#also she's thin weeee
gainprincess · 4 months
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Saber Alter is confused, because everything feels... familiar in this Chaldea. Familiar to the point of deja vu, though Saber Alter has surely never been summoned here before.
When people pass her by in the halls, they refer to her as 'Salter' or 'Artoria', rather than 'Your Majesty' or 'My King'. save for her Knights of the Round. As if they are familiar with her. As if they were her friends.
A ridiculous notion. A tyrant does not have friends. Especially not ones so large and unwieldy. Honestly, why are they all so immense? It's unfathomably stupid.
Mordred treats her with such affection and open kindness when she sees her again, hugging her so tight she's sure something may break. It's... confusing to see her son so affectionate and caring, as if worried for her, and that makes it all the more confusing when a single cold stare has her sobbing and fleeing into the arms of the false Gawain.
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Merlin was odd. He treated her like his normal self would, being the 'delightful' troll he loves to be so often, but he seemed less walled off. Less pained. Like he had been back when she was a little girl, and he was her father. What a time that had been...
And, more importantly... The Maiden of Orleans, Jeanne d'Arc. She seemed so elated to see Saber Alter, saying that her 'sister' would be so very pleased... she seemed all the more disheartened when Saber Alter yanked her hand away after that, disdain in her eyes.
A tyrant does not touch the common folk. Not without good reason, anyway.
And that is all she is.
All she must be.
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"Hhhhaaa.... kids. What a pain she's being with no memories... She really did a number on herself after that Avenger's original death. She's lucky I was able to salvage her Saint Graph... unlike Solomon, she's not too great at scrubbing herself from the Throne. Seriously, all that for a girlfriend? Weird."
Merlin shakes her head, massaging her temples.
"Oh, well. I did my good deed for the year. Time to go pig out and bother Arthur."
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Indeed, it was Merlin, in a rare case of altruism, that has retrieved Artoria Alter from the pits of damnation. Out of nothing more than good will, she brought her back, albeit not perfectly. It's an immense effort even for a Grand Caster, and something undertaken only under complete focus.
The fact that Merlin has done so, and will likely never recieve recognition for the effort... is odd. It's unlike Merlin at all, and the female one especially so.
Perhaps change, too, is the flavor of Chaldea.
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tiredassmage · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
And WHAT-IF Wednesday, ey? Ey? Sksksdfnl, this week’s donation brought to you by my brain being a goblin and @commander-krios and I having too many emotions over our silly boys who are very wholly in stupid love. (Thank you for the tag, for encouraging my shenanigans, etc etc x,D) This was hard to pick a segment from so weeee my habit of posting a whole giant chunk continues, lol.
Dash and Leo are part of our group legacy shenanigans, but uh. That wasn’t enough to stop my brain from doing (apparently it’s Thing TM) the “okay, but what if... KOTXX..??? pointing emojis??” So. Sniffs. Please send us tissues.
Gonna tag @captainderyn @kemendin @eorzeashan @sasslett if y’all would like??? And ofc, usual encouragement, if you see this and you want, I’m also tagging you. In my heart. Be ungovernable still, naturally, but. Also be obnoxious about your blorbos. It’s freeing.
“Just ‘cause I’m here doesn’t mean I’m committing to anything,” the Voidhound growled carefully with narrowed dark blue eyes. “My fleet’s been harassing blockades just fine without official government oversight the last five years. I’m not risking grounding them if your ‘Commander’ gets cold feet, got it?”
Hylo Viz shook her head and shrugged her shoulders. “Yea, heard you the first couple of times. Look, Commodore, why don’t ya try talkin’ to the man himself, eh? Just hear out his offer.” She nodded across the docking bay to a trio approaching the commotion.
Leo frowned and bit back the sharp retort about ‘calming down’ that threatened to fire off his tongue. He held out a hand to signal the rest of the crew to stay back, for now. Better to get a good look at this Outlander everyone was supposedly losing their damn minds about.
Who was flanked by… a familiar Sith lord and ex-SIS agent, so long as the nearly decade or more of being an insomniac wasn’t finally catching up to him.
That would have been throwing enough. As if he wasn’t looking at a dead man walking.
Their eyes met across the room and Leo felt his breath catch in his throat. Theron Shan had trailed off behind him and Lana Beniko’s Force-tuned golden eyes narrowed slightly to mirror the thinning of her lips, but all of this went unnoticed for now.
Long as he wasn’t seeing shit, he would deal with them later.
Leo yanked down his mask as he sucked in another breath. And that was when he saw the first spark of recognition in dark brown eyes.
“You.” One hand curled anxiously into a fist at his side.
Wild Space. Darth Marr’s bastard fleet of Imperial and Republic vessels scouring for any last trace of their would-be former Emperor. Five years. Five incredibly cold, incredibly desolate years - some of the longest he’d ever lived all caught in the back of his throat.
“You!” He all but growled as he finally found his footing firmly back in the Odessen hangar, ignoring a quiet, “Commodore?” issued at his shoulder.
Before another breath consciously sawed through his lungs, he gripped Dash Felaeon firmly by the front of his shirt. “I thought you were fucking dead!”
“I thought you were fucking dead, you bastard!” His eyes stung. He wanted to hit something, shoot something, and he never wanted to let go. The words raced back at him over a suddenly quieted hangar. It didn’t matter - the entire galaxy had come to a halt for him the moment he’d laid eyes on him.
