#also stop dming individual users INCLUDING MINORS to ask them how to fix your website you absolute weirdo
headedoutleft · 7 months
Tumblr media
I read this post (which Matt Tumblr has made un-rebloggable) earlier today and had to go back and reread that statement to make sure I had read it right
This isn't a private diary, bro! We can all read what you're posting here!
If I'm understanding correctly, Matt... You have just realized that the experience described and reported within Tumblr's own system by so many users really, really sucks, actually. Users who have been at the receiving end of harassment campaigns and abuse for years and who have been reporting these issues for years. Harassment campaigns that your staff was not supported in effectively dealing with nor (according to your own post the other day about a rogue employee) effectively held accountable for. An experience that is only just now mattering to you now that you've experienced it firsthand
And your conclusion from this is not, "wow, I have an obligation as the owner of this product to ensure the experience the users have is a safer and happier one! I should probably explore what best practices are in my industry and see what other companies are doing about it and look for potential solutions".
Oh, no! We didn't learn empathy or cultivate a sense of responsibility from this experience, or even!!! Consider exploring business options internally without musing out loud on a public Tumblr blog
Your response instead was to say, "wow, my product sucks and maybe it shouldn't exist anymore"
If you can't handle the inevitable backlash, then stop talking! If you don't know how to handle the situation, hire someone who does know!
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