#also sorry for the long text askjdnkjn
pamela-lntt · 2 months
Tell us more about Tina's role in the western au, i love the ethel cainfication of her character
So I am a big fan of her storyline in qsmp about her being a demon, but feeling a lot of self-hatred for it and believing she needs to be "perfect" to be with qBagi, so I tried translating it for the AU without the whole demon aspect of it since I wanted all of the characters in the main party to be human.
I played with the idea of her having religious trauma and was pretty sold on it since she could see herself as a metaphorical demon that way, but then I read up on a list of example phobias and manias that appear in the Keeper's Rulebook for Call of Cthulhu and found a mania that got me MARRIED to the idea:
Enosimania, also known as the "pathological belief that one has sinned".
The way she joins the party is because of 2 reasons:
Wanting to help Bagi on finding her lost twin brother
Needed something to break the monotony of her life, seeking something new that doesn't involve working in the local saloon or even being in the same village.
Her role in the party, storyline wise, I'm still figuring out (alongside the rest of the party), but I do want her to be a rock of sorts. I feel like her strong belief is what keeps her sane while experiencing the horrors(tm) and thus helps the others do so as well.
It's like, Bagi keeps them in line with her methodical thinking while Tina does so with her emotional thinking (they both have the highest Sanity out of the group, didn't notice this until after I made their character sheets lmao).
As for her own personal journey, I believe she finds it within herself to forgive herself. She will still believe that she is not pure / has sinned, but she'd learn that that doesn't make her lesser than the rest. A big support system for her on this would be Slime since he is the only other religious party member and feels a similar way as she does, though he has a more concrete reason to believe he has sinned (I could talk so much about him too but this is about Tina so another time).
In terms of "why does she feel like she has sinned" it's mainly just the adults around her (which were mainly nuns) chastising her for just being a kid, she really didn't do anything wrong. I'm still building her complete backstory, but that's the key point of it.
Anyways, that's all I can say that is (mostly) set-in-stone for her. Once I develop her more and have more concrete ideas I'll be sure to share !! She's my favorite character to write and draw in this AU alongside Slime so I will definitely have a lot for her once I sit down and give her my full attention.
Here's a doodle of her as a thank you for the ask, anon !! :D
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