#also stop calling Ethan ugly he's not
austin-fowler · 6 months
i dont condone ariana or ethans actions in the slightest but I kinda want him to get nominated for best featured actor in a musical this year at the tonys, its been almost a week and im still thinking about how hilarious he was, lots of incredible performances for the whole cast especially jonathan bennett, leslie kritzer, alex brightman obviously, but ethan stood out to me the most and while what he and ariana did was awful, I feel like his performance gets slept on the most like the physical comedy was so well done and he was such a great herbert too, also does anyone have a recording of his not yet dead or a slime tutorial because its closing in like two weeks and I cant find any clips of anything anywhere
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sanzaibian · 7 months
I should have known better.
You know, those highschool cliques ? The jocks, the nerds, the goths and all... Well, even though nowadays they might not be as clear-cut as they once were, I can assure you that they still existed.
You see, I'm a nerd. But when I say nerd, I mean nerd. Like the whole socially awkward, scrawny and ugly kind of nerd. Also the nasally always-right nerd with top notch marks that reminds the teacher he made a mistake kind of nerd. And also the loves DnD, fantasy and niche interests kind of nerd... well, you get what I mean.
Me being such a caricature meant that I was endlessly teased at school, and was senselessly bullied by the jocks. You know, these hot guys with always a girl in their pants, with big muscles and an obsession with looking good.
I hated it, I hated them, and suffered silently through highschool, until I finally saw the other side when I finally went to university. Although my first years were a bit messed up by Covid, when I was in the building actually studying applied chemistry, I finally wasn't bothered. No one was there to tease me, to bully me or anything else. I could finally live in the class without being bothered !
But, in my third year, Ethan, a guy looking like one of those jocks of old switched courses and came in my class.
I was shocked ! These guys are only good for being hot, playing sports, and entering hot girls' pants ! Not for doing some actual intelligent things like applied chemistry !
But he was even more annoying, that Ethan guy. Because he did not only take the courses I took. No, in fact, he was getting better grades than me. He's so good with polymers that he is the one who asks all the questions and corrects the teacher, not me !
So I tried to avoid him as much as I could. Even when he tried to befriend me, I just scoffed at him, sometimes even mumbling that he should go back to the football stadium. I also talked to the few acquaintances that I had made through awkward bumbling at how I felt he was dumb, and perhaps was only extorting some poor nerds for information to regurgitate in class.
And, one day, at lunch, I just had enough. Ethan and the polymer teacher had an intense debate just before the end of the class, a debate that I couldn't follow. My ego was struck, to the point that I just poured my heart out to the poor people sitting with me. I was seeing red, that day, and nothing could have stopped me... not even the fact that Ethan was there a few tables next to me.
I've since then heard that Ethan was very upset after my tirade, as he is always thought to be dumb due to his interest in being in shape and stylish, while at the same time, I was coming back home all happy to finally have given people a piece of my mind.
However, when I woke back up, I felt weird. I felt heavier, less agile and especially more groggy. As if I just couldn’t quite get up. There was also something cold on my chest that I couldn’t quite identify…
So I did the only logical thing and went to the bathroom to wash my face and properly wake up. But when I saw the mirror, I think what I saw woke me up immediately.
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The man behind the mirror was not me. It was a jock – a hot one at that – with big muscles, trendy hair, chiseled face and multiple jewelry. Yet, there were still a few things that signaled me I was looking at myself : the jet black hair, the tan skin, the brown eyes and especially those small pimples on my right cheek and on my right… I guess I can call it pec, now.
I stayed in front of the mirror for quite a while, looking at each corner of my reflection. I couldn’t believe it, and after a long while, decided to just eat breakfast and forget everything that happened. It just isn’t possible.
But when I was going to my kitchen I couldn’t stop being reminded of how I changed. From my heavy step to the sound of my new necklace, and from the pecs I saw in the corner of my eyes to the weird feeling I still felt in my head. When finally reaching it, I was surprised when I didn’t go for my usual biscuits but rather for an apple… I must eat healthily, after all !
After finishing eating breakfast, I went to my closet, and rather than going for the button-up I usually wore, I went for a simple white t-shirt, and went for a jacket that I didn’t feel like closing, in addition to my usual jeans – all suspiciously fitting me well.
And with that, I went to university, set on finding who did that to me.
When I arrived, the weird feeling in my head hadn’t lifted, though I was dead set in finding who was responsible. So dead set that I didn’t notice people turning their head at my arrival. Nor my backpack shifting to only being carried by one shoulder.
After a while, I saw my class, and approached them with heavy gait, swinging my torso with every step like a typical jock. However, curses befell upon me when I opened my mouth and greeted my classmate.
“Yo, bro ! Doin’ good ? I just wanted to ask, bro, anything weird happened since yesterday ?”
I was shocked at how I said that, so much that I covered my mouth with my hand. My classmate was similarly shocked, and only shook her head negatively before excusing herself. Why did she flee like that ?
I clicked my tongue before looking at myself. How had this happened ? Why am I doing weird things ? Why am I talking weirdly ? I can think the sophisticated thoughts, yet when I voice them, they are filtered through bro-speech !
As I was melting down, none other than Ethan came in, smiling. Of course it was him, I shouldn’t have given the benefit of the doubt to him ! I have been only graceful and nice to him, and this is how he repays me ? By turning me into this… hot monstrosity ?
As the anger was rising, Ethan lead me to the bathroom, and there explained himself.
“You know, Juan, you’ve been insufferable ever since we started that semester. Always distrusting me, and making others distrust me. I’ve never know why you were always so angry at me, while you treated others with respect… that is, until you went on a rant yesterday.
- You fucker ! Turn me back right now, or you’ll wish you’ve never been born, you son of bitch !” I didn’t quite expect to be this foul-mouthed…
- Hahaha ! No, I’m sorry, but I can’t. It’s already so unexpected that my prayers were answered to, so you turning back ? No can do !
- Bro that’s not fair, I wasn’t bad to you, man ! You were the one being rude on my turf, bruh !
- So funny ! You now sound like one stereotypical jock in addition to looking like one ! I’m sorry, Juan, but nobody will ever take you seriously in a conference If you talk to them like that !” he laughs.
- Bro, just turn me back… I promise I won’t continue, man !
- What didn’t you understand in ‘No can do’, Juan ? the ‘no’ ?”
I roll my eyes, but he’s right… God that fucking angers me. I want to strangle that piece of shit !
“So, Juan, I guess, see you in class, if you even dare enter it…”
On that, he left. That day, I didn’t go to class, spending my time looking for information on what made me turn like that, until, like clockwork, at 5 PM I felt like I needed to go to the gym…
After a few days of searching and not finding anything at all, I decided to abandon the quest to find myself back and to rather learn to live with this new body. With Ethan stubbornly refusing to tell me how he did it and with my searches on internet only yielding weird fetish pages, I knew it was desperate...
I’ve since started to learn to cope with my strange occurrence, though it has absolutely wrecked my life. After having debated a while with the administration to prove I’m myself, I find my grades slipping, especially due to my newfound rudeness that mess up every single oral exam…
But at least, I’m hot now…
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Hello, thank you for reading my small story, I hope it wasn't too bad !
Please do not hesitate to give me feedback - especially as it is the first real time I'm writing fiction in english ^^'
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not-alien-girl-v · 1 year
Never Be (Rory Keaner)
warning: me being lonely so i include too much detail of readers life and friends and beautiful house and neighborhood so i don’t feel as bad about my own ugly life <33 escapism?? i think so
note: here’s the song of the day / song to listen to while you read. or don’t. i can’t tell you what to do
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Something about an elephant, a warehouse, and a blond head of hair. These were the only major parts of your dream that you could remember before the doorbell is suddenly ringing rapid-fire. You're awakened by it, however, you close your eyes to see if your parents are going to answer, but you spring into action the moment you remember your current situation.
Your parents are out of town for the weekend, so unfortunately, it would have to be up to be you to answer the door, which also meant you would have to leave your insanely comfortable bed. Curses.
The hardwood floors are ice cold even through your fluffy socks, and the t-shirt and pajama pants you wore to bed do nothing to make you any bit warmer.
You twist your hand around the banister of the staircase as you make your way downstairs, shivering at the lack of heat in the house, and you stop at the door to glance through the peephole. Through the small hole, you observe the same blond head of hair you had been previously dreaming about, and suddenly, the notion of leaving bed on such a cold day doesn't seem all that bad.
You twist the lock open and swing the door on it's hinges, smiling at the boy standing before you, joined with 4 of your best friends trailing behind, being Ethan, Benny, Erica, and Sarah.
If it weren’t for his vampiric endurance, he’d be panting out of breath at your doorstep, but he’s completely perfect as he stands before you and grins widely. By your arm, he pulls you into a tight hug that you’re glad you didn’t have to ask him for.
Erica pushes past you with a huff, not genuinely upset, just her natural peeved state, “get a room, you two.” You know she is going straight for your bedroom to raid your movie collection.
“This is my house,” you counter but it falls on deaf ears as she’s already most of the way up the stairs when you say it.
Rory’s still holding you tightly as you pat his back to let him know to let you go and he does, reluctantly, his touch lingering on the curve of your shoulder while he slips past you into the house.
It’s Benny and Ethan’s turn for a greeting now, and Benny holds up two of the latest installments of the Scream franchise, the 3rd and 4th movies, he waves them in one hand in front of your face.
“It’s your lucky day. Someone,” he points to himself, “figured out the basic spell of persuasiveness and got the deal of a lifetime over at Blockbuster. Two movies for the price of free!”
“The price of free?” You question. Him, Ethan, and Sarah follow you into the house and you close the door behind them, locking it.
“The price of free! It’s too bad the spell calls for such obscure ingredients, else I’d be able to do it all the time. How hard is it to find an albino dragon’s tongue, anyway?”
“Pretty hard. There’s only ever been 2 sightings of it in history and one of them was you last Christmas,” Ethan corrects.
“Hey it’s not my fault Rory’s so pale and knows how to fly! He’s practically translucent, reflective in the moonlight!”
“Is that, like, a vampire thing?” Ethan asks.
“Nope, just a Rory thing,” you answer, and lead rh all to the couch, seeing that Rory has collected a number of snacks from your kitchen, along with a plethora of pillows and a variety of blankets, and he’s thrown them loosely over the couch in front of your TV, which Erica is fussing with, inserting the fourth Scream movie, which has only just came out, and the 6 of you have been rewatching the previous one over and over in preparation for this release. Why did they have to wait 11 years in between 3 and 4?
Benny shovels handfuls of cookies into his mouth, soon becoming a game by the addition of Ethan, trying to see who can fit more in one’s mouth at a time without choking.
Rory’s about to jump out of his seat on the couch when you plop down next to him. He blushes at the closeness.
“Good morning,” you say to him, wondering if it’s too late now to say it.
“Good morning. Are you excited for the movie? I heard the cast is super good this time!” His step is too peppy for so early in the morning, maybe he stole some of his fathers coffee before he left home this morning.
His home, there’s something so wonderfully cozy and peaceful about his home. He has a mom, a dad, an older sister and a younger brother, and an orange cat named Garfield.
His house is the warmest home in the winter, his bed the softest, you wish you were over there instead of here, but you still have him by your side, so you’re not complaining too much.
You look at his face closely, “hey, remember when you used to wear glasses?”
He laughs, “heck yeah, I remember. My frames were so heavy, they recommended physical therapy for my entire face to support the weight of them.”
You scoot in, half because Sarah’s taken a seat next to you and half because you want to cuddle with your boyfriend. You lean into him, and let his arm fall around your shoulder, throwing one leg over both of his.
When Benny is distracted beefing with Ethan, you steal a cookie from the jar he’s clutching tightly in his hands. Breaking it in half, you hand one over in Rory’s direction only to find him waiting with an open mouth, and you gigglingly place it in his awaiting mouth.
Sarah is the designated ‘remote man’ and she’s not letting anyone else steal the duty from her, it’s hers and hers alone.
The group of you settle into your spots as the opening scene begins of the 3rd movie.
After an hour in, you begin to get restless, and you combat it by excusing yourself to walk out back, exiting through the back gate.
Your backyard is scenic. The ever green grass is lush within the confines of your back fence, but once you exit and continue further, there is a quaint little creek that flows right by.
When you were little, you and Sarah used to hunt for crawdads and give them names. It wasn’t until the 3rd grade that you learned some of the crawdads were boys and they shouldn’t all have been given girl names, but it was too late at that point. You wonder if Sarah still remembers it as vividly as you do.
You wonder if in 100 years, all your immortal friends that were once little children alongside yourself will have forgotten these humble roots from which they grow.
Rory, Sarah, Erica, they will go on being eternal teenagers, and you will grow old and gray and one day you’ll die and you hope for the sake of yourself, they won’t stick around that long to see the worst of it.
