#also shout out for giving Steph freckles
carnation-phoenix · 6 months
Steph, Babs, and Cass in this art style>>> (art by Jorge Corona)
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I just love the vibrancy of the colors. Corona's art makes his characters appear very lively.
I haven't looked at DC in a while, I'm surprised but happy Cassandra got to wear her Batgirl costume again since the reboot :D
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Here's one of them (completely) unmasked <3
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starwarmth · 5 years
“You don’t know a thing about girls, do you?”
Bruce caught the ball in his mitt, looking considerate. “Well,” he said, winding up, “you are my first daughter.”
Steph caught the ball. “That you know of.” She threw it back.
He caught it. “I suppose you could say that.”
“Do you think any other kids are going to pop out of the woodwork?”
He paused for a moment. “I don’t think so,” he admitted. There had been. Once. Talia. But they had lost the baby, and the miscarriage drove a wedge between them that he hadn’t been able to cross. She returned to her father within the week. He threw the ball. Some husband he was, even if it was only for a month.
She caught it. “You know what we should play?”
He looked at her grimly. “We’re not playing “gopher” again,” he said.
She laughed, throwing the ball. “I still can’t believe you fell for that.”
He couldn’t either. But he had been open to bonding with Stephanie, and had jumped at the chance when she said she needed help building her new bookcase. She also said that she wanted to play “gopher,” which had turned out to be whack-a-mole with a hammer and his hands. He had ended up shouting at her and she had retaliated by smashing a hole through the hallway with the hammer. Bruce grimaced; not their best day.
“I think we should play the truth game,” she said, swinging her arms and stretching them across her chest.
“What’s the truth game?”
“It’s truth or dare, only it’s truth because dares are boring.”
He threw the ball. “Is that so?”
“Uh huh.” She caught it. “Trisha Campanella once dared me to give her my powerpuff bracelet and I had to, since it was a dare. I haven’t played since.”
“Alright,” he said, catching the ball. “In observance of Trisha Campanella.”
“I’ll start. What’s your favorite color?”
“Black,” he replied.
“Emo. Your turn.”
He threw the ball, considerate. “What do you want to be when you grow up?”
She caught it. “Dead. Just kidding,” she said at his stern look. “Financially stable, I guess? I hadn’t really thought about it. I’m not even sure if I’ll get to go to college. Maybe a nurse?” She threw the ball. “Do you like caviar?”
He caught it. “It’s okay. I prefer lobster canapés.”
“I’ve never had either.”
“I’ll have Alfred make some.”
She hummed, catching the ball.
“What did you want for Christmas that you never got?”
“Hmm. Lots of things. Maybe a bike?” She threw. “What was Jason like?”
His heart stuttered.
“B?” Small hands poked at his face. “You in there, pops?”
Bruce smiled down at the boy. “Of course, Jay. What did you think of the exhibit?”
Jason shrugged, easy and loose in that thirteen year old way. It was the summer before ninth grade, and he had gotten straight A’s in the last quarter. He had expressed an interest in the Egyptology exhibit passing through Gotham, and Bruce had cancelled three appointments to make that possible. He didn’t mind. Who could mind when it was for Jay? Sweet, impossible Jaylad, all freckles and floppy hair and hard-won opinions about Wuthering Heights.
“It is a love story, in that there is an absence of love,” he had argued, indignant in blue cotton pajamas that were too long for him. Bruce hadn’t disagreed, merely had let his son argue multiple points as if in front of a committee. He had cared so much. He always had cared too much. Bleeding heart, bleeding head, bleeding bleeding bleeding.
Oh Jay Jay Jay—
He blinked. The sunlight was fading, setting the evening all golden.
“Streams of gold, let me grow old,” Jason had often sing-songed, gazing over the garden. He could practically hear the young voice in his ear. But another face was in front of him, round and small with a little furrowed brow. Her blonde hair stuck out in pigtails.
Streams of gold.