Dash’s hands squeezed gently around his arms as they moved up to his shoulders, maybe to steady him as he almost swayed. He blinked furiously against the tears threatening to blur his vision.
“Leo…” One hand cupped against his cheek. Leo closed his eyes tightly and leaned instantly, desperately into the touch - just as warm and steady as any number of quiet evenings he could never forget spent on Coruscant bathed in an orange glow as the sun set over the towering buildings and dappled across their floor with the passing speeder traffic.
Breathe. He stuttered another unsteady breath into his lungs. “I thought you were dead…” He’d quieted to almost a whimper.
“What are you..?”
“Shut the fuck up,” Leo all but growled, “You-!” He dragged Dash down by the collar of his shirt into a kiss that swallowed any of the poor words that would dare try to masquerade as an explanation.
This had to be real. He couldn’t- If it wasn’t…
Dash Felaeon had been declared killed in action by the Republic over five years ago. And it’d torn a hole through Leo’s life larger than any superweapon, any galactic power could ever hope to have recreated.
He still panted when they broke apart. Dash’s fingers wove into his hair as Leo pressed his forehead against his, hooking both hands around the back of his neck.
“You were…”
“I know,” Dash said quietly.
“And I-”
“I know.”
“It’s me, Leo. It’s me.”
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tw death and violence
ok so quinn used to be a normal computer assistant and she just chilled.... in cyberspace (MIGHT BE THE OFFICIAL NAME, MIGHT NOT BE..... WHO KNOWS......) with the big guys. so. she was kind of rich and popular. and mostly did interviews and ads aside from helping lightners. but when spamboss took over he wanted full control over the local trends and stuff so all influencers had to do what he wanted...... and quinn didn't want to
so um. he really likes cats. he has a few tasques in his mansion. and they're. not that friendly.
he says he knows her little secret and can make her un-famous in a second and she goes oh shit you know i like women? No Quinn You're Spyware.
then he sends the tasques after her and she says "n... nice kitty 😅😅😅" in the most loser-y way possible. as it turns out she's not great with cats and gets bitten in the head
so whatever maybe she lost a few important organs in that accident but she's fine it's okay except it's not and everyone knows she's spyware now. and also gay
she has to hide in the trash dump and there she meets the addisons that were also forced to hide there and they all start planning a revolution. weeee
then with some intense snooping she finds out that spamboss is NOT hardware like he claims and that there's also a cool robot mecha in the basement. her plan is to get inside the huge body with her addison minions and overthrow spamboss and uncover his secrets. but she needs susie's help
technically she's a computer virus so she can't go through the mansion's antivirus scan even with a disguise and the addisons can't bring the body to her cause its fucking huge man. so susie has to disable it and help her get her body. the NNS QUINN fight happens in the mega metropolis they're trying to build in the basement. she fucking smashes everything
after being defeated she gives out two cool items. the KittenRibbon (just one of her ribbons, if spared) or the TatteredWings (pieces of her dress. if KILLED!!!!!!!)
and she's less scary to susie than spamton is to kris but she Proves that you can't um,,, go against your nature 😈 youre born a virus you stay a virus. she gets more and more corrupted during the fight and stops being Quinn and starts being Give Me Your Passwords. so sad i crode we both crew
the act to spare her is Sanitize and basically the gang tries to get the virus out of her body but erm.. she IS the virus
in the end she's back in her old body and the addisons come over like SHIT SHES FUCKINB DYING and she says "theres nothing we can do to stop the virus. im literally the virus lol xd" and she dies tragically in the addisons' arms. Tragedy
she knows spades king cause she went to a few talkshows with the kings and she hates him a bit. hes evol bleeeehhh
in da snowgrave route (not its name. there is no snow to grave) she just happens to have some items laying around... for no reason in particular... i mean she has to make money somehow okay
after taking over the mansion you have to fight a thousand cardboard addisons and then finally she's at the fountain trying to stop you from getting out but one the virus is getting to her and two... FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
also she has meta knowledge cause of the virus that's been taking over her body and um umumumum. gaster..??????? she has a shadow crystal it was made out of thin air and she doesn't remember how she got it
and yeag 🥶 women liker
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zora-moyashi · 4 years
<---- Prev
“No I am not, just working on this Wolfbane file.”
"Ooo~ cool. Can we check out that book we were looking at before? Or does this place not work like a library."
“I trust Shatter to bring it back, so yes you may borrow the folder.”
"Sweet thank you" She sits on the floor crosslegged flipping through the folder. "Which do you wanna get next tonic?" "Oh, um orion?" She flips to that.
It was in the ‘adventure time’ au.
she looks to shatter who said that. "Ah, alright. Wonder if we'll meet fin. Its so weird meeting fictional characters haha! "
“Well we just need to find this hunter.” Shatter said.
"Maybe its fin." She jokes. "Shatter would you do the honers of taking us there?"
Shatter made a portal. “Says here ‘hunter princess’”
"Bubble gum! Kidding, is hunter princess what they call her?" She goes through.
“It literally just says hunter princess, forest, adventure time au.”
