#also thank you for bring nice anon! ♥ I think all of having different ideas is cool because we can exchange so many things we have in mind
thesilverlady · 1 year
I have to say that although Matt Smith is the perfect Daemon for me (book!canon wise too), the combination of Holliday Grainger (who is perfect for Rhaenyra! Both young and older versions (she is 35 so the older version is the one she could realistically play) and Sam Reid has me swooning. It's a thing I like about fancasting that sometimes the actors are actually good for the role and could fit together.
I am curious, do you have any fancast for Viserys I ? Mine is Amza Pellea, he is a great actor and really gives me the vibes of Viserys (when he has the moustache and grey hair is when he resembles more what I imagine Viserys looked like).
And have you ever imagined any particular jewels or dresses for Rhaenyra? ( I am obsessed with fashion, so to imagine the clothes and accessories for a character like Rhaenyra who was said to dress richly is very very entertaining). Or for any clothes for Daemon? ( The fashion for men is worth discussing too I think).
Anyways thank you, and I really like your blog even if we don't share every opinion you are always very nice.💖💖
I'll admit Matt Smith didn't work as Daemon for me, but then again I can count with my fingers only 3 actors who I genuinely enjoyed in the show and think they match the characters they were given to play despite the writing.
I fell in love with Sam Reid when I saw him acting in the iwtv. His performance as Lestat gave me so many book daemon vibes. The way he portrayed the obsessed, intelligent manipulative, short tempered lover? Simple chef's kiss.
I truly wish I was telented enough to find some way to edit him more as book daemon
As for Viserys I, I loved your fancast! I'll admit I haven't thought of Viserys much so my only fancast so far had been Clive Wood (for older Viserys obviously).
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Now ✨ fashion ✨
I'm definitely not an expert but I have imagination. Daemon can be prideful and vain so he definitely cares about his appearance and understand the power an image can have.
I picture him wearing expensive fabrics and leathers with lots of embroidered doublets. Later in life i can imagine he might have adopted some of Rhaneyra's coloring into his as a power move and to show his support.
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Meanwhile for Rhaenyra we know from the book that she dressed richly, favoring purple and maroon velvets, golden Myrish lace in intricate patterns, and her bodice often glittered with pearls and diamonds. So safe to say, the woman knew how to steal a show.
For her riding clothes I imagine something similar to dany but with the targaryens colorings of red and black, like this one below. Tight fitting and practical but not void of drama.
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She was a big girl, so I imagine she boldly chooses cuts that compliment her shoulders and chest
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Otherwise if everything had to be covered, she'd make up with interesting and patterns, embodiment. I imagine her skirts would be long and the sleeves either long and wide or slashed
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As for her hair, i know she canonically wore them long and braided similarly to Visenya but I always pictured she was experimenting with it in a similar fashion as she did with her clothing. I think she'd play around with braiding her hair, wearing them sometimes in half or full updo
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I'm not good with jewelry but multiple rings on her fingers is a must and her crown was probably something beautiful like this one:
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sidenote: this is the shipper in me doing the thinking but given the amount of extravagant gifts daemon sent her. I can totally imagine him sending her Myrish lace that rhaenyra could either make it blend in her clothing or wear it as a veil like this:
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ps: thank you for your kind words 🥺 and of course I'd love to also read your ideas if you feel like sharing. ♥
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aaa new event pls headcanons with going on a cruise vacation.. A night full of adventures! for anne faulkner since it is canon that her dream is to go on a cruise XDD and if possible with an autistic mc fem, before you wrote about an autistic mc and I thought it was so cute so I wanted to see if you could write it with anne this time *hug* remember relax and not stress with request :))/
Writer's corner: Hey, dear! Thank you so much for requesting for the summer event! Also yess!!! I knew it tha someone would have requested this for Anne!! I've got so many ideas! I hope you'll like what I wrote, my dear! Feel free to tell me if there's anything you want me to fix or change! *hugs you tightly back and pats your back* ♥ Enjoy and have a fantastic summer~!
mc's pronouns: SHE/HER (Autistic Fem!mc)
Warnings: sfw, fluff
☀️𝐀𝐧𝐧𝐞☀️𝐨𝐧 𝐚 𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦
🛳: going on vacation on a cruise.. A night full of adventures! (F and R)
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☀️As anon said, it's pretty known that Anne would love to go on a cruise!
☀️But I'm sure they would love to join a vacation with this sweet mc!
☀️I cannot hide the fact that I think that Anne wouldn't make it boring at all!
☀️With their energetic personality, Anne would make their best to make the whole summer enjoyable to their sweet mc!
☀️Just imagine them holding mc's hand while entering the cruise, for example
☀️Mc would be confused and probably would feel a little bit uncomfortable by being surrounded by so many people
☀️However, Anne would notice and would whisper sweetly:
☀️"Aw, honey... Don't worry.. I promise it will be amazing! If you feel uncomfortable, you can hug me.."
☀️On the other hand, Anne's eyes would sparkle in happiness and excitement.. I mean.. They are finally on a cruise, this summer will be amazing!!