“I,” he began, but stopped. He swallowed, coming to. The baseball lay at his feet. He knelt down to grab it.
Grass rustled near his ears. “We don’t have to play anymore,” said Steph.
“No,” he ground out, in pain and not quite knowing why. It hurt, it physically hurt. But he...it had been years. Years. Why did it—how could he think—Jay, why—
“I don’t want to play anymore, okay? It’s alright.”
Bruce shook his head. He was still kneeling.
A moment later Stephanie sat beside him, legs criss-cross. “I’m not going to leave you out here,” she told him. “So I’m just going to sit here for a bit until you feel a bit better. Then we can go inside. Alright?”
He nodded, eyes closed.
Several minutes later there were rustling sounds, and he opened his eyes to see hands pluck the wildflowers from the ground. He must have made a sound, for Stephanie explained, “I’m making a daisy chain. I used to make them all the time in elementary school. Megan Harris could make them best, but I was second best, so lots of girls asked me to make them. I also made friendship bracelets, but they had to provide the thread. I got a library book on the different patterns and everything.”
He hummed again, so she kept going.
“I used to love making crafts and cards and all that. I can do origami, but not very well. I could probably be better at it if I practiced, but sometimes I feel like I’m lying to myself over it. It’s funny, origami always causes breakdowns, but it leads to a lot of self-introspection. I sometimes give up if I can’t get something down right away, which is dumb, but it happens. I feel stupid if I don’t do things right the first time. I don’t have to be the best, but I have to be good, you know? If not, I feel useless. I don’t know what that says about me, but that’s why I don’t like to do origami. I was thinking of picking up knitting, but I don’t know if that will fit my personality. I’m sort of impatient. I mean, I’m stubborn. I persevere, but sometimes it’s just battering my head against the wall like a ram. Life sort of feels that way sometimes. But I keep battering, because if not then I’ll have to give up, and I don’t know what that means then. I’ve had to work for everything I have, so I’m not in the habit of giving up. Not a lot of things were given to me. I’m thankful for what was, but it does give a girl a complex. Do you ever get frustrated because everything seems to be easier for everybody else?” She plucked at a daisy, adding it to the chain. “Like they all got a blueprint and they’ve got it figured out, and life just opens itself for them. But you have no clue and it’s like you’re pretending to be a person, and life can tell you’re an imposter. Maybe you only get what you think you deserve, you know? Self-allocated karma. I’m kind of being a bummer. I’ll talk about something else.”
Bruce made a noise again, almost a sound of protest, but it was too quiet for her to notice.
“Kennedy Laurence has a birthday party next month. She invited me at the end of the school year. She seems nice. Kind of sheltered, but I guess everyone sort of is, in their own way. You wouldn’t think I was, but my mind is constantly being blown in different ways by being here. I think it’s sort of funny that you have an indoor and outdoor pool. Also that you have a West and East wing. Like Beauty and The Beast. But you let me go into the West wing, which is nice. Some of the doors are locked here, but that’s mostly because of the parties. Alfred told me that he doesn’t want people snooping around. Well, not in those words, exactly. But that was the gist of it. Look!” She held out the daisy chain. “It’s too big for me. Let’s try it on you.”
Bruce felt something settle atop his head.
A giggle. “Fits perfectly,” she said, grabbing some more daisies. “Hold on, I’ll make a smaller one for me and then we can match.”
Bruce looked up, watching his daughter hunt around the grass on her knees, searching for more daisies. It was twilight now. The trees were dark silhouettes, a shadow of their summer color. Still, her hair gleamed, stuck out pigtails looking like gold.
“Streams of gold, how I’ve grown old,” he whispered to himself.
Soon the night drew itself across the yard like a blanket, and he could breathe again. Stephanie had made her own daisy chain and was singing under her breath some song from a musical. He wasn’t into musicals much, but he never forgot a tune. Annie. That was the one.
She stopped suddenly, noticing his lucidity. “Hey there. I’m hungry. Let’s go inside, okay?”