"So helpful." She slides down a little hill in the forest. "Hunter princes! Wherever you are come here"
“What do you want?” A voice sais
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"oh uh, you have a gem?"
“Yes I have the jewel you seek, but it’ll cost ya.”
"yeah, and what's that."
“The feather of a cockatrice, get me that, and the jewel is yours.”
"Random. Why?"
“It can heal cancer, and also be used as a spell ingredient.”
"what's this spell than?"
“Turn people into stone.”
"sure.... whatever yeah we'll get that for you." chara waves her hand. "were can we find it?"
“On a cockatrice, it lives in the desert.”
"k" she turns and they go to the desert "how big do you think this chicken is?" she asks shatter
“18 to 50 feet, but my form is 25.” Shatter said
"that is a big chicken. we should bring it back for horror."
“She would eat it, but watch out for it’s eyes.”
"yee i know sis, medusa chicken, i'm ready."
“I have an idea, when we find it, I’ll turn into a mole and kick sand in it’s eyes.”
"sounds good. it is freaking me out a little that it lives in the desert."
"well there's nothing here. it's not like it burrows, does it?"
“Cockatrice are cold blooded, so it is perfect.”
"hmm, they must be pretty hardy." chara points "hey is that it?" in the distance there's a figure.
Shatter looked and saw familiar plumage. “Yep.” She turned into a mole and dug underground
Chara laid low and watched
She appeared in front of the bird and kicked sand
The bird shook it's head and glared at the mole relizing there were no eyes it got mad and looked for another victim
Shatter assumed she got both eyes and turned back to normal.
The creature turned to their good eye, luckily shatter turned into a cockatrice just in time, the twos ability balancing out
(Stare down of the cockatrice.) Chara had been trying to sneak to the back of it and pluck a fether. She was close
Shatter kept the cockatrice’s attention, though that wasn’t very hard since it turned out the wild one was male. (Sorry not sorry but he is trying to flirt)
(Lol) Chara gets ready to jump and right after she pluck it she did, right over the two of them and started to run to tonic.
Shatter then attacked the male, showing she was NOT interested
"Woooo!" Chara runs and grabs tonics paw while waving the feather in the other hand.
Shatter nodded and started to run off, noticing the male following.
Chara didn't look back so she didn't notice until she wondered what was making shatter as far back as she was.. "hurry up shatter?" She calls.
Shatter used her wings to jump up and kick the male,
Chara heard the male cry out as shatter gouged his chest
Chara's curiosity wins and she looks back making sure to look low.
Shatter killed the male, turning back. “He wouldn’t take a hint!”
"Oh I think he took it shatter haha!" She goes back and gets a couple more feathers for fun. "Alright let's get back."
Shatter nodded, following
When they got there chara waves the feathers at the princess. "There you go. Why do you even have the gem if you're willing to give it up that fast?"
“Getting the feathers is not that easy.” The woman said, tossing the blue gem to Chara
"OK better question, where did you get the gem?"
“This lady with floating hair and glowing eyes gave it to me.”
"Didn't she tell you not ta give it away? Cause dang."
“She told me find someone worthy.”
"Cool. Guess we win~" she sets the gem in, bright red color slowly dies down as it settles in. Chara spins the outside ring.
It landed on pegasus
She showed shatter with a smile it glowed yellow.
" pegasus huh." Chara says "wonder what it'll be like"
“Says Dracopedia AU, so more feathers.”
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"well a'ight. not sure exactly what that means but i like surprises. let's go" chara says.
“Also be careful, this au has my most dangerous forms
"eh, we're fine. we've got you."
“True.” Shatter shrugged, making a portal to the mountains.
the three of them enter, it's late at night with a new moon making it pretty dark. the three of them made their own light for each of them. "okay, so, where is this thing?"
“Well it lives in the mountains, so somewhere here”
"do these kinds of pegasuses... like, make nests?" chara asks
“Kinda?” Shatter started, turning into an eight legged lizard large enough for Chara and Tonic to ride up the steep slopes. “They make large areas of flat stone to roost.”
"huh." chara hops on with tonic. "you have good night vision in this form shatter?"
‘Actually it’s pretty decent, this is a Saharan Basilisk by the way’ she said, climbing up the slopes
they climb until they hit the top where it flatten out. there is a cliff in front of them they'd have to climb to get higher.
Shatter looked around, sniffing the ground
the watch starts to glow indigo again. tonic holds it in a certain direction and it gets brighter.
“I got a scent” Shatter said, turning the same direction. And bolting
tonic looses there balance almost falling off shatter's back. chara leans forward holding tight. "weeee! hahah " chara squeels.
Shatter used her tail to help Tonic stay on as she climbed
shatter climbs up some of the cliff but than the sent is to the right. she can't see anything that way but the sent clearly leads that way.
She turned to follow the sent, the basilisk’s eyes were small so this form mainly relied on scent anyway.
the cliff ended there, the mountain side dropping drastically. the sent came from inside the wall they climbed on, there was a spell of some sort on it it seemed as shatter touched it, the wall quivered.
Shatter used her tail to snake the wall, again and again.
the harder she hit it the more it pushed back, like counter.
Shatter growled at this. ‘You two get off for a second
there was a small ledge that they were able to stand on, though it was very thin they both did as they were told, tonic's light helping a lot.
