#also rennie i . . . need him real bad
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avelera · 3 months ago
I feel like I don't have the spoons for this, nor the understanding of real-life PTSD enough to explore it, but I feel like it's worth examining Jayce's arc for signs of PTSD. Much has been made of the canonical mental illnesses and PTSD of characters like Jinx, and I've mentioned that I think Jayce might have generalized clinical anxiety, but I think it's worth looking at how much of his behavior might be PTSD related even before he goes to the Anomaly future.
Some possible places I'd look:
Jayce has been getting fed paranoia by Marcus and by the tension that is being deliberately ratcheted up by Silco and Jinx. Yes, he says awful, bigoted things to Viktor on the bridge, but it is worth pointing out that he's not saying this in a vacuum, there are people in proximity to him deliberately stoking his paranoia and that of the city for their own ends, literally Marcus is gaslighting him actively by telling him the Firelights are responsible and the best way to keep people safe is shut down the bridge.
The fight in the Shimmer Factory gets more wild to me every time I watch. Jayce should not be there for so many reasons but one of them is Jayce is not a fighter. I think his video game counterpart sort of obscures this, but unlike Vi who has spent her whole life fighting AND in prison for years, Jayce has never, ever wielded that hammer before. He didn't even have it until the day before! And suddenly he's up against the Shimmer-infused berserkers who are some of the toughest fighters in the whole show. He almost gets his head cut off, if not for features he built into the hammer like weightlessness and the shield, he'd be dead, and then he makes what I call the, "Jayce is Making Bad Decisions" Face (I need to make a gifset of this face btw, he makes it a couple times, also while resurrecting Viktor).
Ok I might make fun of the Jayce is Making Bad Decisions face, BUT on a serious note, it's clear the Fortiche animators are doing a superb job showing someone who has gone into "Adrenaline Mode". REAL fighters do not want adrenaline. Adrenaline fucks up your reaction times and makes you shaky and turns off your higher brain functions. I've been in a fight when fear adrenaline kicks in and you just start wildly swinging to get people away from you and that is exactly what happened when Jayce's face got scrunched up and he started shooting wildly, he just wanted to stop the threat because he's never fought before, unlike Vi. And then he kills a kid and the triumph of his first fight against an uncomplicated enemy just dies and btw, never returns except in that moment fighting more Shimmer berserkers and Renni but those are clear self defense and there's no triumph in it.
BRO gets HIT BY A ROCKET, has a pure panic response leaving living people who need his help in the chamber to save Viktor, and he doesn't go back as far as we know.
Ok so the things that me, as not an expert would be curious to note as possible PTSD responses would be:
Jayce not leaving the lab after the attack except 1) to go to the funeral (where he's attacked AGAIN) 2) to comfort Caitlyn after Mel basically tells him to, 3) to make weapons for Caitlyn's team specifically to keep a small group of people safe, not arm an entire army. Besides that, it looks like he spends all his time holed up in the lab, even after Viktor is gone, because that's his safe space and I think I read once that PTSD has a way of shrinking your world down to just the people and places you trust.
Dragging that hammer around with him in the Anomaly future. Look, Jayce is a city boy, he has no survival instincts, but it wasn't just a bad idea because it broke his leg, it was actively detrimental to his chances of survival because lugging an anvil around drained him of water and calories. Bro had a lot less chance of survival with it, but he thought he was surrounded by zombies (he wasn't, they're all dead and they're all controlled by Viktor, we learn he was never in danger, though I don't blame him for that). But that could also be a PTSD response, his actual emotional support hammer.
Clamming up and not talking to Mel about what happened because she's not in his circle of trust anymore, it's more or less shrunk down to just Viktor (once he can save him) and Cait, maybe.
Ok as usual this got longer than I intended by just... some things that are in my mind right now.
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1sickpuppyy · 2 months ago
ya know, i gotta admit, there’s so many things i’d love to know about u! like, i seem to remember that we both have a real gut rooted passion for stephen king. it would be so amazing to hear about your top 3 fave books of his, and why you chose each one!
of course i would need @sapphinity to help you out with the grooming glove on your feet while you share your answer. or, you know, i’m curious whether she’s ever used it on your neck and ears before? 🤔
and YEAH i remember thats like how we started really talking!! i literally spent like 20 minutes writing out this longass thing about my picks for these and then tumblr mobile DELETED IT 😭 so im gonna summarize!!
