#also scott's little eyebrow raise in this scene. he's like yea you could that might be a good idea man
capricornsicle · 2 years
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Teen Wolf 5bx09/5x19 "The Beast of Beacon Hills"
How stupid are we to be doing this? We're not stupid, we're desperate. ... How desperate?
You can request gifsets! Drop an ask to make a request, and I'll do my best to fulfill it or refer to someone more capable. I'll accept any request except those for Derek, Stiles, and Peter, since they already have so much content in this fandom.
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The Pull (20/?)
Summary: The Ragnulf’s are one of the oldest lines of werewolves known. A gift from ancient times was given to the line. Though not all of the line will experience it. There are some who will experience a Pull. This Pull leads them to their true mate, a soulmate. The problem is, just because the wolf finds their true mate does not mean that they are the same for that person.
Author: @lettersofwrittencollective
Pairing: Stiles x Hale!Cousin OC (Reader)
Word Count: 3359
A/N: So this scene is a bit more descriptive to what the reader would wear in this situation.  I very much envision this character to be more on the athletic side, a bit lean and muscled, because they are a predator. They are on the shorter side (about 5 ft) which has to do with the fact that research indicates that female wolves tend to be smaller than male wolves.  So that’s what I am basing my idea off of.
As always let me know what you thought!!!
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Getting to the loft, you had been surprised at the amount of cars that were outside. It seemed like everyone at the high school and then some had been parked in front of the loft. Thankfully, the building itself was empty other than Derek. Something you hadn’t understood before but were extremely grateful for in the moment.
You’d had Stiles and Scott park in the parking garage and the four of you made your way from the garage to the loft. The closer you got the louder the music became. You could feel the thudding of the bass against the floor up through your chest and a smile tugged at your lips.
Pulling the door open, you’re suddenly blinded by a neon light beam. Squeezing your eyes shut, before blinking them open. What you see when your eyes do adjust surprises you- Danny, Ethan and Aiden had done a great job at getting the loft blacklight ready. Someone had brought moving lights that were flashing through the loft and there was enough blacklight that pretty much everything was glowing. A group of people come in after you, each of them carrying a case of beer and a quick glance around the room shows that there’s a lot more alcohol than you had expected.
“Derek can never know about this.” you’re almost shouting to be heard over the music.
Stiles and Scott both turn to you, their faces very clearly showing they think you’re insane, “It’s his loft?”
“There’s more beer here than a liquor store. I’m not trying to die for that,” you shrug as you’re all stepping into a the loft. Suddenly, there’s something icy seeping through your shirt.
“Oh my God! I’m so sorry!” you hear someone say and you see a red cop that’s tilted awkwardly. Of course, the cold you feel had to be someone spilling their drink on you.
“It’s fine!” you say back and the girl grabs your arm, she tells you that you’re ‘so nice for not being mad!’ She’s very obviously drunk but she makes her way back into the crowd.
Once she’s gone you let out a chuckle. “I’ll be back. I’m gonna go change,” you tell the trio you entered with. Looking at Kira, who seems a bit out of her element, you call her name. When her attention is on you, you ask if she’d like to borrow something.
Looking like a deer caught in headlights, she shakes her head quickly. “I’m okay.”
You raise an eyebrow at her but she just nods her head and reassures you that she doesn’t need anything. Figuring she’d rather just spend some time with Scott you nod your head and, staying close to the wall, quickly make your way to the spiral staircase before running upstairs. You find a white yoga bra and black leggings that are already covered in splotches of colorful neon paint and change quickly.
While you’re making your way down the the spiral stairs, you scan the room, trying to find Stiles, Scott and Kira or Isaac and Allison or Lydia. Your eyes find Stiles pretty quickly but he’s already looking at you. You lift you hand to wave at him when a girl pulls Stiles into a kiss. You can feel a ball form in the pit of your stomach and when he looks at you again, you offer him a weak smile before making your way down the stairs.
It had taken Scott, Kira and Stiles a moment to actually move from the door. They were making their way through the crowd of bodies and Stiles was telling Scott about the key he’d found. “It just showed up there on my keyring this morning. I asked my dad if he put it there but he didn't know anything about it.”
“It’s just a key right?” Scott’s asking as if he’s trying to clarify what it is that’s got him so worried about the key.
Stiles is looking around as he answers, “Yeah but it’s not mine and I don’t know how-” he’s stopped mid sentence by the sight of Natasha walking down the stairs. He couldn’t tell you what the garments are called but she looks absolutely stunning and he cannot tear his gaze away from her.
