Sheepy: Salieri: *he pauses playing, his minions pausing in their movements. Bedi strikes them with his sword. Salieri doesn't care.* Sheepy: Salieri: You can't be impressed! Arsé-kun: Mozart: Who lied to you? Sheepy: Salieri: I make no music, just sound! Nothing compares to yours! Arsé-kun: Mozart: Oh, lick my ass, will you?? Sheepy: Salieri: Mozart! MOZART! I'll kill you! Arsé-kun: Mozart: At least take me on a first date before destroying my ass! Sheepy: *Salieri begins furiously playing the air piano. He keeps hitting the wrong notes. His new minions are confused and all looking to him, unsure of how to take these orders...* Sheepy: *It devolves into him, once more, trying to play Per la Ricuperata Salite di Ofelia. A wrong note. A sob. The minions look to one another and slowly lift their spears towards Salieri, unsure of how to take these orders.* Arsé-kun: *Mozart moves in without interruption, lifts up his leg, and slams it down where the keyboard would be. Eat shit.* Sheepy: *Salieri collapses to the floor. The minions, along with his mystic code, fade, leaving Salieri in his usual suit.* Sheepy: Salieri:.... Sheepy: Salieri: *Wheeze* Mozart.... I... ... I don't want to... ... *He clutches his head in silence, the only sound from him being his quickened, unsteady breathing and the occasional sob.* Arsé-kun: Mozart: *he keeps his guard up, slowly lowering himself down to check on Salieri* I know. Sheepy: Salieri:...Kill me. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Who do you think I am, an executioner? Give me your hands. Sheepy: *Salieri does so hesitantly* Sheepy: Salieri: I'll kill you one day...if you don't kill me now. Arsé-kun: Mozart: I'd rather it be by you than.. Whatever actually did. Sheepy: Salieri:...No. Arsé-kun: Mozart: No? Sheepy: Salieri: I am, because that's what's been decided. Arsé-kun: *Mozart squints, frowning deeply* Sheepy: Salieri: Because of them, I cannot hear my own music... just its inadequacy compared to yours... Sheepy: Salieri:...*He laughs, followed by a sob.* Arsé-kun: Mozart: ... Salieri. I have a keyboard that does nothing but farting sounds. If you say I'm better again, I'll call you Arschgeige from now on! Sheepy: Salieri:... Sheepy: Salieri: It's not something I can't control. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Then lets do something else. You can call me Arsch. Sheepy: Salieri:.... Sheepy: Salieri: You really should kill me. Arsé-kun: Mozart: I'm not Sanson! Do I look armed to you?? Sheepy: Salieri:...No... Arsé-kun: Mozart: Then shhhhhhut up. Sheepy: Salieri:.... Arsé-kun: Mozart: I'm not going to kill you. Sheepy: Salieri:...Just because you don't have a weapon...? Sheepy: Salieri:...Take my sword and kill me with it. It is the embodiment of humanity's beliefs that I killed you. Sheepy: Salieri: Simply, it is the weapon they believed I killed you with. Arsé-kun: Mozart: ... *he casts the sword a glare, and kicks it away. Sure, this messes up his balance and he falls over, but mission accomplished* Sheepy: Salieri:... Arsé-kun: Mozart: ....... Arsé-kun: *And, of Course, this is Chaldea, not some random alleyway, so of Course someone is going to be sent to check why two men are bleeding on the floor. Unfortunately for everyone, it's the vampire.* Sheepy: Bedi: Good afternoon. Do you think you could help them? Sheepy: Haku: Tepes, no, you're like a shark. Arsé-kun: Tepes: I got us here, didn't I, dear? Sheepy: Haku: Yes, you did. Sheepy: Haku: Can you explain what happened, one of you? Arsé-kun: *Mozart is remarkably quiet. He is Not Happy* Sheepy: Bedi: Mozart was attacked by the man in the suit. Sheepy: Bedi: I ended up getting shot due to bodyblocking some bullets, but I believe one or two hit Mozart. Sheepy: Bedi:...Furthermore, the man in the suit accidentally hit himself as well. Sheepy: Bedi: Based on my understanding of the situation, he was not in control of his actions at the time. Sheepy: Bedi: Do not concern yourself with me. Focus on Mozart and the man in the suit instead. Arsé-kun: *and Mozart points to Salieri. No, HIM first* Sheepy: *Salieri has no response to this. he's breathing heavily...