#also sombra doesn't hold grudges
mylittleponyauprompts · 9 months
Heavily alternate universe
An AU where Cadence and Sombra are biological siblings. Born in the age of the Crystal Empire at it's peak, Sombra was the first born and Cadence the second born. Cadence doesn't remember much if any of it, being nothing more than an young child.
Sombra however was jealous of her, she was born with their mothers inherent talent in emotion and mind magic. Meaning that she would one day be able to sync up with the Crystal Heart near perfectly just like their mother, meaning that the throne is going to this tiny pink child and not him. He felt cheated. He had worked years to master the few emotions and mind magics he has. Why should the throne go to this tiny little child and not him when he's been working so hard. Why do his parents get to choose who gets the throne. He can't bring himself to hate his little sister, she didn't choose this she was just born into it. And he can't bring himself to hate her when he's the one taking care of her so often, with how busy their parents are in politics.
He eventually rebels against his parents, turning them both to Crystal and shattering them. While he also turns Cadence into Crystal, it is not to shatter her statue. the small amount of bonding they have done had gone to his heart, he would be unable to kill his sister even if he had planned to. Turning Cadence to Crystal was that hopeful part of his mostly darkened heart that someone would be left behind to be able to stop whatever he had become. And when he and the Crystal Empire are banished below the ice of the frozen north, Cadences statue is left behind in the snow. Eventually being found by explorers one fateful day, leading to a family of earth ponies many years down the line being confused about their family heirloom now being a living breathing Pegasus child. Who eventually goes on to ascend into the alicorn of love, and sent back to the very place she was born.
Optional additions-
Their mother is The lost Crystal Princess Amore. Their other parents could be an Umbra from the comics, that seems fun!
I can see Cadence wanting to try and reform him once she finds out she's related to him.
Sombra probably had a freak out internally when seeing Cadence holding the Crystal Heart. Looks so much like their mother, it has to be his sister right? Who else could it be. She's an alicorn now? He's strangely feels proud of her when he gets nearly destroyed by the Crystal Heart
Sombra might have been extremely jealous of Cadence but he didn't really hold his grudges against her specifically. He held them against his parents. In fact his parents were so busy with politics half the time that it was him raising Cadence with the help of staff.
I can see Cadence having strange dreams about the crystal empire and sombra. Her dreams about sombra are usually not nightmares. Except one. Why is this dark unicorn she calls her brother turning her into Crystal, and.... is he crying?
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wildissylupus · 5 months
Can't believe I haven't done this yet but MW!New Blood's, let's go. Also I'm leaving Cassidy and Zarya last cause I've already talked about MW!Cassidy and Zarya already has a skin.
Anyway here we go;
Honestly Hana is easy for me to do as I already know why she would become a villain and join Talon. Hana was a gamer and a teenager when she was chosen for MEKA, so all you really need to do for her is make her less loyal to her country and more angry that she was cheated out of her teenage years. You could also probably add D.Mon and/or Dae-hyun getting injured or killed in a mission and bam, you got MW!D.Va. Personality wise I think she'd still be like she is in canon, except a lot crueler. I also think that in this universe she would have seeked Cassidy out to join Talon instead of the other way around. I also think that her and MW!Cassidy would have the same bitter outlook of their past and attitude towards the people involved with that past.
Pharah is probably the only MW!New Blood character I see not joining Talon and maybe even still joining Overwatch, mainly because the opposite of Fareeha wouldn't really be evil, the opposite of Fareeha would be a version of her who never wanted to be like her mother. Who despised what her mother did and everything she stood for, I honestly see this version of Pharah being very similar to canon Baptiste, except maybe a little more morally corrupt. In all honesty I could also see a MW!Pharah running a gang, maybe she takes over this worlds Deadlock gang? It would fit with the biker theme that Pharah already has in canon. I also think she would have taken her father's last name.
Baptiste, I honestly think there are two ways you can go with his character. One is that he joined Overwatch first but then left for Talon, probably having a similar storyline the Reaper in that regard, or he joined Talon and just... never left. Honestly I think this depends on what they do with MW!Sombra, but looking at the sprays and stuff I think they are putting her in a similar situation to Cassidy, meaning she was never a part of Talon. So the first option is most likely and the most interesting if we put MW!Mauga into the mix as always being an OW agent too. Basically there would be so much drama. Anyway I think MW!Baptiste's personality would mostly stay the same as canon, just with an evil twist on it. Also unlike with Cassidy I consider Baptiste's Scorpion skin as his Mirrorwatch skin cause it's a cool skin and actually fits the theme. I hate that Longhorn skin sm
Zarya, Zarya is the only one who has an offical mirrorwatch skin so I'll be looking into that for her characterisation. In Zarya's skin she has prominent veins on her arm which implies that she was undergone augmentation, most likely to make herself stronger. It honestly wouldn't surprise me if it was Vengeance. I think this version of Zarya either never became a soldier or put her own morals aside to be a soldier. Either way I think this version of Zarya never grew out of that blind loyalty that Zarya initially had, so maybe the reason Zarya is with Talon in this universe is because Katya Volskaya is with Talon in this universe?
I've already talked about MW!Cassidy so this will be a general thing. I do genuinly think that the reversed version of Cassidy would be an elite Talon member, Angela's second-in-command, someone who doesn't believe people can change for the better and constantly runs from his past instead of learning from. I also believe that this version of Cassidy would hold grudges and let his personal feelings get in the way of some missions. I think he'd be a gambling type, taking risks he knows he can handle, but he'd be less adaptable then the Cassidy in canon.
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ask-human-hastur · 4 years
Sombra looks like he deserves a treat with everyone mishandling him. Please give him a rat or something for his troubles.
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"He doesn't need food to live. I've already given him every necessities."
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