And Rory, he’s only 15 and he will always be 15. To start out with, you were already a year older than him, then a year of vampirism passed and you turned 17, things will only get worse the longer you hold things off and choose not to talk about these very real and serious issues.
You’ve resorted to sitting on a large, stable rock down by the creek to temporarily sort out your thoughts.
“Y/N?” You hear him call, he’s at the top of the small hill of your backyard, you’re far down below, and when he spots you there, he easily descends the trail of shaky shifty tiny rocks with ease, unlike your wobbling endeavor.
You glance up at him, “hey.”
He’s concerned, he comes and pushes you to the right to make space for him on the rock you sit on. “What’s going on?”
“What do you mean?” You play dumb, and a lot of times, it works with him.
“You know what I mean.” Ugh, you hate when he gets reasonable. It’s awkward and uncomfortable, seeing him so grave and severe when he talks about the things that bother you. It’s good that he doesn’t take your issues lightly, but it’s still odd to see him so committed to something in this way.
You huff out a sigh and lean into his side. He lets you. “What are we even doing?”
“Oh, well we’re almost finished with the movie in there, but you and I are sitting at the creek.”
“I mean like, in the long run. Like, in 10 years? I’m gonna be… 27. And you’ll be 15. I’ll be too old to be this in love with you but I don’t think I can just stay friends. Maybe with Sarah and Erica, but not you, never you.”
“So what are you saying?” He’s pretty sure he knows but he wants you to elaborate anyway, last time he assumed he knew what you were thinking, he found himself waking up in the trunk of the principal’s car. It’s a long story.
“I’m saying that I’m going to die. I have about 70 more years, maybe less, then I’m out of here. Forever. And in those 70 years, you’re just going to be, what? My 15 year old friend? How are we supposed to keep going like this? Even in a few years, I’ll already be a grown adult, and I can’t expect you to string me along on your eternal teenage shenanigans. I’ll have my own life to live.”
“But don’t you want that? Didn’t you always say you wanted to live your life?”
“Only if it’s with you. It’s not living if it’s not with you.”
He turns and takes both of your hands in his and he holds them like you’re a fragile insect to his predatory species, which there is truth in, in this case. “Just tell me what to do.”
“I can’t tell you what to do.”
“Just tell me how I can fix this. For you, what can I do to fix this?”
Air puffs out your mouth like it’s a statement in itself, like a simple sigh will tell him there’s nothing you can say to him, that it’s his decision, if he chooses to make it. You haven’t spoken about this part before.
Frogs croak behind bushes and crustaceans wade in the shallow water that rushes past in a sauntering manner.
“I’ll become human again. I’ll find a way, go to the ends of the earth. Is that what you want? Do you want that?”
You aren’t sure what to say. You never are, but especially not now.
“I could turn you. We could be this way forever, but together. Nothing would have to change too much.”
“But is that what you want?”
He shakes his head confused. When is he not confused? “It doesn’t matter what I want, you’re the one who’s unhappy, it’s my job to fix that, I’d do anything-“
“But it shouldn’t be all about what I want, this has to do with you, too. It’s your decision to make.”
He stands up suddenly, pacing around. “So it’s on me to decide? I have to make the choice?”
You just nod.
“I can’t do that, I can’t- why can’t things just stay the way they are? Things are good. I like this, why do we have to change?”
“Because we can’t go anywhere!” You don’t mean to snap at him. You’ve never done that before, never had a reason to and never even had an urge to, but it truly just slipped out, without any control.
And you wish you could control the way he feels, but as tears start brimming his eyes, you know you can’t, you never can.
“I’m sorry, I just, I need to go,” you speak to him and swiftly scale the hill up the creek, hopping on your bike leaning against your back shed, and you take of speeding down the deserted suburban street you live on.
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liaromancewriter · 1 year
What Could Have Been (5/?)
Series Premise: When Ethan breaks his promise, Cassie is forced to accept they’re not inevitable after all.
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine) Rating/Category: Teen. Angst Words: 1,560
Series Masterlist
Chapter 5: Risky Moves. Romance Rekindled. One is filled with remorse, but jealousy soon rears its ugly head.
A/N: I'm using @choicesflashfics week 44, prompt 3. Also, using prompts "dating" & "break-up" from the @choicesmonthlychallenge January 2023 editing. Set during 2x03.
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Ethan Ramsey marched down the street. His long legs eating up the pavement, uncaring of other pedestrians, his scowl a deterrent to anyone bold enough to get in his way.
In his head, he replayed the conversation with his father, the look on Cassie Valentine’s face when he dismissed his mother and the complicated emotions swirling inside him for a woman that had abandoned him twenty-five years ago.
He should hate Louise. God knows he wanted to. But a part of him clung to a memory of a sunflower yellow dress and a tinkling laugh that had once made his world bright.
Who knew better than him that love didn’t last? That the world was too often a dark, lonely place. That people didn’t stay. It was better to leave them before they left you.
Like he’d done to Cassie.
Ethan cursed loudly and detoured into the alley behind Donahue’s. He kicked his foot against the brick wall, angry and frustrated with himself, his life and the world in general.
He thought he’d figured his shit out last spring. And yet, here he was again, spiraling out of control.
He closed his eyes and took deep breaths. He needed to rein in his emotions and focus on the facts to do his job well. And the truth was he had a patient waiting for him, which had to be his priority now.
Feeling calmer, Ethan exited the alley near Edenbrook’s back entrance and parking structure. His mask was firmly in place as he got off the elevator on the second floor, only to bump into Cassie, who rushed in through the stairwell door.
“Oops,” she said with a half-laugh. “Sorry, Dr. Ramsey. I didn’t see you.”
“Maybe if you didn’t run around the hospital like a child, you’d pay better attention,” he muttered, annoyed all over again when her scent hit his nostrils.
He felt Cassie stop and stare at him, but he dismissed her as he stomped down the hallway to Lamar’s room. She followed quietly, practically running to keep pace with his long strides.
The day went from bad to worse when they found an empty room, and their patient was nowhere in sight.
“Where the hell is my patient?” Ethan barked at the nurse on duty at the station across from the hospital room.
“Ethan…” Cassie nudged his arm urgently. “In his condition, Lamar’s a danger to himself. We’ve gotta find him.”
“We didn’t see him back there,” he pointed at the hallway from where they’d come, “so he must have headed toward the atrium stairs.”
Knowing there was no time to waste, he quickly called security and issued a Code Green.
They sprinted through the halls, scanning patient rooms and corridors for signs of Lamar or his wife. They were almost at the balcony overlooking the soaring glass-domed atrium when they heard a scream.
Ethan’s heart dropped to his stomach at the sight of Lamar climbing over the railing on the fourth floor. The fifty-sixty-foot drop to the atrium below would likely maim him for life if not kill him outright.
“That fall will kill him. Dammit, come on!”
Before he could finish issuing the command, he glimpsed a trail of blonde hair flying past him like a sprinter coming off the block. Cassie pounded up the stairs, her white coat flapping behind her.
That shook him out of his inertia, and he raced up behind her, taking the steps two at a time. She was faster, though and reached Lamar first. The other man grinned broadly as if it was all a game, and Ethan knew he would be too late to stop him from jumping.
Just a few more seconds, Ethan prayed, pushing himself faster and ignoring the shocked faces that had stopped to watch the spectacle.
He saw Lamar let go of the railing and lean forward as if in slow motion. Cassie lunged at him, her hand grabbing Lamar’s just in time as he dangled in the air. She almost toppled over the edge of the railing as the other man’s weight pulled her forward.
“Cassie!” Ethan shouted hoarsely, fear for her life made his mouth turn dry.
Her shoes dug into the tight space between the floor and the bottom of the railing. Balancing herself, she leaned forward and locked one hand around Lamar’s wrist. Ethan saw her wince as her shoulders and arms strained from the pressure.
“Ethan…” she pleaded, her terrified green eyes meeting his as he rushed to her aid.
“I’m coming, Cassie,” he called out, letting his mask drop.
Ethan reached them before the security guard. Leaning around her, he hauled Lamar back over to safety and pinned him to the floor.
The weight suddenly gone, Cassie lost her balance and toppled backward, her elbow hitting the concrete floor with a loud crack.
“Goddammit,” Ethan cursed.
He left the security guard to restrain Lamar. His wife, Liz, watched with worry and confusion at the words her husband was saying.
Ethan started to check on Cassie when Naveen called out his name.
Still crouched on the floor, Ethan glanced up to see Naveen, some of the senior staff and the hospital’s board watching from one story above with a mix of horror and morbid curiosity.
He’d forgotten the board was meeting today, and Naveen had promised them a tour.
A man in a dark suit broke off from the group and dashed down the stairs. Ethan’s brows knitted in annoyance. He didn’t recognize the stranger and opened his mouth to tell him to get the hell away from his patient.
But the man rushed past him to where Cassie sat on the floor, protectively hunched over her, clutching her elbow. Her face was scrunched in pain, and tears tracked down her cheeks.
“Cassie, look at me,” the other man said, tenderly placing two fingers under her chin to lift her face. “Dislocation?”
Cassie shook her head and paused, taking stock. “I felt something tear when his weight pulled at me. Could be a sprain or torn ligament. Pain is six. Limited mobility. Nate, please help me up.”
He slid one arm around her back, supporting her weight. Cassie pushed her knees off the floor and started to rise.
“Can I just say?” Nate commented in awe. “You, Cassie Valentine, are more awesome than Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel combined.”
“Oh wow. Must have really impressed you if I get compared to DC and Marvel heavyweights?” Cassie chuckled, sniffing back the tears, and leaned against him briefly before straightening.
“I want to be a gentleman, tell you it’s okay to raincheck on our date tonight,” Nate said pleasantly. “But the woman that just saved a man’s life is much too strong-willed to retire with her smelling salts. And I really want to celebrate her in style.”
He smirked. “Maybe even challenge her to a mini-golf rematch since my chances of winning have suddenly improved.”
Cassie burst into laughter. The sound was like a stiletto piercing Ethan’s heart because the laugh wasn’t for him.
Ethan’s initial concern changed to bewilderment at the friendly ease between Cassie and Nate, and he wondered how they knew each other. The confusion quickly turned to red-hot jealousy when he heard about their date.
Uncertainty about wanting to care for Cassie and the rumors that would fly if he shoved the other man aside to do just that had Ethan rooted to the spot.
He was positive Nate wasn’t on the hospital board. He presented to that group often enough to know all its members. He looked vaguely familiar, but Ethan was hard-pressed to place him.
He shook off this new mystery to focus on the existing one. Lamar’s incomprehensible actions. Cassie was talking to Liz now, and Ethan needed to be part of that conversation.
But first, he had to reassure Naveen and clear the hall of spectators.
“Naveen, it’s okay. The situation is under control,” Ethan said when the older man stood before him, eyes narrowed in consternation.
“How am I supposed to be calm at a time like this?” Naveen said quietly, but Ethan could hear the subtle anger in his mentor’s voice.
“Ethan, a patient almost died in front of a hospital full of board members, staff and visitors. Why wasn’t security protocol followed if the patient was a danger to himself?”
“He wasn’t—” Ethan bit off when Cassie approached them cautiously, Lamar’s wife trailing behind her.
“Ethan. Dr. Ramsey,” Cassie amended. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but we need to question Lamar. We’re running out of time.”
With a quick nod at Naveen, Ethan followed Cassie and Liz to the other side of the hall. Lamar was still pushing against the security guard, talking about people no one knew.
He absently glanced over his shoulder to see Nate and Naveen talking seriously, heads close together.
How long had Nate and Cassie been dating, he speculated as ugly thoughts clouded his brain. The intimacy he had just witnessed between her and Nate didn’t happen overnight.
So, had she really waited for him while he was in the Amazon? Or was that one more lie he wanted to believe, just like the one about his mother returning out of love for her forgotten son?
All Fics & Edits: @annfg8 @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @doriopenheart @genevievemd @headoverheelsforramsey @lucy-268 @jamespotterthefirst @jerzwriter @lady-calypso @mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @socalwriterbee @takemyopenheart @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Ethan & Cassie only: @cariantha @custaroonie @hopelessromantic1352 @youlookappropriate
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socalwriterbee · 9 months
Oh, Christmas Tree!
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Book: Open Heart
Characters: Ethan Ramsey x Tessa Martinez (FMC)
Rating/Warning: Teen/Fluff
Word Count: 982
Summary: Ethan and Tessa's niece (Melody) are on the look out for a Christmas Tree, only to find out that the tree they are looking for his for his home.
A/N: It's been a minute since I've posted on a story on here and a few weeks ago I got this idea from a conversation about a christmas tree farm with @cariantha @txemrn and @peonierose. I hope it this is ok Cari, it got my mind going. I would also like to thank you for the little something I will be adding at the end. I absolutely love it!!