He let her pull him upright and lead the way to the house. He blinked down at her, watching her pigtails sway back and forth as she dragged him up the path. Her hair glinted off the house lights.
“Streams of gold,” he murmured to himself, crossing the threshold, “please, let her grow old.”
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hotwinchester-blog · 7 years
Naughty man- Part Three
Summary: after meeting with Dean you two will finally go on a date, what will happen? Will things get steamy (I’m using this adjective way too damn much) or will the date go all wrong? Read to find out! 
Characters: Dean, Reader, Claire (OFC), Stephy (OFC), Gadreel.
Words count: 3605 sorry-not-sorry.
Warnings: none, just a little bit of sexual tension, not much though.
A/N: I’m so damn sorry it took me so much guys! School sucks really, and I had to study ‘cause this is an important semester, but anyway, I hope you enjoy the fanfiction! It got a little bit out of hand ‘cause I wrote a lot (more than usual) but here it is :)
Catch up: PART 1  &  PART 2
         If you wanna get tagged, just ask me HERE !
7:30 AM.
Damn it why am I up?
Actually, you did know why, you were going to have a date with Mr. Handsome that night, and you were nervous.
So fucking nervous.
You decided to sleep a little bit more, being too early, you pulled the covers up until they reached your chin and closed your eyes. Trying to think about everything but the date with Dean.
But nothing, all you could think was what you were going to do with Dean, how he was gonna dress, what place he would’ve taken you, everything related to this goddamn date.
You and Dean have been texting a lot in the past days; he would always text first, because as he said, he needed to “make it up to you” but also because you liked all the attention he was giving you… Maybe he could be the right person after your unforgettable relationships.
7:40 AM.
“Alright I can’t sleep, Imma have a cold shower and get ready for the day,” you mumbled to yourself.
While you were headed to the shower, your phone lit up.
It was Dean. Just by reading the name, you swore you felt your heart flutter
‘Morning sweetheart… couldn’t get any sleep, I’m sorry if I woke you up’
‘Hey Dean, actually I woke up earlier than usual today, no worries… How you doin’ ?’
‘I’m good thanks… ready for tonight?’
‘Sure I am… a lil’ bit anxious though, but we’ll talk later, I’m having a shower Dean-o’
‘Alright, make sure you pick the right dress, I want you to wear a sexy one ;)’
And with that, Dean left you chuckling and blushing… a lot.
Time skip…
A few hours later, you went out to have shopping meeting with your friend Stephy.
“Hey girl!” you heard someone shout behind your back.
“Stephy!” you hugged her, it’s been a while since the last time the two of you have seen each other, so you decided to bring your friend with you, also because you needed advice on the sexy dres you were supposed to wear to impress Dean.
“Ahw, I’ve been missing you, where have you been lately?” you asked Stephy.
“Well y’know, my new work is a pain in the ass, I’m there 24/7 so I’m always busy” she explained.
“Oh I see… so today’s finally your day off huh? Let’s have some fun!” you said excitedly.
“Hahaha alright kiddo… what’d ya need helo with?”
“Well uhm… I’m going on a date with Dean tonight so I was wondering if-“
“OH ARE YOU SERIOUS?! WE GOTTA BUY THE SEXIEST DRESS IN TOWN GIRL, C’MON!” she shouted clapping her hands for the excitement.
Stephy took you to an all too girly place, there were dresses everywhere, until your eyes landed on a long but elegant dress.
“S-Stephy, look at that one!” you exclaimed.
“What which- Oh that one!” she pointed to the dress you were talking about.
The dress was black, with an open back, floor length, and a v-neckline. It was beautiful, just as you liked, it was a little bit tight on the curves but you didn’t mind.
“Wow” you said, eyeing your dress because that sure as hell would be yours in not even a second “Shall I take it Steph? What do you think?”
“Well first of all chill, you gotta try it on first then we can talk about it” she chuckled softly.