Shatter went over and started digging, something this form was great at
she could see that the spell was a bubble and went all around the protected area, even in the rock.
Shatter bit at it, trying to tear
that was the most effective as the bubble's crease she made with the bite turned a light green
She shook her head as she continued to bite
she eventually got through that, a bit more rock in her way before she could go into the grotto. shatter could hear sounds coming from in there. tonic inches their way over to where shatter was watching.
Shatter dug through the rock with ease, once she made a big enough hole she went and got Tonic and Chara
the inside of this little hide away was quite nice. very cozy. there was a young looking Pegasus on the ground under some kind of animal pelt.
tonic and chara go in, chara looking around and finding gems. "oooo" she bends down to them and sees a little dragon there. much younger than the Pegasus. it was garding the gems
“Dragonettes?’ Shatter questioned, confused. ‘They are domesticated so that must mean-‘ Shatter said before screeching as an arrow went through one of this form’s small eyes.
tonic jumped in surprise before bolting to where the arrow came from intending to rip up who ever did that's arm or whatever.
He saw a male human. “Watch our you two! Basilisks are deadly, I’ve never seen one this far from the desert...” Shatter scratched the arrow out, blue blood stained that side of her face.
tonic bit into this guy's arm and pulled him to the ground.
The guy had on armor. “What are you doing imp?! I saved you!” The man said, throwing Tonic into the dirt. Shatter heard this and hissed, raising her spines. She now could just barely see anything
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tonic shook their head. "No! don't hurt her!" tonic growl/whines.
“And why not?! They are dangerous!” The man yelled
(He’s so cute argh!!! Shatter you better protect the bean!!)
"She wasn't hurting anyone." They say firmly. "Who are you?" Tonic asks sitting up. (Yee shatter, tonics gonna get in all kinds of trouble.)
“It is after my steed! And I am Orion, rider of the winged horse.” He said.
"Funny that, we just met the representative of orion somewhere else." Tonic says quietly. "Do you mean that filly? It's hardly a steed."
The horse seemed to hear this and charged at Tonic. Shatter heard the galloping and quickly got over Tonic, using herself as a shield.
Tonic being the skittish thing that he is jumped again. tonic tries to reason with the man saying they didn't know what they were doing and they were just looking for something. Chara saunters out of the cave thing holding the small dragon in her arms petting it as it purred watching the spectacle.
It was a hatchling, fire red and covered in black spots, The man calmed down the horse, who and a golden collar with an indigo gem in the center. Shatter stayed over Tonic.
Tonic looked to shatter as if questioning if they should ask for the stone.
Shatter nodded softly( Night)
"um... sir? That is actually what we're looking for." Tonic points to the horses neck. Chara steps over to them.
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“The gem? Do you have the ring?” He asked.
"Yes." Tonic nods as chara fishes it out of her pocket and shows him.
“I see, well...” he took the gem out of the collar. “This is yours then.”
Chara's hands are full or else she would have taken it it, tonic takes it instead. "Why are you giving it up so easily?" Tonic asks
“That barrier is not easy to get through, not to find it in the first place. You passed the test.” He said
Tonic looks unsure but thanks him anyway. Chara pats the dragons head until it hears the filly make a sound and flies over to it.
Shatter turned back to her normal form, holding a hand over her left eye.
Tonic motioned for shatter to go down to their level
Shatter was sitting down. “Oh, you are a shapeshifter.” Orion said “No shit Sherlock.” Shatter hissed, salty because eyes took forever to heal.
Chara giggles and goes up to pet the pegasus. Tonic heals shatter's eye with a drop of magic form their claw.
“It needs to heal naturally, otherwise it may miss details.” Shatter explained to Tonic The Pegasus stomped a foot.
Tonic pouts and cuddles next to shatter instead. Chara copies the pegasus.
Shatter sighed. “You two okay if we stay here until my eye heals?” The Pegasus snorted
"Fine with me" Chara says. Tonic shrugs
Shatter laid down, closing her eyes. “You know, my core is blind.”
"Yeah? Why do you bring this up?" Chara asks while inspecting it's wings
“Well, the first thing I ever saw was death, made me not want to see any more, but, I’m glad I can see you and Tonic.” Shatter said with a slight smile
"Awwwww~ break my heart, shatter!" Chara grins pulling at the wing to see how it bends. Tonic placed their head on shatter's belly resting with her.
The Pegasus smacked Chara with its wing. Shatter continued to just chat. “Remember that other Nightmare? I think that’s because the Norse au shares the same creator as ours.”
"That so? Guess that'd make sense hm?" Chara shakes her head from the hit. Surprised by how soft the feathers are.
“Yeah, in some of the aus with actual stars are limited, but rather interesting. One is where everyone is like opposite, then one where Dream and Nightmare swapped, one were the apocalypse happened, one with medieval kingdoms, and one where Geno and Dream made this deal.”
"What kinda deal?" Chara leaves the horse alone.
“Not sure, but that au is a lot different from the others because of it.” Shatter explained
"Hm." Chara sits by shatter and starts to play with the loose rocks nearby. Orion and his pegasus head back to the hideaway
“And one au, stars are bio weapons.” Shatter added
"Like you?"