A/N 2: This was quickly edited, sorry for any errors and typos.
A/N 3: My posts will not have any tags, if you happen to stumble upon this story, Thank you for taking the time to read, like and/or share! Hope you enjoy!
Characters belong to our friends at Pixelberry!
Happy Holidays!
The sun sat bright in the sky, only giving some warmth to a cold December morning, the smell of pines surrounding them. Ethan found himself in search for the perfect Christmas Tree. Tessa was somewhere else with the rest of her family at a local Christmas Tree farm that was just outside the city limits. The ground crunched under his shoes as he tried to keep up with the little girl in front of him. 
It wouldn’t be hard to lose sight of her they way she was dressed, black pants, shoes that lit up with each step she took paired with a ‘ugly sweater’ as Melody called it and a beanie with a white pom right on top.
Ethan knew if he did not have her in his eye sight she would turn and go off on one of her adventures, where he would call out for her and he would only hear her soft giggles when she hid from him. 
Ethan sighed, he had been bested by Mel more times than he cared to admit. “Have you seen one you like?”
Melody answers him with a simple shake of her head.
What she was looking for Ethan had no clue, they passed trees he would have chosen, full, a nice shape to them, height was perfect for Talia’s family home. 
They were all here when Talia mentioned to Tessa and him about doing this when they went over to her home a couple weeks ago. Tessa’s sister was trying to work around their hospital schedule, Ethan found it quite nice to be included in their family activities and memories. 
He watched Melody stop in front of tree, it stood only a few inches taller than her. Ethan came to a stop next to her, looking down he saw the cold had nipped at her nose making the tip rosy. 
He felt the opposite of a chill when Melody’s warm little hand settled into his. “This one Uncle Ethan.”
The words he wanted to say died on the tip of his tongue but that didn’t stop him from thinking them in his head. The tree in question was quite sad, he tilted his head to the side while he took it in, it was more branches than anything, the needles sparse.
“Mel, are you sure?” He asked, she had to be mistaken the space meant for the Christmas Tree in her family room would swallow this little runt up. “We passed by a lot more bigger ones…”
“But I like this one.”
How was Ethan going to sell this one to Tessa and her sister, he saw a smile spread across Melody’s little face and he knew that this little tree was going home with them. He could already hear Tessa, “that little girl has you wrapped around her finger.” 
“I guess we could make room for two trees in the family room.” Ethan said. 
He started pulling out his phone to call Tessa, when Melody’s voice stopped him. “No, Uncle Ethan it’s for you. Auntie Tess said we could decorate a tree for you.”
Ethan tucks his phone back into his coat and drops down to the four year old’s height, sort of he was still a couple inches taller but that didn’t stop her brown eyes from locking with his. “I don’t need one, sweetheart.”
Her little arms wrapped around his neck, Ethan lets out an oomph as he balances the two of them from the force of her hug. “I don’t want you to become a grinch.”
A grinch? Tessa. Ethan shook his head before taking the little girl in his arms, balancing her as he stands them up. “I won’t become a grinch.”
“But you don’t have any Christmas decorations, how will Santa find you to leave presents.”
“Oh.” Santa, right. Ethan tickles Melody, feeling her wiggle and her infectious laugh fill the air, it’s a quick distraction, one he hopes will buy him some time to come up with something. 
When she stopped laughing, Ethan turned them back to the tree in question. “You really like this one?”
Melody nods. 
“There you guys are.” Ethan and Melody turn to see Tessa making her way towards them. “What did you two find?”
“Auntie.” Melody calls out, trying to wiggle out of Ethan’s arms, before she can fall, he places her down and watches her run towards her aunt. 
“Did you find it Ladybug?” Tessa asks.
“Santa is going to like it aaalot.”
“Is he? Show me which one.” 
Ethan watched the interaction between aunt and niece before they made their way to him and the tree he stood in front of. When they reached Ethan, he heard Tessa let out a soft laugh before she turned to him. Tessa was biting her bottom lip to prevent herself from laughing even further. 
Ethan leans down and places a kiss at the corner of Tessa mouth, “This has you written all over it.”
Tessa’s eyes go wide. “Me?”
“You’re the only one who calls me a grinch.” Ethan says wrapping an arms around Tessa and bringing her into him. “And you’ve been trying to get me to decorate, so you enlist a child to do your bidding.”
The two of them look out in front them, Melody skipping around Ethan’s tree singing a Christmas song he doesn’t recognize. 
“Did it work?”
Ethan doesn’t answer her because Tessa already knows the answer. “This is the one Mel.”
Melody stops skipping and singing to only start jumping with excitement. “I did it Auntie Tess.”
“Yes, you did Ladybug.”
“I picked the ugliest tree like you said.”
Tessa slipped out of Ethan’s embrace before he could say anything that Melody could hear. Ethan could only laugh to himself, he had fallen once more to the mischief niece and aunt came up with.
This time it was with a little holiday spirit.
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i4eth0ld · 1 year
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AroAce Flag Re-Desing + New Name
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by: Ethan (i4eth)
Well, I'm doing this redesign of the original Aroace flag, created by @aroaesflags, for the reasons that some people don't like many of the mustard tones of the original flag, as well as a level of color proportion like very weak yellow tones and a very strong blue.
So taking the opportunity to also offer a 7-color version of the Aroace flag.
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The meanings are the same as the original aroace flag, this redesign was not created with bad intentions or any type of problem with the original proposal.
NOTE: You may have already seen some aroace flag designs circulating with 7 colors, if it was some of those below I would just like to comment that they were created by me and that you also don't need to stop using them if you don't want to, I just think these designs of mine are a a little ugly, but the same as these, the meanings are the same as the aroace flag.
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People tried to call the aroace flag "sunset" because of the colors, very similar to the sunset itself, although I like the name, this name ended up being more popularized by the lesbian community to represent the orange and pink lesbian flag, due to separatist feminism and lesbian exclusionism have lost many symbols such as the color purple and the labrys ax (not the triangle), so lesbians need more symbols, in addition to several problems that the community faces.
I'm not saying that aroaces don't deserve the name, I just think that the lesbian community has already made it more popular for another flag, but there's no problem in continuing to call the flag that way.
But taking advantage of the opening, I would like to show the name that my friend proposed for the flag (we are both Aroaces, just to remind you).
As you can see, paintings have basically become a symbol for aroaces. mainly those with shades of blue orange and yellow, precisely because they resemble the colors of the flag, and that's why my friend proposed the name:
Mulberry Aroace Pride Flag
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The name comes from one of Van Gogh's popular paintings, “The Mulberry Tree” from 1889, the reason is that the colors, in addition to being very reminiscent of the colors of the flag, remind us that plants such as succulents are also symbols of aroace people.
EDIT: The person who came up with this idea was @krynce (Keep in mind that we both speak English but it is not our native language)
"Do I have to use this flag?" No
"Do I have to use that name?" No
"I think it's useless and unnecessary" OK
"Who do I credit as the creator of the flag" @aroaesflags, I don't want any credit, any kind, I just want people to feel comfortable. So much so that if aroaesfalgs says he doesn't like it I will automatically delete this post and tell everyone not to use the flag.
Any questions just call ⭐
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purpleprincessonfyre · 7 months
We've seen Liane's 'ending' so to speak but how did she end up in that dark twisted tower to begin with? Here is the start of Liane's twisted journey as The Dark Fairy and a little bit of context in the Modern World too after Ethan discovers who's been digging up dirt on him.
OUAT AU - I'm The Problem, It's Me
Characters: Mal!Liane, Prince of Hearts!Ethan, The Dark Prince!Alexander
Also mentioned: Sleeping!Petra, King!Scott Summers, Belladonna St James
Themes: Depictions of violence, implied abuse
IB: Once Upon A Time, Maleficent and Antihero by Taylor Swift
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The fae woodland was in tatters. Beautiful tall trees reduced to ugly stumps, the land torm up by footfalls, every sign of life and beauty was destroyed. Fairies lay dead on the ground, some on the verge of dying as a lone fairy walked through the wreckage, her large sweeping wings hanging limply from her shoulders as she tried to help her fellow fairies.
"Please, please be okay..." she whispered, scooping up an injured flower fairy. As she brought the fairy closer to her face she saw her struggling to breathe, fighting for her life.
"I tried to stop them...Liane I-"
"Shhh it's okay, I'll fix this. I'll find those men who hurt you."
"No Liane, please...don't stoop to their level."
And as the Fairy took her final breath, she slowly went limp in Liane's hand. A rage started to build up inside her as she gently placed her fellow fairy down on the ground, fire in her eyes as she surveyed the land she called home left to die. She screamed, an earth shaking scream that sent ripples of fire across the barren landscape, the ruined stumps set ablaze and the ground burning around her in lavender flames. The men would pay dearly.
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Liane St James heard the doorbell in the middle of an episode of Grey's. She paused the TV and got up to answer the door and saw Bella's biological father Ethan standing on her doorstep, his jaw set, his green eyes boring holes into her head. Liane gulped and smiled nervously.
"Surprised to see you here, Mr L-"
"You've been spying on me?"
"I went to your office to ask if you wanted to go and get coffee and saw all these pages on your desk about me and my 'chequered' past. Care to explain?"
"Ethan I-"
"I should've known. Everyone in this town is crazy! You just want to get rid of me, don't you? So you get Belladonna all to yourself-"
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Liane yelled, that firey rage building up inside again like a furnace. He stopped, his eyes cold with contempt. She stepped out of the doorway to let him inside so she could explain. She was going to tell the truth. It was the least she could do after her actions got him thrown in a cell downtown. She offered him a drink but he stayed silent, sitting at the table, waiting for an explanation. Liane sighed and sat down across from him, ready to talk.
"It's a long story."
Liane took to the skies in search of someone she had hoped to never cross paths with again but that she knew could help her in her needy hour. She no longer wanted justice or peace. She wanted revenge. And she knew just who could provide it to her. She scoured the skyline until a dark castle came into view, a torn flag flapping in the battlements. The Castle of the Dark Prince.
Liane landed at the gates and demanded an audience with the Dark Prince, threatening the guards with a scorching fate if they denied her. Just as the guards tried to attack her, the air turned cold as a figure appeared in a high up window of the castle.
"Men! Let the Dark Fairy in. We have business to discuss." Came the voice, laced with venom, as the guards opened the gates to let her in. As Liane entered, the Dark Prince himself, Alexander appeared at her side.
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"My my you've grown...not such an ugly duckling now are you my dear?"
"I assume you know the reason for my visiting?"
"That I do....you poor thing. All those dead fairies and trees, humans are truly scum of the Earth. But you don't want them back...you don't want your home back. You want to watch them suffer....that I can help with gladly." He smiled, his teeth looking rather malevolent in the dim candlelight.
The Dark Prince led her to a tall tower filled with magical objects and such, directing her to a chair and then sat down himself, playing with a very dangerous knife playfully.
"Revenge is a delicate matter. A massacre would certainly be fun but do they even deserve death? That would be over and then there would be no way for them to suffer. I have just the thing." Alex stood up, walking towards a cabinet of cursed objects and pulled out a rather wicked looking spindle. Liane eyed it with awe.
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"Cursed my dear, not poison. No the fate of the poor soul who pricks themselves on this will be far more painful. A sleeping death, where they are still alive but are locked in a living nightmare but can never, ever awaken! But who do we curse? The king? His wife? Or his precious heir..."
The Dark Prince turned to a globe sat atop his table and waved a hand over it to reveal a sweet young princess playing in a garden happily, no older than at least 10, running around gaily with her maid.
"The Princess? She's just a child!"
"Her father ordered his men to destroy your land and your people! Why should his daughter have peace and happiness?"
"I..." There was doubt in the Dark Fairy's eyes so Alexander changed tactics, offering her a smile and taking her hand.
"I will give you much more than this curse if you want to do this. This crystal ball will give sight on anyone in the world instantly. This cloak will hide you in plain sight anywhere. And this staff will grant you some simple spells to convince others you have more power than they think."
"You want revenge, right?" Alexander muttered, his eyes turning dark. Liane nodded, rage still blazing in her eyes. He smiled, knowing he'd got her. He handed her the spindle.
"Now I don't do any of this for free so I will need something from you...you probably won't miss it. You understand right?"
Liane nodded, blinded by her hunger for revenge as The Dark Prince circled her carefully, pulling out his blade swiftly. His grin turned wicked as he eyed her body, his gaze landing on her beautiful feathered wings.
"Now those...should do nicely. They'll look beautiful on my wall. Easy, right? And if you succeed then you can come and get them back, instantly. But if you fail...you work for me. You will do as I say, when I ask, no questions asked. Do we have a deal?"
