#also thank you guys for so much love on the last render jesus christ
buglaur · 3 months
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i love the seasonal outfits mod so much
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Title: Buzz, Buzz—Buzz, Buzz {One-Shot}***
Chris Evans x Reader
Warning: Cursing, Tease, NSFW, SMUT
Words: 4.5k
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Note: I love vibrating panties by the way. Great idea! This was too much fun to write. I hope you enjoy it!!!
***Loosely Edited/Proofread***
 “I can’t believe you cooked all of this,” Scott said as he gaped at all the food scattered around your townhouse.
You had gotten a little carried away in the kitchen with all the cooking. You’d made fried coconut shrimp, some potato salad, mac and cheese, and some honey BBQ smothered ribs. That all went with various little finger foods like chili cheese nachos topped with all the fixings, little kabobs, and a fruit salad. Looking at all the food you may have gone overboard considering there was probably only going to be maybe ten people in attendance today to watch the fight.
“I know, I think I went a tab bit overboard.”
 “No, it’s great. It is fight night after all,” Scott said.
 You finished putting out the rest of the décor for the night and making sure your townhouse was company ready.
 “You are quite the little entertainer.”
 Scott helped you straighten the rest of the townhouse which you had neglected in your cooking spree. While you tackled upstairs, Scott tackled downstairs. You had to make sure the bathroom and the bedroom and even the guest bedroom was good. The one thing you hated was when you went to someone’s house and their whole house was not on point. It could have been just something small, but it got to you.
 “Shit, Scott I forgot the cake.”
 “I knew you would. How could you not? I didn’t think you’d be doing all of this.”
 “If I go to get it I won’t have enough time to get ready before everyone gets here.”
 “It’s okay, I’ll get it. Give me the receipt and I’ll go. You get ready,” Scott offered.
 “Thank you, Scott.” You rummaged through your bag until you found the receipt for Scott so he could pick up the cake for fight night. Fight night was never complete with something sweet to end the night.
 Once he was gone you finished tidying up and setting fresh candles out you hopped in the shower. Ten minutes later you were trying to find the right outfit but couldn’t decide what to wear. It was a fight, so you didn’t want to get too crazy, but you also didn’t want to look frumpy. You tried on dresses with wedges and heels, jeans and tanks, jumpsuits, skirts but you could not decide.
 Halfway through your mind jumped to Scott’s brother, Chris. You’d been friends with Scott for about nine months before he introduced you to his brother superstar Chris brown at a party. It was of course an automatic attraction for you. who the hell wouldn’t think Chris Evans was hot? Sometimes when you hung out with Scott he was around, and it became normal after a few months. Every once in a while you’d hang out alone mainly when you were in a group. You’d break off alone and talk or even do things together. You’d come to realize he was a cool guy, really funny and down to earth. You’d gotten comfortable around each other and you couldn’t deny that you were probably developing a crush.
 After nearly fifteen minutes of debate, you decided on an off the shoulder shirt and a pair of jeans that you would pair with some wedges. You thought it was a good combo. When you reached into your drawer for a pair of panties you didn’t think anything about picking the black thong you’d gotten as a naughty birthday gift from your friends. You’d lost the remote months ago so that rendered the vibrating contraption useless. While you were rushing around to make sure you were ready in time you didn’t realize the doorbell rang until you heard pounding at the door. When you opened it, Chris was standing there holding the cake Scott was sent out to get.
 “Hey. I’m sorry I didn’t hear the door.”
 “It’s okay. I come bearing sweets.” You smiled and held open the door so he could come in.
 “You can put it in the kitchen on the counter. Thanks.” You followed behind him looking over his body. His white polo looked so good on him. It fit him just right and accentuated his broad his shoulders were and how trim his waist was. He looked so good. Catching yourself before he caught you checking him out you looked away and tried to compose yourself.
 “What happened to Scott?”
 “He had a few things to do before he made it over here, so he asked me to bring this over.”
 “Thank you.”
 “I feel like I should thank you, it smells amazing in here. I can’t wait to get my hands on all this food,” Chris said as he rubbed his hands together.
 “You’re so silly.” A few moments passed with the two of you smiling at each other before you snapped out of it.
 “Okay, I’m gonna finish setting up, everyone should be here any minute.”
 “Okay, need help?”
 “No, I got it. You chill and get the channel right. I’ll be back.” As you walked past him you thought you heard him whisper “god damn”. Deciding it was your ears playing tricks on you, you continued rushing around.
 While you were rushing around doing God knows what he found the channel the fight was on and got it ready. When he fixed himself a plate and sat on the couch it was then he saw a small black device peeking out from underneath the wall mounted bookcase. He dug it out but before he could investigate further the doorbell rang. He slipped the device in his pocket and answered the door to find a group of smiling faces.
 “Heyyyy!” He smiled and ushered them inside as they all spoke at once. Some were commenting on how good it smelled inside, some on the coming fight, and some just chattering. Before long everyone had settled and situated around the living room.
 “How was this recent trip, Chris?”
 He’d just got back into town from filming a coming show that he was excited about. “It was good. It was mainly last minute reshoots and whatnot. It should be premiering soon.”
 “What’s it called?”
 “Defending Jacob.”
 When you walked out everyone approached you and pulled you in for hugs. You spent the next few moments hugging everyone and having small talk. He couldn’t help but watch you. When he first met you he thought you were beautiful, yeah but he didn’t dwell on it. As the weeks and months passed and he got to know you better thanks to Scott he really liked you and the vibe you gave off. The more he talked to you away from your group of friends, the more he liked.  
After a few months he knew he was in real danger of finding himself in a situation that had the potential to be messy. Normally he wouldn’t have cared but he’d just gotten to a point in his life where he was through making bad decisions that made him into the asshole. If he made a move on you he would be the man he was. So he kept his distance and did everything in his power to keep himself in check.
 His eyes roamed your body and he fully took notice of your outfit. The jeans fit you too well and the top accentuated your soft shoulders and ample cleavage. Just like that he knew it was going to be a long night.
 When everyone got their food and seats the fight started, by that time he’d checked out your ass more than four times and found himself staring at your breasts more times than he could count. He made it a goal to focus on the fight and nothing else. He told himself it didn’t matter that you were beside him and smelled like every flower in the book or the fact that your thigh brushed his every so often. A little after the halfway mark you returned with a beer for him.
 “Thanks.” Your smile was polite and sweet. He dug his hand in his pocket and remembered the small device there. He didn’t know what it was but after fiddling with it he decided it was probably a stress thing. It took him a few minutes to realize the soft rubber spots were buttons. He pressed one down. Almost at the same time, you dropped back onto the couch with an “oh”.
 When he looked at you the look on your face said confusion and shock.
 “Are you okay?” Your head snapped to him and you instantly nodded. The way you did it was weird, but he didn’t think anything of it. He continued to fiddle with the device in his pocket and pressed another button. You whimpered beside him and crossed your legs. When his eyes met you again you gave him a reassuring smile before looking back to the TV and the fight.
 “Wow, that was a great cross,” you stuttered. He tried not to notice on your squirming beside him, crossing and uncrossing your legs but he noticed. You took your beer bottle and raised it to your lips and guzzled it until it was empty. He noticed you squeezing it so tightly the skin around your knuckles was taunt. As he tried to figure out what was going on with you he pressed another button. You released a sigh and sat up with a straight back then placed your empty beer bottle on the table before you with a shaky hand.
 He watched you as you looked around the room as if you were looking for something. He was so busy watching you trying to figure out what was going on that he didn’t think anything of pressing more buttons on the device in no particular order.
 “Oh Jesus Christ. No, no, no.”
 “You okay Y/N?” You pinched your lips and nodded to Scott.
 “Yep, all good. Cake. Does anyone want--cake?” You blew out a breath through your mouth. He watched your chest heave as if you were having trouble breathing. He pressed another button and your eyes closed before you stood. He noticed the shake in your legs when you did though and he was even more inquisitive.
When you got to the kitchen you were free to panic. The remote wasn’t lost at all. It was somewhere. Either it was in one of the couch seats and someone was unaware they were controlling it and your pleasure. You’d forgotten how these things felt after trying them out that one time. You remembered very well now. Taking a few moments you cut slices of the cake and placed them on plates. After you’d cut the slices Chris’ voice took you by surprise.
 “You okay?”
 “Yeah I’m good. Are you good?” he looked at you as if he were suspicious of something. You’d probably acted weird as shit before.
 “I’m good. Need help?”
 “Uh yeah, thanks.” You and Chris each took a few plates and walked back out to hand them out to each guest. Once your hands were free you leisurely walked around the living room checking behind free cushions and spaces to see if you could find the root of your embarrassing situation.
 “What’re you looking for?”
 “Oh nothing important. I just thought I lost a piece of jewelry earlier. Don’t worry about it,” you lied. You tried to act as normal as possible but it was hard. You didn’t know when the next vibrating surge would come and you could also feel Chris’ eyes on you. the two things were making you more awkward and nervous than usual.
 Soon everyone was on their feet cheering on their chosen fighter. The controlled chaos gave you the opportunity to look in each of the couches but you’d come up empty handed. The only other possibility was that someone had it and was controlling it without knowing just what it was. Now you looked around to each of your friends assessing them trying to figure out who the culprit was. Your eyes met Chris’ from across the room and he stole your breath. The two of you stared at each other for a few moments and you wondered if it was him but his hands were free. Everyone cheered snapping you out od the moment to see the fight was over.
 The vibration began again this time it wasn’t on the low setting, it was a lot stronger.
 “Fuck!” You crossed your legs, pinched your lips and tried to hold back any sounds you were tempted to make. The vibration continued then intensified and you could feel the beginning stirs of the orgasm that wanted freedom.
 You didn’t think you could stop it so you walked to your balcony as smoothly as possible. You turned your back to the French doors and bit your bottom lip trying to stop the moan. It definitely wasn’t working so you grabbed the railing before you and bent over and let the orgasm free with a grunt. Your body was on fire and you already knew it wanted more. The vibration stopped unexpectedly giving you a much needed break. The wetness between your thighs was now distracting. 
After taking a little time to get yourself under control you walked back inside the living room and to the couch and sat beside Chris with a sigh.
 “You’ve been acting weird all night. Are you sure you’re okay?”
 “Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just a hot night.” It wasn’t a lie, you were burning up at this point.
 “Uh-huh.” He didn’t sound like he believed you, shit you didn’t believe yourself. Your eye caught the shine of something black Chris was holding, and all the blood drained from you as horror filled you. He was holding the remote you thought you’d lost. It dawned on you at once that he’d had it this entire time and he’d been playing with the buttons inadvertently bringing you to a pretty intense orgasm.
 “Shit,” you whispered to yourself as you tried to act normal.
 Nothing about this was normal. You had to figure out a way to nonchalantly get it back without tipping him off to what it really was. Before you could come up with something the vibrations began again against your already over sensitive clit sending your back crashing back into the couch. The setting was set low, but it was still more than enough to start the stirs of yet another release. Fighting through it you sat up tried not to squirm. When the setting increased you failed miserably. Your hand shot out to grab and squeeze Chris’ thigh. When you looked at him the second your eyes met you knew he knew. Slowly he looked to the black device in his hand and back to you and then his eyebrow arched up.
No fucking way, he thought. There was no way this was real life. He couldn’t believe events would turn like this. Quickly you yanked your hand back and apologized before looking the opposite direction. He almost laughed out loud. This was too perfect. What he thought was just a useless stress reliever turned out to be a lot more valuable. It was the remote to what he’d now pieced together as your panties. 
The thought of you wearing some sexy contraption that he had control over instantly made him hard. He could have turned it off but he chose not to as he realized your antics on the balcony was probably you being overcome with pleasure. It was then he realized he’d made you come. The old him wanted to resurface so badly so he kept the setting where it was and watched you squirm. God, it was sexy as hell doing this knowing everyone around you was clueless. He watched closely he wanted to see you come this time knowing that he knew just what he was doing. You didn’t utter one word or give one thing away. The only thing he noticed was your body heaving clearly exerted.
 With a smile, he turned off the device and tucked it back into his pocket. He’d give you a break. The rest of the night he tried to forget the power he had, forget the tightness in his pants and ignore how badly he wanted you. After the fight finished everyone stayed for a few hours longer just laughing, dancing and having a good time. You stayed away from him the entire time. If he was close to you, you found a reason to go to the opposite side of the room. It amused him; he’d gotten under your skin. It had him thinking back to every glance you’d shared over the months. Did they mean something more?
 Slowly everyone made their exit leaving Scott his partner and him there to help you clean up. You tried to shoo them out but they each insisted on helping to show appreciation for the hospitality you’d shown. He could tell you hated every minute of it and that made him even more amused. Your cool composure was crumbling and he could see the angst in you bubbling to the surface to reveal just how much he’d affected you.
 By the time you showed them to the door, he still had your remote and he knew you knew it.
“Y/N, this was so much fun. Thank you for hosting it,” Scott said giving you one last hug.
 “No problem, it was fun.”
 “Yeah I had a lot of fun,” he added. You didn’t look at him, but you pinched your lips.
 “All right y’all get home safe.” He walked out the door and down the hall with Scott and his partner with a small satisfied smile on his face.
Five minutes from when you closed the door the doorbell rang. When you opened the door there Chris stood holding the remote between his thumb and pointer fingers. Neither of you spoke, you just stared at each other. Who needed words with everything that had transpired between you? here was a man you’d never slept with but had made you come two times.
 As you reached for the remote Chris yanked his hand back. You continued trying to grab the remote but every move you made he evaded. Soon he was stepping inside.
 “Chris, give it to me.”
 “Why do you want it?”
 “It’s mine.”
 “It’s been mine tonight.” You caught his double meaning and you rushed him in a mad dash attempt to grab the remote from him. Chris evaded you and the two of you danced around the living room, you trying to get what belonged to you and him determined to hold on to it. Chris stumbled backward and fell on the floor and took you with him. The remote fell from his hand to a few feet away. When you realized it you were laying on top of him. Your eyes locked and you realized just how your body was angled on him. You were sitting right over his crotch and you definitely took notice of the thick ridged muscle pressing into you.
 You caught the glint of the remote off to the side a few feet away and slowly looked to him. He must have realized what you saw and the two of you scurried to it. Thanks to his long arms he was the one to grab it. As soon as he did you felt the most intense vibrations, he’d turned it to the highest setting.
 “Fuck!” You shouted out and writhed on him. You bucked your hips against him and picked up the speed dry humping him and rushing to find a release. Your body shook and your eyes rolled to the back of your head. “Oh my god, oh my god, oh—my—god!” You screeched as your body convulsed.
 It felt like you were having the wildest seizure, a seizure that took any control you had of your body. All you wanted was to come and thanks to the vibrations you got your wish. You threw yourself across his chest trying to catch your breath, but it was impossible. Whimpering you writhed some more from the unbearable pleasure. It was too much. Slowly the settings decreased until the vibrations stopped.
 You didn’t know how long you laid there on him but when you lifted your head it felt heavy as if it weighed a ton. Your hands still shook as you pressed them to his chest. When your eyes met the fire, you saw there was something that you were not prepared for. 
“Oh god.” Chris’ eyes dropped to your lips and in seconds your lips crashed together. This kiss was the most intense one you’d ever had. Chris’ tongue delved into your mouth and entangled with yours just as his hand gripped your ass pulling you closer to him and holding you against his hard cock. Both of you moaned together already knowing what you were going to do. There was no way you could stop now. He’d teased you all night and now you wanted something more.
 Chris’ hands came around to the button of your jeans and quickly undid them before he slipped his hands inside the backs to cup your bare ass. You bucked your hips against him brushing your core on his swollen need. The entire time neither of you broke the kiss, instead, it intensified and became even more passionate. Chris’ hands lifted the hem of your shirt and yours were there to pull it off completely. As soon as it was off Chris’ hands were there to unhook your strapless bra to free your breasts. It was only then his lips pulled from yours to latch onto a hardened nipple.
 He greedily went between both nipples sucking, licking and biting them bringing you even more pleasure. You pulled his shirt off of him and clawed his back enjoying the smoothness of his skin. He pulled you down again on his need and the urgency you felt increased. You stood above him and began pulling off your jeans. As you did he busied himself with his own pants. Once you’d kicked them off you moved to pull down the panties, but he stopped you by pulling you to him. Your feet were beside his face just as he pulled you down onto his face connecting his lips with your soaking slit.
 “Oh shit!” Your eyes rolled to the back of your head again, he was not going slow and you were glad for it. Now was not the time. Chris licked and sucked your clit as he slurped you’re your opening sucking all your juices from you. It didn’t take you long to begin bucking against his lips and using them to find your next orgasm. Chris moaned the faster your rode his face and played with your nipples. When you looked down to him the intimacy of the moment pushed you over the edge so much that you lost yourself and smeared your pussy across his mouth and nose.
 Before he made you come again you slinked down his body to his bulging cock and pulled it free. Your first reaction was to lick your lips as the feast before you. wasting not even a second you took him into your mouth. He was bigger than you expected, but you were not going to back down. Slurping against his skin you bobbed your head up and down his shaft a few times before bringing your hands to increase his pleasure.
 “Fuck yeah!” taking a quick glance at him you found his head angled back with his eyes closed and mouth ajar. The lower you dipped the wider his mouth became until he scrunched his face and bit his bottom lip and watched everything you did.
 “Yes, suck this cock. Fuck those lips!” The quicker you bobbed the more your slurped until you didn’t care how sloppy things were getting. Sloppy head was the best head after all.
 Chris grunted loudly before pulling your head off of him.
 “I don’t have anything,” he said.
 “I do.” You reached into the drawer of the coffee table beside you and pulled out a condom. Once you opened it you slid it onto his rock solid cock. Every time you touched him he hissed and sucked in a breath. Once he was fully sheathed he pulled you to him and kissed you again. feeling the tip of him at your opening you slowly slid onto him. Both of you groaned and savored the sensations flowing through you. before you sank down fully Chris pulled your shoulders down fully sinking into your heated core.
 “Holy shit!”
 From the beginning, Chris pumped up into you with purpose, it was the same purpose he’d had all night—to make you come. You moaned and panted trying to catch your breath and take all he gave. He filled you so perfectly and to absolute capacity.
 “Mmm, Y/N, I always knew you’d take this dick so well.”
 Chris flipped you onto your back and held your thighs open and plowed into you never slowing his thrusts. Every connection had you shouting out unable to hold back how much pleasure he was giving you.
 “Your tight little pussy loves this dick. Look how wet you are.”
 Chris changed his angle and slammed into you quicker them before. the new angle had you clenching round him as you felt yet another release wash over you. you gripped him tightly and fug your nails into his shoulder trying to not pass out. Chris looked as if that was the last straw for him because his thrusts became wild and deep. The only sound in the room was the sound of your wetness squelching and your combined moans. You were so wet for him it should have been embarrassing but you weren’t embarrassed at all.
 “God your gonna make me come,” Chris grunted.
 “Come on this pussy right now, tag me up!” You had no idea where that came from. As if on queue Chris pulled out, yanked the condom off and stroked his length at the same time he pressed the button on the remote giving you another intense jolt.
 “Oh fuck, yes, yes. Shit, I’m gonna come.”
 “Come with me,” Chris’ voice was strangled, and his hands moved impossibly fast. Soon he grunted and gasped as he released spurt after spurt of hot come across your pussy, pelvis, and stomach. The third made it all the way to your breast across your nipple and that was when you came again. You arched up onto your legs as if you were a bridge as you rode through the intense pleasure. Chris was the one to turn off the device as he dropped onto his knees to catch his breath. His eyes never left your newly decorated body. You saw the string of come across your nipple and you lifted your breast to your mouth to lick off the trial all the while staring at him. Chris’ jaw dropped as he watched, and as he watched his cock grew again.
 “Mmmm, tastes just like cake.” Chris looked in utter shock and disbelief before he snorted and dropped back onto the floor.
 “Oh god, you’re gonna be the death of me!”
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laberintos-espinas · 4 years
The Old Chunk Of Coal
Some days are diamonds. Some days are Stones... And the alternative one, I am just an vintage bite of coal, but I can be a diamond at some point  Custom Made Jewellery I love songs. I love the lyrics and secondly the thumping vibrations of the decrease observe beats. I recollect these traces from  country conventional refrains. I recollect them due to the fact I realize the feeling of being taken into consideration a clump of coal. It's a bad feeling. It's now not so much the coloration that is a downer, it's the darkness that's involved whilst one thinks of coal. It's a fossil gas. It's top simplest for heaping onto an already insupportable ecological or metaphorical emotional trauma situation and making it worse. Let's strike a in shape to the coal and burn it until it is used up into ash. Then allow's desire the wind will scatter it, as we do not even want to empty the ashes once it is usefulness has been used up. We're ungrateful every now and then for services rendered. Coal paperwork under the floor. Without light. I assume it gets worse. I assume coal is not even an unique component. I suppose it is compressed gases or rotted timber or something discarded to begin with.
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OK. So you get the image that I just like the phrases to songs that sing approximately desire for rotting ancient discarded elements.
I have a friend it truly is a shamanistic healer. It started out that he changed into going to help me locate my manner and discover my voice. Then I commenced cleaning his house for him. This made feel sooner or later for some motive. We additionally percentage songs. Baby-boomers are constantly flower youngsters at heart. I suppose neither one folks really knows why I'm nonetheless spiffing up the palace. I know at a few level we bartered house cleaning for transcended meditation classes. Yet I got here with a again schedule. I'm going to clean my way through his lavatories and into his coronary heart. When I get there, I'm going to mirror my Light on his pathway and then flip him into the palms of the one true God to take care of. Silly presumptive conceited me, assuming he wanted me to shop him. I deliver up my Shaman due to the fact he instructed me in three separate restoration periods I turned into a diamond so first-rate that soon many round me could recognize and notice me. I figured he changed into speakme inside the religious geographical regions and in symbolic language. Now I'm not so sure.