She’s looking around when their eyes connect. He watches as she waves at him, when suddenly he feels hands cupping his face and holding his neck. He’s surprised to feel lips and he’s not sure why but he could swear that he saw hurt flash through her eyes, which should be impossible from this distance, but she’s smiling at him and someone’s saying happy halloween. He turns and sees a girl in an orange wig making her way through the crowd.   
Looking back at the stairs, he doesn’t see Natasha anywhere. Figuring that he imagined the whole thing he turned to find the girl with the orange wig.
Your heart's beating faster and your mouth is dry as you make your way through the bodies. Seeing Isaac, you begin to make your way towards him when you see Allison walk up. The two are obviously having a conversation that you can’t make out over the noise.
As you get closer, you hear Isaac say, “I don’t like keeping secrets from Scott.“
“No, you don’t. You just like to stand there awkwardly waiting for someone to notice us…” Allison responds and you take that as your cue to veer in a different direction.
While you would like to spend time with them it seems they’re having an argument you don’t really want to bear witness to.  So you start to wander through the crowd.
You’re enjoying the music and dancing with a group of girls you don’t know when someone grabs your shoulder. Turning, you find Aiden offering you a bottle.
“Wolf's brew,” he says over the music at your furrowed brow.  “You’re literally a lifesaver!”
You take the drink from his hand and laugh. “You’ll actually have to thank Peter”
Aiden makes a face, his features twisted in disgust. “Yea, that’s not happening!”
“I thought this was supposed to be a keg?”
“Demarco said all they had was bottled so this is what we get. Gotta admit, whatever it is it actually punches quite a punch.”
“What’s in it?” you ask as you take a tentative sniff of the drink. It just smells like regular beer to you.
“Demarco said it’s just regular alcohol but they steep Kava and Salvia Divinorum with it.”
You have no idea what either of those are but Peter had paid for the alcohol and you had no intention of turning it down. So taking the bottle, you cheered Aiden before taking a drink. The drink was sweet in your mouth. You and Aiden spend some time talking about the turn out and the party before he’s excusing himself, saying that he was going to find Lydia and you let him go figuring he could use the chance to woo the redhead.
Stiles finds the girl in the orange wig and gets her attention.
“Hey, I kissed you,” she says as she moves towards him, a smile on her face as she continues to dance.
“Yeah, you kind of did. What’s your name?”  
“I’m Caitlin.”
“Caitin..” he repeats when a realization suddenly floods him, “Oh my God you’re Caitlin.”
‘I know, I just told you that.”
Stiles is stumbling over his words “No, I know… I just… I mean, uh… you and your girlfriend. She’s…” He has no idea how to be sensitive about this and is trying to figure out how to not be an ass.
“She died.”
“Yeah… Are you okay?”
Caitlin just throws her hands up and nods her head, “Yeah! I’m really drunk.”
“Okay,” Stile says as he rubs the back of his neck. He’s going to walk away when she asks if he wants to dance. He’s surprised by the offer but agrees and follows her to the dance floor.
As Stiles and Caitlin are dancing, he sees that she keeps looking over his shoulder. At first, he doesn’t really pay any mind to it but then she’s got a sensual smirk directed at someone. Someone that is not him.  He turns, expecting to see another girl flirting with Caitlin and instead he sees that there’s a guy smirking in their direction.
Confusion floods him as he looks between the two. Leaning over to Caitlin, he says, “I thought you liked girls?”
She turns to him and raises an eyebrow, “I do. Do you?”
“Absolutely,” he responds without hesitation. “So you also like boys?
“Absolutely, do you?”
Stiles stops and looks at her. He’s never been asked that and he’s never actually thought about it. Before he can really focus on it though, the guy that Caitlin was flirting with has joined them and is asking if he can cut in
Stiles steps to the side and allows the guy to replace him. He can’t help but feel a little disappointed. Sighing, he runs his hands through his hair and makes his way off the dance floor to go get a water. As he gets closer, he sees Natasha talking to someone.
It takes him a moment to realize just who it is but when he does, he quickly makes his way towards her, calling out her name like a mad man.
After Aiden had left you to find Lydia, you had found yourself just moving through the crowd. Grabbing another drink, you’re hanging out near the DJ’s platform when you catch sight of Stiles dancing with the girl that had kissed him earlier. She’s got a smirk on her face and you can’t help but wonder if you could get away with “accidentally” tearing her rotator cuff. It might be a little difficult to manage but at least it wouldn’t be bloody.
