#also since i'm getting an influx of followers bc of this
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Hey have you seen this yet? I'm not too familiar with American laws (being non-American myself) but I'm wondering what would this actually mean for Kyle if pleaded not guilty?
I know his professional career is over given the mere affliction of the crime and how many of you he has hurt, but I'm worried he'll still continue his awfulness in a much more "quiet" capacity now ; ;
Due to a ransomware attack on the county legal department in LA, his court hearing is delayed and will be on August 30th, in a month, unfortunately. Apparently we don't actually know yet, sadly. This person on twitter is regularly updating the news on the kyle situation.
Please know IDK anything about the legal system, but iirc his court thing is a hearing and not a trial, there is no pleading guilty or innocent, he's straight up guilty. I could be wrong on this so don't take my word for it.
im lowkey kinda scared he might kill himself before facing justice cus he's gonna be free for a long ass time
#also since i'm getting an influx of followers bc of this#i'm not a proshipper#just letting yall know#*yazz txt#kyle carrozza#kyle a carrozza
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I just started my own simblr after being inspired by you. Do you have any tips how to get started bc i feel kinda alone on my feed and its discouraging:(
oh anon i totally get what you're saying, i felt that way for a long time while i was starting out on simblr, it's only really in the last year or so that i've started to feel like a part of the community, but i've actually been posting since about 2020 so i know how discouraging it can be when you feel like you're talking to the aether a little bit! <3
in terms of getting your posts out there, using the right tags is important, i use a variety of tags related to sims 3 & the challenges i'm doing so that anyone searching up that kind of content or following those tags will see my posts
i also think interacting with other simblrs is very very important - like, reblog & comment on other people's stuff that you like, and if they see that you're posting stuff too, most people will reciprocate the effort with your stuff! almost everyone i've met on simblr has been totally lovely and if you drop them a message or comment or ask about how much you're enjoying their content they're bound to be grateful and help you out too
my final tip isn't for everyone, but i noticed that my posts only really started getting way more traction when i had something else to offer besides just gameplay stuff, think of something that you're good at, whether it be building lots, creating sims, tutorials, maybe even cc / mod making, and consider whether you can upload that thing for the community to enjoy
personally, i'm somewhat proficient when it comes to altering settings of nraas mods, which is not something that i thought would be useful to other people, but i kept getting asks about how i created aliens for my strangetown save so i posted my first nraas tutorial on how to create aliens, and then suddenly my blog received an influx of followers, as it exposed my gameplay posts to more people who might be interested in them
i hope that advice is helpful, if you come off anon and drop me a message i can give you some more specific tips related to your blog, but i wouldn't consider myself to be a simblr expert by any means (i struggle with comparing myself to others a lot) so take everything i say with a grain of salt!
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sorryyyyy you don’t have to reply but i think the person following only you was me, i didn’t mean to be weird, idk how to use tumblr and I don’t even have the app, I just started lurking on here to see what people post abt boy boy, and I must have followed you without realizing it sorryyy
no no it's totally okay i didn't mean to sound like a some kind of asshole or anything!!!! honestly i figured that was probably the reason like 5 minutes after i made the post since a lot of the boy boy blogs that follow me r also blank you can refollow me again i don't mind at all i didn't mean to deter you</333 i just sometimes get freaked out when blank blogs follow me and are only following like 3 ppl in total bc i always forget that the very simple concept of lurker blogs exists and i'm weirdly paranoid abt ppl finding my blog also ever since i've had an influx of new followers i genuinely tend to lose track of which blank blog is following me for boy boy and which one just interacts with my posts from time to time bc my memory is so bad plus i had to literally abandon my general rule of blocking blank blogs as time went on bc i didn't want to accidentally prevent a rare boy boy fan from seeing my posts so that's why i just check ppl's likes & following lists nowadays to see if they're normal well-adjusted ppl but for some reason when i went to check your blog to finally put a url & pfp to a fandom i Only checked your following > got freaked out > made the post > didn't return to your blog but if i had checked your likes first i wouldn't have needed to made that post at all bc i would've realized you were a boy boy fan and would've been totally okay with you following me😭 this is so long-winded i hope it makes sense in short you didn't do anything wrong at all and i enjoy you interacting with my posts Smiles
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maybe im biased bc i started w photo editing and then went to video editing but photo editing was easier imo bc it feels like one big project rather than individual edits per clip into one big edit? i dunno i'm not as confident in my video editing skills as i am photo lolll
i didn't even know vsp was a thing till literally yesterday i haven't been caught up w the fandom space in a hot minute T_T i saw vsp and thought of msp 💀
so real theyre so intimidating dksjdjjs back then i downloaded like a pirated/modded/wtevr the term is of sony vegas pro and idk if it was my old ass hp laptop back then or if it was the fake program itself but it was so slow and buggy regardless, so i just stuck w/ vs and didn't even bother to attempt to get ae lol
i remember i wanted to start video editing again but capcut had also just launched and then there's an influx of editors n theyre all so good ?? so ykw lemme not even try lmaoo
a girl is struggling over here OTL i haven't had kpop edits on my fyp in awhile since i stopped being a hardcore follower and more of a casual listener and i still get all other kpop content on my fyp of thirst edits? nahh. i feel like im being reborn.