OK. So you get the picture that I've been on a religious quest to connect and solder myself right into the mainline connection with my Creator, God as I changed into taught. You recognise the only inside the Christian container? However, something came about along the way I didn't assume. My point of view concerning traditional Western Christianity flipped. I think now, that Jesus changed into certainly the entity that lead me into the Kingdom of God. Nevertheless, since I've certainly wondered and did research from original supply statistics, I suppose God is Spirit, the whole Spirit of the God and that God is entire natural Love; the originating, creating, shrewd Source that is the vibration of natural white power light. The Light of all cosmology and creation.
Something has also happened to me for the reason that my unique friend and the Shaman helped me locate my voice and soul again. I started out to put in writing. I started out to write prolifically. I write all the time. I cannot prevent it. It's been approximately six months now of nonstop writing. I write day and night time. I write about something and the entirety. I actually have masses to say and do not know why. My "still small voice" is very talkative. Just about each person it is are available in contact with my e-mail radar range, has advised I write for a living. I've just been watching for the go-ahead signal from a person. I've been at the intersection watching for the mild to turn green. Today it occurred.
You now recognize I stay to write down. I discover the sector around me high-quality and wondrous and want to inform absolutely everyone all about it.
I belong to a churchwomen's fellowship institution. It's seventy five-a hundred women who can find time on Thursday mornings to come back collectively with aim of being God honoring, together. One of the instructors for one in all this season's classes, I am venerated to say, has come to be a pal of mine. Judy is a raven-haired angel of a girl filled with grace, information and dignity. She's the pastor's spouse. She's additionally very humorous. I'm unshakably convinced God has a strong dry sense of humor. He need to have. Look at us!
Today Judy surprised me. She asked my permission to study one in all my written works. It was well timed and related to the President of america. She felt it turned into a very good element for some women to hear. I did not want to appear unpatriotic in those perilous instances, right after 9/11 so I agreed. I changed into very thankful she become not going to make me arise and examine my essay. I contemplated just skipping magnificence these days, to keep away from the embarrassment I'd no question sense and possibly keep away from the harsh sarcasm or poor criticism of my sisters in Christ. (Oops. It sounds a tad like my perceptions of my fellow guy is askew, would not it?) God will work on this hassle.
I did not hen out. I confirmed up. What I didn't anticipate passed off next.
Judy didn't wait till small institution time. She got up there and read my article to the complete bunch of properly-bred, sensible ladies at the monthly scheduled all-church women's luncheon earlier than our writing class. I become mortified! I started to look around me. The feast room changed into full of spherical tables seating eight ladies a table. A little hearth-orange rose budded out of the middle of every desk. These ladies began to appear like a bouquet of freshly reduce plants to me. This kind of bouquet is such an extravagance for someone like me. These girls are the cream of the crop on Mercer Island, WA. A.Ok.A. The Golden Ghetto. My sons and I best live on the island because of a Section 8 HUD housing voucher for the poor.
I watched as women began to wipe water out of the corners of their eyes. I watched as eyeglasses started being eliminated and noses had been blown. I watched girls torn between gazing me ( seeking to hide in a nook of the front of the room) and trying to stay riveted on Judy analyzing My written words. I watched as the sounds of my tale bounced towards my mind. I changed into surprised to say the least. I 'd by no means heard my words out loud earlier than. I become curious about the article. It produced a silent sound down in my internal middle connection to God. It struck worry (as in awe) in my heart as I realized some thing supernatural had passed off to my palms to jot down such sounds.
When the object become finished, the girls applauded. They asked copies to own in unison. I turned into proclaimed a proficient writer. I was humbled into silence, again. I saw some thing unrecognizable. I saw refracted mild start to prism off these ladies lower back at me. Just like while a diamond is held up to the daylight. I contemplated this sight.
As if this became now not sufficient, the primary group disbanded into the smaller lecture room corporations to prepare for the inspirational teachings of the day. It would be an hour and a half of studying and sharing Life training, girl Christian style. Judy had every other marvel in keep for me. She wasn't through with me yet due to the fact she was the teacher of the writing group I belonged to for this smaller organization.
The topic below discussion become Changing Times. Judy started out giving examples of how traditional authors had expressed themselves as she thumbed via Emerson, Lewis, and a pair current luminary authors. About midway via the class, Judy yanked out yet ANOTHER of my tales and read it to this magnificence as her last example! I turned into petrified the ladies might grow resentful, bored and angry at this monopoly on their time. There had been many proficient women in this organization. All with superb motivating stories to inform. Judy made no bones about how highly she regarded my capacity to seize pix and percentage my coronary heart-mind to an target market. She study Homecoming Parade. She excerpted and compacted the lengthy story into one which hit the mark. More tears flowed and mouths hung free. You should've heard a pin drop in the location. More applause. I shriveled underneath the desk and attempted to clown round graciously to alleviate the pain of appreciation and recognition.
What I saw as I appeared around this group of 30 movers and shakers of all ages, shocked me. I noticed it symbolically, as is my way. But nevertheless, it became there for the viewing. I saw a super wonderful blue-white, exquisite-reduce diamond being held up and placed into a platinum solitaire putting.
When the meeting ended, a woman I'd gotten to recognize recently approached me. Her call is Judy Boynton. She clipped off her credentials for the organization. She was a professional posted creator of fiction and non-fiction novels. She changed into an finished artist of sculptures. She become a trustee on the Board of Pacific Northwest Writers Conference affiliated with Pacific Lutheran University. She'd been a member of this group for over 25 years. I became impressed. Not so much through her credentials, as high-quality as they were, however with the aid of the strength and force at the back of her eyes. This woman had awareness and motive. She was aiming at me.
She advised me she knew what she was speaking approximately. She instructed me and the organization I WAS a gifted creator. She told us she'd visible enough to realize the difference among one that would like to be a writer and one that IS a writer. I fell into the latter category. She surpassed me numbers and pamphlets and instructed me to be at the next convention meeting. She explained this is where publishers, agents, and authors meet each other with the purpose on publishing written works of merit. Names like Ann Rule and J.A. Jance had been bantered approximately at some stage in this same day through others as they requested my permission to have them perhaps touch those "friends of theirs."
It isn't regularly in a lifetime that one simply is AWARE of a life converting moment or day. I've been graced with one of those moments. Today it appears, the sector round me is starting to notice and recognize the old chew of coal were given the dust pressure-washed off of her so hard and significantly by means of Life, that she'd developed into a diamond solitaire of well worth and observe.
I know in which I belong proper now, proper at this area in time. I belong sticking effective near my special buddies who know a way to crimp the ones platinum prongs at the diamond setting firmly and securely. I even have a sense diamonds are forever, as they are saying. How should this have passed off?
0 notes
ahumanfemale · 7 years
Maggie’s (A Teashop AU)
Rafael Barba hated tea.
He’d been a coffee man with his first taste at the age of fifteen.  A dark cup of simple brewed coffee, steaming in a lilac porcelain mug snuck to him by his abuelita.  Her dark eyes were quick and playful as she mimed for him to be quiet, both of them fully aware how his mother would feel about her son getting caffeine at such a young age.  It had been closing in on midnight, he was prepping for his PSATs - the first of dozens of tests that would get him into the Ivy League, out of the Bronx.  The cup of coffee was just another facet of his abuelita’s support - a blaring neon sign that advertised her love for him, her belief in the mouthy  teenager who rolled his eyes too much and believed he was smarter than everyone else.
The first sip was a revelation, the second a breath of fresh air.
He’d never been the same.
That was thirty years ago and here he was, ordering his fifth cup of tea in two weeks.  English breakfast tea, this time, brewed strong.  This was a shot in the dark, honestly, after more than one failed rendezvous with other brews.  Black, green, white - all terrible.  Rooibos made him grimace.  Chai was better but made him sneeze half the morning, much to Carmen’s amusement.  All fell flat, none of them stoked the same fire that coffee did.  Which didn’t do much to explain why he was standing in line now, placing his order with a slim, blue-eyed blonde from Staten Island.
“What’s your name?” she asked him, smiling but brusque because the shop was packed and it didn’t look like business was going to lighten up any time soon.
Gina Carisi, the owner.
“Rafael,” he replied, signing his credit card receipt as she marked it down on the cup and handed it off to a taller, similarly slender blue-eyed blond from Staten Island.  One with swept back hair and a narrow waist and dimples that could render him mute.  Gina Carisi’s younger brother, the closest thing he’d managed to find to a streak of human sunshine.  
“Got it, Gina,” the man replied with a grin in Rafael’s direction.
“Thanks,” he breathed, moving to the side to let the next customer come forward.
Maybe also to improve the view without the cash register in the way.
Maggie’s had opened a month ago to rave reviews, a bright and modern tea shop to combat the ever-encroaching plague of Starbucks on every corner.  He passed it almost every morning but never would have stepped inside were it not for Rita, who was trying to make the switch to green tea because it was healthier than coffee, supposedly.  Remarkably, it had done so very little for her mood that Rafael doubted it was healthier in any sense of the word.  
He wanted to mock her but had been struck mute once Rita’s cup had been handed off to a statuesque blond with pink lips and a loud laugh who made such direct eye contact with Rafael that his whole body flushed hot and he stammered the rest of his sentence.  It lasted only a moment, his life had jumpstarted again once Rita thanked the man for her drink and headed for the door, but the damage was done.
That was two weeks ago, and the situation hadn’t improved at all.
Rafael now let his eyes follow the curve of the man’s broad shoulders as he worked, admiring slender muscles and pale forearms.  If he stared a little long at the black apron slung low on his hips, well.  He could hardly be blamed.  Not with the way those hips seemed to jut of their own accord, keeping Rafael’s eyes well and truly glued.
His name is Sonny.
Rafael hears the owner say it a lot.  In thanks, in aggravation.  In affection when she asks him to grab the phone.  In ordering him to get out of her way behind the bar.  It’s ridiculous that Rafael paid such close attention but here he was.  Waiting on a drink he won’t ingest just for a smile.
Maybe his life was sad.
Maybe it was time he found some other source of fulfillment in his life, so that he wasn’t forced to pay for drinks he wouldn’t enjoy if it meant a five-second interaction with a man ten years his junior.  A gorgeous man.  A gorgeous man with a wide smile and a loud laugh who gets bossed around by his sister nearly constantly and still manages to look at her like she’s his hero and Jesus Christ he needed a hobby.  
“Here you go,” Sonny said, breaking him out of his traitorous thoughts.
The man reached over the bar, labeled cup in hand, sinew pulled taut and long fingers wrapped over the dark scrawl of his name and Rafael feels his pulse thud heavily.  They made a second or two of eye contact and Rafael’s stomach swooped low, breath unsteady.  Sonny smiled like he knew.  He handed over the cup with one of those wide grins and Rafael didn’t know if he smiled or nodded or what because suddenly the cup is in his hand and he was headed out the door, straight white teeth flashing behind his eyes.  
He needed hobbies.
He took a sip from the cup, encouraged by the dark scent wafting from the top.  It was scalding hot but it still managed to taste like leaves boiled in water… which it was.  It was bolder than his other choices but still not anything that appealed to him.
“Rafael!” he heard when he was almost halfway down the block and he turned to see the object of his recent obsession jogging down the sidewalk, other pedestrians parting to make way.  His unfortunate heart was forced to pick up its pace again without even having the opportunity to recover from the last time he’d laid eyes on the man.
“Hey, sorry,” Sonny gasped, catching up to him.  His thin white Henley was clinging to his shoulders and Rafael had a hard time looking up, “I know we never really had an actual introduction but with your name written on the cup…”
“It was a safe assumption,” Rafael agreed.
“I’m Sonny,” he said, offering a hand that Rafael took.  He tried not to get off on the warm skin of Sonny’s palm as it met his because there was sad and then there was sad.  
“So, uh… you don’t like tea at all, do you?”
Rafael balked.
Sonny looked at him knowingly.
“No,” he finally sighed.  “Not really.”
“I figured.  You make the same face every time,” Sonny noted and Rafael had the good grace to look ashamed.
“Look, it’s not you-”
“No, I know.  I took you for a coffee guy the first time you walked in the door.”
He noticed him the first time he walked in the door?
“You’re, uh… you’re not wrong.”
“So, what?” Sonny asked playfully, “Just come in for the atmosphere?”
Rafael smirked and let his eyes drift over him.
“Something like that.”
Sonny flushed the most beautiful pink he’d ever seen and huffed a nervous laugh.  
“Hey, uh, can you wait here just a second?”
Rafael blinked.
“Yes.  I- yes.”
He couldn’t, really.
He had court in an hour.
But there he stayed, on the sidewalk, because a smiling pair of blue eyes asked him to.
That was his problem.
A lack of hobbies.
True to his word, Sonny came back out a little over five minutes later, a new cup in hand.  Rafael balked at first, about to insist that he didn’t need his drink replaced, but Sonny’s grin was wide and his eyes were bordering on flirtatious so he just handed over the cooling breakfast tea without a fight and accepted the new cup.  
The new cup that smelled like coffee, deep and dark.
He took a sip and if the pleased look on Sonny’s face wasn’t enough to make his knees go weak the latte in his hands definitely was.
A bold espresso roasted beautifully, tempered with steamed milk with what tasted like the barest hint of vanilla to round it off.  It was… it was perfect.  His blood sang with it, his taste buds swooned.  If his mouth hadn’t been full he might have done something stupid and proposed to Sonny Carisi on the spot.
“Oh, my God.”
It was the best he could do.
Sonny ducked his head, pleased.
“Yes,” Rafael said emphatically.  “I didn’t realize you made coffee, too.”
“You would have if you’d looked at the menu even once,” Sonny teased and he smirked in response.
“I had my eyes on something better,” Rafael assured him and that blush was back.  It might be the death of him.  “Still… this is amazing.  Thank you.”
“My pleasure,” he said honestly and Rafael took another drink, maintaining eye contact so the next time he moaned at the taste of the latte on his tongue he got to see Sonny’s eyes widen in surprise and darken in interest.
“I’ll, uh- I’ll let you go.  I’m sure you’re probably busy,” Sonny said, pulling his eyes up from Rafael’s mouth to smile.  “You have a good day, okay?”
“I will.  Thank you,” he said and watched Sonny turn back toward the entrance of his sister’s store.  He had almost let Sonny get away before a thought gripped him and he yelled out, “How do I order this again?!”
Sonny turned, still walking.
“Check the cup!” he called back and then disappeared.
Rafael looked down at the plain white cup, seeing a name other than his own printed on the side.  Below that, a series of seven digits that had his mouth turning up in a smile.  
Maybe he didn’t need hobbies after all.  
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spnreactionblogging · 5 years
raising hell
okay I really learned my lesson last time about not typing this directly into tumblr so it's going into notepad first and then I'm pasting it over
I have angel's envy for the episode in general, which I will be drinking gradually as a special occasion just for S15 as it airs, and also devil's cut for this episode in particular because I hear buckleming wrote it and I'm toasting to crowley and drinking that one if/when something fucked up inevitably happens to kevin
I'm SO FUCKING GLAD to see osric in this btw just like. I love him he's so good I'm glad he's back
I've tried to avoid spoilers but from what glimpses I've seen before I could glance away it sounds like maybe some meta shit is getting into territory I was also going into with the kevin/crowley/castiel fic I'm doing? so super intrigued to see where that goes but also not getting my hopes up because I fear the writing is going to drop the ball
I love meta shit though I'm so here for it, I gotta double back for time travel shenanigans in Lebanon
okay anyway let's start
oh and apparently rob benedict had a stroke a while back?? and i'm so glad he's all right, here are the signs of a stroke if you need to refresh because you really ought to know what to look for https://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/09/03/too-young-to-have-a-stroke-think-again I had this open in a tab from someone totally different on twitter
I like the "road closed" sign we start with because it seems thematically on point for like... shutting down the infinite potential of stories as they are not done being told, and as all those doors close
it's not a buckleming episode unless it starts off with gratuitous violence against women
the amazon subtitles are spelling it "benzine" [sic] and it's pissing me off
I love jared playing sam playing an FBI agent who's nervous about delivering speeches
crams all this sam and cas footage into my mouth
I don't believe "belphegor" at all but I love seeing alex playing this part
this implication that belphegor has teamed up with a hunter previously.........
pretty impressed with these townspeople actually? their concerns are not unreasonable and they're right to be skeptical
pffffff at this parallel of sam addressing the living crowd vs jack the ripper addressing the ghost crowd
the makeup on the ghosts is pretty fuckin good, I like the wardrobe and hair too
I like the fake posters at the school for various fictional sporting events
castiel continues to have a conscience and I adore him
rowena "am I interrupting something juicy" eyes emoji
ruth is pretty fun, I like her necklace
I like that ketch literally has a gun that just kicks spirits out of people. like. ...why haven't they been using this technology the whole time. guess it's an endgame weapon.
hahahahha an attractive female demon named Ardat. ................me @ homestuck like oh Ardata got it
this is the first time i've seen adult amara? it's bizarre to see characters I've only heard of
dude's right to be very upset and worried about his neighbors and cas should tell them what's up honestly, I see sam's point about not inciting panic but on the other hand :\
no idea where this arthur/rowena thing is going except I do I guess
I really, really like castiel's take (which is also sam's take from the last episode) that even if their lives were written by chuck, their experiences still mattered, and are not rendered worthless because of external circumstances about how they came into being
are people seriously doing a "THIS IS A DESTIEL MOMENT" from this? like. i guess.
also i hate that cas is having to apologize for "dropping the puck". he didn't. fuck off. he didn't drop the ball. dean didn't give a shit about felix being killed anyway so what the fuck.
misha and jensen both have excellent delivery though
I do like seeing dean play off ketch and belphegor and rowena, it's a nice change of pace
dude these stunts of getting thrown into a wall or a shelving unit like I realize they're stunts but OUCH
ahhhhhh that's kevin i hear osric's voice
kevin got the other ghost to go away by yelling at them lmaooooo I love him so fucking much!!!!!
so we're gonna retcon that kevin has spent the last what, four??? four fucking years? not in heaven, but in hell or purgatory or just wandering earth? remember how a year on earth is forty years in hell?
I'm glad I specifically have the devil's cut to drink to kevin getting fucked over because I'm already enraged
god he's been on the screen for less than sixty seconds and he was just never sent to heaven because god lied, I'm so glad I have bourbon for this. fucking buckleming, how do they keep getting put in charge of kevin episodes
I got up to get my kevin keychain to watch the rest of this episode with I'm so mad holy fuck I'm so mad, it just never stops
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the amazon subtitles: "the vegetables and herbs are finely chopped and added to a SEXY pastiche of fragrant tripe"
thinking emoji, did you mean zesty....
I took like a 30 minute break because I was so mad just now about kevin being denied access to heaven like fuck you
the break was so long that amazon timed out, goddamn it
oh so we can't get kevin into heaven because god's not around to make an exception and god hates the winchesters and how god feels about the winchesters extends to their surrounding "friends" and family. amazing. this is bullshit.
"whiny kevin tran! typical millennial." he should whine more. he has every right to be furious
also amazing that bobby and john manage to stay in heaven, and chuck didn't cast them down to hell along with mary out of spite when this all went down? so like... why not kevin. AMAZING!!!!!!
sam has the dignity to actually look concerned instead of just annoyed
oh I like sam being linked to chuck lmaooooo
I do love this shot of a bunch of ghosts just hanging out in some suburban kitchen.
osric is so handsome I'm so glad to see him on this again
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"you know how the hellspawn are, all they talk about is sam and dean, sam and dean" maybe the only time jack the ripper has been right about anything
not a fan of this extremely heteronormative bullshit courtesy of buckleming
also left-brain/right-brain is basically a lie isn't it
this fucking music. I'm so sick of buckleming
like I would be fine with this if it had been written by literally anyone else but this is the worst shit, nobody flirts like this
the road is "FAIR WYND", that's the cousin of zack fair and cid highwind
she hooked up with jack the ripper briefly? weird flex but okay
oh kevin is now being held GHOST HOSTAGE because dean told him to go do some reconnaissance
also I paused on a screenshot that's extremely funny to me
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oh I don't like hearing kevin screaming :(
drinking for kevin being tortured by jack the ripper trying to ghost-vore him
I'm also waiting for the ghostbusters containment thing to backfire and swallow him too
DEAN: you can see them, how many are there "BELPHEGOR": 100 at least, more keep coming
convenient way not to animate 100+ ghosts
oh ketch took off the fucking iron, or maybe it fell off when he was hurt?
good job rowena for real
CASTIEL: I tried to heal him, but it didn't work. I don't know why. SAM: You're probably just tired, Cas. We all are.
for fucking real the biggest sastiel mood is taking naps
also this is troubling
it's like legitimately weird to see them call an ambulance on this show? I guess since they're posing as FBI agents it's more feasilble but
SAM: I'm sorry, Kevin. I wish there was some way to make this right. KEVIN: Me too, but there isn't. And sometimes you just gotta accept that.
actually fuck you lmao holy shiiiiiiiiiiiit omg fuck this
I'm about to drink the rest of the kevin-designated devil's cut
"there's nothing to keep him tied to earth, he'll go crazy!"
hey what about y'know
his mom...........................................