“Yeah… I’ll be right back”
Heading to the changing rooms, you stripped fastl off your clothes, throwing them everywhere without caring on where they fell. Once you tried the dress, you heard Stephy calling you.
“Hey Y/N, you’re done there? I wanna see ya girl!”
“Yep, I’m coming!” you shouted.
You got out of the changing room barefoot, forgetting about your shoes and walked directly in front of your best friend.
“So? How do I look?” you asked impatiently.
“You look gorgeous hun! Turn your back towards the mirror and see it yourself! It suits you perfectly!” she winked.
You did as she asked, turning on your back and looking at yourself in the mirror, she wasn’t lying, the dress was awesome, it hugged your curves and it showed your cleavage a little bit, not too much. However, your favorite part of it was the back. As you were looking at yourself, you realized something that completely changed your mind.
“Stephy, I can’t buy this dress…” you said sadly, eyes on the ground.
“What? Why not?! Are you nuts? You look great honey, trust me!” she tried to convince you. “What’s wrong Y/N?” she furrowed her eyebrows looking at you.
“Well… the dress it too long and I’m fucking short, I look so bad in it” you replied with an angry voice.
Stephy started to laugh aloud, you didn’t get why she was laughing like an idiot, but it made you furious.
“What’s so funny now?” you asked, annoyance in your voice this time.
“Oh God I can’t help it!” she laughed even more “Y/N, ever heard of heels?”
“Yeah sure, but they won’t work on me, I’d look still short” you sighed.
“Okay first of all you’re not that short, I’ve seen thousands of girls that didn’t even reach 4 ft and you’re way taller than that, second of all we’ll buy higher heels if you think you still look short… You don’t need to worry honey,” she said smiling and hugging you.
“Sorry for yelling at you Steph, it’s just that this date is making me nervous and I wanna look beautiful for Dean… That’s it” you apologized.
“No worries, that means that you care about him huh?” she said elbowing you.
“Oh shut up!” you slapped her arm lightly ì, chuckling.
After you bought the dress and the heels, you all went to Claire’s, deciding she was gonna doll you up with make-up.
“HEY GIRLS! COME IN AND Y/N WE GOTTA HURRY!” Claire screamed as she dragged you in her room, along with Steph.
Claire made you sit in a chair, in front of what looked like a make-up station, and started to “make you beautiful” with her magical hands.
“So tell me Y/N” Claire started “Where are you and Dean going to eat?” she asked with curiosity.
“Uh actually I don’t know… we haven’t planned on that yet” you admitted.
“Maybe he knows where to bring ya but it’s a surprise so he’s not telling you” Steph stated shrugging.
“How romantic!!!” Claire shouted. “He’s so cute… I’ve known him since a while and I’ve never thought he was a romantic type of guy”
“He’s not” you stated. “He’s all flirty, kind, funny, handsome… those green eyes, I could stare at them all day long, his freckled  and-“
“Y/N, we get it you like him, a lot” Steph said laughing and winking at you.
“You got it bad for him huh?” Claire added.
You looked at your best friends, blushing. They were right, you really liked Dean, like, really really like him.
“Girls” you cleared your throat “Can we please focus on my make-up and hairstyle?” you tried to change topic.
“’Aight, Ma’am” they both said in unison.
They quickly got to work, you missed staying with the girls, you used to have a sleepover every once or even twice a week if you were lucky. Y’all talked about boys, painted your nails (actually, they forced you to) and eventually watched a movie until late night, when you all would be fallen asleep.
After one long ass hour, your make-up and hairstyle were done.
“Okay, you can go wear your dress” Claire stated.
You nodded and took your dress to change, not wanting to be seen by your besties, you hid in the bathroom.
Once you were ready, you opened the bathroom door and looked at the girls.
“What do you think?” you asked, adjusting your dress.
“Oh Gosh Y/N” Claire tried to speak, when you noticed that she had tears in her eyes.