* Arsé-kun: Tepes: ... *he sniffs* .. The one in the suit is far worse off. Sheepy: Bedi: This isn't my area of expertise. Arsé-kun: Tepes: If it was, you would have dealt with it by now. Sheepy: Bedi: *He nods* Sheepy: *There's a small groan from Eiji...* Arsé-kun: Mozart: *he shifts to look over to Eiji* ? Sheepy: *He's lying face-down on the floor. So basically something that Satoru has done a thousand times. Except there's the occasional groan accompanied by this. No blood, so he wasn't hit by any of the bullets.* Arsé-kun: Tepes: ... .. Dearie? He's on you. Suits' on me. *he goes to lift up Salieri, only to be met with objection from Mozart* Y'know, you could stand to lose a bit more blood. I can help. Arsé-kun: *Mozart lets the fuck go and shuts the fuck up* Sheepy: Haku: You mean like I'm supposed to pick him up? Arsé-kun: Tepes: No, no. Get off and check on him, please. Sheepy: *Haku slips off of Tepes's back and goes to check on Eiji.* Arsé-kun: *Tepes does an about face and slips out of the scene with Salieri. Oh. Bye?* Sheepy: Haku: Oh, bye. Sheepy: Haku: *She pokes at Eiji* Hi, are you dead? Sheepy: Eiji: *groan* Sheepy: Bedi: Please stop tormenting him... Sheepy: Bedi: *He smiles* It'd be better if you did nothing and left, because all you're doing is making things worse. Sheepy: Haku: ...Well, that's certainly a cruel way to put it. Arsé-kun: Mozart: *GUESS I'LL DIE.* Arsé-kun: Acu: Do any of you know how to shut up?? *oh. didn't even notice him there, still laying across multiple chairs like it's his city now. he's been there... The entire time? Doing nothing to help.* Sheepy: Haku: Yup, but I don't use that ability of mine ever because it's too powerful. Sheepy: Haku: Anyway, you over there, with the blond hair, are you okay? Arsé-kun: Mozart: .... I'm certainly alive. Sheepy: Bedi: *His smile grows* We know how to shut up as well as you know how to help. Sheepy: Bedi: We are capable of it, but we do not do it. Sheepy: Haku: So I'm guessing it's not just a case of you hurting physically? Sheepy: Haku: What's up? It's my job to listen to people's concerns, as much as I may seem like I'm a nasty person. Arsé-kun: Mozart: .... .... For starters, I just witnessed my friend nearly kill us both. Sheepy: Haku: ...Right. Sheepy: Haku: He's an Avenger class. Arsé-kun: Mozart: .... That's somehow worse. Arsé-kun: *Acu loudly growls. Shut the fuck upppp, he is Trying to SLEEP here. And he was here first!* Sheepy: Bedi: *He doesn't appear at all concerned about Acu's growling.* Sheepy: *..Instead, he defensively steps to block Acu's view of Eiji, grinning a pleasant grin as he does...* Arsé-kun: Acu: ..... Are you an idiot, or do you have a death wish? Sheepy: Bedi: All I know is that you are being aggressive, and it is my duty to protect Master Eiji. Arsé-kun: Acu: I just want you to shut the hell up. Sheepy: Bedi: Yes, and we will when everything is resolved. Sheepy: Bedi: All you're doing is dragging it out longer. Arsé-kun: Acu: For the love of an irish whore. Get done or something. Sheepy: Bedi: Okay, sure. Sheepy: *Bedi strolls over to aCu, picks him up with the Airgetlam, and then picks up one of the chairs.* Sheepy: *...He then proceeds to walk a few feet away, put the chair down, and then aCu on it.* Sheepy: Bedi: You're now further away. Aren't you happy about that? Arsé-kun: Acu: *he's.. more confused than bothered. what the hell just happened. the fucking NERVE of this guy.* Sheepy: Bedi: After all, you seemed like you had a problem with being there, so I thought I may as well help. Arsé-kun: Acu: .... .... I, uh. I guess so. Sheepy: Bedi: That's good. Sheepy: Bedi: Did you need anything else before I return to Master Eiji? Arsé-kun: Acu: ... No? heepy: Bedi: That's fine. Arsé-kun: *and so, Acu has been Shut Up by Bedi, and his strong ass arm. Great. NOW DO WHAT U NEED TO, BEDI* Arsé-kun: *AND NOW, THIS IS BORING. WHAT'S HAPPENING AT HOME?* Sheepy: *Satoru has decided that right now Uncle Lance should be the target of his attention. What're you up to, Lance?* Arsé-kun: *Lance is... Channeling his natural aggression into video games. Is it being recorded? I don't know. The gameplay might.* Arsé-kun: *It's very possible the footage gets posted somewhere, but Lancelot is not the editor or poster. No patience for that sort of thing.