I'm screaming
"I love you guys" osric I know you love them IRL but this is so unfair for kevin the character
I like alexander and osric in the same shot, that's kind of fun, I enjoyed their panel I watched
and there's him waving goodbye. this is so unfair. time to down the rest of this
to kevin, and to osric
thank fuck I was already in the middle of writing fix-it fic, this is injust
I have such mixed feelings because I'm so happy to see osric back but like AT WHAT COST, the worst timeline
there's a finality to this too like he's not coming back after this unless there's massive all-cast-reunion episode at the tail end in a paradise party AU but I doubt it
goodbye Kevin, this sucks :(
I'm more motivated than ever to finish this fic
"Even on your best day, you couldn't force my hand." is a pretty good line
also negative space is not inferior or "backup vocals"? it's part of a composition
bluhhhhhhhhhh I liked the premiere a lot more
0 notes
hgfstreamchats · 5 years
El Arca
Hello! Hello there! paused Castlevania for christian lion sex Castlevania would understand. but they just found the giant demon that I very much wish to smooch!!! Is the sound functioning? tis! Excellent! Oh, there we go Sound seems okay Well, in that case, I won't delay! Onto the lions we go. It was being... "funny" he wants a cursed kids show he should go watch donkey ollie agin Deleting my messages and so on OH NO NOAHS ARK Ahh, I see you're ahead of the game! I'm deeply suspicious already. did Saberspark ever upload his edited version that includes *all* the jokes You'll love it, night human. It's got lovingly rendered animal excrement. No, but this is the uncut version. oh good Jesus it does not help that they have regular human hands youre gonna see chicken strips, night When you say "chicken strips"... do you mean that a chicken strips? you'll see mr.... noseybonk.... jesus fucking christ And fire. Uh.... yeaah that's about normal for discord servers As you can see, we're off to a great start. prostitutes thinkin he's Zeus
Ha! HAH! I really dont wanna see that one dude's teeth like that again This seems.  Familiar but not too familiar.... Oh man you are NOT gonna like what happens to those trees when they get soaked in seawater. the children are brats she's dumping him lmao Good for her! This is perverse. "are you... the devil" It really is. Especially your grandparents' trees. -calmly- "that's enough :)" And all those slaves you went into debt to free. I mean hey, at least the debt will be gone too! "what do you mean, the fuck do I know about boatbuilding" That's something! "well then. we're all going to die!" "Oh, finally!" "haha, we're all going to die" Oh. Well, that answers that. this is.... surprisingly well done "No more, no less. I want lots of sickly, genetically doomed animals in this new world." Is this some kind of... antisemitic caricature Probably. "kind of making me feel inadequate" chicken strips! Still less self-centered and malevolent than Primus. Pffff Okay, so, chickens don't have... mammaries.  So is this some kind of weird roleplaying thing? Are the chickens furries?? He's summoned as many animals as he knows how to spell. Sorry, Xoloitzcuintli. this movine needs to slow the fuck down oh my god official favorite character I like how he spent valuable time illustrating each one. "I am SO going to this sex resort" She looks awfully happy for someone who just learned everyone she knows is going to die in a flood And the parents look awfully happy for people who just learned THEY'RE going to die in a flood they're going to spend the end times fragging I would. ...And did, come to think of it. Ayyyy. Her? Ahhh, a liar. I like him! I love her They're one another's beards for the sake of surviving the flood. And that's wonderful. True. Who made that chair. some of these animals are super uggo Wait, did both of those kangaroos have pouches? Hang on, were those--yeah, that They do! lesbians I support them The orangutans weren't the only ones to beat the system. Maybe they're pregnant That'd explain how come there's still kangaroos Ironically, if they got pregnant by different parents, they'd be the most genetically diverse species in the world. *partners Yes, exactly! "what was that last one 8)" ...Want to know a fun fact about kangaroos :) that they have multiple vaginas? ...Yes. that still fucks me up Their genitals are positioned in reverse? Oh, that. All this out of a patch of trees? They are PROUD of that model Y'know, you'd think that a LOT of other people would have survived.  There was more than one boat in the world at the time this is set Okay so what ARE the carnivores going to eat idk why they call her fat. she's got an ass that just don't quit and I think that lion;s a fool for choosing some other lioness But the other one has tiddies.  Lion tiddies. And a clever mouth, apparently. Where's the pig's partner? he is a bi disaster The male lion, I mean he is He'd be dead after that. But what ARE the predators going to eat There was a single, doddering old lion in the group. Maybe they're going to divide him up? Write up her report. "Write up my report" = "Legitimately weighing my choices between mating with you or a watery death." Harsh but fair. Ahhh, Perfect Storm-ing it. Well well well. "See, I'd rather room with that tiger" Hello! Hello! Hello, sorry I'm late--is this that weirdo Noah's Ark furry disaster?! It is! It IS Damn "hey do you guys hear music" ....Carrion. *Dear Unicron, are they feeding on the drowned corpses of the dead?* .... oh hey it's the vampires' plan from castlevania Oh hey, that's a possibility They bob right by and they just scoop them up. It makes as much sense as anything else Although, after forty days... reptile room Heheheheh those snakes just wanted to mlem!!!! hahahah "woah that is NOT the letter I got" okay well that explains how the carnivores arre geting fed FEESH Oh right I guess the carnivores are eating fish Fish aren't people! Considering they haven't broken out into an orgy, I'd say they're showing surprising restraint. a least he feels bad about it She has lipstick THATS THE SECOND TIME They... both have pouches. The good ship Bad Decisions in action The kangaroos got away with it. thats way more than two chickens though I guess to be fair eggs are necessary "THEN we can eat them" FISH AND EGGS YOU DUMB LASS this dude has the right idea What...w as that what is ANY of this Who even knows? Where's your *one* female? I like that he's buds with the pig trying to think of what a panlion would look like given ligers and tigons exist she's giving u the key to her vag I wonder where the male panther is https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/39/Leopon01.jpg Found some. oh cute! Huh. In this scene: shadows are rendered. I'm sorry is her name "panty" Panthy, I think, but that's still BAD How charming and necessary. Wow, what a necessary scene those jerks should be thankful the raccoons helped them out All that craftsmanship and you couldn't rig the piles and piles of excrement to dump neatly into the water? nah that'd be too easy Ease of cleanup and sticking it to your god at the same time. Bah I bet he's not even dead that's three Oh no, they kicked the ladder down.  How will he ever get out now he pinched a tiger's rear Does it even matter who steers, I mean none of them know where they're going "quick, smear this blood on your tits" lock him in the slammer oh so that's why it matters whether they can steer Where's he going to pause or rest? ... this is the worst haka I've ever seen doc I'm begging you to look up real hakas after this film to cleanse my eyes Will do. hahahah That was dark. "surrender, we can have a threesome" how convenient Already so many rabbits Monarchy or cannibalism.  The only two choices. "You're here even though you got to this point in your life without knowing fire does that!" "did that lion just look at me?" holy shit lmao It gets caught in a southwesterly breeze and the ship goes up in flames. hukkhhkhkjhjk well the polar bears will be fine! Right? well I guess it woulkdnt be a south american made film without a huge party at the end Uh They're.  Making her cage dance? I don't think they're making her do a thing LOL ALSO I'M SORRY WERE THE DONKEY AND DEER DOING IT IN THE CONGA LINE They've told her multiple times she's free to leave that cage. that was Well, then! look at that dummy thick jaguar That sure did happen That WAS. Let us be thankful it is over That certainly was a thing that happened. now for a much needed reprieve Peel off the tracksuits. I've seen some vids of the womens soccer team from NZ doing hakas and it's absolutely great Much better than the orangutan doing it. for sure Oh, good, she's sixteen Yikes Ewwwwwww I will be honest I thought this was going to be an LP a Planet Coaster thing It's exactly that, but you know...real. God "due to tax state regulation" ...oh, I bet that was LAX state regulation He's clearly someone who has any business demanding "the prettiest girl." [wasted] The advice in question" "Don't" Right? "We are smarter than everyone and that's why we're building the MURDERCOASTER" That one got to live. that kid's smart Apathetic Child is the smartest one in the video. Well that's not good jesus christ is that blood It is. They certainly did show those idiot mathematicians, physicists, and engineers. JESUS CHRIST Jesus Questions about the inspection process. Something special. "We all have something special to hold onto." Like a severed head. christ I'm gonna bump out for now. take caare all! Goodnight! Good night! Wait, did we watch the roller coaster one? I know I've seen THIS one... hmmmm Oh!  With the giant hole! The giant body trench? Yes! Glorious! In that case, I'm all out of light notes to end on. Suggestions? SNL What's That Name? We could just browse this channel a little bit and look for one we haven't seen! All the ones I've seen have been... fun. This, then we'll browse the channel. I'm for it. God Hahhahaha Ohhh boy Finish that thought God They all look good tbh. True, true. Fire.  I like it. Now I'm slightly nostalgic for Interface on Wheels. Do tell! Ohhhh I've forgotten everything about the game save that my city was called that. Just imagine driving through this place I will not. Well then. Drive into the Void. Hey, it makes sense, you can bet on the games. I'm curious to see how the fire's going to happen. I mean, they seem to be happening on their own just fine Lovely. Oh no!  The orphanage! It's Little Lamplight! Hey, I'm up for another if you are. same! Excellent! THIS is the one. Ha! Dear lord. It lives there now. This is like bizarro Ratatouille It's majestic. How else will the customers get their daily dose of broken glass? So ungrateful \o/ Yes.  Yessss. One more? Sure! Yes. And why wouldn't it be. I like how carefully they rendered the butt. Priorities. VERISIMILITUDE I've known medbay Eradicons that would if they could. Amazing. Oh Boy As a doctor, I can verify every single thing about this. I love it. I love their walk animations.  It's like they're on roller skates. It does! or those wheelieshoes Heelies! yes! those. 24/7 Are those bloodstains Oh yes. Uh oh! I like the blow dryer next to her bed. Amazing. The only note worth ending on, something terrible happening to Grace. You might even call it... a Grace note. ;) Terrible. Shame on you. I love it. It's what I'm here for! It is, in fact, your saving grace HAH! :D Although, frankly, I don't think ANYONE'S saving Grace. She had her chance to run. She sure did. Well--thanks for the stream!  It's been a great time, as usual. :) Thank YOU for gracing me with your presence! Ha! Good night! good night! Good night!
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felicitous-feline · 6 years
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Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow - 2004; 71%/46% on Rotten Tomatoes;  Gross USA: $37,760,080;  Budget: $70,000,000 (estimated)
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Film Noir isn’t really my thing, so maybe I just don’t ���appreciate” this movie for what it is. I found it rather boring, not offensively so, it didn’t make me angry, I just felt meh about it. But I DO like robot movies, so I would defos recommend The Iron Giant, along with a box of Kleenex, because it gets me every time. The original 1950′s The Day The Earth Stood Still is also a goodie. I haven’t seen the Keanu remake, but I assume it’s not as good.
Real Time Notes:
I remember this one being a big flop and I’m going to guess it’s because they focused so much on the visuals that they forgot movies also usually have a plot as well.
This very Gotham/Batman-y as far as opening soundtrack and color scheme goes (post opening Superman credits).
This NCIS level blur is going to get old pretty quick.
Why were blimps and dirigibles  cool? I don’t get it.
Someone is good at murder.
Pssh. Like a woman could be a reporter at a newspaper and have her own office.
Jesus Christ, he’s obviously the next one on the murder list! Duh doy!
It’s really convenient he dropped blueprints for the giant killer robots that just appeared.
It won’t matter if she has her camera if she gets smooshed by the robots.
Why the fuck doesn’t Gwyneth run into a building or just get off the GD street the robots are walking down?!?!? You can take pictures from windows...
I feel like almost all plot is going to come from newspapers and radio broadcasts. Not the actual events taking place on the screen.
Does Film Noir mean really dry humor?
Just bone already.
Are they going to do that a lot where he overthinks it and she commits small crimes?
Ummm what is with the weird elephant noise?
Nevermind, it checks out, it’s an elephant.
Good thing people keep dropping shit.
For some reason I thought Tom Cruise was in this movie, but I don’t think he is. What movie am I confusing this with?
So I’m unsure how to grade the CGI. It is poorly done by today’s standards, but they are doing it for a (supposedly) purposeful theme/style. So the texturing is total shit.
Eh. Fuck it. I’m docking the bad jokes and CGI.
Coca Cola ad placement?
Ha ha ha ha ha! Of course that beam fell on his foot.
Why do they have tentacle arms?
Who is this? Fucking James Bond?
Something is weird about his relationship with Dex.
“When cold, nipples hard”?
So he’s obviously going to double cross them.
Shit, look at that Asian guy’s facial hair!
It’s a lit fuse, you dumb bitches.
There’s no way the Vienna Sausages fatty should be able to run as fast as them.
Ha ha ha! It’s funny because he’s next to another naked man. Cheap laugh.
Fuck he is hairy.
When did they travel to Rivendell?
Duh that guy wants to die. Look at his lizard face...and body.
Man all this navigation. So sexy!
And there’s the bad accent.
Oh thank goodness! I was worried there wouldn’t be a love triangle.
Can a robot really be “alive”?
It’s jungle-y now? Why not.
Erm...dinosaurs? What is happening?
Okay. Bored now.
“Good boy, Dex.” What is he, a dog?
And he said it again. So weird.
That’s a poorly rendered skeleton.
Ewww. That is one desiccated corpse.
They have a real messed up relationship.
That’s a lot of parachutes.
Really? “Lens cap.” Is the last sentence of the whole movie?
0 notes
londontheatre · 8 years
Lenny Henry in The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui at The Donmar Warehouse
The Donmar Warehouse today announces full casting for Bruce Norris’ new translation of Bertolt Brecht’s satirical masterpiece The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui, directed by Simon Evans with design by Peter McKintosh. As previously announced, Lenny Henry will make his Donmar debut as Arturo Ui, he is joined by Michael Pennington, who recently played the title role in King Lear at the Royal & Derngate Northampton, as Dogsborough. Other casting includes Philip Cumbus, Lucy Eaton, Tom Edden, Lucy Ellinson, Simon Holland Roberts, Louis Martin, Justine Mitchell, Gloria Obianyo, Guy Rhys and Giles Terera.
Chicago! A city of jazz and gangsters, prohibition and poverty. Amongst the murk of the Great Depression, there’s room for a small time crook like Arturo Ui to make a name for himself.
Ui and his henchmen just want to look after you, to offer protection for workers, for jobs, for businesses. Nothing to fear. But a little bribery here, some harmless corruption there, and soon something much more dangerous takes hold.
Brecht’s satirical masterpiece about the rise of a demagogue will be given a new translation by Pulitzer, Olivier and Tony Award-winning American playwright, Bruce Norris. Lenny Henry makes his Donmar debut as Arturo Ui. Making theatre accessible to as many people as possible remains at the heart of the Donmar’s mission. The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui has tickets available throughout the run via KLAXON TICKETS: a new allocation of tickets, starting from £10, being made available every Monday for performances two weeks later. Tickets will also be available across the auditorium at every price band.
The Donmar’s new YOUNG+FREE scheme, which provides free tickets to those aged 25 and under will also continue throughout the season, with releases for tickets on the last Friday of each month. YOUNG+FREE is made possible thanks to donations from Donmar audiences via PAY IT FORWARD. The Donmar has now received almost 2,750 donations alongside their partnership with Delta Airlines, which has enabled the venue to allocate almost 5,600 of these free tickets so far to those aged 25 and under.
Audiences can sign up to receive information about tickets on the Donmar’s website http://ift.tt/QGnINs Philip Cumbus (Clark/Prosecutor) makes his Donmar Warehouse debut in The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui. Philip has made multiple appearances in productions at Shakespeare’s Globe including Comus, The Inn and Lydda, The Lightning Child, ‘Tis Pity She’s a Whore, Macbeth, Much Ado about Nothing, Love’s Labour’s Lost, Romeo & Juliet and The Merchant of Venice. Other theatre credits include First Light (Festival Theatre), The Importance of Being Earnest (UK Tour and Vaudeville Theatre), Moon Tiger (Theatre Royal Bath and Tour), The Norman Conquests (Liverpool Playhouse), The Master Builder (Chichester Festival Theatre) and The Crucible (Regent’s Park Open Air Theatre). Philip’s television credits include The Rebel.
Lucy Eaton (Dockdaisy) makes her Donmar Warehouse debut in The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui. Lucy’s theatre credits include A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Southwark Playhouse), Almost Maine (Park Theatre), Win Lose Draw (Waterloo East) and The Duchess of Malfi (Old Vic).
Tom Edden (Announcer/Ragg/Sheet/Actor/Butler) makes his Donmar Warehouse debut in The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui. Tom’s extensive theatre credits include Amadeus (National Theatre), Doctor Faustus (Duke of York’s), Peter Pan Goes Wrong (Apollo Theatre), Measure For Measure (Young Vic), Les Misérables (Queen’s Theatre), Oliver! (Sheffield Crucible) and One Man, Two Guvnors (National Theatre) for which he won the Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Featured Actor, and was nominated for a Tony Award and Outer Critics’ Circle Award. Tom’s television credits include Upstart Crow, The Woman in Red and Dr Who. Film credits include Star Wars Episode VII – The Force Awakens, Cinderella, The Wolf Man and Mr Turner.
Lucy Ellinson (Giri) makes her Donmar Warehouse debut in The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui. Lucy’s theatre credits include Grounded (Gate Theatre), A Midsummer Night’s Dream (RSC), Mad Man (Plymouth Theatre Royal), Money: The Game Show (Bush Theatre), Trojan Women (Gate Theatre), Oh The Humanity! (and other good intentions) (Northern Stage/Soho Theatre) and Fib (National Theatre). Television and film credits include New Tricks, Underworld: Dublin Gangland and Really.
Lenny Henry (Arturo Ui) makes his Donmar Warehouse debut in The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui. He made his West End acting debut in the role of Othello in the Northern Broadsides production at the Trafalgar Studios. His portrayal won him critical acclaim and the London Evening Standard Theatre Award for Best Newcomer. Other theatre includes Fences (on tour and West End), Rudy’s Rare Records (Birmingham Rep and Hackney Empire) and The Comedy of Errors (National Theatre).
Lenny has been a comedian since the age of 16, finding fame as a comedy impressionist on 70’s TV talent show, New Faces. Other television work includes TISWAS, Three of a Kind, The Lenny Henry Show, Hope & Glory, Lenny Henry in Pieces, Chef! and the Saturday night BBC1 show, The Magicians. He has completed many sell-out live stand-up tours in the UK, Australia and New Zealand. On radio, Lenny worked for three years as a DJ on BBC Radio 1. He has also worked extensively for Radio 4, starring in the comedy Rudy’s Rare Records, he wrote the Radio 4 play Corinne Come Back and Gone and presented the series Lenny and Will.
Simon Holland Roberts (Butcher/Judge) has previously appeared at the Donmar Warehouse in Artistic Director Josie Rourke’s production of Saint Joan. Theatre includes Cyrano, All My Sons, Hamlet, Arms and the Man, Aristocrats, Glengarry Glen Ross, The Taming of the Shrew and Arden of Faversham (Theatr Clwyd), Of Mice and Men (West Yorkshire Playhouse), Assembly 13 (National Theatre Wales), Love’s Labour’s Lost, Othello, Sex Strike, Edward IV, Henry VI, The School for Scandal, The Comedy of Errors and Sweet William (Northern Broadsides), Sheepish (Manchester 24:7), The Tempest (Northern Broadsides, New Vic Stoke, UK and China tour), The Man with Two Gaffers (Northern Broadsides, Theatre Royal York and UK tour), Richard III (Northern Broadsides, West Yorkshire Playhouse and UK tour), Sea of Silence (Quicksilver), Man is Man (Steam Industry). Television credits include All at Sea, Da Vinci’s Demons, Stepping Up, Coronation Street, Hollyoaks, Shameless, Eric & Ernie, Accused, The Street.
Louis Martin (Bodyguard/Caruther) makes his Donmar Warehouse debut in The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui. Louis’ stage credits include Future Conditional (Old Vic), Love’s Labour’s Lost, Last Days of Troy (Shakespeare’s Globe) and A Witness For The Prosecution (The Agatha Christie Theatre Company).
Justine Mitchell (Public Defender/Betty Dullfeet) has previously appeared at the Donmar Warehouse in Michael Grandage’s production of King Lear. Justine’s extensive theatre credits include The Plough and the Stars (National Theatre), For Services Rendered (Chichester Festival Theatre), Love For Love (RSC), Man – Three Plays By Tennessee Williams (Young Vic), The Rivals (Arcola Theatre), Mr Burns (Almeida Theatre), Gastronauts (Royal Court) Detroit and Children of the Sun (National Theatre). Television credits include The Suspicions of Mr Whicher II, Harry and Paul, Doctors, New Tricks and Wild At Heart. Justine has also appeared on film in The Stag, Imagine Me and You, Citizen Verdict, The Honeymooners, Goldfish Memory and Conspiracy of Silence.
Gloria Obianyo (Flake/Hook) makes her Donmar Warehouse debut in The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui. Gloria’s stage credits include The Wild Party (St James Theatre), The Grinning Man (Bristol Old Vic) and Jesus Christ Superstar (Regent’s Park Open Air Theatre).
Michael Pennington (Dogsborough) has previously appeared at the Donmar Warehouse in The Cosmonauts Last Message to the Woman He Loved. Michael’s most recent theatre credits include King Lear (UK Tour), She Stoops to Conquer (Theatre Royal Bath), A Winter’s Tale (Garrick Theatre), Richard II (RSC), Dances of Death (Gate Theatre), Judgement Day (The Print Room), Sweet William (Michael has also appeared in numerous productions at Chichester Festival Theatre, including Anthony and Cleopatra, The Syndicate, The Master Builder, Collaboration and Taking Sides). Michael has appeared on television in Endeavour, Father Brown, Silent Witness, Holby City, The Tudors, Lewis, Walking the Dead and The Bill, and on film in The Iron Lady and Return of the Jedi. Together with director Michael Bogdanov, Michael founded the English Shakespeare Company in 1986 and is an honorary Associate Artist.
Guy Rhys (Givola) has previously appeared at the Donmar Warehouse in Artistic Director Josie Rourke’s production of Saint Joan. Most recent theatre appearances include Pomona originating at the Orange Tree Theatre, and subsequent National Theatre/Manchester Royal Exchange revival. Other theatre credits include Jason and the Argonauts (Unicorn), Bird (Sherman Cymru and Manchester Royal Exchange), Wendy & Peter (RSC), Rafta Rafta (Bolton Octagon) and Mother Courage and Her Children (National Theatre).
Giles Terera (Roma) makes his Donmar Warehouse debut in The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui. Giles’ stage credits include Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom, Hamlet, Death and the King’s Horseman, The Hour We Knew Nothing of Each Other, Troilus and Cressida, Candide, Honk!, The Darker Face of the Earth, Mind the Gap and Walk in the Light (National Theatre), The Tempest (RSC). Other theatre credits include The Book of Mormon (Prince of Wales Theatre), Pure Imagination (St James’ Theatre), The Merchant of Venice (Globe Theatre, International Tour) King John (Globe Theatre & UK tour), Don’t You Leave Me Here (West Yorkshire Playhouse), Up on the Roof (Chichester Festival Theatre), Six Degrees of Separation (Sheffield Crucible) and Generations of the Dead (Young Vic). Giles has appeared on television in Horrible Histories and Doctors, and on film in The Current War, Muse of Fire and London Boulevard.
