#also started rewatching soul eater for the BILLIONTH time
00127am · 7 months
tiger's not-so-interesting life update!
to explain my not-so-serious absence from my blog...
i'm taking a leave of absence from my university for the remainder of this semester for mental health reasons
i dyed my hair ginger!
the ghost of major birthdays past (quite literally every single milestone birthday i've been ill out of my mind) has come to haunt me and i got extremely sick the past two days but i'm feeling much better today!
the right arrow key on my laptop broke and it's more infuriating that anything i have ever experienced in my life
after a short-lived stint of not having the motivation to write/feeling as if it was a job, i feel excited to pick up all my works again and update them!
it's my birthday tomorrow (march 15th!)
thank you guys for all the love in my absence and i'm looking forward to get back into my daily posting and nonsense. more than that, i've missed everyone maybe a bit too much dearly so please take care of me for my revival!
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