* Sheepy: Satoru: *he sits down next to Lance. He'd sit on Lance but he doesn't have access.* Arsé-kun: *do it anyway!* Sheepy: *Satoru tries to.* Arsé-kun: *Lance gets distracted and dies. Ingame, of course. Not literally. He grumbles and moves his arms for Satoru* Sheepy: *Satoru sits on Lance's lap. Hello!* Arsé-kun: Lance: .... Hello to you, too. Sheepy: Satoru: Hello! Arsé-kun: Lance: ... Is today Get Close to Unclelot day? Sheepy: Satoru: Is that a bad day? Arsé-kun: Lance: Were it, I'd shoo you away. Sheepy: Satoru: Oh. Arsé-kun: Lance: .. 'm just recording anyway. It's fine. Sheepy: Satoru: Recording? Arsé-kun: Lance: mhm. Just the screen. Nothing else. Sheepy: Satoru: Why? Arsé-kun: Lance: ... Why not? Sheepy: Satoru: Uhmmm... Arsé-kun: Lance: ... It gives me something to do. Sheepy: Satoru: Ooohh... Arsé-kun: Lance: ... I can't.. Pick fights for fun. I'm too destructive. Sheepy: Satoru: Is that why harp guy is on the floor behind the sofa? Arsé-kun: Lance: .... Is he? Sheepy: Satoru: Yeah. Arsé-kun: Lance: *he glances over the back. LETS GUESS. TRIS IS SNOOZING AS USUAL* Sheepy: *He sure is. Face down on the floor.* Arsé-kun: *This is Uninteresting to Lance, since it's the norm.* Arsé-kun: Lance: ... *he sighs and looks back to the screen. he's dead again. NOT BIG SUR PRISE* Sheepy: Satoru: I like watching Kintaro play... uhhhmmm... Sheepy: Satoru: Animal Leaf. Sheepy: Satoru: All of his friends in it are bears. Sheepy: Satoru: And a chicken. Arsé-kun: Lance: ... Ah. Sheepy: Satoru: Do you play Animal Leaf? Arsé-kun: Lance: .. Non. It's too.. ... I don't want to say boring. Sheepy: Satoru: It's okay to be bored by something. Everyone has their own tastes. Sheepy: Satoru: I don't play video games. I'm bad at them. I just watch others. Sheepy: Satoru: Dad is good at them. Arsé-kun: Lance: ...? Sheepy: Satoru: Video games. Arsé-kun: Lance: Ah. Sheepy: Satoru: Auntie Guin doesn't play them...uhhmm...Big Bro Cu gets really competitive and ends up yelling a lot. Sheepy: Satoru: Lobo thinks they're food. Arsé-kun: Lance: Well, of course. Sheepy: Satoru: Lobo thinks everything is food. Sheepy: Satoru: Grandpa likes puzzle games. Especially top hat guy. Sheepy: Tristan: I like the sweet embrace of death. Arsé-kun: Lance: Then get up here and play Bloodborne with me. I've died at least twenty times in the last three hours. Sheepy: Tristan:.... Arsé-kun: Lance: .... I know what you meant. Ignored it. Give me moral support. Sheepy: Tristan: Don't die. Live on. Arsé-kun: Lance: Thanks. Sheepy: Tristan: Don't be like me. Sheepy: Tristan: Be strong. Endure. Sheepy: Tristan:...Is that everything? Arsé-kun: Lance: I think so. Sheepy: Tristan: Then. Good night. Sheepy: Satoru: Oh, umm... Arsé-kun: Lance: ?? Sheepy: Satoru: How did you become strong? Arsé-kun: Lance: ... Training, mostly. Sheepy: Satoru: So strength comes from training? That's all? Arsé-kun: Lance: *he grumbles* It helps. Sheepy: Satoru:...Okay. Arsé-kun: Lance: .. Ah. Give me a couple of minutes for this boss. Arsé-kun: *cue Lance trying his best against what looks like a big white wolf. He wins this time.* Sheepy: Satoru: It's a puppy. Sheepy: Satoru: Like Lobo. Arsé-kun: Lance: I suppose so. Sheepy: Satoru: Why did you kill it? Arsé-kun: Lance: Because she was going to kill people. Sheepy: Satoru: But why? Arsé-kun: Lance: Because she got... Corrupted and sick. .... It's just a game. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Arsé-kun: Lance: ... Maybe I'll find something you can.. Actually play once I'm done. Sheepy: Satoru: You don't have to. I just wanted to spend time with you. Arsé-kun: Lance: *TOUCHING* Arsé-kun: *in the distance, a loud door slam. welcome back mozart.* Sheepy: Satoru: *He didn't like that noise.