“No, no. Like robots with a soul stone core, you know, made by humans. Let me tell you that the one with the blades is ridiculously fast.” Shatter explained
"I'd bet. A star made only for fighting would really be something scary. So shatter, I'm a little foggy on bioweapons, it means using living things like germs or whatever to fight other living things? So even though they are made by humans they're still alive. Right?"
“Well, it literally means ‘living weapon’ so anything alive, and they are.” Shatter said
"Uh-huh, how did they make them?"
“Don’t know, I left fairly quickly.”
"Aw, that's too bad."
“You would leave too if you were getting your ass kicked by something too fast to hit.” Shatter defended herself
"Not blaming ya, but it's still a shame. What was this star's name? Cause it's reminding me a lot of shadow lol"
Tonic fell asleep, "i'ma call her carma with a C. I hate the stupid code names. Anyway, what was your favorite place you've visited shatter?" Chara checks her soul with the small peice of gradients core sticking out of it still. The spread of the green seems to have stopped though. Lv 15.
“Hmmm the jelly shroom forest.”
"sounds squishy."
Shatter opened her eyes, the left one now healed. “So, ready for the next one?”
"i am but looks like tonic passed out."
Shatter looked and chuckled, picking up the sleeping boy. “Well, next is dragon, so chances are it’s going to be here.”
draco's color glowed a silvery white with a tint of red. chara looks at it "i'll take your word for it, but i'd find it strange she'd hide two in the same world." tonic shifted in shatter's arms getting more comfortable.
“Well, I told you before, this world is one of the most dangerous.” She reminded. “We should really stay here until Tonic Wales up....”
The watch's brightness stayed steady. "I say we go into their little cave if they'll let us."
“We’re fine right here.” Shatter said, setting Tonic down.
"whatever. you know that thing could be out for hours. why don't you just wake them up?"
“Because that is rude.” Shatter said.
"pfff, fine. maybe the dragon will come to us."
“Not likely...” Shatter said
chara lays down with a huff.
“Sorry, I know you are excited.”
she grunts as a reply.
“Look, how about truth or dare in the meantime?”
"sure, how's that work? i made up shit when i played that with asy."
"I never got to play with other humans. I just watched them sometimes."
“Well, I say truth or dare, then you choose to answer something with only the truth or do a dare.”
"Uhhhh okay truth"
“Are you using me?” Shatter asked, rather seriously
Chara was instantly shocked. She opened and closed her mouth unsure what to say.
"....uh.." she laughs it off. "I thought this was supposed to be fun?"
“Yes that is the general purpose, But it is also good excuse to get answers,” Shatter said
She blinks. "And if I refuse to answer?"
“You get punched in the arm.”
Chara groans. "Shatter! Come on! I don't even think I know the answer to that!"Tonic stirs from the noise before falling back asleep.
“Then you accept the punch?”
"....I guess."
Shatter punched her in the air hard enough for it to sting. “Your turn
She rubs her arm disheartened with a sigh. "Truth or dare?"
“Dare.” Shatter said
"I dare you to wake tonic up so we can fucking leave." 
“Fine, Fine.” Shatter said, gently shaking Tonic. “Come on, wake up sleepy head.”
Tonic slowly shakes their head and blinks at shatter half alseep.
"Yes shatter?" He asks yawning.
"Shatter's being mean to me so I made her wake you up."
“Sorry, “Shatter apologized, I promise you can rest on the way.
"Mmm, okay." Tonic wraps their arms around shatter's neck closing their eyes again.
Shatter carried Tonic like a backpack. “You got the ring?” Shatter asked Chara
"Sure do." She holds it up as it shines brightly to the north.
“Well, the sea orc’s lair is north..” Shatter said
"Alright." She walks that way. Unnaturally silent for her
“Hey, Sorry if I made you upset.” Shatter said
She shrugs. "...It made me mad that I don't know the answer. Not your fault."
“Oh, I see, well do tell me when you figure it out.”
"...fine." They see the orc's lair ahead of them. Murmuring can be found in that direction.
It was a cave surrounded by water, Shatter turned into a lapras. ‘We have to be careful of rocs.’
"Yeah I'd assume seeing the name. Think they captured the dragon?"
“No, rocs are giant birds, they might They to eat me in this form.’
"Well then get out of that form stupid?"
‘What else do you expect me to use? Rocs will eat anything I do!’
"Try a laprass? How big are these things?" She looks around to see one.
There was what looked like a cliff, at least 1500 feee tall, it opened an eye and stretched out it’s wings. ‘Shit!’
"WOOOW!" Chara squeals. "SO PRETTY!!!"
The roc looked over, seeing shatter. ‘Shit! Shit! Shit!” Shatter hissed, diving down
"Shatter! Look how cool it is!"
‘It’s not cool!’ Shatter said as the roc flew into the air, watching the water.
The roc blocked all light out from the sun that was coming up. "Shouldn't we just leave??? Why the hell are you diving?"
"I feel tree cover would be better!"
The roc dove its talons into the water and caught a whale, easily lifting the giant mammal into the air.
"Yeah, like that." Chara dunks her head under trying to find shatter but she sees nothing untill she notices a faint light that she assumes was tonic on shatter's back.
‘Wasn’t me!’ Shatter cheered as she surfaced, letting Chara on her back so they could head to the lair
Tonic shakes off like a dog and chara gets on with them. "How fast did you dive?"