"We have a deal, sir." Liane uttered, taking hold of Alexander's outstretched hand, shaking it as the contract was sealed. He was still grinning as he brandished his knife devilishly.
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"Don't you worry, you won't feel a thing..."
"And he's been blackmailing you ever since? Shit...."
"Well not blackmailing just-"
"You're a lawyer. That's blackmail right there. Why didn't you tell me?"
"Because he's the most powerful man in town. He could take away everything I love so easily, you don't understand!"
"He's a monster-"
"No he is! Holding something like that against you all these years later? We all make mistakes!"
"I know..."
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Liane swiped away a tear from her cheek harshly, wishing the ground would just swallow her up. That twinging sensation ran down her back again like knives in her spine. It never seemed to stay for too long but it would show up every so often like a curse. She winced in pain and this time Ethan noticed. His eyes were full of concern as he watched her stumble to the cupboard for pain killers.
"Are you alright?"
"Fine, my back's playing up."
"Do you have arthritis or something?"
"The uh...the doctors don't actually know. I got tested a bunch years back but they never found out what causes it. I'm fine really." She rubbed her back, swallowing down pills quickly as she got back to her chair.
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"You need to tell him no."
"I- what?"
"You need to tell him! Say you quit or you're done with this shit, you clearly don't enjoy prying. He shouldn't have this power over you for God's sake!"
"But what if he threatens me again?"
"Do you really care if he releases that information?"
"Do you think Bella will care?"
"Then maybe you shouldn't care. This town is tight, they won't shun you for this. You're only human."
Liane's eyes filled with tears again as Ethan took her in his arms and hugged her gently, careful not to hurt her. This town was out to get him, but now he knew who was the ringleader. And he wouldn't hold it against his daughter's adoptive mother any longer.
Liane awoke inside a dark room, dimly lit by a few smoky candles. As her vision adjusted she started to see the crystal ball on a table, the cloak hung on a stand, the staff leaned against the dirty bricks and a number of bottles and vials lining the wall. As she tried to stand she suddenly felt strangely lighter than usual, struggling to keep her balance. As she reached for her wings to try and steady herself she felt nothing but two jagged stumps on her back, the edges raw. And then she remembered the deal.
Tears filled her eyes as she struggled to her feet, taking hold of the staff to steady herself, looking out the window. She was now surrounded by a thick dark forest of trees and briars, in a tall tower that was just for her. She'd given up her wings for revenge. So now she had to hold up her end of the deal. She looked at the crystal ball and whispered to it.
"Show me the Princess Petra."
The ball filled with smoke and revealed a young Princess surrounded by gifts and guests, giggling and smiling. Her tenth birthday. The King was smiling too, grinning like the cat that got the cream. That made Liane's blood boil. Her eyes turned dark as she slipped on the cloak and looked at the staff.
"Take me to the Royal Castle of King Scott."
In a flash she appeared in the centre of the party, the guests falling quiet, the birthday girl turning to face the new stranger, the King's blood running cold as he saw the eyes under the hood, horns jutting out of the hood.
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"Well well, what a glittering assemblage, Your Majesty. I'm quite disturbed to have not received an invitation to the darling child's birthday..."
"You weren't wanted, you vile woman!" The King spat, urging guards to approach.
"Ah ah, manners. I too wish to bestow a gift upon the sweet child. Before the sun sets on her 16th birthday...she will prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and fall into a sleeping death! From which she will NEVER awaken!" Clouds of magic and smoke swirled around her as she raised her staff, the spell sticking to the young Princess as she spoke.
"Her only chance of waking...if she receives true Love's kiss! Enjoy what few birthdays you have left little Petra!"
"Get her!"
But as the guards descended on her she disappeared again, back to her tower. Now she had to wait. She really hadn't thought this through. But True Love's Kiss didn't exist so she would succeed. And as far as The Dark Fairy knew, everything was going according to plan.
Meanwhile, back in the dark castle, Alexander surveyed the scene from afar, smirking to himself at the Dark Fairy's actions.
"Poor naive fairy. If only she knew..." muttered The Dark Prince softly, stroking Liane's wings gently. And then he broke into a laugh, a cruel laugh that echoed through the entire castle. She wasn't going to get away that easily.
Hope you enjoyed! Stay tuned for the next part of Liane's Villain Arc where the tables are going to turn rather quickly....
Tagging: @gcthvile @jackiequick @blueboirick @rooster-84 @cherrysft @meiramel @missstrawbs2001 @askstevella @ask-missparker @ask-starrk @therealdaydreamstark @thechoooooosenone @wizzzardofoz @finlayholmes @rickb-chaos @luna-d-marsh
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lavampira · 8 months
ooo what about questions 4, 11, 27 & 41 for lon!
oc questions
ty sydney!! 🖤
4. what’s a hobby they used to have that they miss?
playing piano! he had lessons with a tutor as a child, but he stopped as he got older, and now wishes that he’d kept up with it. not to perform for anyone or anything like that, but to be able to play on his own time.
11. if someone was impersonating them, what would friends / family ask or do to tell the difference?
his father would bait him with some sort of historical trivia question about miskatonic university, where he was a professor and lon later attended; his mother would ask his favorite tea, a trick question, since he prefers coffee; his half-brother would test his reaction to calling lon’s mother ‘mom’ as opposed to her name as he usually does; his niece would ask about the folded letter that he keeps in his billfold; and if it happened while ethan was around, he would’ve looked for the scar on lon’s chin from a childhood injury, knowing every bit of him by heart.
27. what’s the worst gift they ever received? how did they respond?
a set of very ugly, very colorful and vibrant ties from his sister-in-law when he got his post-war curating job at the museum, since he needed to “dress sharp” for it, according to her. so gleefully. and he very awkwardly thanked her, then proceeded to store them in his wardrobe never to be worn or see the light of day.
41. what phrases, pronunciations, or mannerisms did they pick up from someone / somewhere else?
a little bit of brit slang from ethan, his wwi lover, in a word here or there that subconsciously slips out just from how much that time has been ingrained in him. the way he flicks his match and waves it out is also picked up from his older half-brother. and in reverse, his niece has picked up the same stoic but rapid blink of surprise expression that he does, too.
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ch1-tan · 11 months
-A boy, a prince, and a man-
༄ Chapter 1 ༄
This takes place during the fifth year of the first generation. (I refuse to call it the ‘marauders era’ )
An odd girl going by the name of Ethan Bernard from a different house takes an interest in Severus. She decides to join him for the ride throughout his journey.
With a flick of her wrist and a simple unbinding spell, Severus fell on to his head with a sickening thud.
“Nice one padfoot!”
Sirius’s laughter stopped abruptly, now wearing a look of confusion, his back turned to face his friend “That wasn’t me.”
The laughter slowly died down at the sight of james’s frown. “Then who was it?”
In a spur, a red flash hit Sirius’s unguarded back, sending him flying six feet back, his wand in a completely different direction. Not a second passed before the rest of the group was disarmed, who now all stood there dumbfounded.
Strolling up to Severus, as if on an evening walk, Ethan’s curious gaze intensified, hands toying the wands of enemies and strangers alike. Severus swiftly caught his wand in the air as she chucked it back at him.
“GIVE ME BACK MY WAND, YOU BITCH” James roared, his face contorting into an ugly shade of red. Ethan’s curious gaze towards Severus never faltered, the furious boy’s demands falling deaf to her ears.
“Isn’t this where you fight back? I set this play up for you.”
“I didn’t ask you to” Severus spat back, dusting off his robes while glancing wearily at James, who was now marching towards them looking half insane, all red in the face, with steam practically escaping from his ears.
Ethan snickered at the sight before casually casting another spell, which this time, had James the one dangling upside down.
“Oh my, the irony! You look real funny all mad and upside down! A dupe of one of those cartoon characters!”
She clutched her stomach and doubled down in laughter, her body shaking on the grassy field. “Merlin, this spell is fun! Ah, hold on, I know just how to turn you into one!”
Charms, transfiguration, and everything taught at Hogwarts was nothing but a cinch to Ethan, mere child’s play. The sorting hat incident was not the only reason she’d racked up quite the reputation. After all, one does not become the head of the dueling club in their second year without attracting inevitable reverence from those who hear of the news. The difference between their levels of magic were beyond comparison, and Ethan’s ongoing demonstration was simply painting the picture.
A pair of round filmy ears magically sprouted from the dangling boy’s head, whiskers popping into existence on the boy’s face one by one. A final swish of her wrist and the boy hanged up side down with the ears, whiskers, and tail imitating of a mouse.
“Hey Snape, look, he’s turned into jerry!”
By the time she turned back to see his reaction, he was already gone.
Ethan had never witnessed the hall this noisy in her five years of living at Hogwarts. The amount of girls shooting her dirty looks as she passed by their tables would have been amusing, if one of them hadn’t been from the head of Gryffindor. Ethan was not enjoying waiting for the inevitable talk they would soon be having. Her usual spot was open, calling out as she took her rightful seat between her friends.
“Ethan? As in Ethan Bernard? Wasn’t that - the chap that took forty-five minutes to get sorted?” Avery muffled, his mouth full of seasoned chicken.
“Forty-six. That ‘chap’ is also a she. ” Regulus corrected, wearing a disgusted look, “and finish eating your food before speaking.”
Paislee joined into the conversation from next to Avery, a curious glimmer in her eyes,
“Wasn’t it our house and Ravenclaw the sorting hat was stuck between?”
“It delayed the dinner ceremony by nearly an hour. Nothing like that has ever occurred at Hogwarts before.” Regulus hummed, his eyes still pointed at his book, but his mind lost in thought.
Avery shoved another bite of chicken down his throat and guffawed
“Aw off thaf sushpense an fo whaf?” He swallowed, “Had the school betting to see which house it would pick, all for her to get sorted with the nerds.“
Barty wore a dark look from across the table, his eyes eyes squinting in disgust, “It’s a good thing she never ended up in Slytherin. I heard from a certain someone that her father is a muggle and her mother was a blood traitor. We don’t need any more mud-bloods in our house after the last batch of kids.”
“You’re getting off track barty” Regulus tsk’ed “How about we ask Severus about yesterday’s events?”
The boy who had been trying to conceal himself and desperately hoping not to be brought into the conversation groaned inwards.
“You ought to learn how to mind your own business regulus.” Severus muttered.
“You didn‘t seem to mind the last time I rescued you.”
Severus cracked back, “You never rescued me, I was the one who fought them off myself. All you did threaten to tell Mcgonagall.”
“Professor Mcgonagall.”
“I heard she broke two of Sirius’s ribs” paislee coo’d “I almost feel bad for him, he’s quite the looker. Such a shame he’s in Gryffindor.”
“Waste of looks.” Yema mourned in agreement.
Regulus finally looked up from his book and cleared his throat “Ahem. If we’re quite done discussing about my disgrace of a brother’s looks, might I suggest we bring Avery to the infirmary? He seems to be choking on the chicken.”