1. THE SHINING MY BELOVED- im a careeer hotel worker who got their start in a historic haunted hotel in colorado, six hours south from the stanley hotel as a matter of fact! and im still passionnate about and working in the industry seven-ish years later! i feel like the shining really captures the magic and mysticism that hotels have as liminal spaces and (i believe) as places where the barrier is thinner. having been doing this for this long, i can tell you that you wil sometimes just See Shit or have a room that has a weird story that everybody avoids because it feels bad, thats just part of it
2. and 3. are for the same reasons!! its two of his longest, under the dome and the stand. in both of them i fell in love with the huge cast of relatable or interesting characters with realistic and varied motivations, and the fact that the stories themselves have the supernatural element as a driving force but the story is primarily character driven! LOVE that shit give me a whole town of people to fall in love with and give each of them at least five chapters and im NOT kidding. ALSO THE VILLIANS!!!!!! james rennie is one of my fav villians of any media fr i just love that in a town thats being held hostage by unspeakable horrors beyond our comprehension the true evil is a southern baptist!!!!and, are you listening, lean in close now........ i would let randall flagg crucify me. i would let him drain my sanity and send me to wander in the desert. i would even follow his sobriety rule. just one chance sir please i have so many kinky ideas for your freaky psychic powers pleasepleasepleaseplease
ALSO I GOT A LITTLE CARRIED AWAY BUT THAT LAST PART??? NO I DO NOT THINK SHE NEEDS TO DO THAT AT ALL I WOULD BE UNABLE TO THINK IF THEY WERE ON MY FEET 😵‍💫 and neither of us have even considered using it on the neck!! now im TERRIFIED, thank you!!! i am going to get her to do it as soon as possible
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 2 years ago
maiden gender bend or trans girl ren how ever you like
~In the Narrative Void~
Lian: What- Who-
Amber: Oh. Damn, they actually got me. Hey. You got a lotta questions?
Lian: Yes?
Amber: Well, when you go back to whatever you were doing, you're gonna feel a little different, and a LOT more powerful. Keep that power under wraps, get to a Hunting academy, one of the big ones - Beacon, Shade, whatever - just get to one and show the headmaster your powers. They'll get you taken care of.
Lian: Uh- Okay?
Amber: If you can, ask to see Headmaster Ozpin. If you can I need you to do me a favor.
Lian: Yeah?
Amber: Punch him in the face for me. Just wreck that guys shit. He's not bad, I just. I feel like he deserves it. Promise me that?
Lian: Uh-
Amber: Promise me that?
Lian: I promise?
Amber: Thanks. Magic is Real, the Story of Seasons is true, Ozpin will come back if he dies. Thank you for taking this as well as you are. You're doing a lot better than when this happened to me.
Lian: Your? Welcome?
Amber: Oh! One more thing. I'm Amber. What's your name?
Lian: Lian Ren.
Amber: Cool. Nice to meet for the first and last time - and uh Lian?
Lian: Yes?
Amber: I'm Sorry.
Lian: *Wakes Up* Huh.
Nora: Morning Renni! What's- What's going on with you?
Lian: *Wrapped in plants* ... We need to get to Beacon sooner than later.
~At Beacon~
Lian: Headmaster Ozpin? There is something I need to discuss with you Privately.
Ozpin: And What would that be?
Lian: *Pink Flurries around her eyes*
Ozpin: That is something to speak to me about. Also, Before you punch me, Please make it a good one. It will be the only one you get.
Lian: This has happened before?
Ozpin: Inde- *CRUNCH*
Ozpin: *Reeling* Th- THat!- - Ow- Was an excellent Strike Ms. Ren. Let's- Let's go to my office. Wow that hurts. Very- Very good form ms. Ren. Ow.
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palaceofpassion · 3 years ago
Nora had overheard that Jaune was going to compete in the No Nut November Challenge. That couldn't stand! After all, if Jaune was stressed, he wouldn't be able to come up with great plans like he did! This required preventative measures!
"Nora calm down, like I said he MAY participate. Now keep spotting me please."
Pyrrha continued to concentrate on her set, lifting the hundred plus bar higher and higher with each squat.
"But... wont' it be bad if he does? What about your time together?!"
The champion rolled her eyes in response to her teammates distress, "I'll be fine, it's not like I can't live with out sex or anything. I've done it for seventeen years, I can keep going you know?"
"Okay but... what about his concentration? If he's all pent up it'll be really hard for him to come up with good plans!"