‘Fast enough apparently.’
"Yeah sure." They get to the shore of the cave. Chara hops off into the black sand.
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muttering is much louder on the shore. Chara sneaks around to the edge of the cave.
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Chara sees a big gathering of orcs circling something, chara's not sure what it is. She quietly relays that info to shatter.
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(These are sea orcs)
"perhaps. If the gem's in there that'll make this difficult. How strong do ya think these are?"
“Well, a freybug won’t work... but a naga will.” Shatter said before turning into a cobra with four arms and a scorpion stinger at the tail
"so we're just gonna crash that party?"
‘Hell Yeah’ Shatter hissed slithering over
Chara follows, they notice them right as they enter the cave and start making screaming like sounds at shatter and chara.
Shatter was highly venomous in this form and would paralyze her victims 
One of the orc's came over (Wait so, the orcs are in the water in a cave on the island right?) Jumping out of the water and whipping their tail at shatter's torso knocking her of balance.
The cave is like the one kyogre is in)) Shatter hissed as she used her four arms to spin back around
some of the orcs go on the land to attack, biting at shatter's legs. Another snaps at chara as she hops on it back
Shatter quickly nabbed the one that was going to attack Chara.
It slams against shatter as the others do something similar as back up. Chara desides to go check what they were circling while they're destracted. Chara manages to get around most of them as they attack shatter. There's a big pool of blood fogging the area making it hard to see what's inside.
There was a red gem in the water. Shatter’s teeth weren’t for tearing to she had to resort to her claws and stinger.
Chara darted into the fog grabbing for the gem she saw a glimpse of. As she waved her arms in the blood she hit chunks of flesh and bone. She eventually got what she wanted though it was covered in fleash. She swims up unharmed and calls "shatter! I got it let's leave!"
Shatter turned back and teleported to Chara before teleporting to Tonic
they get out and the orc's aren't happy about that as they search for them, shatter and the others are on the other side of the lake, pretty safe from being found. "wooo! that was fun!" chara says as she wipes the gore off of the gem.
“Sure, for you.”
"don't be like that. it's not like you got very hurt!"
“True, but I was more worried about you.”
"yeah well you shouldn't be..... shatter? would you hate me if i was only using you?"
“No, I don’t think I would, I don’t think I could at this point.”
"tch. well you should."
Shatter shrugged, “it’s not the first time and it won’t be the last, I’m just glad you are actually a great friend.”
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( there's the color list, i got rid of the dog and bull cause they're too similar to wolf and touros. )
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Shatter started to say something and sighed, before looking at what was next; (file above)
(so that's the dog? or what?)
(Greater dog)
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“Yeah but this is a different kind.”
"Right. I guess we'll just have to see when we get there." Tonic says nuzzling into her shoulder.
Shatter nodded and turned into a lapras again. ‘Come on Chara’
She makes not a sound and gets on the lapras's back.
Shatter swam across the shore
Chara stands on her shell looking into the water
‘Truth or dare’
Chara shakes with anger 'shut up.' Though tonic couldn't hear them they could see the tension between them.
"Ummm. Did something happen while I was asleep?"
Chara rolls her eyes. "No, it's none of your concern "
‘I’m just trying to lighten the mood.’ Shatter said
'Because that worked so well before.'
‘Ok, how about I make you something? Like chocolate?’
'Not hungry shatter. Like i said before, just forget it.'
Shatter sighed as they reached the next shore
Tonic and chara get off, this shore is very muddy. The watch calls for the next stone with a pure red color. Tonic looks around "which way shatter?"
“There are some plains nearby, drakes normally live there.”
"Oh, so there's many of them?"
“Well there are tons of drakes, hydras are rarer.”
Tonic nods and starts trotting through the plains.
They saw some creature’s run past
Tonic looks back to make sure shatter's there before they go close to the animals.
Shatter was trying to make up with Chara
"Shatter! I'm serious, forget about it!" The drakes land near the group seemingly curious of them and the light.
(Drakes can’t fly, they run)
( dheidbdksbd, kk. I was thinking of a different critter. Want to send me a pic.)
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Shatter growled at the pack.
They sniffed and snarled at shatter's hostility
Shatter turned into a war Drake, different from these Common Drakes, she had her tail down, a sign she wasn’t interested in a fight
They weren't wanting a fight either, but they did seem interested in shatter's transformation and tonic in general. One nudged against tonics head with its snout.
Shatter raised her tail and growled, lowering her body, showing she was defensive about Tonic like he was a pup
It didn't listen to shatter as it pushed tonic to the ground starting to lick them. Tonic giggled pushing it away.
Shatter growled at this, showing her disapproval to the pack
They back off, as this isn't their territory and they were just looking for food to bring back to their group leader (the hydra)
They start to leave and drag the prey they already had.
Shatter growled softly. Before sniffing the ground
Tonic shakes off the slobber and joins shatter attempting to smell for the gem as well though they can't smell anything
‘Got the scent, come on.’ Shatter said, running towards the source
They both follow quickly
One of the packs look outs saw shatter enter their territory
It made a howl like sound and instantly a a new group of drakes came after the group.
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(meet pickett)
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august 14 leo
Shatter growled and kept herself in between the pack and the others
The pack reached them, nipping at shatter and roaring, telling them to get lost.