aaa ur the second person on moablr ive had this convo with i lovelovelove seeing the editor-writer combo its v nostalgic and precious to me for some weird reason like why did we all have the same phases i literally love that!! <3 \(^o^)/
really?? I get overwhelmed with photos since I have to put in more work >-< but hey, we compliment each other in that sense! I personally find putting clips together easier, because it's really just do and repeat for all clips, maybe tweak the graphs and velocity a little.
help omg idk how long vsp has been around for honestly, but I got into editing in the beginning of 2022, and I started with capcut, and my god were my edits horrible... I mean they still are but there's definitely improvement
but omg pls pls get back into editing, I feel like it would be so much fun! the editor-writer combo is such a fun one!! I mean I can edit my fics!! I've already edited cc ehehehe, I love that fic sm :(
the phases definitely align, my editor era lasted between 15-17 and now I'm writing instead, though I still have my editing account and talk to a lot of old moots! sometimes I post scraps as well, whenever I get the motivation to!
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oh my gosh!!! carsonian, hi! my name is earl!! 👋
you’re on tumblr now! this is so great. i was just looking you up on tumblr the other day and came to the conclusion that you didn’t have one. BUT NOW YOU DO!!! 🥳🎉
anyway, i just wanted you know. i was going to leave you a comment on ao3, but since you’re here now, i just figured i’d send this as a tumblr ask instead. i recently read your fic “i can talk to anyone”. i was (and still am 🤒) sick when i read it, so i was feeling awful and i just needed smth cute and lighthearted and ohhhmygosh. you really delivered! i was giggling and laughing to myself, kicking my legs like a teenager in love. that fic is so so so funny and so cute. like that thanos ad-break? had me scream-laughing like a lunatic!! it was so unexpected and so funny and amazing!!
i just thought everyone was so in character and that the stevetony getting together moments were so so so heart-fluttering. the juxtaposition between steve’s first “that’s what he said?” moment and his second was soooo cute and funny and clever!! there were just so so so many bits that made me laugh, like nat checking the dino’s sex, the narrator complaining abt the mic drops, the sambucky personal space bit, and steve’s “you got footage of what?”
i just adore that fic so much. it’s such a feel-good read. thank you so so so much for writing that fic. you’re such a brilliant writer!! you managed to pull off so many things that i personally find challenging when it comes to writing, like being funny but also making sure that everybody is in character (especially when you have so many characters in one fic!) ahhh thank you so much for helping me feel better!! and welcome to tumblr!!! 🥰���
(p.s. the timing of you joining tumblr feels a bit serendipitous to me bcs i literally JUST gushed about your fic the other day over on the bird app!)
IT WAS 🫵YOU🫵!!!!!! I received a sudden influx of kudos for I Can Talk to Anyone and was scratching my head over where they could possibly have come from. But it was from 🫵YOUR🫵 tweets! The "bird app" had me confused for a second, haha, but--gee Whiz I made it to Twittah! 😆😆 No but truly, your tweets were so goddamn wonderful. It truly & fully made my day 💗💗 You're a sweetheart just for that, but then to leave such a kind message in my inbox. . .Earl, I'm TOTALLY hugging you right now!
The Tumblr thing is totally fortuitous omg. Typa timing to make me wanna get into tarot reading or something 😮🤨 I'll admit that I followed people on Tumblr who I recognised from fics I've enjoyed and fic rec posts but the timing of you reading the fic and me following you is like. . .eerily spot-on. . . 👀👀
I'm sorry to hear that you're still sick and hope you make a full, seamless recovery very, very soon.❤️🩹❤️🩹 Thank you for being so generous even while sick--leaving this message for me when you had absolutely no obligation to do so. It speaks to what a great person you are to have in this fandom that you choose to uplift others even when you're not feeling your best! 🫂🤩 That my fic was able to brighten up your day is such a heartwarming compliment; I'm genuinely not exaggerating when I say this made my day. Hell, I'm sure I'll still be pumping my fist over this tomorrow so you've at least made two days of mine. Go 🤘YOU🤘!!!