"Nora, I think he'll be fine. Also, almost done." And finally her workout finished, just in time to hear Nora bouncing up and down anxiously behind her. "If you're so worried about it, you can ask him yourself."
"Oh! Okay! I'll go ahead and do that!"
Before she even had the time to try to stop her, the bubbly orangette was already on her way out. Had she stuck around a little longer she would have seen the rather pleasant smile spreading across her face as she eyed that tight little ass bouncing on out.
Her joy was interrupted when Yang approached her, "Hey Pyrrha, is that really a good idea? She looks like she's about ready to jump your boyfriend's dick."
"Hmm? Yep~ That's all part of the plan after all."
"Wait what?"
"Oh yeah, it's OBVIOUS that she's been craving Jaune for some time now, especially after that thing with Ren."
Neither of them wanted to talk about that incident, thankfully everyone was still friends but still...
"But wait, why WOULD you want to share?"
"It's simple, Nora's like a sister to me, and I want her to be happy."
After a small pause Yang questioned her one more time, "And the real reason?"
"I want to see her face down ass up taking Jaune's dick."
"Anyways mind spotting me?"
"Okay Nora you got this! You just need to convince Jaune that it'll be bad for the team if his mind isn't sharp! And who knows what not nutting could do for his health!"
She was simply doing this for a friend, there were NO alternative motives behind this. If Jaune wasn't in tip top shape then everything could go bad for them. It wasn't like she hadn't been craving his big fat Arc cock, she hadn't imagined what it would feel like to taste it, to hold it in her hand, to have it slam in and out of her. Nooooo! She especially hadn't started having these desires even before her and Renny didn't work out! NOPE, not at all, it wasn't like she'd seen it before, once or twice in the shower... hadn't stared at it for maybe a tad too long... watched it drip onto the floor.
She'd definitely never peeped at Pyrrha being taken in a mating press, the champion being dicked into oblivion. She didn't watch as Jaune basically squatted over her, locking the duo in place till his balls were empty. Noooooooo! She would never do that!
"Jaune!" The door slammed open only for her to stop, her eyes shooting wide in shock. Jaune was there alright, but he was also naked, and... his dick was out at full mast. And his left hand was grabbing that big juicy meat slab... but his right? Her... her... her cute little booty shorts were tightly wound between his fingers held up to his nose.
Jaune was fucked, like GRADE A FUCKED! He’d recently decided to give No Nut November a try, only after consulting with Pyrrha who had given him the strangest of smiles for some reason. Either way, she’d to his surprise given in rather easily saying she understood the need to challenge himself. And well oh boy would it be a challenge, Jaune was an Arc, and an Arc had needs!
For as long as he could remember, he’d never succeeded in No Nut November, the urge simply came to him. And most of the time he’d dealt with it like any sane person would, using his hand.
This time though, he’d gotten actual experience, had increased his stamina, had gone out of his way to train his patience. So he was sure he’d be able to take the task at hand with ease.
Of course… that simply meant that he needed to also make sure he was completely drained. So while the girls were out, he’d planned to stroke one off, just for good measure. And unfortunately, or perhaps instinctively, he’d grabbed a pair of sleeping boxers… but they hadn’t been Pyrrha’s.
He’d felt shameful about it of course, and it wasn’t like he didn’t grab Pyr’s because she wasn’t appealing. No, there was no woman alive who was as appealing to him as she was. No, the reason he’d grabbed Nora’s was because… well it gave him a taboo feeling. The girl was like an eighth sister to him, and she was a really good friend. The very thought of tainting something so precious had gotten him far harder than he should have been.
Of course in some form of karmic justice, he hadn’t even gotten really started when she suddenly burst through the door. Everything came to a stand still, his entire world stopped, and all he could do was stare directly into those turquoise eyes.
He wasn’t sure what he could say! What he could do! But he needed to say sorry, needed to think of some- she was moving closer, his world was about to e-
... “Why is she getting on her knees…”
Nora was waist high now, her eyes cross eyed as she stared directly at his crotch. His heart beat painfully in his chest as her warm breath brisked across his member causing it to twitch.
He couldn’t even formulate the words as she shifted in place picking herself up so that she could slide her hands underneath the collar of her sweaty clingy WHITE see through workout shirt. He swallowed as he caught sight of her hefty cleavage, the deep valley between her massive tits had always appealed to him. But watching them up close was… his dick twitched again. What was she doing? What was going on here?