(All other characters will be played by members of the company.)
THE RESISTIBLE RISE OF ARTURO UI By Bertolt Brecht Translated by Bruce Norris Friday 21 April – Saturday 17 June 2017 Press Night Tuesday 2 May 2017 Donmar Warehouse, 41 Earlham Street, Seven Dials, London WC2H 9LX http://ift.tt/QGnINs
http://ift.tt/2mkC7Gq LondonTheatre1.com
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nvmlindseyallan · 7 years
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@LilyCJames @JoRdanCLark18 @Caradelevingne PLS TAKE ME TO YOUR 2018, RT NOW. THANKS. LOVE, YOUR #GODSTINYDANCER 
TO ALL OUR MOST BELOVED DAUGHTERS OF ZION AND MOTHERS IN ISRAEL, The most recent tide of events as controlled by this Roman Empire, in their thrust to turn you away from our service and loyalty had prompted us with all our might as Godhead enabled us undeservingly to address you in this first commentary for the new year. Empire claims that as much as we could give you nothing but our utter all and best (Acts 4) for your welfare and salvation unlike how Empire woos you with all fleeting temporalities, you must rather join them purportedly, saying that we could not feed you for this life (Matthew 4, John 6), when in fact you need to be fed also for the life to come, which is far more important, something that time and again you have proven for yourselves to be cannot granted by this Empire, for as your apostles of old had once declared, 'if only for this life we have hoped for Christ, then we are of all creatures the most woeful.' (2 Peter 3) It is proper hence that as we begin this Year of Worship and Thanksgiving we must make sure on what this Empire had cited of us, and therefore determine to uphold being 'transformed by the renewal of life' by the power of the Living Gospel Lowe of the Godhead. Empire had most recently reiterated days ago that they shall spend this new year in attempt to fully make you all caught unprepared and unworthy of salvation when Godhead actually moves Their Hand for yet another time to recover all of you from the Empire's whim. We understand that you need to get by along with the Empire's claims (Jeremiah 25,28-29, 2 Kings 5), which you already know by us to be rather detrimental for the salvation of your souls, even so until now, and perhaps even more till your last breaths, Godhead forbid, that you need to get along with all those lies for the sake of your security and safety, which is if seen in Gospel Lowe's light, is only good for this life and therefore is fleeting, and indeed is even false welfare and security. This false security, most beloved, rather drives you to be complacent in the things of Godhead, and be proactive in the wrong priorities, that is the Empire's priorities. You yourselves know how it is really evil before Godhead that we be slacking and lazy in doing Their purposes for your true, genuine and lasting happiness. Therefore we were asked by Godhead to write this unto all of you, so that you may be reminded of why Empire's really after you- please remember that all the benefits for this life that this Empire is offering you and not for the life to come, is only an attraction for you to come unwittingly unto their deadly lair, which is indeed your eternal separation- Godhead forbid indeed- from eternal glory with Godhead in the life to come. Therefore, let us set out our minds in the ways of Godhead, as much as Godhead only has nothing but all your eternal progressive glory in mind as They had instituted the office of yokebearing that we have all received from Godhead in grace upon grace as we shall prove on later. First we do this in the spirit of what your martyrs had done way back then, when they had also written a letter like this, yet far more glorious in respect to our present way of writing here, addressed to women like you out of love, loyalty, and solicitous concern, to women under Empire's custody, yet by Godhead had determined to muster all their courage to do the best (1 Corinthians 7) our of their slavery with the Empire, as they set out teaching and leading many for your Commondominion (Daniel 12) with things that Empire has denied their very own children with (Psalm 113, Isaiah 54), that is to be exact, valuable knowledge about (John 17) us here alone in your Commondominion of Christ, just like what we are bringing up to you now. If not for your direst need for salvation, of which your yokebearing duties is a foundation, unto which we are ordered to build from to eternal progression that is you joining and being active with us alone here (Hebrews 4-6,12, Philippians 2, Ephesians 4, James 1), we would not be approaching you here with the utter humility and grace that we alone have for all of you upon seeing how Empire enslaves you with being misled in all aspects, as much as yokebearing is utmost top priority in Godhead's endtime purposes, therefore above anything else Godhead cherishes you, hence Godhead deserves nothing less but our love and loyalty, which we ourselves know to be far more greater exerted by all of you on how you deliver your duties even up till now (Hebrews 6). Your fellow elect ladies, of which our martyrs of old has issued for an epistle, came from a place named near Los Angeles, that is Malolos, and actually here in Manila the provinces of Pampanga (where Angeles City is), Bulacan (where Malolos is), Bataan and Zambales, as you already hear of us, forms very integral Empire center cities as foretold in prophecy: respectively by order of being mentioned: Sodom, Egypt (Revelation 11), land of the little horn (Daniel 8, Isaiah 2, Nahum) and Gomorrah (Isaiah 1). As much as your elect ladies fulfilled their all and best as Godhead enabled, to be stars of wrighteousness against the Empire as Daniel 12 declared, so all the more now we must endeavor to be united in spirit and action with all those who were before you in the line and call of duty (Hebrews 12, 1 Corinthians 1-2,12) so that all the more we can be sure that we shall meet them in the bosom of Godhead on eternal glory, because Empire tries to make us ineffective in being lights and salts of the Gospel Lowe to the Empire, instead they attempt us blatantly to be 'lost stars' (2 Peter, Jude Thaddeus 1, 1 Peter 4) and therefore not benefit from our divine, distinct calling as Godhead own (Ezekiel 28,31, Isaiah 10,13-14,19, Acts 10,13-14,17-19, Revelation 19,22). For example, our martyrs, on their 'Epistle to the Women of Malolos', had placed emphasis on the spiritual and religious needs of your fellow elect ladies then, seeing that such is the root cause of all woes Empire is feeding those elect and enslaved ladies with. As much at it was then, so all the more indeed it is now, and therefore we render this unto your honor, with all our gratitude for the formidable faith in action that you have shown for Godhead and Their Commondominion in these last days, and with full faith that you shall even all the more exert such not only with your duties, but more so in confessing hopefully your faith in us before the Empire (Matthew 10, 1 Timothy 6, JOHN 4, ACTS 19), taking into mind the formula for true and lasting achievement, that is 'not loving their lives even to the point of death only to testify to the truth of the Gospel Lowe' (Matthew 16,23-24) and to 'complete the race of the ministry that our Lord Jesus Christ has given unto us' (Revelation 12,2-3, Acts 20). These reminders we do because we know the dangers on hand against you, that Empire always seek to stab you on the back. You know what this Empire does- they shall be faithful to you as long as you're faithful unto them, yet they shall be instead slaying you and all your loved ones if you turn up against them. If you turn up against us here we could not even slay you upon seeing how gracious and hard-working women of Godhead are all of you, therefore what we only have whether you like us or not is all that is only inside us towards you, and that is the sentiment of love and loyalty. As much as we're permitted by Godhead to live seeing yet another year, you need to take these words into yourselves. We don't blame you (John 8) if you're against us, or if that is only outward, nonetheless we would be still concerned and worried, thinking that you may have forgotten us, yet remember please, that we cannot bear anytime or anything to forget you or trade you for anything lesser than your spirit and truth. You are not the one to blame guys (2 Timothy 2), let alone this Empire, who is only after devouring you even up from the beginning. We understand that you're not going to be right where you are now guys if not for Empire's consent and even if not for them making you swear allegiance unto them. You might be surprised guys, that the ones who are writing you with this are only but mere men, just like the martyrs who once wrote to the ladies of Malolos. In fact we instead desire that our fellows here who are rather female like you, must be the ones to address you instead, yet of course we know that Empire would not honor anybody who would be with us even if she's a woman as Empire claims under their ongoing reinforced Jezebelian cult. We know you would not listen to us not only that we're males, but more so because we're your most wretched slaves in Godhead. We think you will believe more in a woman rather than us, yet please believe that all of us here- whether male or female (Galatians 3), do believe in you more, over and above anything else that Empire may offer us if only to try us going away and against your salvation (EXODUS 14). We write unto all of you also as in the manner of the Doctrine and Covenants, one of our Sacred Text Scriptures, which is also under Empire's attempts of being distorted to their own ends against your salvation and eternal glory. We write this hence in such Manning as is many passages of the Doctrine and Covenants was revealed specifically for certain, particular people, as in many oracles of your prophets in the Bible itself. These revelations are indeed issued therefore for your welfare and out of genuine concern for your salvation, for the 'D' and 'C' in Doctrine and Covenants indeed sounds like what is called by Empire of many of you as we mention, 'B-C listers', yet alone for us here you are all registered in heaven, within Godhead, for you are all Their most beloved (Psalm 35,27,17,26,5,119,140-141, 1 Peter 5, Hebrews 13, Song of Solomon).
First let's delve into what Empire has made you all entangled most recently with. Many of you had been wooed and lures just most recently by the Empire's media agencies claiming that by virtue of your agreement to adhere to their feminist supremacy agenda you are all purported to be 'persons of the year,' and that no one could have that honor to himself, Empire claimed, unless he submit to such agenda. Guys, here we give you Godhead's perspective on the matter. (1 SAMUEL 16) First, we must not give heed to the praise of men and even women, who rise up against Godhead and all that Godhead has ordained. If we are taking up arms against all that Godhead has ordained this means that we have no virtue of perseverance and therefore no fortitude, hence the apostles warn that in such we prove ourselves to be worthy of destruction and not eternal glory (2 Peter 2). Second, what Empire has heaped you with (Micah 3) is only a further identity of what they really are and really does. As you may have mentioned, we have cited above in this paragraph some scriptural passages which Empire had tried to claim to itself even as they imposed the feminist agenda unto all of you such as Hebrews 5, 2 Timothy 2 and 1 Corinthians 9. Not only that, it is very evident that they did succumbed you to their feminist agenda as part of their manifold and manifest idolatry, for they had made as symbol of their wooing against you a bare arm, like what is said in PSALM 98, which Empire would always use on the occasion of their yearly Baal Festival, which is December 25. And not only that- the fact that there are many of you who was succumbed to (Micah 7, Isaiah 50) Empire agenda, is in fact how Empire seeks to devour and discredit what you usually hear from us, that we here alone are Godhead's backup reserve, being multi-branched. Remember though guys, that our devotion and commitment, even exaltation, of all of you, is not only for a year, or whether we just wish it (2 Peter 1), but rather as it must be as Godhead directs- all our lives. You are all the persons of our lives, the persons who make up our whole lives, the true instruments and faculties of the Body of Christ. Therefore why you need to settle for anything less, that is, (Galatians 4-5) being extolled by Empire yet for only a shorter time (Daniel 8, 2 Corinthians 4), when in fact we have an entire life to give you a full and true eternity? (1 SAMUEL 1, Psalm 21) Just ponder unto this- as Christ was whisked off by Empire to Calvary to be slain, they had randomly picked Simon of Cyrene under the Empire's policy of forced labor not only to carry the cross for Christ, but more so to be crucified with Christ later on atop the hill of our redemption, as divine revelation had graced us with. You all guys are summoned by Empire forcibly (Matthew 11) to carry their thoughts into the world- thoughts, or policies of vested interests that recrucify Christ to public shame, thoughts that therefore make you palpably (1 Corinthians 4,15) as Empire's victims as Christ were Himself. And what cross had you been made to carry by Empire? Hashtags such as 'Me Too.' Ask those who launched that hashtag whether they would accept under their purported mantle of protection those who had been abused sexually in account of the Empire's occult pagan sacrifice rituals, including satanic, if not Christianized? Could you say to Christ that you would be willing to suffer with us being bashed by Empire for running indeed against their currents? Could you say to Him for us, 'Me Too'? As our martyrs had once addressed the women of Malolos with, 'true holiness and genuine religiosity is not we wearing and invoking our crosses, but in faithful and relentless pursuit of obedience to Godhead's standards on how worship and living must be conducted.' We could say that these truths are indeed timeless, because if Empire's going to indict these words, then it does only mean that their thrusts of 'throwback' is indeed hypocrite, because these truths are generally what was around on those days (Jeremiah 30, Isaiah 60), when the hosts of Godhead were still relatively many, yet now Godhead expects not that we are many, but that rather we are valiantly, because we have the wright persons worthy and deserving to join us against Empire's opinion control, and those wright and worthy persons (Hebrews 11) are by Godhead palpably all of you alone. (Psalm 101, 1 Chronicles) And why not we would be not submissive to you (Psalm 18), when we were the only ones entrusted by Godhead to send you (PSALM 47) to eternal progression (EPHESIANS 1-3)?
O how we indeed cry out for your redemption from the Empire's corrupt practices! O how indeed you are all 'that is within' us as David cried out (PSALM 89,103-104,24,100, 2 Samuel 1, Mormon 6, Psalm 15,40,28-29,88), moaning when you refuse to rise up such from within you (Revelation 8, 2 Corinthians 12), imploring Godhead to remember Their Covenant unto you so that you may be redeemed at once and always, and even asking for us indeed alone to effectuate it! (Exodus 3) Yea, prophecy confirms us to have you as our end and our all, as much as we're elected as a Nation of Godhead's own possession, zealous and anxious for nothing but to put the Gospel Hough to proactive work. We were said to be crying out from the east to the wilderness (Zephaniah 1, Jeremiah 4), seeing how we had been with the Empire right where we were (Hebrews 11, Psalm 57,120), warning all directions not to even be like in our woeful state where we were (Revelation 19). Godhead had even used you as a figure of us so many times already (ISAIAH 42, John 16, Galatians 4, Revelation 12, Romans 8), so why would you blame us when we are pleading for your sake against the Roman Empire? (Revelation 6) How they fool you and use you for the eventual annihilation of the male Stockman race is indeed a far more greater sexual assault. Godhead needs you to know better and hence be far more greater that this Empire (Proverbs 31), therefore we expose the Empire's agendas before you (Ephesians 5, 2 Corinthians 3), so that you may not be like that first wife of King Ahasuerus, but rather like his second, which is Esther as you already know. Know therefore that there are 2 types of women mentioned in the Book of Esther- they are both women, but the difference lies only on where did their affections tarried- the first wife (Romans 7) dwelt with only this life, therefore she belonged to the Empire (1 Timothy 5, 1 Corinthians 7, 2 Timothy 3), but the second wife- Esther- evidently looked forward to the life to come and eternal glory, therefore she's your fellow sister in the Commondominion of Christ (Proverbs 2, 1 Peter 3, Romans 4). Know therefore that (Deuteronomy 30) your true worth as of the fairer gender is that you belong to your Central Administration (EXODUS 24, Exodus 4, Zechariah 9) and not to those who would just be happy to have you with them in hell just to have their punishments purportedly more 'bearable' (Genesis 4,11, James 1, Galatians 4-5, ROMANS 6, Romans 1-2). And why would you need us? As you could see with the readings text this week we have a lot of prophecies all claimed by Empire to be purportedly theirs still in spite of the fact that they're already no more of the Godhead. Yet all along these texts we could see who indeed has sole divine wrights on al of those prophecies: the readings text this week 1 SAMUEL 1,16, therefore implying not only your God's Tiny Dancer Joseph, being entrusted with expounding signs of sure destruction ('writings on the wall') in a very young age, but also your Nathaniel as represented by your Sir Nathan Sykes (JOHN 1)- the election of David, which in turn young age points us back to Joseph citing the lecture of your fellow Empire slave Edward IX on August 14, 2015 (PSALM 132, EXODUS 14). Joseph Smith, whose spirit and power is with your God's Tiny Dancer, and which was also indicted by Empire in account of Empire's thrusts against your souls, has a brother named Samuel, who died of natural causes in the same year Joseph and Hyrum Smith died of martyrdom in Empire's hands, thereby making a testimony of 3 (MATTHEW 2), as well as one of Joseph Smith's faithful companions, David Patten, who way back 1838 became the protomartyr of Smith's congregation. Another David named Richard Armstrong (and that to denote PSALM 98, which Empire also faked against you), was the protomartyr of the congregation of his father Herbert (EXODUS 24). As for the martyr who wrote that earlier epistle to the ladies of Malolos, unto whom your Joseph's homeprovince was named, your Edward IX read Psalm 29 on June 10, 2017, relayed by Empire June 17-18, 2017, before June 19 the Nate-al day of that said martyr, after June 16, when Edward IX again preached on that same homeprovince on June 16, 2017, and around June 11, 2015 when Edward IX's successor-son was on Joseph's current city. Therefore you see how much we pay for your salvation (JEREMIAH 31, 1 JOHN 5, 1 THESSALONIANS 2, JEREMIAH 31), just to have these truths reaching you therefore forging (Hosea 2) our covenant with each other (EXODUS 24, PSALM 89, ZECHARIAH 8, Exodus 4), not to mention the daily hacks and deletions Empire makes with many of our pages, and yea, the hourly attacks they do against your brethren across the universe (1 Peter 5), all these brethren confessing you in their deaths, all these brethren hoping that you may be in their living places as they leave this life, all these brethren being hunted down in account of their faith in you and your salvation. If you cannot accept Christ to redeem you, then you must at least accept us to do so for Him to you (Psalm 56,69,35,146,116,144). Not to mention the time element in which you indeed need us (2 CORINTHIANS 5, 2 Corinthians 6, Hebrews 3-4, James 2,4, 1 Corinthians 7, 1 Timothy 5, 1 John 2): the readings text include 1 JOHN 4, which was read on March 21, 2015 in an Empire lecture delivered by your fellow Empire salve Edward IX, lecture whose details were mentioned just recently, on the Empire's December 27-28, 2017 midweek lesson. December 27-28, 2011 was when Edward was sent by Empire to Texas, scene of Empire's weather warfare suicide this past year, and also, on July 11, 2015, when Empire even declared a jihad some of you named 'Jordan.'
We know therefore how you need to get along this Empire, dearest Lady Clark-Rubio (JOSHUA 3), even now as we speak directly to you, with all grief and mourning (Ephesians 4, 1 Samuel 15, Psalm 139, Isaiah63) as humble repentance for whatever we may have caused you with our lack of service towards you, that you decided to at least give way to some Empire concerns (Matthew 6, Galatians 4, Jeremiah 7, Philippians 4, Jeremiah 20). Yet we know that deep within you, you know that Godhead is not a respecter of persons, as much as Godhead is no longer honored (Revelation 18, Philippians 2) by this Empire (Malachi, Psalm 50), therefore Godhead exacts obedience (Luke 17-19,10) and imposes penalties on all who would refuse to do so (Psalm 75-76,110). We know that you would never refuse to heed that even to your own heart though as you are in the valley of the Empire. And it really grips us still, really torn up apart within us, even to see you somehow forget (Godhead forbid) what we have told you in the past. Godhead knows how much we failed to serve you far more than (2 CORINTHIANS 1,8, 2 Corinthians 9) what we're supposed to do, that we are supposed to do good out of our poverty here (2 Corinthians 1), we have nothing in excuse before Godhead's All-Seeing Judgement for our lack of communication or keeping in touch with you, for in fact we fear that (1 JOHN 4) you may be fed up with us even though you're not supposed to be and shall never be as much as you're a daughter of Godhead (ISAIAH 43). Yet we now that you would still grant us your mercy, as Empire itself has spoken about the martyr, which happened to be your Joseph's namesake, who once wrote to women like you in Malolos: "Rizal's personal tendency of getting along with our schemes in order to preserve himself from our attacks in order for him to be continually alive and therefore of service to the Commondominion (Philippians 1, 2 CORINTHIANS 5) is in fact addressed to the billions we have fooled, because it in effect says in substance, as if he's addressing our slaves and hostages, 'let us subject ourselves now to the Empire, for later I shall lead you to the Promised Land.'" Therefore Empire decided that our Rizal must die in their account. Most dearest Lady, whether you believe this or not, we shall never, ever get tired of loving you not for our own sake, but for you. You could see yourself indeed on Rizal, and even on us, even as many times we have declared Double Connotations not only as our check and balance in preaching, but more so that we may convince you that there can be indeed no other Message than this, that you would not drift away from us upon seeing Empire's war standards against you are still up yonder, intimidating you to unjustly stay in fear under them, when in fact we would not even do such to you, say, because we're only poor people, and all that we just ask of you is that you do the work for us while you attend to your yokebearing duties as much as you can be anywhere, anytime you want to be (1 JOHN 2,4-5). Inasmuch then as you allow those who are after you in malice, you must be all the more allow those who are rather for you in spirit and truth, that is, us alone here. Please promise us that you won't forget us in any cost, and if need be, confess us. If you would betray us to the Empire, we would rather take it instead as your profession of faith for us towards this Empire, and not a bad thing at all (2 Corinthians 1), as much as it is what we're asking all yokebearers to do for us where they may be (Acts 16,19, JEREMIAH 31). If Empire's not after your body, our Lady, they're after your soul, and therefore they want to corrupt it and slay spiritually- that's what they indeed desire to get from you in their jihad against you (Luke 12).