And your compliments of the actual fic are so, so kind. I'm sure every person looks back on all they've made with a bit of regret and well-I-coulda-done-this-better and oh-that-didn't-develop-too-neatly etcetera etcetera--you know how it goes. But receiving your message made me feel just that little bit more content with what I wrote; the validation that comes from knowing that even though it's imperfect, the good in it is still resolute enough to make someone laugh. Particularly the parts you pulled out--gawsh! Thank you for giving me the gift of seeing what resonated with you! It is very much a gift and I don't take it lightly. I'm not a brilliant writer by any means but messages like these definitely push me to do even better. You're a true superstar!💋💋💋💋💋💋💋
Just a million, bajillion thank-yous to you for being such a darling. I could not have asked for a better welcome to Tumblr. 🥺😘🥺😘
(P.S. I have had plans to write a sequel to I Can Talk to Anyone since the beginning of this year. I've just got an EG event 👀🤫 and 🥴WIP🥴 to get through before I can sit down and have a proper go at it. Just wanted to let you know because your message has definitely renewed the fire in me to get that done!)
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I’m curious about your thoughts and maybe knowledge (since you seem more familiar with the BL industry than me, but that could be incorrect) on the change in how MA sort of publicly acknowledge/present themselves? I’m not sure how to word it properly but the basic gist of the whole “private,not secret” thing, and how it’s shifted from a few months ago when the show was airing. Not from a personal perspective, bc we’ll never know and it’s not our business, but from a public and business perspective. Is it because the show is over, and was so successful, or they’ve aligned themselves with some supportive seeming brands? Or are they really just pushing the boundaries of the industry? Or have they honestly been the same the whole time and we (me) just didn’t notice? I’m just curious as to why they might have started be more, I dunno how to put it but basically not subtle (#loud and proud era). Sorry this is so wordy. Ignore it if it’s not your jam.
Hi! Sure, I'll bite.
I'm flattered you think I'm knowledgeable about the [drama] BL industry specifically... but fundamentally the ent/film industry functions similarly between countries and genres in that it's about executives trying to maximize profits related to producing a piece of media while at the same time mitigating risk.
Fundamentally, having queer entertainers (whether it's actors, musicians, miscellanous category of media personalities that include even youtubers) presents a risk not only because of imbued societal homophobia/queerphobia, but because it presents a problem in the perception of availability.
What do I mean by perception of availability? Well, check out this hilariously unhinged open letter to Chris Evans that got ratio'd to death on twitter today (I'm embedding it in case twitter ever dies because it's hilarious..ly stupid).
So is there a category of fans who think they will actually get together with their idol? Sure. But a greater number of fans prefer the fantasy of the possibility that it may happen. That's why many kpop fans often demand their idols remain "single" literally up until they get married. (Also aside for kpoppies... Lee Sungmin literally got pushed out of Super Junior for getting married is how unhinged that level of entitlement is.)
This doesn't have to intersect with homophobia... both Chris Evans and Lee Sungmin's partners are female. But you can see why an entertainer being queer violates the perception of availability for a group of fans (even if their queerness is gender agnostic or inclusive in preferences...! but that circles back around to queerphobia), which for the executives introduces an "unnecessary" level of risk they usually do not want to take with their assets.
As for the change in how Mile and Apo's behavior towards each other publicly, I don't think it's a professional decision at all. Everyone is ultimately a whole person before they are a professional. The brands have to follow where they will go, or the brands can pull their sponsorship. I'm sure that affects about how they think about their decisions in the context of their career, but so does getting to live authentically and comfortably in the way you want.
First, we have to take into consideration that they are both of a rare class of people who prior to casting already understood that privacy is hard to to claw back once it's given away. Because they both had fans/fan clubs already. The level of interest and intense scrutiny upon them was just not on the scale it's at now. They posted stuff and were way more open before KPTS aired, but with the sudden massive influx of interest, of course they closed up.
Second, they're in another rare class of entertainers with contracts who basically have a lot autonomy over how they choose to act towards each other despite being in a BL, because of Filmania falling through on the original project. A lot of what we saw of them during the airing of KPTS was in a more formalized professional context for interviews, and they acted accordingly.
Mile and Apo have said they don't do "much" fan service. What does that little amount they do look like? Well, this. It's cute. I'm charmed! But not in the context of how they act towards each other anymore. It was clear after Filmania collapsed and BOC picked up the pieces that they were free to make the decision that they didn't want to do fan service in the context of their relationship.
Then, what inspired the change between during airing and now? -- Well, what's the difference between this video and this one...? Again it's about their level of comfort... and not getting to say goodbye the way you want to because fans are watching might be worse than the fact that you know fans are going to watch how you act when you say goodbye.