Once more, everything came to a halt as he heard the click of her brazzier. Nearly missing the action between blinks he caught sight of her pink sports bra being tossed aside. “Fearless Leader~”
His throat tightened as his vision fell on her once more. “I see… you really don’t want to do that silly challenge right? It would be REALLY bad for the team~”
His mouth opened but no sound came out. Instead his voice hitched when her arms reached under her ample breasts pulling her shirt up halfway and clearing only the underboob. The next thing he knew his cock was surrounded in a deep hot warmth, he could hardly believe his eyes. The head of his cock peeked through the massive dark cavern between her breasts, pressing up against the sheen fabric of her shirt.
“So big~”
Nora was freaking out! She hadn’t been rightfully in control of ANY of her actions for the last few minutes. The moment she opened that door and saw him masturbating to HER clothing, she’d completely blanked out. And now here she was, on her knees, with that fat hot cock squished between her massive bust.
She’d… she’d dreamt about this a few times, and to actually have it happen? She wasn’t even sure what to do, all she could even think about was how smelly it was, how hot and thick between her chest it was. How… how good it felt throbbing against her doughy mounds.
She stopped thinking, started acting instead. Her arms tightly squished against the big round swells, pushing them together accosting a soft, “Nngggh~” From the man of her amor~
Drip drip drip
Her body reacted as she expected, her core tightly swallowing her underwear, wedging the material tightly between her dripping sex.
“You… you like this?”
She started moving, guiding her chest upwards grinding the soft flesh against the burning hard meat wedged inside. It felt amazing! Her mind blanking every now and again as she took in his manly scent. She doubted she’d ever be able to have this kind of experience with anyone else! It was enthralling, captivating her full attention.
His grunting voice was like music to her ears. And she knew Pyrrha wouldn’t mind! She wasn’t as oblivious as everyone thought she was. She knew that her friend had goaded her on, so… so she was going to take it!
Up and down, side to side. Her breasts wiggled and pulled, forcing the meaty stick between them. Her heart pounded frantically in her chest as she watched the head disappear into her folds.
She… she wanted to take off the shirt, to show him everything she had to offer, but for now she was too scared. And this would have to do, though from the sounds of his oh so sexy grunts, she was doing the right thing.
Jaune’s head rolled back, his hands pressed against his bed as he closed his eyes. Her soft bust felt AMAZING. He couldn’t help but appreciate how completely they swallowed his cock, he wasn’t even sure if that had been possible up till now. Not even Pyrrha had been able to, and she was already slightly bigger than Yang.
But this, this was something entirely different. Her warm flesh was amazing, it massaged and squeezed his dick perfectly molding her malleable flesh around his cock. The squishing of her soft swells was heavenly, and he could already feel his balls tightening as she… as she began to lean forward.
This was insane, he’d never received a breast job from another woman! He knew Pyrrha wouldn’t be angry, he’d known what she thought of Nora and what she wanted from her. But he wasn’t even sure this was real right now! Stil… he couldn’t stop watching her, her gorgeous orange hair flicking from her face as she put all her concentration into pleasing her. The way her big fat breasts squeezed onto his meat beneath her shirt.
He’d had so many fantasies about breeding her before and… well he hoped Pyrrha was right, cause maybe they’d come true after all. She really deserved the best, and he’d be damned if he wasn’t going to give it to her, but for now~ for now he’d just enjoy what she was giving him.
Her lips tightly encapsulated the peaking head, suckling upon the tip through her sweaty precum stained shirt, she found herself tasting bliss~ The salty flavors were very much to her liking. Oh how much she wanted to taste it raw, to enjoy his savory flavors. The scent was something else as well, her mind was going crazy as her eyes lulled to the back of her head.
Her pace quickened until she felt it happen. It started off as a small twitch, then changed into a convulsing spasm. “Oh! Oh!”
She tried to lap up as much as she could from the other side of her shirt. The thick gooey semen leaked through the fabric and poured into her mouth, her tongue stroking the head repeatedly till she could really taste his seed.
Eventually she found herself pulling back ans more and more spilled out, coating her breasts in a pale white color. Her chest felt like it was aflame, her heart pounded erratically and her body had succumbed to him. She pulled back when she felt him stop, the thick sticky cum dripped between her chest and ran down her belly, her fingers gently running circles around her muscular abdomen. “Wow~”
She turned back to him, the young man satisfied as he stared at her in amazement. “Mmm~ If you want more~” She stood up, spreading her legs apart as she dragged a cum stained finger down her belly button, stroking against her wet clinging black spats and finally squeezing a finger through her very visible camel toe. “You’ll have to wait for next month~ But I’m sure, you’ll want to do that silly challenge right?”