Shatter had more armor and sharper teeth, but she was outnumbered.
One rammed into shatter knocking her over, the drake climbed on her and started ripping st her neck.
Shatter used her strong back legs to tear at her attacker’s stomach, her long claws meant for traction on land, thinking quickly she turned into a Shedu, or a winged lion, the natural predators of drakes. ‘Ok, I’m done playing fair
The drake's belly was pretty ripped up and it backed away as much as it could looking up at the shedu. The other drakes still had a job to do, no matter what, so even though they hesitate they attack her again anyway. One got a good grip on one of her wings.
Shatter spun around and attacked the Drake, swatting it.
the cerberus noticing the trouble it's pack was in, grabbed the gem hiding it in its mouth, and sprinted towards the group. It seemed to be able to talk through telepathy. It clearly wasn't it's power, but given to it by someone else. 'Get out of home' it growled like an angry child.
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‘Not until we talk!’ Shatter hissed, roaring at some of the drakes
One of the cerberus' heads ordered the pack to back up. The head on the right said 'there nothing to say! Trespass!' 
 ‘Only to find you!’ Shatter hissed,
they relax except the head on the right. The one on the left asks 'what want stranger?'
 ‘We are after the gem’s of Singularity.’
'Can't have, it master's' says the middle 'important to master.'
(So far the highest points is 20 with the exorcist) ‘Yes, But we found her ring, and wish to restore it.’ Shatter said.
The heads talk amungst eachother before looking at the group silently. Chara grows sick of it. "Well??? Make up your damn mind! Can we have it or not?" The head on the left says 'must check worthiness' 'Destroy shedu nest.' The heads all nod in agreement.
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‘You want me to destroy a Shedu nest? They are an endangered species, how about I do you one better? A bull hydra nest.’
(That tail tho) 'hydra's don't bother pack. Must be shedu.'
‘Fine, But only one cub, I do not want to be responsible for the extinction of a species’
'Than no deal.' They nod and turntail.
‘Ugh Fine, I’ll destroy the nest!’
'Good' head on right than says ' back before sundown or test failed.'
‘Fine...’ Shatter huffed, letting Chara and Tonic on her back
They climb on and chara sticks her tounge out at the beast as they run in the direction of the nest.
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Shatter flew up to the nest. ‘They didn’t say we had to kill the cubs...’ Shatter told herself as she tore up the fur padding that made the nest. (This is a white Shedu)
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(A roc☝️)
There were four cubs shivering covered in their moms shed fur watching shatter confused. The Cubs had little fur and if they were to leave they would certainly freeze.
Shatter changed the nest, destroying the old one.
One of the cubs grew more curious and went up to shatter, they'd never seen a non artic of their kind. It made a little cub sound as if questioning her.
Shatter chuffed nudging the cub back before flying away
"...shatter?" Tonic asks. "I don't think... that'll be good enough for the cerberus."
‘They said destroy the nest, and I did.’
‘They never said I couldn’t fix it later’
tonic shrugs and enjoys the ride, not sure about that.
When they get back the cerberus is instantly unpleased. 'Didn't do as asked!'
Shatter landed. ‘Yes I did, you never said I couldn’t rebuild it, nor did you say I had to kill the cubs.’
The cerberus is angry about the miscommunication. 'You know what ment! No gem until what asked is done! Whole nest! We watch, do it right.' The one who game them telepathy also gave sight sharing.
( *gave them)
‘Fine!’ Shatter hissed, flying back. ‘Chara, can you keep the cubs warm?’
‘Ok, Shatter landed by the nest. There were three cubs
'Where is the other one?" Tonic asks.
Shatter looked around and saw it fell off the cliff. ‘Poor thing.’
"more like dumb thing." chara says getting off her back and gathering the other cubs.
‘The wind up here is bad’ Shatter explained, waiting for Chara to get the cubs before tearing up the nest
"shouldn't have been so close to the edge." after shatter's done chara makes a bubble and puts them in it. than she puts a fire around it to keep them warm. the babies can't break the bubble but a mom surly could.
Shatter made her work quick. ‘Can you leave them here in the bubble?’
"yeah, they'll be fine."
the cubs scratch at the walls of the bubble.
Shatter felt deep guilt leaving, but got herself to do it
when they get back once again the Cerberus just glares at them. it spits out the gem onto the ground. it's given up on it's communication and considers them strong enough for the gem anyway. if the cerberus could have told them better it would have meant 'kill all the cubs available. but it didn't so pff'
Shatter took the gem.
"alright then." chara holds out the watch to shatter.
Shatter placed the gem.
it fit into place and started to call for the golden quezlequatle.
it was clear that that gem wasn't in this world.
Shatter looked at the file, ‘I’ve never heard of this au’
shatter opens a portal to a very dark space similar to the void. in the distance there is flashing lights changing colors. "weird place" chara says.
Shatter walked through, cautious
the other two follow and the portal instantly disappears as if it didn't ever exist. as shatter tries to make another portal she's unable to. she can still shapeshift though.
Shatter paused
this place echos like crazy and chara's having way too much fun with it. she starts by stomping on the 'ground' and than starts yelling nonsense. "SHATERR! THIS IS AN AMAZING ECHO!"