☀️Of course I'm 100% that- no matter how long the vacation will last- Anne would bring with them TONS of suitcases and bags!
☀️Each suitcase would have inside things like: make-up or skin-care products, many fashionable clothes and shoes (and of course heels because they are going to slay the vacation~!)..
☀️After entering the cabin with mc, Anne would surely start planning a tour around the different areas of the cruise!
☀️When I said that they would make it an enjoyable experience, I wasn't joking:
☀️Anne would spend a lot of time outside their cabin, but around the cruise, exploring it
☀️One day mc would see them in a pool, the other day in the ball pool in children's area, or even exploring the small arcade!
☀️And of course they would bring mc with them, always speaking to her and not forcing her to reply, of course...
☀️Anne would take her hand and run through the cruise with mc, supporting her and helping her if they see her being uncomfortable
☀️I can totally imagine Anne taking her hand and whispering some sweet words if they both are around many people in the cruise's pool:
☀️"Hey, hey... are you okay? Don't worry, my dear, I'm here with you.. take my hand if necessary, okay, sweetheart?"
☀️Also vacation means relax!
☀️Anne would provide mc so much relax, by taking care of her once come back to the cabin
☀️They would help her with skin-care or simply brushing her hair, as a way to cuddle her
☀️If there's also a nightclub in the cruise, I'm totally sure Anne would do their best to help mc dressing up nice and getting prepared for the night
☀️If mc, though, doesn't feel like going, I'm sure Anne would be that generous to keep her company
☀️They wouldn't force mc to go nor leave her alone in the cabin at all!
☀️After all.. they care about her:
☀️"Don't look at me like that, sweetheart..! You're not a burden.. I wouldn't have gone to the nightclub in the first place..!!.. It'd have been boring without you..!"
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©hebimoonlightwrites_tumblr Please, do not copy my contents nor repost it without my permission.
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nobaraisalive · 3 years
Hi, I just read your answer to the anon question about Satoru and Utahime. When you talk about Satoru's ideal type, if it's based on the JujuSanpo where he is talking to Utahime about the nice girl with notable bangs (Miwa), apparently this is up to interpretation, many people think they were talking about a different topic (probably about the girl who took a picture with Satoru?) and not about Satoru's ideal type because the question was addressed to female students, also Utahime's lack of reaction. Like I said before, this is up to interpretation and it was propably Gege's intention to cause confusion not only about the context but also about Satoru's type.
Anyway I agree with the anon, Satoru and some other characters are so mistreated by the fandom, they don't even do it with the villains. Also I like your meta-answer! I just wanted to add the above data because it's something I saw trying to find out if Satoru's type is someone like Miwa (not Miwa of course) or what Gege was trying to say. I admit that for a short period of time I found gojohime a bit attractive although not anymore and I fully understand what you mean about them. I'm not totally against it either, there are much worse ships.
Now my personal opinion about satosugu: i lean more towards platonic love between them, that in this case in no way is less than romantic love. If Satoru's type is based on Suguru, his only best friend and moral compass sometimes, well ... Hahah this kind of remind me Megumi's type who is someone like Tsumiki, his sister and compass too.
I think I went a bit overboard here, sorry. I love your metas/opinions about jjk, thank you for all the effort and kindness! Stay healthy!
Thank you for your kind message ♥
That juju sanpo is not meant to imply that Gojo’s type is Miwa, is a very tricky hint actually. Hints can’t be read by itself, because they get meaning in relation with other hints, in a major context. Objectively Satoru is only asking Utahime who was the girl who asked him for a photo, probably to show off because he knew that was a Utahime's student (“I’m so cool even your students are fan of me”, something like that). But the scene is right after the “who is your type?” and we don’t get the full conversation, only the part where he refers to the “bangs”. The context where the scene is inserted and the words in which does focus aren’t just casualty, are on purpose. What Gege is trying to say without saying it is that Satoru likes bangs. That hints and the fact that in the fanbook is mentioned that the first thing Satoru noticed on Suguru was bangs and Gege insisting with bangs when asked about what he keeps in mind when drawing Suguru, bring me to the conclusion that the hint is: Satoru ideal type are people with bangs. Gege chooses carefully what information to share in those interviews, his insistence on bangs related to Suguru is probably a hint. Of course, this wouldn’t be enough to sustain satosugu, this only makes sense in the context of their whole story.
About ideal type, I had already had a discussion about how Megumi thinks in Tsumiki while answering what his ideal type is doesn’t mean he is in love with her. What people find attractive about others is less random than people think, and tends to portray aspects of themselves. In Megumi’s case, his values, in which Tsumiki has a big role in. But to assume that he is in love with her just because her words came to his mind, is a very poor interpretation in my opinion.
About romantic or platonic… the idea that romantic love is peak form of love and sex it consumation is part of the myths of romantic love in my opinion. Sex is a sensory expirience and its not tied to love necesarily. That is because the idea that you must have sex with the love one and that you can only have sex with the love one are so problematic. And I even dare to say, they are false.
Regarding satosugu, if they shared sexual desire for the other or not is not even an importat aspect to reach the conclusion if they were in love or not. I dare to say that they have one of the best representations of love in fiction.
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