* Arsé-kun: *Neither did Lance, who jumped and almost broke his controller* Arsé-kun: Lance: ■■! Sheepy: Satoru: Wh-who, uh, do you think that is? Arsé-kun: Lance: ▂▂▃▂on't know. Sheepy: Satoru: I don't like it... Arsé-kun: *Lancelot grumbles. Give him a few minutes to formulate words* Sheepy: Satoru:... Sheepy: Cu: DONT SLAM DOORS OR ILL SLAM YOU INTO THE DOOR! Arsé-kun: Mozart: SHOVE A WATER BOTTLE UP YOUR ASS AND FART ME A SONATA, YOU ABSOLUTE WASTE OF SPERM! Sheepy: Cu: WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME?! ILL SHOVE THIS SPEAR SO FAR DOWN YOUR THROAT YOULL BE A- *lobo barking* -KA BOB! Sheepy: Cu: HOW ABOUT YOU BECOME AN ASTRONAUT, BECAUSE YOU SURE DO LOVE TAKING UP SPACE! HERE! I CAN EVEN THROW YOU UP THERE! Arsé-kun: Mozart: I'M ALREADY SHIT, TELL ME SOMETHING I DIDN'T KNOW! GET A MUZZLE! Sheepy: Cu: GET A GOOD ADDITUDE! YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO ALL MUSICIANS! Arsé-kun: *Mozart's reply, after a minute of silence, is the loudest sousaphone B sharp he can muster.* Sheepy: Cu: YOU ARE SO ANNOYING! Sheepy: Cu: ALL YOU DO IS CREATE NOISE POLLUTION AND AIR POLLUTION! Arsé-kun: Vlad: WHO IS SCREAMING?! WHO DARE WAKE US?? YOU'RE GOING TO BE DINNER! Sheepy: Satoru: Oh, Big Bro Cu is happy to see him. Sheepy: Satoru: So is Dad. Arsé-kun: Lance: Ssseems that way. Sheepy: Cu: YOU SHUT UP TOO! GO BACK TO SLEEP! THIS IS BETWEEN ME AND THE FARTIST! Arsé-kun: Andersen: Fartist. I must add this to my lexicon immediately. Thank you for your genius with the English language. Sheepy: Cu: You're welcome. Arsé-kun: Merlin: *that. happened. He opts to try and edge out. Nothing to see here!* Sheepy: Bedi: Ah, Merlin. Arsé-kun: Merlin: *MISSION FAILED.* Yes..? Sheepy: Bedi: I wasn't able to prevent a fight from breaking out Arsé-kun: Merlin: ..... I see that. Who did this to you? Sheepy: Bedi: Mozart's friend. He shot me. Arsé-kun: Merlin: ...... *he looks.. Displeased.* Sheepy: Bedi: Don't worry, though. Mozart and his friend have received medical assistance. Sheepy: Bedi: Both should be fine. Sheepy: Bedi: Master Eiji is uninjured. He took a nap. Arsé-kun: Merlin: ............ You, though. Also, did something happen that I am not aware of? Sheepy: Bedi: What about me? ...Ah. Sheepy: Bedi: He attacked us because he wasn't quite himself. Sheepy: Bedi: He ended up shooting himself as well. I took most of the damage for Mozart but I failed to protect him completely. Arsé-kun: Merlin: ......... *he looks even more sour but doesn't complain. Here's the heals, free of charge* Sheepy: Bedi: Thank you. ... What's wrong? Sheepy: Bedi: Is it that I let Master Eiji fall asleep during a fight? ... Sorry, I should've paid better attention.. Arsé-kun: Merlin: No, not that. Just tell me when you're hurting for once! Sheepy: Bedi: *He frowns* Sheepy: Bedi: My injuries come from my mistakes. I don't want to bother you purely because I made a mistake. Arsé-kun: *in the distance is a bass drum impacting on some poor sod, and the door slamming again. nice* Sheepy: Bedi: ...More importantly, Mozart is understandably upset, and....ah...I wouldn't say we two are Master Eij's only servants anymore...? Arsé-kun: Merlin: That's what it was?? Sheepy: Bedi: I guess you could say he's fostering two for Satoru. ...Personally, I'd rather we two be the only ones... Arsé-kun: Merlin: It lets us have more time alone, though~ Sheepy: Bedi:...It does? Wouldn't it be less because we now have more servants attached to Master Eiji? Sheepy: Bedi: Now we're no longer alone... Arsé-kun: *Merlin wiggles his eyebrows.* Sheepy: Bedi:...! ...Oh. I understand. Sheepy: Bedi: But... what if we're needed? I wouldn't say either of them have any experience being a servant. Sheepy: Bedi: Especially not of one as different as Master Eiji... Arsé-kun: Merlin: I think we'll figure something out. Sheepy: Bedi:...Both are Cu, so you know. Sheepy: Cu: What?! Arsé-kun: Merlin: .... This is now a hound only household. Of Cus, bitches, and everyone else. Sheepy: Cu: I'M NOT A DOG! Arsé-kun: Proto: WHY ARE WE YELLING? Sheepy: Cu: Backtrack! What mes?! Arsé-kun: Merlin: .... I think I know. Sheepy: Cu: There's normal me, sure, and then Setanta! Sheepy: Cu: ...Wait, is one... Sheepy: Cu:...That guy isn't getting close to the kid AT ALL! Sheepy: Bedi: Caster Lancer and All Bark and No Bite Lancer. Sheepy: Cu: Caster...? What makes me capable of being a caster.... Arsé-kun: Proto: Rune magic? Teacher taught us, after all.. Sheepy: Cu: I sealed that away though because it's useless to me. Arsé-kun: Proto: It's haaard. Sheepy: CasCu: His face is like...a little chick plastered onto a weirdly kinda like me body. I was him once? Sheepy: Cu: Oh my gosh you look like a middle aged treehugging hippie. Arsé-kun: Proto: You look like.. Big bro, but older! Sheepy: CasCu: Big bro? That's what everyone calls me. Arsé-kun: Proto: I can't call you both that! Sheepy: CasCu: Hmm~ Too bad. Arsé-kun: *In the background, Acu gives up a foot past the door and lays down on the floor. I am a fucking poet. I am the next Willy Shakes.