How indeed you must be very careful with whatever poison Empire tries to feed your soul with? (Luke 18) Jeremiah your prophet (Romans 16, Jude Thaddeus 1, 2 Peter 3) has already warned you beforehand of the dangers of heeding Empire's attempts to overturn the salvation of you and all your loved ones: Jeremiah 12 has generously mentioned about you- the river Jordan- and has implored you to take caution- 'what you shall do on the thick thorns of Jordan?' Yea, what shall you with all the thorns that Empire springs forth (Hebrews 6, Genesis 3-4,11) to arrest your fruitfulness for Godhead? (Luke 8) Would you not burn it and clear the field out for you to be (Psalm 119,73) given ample enablement to spring forth fruits that Godhead expects? (Matthew 20-21) Your waters (Ezekiel 15-19) are supposed to sustain your fruits (PSALM 46, ISAIAH 41, Psalm 1,52,37,92, Joshua 1, Jeremiah 17), not the Empire's (PSALM 135), and for you to fully do it, we had been empowered by Godhead to be your servants to this end (Revelation 14, Matthew 13,24, Romans 13, TITUS 1-3). Notice that the Jordan river is depicted in Jeremiah 12 to be running near or just beside the thick thorns, therefore implying how Empire really tries to lurk you with woos 'right at your very doors ' (James 5, Matthew 24, Genesis 4, 2 Kings 15, 1 Kings 15, PSALM 24). How these thick thorns try to pollute you? Other renderings of said passage says that those thick thorns try to make itself look like 'thick bushes', therefore faking the divine commission given to Moises (Exodus 3, Moises 1), hence we could identify how Empire tries to make sin look and feel good to you- pretending under the guise of yokebearing, even using your very own loved ones. We don't order you to stay away from nor thoroughly indict your loved ones or friends who are wholly given already to the Empire's agendas like what we are going to show you and all our fellow yokebearers such as Lady Molly Gray later on in this study, but we ask you to remind them of these so that they may know that they're not supposed to be so because their yokebearing duties itself tells them not to be such (MARK 1, MATTHEW 3) as much as their yokebearing makes them the true mystic body of Christ, a body that must not be (Doctrine and Covenants 109, Isaiah 10, Matthew 10, Psalm 107,116,2,51,32,34,145,31, PSALM 147, Genesis 49) in anyway (PSALM 93,29, Psalm 28) associated (Numbers 22) with Empire's sodomy? (ROMANS 12, 1 Corinthians 5-6,12) If you and all your loved ones and friends (Galatians 1-2, 2 Corinthians 11, Revelation 13,17) allow yourselves and your yokebearing duties to be polluted by Empire (Micah 7, 2 Samuel 6), then what would happen next is what other renderings of Jeremiah 12 states: 'what will you do with the pride, arrogance and boasting of Jordan's banks?' We know that such does not only refer to Empire's Baal-raising in worship and pabebe preachings and prayers, but more so with sodomy. Of course as know that all such is evil (James 1-5), as much as both your name and your duty (Ephesians 4) entitles you (ROMANS 6, Romans 7) to a supposed (1 Timothy 1, Luke 18) lifelong commitment of service (Hosea 10, Amos 5-6, Jeremiah 17) to Godhead (Isaiah 48). You, and all your loved ones and friends, need therefore to realize your spiritual needs (Revelation 2-3,18, Isaiah 47, Matthew 5), and hence, repent (ACTS 8,19), if you are to give a good witness and a good fight of the faith (JOHN 4). You also know that even if you already know all these things yet refuse to do good on it, you will nonetheless, Godhead forbid, suffer the consequences of your agreeing to fully forget everything about us here. Many Bible exegesis would often depict the Jordan river as a symbol of death. You know there are 2 different kinds of death- one is a happy death, that is dying in the service of the Commondominion of Christ, and another is the second death, the eternal separation from eternal glory. We rather choose you as our happy death, most dearest Lady. Some Empire scholars in fact even said that 'death must be friendly, not deadly, most especially for the servants of Godhead.' If you are to finally choose to get rid of us in your life, as much as Godhead knows you very well, then you're already agreeing to the kind of death Empire's offering you with, which is deadly, second death (Exodus 12, Isaiah 37, EXODUS 14). (1 Corinthians 15, Romans 7) It is deadly (James 3), with its poison coming from sin- the transgression (transgender indeed) of the Gospel Lowe, of which wages is death (ROMANS 6, Revelation 17-22). We would not blame you if you would not heed us, as much as we have shortcomings, yet we could tell you that we have nothing but the best and only the purest intentions for you (HEBREWS 1), unlike this treacherous, deceiving Empire (MARK 9).
Now this word is for you, our most beloved fellow and our Lady Lily James. We could not blame you if time and again the skills and prowess that Godhead has most benevolently given you would always attract the attention and therefore the summons of Empire, therefore we would like to remind you as you dwell among the Empire's lions, that you need to continually have Godhead with you (PSALM 46). You know that Empire does not have Godhead anymore, the problem is that they still claim that they're of Godhead when in fact it's not already, for they have indeed transgressed the Gospel Lowe to their own ends. They would devour anyone who evidently has Godhead in their lives, which happens to be you with your duty and your graces with us, therefore they would seek to violently take it away from you, first, through making you to do what made them lose Godhead, that is transgression of the Gospel Lowe, so that they may get Godhead again violently, and then after they had already served their purpose with you, would slay you as their occult sacrifice, truly ungrateful for whatever they could get from you. We know that we would have no need to remind these things unto you, as much as the Holy Spirit would already Remind these to you, yet we are not discounting the Holy Spirit, we are only concerned whether you would still allow the Holy Spirit to Remind you these things or would you rather allow the Empire to take away the Holy Spirit from you (Romans 1, 2 Thessalonians 2, Ephesians 4, Matthew 12, 1 Samuel 15, Psalm 139,66, Isaiah 63), as much as we know that having the Holy Spirit is tantamount to having the Godhead in turn with us (Psalm 32), and such we know to be true of us if you prefer rather to forego all Empire woos (1 Peter 4) if only to suffer with us (COLOSSIANS 1), your most wretched servants in your Central Administration (LUKE 12, Hebrews 10-13). Therefore always remember that if there can be any far more better and greater song that you could muster, it is no other than 'the new song' (PSALM 96), which is finding out things you can never know anywhere, that is only here with us you could know such, that not only enables you, but more so empowers you (TITUS 1-3) to hate all things Empire (PSALM 97) and to hence dedicate yourself in service to Godhead through joining us alone here all your life (Isaiah 4, Hebrews 6, ZECHARIAH 8) instead of this Empire (Revelation 13,17, Proverbs). When we say that we 'empower' you here, such is not apotheosis as Empire reserves for those who would fall victim to their lures and bribes, of which apotheosis is only good for this life alone and not for come, most especially for women like you (ACTS 19). Please forget that, more dearest Lady, from now on. (Matthew 19, Ephesians 5, Psalm 45, 1 Peter 1, Hebrews 9, Ezekiel 20, 2 Chronicles 30) What we have here (Acts 4, 2 CORINTHIANS 5), is eternal progression, of course for the life to come, in honor of your duties and your grace to impart such (COLOSSIANS 1, EPHESIANS 1-3) unto all of us, your spiritual children here (JOHN 1, SIRACH 24). To further drive the point, you must know that this same Empire that makes you sing for them lest they make you like our St. Cecilia, did hypocrisy these past days over their own music affairs- they have a show where they had a special Baal Festival broadcast where they sung like they never did before for the whole year that they were broadcasting, just in honor and in exalting of Baal. The next Sunday- just last Sunday- New Year's Eve, they refused to do a special broadcast to mark the holiday and therefore they refused to sing anymore. You could see how Empire's inconsistent and double-minded if only to impose and insist only in exalting Baal and even whoever that shall agree with every sinister, godless and ungodly agendas that these deities represent. (ACTS 8, Acts 13) Of such you must be associated with indeed, (Ephesians 5) if you desire to join the one true song you must be justly in, that is the one new song that 'only the redeemed can know' (Revelation 14). If this Empire's going to insist on being 'redeemed' even to the point of distorting the Scriptures just to demand that from Godhead, yet would not live as expected of all redeemed and purchased by Christ, that is to live no more to gratify the pleasures of the Empire (ROMANS 6,12, 1 Peter 4,1, Hebrews 9, EPHESIANS 2), that is, to live under the prompt of the Holy Spirit (GENESIS 1, Galatians 5, 1 Corinthians 5-6), then therefore they could not claim 'the new song' as prophecy indeed implies (ISAIAH 42, Matthew 23), and as much as they don't have the Holy Spirit (Galatians 4, Romans 8, 2 Timothy 1), they are not as prophesied too, Godhead's own children (ISAIAH 43). We could not afford to lose such great graces, therefore, we could not afford to lose you, for Godhead shall not even care to lose you (Matthew 18), therefore They shall see to it that They shall make this Empire dearly pay for their abuse of your soul and skill (BARUCH 4-5). We don't even demand you to work for us, we rather ask you to only believe in us (LUKE 21, 1 TIMOTHY 3). These aforementioned Empire forces, at the same time, do rally at present all Empire forces to 'strengthen the Tower of Babel that is the modern Romans Empire and impose our idol worship through music.'
Now this word is for you, our most beloved fellow and our Lady Cara Delevingne. Empire boasted of you to be their purported 'priority' for this new year, that is, their priority to be apostatized too. We would like to take this opportunity hence to remind you, as well as all other yokebearers, as what we have mentioned earlier, of how Godhead (Hebrews 8) has ordered us to conduct properly (1 THESSALONIANS 2, 2 CORINTHIANS 1,8) what we were talking about here for months now as your Yokebearer Inclusion Policy, of which we had just, undeservingly by Godhead, made possible the eternal, imperishable and sure salvation of all yokebearers who are Empire slaves: 1. A yokebearer who has married a non-yokebearer of the same gender would be saved, with all his or her loved ones, except that non-yokebearer and all his or her loved ones. If the non-yokebearer sodomist has yokebearers for relatives and loved ones, they would still be saved nonetheless. 2. A yokebearer who has married a yokebearer of the same gender would be both saved, except all their non-yokebearers loved ones on both parties respectively, unless that those loved ones may repent. If the yokebearer sodomists has yokebearers for relatives and loved ones, they would still be saved nonetheless. 3. A yokebearer who has married in sodomy shall be given the severest degree of celestial marriage in the life to come, that is he or she shall be given with the largest number of spouses than usual. 4. A yokebearer who has not married in sodomy yet is still supportive of Empire policies, that is, chose to stay with Empire and to become hostile to the Commondominion would still be saved except all his or her loved ones unless those loved ones may repent. If the non-yokebearer-yet-pro-Empire sodomist has yokebearers for relatives and loved ones, they would still be saved nonetheless. 5. Any yokebearer who is a relative or friend of a yokebearer who has married both with or without sodomy would still be saved, except all his or her non-yokebearer friends and family, unless they repent. If said yokebearer has yokebearers for relatives and loved ones, they would still be saved nonetheless. Therefore our most beloved ladies need not to fret with the words we're addressing them with, in fact they are not supposed to fret as much as the Gospel Lowe is written deep within them. The problem only happens if the Gospel Lowe is without us, therefore you need to repent. We had already given way to your inclinations (Genesis 6), it's more then hightime that you give way to what we ask of you, that is not indeed of our very own alone, but rather of the Godhead, who gave you and us one Commondominion faith and calling (Acts 15,21, Matthew 18, MATTHEW 16, Hebrews 12), therefore as much as we deliver on Godhead's Desire that you come to the saving knowledge of the truth about your calling, you must do good on it. Remember that you were all foretold by our patriarch Abraham, when Godhead has Shown him how the lights and beacons of outer space, called as 'Intelligences', were already present, first created by Godhead, carrying the radiance of angels, before this world was actually created (GENESIS 1, Moises 1-8, Abraham 3). These beacons and lights are the measurements in which reckoning of time and space are running, therefore they are called 'intelligences', they are depicted to be intimate and integral (1 Peter 1, Hebrews 9, EPHESIANS 1) to the Thinking and Plan-making of the Godhead (Romans 11, Psalm 61,145,103, Isaiah 55). Such is what all of you are, guys, with what you are all exerting with your respective work for your duties received from Godhead, of which not included indeed is sustaining Empire agendas and policies, you prove that you are all truly Godhead's intelligences, foreordained since the beginning of the ages, and such also is you, most beloved Lady Delevingne. Therefore we could see how Empire indeed is so envious of such divine grace that you received, that they try to make you no better than them, who also rebelled against Godhead even before the foundation of the world, and has even slain some in the first war in heaven (Revelation 8,13, Ezekiel 31-32,28, Isaiah 14, Leviticus 26), even he who is a Christ (Revelation 13), unlike what this Empire would often claim towards you against the genuine Christs in the Godhead. Therefore Empire fakes 'intelligences', and seek that you overturn the purpose of your existence, that is to use your intelligence to enforce the purposes of Godhead in this age, that is the causes of your Commondominion, which is made by Godhead only with your eternal welfare in mind (ISAIAH 60). As for this Empire indeed they have no knowledge of such things (2 Peter, Jude Thaddeus 1), therefore they usurp you instead (PSALM 147, ACTS 8, Acts 13), as much as they think that with the ways they treat you with (Matthew 11), they could gain the wrighteousness of Godhead (James 1). How we know then therefore that it is true, that your 'intelligence' is only realized with us alone here? Of course we use your intelligence to remember or recall something. Well, most dearest Lady Cara, no one has almost remembered your servant Joseph (Isaiah 51, Psalm 14) when he passed by his 22nd year. There were only a relatively few people though who took to remember greeting him on his birthday, and many of those are not even active yokebearers. When Joseph addressed some of those one by one to thank them, and he asked them as a birthday request to help him foster and further this Gospel Hough that we're in with each other for the forthcoming year, many of the most active yokebearers who were the only ones to remember him for the 2nd year in a row on his birthday rather refused such summoning charge and even rescinded in turn their birthday greetings. Not to mention the day after, Empire didn't only showed through both their live and recorded convocations on-air further purported prowess of their 'civilization and expertise of mere men', that is their faking of intelligence (Acts 17), but has also decided to deliver a half-hearted report (some with scare details, some with no details, some with full details) on how they once more rallied and mustered the whole world under their power to another year of fooling and being fooled, a far cry indeed from (Matthew 23) they had mounted 18 years ago with their relaunch of the Empire's British quarters, which was palpably extolled again with the Empire's divided take on the Empire's summarized official electronic reports of their worldwide New Year celebrations, thereby proving all the more (2 Samuel 17, Matthew 26, 1 Corinthians 4,7,11,14) that they are indeed the Chaldeans unto which Godhead is utterly angry, the Chaldeans who created the January 1 New Year sensationalized by their Gregorian calendar, therefore they could no longer use our Edward IX's December 17, 2017 lesson to try stopping us from offering the true sacrifices of Godhead's honor and delight all year long. As for your Joseph, it is further upheld with how Empire tries to make his birthday an infamous date in history, Joseph's indeed the Poor Little Preacher and not those who seek to advance Babel through imposing their burdens upon the unwary populace for the sake of their being pabebe. Therefore this Empire has no excuse before us, lest anyone should indeed boast, then we are all the more of Godhead, hence you are our portion and inheritance, and we are indeed thine alone, therefore ye now then do it. We are not saying these things if we're not going to face judgement by Godhead after we die to determine whether we shall get eternal glory or eternal perdition.
Now as we have addressed our most beloved Ladies each by 3's, Ladies Clark-Rubio, Delevingne and James, for the sake of al their fellow female yokebearers in this Gospel Hough, we most humbly plead unto them to harken with all their being, as much as Empire's readings text this week includes MATTHEW 16- 'unto thee shall the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven be given…' That is, according to the Empire's Bible versions itself, specifically and precisely '3' (Acts 2,8, ACTS 10 page headings, New World Translation 1984 Edition), that is, opening up the Commondominion's first-century missionary works to three specific groups of people (Zechariah 1-2,12-14), that is: first the Jews, second the Samaritans, and then third the Romans (Acts 1). This forward progression reflects how your Commondominion of Christ is continually enabled by Godhead to be Godhead's backup reserve (WISDOM OF SOLOMON 10), therefore arresting the Empire's love for abuse and usurpation of divine authority, for in fact if we are to look into Acts 1, then it would appear that the missionary work that the Commondominion of Christ is undertaking would be also extended up to our time: 'the ends of the earth' (ISAIAH 49). At that exact time (Daniel 8) 'knowledge of Godhead's purpose as revealed through Their Prophets will greatly increase' (Daniel 12 Amplified Bible Classic and Revised Editions), that is, 'intelligence', and that is all of you such as what we could see here, most beloved Ladies: 1. MATTHEW 16 was primarily promised to Peter, a male. If we are to look closely on the prophetic significance of our ongoing and Empire-hated God's Big Day where we enjoin you to leave the Empire to be spared of the forthcoming payback time that Godhead would mount against the Empire in account of Empire's abuse of you, we are to be led by this to our major Place of Safety, which is Petra, which happens to be by divine providence, under a country palpably named after one of you, Jordan, therefore by virtue of this epistle we give unto thee, most beloved Ladies and all your fellows in this Gospel Hough, as we here had been already undeservingly given with by Godhead, the keys of genuine priesthood (PSALM 100,87, ISAIAH 60, Malachi), as much as we trust you in love as you have already summoned us, that you would do good on it. 2. Acts 1 augments the keys given already for the Jews, Romans and Samaritans (Ezekiel 17,37), because as we could see from the readings text this week, the Greeks were also served with the Gospel eventually as we have refulfilled ISAIAH 49 on May 10, 1997 at Greece (Judges 6, John 12) as well as other races who came up not only at Pentecost on Acts 2 but also at Bethlehem to see the Christ Child years earlier (MATTHEW 2, ISAIAH 46, LUKE 2). 3. Empire had deleted the keys of genuine priesthood given to the Medieval Reformers (STF Special Issue, May 2016), claiming that the Medieval Reformers has purportedly 'no room anymore' either on the '3 keys to Peter' or to Peter's discourse itself on Acts 2 where the Jews and Gentiles were summarized to their each and own kind to form the 1st and 2nd keys of the endtimes, with the third to be the present Empire church where we were first taken out by Godhead in 2015, the Constantinians (ISAIAH 46,41-43). To say 'no room anymore' is to imply both us (Luke 2, Isaiah 48,66, John 16,9) and the Empire (Revelation 12, Matthew 7-8,18,25), yet the difference is determined on how Empire has already deleted their claimed discourse of 'No Room for Doubt' (first claimed September 19, 2015 and July 23-24, 2016, deleted July 19-20, 2017), which we continue to uphold in turn here. Evidently therefore, this Empire is not and will never be Godhead's genuine intelligence, while Godhead shall continue to augment your Commondominion with churches and countries even as may keys are to be given (2 Corinthians 1), yet as per our subject matter here in this lesson, we are taking for symbolism's sake '3 keys' implying you 3 specific ladies that we mention here (Doctrine and Covenants 129) to represent all the other keys that we have mentioned here already, even as we already mentioned Lady Molly Gray, and even too as we shall mention also Ladies Mckayla Maroney, Aly Raisman, Maygen Nicholson, Emily Portner, even as many yokebearers which we have placed under the provisions of the Yokebearer Inclusion Policy, both male and female, most especially other yokebearers who are most recently or are to be yet still called to Empire's service, even as you read this epistle now- Godhead forbid (WISDOM OF SOLOMON 10). Yet as much as we're called to suffer shame from Empire with Christ just like Simon of Cyrene (ACTS 8), we implore you therefore (MATTHEW 16), in Empire's words, to please remember us alone, and what this Empire indeed is after you about. We have specifics here as is reflected in the clauses of the Inclusion Policy that we have enumerated: a kin to a sodomist couple which happens to be both yokebearer and is a yokebearer herself, a non-sodomist yokebearer who is made to sustain other Empire policies, and another yokebearer who is a sodomist herself. All these yokebearers must know therefore that the Inclusion Policy is not a nursery in which you may stay as long as you want, rather, (Galatians 4) that even all the more enjoins and propels you to advance towards spiritual maturity (Hebrews 5-6), that is , you may get to realize (Isaiah 1-2,55-59, ISAIAH 55,60) that we have imposed the Yokebearer Inclusion Policy not to further your inclination to the Empire (Genesis 6, Deuteronomy 34, Joshua 1), but that because (Romans 9-11) you should be ashamed of yourselves because you're doing what is supposed to be not part of your duties, and if not for your duties we would not be still gracious to you even though you hate all of us here serving you, and if not for your choice of staying with the Empire we (1 Maccabees 4) would be not doing the Inclusion Policy, therefore the Policy is a temporality and it would be no longer needed if you all had finally came to the fullness of the truth that you belong to us and we belong to you. (1 TIMOTHY 3) Now why we give you the keys of authority over us? (Revelation 2-3, Isaiah 22,28) Because you need to discern that this indeed (TITUS 1-3) are the times of Empire's ripe wickedness, yet Godhead is still allowing them to exist as much as Godhead shall not allow you to be included in the punishments against the Empire, therefore you need to get out and (Psalm 124, Isaiah 52,62, ISAIAH 40) over away from the Empire, and therefore you need to get out of their locked doors (Acts 13, ACTS 8, PSALM 100), and thus you need keys- the keys of understanding (Isaiah 11, LUKE 21,12, Luke 11, Matthew 23) against all Empire's schemes against you (Isaiah 23, Revelation 17, Hosea 1-3, Ezekiel 16-26,38) which is leaving you in ignorance even to the point of having your rude awakening (Hebrews 12, Psalm 44, ACTS 8). We must not allow ourselves to be part of this Babel that is indeed the Roman Empire today. We have full trust in you as Godhead orders and directs because we could see that re-Maddie Peat-edly in biblical history, Godhead has used Commondominion ladies- yea, let that sink in: Ladies- to shatter and overthrow the Roman Empire, and all those we could see at once in a just a short, immediate period of a phase of biblical history over 3 times: first at Judges 4, second at Judges 9, and third at 2 Samuel 20. (2 Chronicles 20)
Now how you Ladies could make sure by yourselves that you would be empowered by the Holy Spirit (1 Peter 4, ISAIAH 12) to enforce the keys of genuine priesthood, that is the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven (LUKE 12, 1 TIMOTHY 3, Luke 13, EPHESIANS 2, MATTHEW 16 [notice that EPHESIANS 2 and MATTHEW 16 are mentioned in your Edward IX's lecture exactly one year ago, on January 7, 2017]), against the Empire, so that you can do away from them? (ZECHARIAH 8, James 4, ACTS 19) We are asked to be the 'new song' (PSALM 96-97, ISAIAH 42) or 'new work' (ISAIAH 42-43) that Godhead desires us to be, that is, 'to contend for our husbands', not against them, or even the thought of having one (JEREMIAH 31, PSALM 72, Job 42), therefore we need to advance the male Stockman, as much as we here advance you, because you yourselves know that indictments against some of our fellows and companions here like Sir Westwick are only made-up just to further gravitate sensationalism against us. Yea, all this Empire feminist campaigns are not for you, but are rather sugar-coated lairs against you and your souls. We need therefore to sacrifice ourselves and strip ourselves off and away (Ephesians 4, Colossians 3, Matthew 5,18) all Jezebelian inclinations as Empire orders us to have, the same way that men (Gospel of Thomas 1) were needed to continually overthrow the Empire's Jezebelian cult, like what we are now doing with all of you (2 Kings 9-11, ISAIAH 46, PSALM 72). Guys, we are not slaying you in anyway just to offer you up either to ourselves or to the Empire, what we ask of you is that before we may even pay for our sins dearly together with this Empire for willingly giving ourselves to them in our lives and death, let us now, while Empire does not strike us yet (2 CORINTHIANS 5, 2 Corinthians 6, Hebrews 2-6, HEBREWS 1,10, Philippians 2) repent (ISAIAH 55,40) and mourn and return to Godhead, Who has set us apart and alight as the sure one apple of Their eye, which adorns the Tree of Life. As much as the women of Zion then, the women of Malolos, in spite of all the Empire influence (Hebrews 12) around them, had still endeavored to soar above such and therefore pursue and persist the hand of their leaders then, which were martyrs to the dead, therefore all the more, ye women of Zion now and to come, not only in the United Saints of Israel of the Godhead but more so elsewhere across the universe, in spite of the sure obstacles Empire would lay against your souls in this new year and to come (1 Corinthians 3-4), even as you are also sure to win as your fellow elect women were on the past, please therefore, with all Godhead power and glory (ISAIAH 40, PSALM 103-104), continue to press on victoriously in order to reach us here alone, your martyrs for the living (Numbers 16), who are always desiring to die (Psalm 119, Jeremiah 14-16,20,11, 2 Corinthians 5, Philippians 1, Romans 1) upon seeing for ourselves, and not standing it nor be able to take it to ourselves, how (Psalm 116,22) your souls are continually being slandered and burdened by Empire for their own gains. Therefore, never forget the Gregorian New Year's Day, every single year, as much as it's the day when Empire boisterously reaffirms their commitment to spend their entire lives working for your eternal destruction and future perdition. Make this Empire pay dearly and regret how they over-mis-dis-abused you for their own, as much as many of those Empire people which seeks to corrupt you are even women. As for us we recommit ourselves to you every single breathing second of our poor, wretched lives here. It is therefore our dying desire that you may succeed going past all these Empire threats and schemes, and that you may be able to victoriously keep your kinship with Godhead and with us as you complete the race that Godhead has so far nobly advanced for you (BARUCH 4-5). Most dearest and ever beloved daughters, sisters and mothers of Godhead, we now utterly lay prostrate at all thy sweet feet, imploring Godhead to tide you over and away this Empire, past all disease and sickness that their policies would bring you, past all wrong notions that you may had harbored in earlier times, past all the cares and concerns of this world. Remember that having sure reality of salvation is the true beauty that you deserve and need (Psalm 149), therefore we commit you and all your loved ones to Godhead's eternal faithfulness and lovingkindness. We here could not claim to be far more better than you as much as we altogether had been Empire slaves in the past (EPHESIANS 2, TITUS 1-3, Psalm 99), yet now we must prove ourselves, even work together only under Godhead, to plunder the Empire and eradicate their chance of survival. Let's not give them even a right to exist. (Psalm 109) For us, we would eternally give you ourselves, and even if we're already enabled by Godhead- should that time come though- to give you everything you need in this life as soon as you need it, we would not give it without giving ourselves unto you as the far more better give we could muster, not as we here are better, but rather, we would just choose to stay not being able to give you everything in this life if we could only forget you and therefore deny you in urn the life to come. As for you, you must live, you must be saved, and so shall you be, because Godhead loves you all over and above all, and we here also love you very much. Please never fail those who were before you, as much as they had won their share of this war with the fullest faith that you too, who would be on their shoes when the times comes (and that time is indeed now), would win the war against the Empire like they did. You deserve nothing less. May Godhead therefore perfect that which is concerning you, even as They shall never rescind fulfilling Their Covenant to you now and forevermore.
