#also shout out to centross calling a very basic “this natural phenomena is kind of like my life” statement too nuanced.
snow-lavender · 14 days
"I'm not controlling it, I'm part of it"
i have ajax thoughts. and the thoughts are that their classpect is still affecting them post-season 8
so ajax is maid of beath, right? one interpretation of the class maid is built on it being homophonous with "made." and breath is the aspect of freedom, of malleability, of detachment. one could say that ajax is, in their very being, made of expanse, made of the wind. breath players have been shown to, among other things, disperse themselves in the air.
and what does ajax do when the tornado makes them lose it a little (or a lottle)? they are pulled to it by some unknown force, seem detached about the consequences of the storm, and lose their sense of self and logic.
getting swept up in the tornado satiates the "feelings in [their] bones." makes them "feel all the things" and shows them how "it's all connected." at times, it seems like ajax considers the two one unit, talking to it like they are collaborating and taking personal offence when ronnie call the storm a hassle. something about it is "in the air everywhere" and makes things "blurry."
it seems like there's no more hard line where the wind ends and ajax starts. they directly say "it's like me." maybe that is not a statement of kinship but instead, "it's, like, me," a statement of sameness.
they are also insistent that the tornado is not a symbol of destruction, but of change and movement. this lines up with the aspect of breath. there is so much freedom in the storm that for them, it provides freedom from the self (whether they want it or not) and again, they get very worked up about this, almost insulted that someone would think about the storm in this supposedly incorrect way.
ajax is so in tune with the air this season because they are MADE of the air, physically and metaphysically.
is this intentional? probably not! if i remember correctly, sherb has never read homestuck. i am thinking about this way too hard. but that's the joy of fandom so. L. read my silly thoughts.
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