‘I can hear that.’ Shatter smiled 
chara walks to the flashing lights and they emit a song per each structure. she taps one and it blinks off.
"Hm.. I bet we need to recreate a song. The question is what is the song." Tonic steps on a tile that makes a 'bloop' sound
Shatter turned into a Chatot and repeated the sound
(Crazy Idea: T.G. Au Dream and Nightmare would always fly at night together because it made them feel like all the pain of having to hide was gone, but one night Dream kept her jacket on and said she wasn’t in the mood, Nightmare shrugged it off and flew, Dream watching from the rooftops. The next night, Dream told Nightmare she was tired and it was overcast. This time her sister was concerned and asked if anything was wrong. Dream forced a smile and told Nightmare that everyone was ok. Later that night as the two slept, Dream had a nightmare where she was flying during the early morning and a wire net tore up her wing, she crashed down, exposed to humans who tore off the wing. Dream woke up in a cold sweat, pulling the blanket closer to her as she looked at her sister. The third night came and Dream still didn’t want to fly with Nightmare. “What’s with you recently?” Nightmare asked. “It’s nothing, I promise, you just enjoy yourself.” Dream replied. “Stop lying to me Dream! You haven’t been able to sleep, and haven’t been eating either!” Nightmare said to her sibling who tugged on her own jacket sleeve. “Why won’t you fly?” “I’m sorry, but I don’t want to tonight.” Nightmare went to Dream, picking her sister in the air. “Why are you continuing to lie to me?!” “I’m sorry!” Dream said as her jacket fell off, revealing her left wing was gone. Nightmare in shock landed, Dream quickly hid her bloody back with her jacket, looking down. “I’m sorry Nightmare...” It’s based on a new song I added ‘Two birds on a wire’)
As chara pushed more buttons something was chamging. The area they were in seemed to get smaller everytime something was pushed.
‘Hold on...we might get squished’
Chara stops. "Have a better idea genius?"
Shatter looked at the floor, before turning into Ironhide. Then stepping in the correct pattern. “Simple key puzzle, typical of Nintendo games.”
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( look at this new boi I got.) Chara cocks her head as a way is opened. "How'd you know the melody though???"
“The height of the plates, it’s minimal but enough that I noticed.”
Chara then noticed and huffs. "Fiiiiine" she goes through the gateway and is transported to a forest area with ghost like creatchers. Also there's a frog just sitting there. Chara goes over and pokes the frog. It makes a croak but doesn't move
(The creature is Bioweapon!Killer) “An echo forest?” Ironhide asked
One of the ghosts came up to iron hide looking down at her.
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Ironhide sat down. “Hey buddy
 it made gurgling sounds and shrunk down seemingly sitting aswell. Tonic went off on their own to try to find clues to the gem. The watch doesn't glow in this au. Tonic comes appon a street with a bunch of traffic cones blocking the way.
Ironhide turned into Plasma, her ghost type form.
 A bunch of other ghosts that look similar with different colors gather around shatter. Chara picks up the frog and it turns into a small egg. If she puts it back down it turns back. "Hehe. Cool."
“They are wisps....” Plasma whispered
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scandiengbergs3 · 2 years
Whew-weeee!! What a long twenty-four hours it has been! I am typing this as we descend into Gothenburg, as the sun still is giving the sky a very dark red edge, a glowing orange-pink-red thin band above a cloudy carpet at the horizon line. It is almost midnight here in Sweden and we are arriving an hour and a half late, which, all said and done, isn't really too bad. There were crazy thunder and hail storms in Munich, where we had a seven-hour layover that became even longer as a result of those storms.
Anyway, despite being a person who hates anything to do with the combination of thunderstorms and air travel, and the fact we had that combo in Albuquerque and Munich, the flights were all-in-all good! Our first flight was uneventful; Cece told me she was going to read Teddy & Co. the whole way, which would be her second chapter book and is one that Rowan read as his first chapter book and gave to her for this trip. And you know what? She did read the whole flight and then on the Denver to Munich flight, she read except for when she was sleeping or eating, then on this last leg, she read some more!
On all of our flights, we were split up 2 and 2, with the boys together and the girls together; we intended to shuffle that around a bit, but it held for all three flights. I imagine we'll do the opposite all the way home.
On the long-haul flight, Cece made herself relatively comfortable, her from her middle seat towards me at the window, sleeping in my lap. Then she tired of that position and slept bolt upright 😆 I got very little sleep but did sleep a bit over the ocean and then over Ireland. I can tell you, we are all exhausted and are a bit nervous about what jet lag will look like for us this time.
Our food on the plane was good... I'd forgotten that I got Cece and myself vegan (1) and kosher (1) meals and while they were nuclear hot, they were good. One was a chana masala (the vegan meal) and one was breaded chicken and rice (the kosher meal). Other than eating, I worked on some material for the new Graduate Certificate in Professional and Technical Communication while Cece was sleeping but then I could work no more ... and so I watched some of Will Ferrell's Blades of Glory. A pretty funny flick, as far as I could tell. I am a serious connesieur of just that kind of comedy.
We already met some interesting characters on our trip! The gate agent in Munich for the Gothenburg flight was hilarious but in a wry and "I've had A DAY" way. More about him and others in the next post and I will also share what our first-night hotel is like and whether any of us sleeps at all! Wish us luck!
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