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draconicocelot · 2 years
Soft Claws - RE8 Fic
I’ve been debating on whether or not to post canon/oc content for RE8 but shrugs why the heck not  OC: Amira Onyx (and her dog Xena) [might post more about her general character later but for now she is Ethan’s close friend who had known him since before the events of RE7 and ends up being one of the ones to help save him in both games - and they end up together after the events of RE8] Basically just some very soft moments between Ethan, Rose, Amira, and Xena as a lovely family (oh also Mia is not present in this scenario... so, yeah sjkdfs)
It had been over two months since the cruel fate of the village in the snowy-mountains of Romania was sealed. Mother Miranda and her futile attempts to resurrect her beloved daughter had failed, mainly due to the courageous acts of a devoted father. Ethan Winters had gone through hell and back on several different occasions, all to bring his family back home safely. All he wanted was to see his precious child being rocked to sleep in her crib, Mia standing by her side, the quiet lullaby from the nursery mobile giving her nothing but pleasant dreams. However, things didn’t end the way they should have. The news of Ethan’s infection was devastating, though not as painful as the news of Mia’s passing. The mental strain of having to switch so quickly between hope and acceptance, it was more painful than the many injuries he had sustained on his treacherous quests. He had just gotten her back after thinking she was dead for over three years, and now, she was gone yet again. Though this time, it was permanent. It had been eating away at the poor man, all of the past trauma he had experienced haunted him like a ghost that fed off of the pain and misery of its host. At times it seemed like too much to bear, even when he was able to fight off one memory, the visions of some other beast or another innocent life lost in front of his eyes reared its ugly head. The only relief he could find was in his family, at least, what remained of it. “Ethan?” A soft voice called his name from the other room. The kitchen, he believed. “Yes?” He called back, though his voice was quiet. Rose, his sweet baby girl, was looking up at him as he cradled her in his arms. Swaddled in a soft fleece blanket, she babbled random nonsense in between toothless chewing. A rubbery teething toy had been gifted to the family from Blue Umbrella, an attempt at an apology of some sort they presumed. Instead of receiving a verbal reply, the sound of shuffling footsteps got slightly louder before stopping next to the couch. A steaming hot cup of black coffee was placed on a coaster before two dainty hands sat another drink down next to Ethan. It was a tall green mug with white ivy patterns trailing up the sides, one of his favorite mugs. “Brought you a little something,” the young woman realized he must have been holding Rose from the volume of his voice, for she toned her own down to a gentle whisper. Ethan smiled as she approached, silently more grateful to have her company than the beverage, but he did love her hot cocoa recipe. “Thank you, Amira.” As she briefly returned to the kitchen, Ethan turned his attention back to Rose, a mellow expression beaming down at her. Holding her snug to his body with his left hand, he used his open hand to gently tickle her belly. Rose giggled and squealed, her chubby little legs playfully kicking as Ethan cooed at her. “You are my little flower, aren’t you my dear… my little feisty flower.” The kitchen of their new home was located directly beside the living room, with a couch that faced away from the counter. The warm glow of the fireplace to his right was the only source of light currently in that room. As the kitchen lights had been shut off, he knew Amira was on her way in for the evening, taking a moment to breathe deeply. Sure enough, the fiery-haired woman came into the room and sat down next to Ethan. She was wearing a tan cashmere sweater and gray sweatpants, the true outfit of relaxation. Her silky red hair was tied up in a ponytail as usual, and soft cotton socks really finished the look. “How is she doing?” Amira asked, as she leaned over Ethan’s lap. His cheeks were flushed with a light red hue, the heat from the fire keeping him warm even in his sky blue t-shirt and dark denim jeans. “She’s doing so well,” he stated proudly, “such a happy baby girl.” Amira reached out and stroked her wispy thin hair with her finger tips, a big smile across her lips. “Are you a happy girl? Such a lovely baby you are, Rose,” she murmured, grazing Rose’s squishy cheek. She was absolutely shining, a big baby smile making her eyes wrinkle with joy. Amira took a small rag from her pocket and wiped up a bit of drool on the corner of her mouth, wrinkling her nose in a humored grin. The sounds of the crackling flames were soon accompanied by a ticking noise on the hard floor. Knowing exactly what that meant, Amira scooted closer to Ethan, her arm now brushing against his. “I’m actually quite surprised that Rose seems to like Xena so much,” Ethan pointed out, waiting for the ticking to stop as the four sets of claws reached the rug in the living room. Xena, Amira’s fluffy canine companion, came slowly waltzing into the room. The muscular german shepherd raised her snout, her wet nose lightly nudging Rose’s arm, always so loving and gentle to the little one. She could pull the dog’s tail or chew on her ear, and the patient giant would simply let her play. “She has always been humane to children,” Amira scratched behind Xena’s ear, causing her to lean into the touch, “I would even bring her to hospitals to visit patients.” “Isn’t that… a little dangerous?” He asked, knowing that she was no puppy. Xena was a K-9 unit, capable of biting down on a criminal’s arm so powerfully that they would scream for mercy before hearing a loud snap. Amira simply shook her head. “Xena only attacks when commanded to do so,” Amira patted the open spot next to her, “it’s all about trust.” As she walked over beside Amira, she easily hauled herself up onto the couch, spinning twice before plopping her back half down on the cushion. Ethan looked over at the two of them, admiring this moment of pure bliss and tranquility. Remembering the hot chocolate that was waiting for him, he turned his head towards the table on his left. Instead of shifting Rose to the other arm, Ethan reached over to slip his hand around the handle of the mug, grunting from the angle at which he had to stretch. Amira watched him curiously, knowing it would have been easier to simply hold Rose against his right arm. He brought the porcelain mug up to his lips, feeling the heat still radiating from under the sweet smelling cream decorating the top of the drink. Though as he noticed Amira’s confused expression out of the corner of his eye, he paused. “Is… something wrong?” he asked, lowering the mug slightly. Amira shook her head, looking quite embarrassed. “I'm sorry to stare… I just happened to notice a pattern.” Ethan blew cool air onto the drink, hoping to get it to room temperature quicker. “Pattern? What kind of pattern?” Amira turned her body so that she was facing Ethan, her left leg curled up underneath her. Rose remained quite calm, now returning to her teething toy as she made quiet gooing sounds. “I couldn’t help but notice that you never hold Rose with your right hand,” Ethan’s initial response was shock, his eyes widening slightly. It was a tough task to try and lie to a cop… and she knew that he knew that. “Oh, it uh… must just be a coincidence,” Nicely done Winters… he groaned to himself. Even he knew that was an awful response. Amira looked at him sympathetically, like he was a poor kid who got caught stealing a candy bar at a gas station. “Ethan, if you don’t want to talk about it, that’s alright,” She said calmly, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder. Ethan sighed, reaching back towards the table and setting the drink down. He knew exactly why he never held her in his right arm, and he knew exactly why Amira had noticed that. If she ever tried to hand him something while he held Rose, he would always default to keeping her tucked against his left arm and reaching out with his right. “It’s just...” Ethan shifted himself slowly towards the back of the couch to get more comfortable, making the effort to not disturb the precious cargo in his lap. As he slipped his left hand out from under Rose, he flexed his three fingers, glaring at the missing ring finger and pinkie. The large chunk of skin that had been torn off by a rabid lycan had left behind a gruesome looking wound. The bone had to be grinded down to a certain point in order for his body to properly fix itself. The medical gel mixed with the time taken to recover allowed the muscles to stitch themselves together, the skin itself had formed a strong dermis layer, with the epidermis still quite tender. Not to mention the sights at which his limbs had been reattached were often gateways for infection, oozing with pus and cloudy discharge. Sometimes the skin even tore if he overexerted himself, needing to use more gel to clot the bleeding. He was repulsed by his own condition. “I have this fear that… that Rose is going to be scared of me.” “Scared of you?” Amira moved slightly closer, “Why would Rose ever be afraid of you?” As he put his hand back underneath her, he made sure her blanket was tucked underneath her with his right hand. “I’m not sure if you noticed, but my left hand looks horrific…” he kept his gaze directed at Rose, “As she grows up, I only want her to see me as normal… not some… moldy, disgusting monster.” Amira quickly unfolded her leg, making her way to an upright position before standing directly in front of him. When he had such thoughts, she knew it was the beginning of an exhausting spiral, and that had to be stopped. “Hey… hand Rose to me,” she stated, holding her arms out and waiting for him to get situated for a transfer. Ethan looked at her with his bloodshot eyes, their deep gray and purple bags sagging. He slowly lifted her, waiting until Amira had scooped her up and shifted her blanket around before slowly pulling away. Once she had her in her arms, she gently bounced her, making silly little faces that got a gurgled giggle out of Rose. Ethan’s concerned expression softened as he witnessed the heartening scene unfolding in front of him. He had to admit, the idea of raising Rose by himself was terrifying. To have one of his last remaining allies by his side, to see her taking such good care of his daughter, he felt his tight muscles slowly loosen. “Now, as I am used to saying at work, let me see your hand.” Amira giggled at her little joke, her rosy cheeks were a flustered shade of pink. It wasn’t just the heat at play. Ethan smirked at her attempt at a joke, reaching out to her. She simply gave him a slow headshake. “Your other hand…” “Ah, you mean my claws,” Ethan hissed. Regardless, he reached his other hand out to her, his three fingers shaking ever so slightly as he got closer to Rose. Amira freed her left hand by tucking Rose snuggly in the crook of her right arm. Her soft hand gently wrapped around Ethan’s wrist, directing his hand closer to his daughter. His hand shook harder. “It’s okay Ethan, just breathe… watch,” Amira spoke in a calm whisper, dangling his hand over Rose. Ethan held his breath, just waiting for Rose to take one look at his mangled fingers and wail in horror. As the sweet child looked up from slobbering all over her toy, her attention was brought to his hand. Her little lips formed a sloppy smile as she lifted her arms, her hands squeezing and releasing fists. In the midst of her usual baby babbling, she mustered quite the loud “Baba!”, about as close to “Daddy” as he was going to get at that age. Her tiny fingers gripped onto Ethan’s index finger, her other hand waving excitedly around in the air.  “I don’t think she minds your soft claws…” Amira purred, looking back at him as her eyes glowed in the firelight. Ethan’s wide eyes began to water, releasing his breath that turned into a wheezy relieved chortle. It was clear to her that he wasn’t really sure what to say, and that was fine with her. A squeaky yawn soon followed, Rose’s balled fists rubbed at her eyes before they closed, her teething toy drooping away from her mouth. “I will put her to bed,” she spoke in a hushed tone, turning towards the staircase. He watched Amira sing softly to her, sighing a deep breath before grabbing his hot chocolate. He was finally able to taste it, the temperature lowering enough not to scorch his mouth. The warm liquid traveled down his throat, sending a wave of relief through him as he was warmed from the inside out. Xena turned her attention to Ethan, her ears low. “Alright, come here big girl…” He said playfully, setting his mug down and moving over so that he was laying longways on the couch. The huge shepherd’s tail thumped against the thick fabric on the cushion as she walked over to him. He chuckled deeply, burying his hands in her soft facial fur as he rubbed her cheeks. “You’re just a big softy, huh?” Xena plopped herself down right next to him, laying her head down against his shoulder before closing her eyes. “Yeah, you and me both.” he groaned, inhaling sharply at the start of a yawn. He awaited Amira’s return patiently, running his hand over Xena’s coarse fur on her back, watching the dancing flames in the fireplace. “She is sound asleep,” Amira’s soothing voice sounded from behind his head as she came walking downstairs. Once she came into Ethan’s field of vision, he saw that she was carrying a thick quilt in one hand and Rose’s baby monitor in the other. She sat the monitor down on the table next to their drinks, then leaned down to where Ethan was lying his head on a pillow. After slowly pushing his hair back, she placed a kiss on his forehead. “Are you ready for bed?” Ethan brought his three-fingered hand up and cradled her cheek, smiling gratefully up at her with a twinkle in his eye. “You know it… won’t you join us?” He asked, scratching Xena’s head as the canine leaned against him. Amira smirked, an amused look on her face. “Huh… doesn’t seem very threatening at the moment now does she?” Ethan matched her look, the corner of his mouth curling up into an amused smile. “She knows I’m one of the good ones,” he patted his chest as Amira rolled her eyes, crawling her way over to a comfortable position. She ended up laying on top of him, her head resting on his slowly rising and falling chest. He kept one arm on Xena, moving the other to wrap around Amira like a seatbelt. Her warmth and weight provided a true sensation of deep pressure stimulation, shifting Ethan’s body into a mode of blissful rest. “You’re one of the best ones,” she hummed, keeping her arms tucked under her head. The faint traces of Ethan’s cologne soothed Amira as she listened to the mesmerizing rhythm of his heartbeat. It was steady and slow, he was truly at peace, and that was all that mattered to her as they drifted off into a warm night of sleep.
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weirdo09 · 1 year
the tutor (ew) because ethan was just so hot(🤢) and he was so right to treat jackson like a thing (😡) and his girlfriend had every right to interrogate him about his job (😠) also jackson was real delusional when he had an episode over getting a question wrong (my poor baby 😭 love him so much, why you torture me mizzzzzz) and his cousin was so right to practically give his girlfriend away to ethan without consent (😡 x2) AND AND ethan was just a nice guy who didn’t deserve anything that happened to him (👎🏾) also also jackson was so ugly, like why did he think that he could get with ethan mchottie? (😭😭😭 lemme stop)
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justaphangirl07 · 3 years
Hello you amazing talented person! I’d love to request an imagine. Could I possibly get an imagine with W2S where you are going to a Sidemen party but on the way you get in a fight, so when you arrive you’re all beaten up? I’d love to see a protective/angry/worried Harry. Thank you so much <3
A/N: Here is your imagine, I hope you like it! :)
A Girl After My Own Heart (Harry Lewis/WroeToShaw)
It been so long since I was able to go to a proper party, especially a sidemen one 
But now October 2021 is the boys time to shine
Tonight, I am on my way to the boys 8 years anniversary party slash XIX Vodka lauch party
Your probably wondering why are you going to a Sidemen party?
Well I am dating the one and only WroeToShaw
Me and Harry have been dating for just under a year 
Honestly I love Harry, through all his moaning about hating GTA gaming with the boys and kicking a ball in his mum’s face
That's just my Harry and I wouldn’t change him for the world
I also know that this party is important to him with the boys lauching the vodka range 
I took days trying to find the right outfit but I ended up going with a sparkly black bodycon dress
Harry told me that he would meet me inside the club that it was being held at because him and the rest of the boys wanted to get some pictures in the venue
I agreed to meet him around 8pm, which is where I'm heading now
I got an Uber from my flat in London, I actually met Harry through Ethan because we live in the same tower block of flats
He introduced us and we just hit it off straight away
But It isn’t long before my Uber pulls up around the corner from the club
I thank the driver as I leave the car and walk towards the brightly lit outside of the club
I can see that there is a queue to get into another part of the venue
I start walking past the queue when I hear a voice say
“Hey! Your WroeToShaw’s girlfriend, aren’t you?” 