To be honest, it's pretty clear to me that "no fan service" meant not acting a certain way for the sake of pleasing the fans, but there's also a level of comfort that comes from not censoring how they want to act towards each other naturally. Homophobic comments about his body language and feeling pressured to change/subdue his natural instincts is what made Apo miserable enough to quit acting in the first place. So getting to act how you want authentically, regardless of what fans say/think is just as important. Including the class of fans who live in the fantasy of availability. Or the fantasy of their relationship, as entertainment.
It's a only professional decision because it affects how they act towards each other in a professional context, but it's a mutually made decision for their whole comfort as individuals, not for the sake of their moving their careers one way or another. And it's why they can look so joyful and carefree in their events together, with one less thing to worry about. (Though the fan support definitely helps them know they're loved because/regardless 😊)
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just wanted to make a small post about some housekeeping things since i've had an influx of followers
hi!!!! call me kooks, i write for star wars and now for COD: MWII. my ao3 is linked, and i always crosspost long fics there. askbox is always open!!!! and i always tag nsfw things as 18+ and smut, so block those if you don't want to see it
some other things:
please reblog stuff!!!! i see that a lot of you are liking my posts, and while i do appreciate those it would also be great if you could reblog them too!!!! some of you may not be used to how tumblr works, but reblogging is the main way to show your support for creators on here!!! and more support = more content for you to enjoy!!
i'm probably more lenient than most on here but please please PLEASE edit your blog. have some kind of title, some little bio, just so we know you're not a bot, because if you look like a bot, chances are you're going to get blocked and reported :(. this is where reblogging helps!! reblogging your fav posts and adding some stuff to the tags lets people know you're a real person!!!
your dash is curated by YOU. that's the whole point of following people. follow your fav artists, writers, gifmakers, etc so you can see more of their content. follow other people that reblog about your fav blorbos. it's YOUR dash and you get to decide what you want to see
most of all: please be kind!!! tumblr is not the place to start meaningless discourse bc people will probably just block you than interact with you. see something you don't like? scroll past/block the op/tag. it's that simple!!
thank you everyone that has followed me, whether you're a new follower, or an old one, i love you all!!
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okay since i got a FRIGHTENING influx of followers (ty soda for the exposure ilu) I thought I'd make a quick post detailing current and potential muses while I slowly work on getting them up on my actual blog.
Main and Current Muses:
Raihan: 90% game canon and HCs because I missed him in masters and dont keep up with the anime/specials
Red: Also mostly game canon and HCs for the same reasons. Default is adult Red (bc i want to write him happily married to green/blue and on vacay in alola pspsps green/blue rpers--)But he will have a younger verse for anyone who wants to write during that timeframe.
Potential Future Muses: Aka muses I'm debating but can't decide if anyone would wanna interact
Emmet and/or Ingo: Still trying to work out if I'd write them as a single entity or as two seperate muses. Ingo will 100% have a Legend: Arceus verse
Iono: I have no reasoning shes just Fun
Arceus: i dare you to come fight god
Volo: I love him a lot and hes a bastard. Would most likely explore an immortal!volo/Volo in the present verse
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confession time: i dont remember following you but suddenly there was a huge influx of merlin posts on my dash and it got me weirdly nostalgic about that series i watched when i was 15 but never finished (i had gotten to season 3) So i finally did a rewatch and by the time i had gotten into season three it got kind of tough bc idk so little recognition for Merlin!! It's so frustrating as a viewer (i hate uther so much aaargh) but then i saw you posting about season 4 and i continued and AAAAAAAH im not even far into it yet but just the first 5 minutes of the 4.01??? hello??? just Merlin having Lancelot?? Idk I'm just really exited to keep watching (even tho i know the show ended badly)
so uhhh. Thank you for Merlinblogging and making me get to this point. Also i love all your posts (even though i dont understand all of them Yet) bc they really make me watch the show less passively ❤
hi!! I'm so sorry this took me too long to answer i mostly use the tumblr app and it's so easy to miss asks on there 😭
I'm so happy i got you back into the show!
i just got your second ask about lancelot I'm so sorry oh my god he's my favorite knight so i feel you. i was waiting for him to come back since s1 and then they kill him 😭😭 he only got to be a proper knight for like a year and they never even gave him a chance with gwen. they didn't give my boy a break 💔
i know the show has its dark moments but you can't help loving it. s4 is my favorite so i hope you enjoy the rest of the episodes after the heartache of losing lancelot 💔 it does get better a little. i personally love the development of arthur and merlin as characters and their relationship to each other during this season.
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