As you’re contemplating this, a body slides up uncomfortably close to you on your right. Stepping to the left you turn to look at the person. A brunette you recognize from the lacrosse team but you can’t put a name to.
“Jax,” he says with a hand extended to you and a friendly smile on his face. You smile and begin to introduce yourself, “I know who you are. You’ve been hanging out with Lahey, McCall, and Stilinski.”
“You make that sound like a bad thing.”
“Nah,” he says with a shrug, that is very reminiscent of T, “Just a bit surprising. None of them were every great with girls. Especially not ones like you.” He’s looking at you like you’re a meal he intends to devour and extends his hand to you again, “Care to dance?”
On the one hand, your ego and vanity enjoy the attention but on the other hand, it feels very uncomfortable “Actually,” you begin only to be cut off by Stiles calling your name.  
‘There you are!” he breathes out as you feel an arm wrap around your waist. Looking over to Stiles you see that he’s glaring at Jax. Out of the corner of your eye you see a smirk fall on Jax’s features.
You look between the two of them and watch as Jax’s eyes flick to Stiles’ arm wrapped around your waist and then up to Stiles before he addresses you, “I didn’t realize you were here with Stilinski.”
Stiles feels his blood run cold at the thought that she had been talking to Robertson for a while. “Well- you obviously don’t know very much Robertson” he says as he pulls her closer only to stiffen when he realizes that it’s her chest and stomach that are pressed against him and not her side. He could swear that he’s going to die of a heart attack his heart’s beating so fast in the moment. He’s not sure what she says but before he knows it, Robertson is walking away.
“So, what was all that about?”
Stiles is still looking in the direction that Jackson had walked off. “I don’t trust him.”
“Alright then, no hanging out with Jax.” you murmur into his shoulder which is when you realize that you’ve basically wrapped yourself around him.You take a half step back at the same time he does.
Stiles runs into a table with a bunch of brushes and paint, some of them clatter to the floor and he quickly picks them up and sets them back on the table. The two of you are left standing there and it feels a bit awkward, looking around you realize that it’s just the two of you.
“Where’s your friend?”
“Scott?” he begins to look around, “I’m not -”
“No- the um.. The girl that” you reach for his cheek and wipe some of the neon flakes away, “Did this to you..”
Stiles looks at your fingers and his brow furrows, “You mean Caitlin?”
“I guess? I haven’t… umm met her.” your voice softens at the end and you rub the back of your neck somewhat self-consciously.
“Oh! She’s not- that is to say… Well she’s not really a friend.” as he rubs his cheek, getting rid of most of the remaining fluorescent. The sight of which makes you bite back a smile. He moves his arm to rub the back of his neck as he continues “Her girlfriend… That is to say that ummmm… It was in the woods and.. well...”
The smile you were trying to bite back disappears, Isaac had told you about the night they’d chased Cora and Boyd. “She was one of the Darach’s…” he nods and you feel like the biggest jerk to have ever existed. Taking another drink of the Wolfs Brew, you clear your throat,  “Did you ummm...did you wanna go check on her?”
“I uh, actually talked to her earlier. She’s ummm… she’s fine.” At your look of disbelief he continues “Well she’s drunk but she’s dancing with someone and seems ok.”
“Good to know.”
Things feel awkward for a moment as the music blares around you but you and Stiles say nothing. Looking around you a thought occurs to you and so you step around him, to look at the brushes and paint. A thought occurs to you and so you pick up one of the brushes and turn to him,  a smile on your face, “Care to paint my body?”
Lydia’s glancing around the room and wondering, not for the first time, why she decided to come tonight. She sees Allison dancing with Isaac, almost sensually.”Ach! Finally.” Those two had been dancing around each other so much she was wondering if either one of them  would actually step up.
As the music pulsed, she continued to look around. And sees Aiden dancing with some girls behind the gate, one of them is grinding into him and she scoffs, “Predictably.”
She rolls her eyes and turns, her eyes catching Stiles dancing. He’s doing the sprinkler and his arms are flailing about awkwardly, but there’s a huge smile on his face. She sees a hand with intricate neon swirls up the arm grab his hand and follows up to the face.
“Interestingly…” Stiles is dancing with Natasha and both of them look like their lost in their own world. She’s looking at him like he’s the only thing in the world, he’s looking at her and it’s a look Lydia recognizes but she doesn’t think Stiles does.  The two of them are dancing like there’s no one watching them and, suddenly, Lydia feels like she’s intruding on something intimate.