I turn to see a group of three girls, in similar dresses to mine, looking at me
It was obvious that they was making their way to the back of the queue to get into the club
“Yeah, I am” I say with a smile
They all look at each other before one pipes up 
“Hm, you look pretty on Instagram than in real life” 
I gulp at the comment
I have been really self conscious about my body for a long time, especially since I started dating Harry
We only posted one photo together on instagram when we started dating and I got comments like:
You aren’t even that pretty?
Why is he even with you? You aren’t anything special
As well as being accused of being with Harry for his money and also people just commenting about how I’m a nobody
I have thick skin and I can take criticism but some of the things that his so called fans say is just mean
“Well I better go, nice to meet you” I say with a fake smile before turning to walk away
I take a few steps away from them and I hear them laugh and say 
“Ugly bitch doesn’t deserve Harry”
I stop and rapidly turn around
“What did you just say?” I ask
I’m not usually one for confrontation but I cannot stand these girls
“I said that you are an ugly bitch and I also said that you don’t deserve Harry” the girl that seems to be the ring leader in all this says 
I storm up to her till we are close
“Do you want to say anything else to me?” I question
“Back up stupid bitch” one of her minions says as she pushes me to the ground 
I hear a snap and sure enough, I see that one of my high heels has snapped
I get up and I go towards her again but she quickly smacks me in the face 
I stumble back in astonishment at what just happened
I cough a little and wipe my mouth and I see that there is blood on my hand
“Now Harry won’t even want to look at you like that” she say with a smirk before her and her friends walk away from me
I get my phone out and look at myself in the camera and see that I have a split lip and a little bit of a bruise forming on my cheek
That girl was obviously wearing rings 
I sigh as I hobble my way to the club doors
“Are you ok?” the doorman asks as he sees me walk up to them
“Yeah just some girls had a go at me, I just want to get into the club. My name is on the list for the Sidemen party, it’s y/f/n y/l/n” I say
He scrolls on the iPad in front of him and nods
“Yes, head on in. Have a nice night” he says with a smile as he opens the door to me 
I thank him before I limp in with my into the club and I follow the corridor till I see a sign that says “Sidemen Party” 
Another set of bouncers nod at me as the open the doors for me
I am about to walk into the party when I hear
“Babe where have you been, I’ve literally been waiting for you for ages”
I recognise the voice to belong to Harry 
I turn to see him standing there with a worried expression on his face
When his eyes lock onto my face, he rushes forward towards me
“What the fuck happened to you?” he asks as he runs his thumb over my split lip
“Nothing” I mumble as I look away from him
Harry puts his hand under my chin and turns my head to face him
“Seriously y/n, what happened?” he asks with worry written all over his face
“I just had a run in with some girls outside, they seemed to be fans of you” I say with a shrug
I see the anger building in Harry’s eyes
“Are they still out there?” he asks 
I can tell he is getting riled up and he is actually wanting to go outside and say something to them
“I don’t know, but it doesn’t matter! Now let’s go and enjoy the party” I say to him as I take his hand and limp towards the open doors 
“But what about your shoes?” he asks pulling my hand to stop me walking
I bend down and unbuckle my heels before I take them off
I drag Harry into the party and I see that there is a bin near the buffet table, which is where I proceed to throw my shoes
“Fuck them, now can we please enjoy the party? Just me and you?” I ask as I wrap my arms around his neck and peck his lips
“Alright, but if when we leave and you see them outside, I will say something! I love you and no one can treat you like that just because you are dating me” he tells me as he puts his hand on my waist
I roll my eyes as I chuckle as I let go of him
“Sure you will and I love you too! Now come on, I want some shots of this delicious XIX vodka, I’ve been hearing so much about” I tease
“A girl after my own heart” he says as I pull him towards the bar
And that is how spent my night, shoeless with a buster lip and my dream man at the Sidemen XIX vodka launch
It’s definitely not how I expected the night to go but I wouldn’t of changed it for the world
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ethanharli · 4 years
Sukuna begging reader "Please.. Please don't go!" after Reader catches Sukuna cheating on him </3 ALSO CONGRATS ON 700 ETHAN YOU CERTAINLY DESERVE IT WOOOOO
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Requested; 700+ Special Event.
Prompt(s): "Please.. Please don't go!"
Pairing(s): Sukuna Ryomen x Top Male Reader.
Warning(s): Cheating/Caught cheating, Swearing, Toxic shit.
DNI; if you use she/her pronouns.
A/n- I'll take any opportunity to break Sukuna, also thank you so much <3
With Sukuna you never knew what was gonna happen, and how you managed to get him into a relationship was still a mystery. Since 'The King of Curses' is more of a free spirit, if that's what you'd call it. He does whatever he wants, whenever he wants, he doesn't need permission, and yet he choose you to be his lover. At that moment you felt as light as a feather, knowing the guy you liked wanted you to, but as time progressed, that feeling slowly washed away.
He started to treat you like everyone else he encountered, an insect, a pest beneath his feet. He treated you like something on the bottom of his shoe, and it made you wonder why, why now, and why all of a sudden. So many questions would flood your mind, plaguing your thoughts and sending you down an ugly rabbit hole. However none of them made sense, actually, they all made sense. Every god damn outcome you could think of made sense, even the most outrageous ones. The ones you didn't even want to make sense made sense.
Your love simply being a boost to his ego, made sense.
Keeping you strung along for entertainment, made sense.
But never did you think of this, never once did you think of this outcome. "Why.. ?" Was all that feel from your lips as you stood in your bedroom doorway, the sight of Sukuna almost naked on another mans lap slowly burning into your mind. Truth was, Sukuna had been frustrated, and even though something in him didn't want to, he took it out on you. Treating you like shit and going behind your back, he knew it hurt you, but he couldn't stop himself.
"[Y/n]-" Before he could utter out another word, you turned on your heel and left. Walking down the hall, not caring for the desperate cries coming from behind you. Until he grabbed your wrist, looking up at you with fearful eyes, something you never thought he was capable of. "Please.. Please don't go!" You hated that seeing him like this hurt you, you hated it with a passion.
"You should've thought about that, before you hurt me."
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Blue Moon - Part 2
A/N: See masterlist for prompts used. (And the list of amazing people who have helped me with this.) I apologize for how angsty this one got. I tried to mix in sass and fluff to lighten the load, but by nature, it’s just kinda heavy/heavier than the other parts. I promise the next parts have fluff abounding, mixed in with angst, of course. If you need to refresh yourself on the warnings for this story, this would be a good chapter to do so. It gets a bit graphic and dramatic, just like the show, haha! But just to be on the safe side, if you want to make sure, head to the masterlist to refresh your memory.
I do not own Teen Wolf or it’s characters. Sadly.
Warnings: See Masterlist
Word count: 2,105
When you walked into the loft a few short minutes later, Derek’s alarm that someone was trespassing was blaring. He walked over to it and slammed his fist against it, stopping the blaring alarm and blinking light. His eyes searched the loft in the eerie silence that followed, only for the pack members to emerge from behind various walls with hands over their ears, or from out on the balcony. 
You couldn’t contain your giggle at Stiles’ especially pained expression of both annoyance and also fear that Derek would finally follow through on many years of threats. 
“What’s going on?” Derek boomed, and you snickered as more eye rolls were given than jumps at his loud tone and glowing red eyes.
He turned his gaze on you briefly, but you kept your spine straight. After having to sit through a nauseating phone call between him and Jennifer in the car the whole way over here, he deserved it. 
Taking a few steps further into the loft, you tossed down your duffel bag of clothes, inspecting the alarm box. “Damn, Derek. You almost dented the thing. What did it ever do to you?”
“Is this a bad time?” 
Turning at the voice that had the hairs on the back of your neck standing up, you saw none other than Jennifer. You felt a growl brewing in your gut and you took a threatening step forward, fighting any physical evidence of being a werewolf for the sake of the pack. 
Derek was quick to blink away his red glow, but you noticed he didn’t really care if she saw it, and that pissed you off even more. 
Stiles came up and gently grabbed your elbow, tugging you back with the rest of them, not even flinching when you turned yellow eyes on him. “It’s okay, Y/N.”
Looking back, you met Derek’s gaze, once again red. He spoke slowly, but you lived with him and knew him well enough to hear the menace in his tone. “Back off.”
Taking her into the hallway and closing the front door behind him, Derek tried to talk her into leaving, promising to see her soon, and to add to your nauseating annoyance, they shared a brief kiss. 
Turning to Stiles, you hissed through your teeth. “She’s brainwashed him. I swear. No human sees that for as short a time as she has and doesn’t even flinch when an Alpha glows his eyes at her.”
“Why would she do that?” Stiles scoffed. 
“I don’t know. But she is an English teacher. If anyone can do it, it’s her.”
Stiles snorted a laugh. “Good grammar? That’s your argument? Oh come on, Y/N. Next thing you’ll be accusing her of being in cahoots with the Alpha Pack, or, or! Maybe, she’s the one ritualistically sacrificing people!” He was laughing loudly, bending over at the waist with the effort now.
“Oh, she’s something.” You huffed, looking at the still closed door. “For now, she’s just my least favorite bit-”
The door slid open to an angry looking Derek. He leveled his gaze on you, which you met with your own stare. 
“Is it gone?” you asked quietly, smirking almost imperceptibly. 
The rest of the pack meeting went by in a blur, the only things you gleaned from it was something about a club downtown to try and trap some Omega or something, and that Derek was an ass to you. 
Your friends filed out of the loft as you went to get changed for training, which you weren’t looking forward to. You knew Derek was going to kick your ass on purpose. 
As you made your way over to the mats to stretch briefly, eyeing Derek angrily the whole time, he ignored you. 
Rising to your feet, you shook your limbs to release any final tension you could and asked as calmly as you could, “What should we do as a warm up today?”
Before Derek could answer the alarm was blaring again, and your friends’ faces painted in fear was the next thing you noticed before a long clawed hand smashed the alarm box off the wall. 
Pointing a menacing claw to the balcony and looking at your friends, they all filed silently outside. “I can’t hurt any of you, Deucalion’s orders, so don’t test me.” Looking to Ethan and Aiden, she spoke gruffly. “Make sure they stay out there.” Looking to you with an evil smile, she took a step closer. “I want them to have a good view of what happens in here.”
Starting to circle you, she chuckled a little. “You want a warm up? How about me?” Her eyes glowed red before she launched at you with a snarl. 
You wrapped in her swiping arms, twisting with her until you could spin away and put distance between you again. “Fine by me,” you huffed, taking a deep breath and smirking. 
Circling one another, she sneered. “Little Beta, Derek’s precious little new one, you’re no match for me.”
“We’ll see,” you grinned, running at her and sliding between her legs set in a wide spread stance, kicking behind you to knock her knees out from under her, causing her to drop to them on the hard cement floor. 
Snarling, she pivoted back to you as you still smirked, rolling out of the way when she launched at you again, this time with a growl. 
You let yourself chuckle. “This is fun!” You glanced to Derek, ignoring his obvious want to jump into the fight. Looking back to Kali, you grinned brightly. “What else you got?”
She went to sweep your legs out from under you suddenly, but you easily jumped out of the way, jumping on top of her as her whole body was low to the ground in the attempt. 
Your hips straddled her waist, your knees pushing into her rib cage making it hard for her to breathe, and held her hands beside her head. “I win.” Your grin brightened. “Tag. You’re it.”
You could hear Stiles laugh in triumph outside the window, and you glanced at him. Kali took advantage of your momentary distraction and smashed her head into yours, loosening your grip on her, and getting to her feet as you staggered back, hand cradling your forehead. You felt the blood temporarily running down your face until your nose healed. 
Pulling your hand down to where the blood was and pulling it away to briefly glance at it, you twisted up your features and hissed at a smug Kali, “Bitch!”
Jumping and launching at her, you swiped to fake her out, grabbing her wrist when she blocked you and twisting it behind her as you also went over and behind her, landing with a thud on your feet firmly, and leveraging her with the arm firmly in your grasp over you to the floor behind you. Her hand still in your grip, as she tried to catch her breath, the wind knocked out of her, you grabbed her other hand and rolled her under your grasp just enough to pin her hands under her back, placing your whole weight on top of her now, straddling her thighs, knees digging into her sides and your hands holding her shoulders down, and thus also her arms. 
