#also someone should so write an au now where cordy stays to try and hammer all of this out and is basically daenerys-ying it
So, sadly, in the Buffy and Angel tie-in novels (if yo choose to see them as canon), unfortunately the new government that Cordy was trying to set up as Princess of Pylea--really, when she was leaving Pylea--didn't last.
There were some people still loyal to their Princess' ideas, but since she wasn't there to guide these ideas, of course, this was met with large rebellion and in-fighting, since a vast majority of the people wanted to keep things exactly as they had been.
And, I mean, to be honest... what do you expect? Sure Groo was there to try and shepherd in his Princess' ideas (at least at first, but eventually he left for a while to go to L.A., too). But he wasn't even from Earth to really know what ideas about freedom and democracy really were. He was raised on Pylea as a "cow," in much better standing than all of the other "cows," of course, but still.
I'm also sure when Groo eventually went back to Pylea again he was fighting the good fight once more, but at least in the books I've read thus far I've yet to hear anything about how that all went: like, if things eventually did start going his way or not.
But, yeah... I'm not too surprised this is what went down. Again, really, what did one expect when Cordelia left? I've seen at least one YouTuber watch the scene where Cordy is giving advice on how to make things better on Pylea before going back to Earth say, "Yeah, that's not going to last." Alas...
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