Looking away, Lydia hears a low snarling. Trying to find the source, all she can see are bodies dancing in the room, pressed against each other. Making her way through the bodies, a dark figure appears before immediately disappearing.
Feeling like she’s beginning to suffocate, she calls out Scott's name and continues to make her way through the people before she finally makes it to the Terrace.
You find yourself unable to stop staring at Stiles, you can feel the smile on your face as the two of you enjoy the night dancing away.  As the latest song wrapped up, you and Stiles make your way towards the stairs. You stop to grab two water, a bottle of wolfs brew and a beer. Handing Stiles water and the beer, you down your water.
Stiles sits on one of the steps and drinks his water then holds up the cold beer the question evident on his face. You just shrug your shoulders and sit on the steps below him, “That’s up to you. You’ve stayed the night before. Do you have a bottle opener?”
“Yes,” he says as he reaches into his pocket.
He’s leaning over you and opening your brew when you see the yellow glow. “Your key has phosphors on it,” you say as you wrap your hand around his and lift the key and turn it, “look.” You let go and look up at him, finding that he’s staring somewhat intently at the key. Like he’s trying to figure something out.
He looks at you, and before you’ve even thought about it, your lips are pressed against his. His lips form against yours almost awkwardly, mechanically. You pull away and as you do, you feel his fingers brush against your neck.
“I- I’m sorry…” you stammer out, “I shouldn’t have- I sw-” His lips are on yours and you return the kiss, cupping his face before he’s pulling back.
“I’m sorry, what are phosphors?”
“Oh… uh, they’re any substance that luminesces. It’s in your teeth and fingernails. Laundry detergent. It’s also in this,” you say as you rub at the swirling patterns he had painted earlier. “Reacts to the UV light that’s why it glows.”
Stiles makes a humming sound of agreement and nods his head, accepting your explanation before he’s leaning in and kissing you again. This time it’s passionate and feels just like coming home. Stiles pulls away and you don’t like the feeling.
‘I’m sorry. I’m really totally sorry… it’s just, how would I get phosphors on my keys?”
You’re a little fuzzy, the brew having had its intended side effects so it takes you a moment, “Chemicals.”
It occurs to you ba moment later than it does him. Barrow. He’s already gotten up but you’re quick to follow him out.
“Wait, wait, wait!” he stops you as you’re heading down the stairs. When you ask what’s wrong he points at you “You don’t have a jacket. You’re gonna be freezing.”
You’re shocked that that’s what he’s noticed and focused on right now. Shaking your head, you pass him on the stairs and grab his hand, pulling him along with you.
‘Natasha I’m serious! We need to go get you a jacket.”
“You got a flannel in Roscoe?”
“Uhh yea... maybe”
“Then I’ll use that and if it’s not there you’ll just have to keep me warm yourself.” He’s stopped and you come to a jarring halt, an oof escaping your lips as you turn to him. “What?”
“I can’t tell if you’re serious or not.”
“Stiles, we have to get to the school.”
He nods his head and soon enough the two of you have made it to Roscoe, where there was, in fact, a flannel for you to use.  You’d shrugged it on and pulled it tightly across your body, “Guess we’ll never know will we Batman?”
The drive to the school is silent and somewhat tense and you’re not sure what it is that you’re gonna find. Whatever it is though you’re pretty sure it’s not gonna be good.
When the two of you make it into the building, Stiles leads you right back to the chemistry room. They hadn’t erased the board earlier that day and so the numbers are right there next to your writing.
Stiles is looking at the numbers like he doesn’t believe what he sees before he picks up a piece of chalk himself. Writing next to the numbers, he writes the same exact numbers before stepping back.
The writing on the chalkboard had been his writing.
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tag list: @nicole-lynne @fandom-princess-forevermore @capandbuck @biles-bilinski-24 @stiles-o-dylan24 @fiveisadorable  @falling-stars-never-cry  @blueraindrops @its-livelovelife @screamxqueenx94 @ceceliaking-18 @jasmin3xswayz31994 @dear-vista @fangirlbitch02 @riseandshinelittleblossom @jessicakimba @truthdaze @seninjakitey @kateeee0817 @squadkyoya @lucifersnipnips @niawoods @pansexualbitchesofhell
Do not copy and paste my writing anywhere without my consent. This work is the property of lettersofwrittencollective . Associated characters belong to MTV and are being borrowed for this work, all OC’s are the property of lettersofwrittencollective. These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author/publisher.
Posted 21 April 2019
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