“Would you look at that?” you said in fake awe. “I did all of that without any claws or fangs.” You leaned in close to her face, letting your yellow eyes glow brightly. “But you didn’t really think I wouldn’t flash these beauties after taking down an Alpha, now, did you?”
The tapping of Deucalion’s cane came to the front door, followed by a droll, “Are you done, Kali?”
The rest went by in a blur. Somehow you ended up under Kali with your head being pinned down to the floor, along with your stomach being pressed to the floor by a heavy foot you soon realized was Ennis once she passed you off to go and do what she came to do to Derek. 
You were forced to watch in horror, the cries of your pack on the balcony drowned out after the first few, nothing but your heartbeat and Derek’s meeting your ears. You tried to calm yours down to help him also remain calm, trying to reduce the pool of blood spreading from the pole Kali had rammed through his chest. 
Your head pinned to the floor, you could only watch or shut your eyes, any struggle proving futile against the large Alpha. You didn’t dare close your eyes, you kept trying to meet Derek’s, but he kept them averted out of what almost looked more like shame than pain. The one time they did fleetingly meet, you forced a smile on your face, trying to coax one out of him, and you could have sworn the slightest twitch of his lips up was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen in that moment.
He closed his eyes briefly at that point, and you kept the smile firmly on your face, though your voice was obviously broken, fighting back tears. 
“Hey, Derek,” you said quietly, not wanting to anger the room full of Alphas. It was already almost overbearing being the only Beta in the room. “Derek?” He opened his eyes and looked at you with a gentle smile and you decided that was even more beautiful than before. “Hey. I’m okay, Derek. I’m fine. So is everybody else.” You glanced at the balcony to show him what you meant before meeting his gaze again, smile still firmly on your face. It was purely to help put him at ease, because all you wanted to do was scream and cry and kick and beat an Alpha’s butt for doing anything to him.
“I’m okay. You’re okay. Well, you will be,” you chuckled, and he also let a small laugh pass his lips before he started coughing up blood, which made your worry rise. You didn’t think it could go any higher.
“Derek! Hey! Derek, it’s okay. We’re all okay. Just listen to him and we’ll figure it out.” He was having trouble breathing. “We always do.”
Tears started streaming down your face despite all your efforts, and you held back the ugly sob you felt brewing in your throat. 
His eyes snapping open after he took a labored breath through his nose, he glanced at you wide eyed, and you realized the pheromones had probably tipped him off. Damn senses. 
They finished their evil speech, pulled the bar from his chest, and released you, leaving you to scramble over to him at neck breaking speeds. 
They took the rod once in his chest and used it to lock the balcony door, keeping the rest of your pack out there, but they were all safe, and they just looked on through the window in silence. 
Cradling Derek’s head in your lap, you ran your fingers through his hair. “Hey, hey, stay with me. You don’t get out of this that easy. Stay awake. You need to stay awake, Derek. Stay with me.”
He reached up, placing a hand on your wrist limply, and you had flashbacks to just hours before in your house before he got the phone call. His smile weak, he gave a just as weak squeeze. “I’m not going anywhere. I’m stubborn, remember? You can’t get rid of me that easy.”
“Damn it,” you mocked, making him chuckle, and a little bit of color returned to his cheeks as he healed. 
His face turned somber. “You know what they’re asking me to do, right?”
You nodded. “I know what they’re telling you to do. And I know we will find a way to fix it. We always do. Plus, if you didn’t see, I’m a badass.” You grinned. 
He grinned as well, a soft chuckle passing his lips. “Yeah you are. That was pretty epic. Who taught you to fight? They must be pretty amazing. Like, almost as good as me.”
You laughed loudly, laying his head down on the floor again, softly, and ignoring his groan. “I’m going to let the others in so they can help me get you off this floor with the least amount of pain for you and clean all this up.” Realizing how much blood was on the floor, you went back to his face, resting a hand on his forehead and raking it back over his hair, resting it on top of his head. “I’m really glad you’re okay, Derek. I don’t know what I would do without you.”
“Both sentiments are mutual,” he huffed, smiling mischievously. 
Tags: @mayahart02, @palaiasaurus64, @shydinosaurcandy, @lucyqueenofthestars, @c-breanne1999, @l4life, @ethereallysimple, @teenwolffan-with-nolife, @bellabadacadabra, @lilostif16, @wandas-love, @emily500, @babygirl-angel-love What’s This?
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Want You Bad ~ S.S. (part 3)
A/n: I made a playlist to try and get myself to write less and still managed to write a part three in the same day as part one and two. So. Screw my mind and it’s hyperfixated state! Side note: the mashup I mentioned is based off of this (which is also on the playlist above!)
Word Count: 3900+
Warnings: literally call myself out for doing enemies to lovers. Good luck with that. Actually just gays being gays in this, no drama. I decided it was time for reader to fall in love with Sebastian because Valentine’s Day and also the SHIT about to hit the fan is so much more fun with reader being in love with Seb haha <3
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Sebastian tried a few times to make Y/n change his mind and get them back into their fiery, flirty groove, but it was plenty over. Y/n gave him a solid cold shoulder and eventually Sebastian seemed to lose interest. Everyone did seem surprised when Y/n didn’t transfer back, or leave the Warblers, but it did offer a lot of opportunities for the other Warblers to become better friends with Y/n now that he seemed to be serious about the group, even through shady stuff like slushies with an unappreciated little kick. 
Ethan and Y/n began to get closer. For the first time in years, Y/n finally felt like he actually had a best friend and it was kind of nice. Every time Y/n was having a hard time, he went to Ethan, and vice versa. Suddenly his high school experience was skyrocketing, and even if he and Sebastian weren’t talking, they still functioned just fine to be in the Warblers together. Everything was working out just fine.
In fact, after the show off with Santata, when New Directions encouraged them to drop by the school for something important, it was easy to convince the others to go with just a little pushing from Y/n. Sebastian rolled his eyes, but most of the others were for it and team captain or not, Sebastian couldn’t stop them from going. So they went, with a few jabs about Sebastian maybe being a coward and that’s why he didn’t want to show up blah blah blah.
It was nice to see everyone perform again, and when Ethan of all people jumped up to join them and they let him, Y/n was only too eager to be number two. Then the tape came out, and the rock salt, and Y/n felt his resolve harden about giving up on Sebastian.
Sebastian, however, seemed to not like that he had almost completely lost the way he could affect Y/n, and had suddenly decided that he cared again.
Things hit a high when February started and Valentine’s Day began to crawl closer and closer. Sebastian kicked everything off by showing up to their first class of the day together and sitting right by Y/n. “Hey there Sweetheart, missed me?”
“Like I miss having chickenpox when I was eight,” Y/n sassed immediately.
For some reason that only made Sebastian smile wider. “Cute. You free Valentine’s Day?”
“Not for you, not even in your dreams.” At Y/n’s response Sebastian moved closer and Y/n immediately scooted his entire seat further away. “I don’t know what you’re trying to pull Sebastian, but I’m not going to let it fly. You hurt Blaine. You planned something like that against my friends behind my back, with everyone in the Warblers except me.”
Sebastian scoffed. “Oh come on Y/n, it was a joke. You can play enemies now, but I saw the way you looked at me when we sang together for the first time. I know that it’s going to change the way you listen to ‘Cooler Than You’ forever and-”
“Did it change the way you listen to that song?” The question stopped Sebastian dead in his tracks. Y/n rolled his eyes. “You’re not some sex god, Sebastian. You’re cute, I’ll give you that. You’re confident and you have power and swagger - and good for you, honestly. I don’t care. It doesn’t matter. You can have as pretty of a face as you want, your insides are ugly.” Y/n gathered his stuff. “And for your information, it wasn’t a joke to me. You hurt someone I care about, and until you can swallow your goddamn pride and accept that and at least say sorry about it, then don’t even think about trying to be friends with me let alone taking any of my Valentine’s Days.” And with that he left.
It was odd, but Y/n couldn’t help but notice how many eyes were on him as he changed seats, moving as far away from Sebastian as possible. Class started before he could think too much about it so he just pushed it all out of his mind. Sebastian Smythe had taken enough of his time.
Unfortunately, it wasn’t just that class. Sebastian spent the entire beginning of February trying to woo Y/n and convince him to be Sebastian’s Valentine’s date. Nothing romantic, just a lot of flirting and being overly suggestive, but it was still weird. Especially with how it was making things awkward for everyone in the Warblers, and how more and more nasty Y/n’s replies were getting. He was starting to sound like Satana - it was getting ugly. It was weird as well that around all of that, all it seemed to do in the long run was get more and more people to notice Y/n and Sebastian’s heated interactions. People started asking to show up to rehearsals to see it there too, and people had come up asking about the next performances. Even the people who hated show choir or didn’t have any interest in anything like it were suddenly interested… and it was then that Y/n realized what was going on.
“Please for the love of every song I’ve ever and will ever sing, stop pissing me off with fake flirting just so people will pay more attention to the Warblers and we’ll have more support.” Sebastian seemed surprised, but he didn’t argue so Y/n knew he had it right. “I get it, and I want more people at school caring about what we do too. I love it… usually. But I hate this. I don’t like my feelings being messed with for attention, and I don’t want people to care about what I love only because they want to see me squirm. It’s like some form of bullying, or it feels like it is - whatever. Just, Warbler to Warbler, please stop.”
Sebastian’s smile never stopped. “You know, more popular than friends to lovers is enemies to lovers. The idea that the bad boy can be changed by love, or the people with all that tension and hate who are seconds away from either fighting or kissing - it does something to people. And you know what Y/n you can smack talk me all you want, but I know that coming here wasn’t just about being a Warbler, and I know what went on in your head that first while before the parking lot. I saw the way you looked at me even before you got brave and lowkey challenged me to a face off during rehearsal, okay? I KNOW you’re into me, and neither of us have a date for the fourteenth, so why not? Why not just for once give into that carnal desire. It’ll only take a night and then… however long after that you want it to take.” His lips curved into a smirk that made Y/n want to punch him.
The thing was, Y/n was too busy feeling sick to his stomach. “I’m sorry, did you think this entire time that the only reason I’m into you is because I want to have sex with you?”
“Now is that into me, currently?” Sebastian purred.
Y/n’s face dropped, and his hands curled into fists at his side. “Listen here asshole, I- I don’t sleep around like you do okay? I don’t date often, and even then I don’t have sex a lot when I DO date. No, I’m not a fucking virgin before you ask, but let me tell you that when I thought about you, only a very few of those thoughts were about how you were in bed. Only a small part of me was drawn to you because you’re incredibly hot. I wanted more than that. I saw all these really sweet things between us, and then you have systematically derailed and destroyed every single one. I don’t have a single lick of fondness for you anymore, and that’s more important to me than anything. I don’t care how great of a lay you are. I’m not that kind of person. So jot that down, and do yourself a favor - Do not forget it. Now let’s get to rehearsal, I’m sure they’re waiting for us” He turned away, running a hand through his hair.
He tried not to think about the weird change in Sebastian that had happened when Y/n had admitted that he didn’t just want sex. There had been something along the lines of shock, like he couldn’t believe someone wanted that with him. Like maybe he’d never had someone want that from him. But Y/n didn’t think about that, because that would lead him to care about Sebastian and that couldn’t happen anymore.
During rehearsal Sebastian was weird, though. Quieter. More reserved. He still seemed solid and confident and sexy, but Y/n was getting good at noticing the difference between when Sebastian was genuinely being that way, and when he was putting on an act to seem like he was. One thing was for sure: Sebastian stopped flirting to start mini fights with Y/n, and that at least was appreciated.
The day before Valentine’s Day was the next time Sebastian talked to Y/n personally and directly, rather than a general talking to everyone, or sending a message via one of the other Warblers. He had a nice, blue sweater on and some light brown slacks. He looked really good. Y/n tried not to think about that fact. “What do you want, Smythe?” For the first time in quite a while, Y/n’s words weren’t poisoned or sharp. Just tired.
Sebastian took a quiet breath in through his nose. He wasn’t smiling. He seemed relaxed, like he was trying to seem upbeat and detached but couldn’t quite pull it off today. “We were asking last minute to perform at a Valentine’s Day dance tomorrow,” Sebastian began explaining. “When something like this comes up we usually skip the school day and make the whole planning process a little faster so we’ll be properly prepared. We spend the entire day together. I was going to tell you last night when I realized I didn’t have your number, so I’m telling you now. Any classes you’re worried about?”
Y/n shook his head. “No, I’m perfectly fine. We’re heading there now I’m assuming?”
