#also sorry if my desk looks disgustang it's because i like Stuff
codacheetah · 5 months
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estistudies · 4 years
Things I miss from my dorm
So the university closed the dorms and I had to move out all my stuff. Being back home in cool, I have privacy, my bed is comfier here, and I can eat proper food every day (thanks mom!). Still, there are a few things that I miss about the dorm. Here is a non-exhausting list about them:
the view from the window. sunsets were so pretty
the huge windows -> more light in the room
the big cork board. i put up photos and it was very messy, but still
long hot showers (because the hot water won't just run out. also i don't pay the water bill. sorry, earth)
having a kettle next to my bed and making tea without going out of the room
making lunch/dinner without having to go out of the room
the constantly playing dubstep. it was hell when i needed to study tho
the festival when nobody sleeps for like 3 days
not having real adults around
the painting on the wall in the common room
the mirrors at the stairs. we stop on every floor and check if we look alright
the shop. there was a very tiny shop inside the dorm. i never went there tho because it was expensive but still
the lifts. i rarely took them and sometimes they didn't stop on the 3rd floor
the ugly ass card you have to show the janitor when you enter the building. it's routine
accidentally staying up really late talking to my roommates after we get back from the shower
the adult-y feeling that i manage myself
how most of my stuff was just 1 meter away from my bed. books/notes, food, laptop, even the stupid plants
packing out after the weekends i spent at home
gossiping in the shower
everyone drinking during floor meetings. they always give you a taste
getting wasted at the initiation party and kissing a girl
the fact that nobody ever used the desk for studying. it was only for preparing food and collecting dirty dishes until you really have to wash them
i always complained how it's better to study on the library than in the dorm. now i can't complain but i miss the uni library too. also i still managed to write most of my essays in the dorm
when i can't see my bed under the notes and printed out articles
the disgustang tap water. i swear, almost nobody drank that
lavór. na meg a kevert. néha
everyone complaining about the laundromat
when you start cooking in the morning and the kitchen is still clean
the view from the top floor
if you need something, just ask in the facebook group. someone probably has it/can help
theoretically there was a small library in the dorm. i only learned about it during my 2nd year. i only learned where it was in my 3rd year. never been there. i know more than most
people studying together in the common room during exam period
sharing snacks with the roommates
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