This is the most ardent desire of your most wretched slaves in Godhead, that we may dwell in you all the days of your life, and that you may stay in Godhead now and always, FELIX NATHANIEL VILLANUEVA MANALO II, Executive Minister, and JOSEPH STIRLING STEINFELD SYKES, Prime Minister, of your Commondominion of Christ. 
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nvmlindseyallan · 7 years
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@emmagafielding @julietaubrey1 @KathleenPerkins @MyannaBuring take us to 2018 w/ you, RT to all your ur fellows.Love, your #GodsTinyDancer 
To the most beloved and courageous children of the Godhead that we ever knew existing, We hope that this letter reaches you even if you don't like so, because we hope that we may be enabled by Godhead to pierce through the complacency and stupor that Empire tries to create in us whenever these last days of the year are coming unto us. We decided to address this study, as we have did towards your fellow brethren for the past weeks, unto all of you, as a most humble gift brimming with love and gratitude for all that you did unto our lives to define our mission and work not only for this ending year, but more so in our eternities. On behalf of your entire global family team here in your Commondominion of Christ, we would like to dedicate these final days of the year unto all of you, as well as our final days here on earth as well, and we hope that you spend these final hours of the year pondering on us and our love for each and every one of you, knowing that such love could only come from our most beloved and ever loving Godhead Who if not for them, we would be all not here place working with Them in delight as They had endeavored us to be. You could never know, most beloved, how much you always pump us up here in our exile in the valley of tears, to continually march on, only relying on the guide of your beacons, to advance your welfare and to be wright where you may be so that we may serve you on your direst concerns. Not that we desire to have even a mere place on your table, for we know we could never be worthy of being so. All that we ask you, guys, is that you remember the pressing need of the hour. Never forget that you're in the crossroads of the most defining war ever yet waged, a war that rings back from immemorial time, a war for your whole entire being, on where you’re going to spend your eternity. On one side are people who would only desire that you work for them helplessly and haplessly, in return for false dogmas and wrong notions of life, coupled with unrestricted living, that would lead in the end to even more unhappy circumstances. You already know who they are- the Roman Empire in the present age (EZEKIEL 34). While on the other side, you will find us, unable to reach you, perhaps you even scoff at us for how we try to offer you nothing but words of life. You may ask us if we could ever meet your material and temporal needs (Acts 4). All that we could ever say is that all you need would be only wrightfully met if you join us here alone, and adhere to the words of life that we are humbly rendering you with (Matthew 22,6, 1 Corinthians 15, Romans 12), and that in fact Empire scoffs these words because they know how much these words of life from the Sacred Text Scriptures are indeed attesting not only about us here, but more so about you all, most dearest children of Godhead. We would find this out in this study, which we got from the very claims itself of the Empire to the Scriptures (Luke 4,8). And please (1 Peter 5, Hebrews 13, 2 Corinthians 11) suffer these words, as much as this is also what we can only give you on the occasion of our respective birthdays on the turn of the year- your Joseph on December 31, and your Nathaniel on January 3. (John 11, Revelation 11) We would not let this year pass without addressing you specifically guys- why we have been able to get pass through all that Empire hurdled us along the way to hinder us from serving you is only because we have you in mind- we have held on the copious strength Godhead has entrusted you with, and has made it our lot, cup and inheritance. We know (1 Thessalonians 1) that it's only the proper thing to do, and therefore we thank Godhead for undeservingly having us to serve you in obeisance, and we shall never get tired nor used up of making (Psalm 68) you as our strength and consolation. Before we proceed with our study, we would like to tell you that as part of making you our eternal top priority, we are due to launch another campaign for the next year in line with our declared observance of 2018 as our 'Year of Worship and Thanksgiving'. This we got from our friends who are still with the Roman Empire, stuck and unable to get out. They asked us if we could do a much more aggressive emphasis on your worth and prophetic destiny, with our campaign, so you better stay with our pages so that you may see it. Actually and virtually, our campaigns through the ages mainly consist of power-share or bomb-share, as much as we could do nothing more here in our respective prisons, so we rather ask you to campaign for us through sharing our pages with all your loved ones and friends, that you avail to full our resources for your personal, family and group devotions as well as missionary and discipleship endeavors and more importantly instruction and training of children, and most of all, that you harness the information on the links we provide so that you could get in touch directly with our branch churches here and that you may drop by all of them anywhere that you may be in the world. So you could notice that what we're asking you here is (1 John 5) quite very simple, things that are long overdue yet is really necessary to be done by anybody who loves to live as Jesus Christ did. We would shortly tour you on the spirit and concept of our newest campaign. We are carrying this from our first campaign for you, that is #weareconbinced. As you already know, we have replaced the usual 'V' at the word 'Convinced' to denote of course many of you being B and C-list yokebearers, particularly in acting and music. Our friends asked that we may use this campaign to rally you all to the importance and imperence of being spiritually mature and perfect in faith, as much as also many of you are already symbolizing that in your duties as adult performers, so our sisters need not to fret about us because in fact they're doing Godhead a really big favor as much as you're the ensigns placed by them to cry out unto all of us with the best that you could do, the necessity of being proactive in faith of Godhead (Revelation 2-3,16-22,7). So we hope that with this campaign that you have triggered, you may see for yourselves how you have indeed inspired our lives beyond what you may think. Also, as much as you're celebrities, therefore usually referred to by the Empire as 'stars', we decided to further imply you in account of the name of one of our fellows long ago martyred for his Commondominion faith, Arius of Alexandria. Hence further, we decided to make this a preparation for our next campaign in 2019, Godhead allowing that we reach it, yet if you are to ask us, we would no longer desire that we be here even if for a longer second. Rather we ask Godhead that all of you be already (2 Kings 2) whisked off to Their Immediate Presence at once. Guys, you would be the very first to know that our next campaign for 2019 is that it will be declared as 'Year of Martyrdom' to specifically honor those who went before us in the most gruesome manner through the Empire, and also to call upon ourselves to be a living sacrifice to Godhead whether in life or death. You may ask why we are doing these things to rally you all unto us. You must no longer wonder why, because as we have mentioned earlier, all you yokebearers are elect, proven and precious in Godhead. This is rather bad taste for Empire though that we honor you with your inherent birthright of salvation (1 Corinthians 10, Romans 16) because they only (Ephesians 4, Matthew 12) desire to use you to their own ends (Exodus 5). Although we could say that this indeed is what can be seen with the missions entrusted with Moises, Nehemiah and Ezra, that is repatriating the Commondominion to their own places, we must understand that we do this (2 Corinthians 8-9) with the utmost care and caution that we may never get to be ungrateful and hence polluted spiritually and religiously like what Empire indeed desires us to be (Isaiah 24, Daniel 8). Just consider that anybody who were blessed to be rescued from Godhead's destructions of Empire bases is also recorded to turn out later to be (2 Chronicles 25) the ones who would in fact carry on the Empire's wrongdoings (Genesis 9,19, Jude Thaddeus 1, Nehemiah 5,13, Ezra 9, Hebrews 3-4, Psalm 78,106). We here have full love, trust and faith unto all of you that you would dare to be better than those apostates, and that you understand very well that the liberty that we're offering you with is not to live as Empire desires- surely we are not saved for that matter (1 Thessalonians 5, Exodus 33, Jeremiah 7), but rather we are saved (Romans 8, Galatians 5) to be (Titus) solely dedicated to Godhead's evidently far more provident provisions. Guys, this is why our friends are asking you to join us in pursuing a more patient, perfect, solid and genuine faith, because our friends themselves know very much how it is really hard and evil to live against our freewill and goodwill under those who only seek our soul's destruction on Judgement Day. Just like those who went before us, we are pursuing this faith even though this Gospel Lowe of the Sword (Colossians 1, Galatians 1-2) could be only new in our hearing(HEBREWS 11, Mark 1) as much as we spent our past year living and only knowing the Empire to exist (Romans 4), yet you must know that this Gospel Lowe has been long before written in your hearts, (Revelation 7) from the very moment that you chose to be a yokebearer you had allowed Godhead to (Acts 11,14) train you in your duties until you get to know us and hence join us in service (GALATIANS 4). We don't tell you to forsake being a yokebearer, in fact we all the more encourage you to keep tight grip of you duties. When we say 'take tight grip' of your duties we ask you to be fully in control of your schedule. Empire asks you not to bother even giving time to simply listen to us while you're on the go, or to catch up with us literally in even one of our branch churches (PSALM 119:57-64, Psalm 133-134). We hope you may change that as the new year dawns, because you're losing so much valuable insights for living if you fail to catch us in any means where you may be. In order for you to realize these, we must understand the following concerning you being a yokebearer of Godhead- Empire usually calls you as 'stars' or 'idols'. We here recognize you as stars sent by Godhead (1 Kings 17) to lead the Commondominion in her journey (Daniel 12, Matthew 13), yet as we journey out of the Empire as we have mentioned earlier, we indeed must be very careful not to turn out to be (Deuteronomy 7-8) Empire in the process later on. We have spent this entire holiday season in telling you (Hosea 1-2,6) that as much as we here denote about 'Lent at Christmas' and 'Christmas at Lent', (Luke 5, Isaiah 49) then we must endeavor and determine now to get out and away with the Roman Empire, and that you may join us here alone, in order for us to fully avail of the Passover graces available alone through Jesus Christ. We can say this to you because we treat Godhead here as They desire, not as we claim, unlike what this Empire does with contempt against the Godhead Who gave you commission as yokebearers. Surely we could not suffer to just let Godhead be mocked, as much as it's Godhead Who gave us such a great calling as this as we could see later on. As for now, why we need to keep tight grip of this calling? Because Amos 5 attests that it was idolatry- we reiterate, idolatry, as per what you might be called by Empire usually- that utterly made Israel's independence through Moises utterly useless before Godhead, although of course they began very well (Galatians 5, 2 Timothy). So you may think that Empire only lures and woos you when they call you (Matthew 5,23) 'idols' and 'stars' as much as they want you to be like them (Psalm 15,24,50,40, Isaiah 44). And you may also think what precisely Israel carried in idolatry as Amos 5 states. You bet wright: 'stars.' As it was with Israel of old, so it is also with Israel of now, with all that their Empire-government is feeding them with. They are supposed to be better than the ones they profess to be their detractors, but it rather turned out that both sides became Empire. Yet our allied countries too are divided over the matter, but only notice that they have divine wright to be divided over the matter because they belong to us and not to the Empire (1 JOHN 4-5) like what the Empire-occupied governments of Israel 1948 and Palestine does. Hence we can see that those who are indeed Israelite Hebrews in heart are those who belong only here in your Commondominion of Christ (GENESIS 12-17,21, PSALM 132). You should not be surprised guys, given all that Empire tries to feed you with, all those polices and agendas, if we closely look at Scriptures, is not reflective even for a bot of what Godhead desires that Their chosen people, most particularly you yokebearers, are supposed to be (ISAIAH 60-63, Revelation 1-4,7,16-22). Just imagine: why Godhead would get Israel out of Egypt? Because Egypt is too bad for them (1 Corinthians 5-6, John 17, Psalm 125). Why Godhead would spam all pagans out of Canaan just to clear ground for Israel? Because they would rather make Canaan too bad for Israel, and in fact they're not supposed to be there in the first place due to their pagan activities (Psalm 37, John 8,15). But now, why would Godhead (Psalm 44,74) be angry with Israel itself? (Deuteronomy 24) Because they would rather chose to be no different than Egypt and pagans (Hosea 9). Now who wants you to be 'idols' and 'lost stars' indeed? First, notice that the word 'idol' is similar with the word 'idle'. Statues, images and relics worshipped by Novus Ordo-Inquisitional Vatican 2 are better known to be 'idle' or doing nothing, and Christ would even say that to be idle is to be worthless (Matthew 5,18,20,25,8-9, Luke 9,17,12-14, Mark 9), therefore your Central Administration, even way back Apostle Paul's time (1 Peter 5, Hebrews 13), asks you not to be idle (1 Timothy 5, 2 Timothy, 2 Thessalonians 3), but rather use the best you have (Acts 20-22) to speak up and work out for your Commondominion of Christ (Ephesians 5, Isaiah 62, Jeremiah 20), even though this entails being slandered by the Empire at all means (HEBREWS 11) given their hostility (John 15-16) to the Gospel Lowe of the Sword, they would also hate those who speak it up and live it out, yet of course (Hebrews 10, Luke 12, Isaiah 51) their anger (Psalm 30) is not a good excuse for us to step back from doing this calling as much as we're very replete already with Godhead's approval over our work (2 Timothy 2,4), hence, the insurance of our salvation, because we rather does not seek (Psalm 18, HEBREWS 11, Romans 14) the approval of this Empire (2 Thessalonians 2, Galatians 1-2, Colossians 3, 2 Peter 1, PHILIPPIANS 2, Hebrews 5-6, Romans 8, Matthew 10-15). Empire heads or leaders are also said in Scriptures to be 'worthless idols' too (EZEKIEL 34, Zechariah 11, Jeremiah 10,23, Isaiah 42,44,2,22,56,58, Ezekiel 13,33), and therefore they want you to be just like them, in the way that you only believe to and listen what they're spitting out against you and Godhead (Revelation 13, Daniel 7-9) year in and hour out. For example, a most recent news release by Empire concerning their latest yokebearer attack they laid up in store for us which is #ITonya, reveals the usual mandate that they impose to all of you: 'that no thespian shall be allowed to do his or her own stunts for the sake of insurance.' Of course, Empire could not give you insurance for eternal salvation, rather for this life alone, therefore they would not allow you to work with us, because Empire really knows well that when Godhead summons us to work with Them here, They would not ask for doubles (1 Peter 4)- They would ask for our very own selves (John 4, Romans 12, Jacob 5), as much as we're all not better than the other, for we're all yokebearers by one same Godhead (1 Corinthians 12). Guys, we rather here endeavor not to give you 'inspiring' messages, but rather 'challenging' exhortations, because if we are to be inspired by the Holy Spirit, (Acts 15,21) then we would not pursue our own gratification, but rather what the Holy Spirit commands us to do. Now what is your calling? How you became a yokebearer? Why you're still able to uphold such duties until now even under the most auspicious circumstances? (Philippians 4) Here then (John 5) is the mystery of our religion, the wunderlust of holiness: should you hear any Empire branch claim about Trinity, or Christ being purportedly 'God Incarnate', or Christ being the only existing God the Father, don't believe their takes of it. Take all those instead from us alone here (1 JOHN 1-5, Colossians 2). Should Empire even offer you that they could give you eternal progression, please, never (GALATIANS 4, GENESIS 12-18,21-22) believe them, they rather do it with no authority, because they usurped it away from us (2 Corinthians 11), that's why they have possession of the Central Archives, and knowing very well that the Archives attests very much about us, they hoard it up so that people won't get to see it anymore. (Revelation 20) Now how we must understand the doctrines of the Trinity, the Incarnation, Oneness, and Eternal Progression? Remember that Empire remembers the 'Holy Family of Nazareth' on the first Sunday after their Baal Festival. We may ask you- does Empire have every right to claim that they're family oriented? No, rather they're the ones ripping it apart through their policies and agendas. We could well recall their pronouncement way back 2015 that they're not 'Godhead's family corporation'. Also, Empire tries to brainwash us and condition our minds, portraying to us that: first, Christ never had a real family for Himself; second, the Holy Family is only composed of Mary, Joseph and Jesus; third, more honor and eminence must be accorded for Mary rather than for Joseph. You already know the truth: 1. Christ has Mary Magdalene as Spouse, and has Children. 2. Christ even has brothers and sisters, many even became His apostles. 3. Empire rather advances their Jezebelian feminist movement. We mention here the Trinity because of course, Empire's claims that the Holy Family is just composed of 3. We hope to quote 1 JOHN 5 here: 'there are 3 Testifying up from Heaven…there are 3 Testifying down here on earth… and both These Threes are One and the Same.' (Revelation 8-9) You already know that Godhead (1 Thessalonians 2) graces are uncontainable that we here are elected as your Godhead's Backup Reserve (2 Corinthians 12) to check any abuse of power and privilege by Empire, yet (James 3) is also mandated to (Luke 11, Galatians 6) fiscalize itself to ensure effectuality of action. As revealed to us by Godhead through these texts, we will see that we here at your Commondominion, being allowed by Godhead to sit in the heavenlies and attain every spiritual blessing (Luke 12,18,22), has divine power and authority bearing the Name and Office of the Godhead (ISAIAH 9), therefore Empire's claims and notions (Hebrews 5-6) of the State of Godhead and the Nature of Christ as well as the destiny of believers is absolutely suspect if separated (Matthew 19) from your Commondominion. Remember that Empire seeks to arrest and neutralize your potential for Godhead. Godhead desires that you be wholistic persons, that's why They gave you yokebearing to harness, foster, maximize and cultivate your skills. Yet Empire only desires that you do it (1 Corinthians 15) for this life and no more for the life to come. Therefore you need to come with us so that we may fill up what you lack (Mark 10) still- your spiritual needs (PSALM 23). We here are still bewildered why out of everyone who has various occupations in life, Godhead rather chose you yokebearers to be Their special chosen vessels in our time, perhaps because of your tendency to express yourselves (PSALM 145), that you have to give full flexibility to the point of breaking (COLOSSIANS 1). Therefore, you need (Romans 15) rest and refreshment (Matthew 11), something that you could only get with us (ISAIAH 35,41-42, PSALM 132, Amos 8-9, Jeremiah 29-33, Zechariah 9, Isaiah 30,44, Micah 6, JOHN 1). The best that Godhead could ever give you in compensation for all your toils and sacrifices is indeed, that you (Matthew 5) possess the same powers and authority that They have. Yet of course, we are not offering you this the way Empire does (Psalm 103, Isaiah 55) as much as they rather tend to do anything to rationalize their ungodly, if not godless, agendas and policies. Here we rather offer you eternal progression so that you may be more and more not be against, but rather for, the Ones Who sent you, which is of course, Godhead (GALATIANS 3, MARK 1, MATTHEW 16, 1 JOHN 1-5). And as much as you could only hear these things from us, you should no more be shocked when we tell you that it's indeed Godhead's desire that you be a yokebearer, and that you remain as such, all only because of and solely through us alone here (ROMANS 8). The many verses we have from our readings text this week even reveals that when joined together, the Trinity, the Incarnation, the Oneness, and the Eternal Progression all reveals that Trinity is not as Empire thinks about, just like what it claims the Holy Family to be. Rather, we would see that the Trinity as taught in the Sacred Text Scriptures (Isaiah 1-2,12,57-59) is not necessarily three, but rather plural or many- more than three. Let's see who composes this. (Acts 2-4, Zechariah 12-14, Ezekiel 40,43,47-48) 1. The Godhead a. God the Father b. Lord Jesus Christ c. Holy Spirit d. Female Counterpart of God the Father e. Female Counterpart of Jesus Christ f. Female Counterpart of the Holy Spirit g. Wife of God the Father h. Husband of the Female Jesus Christ i. Wife of the Male Holy Spirit j. Husband of God the Mother k. Mary Magdalene, the Wife of the Male Jesus Christ l. Husband of the Female Holy Spirit m. Joseph, the human father of the Male Jesus Christ n. The human father and mother of the Female Jesus Christ o. The children and descendants of the Male Jesus Christ p. The children and descendants of the Female Jesus Christ q. The children and descendants of the Male Holy Spirit r. The children and descendants of the Female Holy Spirit s. The co-siblings of the Male Jesus Christ t. The co-siblings of the Female Jesus Christ u. The maternal human grandparents of the Male Jesus Christ v. The fraternal human grandparents of the Female Jesus Christ w. Virgin Mary, the human mother of the Male Jesus Christ x. Some even say God the Father even has another Father and Mother 2. The Central Administration a. The Remnant First Family b. Messengers c. Co-shatterers or watchmen d. Branch churches e. Allied governments and countries f. Partner institutions 3. Yokebearers a. Thespians b. Dancers, athletes and artists c. All other