* Sheepy: CasCu: Call me Aniki, then. It's Big Bro but like we're the yakuza. Arsé-kun: Proto: That works! Sheepy: CasCu: Eh? Really? I mean... of course you'd agree! Arsé-kun: Acu: ... Shut up, you sound desperate. Sheepy: CasCu: And you sound like you wish for the sweet embrace of- Sheepy: Cu: *He smacks aCu with a broom* Out, out! Arsé-kun: Acu: ... Make me, you little yappy dog. Sheepy: Cu: Nobody wants you here! Go back to Queen Mebd, you nasty Queen Mebd fanboy! Arsé-kun: Acu: Ew. Sheepy: Cu: Ew? Arsé-kun: Acu: Ew. She makes Fergus look like... ... A nerdy virgin bitch. Sheepy: Cu: Are you not even loyal? Arsé-kun: Acu: To that thing? Sheepy: Cu:...Well, yes Arsé-kun: Acu: I was made to be a king, not a whipped husband. Sheepy: Cu: ...*He raises an eyebrow* King? Sheepy: Cu: We already have three of those. Arsé-kun: Acu: Long story. Don't care. Sheepy: Cu: Wait. Four. Sheepy: Cu: None of them will give up their title. You'll have to fight them for it. Arsé-kun: Acu: Can't be bothered. I'll fight them if they'll give me a good challenge. Sheepy: Cu: Like, where is he - Lobo! Sheepy: *Lobo arrives.* Sheepy: Cu: This is one of 'em. Sheepy: Lobo: *He approaches aCu and starts sniffing at him* Arsé-kun: Acu: ... Get your nose away from my ass. Sheepy: Lobo: *He picks up aCu in his mouth* Sheepy: Cu: Lobo. Down. Sheepy: Cu: Lobo. Sheepy: Cu: No. Arsé-kun: Proto: Don't shake, Lobo! Sheepy: Lobo: *He looks to Proto, and then to Cu. His tail is wagging...* Arsé-kun: Acu: .... Down, before I cut holes in your jaw. Sheepy: Lobo: *He starts rapidly shaking aCu* Sheepy: Cu: Lobo NO!! Sheepy: CasCu: Wow. Sheepy: Cu: VLAD! GET YOUR ALPHA BUTT UP HERE! Arsé-kun: Vlad: *he ascends from the basement* Lobo! Not a toy! Down! Sheepy: Lobo: *He stops shaking aCu and trots towards Vlad. He drops aCu in front of Vlad and sits.* Arsé-kun: Vlad: Good Lobo. Have any of you taken him o-u-t yet? Sheepy: Cu: No, because it's not my job Arsé-kun: Proto: Not yet..! Sheepy: Lobo: *He can't spell, so he's just expectantly watching Vlad.* Arsé-kun: Vlad: ... I'll do it, then. Sheepy: Lobo: ? Sheepy: Cu: Good, he actually listens to you. Arsé-kun: Vlad: Get me the leash, Lobo. And of course he does. Sheepy: *Lobo excitedly gies to get it.* Sheepy: Cu: Why??? Sheepy: Cu: You're not a dog. Arsé-kun: Vlad: Perhaps. Sheepy: Cu: Perhaps? Maybe you are a dog, then?! You don't look it! Sheepy: *Lobo returns with the leash.* Arsé-kun: Vlad: I'll show you when I wish to. Now is not the time. Sheepy: Lobo: *boof* Arsé-kun: Vlad: Yes, yes, Lobo. We can go now. Sheepy: Lobo: *He's excited!* Arsé-kun: *and so, Vlad takes Lobo for a "walk".* Arsé-kun: *And Acu, once again, stays where he is. This is a nice floor.* Sheepy: CasCu: What was with that dog? Arsé-kun: Proto: Lobo's a wolf king. He decided it's his territory. Sheepy: CasCu: Wolf..King...? Sheepy: CasCu: Wolves don't have royalty. Sheepy: Cu: Don't question it. Really. Don't. Question his position as the ruler over all of us other than Vlad and Moriarty and he'll use you as a chew toy. Sheepy: Cu: Rule #2. Don't get too close to the kid right off the bat. He'll tear you to shreds. Sheepy: Cu: This is difficult because the kid has no sense of patience in terms of bonding and if he decides he likes you he'll cling to you. Sheepy: Cu: Rule #3. Feeding Lobo part of your dinner unless you're Kintaro won't put you in his good graces. He'll just expect it and then get mad and shake you around when he doesn't get it. Sheepy: Cu: He gets his own dinner and doesn't need yours. Sheepy: CasCu: Sure, sure, but what should I know about in terms of the ladies? Sheepy: Cu: Don't bother. The only good one is Guinevere and she's already taken. Sheepy: CasCu: That soon? Sheepy: Cu: She was taken thousands of years ago, sorry