#also rip tor lmao cant join fire lessons XD
lightofunova · 2 years
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The pale goddess blinked, shocked by the sudden change in Zhen’s demeanor. She hadn’t expected the outburst, or to be asked to be a mentor. Sure she had offered, but being outright asked was a new sensation all together. It was something she hesitated to agree to, since she knew first hand how awful flames could be.
And yet, as she gave the auburn haired god a look, her hesitation began to melt. It was clear he needed help. He listened to her words carefully, picking up details not even her assistants noticed.
She noted the way his tone shifted when speaking about burning one close to him, and how the thought unnerved him. The determination he held when asking was striking, and he was drawn to her pyre like that of a moth to a flame. It was evident it was something he revered, he wanted to control it.
And the humility of asking for her aid, it shook her to her core.
It wasn’t a little known secret that legendaries held themselves to high standards. Many of the ones she knew prefered to do things their way, or would never go our of their way to ask for her help. Yet, he did. It spoke alot about his character, and was a trait she admired in the few gods who showed it.
“I’d be glad to, honest.” She said, offering a sympathetic look. “Don’t worry about apologizing, it’s alright.” She didn’t really mind being touched, often being the clingy one among her peers. It made her laugh to herself, noting how she saw a small part herself in the fellow fire deity.
“It will take time though, if you try to rush headfirst into bonfires the result will be awful. Be prepared to get frustrated, angry, and close to giving up.” She warned. Nodding over to her green clad assistant, he left the room politely, leaving the two alone ontop of the tower. The only thing that kept them company was the wind that blew in from the tower’s broken wall, howling through its gaping maw.
“Controlling flames comes from how much fuel you give them. It comes from your energy, deep within yourself.” She began to explain. It felt strange and hard to put into words, but she did her best. “Your rage, emotions, even your physical breathing, it all fuels the flames you create. They exist due to the air around us.”
“Similar to how an electric type can pull electricity from the air, so to can we create fire from nothing as long as we have enough to fuel it. If you’re trapped in an airtight room or cave, you won’t be able to make a flame. It will doe put like a candle being snuffed. “ Sje thought for a moment, realizing the exposition might not help, and that an example might prove more useful instead. Cupping her hands together, she blew a small flame into them. It was large enough to hold, but not hot enough to burn. Carefully she offered it to the man infront of her.
“Alright, try holding this if you’re able.” she started. “It will get you somewhat used to it, as being able to steadily maintain a small flame will help you temper larger ones in the future, and hopefully explain what I’m talking about.”
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