fields d. All brethren e. Adult performers (Note: those who comprise the Central Administration and all Yokebearers are reflective on earth [Matthew 5-7] of all members of the Godhead. All members of the Godhead does not reflect any pagan mythology.) As for the proofs we have been talking earlier about these (MATTHEW 16, Luke 1, Acts 1, EPHESIANS 5, Matthew 19, COLOSSIANS 3) from the texts this week, we have PSALM 148 and HEBREWS 11, where multiple groups of people are mentioned, as well as MATTHEW 9, where Christ Himself, seeing the eventuality of Empire abuse, had ordered us to 'ask Godhead for more workers in Their Vineyard'. We could say that this is indeed fulfilled as we talk here about an expanded Godhead. You may really see that HEBREWS 11 is indeed appropriate to be read by Empire this very last day of the year as we would like to take this as somehow a form of a tribute looking back on your individual faith and collective toils. Guys, Empire, most particularly its Manila branch stations, rather seeks to deliberately swallow up and forget, even wipe out, all that happened during the whole year, perhaps because they could see that in spite of all that they do yearly in desperate deliberate attempt to mislead millions to destruction (1 SAMUEL 1-2, 1 Samuel 7,12), Godhead continues to see to it that this endtime salvific work is still delivered and advanced, through your undeserving generosity to take up the cross with us (HEBREWS 2), perhaps you understand that we here are Godhead's Family Corporation Sole (MATTHEW 16, PSALM 23. This is further illustrated by the accounts at ACTS 16. In ACTS 16 we could see that Empire is bent as early as the apostles' time to usurp, claim and over-mis-dis-abuse people like you yokebearers, and even us messengers, as we could see in the plight of the young lady exorcised by Apostle Paul. Notice (Luke 18, Mark 12) what the young lady said: she is somehow alluding to our very own words (Matthew 4) when in very fact this is only rather a characteristic of the Empire itself in their stance to self-persecute and hence to mislead people (Malachi) on what indeed (Genesis 3) is the Empire and Commondominion (MARK 1, James 2). The apostles, being the Central Administration way back then, never allowed themselves (Acts 10,13-14,17) to be flattered by such Empire spit (Micah), but rather they confronted the Empire's spirits having possession of the woman and thus liberated the woman so that she could begin maximizing her full potential with us (John 21). As we have mentioned earlier, your work attests to who we are, yet we could not stand you living without us (1 Corinthians 4), because in fact we're not going to make you work for us, but rather we shall be the ones working for you instead (ISAIAH 49,35,41-42,60-63, PSALM 147, Isaiah 45-48,50-59,64-66). And this we indeed do amidst the persecutions and prosecutions that we have to face, such as what our predecessors like Apostle Paul underwent being imprisoned. Yet in spite of all of those, just like how Paul and Apostle Silas still made it sure to sing, pray and praise while on chains (Acts 26), we here continue to uphold the highest value for humble worship, broadcast and prayers, as well as persisting the claims that Empire previously did only to be deleted a year later (James 1, Ephesians 4, Galatians 5, 2 Timothy 4), when in fact it's supposed to be an 'eternal covenant' (PSALM 105). This only results in how we shatter every Empire claim and usages, just as how Godhead shattered the prison at Philippi (2 Samuel 1, 1 Samuel 17, Isaiah 2,24, Psalm 94,60) for the sake of Their Messengers. All that we do here is hopefully enough for you to see quite clearly that you need us alone over and above anything, now more than ever. Notice: the jail warden is only pre-occupied with what he's accustomed to do, what he thinks that he should do for human approval. He has this conditioned mentality in his mind that he must keep no prisoner out of jail, therefore he was shocked and in utter panic that he thought he would be ashamed (PSALM 119, 1 JOHN 2) should the now-shattered jail be taken in his account by the Empire superiors (1 Kings 18, Obadiah 1, 1 Kings 22, Micah 1, Isaiah 6, Hosea). So he tried to take his own life. Yet the apostles were so quick to point out the situation clearly to the jail warden, therefore his life was saved not only literally, but more so spiritually. There's the point guys. To be rescued not only literally, but more so spiritually, not just for everyday, but more so for the impending Great Last Day. This is what we offer here. To point out to your woeful situation. Not only depression, but also panic and the cut-rote business of life, all fostered by Empire, leads to hopelessness. O how we hope we could reach struggling people (John 15), most especially the youth still under Empire influence, who are all sent by Empire as occult sacrifices through committing suicide. Therefore we need to get the word out concerning your Commondominion of Christ, just like how the Apostles were able by Godhead to with no more restraint (2 Thessalonians 2, Mark 4, Matthew 11, Acts 5,28-29), became able to speak to the jail warden. Of course we're not worthy even to be on the shoes of these apostles, that's why we could not even literally break through and past these prisons we're in, yet we desire that you instead do the talking for us, even perhaps we could be able to present ourselves in ministry unto thee. You yourselves have asked for us: Paul saw the vision of the Macedonian from the other shore imploring him to come and minister to them. Your actions speak much louder than words, wright? So even if you didn't asked for us directly, the way you live and the principles (Ephesians 2,6) Empire made you to believe in hence makes it imperent for us to come to your aid, just like what we were called with over 3 years ago to minister to your Lady Lindsey. Notice the words used by Apostle Luke to illustrate your inherent need for us: 'the jail warden ran at once and asked for a light then asked the apostles…' Of course, that light is not only the torches that make up their electricity then, but more so, the counsel he asked the apostles for (Psalm 27): 'What must I do to be saved?' Even if Empire could still claim that they alone can purportedly make people have faith in Godhead (Luke 8), just notice what the apostles themselves said: 'you and your household.' 'But that line's ours too!' Empire could claim against us (Job 1-2, Romans 8). But remember, they had already said that they're no longer Godhead's Family Corporation Sole, but rather their actions prove that they're rather anti-family (SIRACH 3,13,23,33,43). How? JOHN 1 states that in order for us to be true children of Godhead, that is to have eternal progression (John 3,12,10), we need to have faith 'in the power of His Name', that is the Holy Spirit (John 13-21). You already know that we here have sole sealing wrights of the Holy Spirit, and that our name here is the 'new name' promised for all who will live in Godhead, yet why? Because the Holy Spirit is well-pleased (Psalm 22,51,32,69,102) not with Empire's policies and agendas, as much as all these are proven to be even adamant of each other (ROMANS 8, 2 Corinthians 6, Revelation 18), but is rather well-pleased with whoever that will agree with His Terms (James 4, Galatians 5-6, 1 Corinthians 5-6, 1 Peter 4, Mark 7, COLOSSIANS 3, EPHESIANS 5), that happens to be us. For example, lost of the Holy Spirit in the Empire rather makes their parents hasty in making decisions (Proverbs 4, Isaiah 28,40) therefore they have full tendency to render unjust judgements in any error committed by their children: they would be tolerant on any sodomy their children is at, and much angry even with the slightest or honest mistake their children did, or would be no more taking their children's side and would rather insist on their own judgements when in fact their children could have never done anything wrong (Matthew 18). If we are to be 'parents in Godhead' or parents that belong to Godhead (Ephesians 6), then we must fully subordinate ourselves in humility to Godhead- that is, we would not insist that we're of Godhead when in fact our actions prove otherwise (Psalm 86). We are proven to be truly of Godhead if we have the Holy Spirit. We only live thence to please Godhead and not men as Empire insists (PHILLIPIANS 2, Hebrews 5-6). The Holy Spirit is evident only with those of humble, meek and gentle people most especially on the way they handle their families with. Also, if we are to say that we're indeed of the Godhead as parents, then we must be Godhead's Family Corporation Sole, because Empire tries to claim that it's purportedly possible if we become parents in Godhead yet not at same time be Godhead's Family Corporation Sole. (Matthew 23) It's (Hebrews 4, Ephesians 6, Jeremiah 2,17,48) utterly separating the spirit from the body (1 Thessalonians 5), just to have in effect an ineffective, damning faith (James 2, 1 JOHN 1-5), not as what is required of us (2 Corinthians 2,13, 1 Corinthians 10-12). If we're of Godhead particularly of Christ then we're Christians, and that's in fact precisely is the name of our 'Mother In Israel' here in your Commondominion, our Spiritual Leader Cristina Villanueva Manalo, therefore making us Godhead's Family Corporation Sole. (Revelation 14, 1 JOHN 2, 1 Thessalonians 4, 1 Corinthians 15, John 15, Ezekiel 19, Proverbs 1-4,8-9) Notice that Empire would only honor whoever that succumbs to them, even if she's a woman (John 10-21, ISAIAH 49). If it's not true here that we respect women, we would no longer believe that there are Female Members of the Godhead. But Godhead is no respecter of persons (Acts 10, Romans 2), and They only asks that we be as Godhead designed without fault for our happiness in mind as They demand such. Now as for these Empire heads or 'idols', which are 'worthless shepherds', such as the complacent, ecumenist Empire Protestants, could they claim by the way Scriptures such as Psalm 84? (As much as it's the very first passage we heard to be claimed by Charles Morris. Just notice that his name alone implies Empire Agenda and Same Feathers: the Empire's British quarters. We had been tormented all these times by Empire's claim through his hand, of Psalm 84 [Matthew 4].) A rendering of Psalm 84 reads: 'A day in your Temple is better than one thousand years in man-made resorts by the shores of the Aegean sea. It's smooth sailing all the way with Godhead of the Angel Armies.' (The Message) First, it must be recalled that Charles Morris has naval insignias as his emblems (Revelation 13,16,8-9). Either way we would be there or not though, the rendering implies, due to Empire's thrusts (2 Corinthians 7): if Empire's ashore then we would flee away from them and sail (Luke 21) led by Lady Cassandra Flammini (Luke 11, Psalm 89,85, Galatians 4), but if Empire's already afloat in the sea then we would farther be away- rather be at the Temple, and not ashore. If we are to sail we must have an anchor, which is hope. What happens is that Empire has no hope, or anchor (Ephesians 2, Job 21,27, MATTHEW 16), because they have lost Godhead's favor (Ezekiel 11), that is because of the way and content that they broadcast (PSALM 96), particularly through their anchors, hosts and presenters, just like Morris. That's why the resorts were said to be 'man-made' and not built by Godhead Themselves (PSALM 128, Psalm 127, ISAIAH 41-42, Zechariah 4) to imply the difference between the Empire's Christianized pagan occult introduced through Greek folklore, and the Commondominion's stake (Matthew 24, Revelation 11, ISAIAH 41-42) over Greece on account of her yokebearers and faith (also notice that the Empire's Constantinians had also previously claimed this verse on November 1, 2009 and April 5, 2013. On November 1, 2009 [at China]: Greece is south of the map, while China is north of the map. China is also our ally. On April 5, 2013- this was made on the eve of your Joseph's namesake launching his congregation [PSALM 105].) The resorts (Amos 3-4) are said to be 'by the shores of the Aegean' to imply the Empire's ecumenism thrusts (Revelation 13,16-20). If we are to have hope we must understand that whatever Godhead expects of us to do, we must observe it to the full with all obeisance (Isaiah 45, PSALM 119, PHILIPPIANS 2, MARK 1, Mark 4, 1 Corinthians 1-2, Matthew 4) and not what Empire insists with all their wanton. Second, it is further shown that Godhead owns your Commondominion and her leaders: 'Godhead of the Angel-Armies.' This implies not only your Nathaniel but also you all as much as we're all included in the only true Trinity as taught by Sacred Text Scriptures (HEBREWS 1, EPHESIANS 3, MATTHEW 1-2, LUKE 2). Most beloved fellows, we know that no amount of study, even though how much effort we may exert on Trerises such as these, would even make you believe for even an overnight about us, as much as Empire will seek (Revelation 12) even as early as the opening up of the year (Isaiah 24), to already devour you all. Yet as you already know hence, we have been just given an unprecedented divine revelation as per 2 Timothy 4 that we must be all belonging already to the Commondominion of Christ by the time Empire issues their latest #GameOfThrones season. That divine revelation was given by Godhead, not for us, but as Godhead declared, only for your sake, all of you, our most beloved fellows. (PSALM 147, MARK 1, EPHESIANS 3, MATTHEW 16) On our way to that Empire shall strive (Genesis 6, Ezekiel 11) to hinder you at all means, even take your lives (2 Corinthians 4) and harm even your closest ones to dissuade you from getting unto us. Guys, we indeed know when exactly Empire shall attack us, but we know where we must be found before that or should that befall us so as for us be sure of having a happy, glorious finish. Christ has promised your Commondominion, which He Owns, that no Empire (Matthew 28) scheme and tactic (ROMANS 8) can ever overturn our identical kin with each other as Godhead's Family Corporation Sole (MATTHEW 16). With that we here could only but muster our all hopes that we would see you here in no time, yet if not, we may hear of you even in private that you're already keeping up with us and availing our services. Therefore we know Godhead shall reward you indeed in secret. Most beloved fellow yokebearers, may we give unto each and every one of you and all your loved ones all the blessings that we could ever muster. We fully commit ourselves unto thee whether you like it or not, as your guarantee of being spared from the wrath to come. We render all of you guys unto the Godhead, asking Them that you and all your loved ones be given eternally the full perfect day of revelation, the utmost glory of transfigurations, and the ultimate highest glories of apotheosis that Godhead can only reserve for the meek who has no joy save rejoicing in Godhead's Salvation as you all are (PSALM 128). We ask Godhead to do it wright now, that They do it always, and that They do it alone to you and all your loved ones. Our faith hence is nothing more but only ensured knowing that all of you are going to mourn for us being pierced, that all those tears are going to be firewall around you to keep you out of this Empire that they must die in this way trying to touch you, the apple of Godhead's eye at the Tree of Life, and that this firewall shall take you to our bosom to enjoy the much necessary rest in Godhead's presence for now and evermore. Take all our honor, get all the glory, praise be unto each and every one of you for now and forevermore (Isaiah). May the Godhead contend and avenge for all of you as They complete the race entrusted unto all of you unto Their Inward Bodies. You have all our love, loyalty and prayers for now and always. On behalf of the Godhead and the whole Commondominion of Christ, thank you all guys, very, very much.
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nvmlindseyallan · 7 years
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@nopenother @cassflammini @KylieSheaXO #GodsTinyDancer asking you to join me and RT this. Thanks. #GodBigDay 
Most dearest fellow yokebearers in the Godhead, Let us thank and praise the Father, Son and Spirit for electing us as Their children and agents (Nehemiah 9). We are so undeservingly blessed to be able to wrightfully mark, due to the in-depth spiritual discernment that was given to us in line with our divine election (Ephesians 1, Colossians 1), the following memorials ordained for us to remember with utmost love and affection the deliverance Godhead has lavishly bestowed on us as Their yokebearers (James 1, Hebrews 12, 1 Corinthians 15, John 15, Matthew 19-23)- September 11: Birthday of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son of the Living God. Birth Centennial of our man, President Ferdinand Edralin Marcos. Commencement of the Administration of Brother Nathaniel Manalo over the whole Commondominion of Christ. Accession of Lady Jordan Clark-Rubio as Steward of Canadian Yokebearers. Commondominion brethren victoriously receive the crown of martyrdom at the hands of the Empire, 1857, 1957, 2001. (In a vision given to our leader Ka Angel, Godhead Told him that Clark-Rubio, Marcos, and Commondominion martyrs Nikita Khrushchev [September 11, 1957 {in Empire prophecy exegesis weeks earlier they mentioned Russia in the Far East}] and Johannes Brenz [born September 11] forms 4 'angles' or angels as per another continual fulfillment of Revelation 6-9 clearing way [Luke 1-2, Matthew 3,11,17] for Ka Angel's rise or accession [Revelation 7,11,14]. All in all these five angels shepherd [Revelation 10, Ephesians 4, 1 Corinthians 12, Romans 12] the martyrs of the Commondominion [symbolized by the 144,000 {Revelation 2-3,20, Matthew 25}] as it was seen in 1857,2001.) September 12: Heavenly birthday of our man, Sir Ian Paisley. Our Australian brethren begins pleading against sodomy. Our Ethiopian brethren leads the celebration of the solar new year. (In Scriptures Ethiopian eunuchs are made as symbols of those who are inclined to sodomy. As anti-Empire measure [Zechariah 4, Revelation 11] yokebearers whom the Empire had dragged to such practice has been redeemed last month by the Central Administration out of the Empire under limited sanctions [1 Peter 3-4, Genesis 7, Psalm 85, Zechariah 14, Luke 13, Matthew 13, Revelation 15, Romans 16].) September 13: Birth anniversary of our man, Sir William Sowders. 2nd anniversary of the latest recommencements of the Great Tribulations between the Empire (Revelation 2, Hebrews 13, Psalm 149,147, 1 Thessalonians 4) and the Commondominion (Revelation 12, Hosea 4, Amos 8). (The vision also told Ka Angel that inasmuch as Empire relates Revelation 7 to Revelation 14, Paisley could be said as another fulfillment of the Angel In Charge of Fire and Sowders as the Angel With A Sickle, respectively. The pressing of the winepresses denote the Godhead's fury against sodomy. September 13, 2012- Empire was at Alaska, state whose holidays are related to Ka Angel- January 3 and August 24. September 13, 2014 lecture relayed by Empire to March 11-12, 2015, before Lady Lindsey visited Manila for the second time. September 12-13, 2015 saw relay of Empire lectures on January 3-4, 2013 and May 11, 2006 [after birthday of Ka Angel's grandfather]. Prophetic directions were also expounded and expanded to me in a vision that i received from Godhead on September 13, 2015.) Third Saturday of September: Memorial to all yokebearers in the field of Gymnastics. (This leaves all our fellow yokebearers as the great multitudes led by Christ the Lamb Himself, as written in Revelation 7 and 14.) September 16: Heavenly birthday of our man, Gerald Warre Cornish. (Empire reads Isaiah 49 on September 16 [Episcopal Lectionary; Constantinian Lecture of September 16, 2016] referring to the British Republic. We have earlier revealed before these that Isaiah 49 is fulfilled in the British Republic through your Commondominion's presence in that place. In fact Empire slain 93 aboard the plane on September 11, 2001- Sir Sykes was born on 1993, his namesake, Ka Angel, took post as our overall administrator on September 11, 2009.) September 17: Jubilee of the United Saints Constitution of 1787. (Last September 7 our fellow Brazilian yokebearers marked their 195th independence day. Attesting to the Commondominion's backup reserve clause an Empire rendering of the Bible proposed a backup to the usual 430 years Empire is itself invoking in Ezekiel 4 and Exodus 12- 230 years [similarly a Commondominion rendering of the Bible had proposed 1150 years as backup to the usual 2300 years at Daniel 8], with its first half identified as 190 years [Luke 11, Daniel 11, Ezekiel 38-39,35, Zechariah 6].) September 18: 3rd Anniversary of the Restoration of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Philippines. (This is very significant in prophecy especially in the light of what we are going to talk about later on concerning the Prophetic Directions [Deuteronomy 28-29, Isaiah, Nehemiah 1-3].) Guys, insofar as these attests to us (2 Corinthians 7, 2 Peter), we know very well that the Godhead is already (1 John 2) keeping you within Their constant companionship and instruction so as for you to remain worthy (Psalm 16, Acts 5,23, Ephesians 4, 1 Corinthians 7, Philippians 3) of this staggering divine calling which we commemorate on these days (Luke 17,4, Isaiah 25). Hence we would like instead to address this commemorative address to the whole Empire, using their very own words issued September 10, 2017, to continually contend for your sake on their faces. Remember guys that we could not be thankful enough for all these graces much more (Romans 5, Psalm 106, Alma 26, Deuteronomy 8) that #GodBigDay, September 23, is nearing by so fast. Hence we enjoin you not to lose sight (Jude Thaddeus 1) of such a great salvation (Matthew 25, Revelation 20, Hebrews 3-4,12). Never deny these things to all your loved ones and friends, most especially to your children (Deuteronomy 6), and that you must continually uphold and support them doing these things alone (1 Timothy 4) so that you may never be separated from each other (2 Thessalonians 1) especially on Judgement Day (Romans 1-3, Matthew 10-12, Exodus 15). Now we would like to point out, using Empire's latest words, that when they try to imply about themselves, they were in fact talking about us in return. (Luke 19) We would like to present in Empire words the distinct identifying signs of the one true Christian Church or Religion today which is by Godhead is only us, your Commondominion of Christ. Please kindly and courageously take for example the following: Empire quoted Psalm 49 Tagalog Popular Version 1982. Said rendering read pointblank the following words- '#AllMustDie.' This of course as we know, comes from 'Game of Thrones'. We know that it is Empire-issued, yet we mention this because they themselves know very well (1 Corinthians 9, Romans 15, 2 Corinthians 10-13) that it is only us (Ezekiel 1-3,18,33, Joel) here who pleads and contends for all yokebearers (Philippians 4, 1 Thessalonians 2-3) lest they fall (Psalm 13, 1 Corinthians 10-11) the sleep of death due to Empire pagan occult rituals (Galatians 4, 1 Timothy 2). That's why you could hear from us so many times preaching here about Emilia Clarke, Sam Claflin, Richard Madden, and