bud. Sheepy: CasCu: By whom? Sheepy: Cu: Lancelot. Sheepy: CasCu: The name rings a bell. Sheepy: Cu: There's Liz who is loud and annoying, Carmilla who is loud and annoying, and the kid's mom who's obviously married. Sheepy: CasCu: Another one I missed out on? Sheepy: Cu: She's married to your current Master. Sheepy: CasCu: Ugghhh... Sheepy: Cu: Sorry, bud. I said obviously because I assumed you knew. Arsé-kun: Proto: .. Wait, that's not all of the girls! Arsé-kun: Proto: I mean, yeah, you only skipped two, but.. Arsé-kun: Proto: I don't think my Master would appreciate being approached that way? Arsé-kun: Proto: And the other's a snake! Sheepy: Cu: That's why I skipped them. Arsé-kun: Proto: ... Does Mud count as a dude or a lady? Sheepy: Cu: Mud? Sheepy: Cu: No clue. Arsé-kun: Proto: They're out, too, you'll be impaled for trying probably. Sheepy: CasCu: Eh. Arsé-kun: Acu: ... He'll get impaled anyway. Sheepy: CasCu: What!? Arsé-kun: Acu: It happens to all of us. Arsé-kun: Acu: That, and you never shut up. Sheepy: CasCu: I do! Arsé-kun: Acu: And neither does he. Shut up. Sheepy: CasCu: You shut up! Sheepy: Bedi: Master Eiji needs sleep. You are being loud. Sheepy: Bedi: Furthermore, you're probably bothering Mozart, who's already down. ...So. It's best that you quiet down. Arsé-kun: Proto: Huh? What happened? Sheepy: Bedi: I mentioned it earlier, but his friend attacked both him and me. Sheepy: Bedi: He's understandably upset about his friend's actions. Arsé-kun: Proto: And that's why you smell like used bullets and blood? Sheepy: Bedi: Do I...? Sorry. Arsé-kun: Merlin: All right, you manly men have fun doing whatever you're doing! I'm stealing this, thank you! *he picks up Bedi* Sheepy: Bedi: ?! Arsé-kun: Merlin: *aaand he exits with Bedi* You gotta clean up..! Sheepy: Bedi: Yes, of course, sorry. Arsé-kun: Merlin: And are we going to take two hours? Sheepy: Bedi: Of course not. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Are we going to turn the bathroom into a local sauna? Sheepy: Bedi: Ah...uh...no. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Great! Sheepy: Bedi: I'll have it at the usual temperature. Arsé-kun: Merlin: So rivaling the sun in heat? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Bedi, you could pour an entire pot of scalding hot coffee on yourself and you wouldn't be bothered by it! Sheepy: Bedi:...Ah. Sheepy: Bedi: I understand your point... Arsé-kun: Merlin: But I guess we're doing it anyway. Sheepy: Bedi: No, no, I'll put it down a little. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Three degrees? Sheepy: Bedi: That many? Arsé-kun: Merlin: What? Sheepy: Bedi: I was thinking one or two. Arsé-kun: Merlin: One? One?? Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... And what's this? Are you all going to break Mozart's door down? Sheepy: Satoru: Merlin. I'm sad. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Is it because the door's shut? Sheepy: Satoru: Uhuh. Sheepy: Satoru: He slammed a door and I don't like that noise. It's scary. So he must be upset. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Sounds it! Shall I give it a try? Sheepy: Satoru: Uhuh. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Ay-yo, musicman, open the door! *he kicks it* Stop having it be closed! Satoru's out here! Sheepy: Satoru: Did you hurt your foot kicking the door? Arsé-kun: Merlin: That absolutely hurt. Sheepy: Satoru: That's not good. Feel better soon. Arsé-kun: Merlin: And we aren't gonna ram it down.. Sheepy: Bedi: We could try leaving him alone. Arsé-kun: Merlin: And what, be played depressing songs all night? Sheepy: Bedi: Well...I mean... Sheepy: Bedi:...I guess. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Someone already has that job! His name is Tristan! Sheepy: Satoru: I want to see Uncle Mozzy. Sheepy: Bedi: Tristan is always sad, though... Arsé-kun: Herc: ▃▃▅▃▂▃ ?? Sheepy: Satoru: It's Fluffy. Hello! Do you want to see Uncle Mozzy too? Arsé-kun: Herc: ▂▃▂▃▂▂? Sheepy: Satoru: He's sad and locked the door. Unless you know a way in, we'll have to wait until he unlocks it. Arsé-kun: *Herc takes the doorknob and turns it. It breaks instantly and the door is easily opened* Arsé-kun: Herc: ▅. Sheepy: Satoru: Oh! It was unlocked this entire time. Thank you, Fluffy. Sheepy: *Herc receives a hug before Satoru enters the room to see Mozart.