“Claire?” you tried to get your friend’s attention “Wait, are you… Are you crying or something?”
“Yeah I’m sorry… it’s just that you- I can’t remember seeing you like this, happy and stuff” she sniffed.
You quickly got what she meant, she was referring to your last relationship with Steven, one of the worst you ever had. You did not want to remember him but now that Claire was crying, you blacked out for a few seconds before you felt someone shaking you.
“Y/N” it was Steph “Y/N please focus darling, don’t think about it okay? Forget that asshole”
“I-I’m so sorry honey, I didn’t mean to bring that topic up” Claire apologized, but you shook your head squeezing her hand to reassure her everything was okay.
“No worries, you’re just happy for me…both of you are and I appreciate that, seriously. I love you girls,” you told them, opening your arms for a “group hug”.
Suddenly, Steph released both of you from your embrace and looked at the time.
“Uh Hun, at what time should you be home for Dean to come and get you?”
“Oh we still have time I have to be there in-“ you looked at your phone.
9:45 PM.
“HOLY SHIT I’M LATE!” you shouted, starting to panic.
“Hey, hey, hey! Chill” Claire tried to calm you down. “Stephy is gonna drive you there, you know that she drives fast so you’ll be there in a blink of an eye”
“Okay” you sighed, wiping a few droplets of sweat that formed on your forehead.
Not even five minutes later and you were home.
For once, lucky was on your side. Dean wasn’t there yet.
“Alright Y/N” Stephy started “Y’know I ain’t good at this, but I hope you’ll have a great night, Dean honestly looks like a good guy, he won’t disappoint you”
“I bet Sam told you to tell me this huh?” you smirked, knowing too well the two of them wanted you and Dean to get together.
“Guilty.” She said laughing. “We just hope you two’ll get along… and bang” she wiggles her eyebrows.
“Steph!” You scolded her, punching her on the shoulder sarcastically.
“What? You will have to someday, besides, if Sam is good at that, I can’t imagine how Dean is” she smirked.
“Really Stephy?” you rolled your eyes. “You got Sam in your pants already?”
“Yes” she said proudly. “We were a little drunk, but I do remember his big, thick-“
“ENOUGH!” you shouted, a look of disgust on your face. “You’ll tell me what exactly happen later… not really the details of the sex part though”.
“I should get going,” she stated out of nowhere “Sam just texted me saying that Dean’s arriving here so… Have fun” Steph hugged you tightly and then climbed in her car.
A few minutes later, you heard the engine of the Impala outside. You were so nervous.
Okay Y/N, you can do this and everything is gonna be fine, it’s just a date after all. You thought.
You heard Dean knocking on the door, opening it your jaw dropped.
“Hi Sweetheart” he greeted you, and then eyed you up and down.
What you did not notice is that your beauty stunned Dean.
“Uhm- hey… r-ready to go?” you stuttered, the first time a man made you feel like that.
Dean moved his eyes from your body to look in your eyes.
“Uh… yeah” he was at a loss for words, he couldn’t get his eyes off you, nor could you off him.
After climbing in the Impala, Dean decided to break the silence between the both of you.
“You look very beautiful tonight” he complimented you.
You felt yourself blush at the comment “You don’t look bad yourself” you winked. The tension between the both of you longer gone.
“So, where are we eating?” you asked, having no clue.
“I wanted to ask you first, ‘cause I don’t know your likes so… I have a few options”
“Shoot” you smiled.
“Alright so, we could go to an Italian restaurant or…”
“Well, looks like there wasn’t another one” he chuckled looking at you for a split moment.
“That’s fine to me,” you laughed.
Once you arrived at the restaurant, Dean asked you to hold your hand and you gladly accepted, loving the simple gesture.
“Can I help you?” the waitress asked you two smiling.
“Yep, I booked a table for two,” he said. “Winchester”
“Alright I’ll bring you to your table,” she said, gesturing to follow her.