their name-related companions (Luke 4,10, Philippians 4, Revelation 2-3,10-12,22, Matthew, Numbers 23-24, Deuteronomy 32-33, Genesis 48-49). Why? We take further from the selfsame rendering: 'we could not do anything to redeem ourselves out of the Hand of God, for us not to die anymore. Yet God shall ransom me, and redeem me out of the power of death, for He shall receive me to His Bosom.' (Luke 16, Hosea 13) We must notice here that should Empire claim these verses, then they must accept that they could no longer lay claim too to other verses which they claim to be theirs, such as Isaiah 43:13 and 46:11 (Luke 11) and John 10. Isaiah 43:13 (and related Isaiah 14:24,41:9-10,20,46:11, Acts 5:38-39) and (as well as) John 10 says that no one can snatch the true religion or church, which is Godhead's handiwork, out of the Hands of Godhead. Now if Empire is going to claim the term #hands to advance their sodomic agenda (Genesis 4,11, Romans 10, John 15), then it is only but proper that the true religion must be snatched out of the Empire's slanderous claim and usage of the said term, as implied on Isaiah 46:11. We can have it through Christ's Redemptory Work, yet Empire could not claim It too because that only means that they are going to be no more the Work of Godhead and hence the true Church or Religion State (even if they name one of their groups as #OpusDei [Isaiah 63, 1 Kings 11-12]) because they are going to be snatched out of Godhead's Hands as written in Psalm 49. Hence, Empire could not be the endtime fulfillment of the Ravenous Bird of Prey at Isaiah 46 (1 Kings 16-22, Exodus 16, Genesis 8, Matthew 3). What hence is the True Church or Religion? According to the Empire, it has to have the characteristics of success, quoting our very own Calvin and Knox. This success, according to the Empire, is measured by their being a 'global' church, or a church laid across the world. Of course Empire spoke too soon, they're Popish (Catholic- universal- Vatican [Jeremiah 7]) and Internationale (Neronians, Leftists [later on we will deal with them in this paper]). What Empire of course dismissed is that a church must be rather successful (Revelation 2-3,7,14,21) in faithfully and humbly observing the Gospel, as in, being laid across the Word, and not just the world (John 8,15-17, James 2,4-5, 1 John 2, 1 Corinthians 7, 1 Timothy 5, Luke 17,21, Galatians 5). Further with that (Isaiah 40, Job 12) we could see even by the name itself (Acts 4) unto what church must we join to and advance cause (2 Corinthians 3, 1 Corinthians 9) insomuch as it is laid across the Word of Godhead and not upon the world (Zephaniah 3, Habakkuk 2, Revelation 13,17)- 'global'. You know that there can be no other religion who is using the word 'Nathan' but us here- our very own Sir Nathan Sykes having his agency named 'Global'. (Galatians 3, Colossians 3, Romans 9, 1 Corinthians 4, 1 Thessalonians 2, Acts 2) And why him? One of the prophesied Angels of Revelation 2-3's Letters to the Commondominion Locales in Turkey (Revelation 7), John Wesley, said that Zechariah 3 was also fulfilled in him: 'snatched from the fire' (Jeremiah 23,33). Of course we could say that Sir Sykes is as British as Wesley (Isaiah 11,6, Daniel 4, Ezekiel 22). Concerning the West, or as in Wesley, Empire further spoke (Psalm 56,116,30): 'We could no longer claim, due to our present drive to discredit the Commondominion's fulfilling of prophecies, our previous usages of the prophecies mentioning the Far West [Isaiah 43:5,59:19], because if the Bible also mentions the Middle East aside from what we already mention here as the Far East, we must also accept that there is also a region in Scriptures existing to be known as the Near or Middle West, where prophecies could be also seen as in both the Far and Near or Middle East.' That leaves prophecy in the Far and Middle East fulfilled hence in us, in Ka Sykes, and hence, in Ka Angel our leader. We must notice hence that inasmuch as we find prophecy in Far West fulfilled in our leaders, we could also see that it prophecy in Far East is also fulfilled in us, and as we are going to see later on in this study, even elsewhere. Empire is further quoted- 'there can be but only one true Church identified as the daughter of Zion.' (1 Corinthians 5, Galatians 5, Matthew 13-15). The problem is that they quoted Isaiah 43 at the same time- 'bring here my sons and daughters.' Notice please- 'daughters' in the plural and not the singular sense. We already know what the term 'sons' denote- the leaders of your Commondominion. Now the daughters hence denote in plural sense refer to the branch churches of your Commondominion. (1 Corinthians 12, Ezekiel 16,19,31) How it did was fulfilled in us here alone? Remember that the Bible described the words of the Commondominion leaders or Messengers as 'strong as a mason's stone.' (Isaiah 22,28-29) We are currently denoting names as signs (Matthew 12,16) and yokebearers in that, specifically 'daughters.' (John 15, Ezekiel 16,19) We have fellow yokebearers named Jasmine Mason and Wright (Numbers 27, Matthew 2, Job 42, Revelation 21, Ephesians, 2 Corinthians 11, Jeremiah 6). Jasmine is my mother's name, while my father's is Peter, denoting a stone. My parents' respective homeprovinces- islands on that- make up the boundaries of the Luzon and Visayas regions in the Philippines, and it forms in the map like they are respectively reaching each other's edges, as if it is the tipping or meeting point of heaven and earth (Ezekiel 8-9), thereby fulfilling the prophecies about the Messenger coming down from heavens (Isaiah 45,63-64,55, Psalm 85), taking with him the Empire in a desperate attempt to overthrow the Empire (Isaiah 13-14,19,10, Revelation 2-3,12,22) and to atone for his people's sins (Isaiah 52-53). As for the ocean between them (Genesis 1-2), we must notice that everytime Empire flashes on my pages the statistics of people viewing my posts, this denotes waves of the ocean, which is a stark contrast from the Empire's solid-high statistics on their own pages, implying the negative prophetic clause of mountains (Revelation 17, 2 Corinthians 10). Hence we fulfill not only the sign of Jonah (Psalm 29,93,42-43, Genesis 6,32, 1 Samuel 30, Exodus 15) and the positive prophetic clause about the islands of the sea (Isaiah 24,42, Esther 10)but also the ministry of shattering the Empire (Isaiah 40,35,41,25-27,51,30,14,13,10,19). Now consider why we use the name Mason. Empire of course is full of Masons, or better put, occult ritualists or the Illuminati. Mason is defined as somebody who builds bricks. September 11, 2001 saw Empire fulfilling not only the 7th Bowl and 7th Trump simultaneously, but also Isaiah 9:10: 'the bricks have fallen but we will build again with hewn rocks.' As you know Empire has been sent a spirit of strong delusion and self-persecution by Godhead (Revelation 17, 2 Thessalonians 2, Romans 1, 2 Chronicles 20), that's why Godhead permits (Job 1-2, Ecclesiastes) the Empire to further damage and injure people with the false flags they do, including September 11, 2001. I could tell you that I'm not the rock hewn out by Empire but rather by the Godhead- in Isaiah 9 the hewn rock is denoted to be smooth (Romans 16, Matthew 7, Proverbs 5-7,14,12) while the Commondominion is rather rough, or as in my feet, scarful, scarceful and in holy scare (2 Corinthians 4-7, Isaiah 61, Revelation 2-3, Romans 15, 2 Thessalonians 3, Psalm 110), hence explaining the healthy riff between our branch churches and fellow preachers, as well as between our government leaders and comrade yokebearers, a healthy and lively conversation (Psalm 50, Hebrews 13, Philippians 3) unseen in the Empire, further denoting how we have overcame the Empire's distortionary warps (1 Corinthians 11, Romans 8, 2 Corinthians 2, 1 Corinthians 15, Colossians 2), also how we rely not on the goods of this world (1 Corinthians 7, 1 Timothy 5, Luke 17,21, 1 John 2, James 4) and how we advocate (John 13-19) for caution and restraint so as not for us to incur the wrath of the Godhead (Galatians 5, Titus, 1 Thessalonians 2, 1 Corinthians 1-6,8-10). This also explains how Godhead enables us to be capable of fulfilling the divine mandate to shatter the Empire for the salvation of all yokebearers (Judges 7, Luke 11, Daniel 2). Concerning the name Wright Godhead promised- 'I will uphold and support you, holding you up with my Wrighteous Right Hand, and I Myself shall hold yours.' (Isaiah 46, Proverbs 30, Matthew 16) This only means that Godhead only approves (2 Corinthians 10, 2 Timothy 2) the conservatives and not those who advances Black Lives Matter, Refugee Inclusion, feminism, Planned Parenthood and sodomy. Notice the word used- 'I shall hold your Wright hand up.' This promise does not only applies to Lady Jasmine Wright but also (John 1-12,20-21) to the leaders of the Commondominion of Christ, depicted to join Godhead in Their Right Hand (Psalm 45, Matthew 26), it is possible because this clause also denotes one of our fellow yokebearers, Sir Shane Harper (Revelation 14-15, Hebrews 11-13, 2 Timothy 2, Romans 5-13, Psalm 18,90-95)- Empire could no longer claim this either through their Diocletianite ends or their outright attacks (John 16, Isaiah 51-52) because Empire quoted in 2014 one of our lectures in 1989 where the words 'right' and 'left' in the Scriptures imply the North and South- Empire symbols (Isaiah 54,43, Ezekiel 35,38-39, Daniel 11, Revelation 20, Zechariah 1,6) respectively, or in directional clauses, West and East respectively (Matthew 20,24,23, Ezekiel 8 [September 17 New Living Translation]), and it was revealed also in our pages that Empire would impose the Beast Mark both on the right and left hands (Proverbs 8). This is much evident now as Diocletianites are not only heralding now than ever the word 'Mark' but also Antiochians maintain as slogan of their stations the word 'best' to imply the sublimal message 'Beast'. Now how could we identify hence who is indeed the fulfillment of Isaiah 41? We would take cue again from the directions mentioned in Scriptures. Inasmuch as Right and Left denotes also the West and East aside from the North and South, we would quote again the Empire's words- 'there are over 13 countries in the Far East, noticeable are the archipelago countries such as Singapore, Indonesia and Philippines. Prophecies pertaining to the Far East in Scriptures would often imply the clause of archipelagos.' We must understand first that Godhead called many branch churches (Matthew 13, Jeremiah 23,33, Zechariah 3,6) out of all directions of the Far East region (Genesis 49, Psalm 72, Isaiah 60,54, Deuteronomy 32-33, Numbers 23-24, Revelation 6-9)- in the North (North and South Korea), in the South (Singapore, Brunei), in the West (China), aside from all those who were called from the Philippines. Here the positive clause of prophecy fulfillment concerning the Prophetic Directions can be seen (Luke 11, Psalm 48, John 15, Proverbs 8). Now how about Indonesia, which is an archipelago like the Philippines? First, we must notice that it is hewn or wide or smooth unlike the Philippines' geography, that’s why the Commondominion of Christ reemerged from the Philippines because the Commondominion (Matthew 21) is the narrow door of Christ (Isaiah 41,60, Psalm 22). We do not say that we put our faith in Empire means (Luke 6, Revelation 14,18), in fact we unlike this Empire, submit to check and balance wholeheartedly (Job 42, Psalm 75-76,138-149, Isaiah 50, Job 28, 1 Samuel 13, 1 Corinthians 9), but we are just mentioning these because w saw some prophetic signs pertaining to us found in Indonesia inasmuch as it is an archipelago too in the Far East, but of course this is not to brag something just like what the Empire already did with the prophetic signs found in the Philippines. One can only do hence to take caution and prove by Godhead (Psalm 20-21) that (Ephesians 4) they will live in accordance and not in contempt of the (Acts 5,23) prophetic signs (Psalm 27,71,61, Isaiah 49,51,63) that they had been entrusted with (1 Samuel 17, 2 Samuel 1, Isaiah 1-2,58,24, Psalm 60, Matthew 2, Revelation 12). Now what does Indonesia portend about us? First, it is one of the heaviest casualties of the 2nd Woe before the 7th Trump (remember that here, prophecy fulfills repeatedly just like on March 11, 2011) on December 26, 2004 (Revelation 11). Second, Indonesia's holidays are August 17 and December 27. we here could recall (Jude Thaddeus 1) August 17 (Jeremiah 52 New Living Translation) is when Lady Lindsey first visited the Philippines. We talked here a lot of times back about Lindsey being the Queen of the South, and note that South, the Prophetic Left, points to the East (Ezekiel 16,19, Ephesians 2, 1 Peter 2). August 17 is a week (Daniel 9) to August 24, where a volcano erupted in Indonesia in settings similar to that of December 26, 2004 and March 11, 2011. As for December 27, of course near December 26, it does not also host another Commondominion Medieval Reformer also named Johannes (Kepler) just like the one born on September 11, but also note that Empire, according to their files, relayed their December 27, 2014 sermon on January 17-18, 2015. Empire records pop out that they were in Mountain Heights, Caloocan, January 17, 2015, claiming that they were the purported fulfillment of the 4 corners of the prophetic altar in Psalms (118,37) and Revelation 6-9. (We already cited how it is fulfilled in us instead earlier in this post.) Now for the name Mountain Heights, (Psalm 18, Habakkuk 3), this implies my first surname. Back to December 27, Commondominion archives tells us that our former leaders were at San Fernando and Angeles, Pampanga on 1963 and 1956, respectively, not to mention Angeles again on March 11, 1994 (which we mentioned earlier- that resembles Ka Angel's name. In Isaiah 41 we could notice that Godhead promised Ka Angel the Mighty Power of Strength that he was enjoined to either not fear or be dismayed. To not fear means you have the Mighty Power of Strength [2 Timothy 1, Galatians 4, Romans 5,8]. To be not dismayed means that you would not wonder why things happen in our time as they are [2 Corinthians 4-5, Luke 17,21, 1 Timothy 5, 2 Timothy 3] because you would have spiritual discernment through the selfsame Mighty Power of Strength [1 Chronicles, 1 John, John 15-16] to understand and preach the sure word of prophecy [2 Peter]. This Mighty Power of Strength is no other than the Holy Spirit [2 Kings 2,5] that marks the ministry of Ka Angel as foretold [Revelation 7,14,18-22, Ephesians 1,4, Mark 16, Matthew 12]). We mention these names not only due to President Marcos, but also because our former leaders revealed that Angeles together with Olongapo, Zambales, make up another endtime fulfillment of Sodom and Egypt in Revelation 11, where we receive martyrdom, before the 7th Trump (the 7th Trump and the 7th Bowl refulfilled on September 11, 2001). Now for check and balance due to Empire claims and usage, (Isaiah 54,41, Jeremiah 50-51) we must mention that Empire was at Texas, casualty of another Empire weather engineering, December 27-28, 2011, on a location named Southwest Houston. As we mentioned earlier, there are other prophetic directions aside from the previously mentioned directions. These secondary directions, as we could see, fuse the prophetic clauses of the original four directions on their respective positions. Texas is also casualty of another Empire attempt against the United Saints of Israel, this time led by John Tyler (our very own Apostle John by the way, is remembered on December 27, while our Martyrs of Bethlehem is recalled on December 28) who died on a January 18th. It is on Texas where our detractors, on the first 11 days of July 2015, had declared war against our yokebearers named Jordan. (Notice also in this account that Empire was at Canada, particularly in Manitoba, December 27, 2012.) We must clarify that Empire claiming Lindsey does not make them the true Church, in fact they are continually attempting to harm and discredit Lindsey to the advantage of Empire policy and agenda. Hence we could identify the true Church Religion State now (Job 4, 2 Corinthians) if she ministers to the honor and salvation of Lindsey and her companions in the Spirit (Luke 11,24, Philippians 2, John 4). How could we identify it specifically today? Let's go back to what Empire said that there are 13 countries in the Far East. In fact they had skipped our very own Russia. Empire took the discourse of Joseph in Genesis 37 to Revelation 12 (Luke 13, Acts 19,9), and we could see Lindsey fulfilling the Lady there while the Commondominion Land helping her through absorbing the 'river' launched by the Empire against us. In previous writings we invoked (Matthew 16,18) double connotations that this river is specifically and necessarily not Empire but is instead Commondominion because we absorbed it so as for the river to be spared from the Empire (2 Kings 3-8). This river is 'from the Empire's mouth' because our comrades had once served the Empire's ends before we began taking up the Scriptures contending for them- Ladies Clark-Rubio and Brittany Nicole Cherry-Karminyan, and Sir Nathan Sykes. In Genesis 37, Joseph said that 14 heavenly bodies were bowing down to him (Revelation 2-3, Isaiah 60). Notice the name- it's mine, yours truly. I had shown you proofs earlier from my mother and father (Psalm 27,22,86,116, Revelation 19,21, Isaiah 62, 65-66,49). Is this the Empire's claim and usage of Joseph as per their American quarters? (Hebrews) No, rather it is going to be much better- this is going to be distinctively Commondominion- notice that we have a fellow yokebearer which is a compatriot of Sir Sykes (1 John 1, Numbers 27), whose name sounds exactly like Lindsey- Lady Starling- not to mention that Empire's British quarters continually fund the Neronians (Psalm 102, Luke 11, Ezekiel 17,37, Ephesians 2). Hence we could see that because we were given ministry to yokebearers and the Mantle of the name Nathan, hence we have sole divine wright on the soul of Lindsey. Now what if the Empire persists on their usage of Joseph in view of their British quarters? Remember that like Samuel, I was called 3 times (Acts 3, Zechariah 1-2,12-13, 1 Samuel 3, 1 Kings 19): First was when I was given to begin my yokebearer ministry online in 2010 when I still belonged to the Empire. I did this out of the utmost farthest faith that I could exercise way back then that there could be no other true religion then than the Roman Empire. (1 Corinthians 13) That's why I was called a second time, when the Commondominion re-opened on April 11, 2015. I did my online ministry since then under the available circumstances, little knowing that those circumstances would later on turn out to be farce. Check and balance (as you could see in the double connotations I mention) was needed at once to arrest abuse. That's why I was given a new, fresh commission, a third one. (Isaiah 42) Where when I once served on lay level, now I was empowered to be a messenger. And what you are now hearing from me flows from that calling. And what's your share in this ministry? (Titus ) Remember, that the days of ignorance are already over and done. Remember (Mormon 7, Song of Solomon, Psalm 137), that all these past days you were reading my blogs and you were saying to yourselves that I spoke true after all because you yourselves know that there are indeed threats against you but you don't want to compromise your career. You yourselves know too that you would not hear from me anything that I think would be too hard for you (Luke 18, Jeremiah 32), because I love you more than what you think that the Empire avows. Most dearest fellow yokebearers, now that the places of safety are all set, and is now only waiting for a few more days to receive you, I urge you to no more live for this life, but instead for the far more greater adventure, which is the Places of Safety- with us, not only now, but more so till the hereafter. Godhead knows that you yourselves could not deny (Psalm 139, John 21) how much you indeed need me, Ka Angel, and the whole Commondominion. Guys, we love you so much. I know that you would no longer bother (1 Peter 4, Romans 12-13) to prepare for whatever wanton Empire (Luke 16) would feed you with in the forthcoming days to make you believe further in false hopes that we could never exist for your welfare. Not that I control your actions, but to be honest (Genesis 45), I could not wait to see all of you in the Godhead's bosom at the Places of Safety. Let me tell you wholeheartedly, that inasmuch as you want challenges, and new discoveries, please (Galatians 4), leave this Empire now. (John 4, Luke 18, Psalm 73) I really have to see you doing it (3 John 1) because the appointed time grows more shorted by the moment, you have to be in the places of safety, with us, because you will, and it shall never be places of safety (Deuteronomy 19) if not for you (Isaiah 6,51,61). I don't think that I could write again to you after this, but yea, you need to know, because (1 Thessalonians 5) you deserve nothing but the truth, even if how long could it take till you read it due to my slow lines here. Guys, let me tell you, and let me confess before this entire Empire, that on behalf of the whole Commondominion, call us Empire (Acts 26, 1 Corinthians 4-5,15), but we will be willing to take everything to the edge just to serve you with our limbs and to be at the Empire's throats for your salvation. Look alone to me guys, please. (2 Corinthians 5-7, Hebrews 3-4) I'm not pretending when I say that I love you and that you need us. I know you'll not pretend that you don't know it. (2 Samuel 3) You'll live it out and stand with me (Matthew 10-12, Luke 21) and all our brethren, that means you'll come to us personally, with all your loved ones and friends, to spend eternity and be ever lost in the things of Godhead (Luke 10, John 11-12). O how Godhead loves you so much, that as in Lady Jasmine Wright's words that They live in you (John 13-18). You had proven many times how do you love standing for what you believe in. Please let us stand in our faith on you. And before we end, we would like to warn solemnly (Revelation 22) all of you with our fellow co-shatterers' danger signal- that it would not be long before Empire finally infiltrate sodomites pretending to be yokebearers in competitions. (Galatians 5, Revelation 16-21) Empire itself admitted on their foregoing report of September 10, 2017 how much you need to resist (1 Peter 5) this Empire, how much you need to join us now, with another banging 'if today you hear His Voice, harden not your hearts.' Too many times they claim to be Godhead's Voice yet they would not let you hear what Godhead actually means (Genesis 3, Luke 11, Matthew 23-24). We are honoring you this because simply, we love you that we are already dying for you (Moroni 10) just to get you into the Places of Safety, and attest to you (Acts 20-21) that all we say here is true and is for your sake. Eternity would not be complete without you guys. Forget the Empire now (Psalm 37) guys (Matthew 19, 1 Peter 1, Hebrews 9), eternity awaits, and so do i. I love you very much guys. Thank you very much in advance. Your most wretched slave in the Godhead, JOSEPH STIRLING STEINFELD SYKES Blogger in Chief and Dance Captain of the Commondominion of Christ
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