“Yes,” Sebastian confirmed. Y/n began moving before the other boy could say anything else, so Sebastian was left jogging after to catch up. Not something that was hard for him with his long legs. “Y/n, I- listen, the boys already had some ideas that they got attached to. I had to come find you and I told them to go ahead while I tracked you down. They’re kind of already planning on doing Closer. By the Chainsmokers.” Y/n stopped midstep, and Sebastian swiveled a few steps ahead, caught off guard again. It left them face to face, rather than side to side like before. Sebastian seemed almost regretful to add, “And they want us to lead.” Enunciation on ‘almost’.
For a second, Y/n just looked at Sebastian, trying to read him. “What’s the game? Hm?”
Sebastian rolled his eyes. “I think they’re playing matchmaker, I don’t know. After you basically confessed you want to date me or whatever a while ago they’ve been weirdly pushy for us to perform something together, and this is just the opportunity for us to realize we’re in love, right?” His tone was sarcastic, which was perfectly distracting from the words.
“As if. If I ever did have actual feelings for you past a stupid infatuative crush, I definitely don’t and I won’t ever, so-” Y/n began.
“I’ve never actually dated anyone and that isn’t changing for you okay, so I get the sentiment. As it stands, we’re not each others' biggest fans-”
“Understatement,” Y/n grumbled.
“But we’re still in this whole thing together, and I think feelings aside, we do kick ass singing together,” Sebastian continued as if Y/n’s hadn’t interrupted. “I was serious when I said you had talent and that I wanted you to use it in the Warblers. What do you say?”
In favor of not thinking too much about the compliment Sebastian had just given, Y/n settled on, “We’re not singing ‘Closer’.”
Sebastian made puppy dog eyes. “What if it’s in a mashup?”
Y/n hated with a burning passion that it made him smile. “I’m assuming you already have an idea?”
“A few,” Sebastian confirmed. He looked kind of adorable, and it was infuriating.
“Fine,” Y/n grumbled, beginning to walk again. “Stop making that face you look stupid.” He tried to let the quip land, but Sebastian cut off any chance he had to check by grabbing his arm and fully running to the Warbler room, forcing Y/n to run as well. Taken off guard, Y/n burst into laughter. By the time they slowed to a stop, Sebastian’s hold had slipped so they were holding hands, and they were both grinning, red faced, and out of breath. “What the hell, Smythe?” Y/n giggled out, completely missing the boys in front of them, or their intertwined fingers.
“Made you laugh,” Sebastian pointed out, in the same voice one would say made you look. 
“You’re ridiculous,” Y/n decided. “And bipolar.”
That made Sebastian laugh. “Perhaps you just bring out the best in me.”
“What and you bring out the worst of me?” Y/n sassed, raising an eyebrow. “A fair trade.”
It was Sebastian’s turn to be sassy. “The worst? I haven’t seen you properly sing until you joined the Warblers, and I didn’t know you before Kurt and Blaine but from what I’ve heard, you haven’t stood up for yourself since, let alone doing what you want and having fun. I’ll absolutely admit that I’m a pain in the ass, but you had to admit that your life has been better since I’ve come around.”
Y/n hated himself for realizing Sebastian was right. He looked away and saw the other boys watching the exchange with wide, interested eyes. Y/n cleared his throat. He was getting real tired of being watched by a bunch of people who all fed on drama. “You said something about ideas for a mashup up?”
Unphased by the change in Y/n’s tone, or the others watching them, Sebastian smiled wider. “I have a few.”
They had practiced this song a million times in the last day. So many times that they’d barely had time to get a proper rest before they all woke up the next day and jumped right back into it again. They did go to school that day, everyone going on vocal rest so they didn’t tire themselves out and fail at the performance. When it came to time for the performance, they were all confident they’d more than pull through. Warm ups were through and the lights were going up and Y/n thought he knew exactly what to expect.
Sebastian had been very respectful of the boundaries Y/n had set. He’d made Sebastian promise he wouldn’t flirt during rehearsals. They needed to focus, to prepare. No distractions. Sebastian had eagerly agreed, and kept to it the entire time.
Y/n should have known that would change the night of the performance. Y/n had gotten no promise for being in front of an audience, and what kind of performance didn’t have a little theatre to it, bringing the songs to life? They were singing two love songs; Sebastian wouldn’t have not used it as an opportunity to flirt with Y/n if his life depended on it, and Y/n should have seen that coming. He did, in a way, but not enough. Especially when he was completely thrown off by seeing they were performing in a rather public place, in front of people other than just those at the school. A group of people who apparently included Y/n’s friends from his other school.
He was about to have a meltdown when the music started, and he had to force himself to focus. He would have time at least, since even as the notes to “Closer” picked up, Sebastian was first to sing, and his voice carried out the beginning lines of “Shape of You” by Ed Sheeran.
“The club isn’t the best place to find a lover so the bar is where I go. Me and my friends at the table doing shots, drinking fast and then we talk slow.”
Y/n cut in. “Hey, tell your friends it was nice to meet them, but I hope I never see them again.”
Sebastian came back with Ed Sheeran. “Listen I’m singing like, girl you know I want your love, your love was handmade for somebody like me. Come on now follow my lead - I may be crazy, don’t mind me.” As he sang, passing Y/n, his eyes focused on the boy, his words directed at him. It shouldn’t have, but seeing Sebastian look at him and call him ‘girl’ hit a sour chord with Y/n. For a split second he was terrified that Sebastian somehow knew that Y/n was trans. “Say boy, let’s not talk too much. Grab on my waist and put that body on me. Come on now follow my lead, come on now follow my lead.”
Along with him, as he sang those last lines, Y/n softly followed with, “And I can’t stop. No I can’t stop.” He quieted when Sebastian continued next.
“I’m in love with the shape of you, we push and pull like a magnet do. And though my heart is falling too, I’m in love with your body.” Sebastian winked and Y/n was shocked to realize whatever part of it that was soft for the other boy, the part he thought was long gone, was still very much alive and beating. “Last night you were in my room, and now my bedsheets smell like you. Everything is coloring; something brand new. I’m in love with your body.” The chorus hit and the boys behind them vocalized with the band, but all Y/n could see was Sebastian as they danced, snaking around each other and between the other boys. Never far enough to let Y/n catch his breath.
As they harmonized, Y/n thanked everything that he remembered to come in with, “We ain’t ever getting older.”
“I’m in love with your body,” Sebastian sang.
“We ain’t ever getting older,” Y/n followed dutifully. His head swam with images of them wrapped in sheets, smiling at each other. Images of shared kisses and wandering hands. Fingers that traced skin…
“Discovering something brand new: I’m in love with your body.” Sebastian shamelessly checked Y/n out and everything else went dark. Far away and meaningless. All that mattered were those thoughts and feelings Y/n had dearly missed. What he’d kept buried now flowed out of him and it felt amazing. When the chorus stopped, they ended facing each other as Sebastian continued, “When we came we let the story begin, we’re going out on our first date. You and me at Thrifties, so go all you can eat. Fill up your bag and I’ll fill up a plate.”
Y/n turned away to continue the choreography, his head swimming as he managed, “Stay. Play that Blink-182 song that we beat to death in Tousan, okay?”
“And saying like, girl you know I want your love, your love was handmade for somebody like me. Come on now follow my lead, I may be crazy don’t mind me. Say boy, let’s not talk too much - grab on my waist and put that body on me. Come on now follow me, come on now follow my lead.”
As Sebastian did that, Y/n sang under him once again, but this time, it was, “I can’t stop. No, I can’t stop.”
Sebastian caught Y/n’s waist, breaking the choreo a moment to pull them closer several seconds too early. They were supposed to cross past each other, but now they just stood locked, eyes meeting and bodies pressed together. “I’m in love with the shape of you. We push and pull like a magnet do. And though my heart is falling too - I’m in love with your body. Last night you were in my room, and now my bedsheets smell like you. Everything is coloring; something brand new. I’m in love with your body.”
The vocalizing picked up again and Y/n remembered to sing, “We ain’t ever getting older, no!”
Vocalizing again, but this time it was Sebastian who picked up, “I’m in love with your body.”
Then it was Y/n’s turn again. “We ain’t ever getting older.”
Only for Sebastian to immediately pick up, “Everything is coloring; something brand new. I’m in love with your body.” The music softened and Sebastian finally let Y/n go and it was up to improvising to get back into the places they were supposed to be because they were late. But they pulled it off. Of course. Because they were Warblers. “Come on be my baby, come on. Come on be my baby, come on. Come on be my baby, come on. Come on be my baby, come on. Come on be my baby, come on. Come on be my baby, come on. Come on be my baby, come on. Come on be my baby, come on.”
Their voices merged again as Y/n sang, “We ain’t ever getting older,”  and Sebastian continued with, “I’m in love with the shape of you. We push and pull like a magnet do, and though my heart is falling too - I’m in love with your body. Last night you were in my room, now my bedsheets smell like you. Everything coloring something new: I’m in love with your body.” The music swelled and the two songs’ chorus melted into one chorus.
It all ended with Sebastian and Y/n circling each other as Sebastian softly sang, “Come on be my baby, come on. Come on be my baby, come on. Come on be my baby, come on. Come on by my baby, come on.” And Y/n felt his stomach turn as he realized that Sebastian was pointedly talking to him.
Sebastian Smythe was asking Y/n out, and Y/n had absolutely no idea if he meant it genuinely or just for the audience’s benefit.
To ground himself, Y/n looked back at his old friends. Even Rachel’s withering glare would be appreciated right now. But they were gone. Y/n wondered when they’d left. If they’d left because of what had just happened between Sebastian and him… but of course that was why he’d done it, hadn’t he? And of course then his mind chose to remind him of Blaine, and how he had not been in the group, which meant he was still in the hospital, because he would have never left Kurt alone on Valentine’s Day without him.
The self hate that swallowed him whole was vicious, and he barely made it off the stage and out of view of the audience before he beelined it for his stuff and dipped out, heading to his car without a single word to any of the others.
Y/n half expected Sebastian to follow him.
He didn’t.
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thewolflady · 3 years
For Sentimental Reasons (Ethan x MC)
Book: Open Heart
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Isabella Wolf)
Word Count: 492
Genre: Fluff City
Summary: A blanket causes Ethan a great deal of stress. 
A/N: Helloooo. I trust that you’re all well. I, on the other hand, was inspired by my recent illness for this little fic (obvs we’re all good now). Let me know if you’d like to be added to my taglist. Thank you very much for reading and enjoy!
Ethan watches Isabella slowly move around the house. A long, thick behemoth of a blanket covers her entire body as she drags her feet across the tiled floor. He quickly wonders how she’s able to move under all that weight. The thought is abruptly pushed to the back of his head when he notes that he’s actually never seen this particular blanket before. 
He also realises that he doesn’t necessarily like it.
“Where did you get that from?” he called out from his spot on the couch, voice singed with distaste.
“Get what?” Isabella’s voice sounds small, sickly and bored.
“The blanket,” he practically spits the word out.
She glares at him, which looked like it took a monumental effort on her part. 
“That’s what you’re worried about? The blanket? Not the fact that I’m knocking on death’s door?” she coughs out the last sentence. Apparently speaking more than three words at a time was a terribly difficult job for her body these days.
“Of course I’m worried about you, baby,” Ethan’s eyes soften for a moment. Isabella’s insides flutter in response. It’s not a word he uses often, but it always catches her off guard whenever he does. Suddenly, she feels the need to sit down. She makes her way to where Ethan is sitting, and clumsily drops herself half onto the cushion and half onto Ethan. 
“I’m also worried about this hideous piece of cotton you’ve apparently been hiding in our house,” he continues.
“I haven’t been hiding anything, and, it’s really not that bad.”
Ethan blinks at her. She rolls her eyes at him, something she instantly regrets because her head starts swimming. Ethan notices.
“Will you take it off so I can hold you, please?”
“There’s more than enough space for the both of us under here,” Isabella says, grinning in anticipation of his response.
A thousand responses rush to Ethan’s mouth, none of them make their way out, so he just stares at her as if she has just lost all sense.
“The blanket isn’t diseased, Ethan,” he grumbles something disagreeably.  “Besides, when I bought it, I thought it reminded me of you.”
The words come tumbling back to him. He turns so that his entire body faces her, face deadly serious.
“How on earth did you come to that conclusion?”
“If you could stop gagging for a second, you would notice that these are the colours of your favourite ties.”
“A happy coincidence.”
“Well, Ethan, when you’re in love, you see your partner in many things. Ugly blankets slash happy coincidences included.”
Ethan’s heart swells and he finds that he can’t argue with that point, so he pulls her closer instead and kisses the side of her head. Isabella drapes the blanket across their tangled legs. His lips are still at her temple when he whispers,
“So, you agree that it’s ugly then?”
Isabella slaps his chest. Ethan chuckles against her before kissing her once more.
Taglist: @openheartfanfics @gryffindordaughterofathena @mvalentine @xxtraord1nary @fierycookie @stygianflood @tinkertailorsoldierspy
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