“There you go, here are the menus, when you’re ready, just call me,” she announced.
“Will do, thanks in advance,” you told her smiling.
“Mmmh, there are a lot of yummy things to eat” Dean mumbled to himself, but you heard him clearly.
“Yup, I agree” you told him giggling.
“Alright, so how about we get a plate of spaghetti for two and eat it together as a lovely and super romantic couple?” he suggested.
You thought he was being serious, but when he saw the panicked look on your face, he laughed.
“Y/N I’m kidding,” he said, “Besides, it’ll get messy”
“Thanks God, I’m sorry I panicked for a few seconds… I guess I’m being too exaggerated about this date thing” you explained him.
“Don’t need to worry, I don’t bite” he chuckled.
The waitress came and scribbled down your orders.
Once everything was set she told the two of you ‘enjoy your meal’, you muttered a silent “thanks” before getting to eat.
You and Dean finished quickly, probably you both were hungry, and began to talk.
“So Y/N… You promised me you were gonna talk about yourself tonight, shoot” he winked.
“What do you wanna know specifically?” you asked smiling.
“I dunno… for starters, what do you do?”
“I work in a bar at the moment, until I find something better than that, I’m stuck here,” you told him. “What about you, Dean?”
“I uh-…” he started to think, as he didn’t want to tell you what his real work was, you could sense that, but you didn’t say anything, maybe he was uncomfortable with that.
“I work as a mechanic” he started “I also uh-… hunt sometimes when I can”
“My dad use to hunt too… but he didn’t really want to talk about it, saying it was too dangerous for me and my family,” you remembered those times your dad wouldn’t get home for a week, or even more. “He was usually out for a lot of time… until one day, he was gone,” you whispered the last part, your eyes starting to well up with tears.
You felt a thumb stroking your cheek to wipe the few tears that dared to fall, you looked up and saw Dean a few inches from you, smiling at you.
“Hey,” he said, his forefinger lifting up your chin to look at him “You do not need to talk about it anymore okay?”
“No it’s okay Dean, I needed to open up anyway...” you told him, grabbing a napkin to dry your tears and trying not to ruin your make-up.
“My dad taught me how to hunt… he died a lot of years ago, so Sammy and I decided to uh-kind of replace his job and hunt as the old times” he told you, eyes locked on the ground.
“What was your father’s name?” you asked suddenly, maybe your dad and his knew each other.
“John” he stated. “What was yours?”
“Christian… Christian Y/L/N”
Realization hit Dean, he heard that name, maybe Bobby knew that man but if he remembered this, it meant that your father was involved in the same shit as he was.
“I-I think our dads knew each other” he stuttered, not believing that could be possible.
“Yeah? I don’t know… I barely spoke to my dad, he was a man of few words,” you said. “Anyway let’s change topic, shall we?” you asked, squeezing his hand.
“Sure” he smiled. “Do you have a boyfriend?” he asked jokingly.
“Of course I have” you affirmed seriously, wanting to scare Dean.
“W-what? Really?” he had a sad face and he furrowed his eyebrows.
“Of course not, dumbass” you laughed, throwing your head back.
“You scared the hell out of me, y’know?” he asked you, laughing.
“Sorry not sorry” you shrugged.
“But seriously though, do you?”
“I wouldn’t have accepted this date if I did…I had a boyfriend but that’s an old story I don’t wanna talk about… we had too much drama going on” you joked, trying to enlighten the mood.
“Alright, you tell me when you’re ready” he winked.
“Next question?” you asked, changing the topic.
“That’s your turn,” he stated.
“Wasn’t I supposed to be the one answering tonight?” you crossed your arms on your chest.
“Well… guess I changed my mind,” he said shrugging.
“Okay then… tell me, what a Winchester does to make a woman fall for him?” you smirked, crossing your legs and closing the distance between the both of you.
“Mmmh we’re getting dirty here” he smirked too.
“You said so,” you looked at him from the corner of your eye, sipping from your glass of wine.