* Sheepy: Bedi: Oh no... Arsé-kun: Merlin: I'm not fixing that. Sheepy: Satoru: Uncle Mozzy? Sheepy: Bedi: The poor door... Arsé-kun: Mozart: ... What? Sheepy: Satoru: Are you upset? Arsé-kun: Mozart: Yes. Sheepy: Satoru: Can I help make you feel better? Arsé-kun: Mozart: Sure. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Well. If you have something you want to vent about, I'm here. Arsé-kun: Mozart: .... You recall the movie made about me, yes? Sheepy: Satoru: Uhuh. The one you didn't want me to watch. Arsé-kun: Mozart: It's wildly incorrect Arsé-kun: Mozart: No, no! Arsé-kun: Mozart: Not that! Just... The part about how I died and who did it. Sheepy: Satoru: Ooooh. Sheepy: Satoru: Did someone say the movie was accurate? Is that why you're upset? Arsé-kun: Mozart: ... You know how Dracula caused Vlad to be a vampire? Sheepy: Satoru: Yeah. Arsé-kun: Mozart: A dear friend has been turned into a homicidal man that he never was. Sheepy: Satoru: ... Maybe there’s some way to reach out to him? Arsé-kun: Mozart: Oh, we tried. He barely has control over his own body at this point.. Sheepy: Satoru: Uhhmmm... Maybe Dr. Marshmallow can help. Arsé-kun: Mozart: I don't think he can magically change someone's class.. Sheepy: Satoru: Class? Sheepy: Satoru: So he’s... uhhh... Arsé-kun: Mozart: He's an Avenger. Certainly behaves like a Berserker. Sheepy: Satoru: ?! So then he knows Hulk? And Captain America? Arsé-kun: Mozart: ... No, no. Like Lobo and Rider. Sheepy: Satoru: ... Oh. Sheepy: *Satoru seems a bit embarrassed...* Sheepy: Satoru: But then that means he hates humanity. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Yes. That is part of the problem. Sheepy: Satoru: But the movie didn’t say that he hated humanity. Sheepy: Satoru: So I don’t get why he’s suddenly an Avenger if he didn’t hate humanity in the first place. Arsé-kun: Mozart: It said he hated me. ... *he sighs* That leads to the second problem. Sheepy: Satoru: “It”? Second problem? Arsé-kun: Mozart: It doesn't matter what is true or not for Servants. What's believed by the people affects us. People believed, partially due to the film, that he outright hated me. Sheepy: Satoru: Ooohhh... Arsé-kun: Mozart: ... Which makes it hard to approach without being shot. Sheepy: Satoru: ... That’s bad. So then why is he calling himself Alter Amadeus? His outfit even looks like yours. Sheepy: Satoru: But you appeared in that outfit and considering he’s had no interaction with you before today, he couldn’t have known what it looked like. Arsé-kun: Mozart: ... I am not sure. Perhaps due to us having been connected in the past. Sheepy: Satoru: Because that outfit is a lot like thr one you wore in the movie. Sheepy: Satoru: ? Sheepy: Satoru: *...he parrots a few...* Sheepy: Satoru: What do they mean? Arsé-kun: Mozart: They mean Guinevere is going to kill me if you repeat any of it. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: Do you want her to kill you? Arsé-kun: Mozart: No. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Your secret is safe then. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Thank you. Sheepy: Satoru: And just because he hates you on the outside doesn't mean he hates you on the inside. Arsé-kun: Mozart: He doesn't hate me on the inside. I know this as fact. That's part of why it's so... ... Messed up. Sheepy: Satoru: Well, maybe you can help bring that side out. Sheepy: Satoru: Why is he acting like he hates you? Arsé-kun: Mozart: ..... I'll be simple. Masato was also another person? So is my friend. Sheepy: Satoru:....So it's like that. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Yes. Sheepy: Satoru:.... Sheepy: Satoru: The only solution to that problem was to send him away. But he came back. He's not going to stay away forever. Arsé-kun: Mozart: No. Masanori came back. Masato did not. But, you're right. Sheepy: Satoru: But still, maybe Dr. Marshmallow can help with that. Doctors can do anything. Sheepy: Satoru: Grandpa is a doctor and he can do anything, so all doctors can do anything. Arsé-kun: Mozart: ... Ok. Sheepy: Satoru: If you give up before you've even started, you're only stealing away any chances you may find to help your friend. Arsé-kun: Mozart: ... You'd be right, but I'm really not feeling it. Sheepy: Satoru: Even if you don't think Dr. Marshmallow can help, there's always a chance. Not taking the chance at all is the same thing as it being guaranteed that it doesn't help. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. That's fine. Don't push yourself. Sheepy: Satoru: But as long as you believe really hard, eventually it'll work out. Arsé-kun: Mozart: ... All right, Aristotle, thank you for the philosophy lesson. Sheepy: Satoru: Where? Arsé-kun: Mozart: You. Sheepy: Satoru: No, I'm Satoru. Sheepy: Satoru: Satoru... ... Arsé-kun: Mozart: I'd like to order a "I was being figurative" with a side of "Hi Satoru, I'm Uncle Farts." Sheepy: Satoru: Sometimes Big Bro Cu refers to you as Mofart. Sheepy: Satoru: And I haven't decided on whose family name to adopt yet. Sheepy: Satoru: Moriarty doesn't work well with my name. That's unfortunate. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Why not just take your mothers'..? *he's trying not to smile. MOFART.* Sheepy: Satoru: But Carmilla doesn't have a last name. Unless you mean...uh... Sheepy: Satoru:...I'm not comfortable with that. Sheepy: Satoru: I'm grateful for what she's done but she still scares me somewhat. Arsé-kun: Mozart: ... Kintaro's? Sheepy: Satoru: The alliteration is weird. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Is it? Arsé-kun: Mozart: Hm.. Sheepy: Satoru: Are you feeling better? Arsé-kun: Mozart: ... A bit, yes. Sheepy: Satoru: That's good. Sheepy: Satoru: Just try to relax so you can feel better. Arsé-kun: *and now, a short timeskip. just to the next day, nothing massive. no cu are dead somehow. Mozart's still unhappy* Sheepy: Holmes: -- *Meanwhile, he's thoughtfully chewing on the end of his pipe. He pauses. He slowly takes the pipe out of his mouth.* ...Sometimes. Arsé-kun: Mori: Sometimes you don't talk until I've at least had coffee. Those are good days. Sheepy: Holmes: I question the reality of my existence. Arsé-kun: Mori: It's too early for this. Sheepy: Holmes: Did I really exist? Am I just made up? I know what I believe, but did humanity imprint that on to me? Arsé-kun: Mori: Can I calculate how long you'll prattle on for? Sheepy: Holmes: Go ahead. Arsé-kun: Mori: Too damn long. Sheepy: Holmes: Hmm. ... So you don't think about that ever? Sheepy: Holmes: Everything about you is technically born from the beliefs that came about upon reading The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Arsé-kun: Mori: It's a good 50-50. It's still one or the other for you. Sheepy: Holmes: You have a lackadaisical approach. Arsé-kun: Mori: No. It's too early for this. Sheepy: Holmes: I was hoping for an interesting conversation. Sheepy: Holmes: In some ways I believe you changed more than me. Arsé-kun: Mori: Highly likely. Sheepy: Holmes:...Such as. The Moriarty I knew back then would not be content with this lifestyle. The Moriarty I know now, is. Sheepy: Holmes: Perhaps you've changed due to being a servant... or. What's important to you has changed. Character development. Sheepy: Holmes: Or- Sheepy: Lobo: *he sticks his snout in Holmes's face, teeth bared.* Arsé-kun: Mori: Heel, Lobo. *he goes to lightly push on Lobo's nose. booooop* Sheepy: Lobo: *His ears perk up. What does this mean? Why is his nose being booped?* Arsé-kun: Mori: You can wait. Sheepy: Lobo: *He huffs* Arsé-kun: Mori: And I am not going to deny your claim if that's what you truly believe. Sheepy: Holmes: ...Hm. Sheepy: Lobo: *he sniffs at Holmes's coffee* Arsé-kun: Mori: ... And while I'm on this train of thought- The second-closest museum has awful security. I'm just saying. Sheepy: Holmes: So that's where you intend to strike next? Well, I won't stop you. Arsé-kun: Mori: Is it, though? Sheepy: Holmes: Who knows. Arsé-kun: Mori: Not you. Certainly me. Sheepy: Holmes: Of course. Sheepy: Holmes: It'd be dull if I could tell what your next actions would be. Arsé-kun: Mori: Wouldn't it? Sheepy: Holmes: Yes.
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