“First of all, I make sure she’s interested” he started to explain “Eye contact is fundamental”
“Yeah? Then what happens?” you asked, still in the same position, showing your cleavage a little bit more this time, the alcohol was starting to have a great effect on you.
“Then I buy hear a drink, see what happens, and if she turns to me and smile, she’s mine and nobody’ll have a chance on her” he licked his lips.
“Possessive” you looked at his lips, taking your glass again.
“You bet I am” he took the glass from your hand, filled it with other wine and then filled his, gulping down the alcohol. “After that, I approach her, and start to have some physical contact with her”
“Give me an example of that,” you whispered, rubbing your legs together.
He moved to sit with his chair beside yours, his eyes locked with yours, his hand making his way up your thigh, caressing it gently and then squeezing it.
“This is what I do, for starters,” he explained, his hand now moving in the inside of your thigh, his touch making you shiver. “After that, I watch her reaction, if she likes it, I keep going. But if she doesn’t, I stop right there”.
“Such a gentleman, huh?” you replied, looking at his hand.
“Yeah, well… I wouldn’t call that gentleness, I just respect the girl I am with. Don’t wanna force her into something she’s not comfortable with, y’know?”
“Y-yeah I uh, get it” you stuttered when his hand was close to your core, you could swear you felt yourself blushing, and that’s what made Dean think he was moving too fast.
Dean gently removed his hand from your thigh, you felt coldness on that spot, it’s like you missed the feeling of his hand on your thigh, but you didn’t complain.
You both didn’t speak for a while, the awkwardness from the “hot moment” now embarrassing you.
It’s not like you didn’t enjoy it, it’s just that, it felt weird… not really weird but it’s because you haven’t had any kind of physical contact since your ex- douchebag- boyfriend, the only thought making you flinch.
Damn it, stupid guy, he even ruined your date and got you look weak in front of Dean.
Dean noticed the way you were staring a spot, for a long time, for the second time that night, you were gonna cry, so he decided to speak and break the tension.
“Y/N? Hey, look at me, what’s wrong?” Dean asked, worried, he was starting to think it was his fault, maybe he shouldn’t have touched your thigh that way, maybe it was too early.
“It’s-it’s nothing, really…,” you answered, a tear scrolling down your face.
“If it was nothing, than why are you crying?” he questioned again, wiping a tear with his thumb.
“I-… it’s about my ex-boyfriend… I cannot erase the bad memories and years I shared with him, it was like hell, and… It was like I couldn’t get “rid” of him and just thinking about hanging out with you, or guys in general, reminds me of the past… I’m so sorry Dean,”
He shook his head, a sympathetic smile on his face; he took your hand, both of them, and squeezed them, trying to reassure you that it was fine.
“It’s okay, I just thought it was my fault, that’s it…,” he said, “I think I should take you home now, you might need some time alone”
“Thanks Dean, I appreciate it, really” you smiled.
Dean paid the bill and then drove you home.
Arriving home, Dean walked you to the front door of your house, making sure everything was okay.
“Sweetheart, you feelin’ better?”
“Kind of” you answered sincerely “but it’ll pass, it always happens” you replied shrugging. “I’m sorry if I fucked this up”
“No need to apologize, I’m not angry, besides… we have another date” he winked.
“You’re right,” you said chuckling.
“So… goodnight Y/N”
Dean was almost going away, but you took his wrist, approached him slowly, tiptoed and kissed him.
Your hands on his chest, his on your waist, caressing your back.
After a few minutes, he gave you a last peck on the lips and then smiled at you.
“G’night… awesome kisser by the way” he mumbled the last part.
“Good night, handsome.” You giggled, and winked.
Despite the awful memories, you enjoyed your date with Dean… maybe next time, things will get steamier, who knows.
Tagging: @dreamingintheimpalawithdean, @extreme-damaged-girl and @fairytailrocker ‘cause I like your blog hahaha
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