She giggled as he tried to say something but simply fall back in pure confusion. “Well fearless leader! I’ll have to go and get the rest of my workout done~ I’ll see you later!”
Jaune stared blankly at the ceiling… “I… I don’t think I’ll be able to take the challenge after all…” His cock twitched, seed dripping on the tile floor beneath him… “Yeah… yeah redheads are amazing…”
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rennyforpresident · 4 years ago
Renny’s BBSim: First Boots Week 2
Welcome back to Biiiiiiig Brother!
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@ashleaevans @bathroom-sand @kaysarswhore @kayysarridha @kelleekim @lahallucinations @maxdoesbb @misshoh @music-obsessednerd @nerdphobic @nomwastaken @pawn2393 @phylisisley @remember-caltoru @rennyforpresident @shaolinbynature
Previously, the house flipped on the plan @music-obsessednerd had put in place to take out @kaysarswhore and sent @maxdoesbb home in an 11-2 vote. @nomwastaken and @misshoh are running the house in terms of alliances, and @kaysarswhore isn’t far behind.
Speaking of alliances, let’s see if there are any changes this week
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We still have a TON of people working together. But at the most recent Fearsome Five Meeting, @rennyforpresident suggests they gun for the next HOH.
@rennyforpresident: “we need to win this! We need to make sure we’re safe, so we should gun for it, especially if it’s endurance.”
This idea was immediately shot down by all four other alliance members, saying that there’s no reason to go so hard so early.
@rennyforpresident in the DR: “I just don’t feel supported like I thought I would with this alliance. They can be the Fearsome Four for all I care”
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(WHy do i always do this why do i always abandon my alliances lmao)
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It is endurance, just like @rennyforpresident predicted! Who has the (disco) balls to hold on long enough?
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@nomwastaken is the first to fall. He knows he’s not gonna last, and doesn’t try to pretend he will. Shortly after though, surprisingly, @rennyforpresident falls. The balls were swinging too fast, and @rennyforpresident underestimated how tightly he needed to hold on.
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Three more people drop after that, almost simultaneously. This comp is rough, and they’ve only been up there for 20 minutes!
After 45 minutes up there
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@kaysarswhore in the DR: “I’m mad because I really wanted to win! I wanted to tell @music-obsessednerd to shove it, so I’m a little pissed that I can’t do that this week.”
@misshoh in the DR: “I jut couldn’t do it anymore. The chain was hurting my hands and my feet were killing me. Call me a flop, I don’t care. I just hope @remember-caltoru wins and doesn’t chicken out by taking a deal.”
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But, just as @misshoh feared, @remember-caltoru turned to the other two secretly and made a deal: safety for himself in exchange for hopping off.
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The final two already have a final2 deal! No matter who wins, both of them know they’re safe for the week. @phylisisley, knowing she wants to compete again next week, eventually makes the call. The winner is...
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@shaolinbynature! You have secured your safety for the week and earned the right to nominate two of your fellow houseguests for eviction!
After careful deliberation...
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@shaolinbynature: “I have decided to nominate @bathroom-sand and @kayysarridha. @kayysarridha, you’ve already hit the block once and proven that you can win the veto, so I challenge you to do it again. @bathroom-sand, let’s just be honest here: I don’t like you. You walk around this house like you own it, you have no real concept of gameplay, and you grind my gears like no one else. I put you up because I want you gone. This nomination ceremony is adjourned”
@bathroom-sand in the DR: “Oh, @shaolinbynature doesn’t like me? Well guess what? I can’t STAND her. He’s a mess of a person, and he thinks he’s better than everyone else. I hope I stay this week so I can kick his ass.”
@kayysarridha: “Am I the eternal pawn this season? Shit.”
The veto could be crucial for our nominees, so let’s get to it!
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@nomwastaken and @misshoh were both drawn to play! Will the dynamic duo take the veto this week? @ashleaevans also is getting the chance to prove himself. Will he shake up the house by winning veto and saving one of the nominees? Or will he not risk his floater status just yet?
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The competition is STIFF. Mud is flying. Truffles are thrown. No pigs were harmed in the making of this veto competition.
But the scores were revealed:
@shaolinbynature had a score of 21
@kayysarridha had a score of 23
@ashleaevans had a score of 26
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In third place, with a score of 29...
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Will @nomwastaken pull out his first win? Or will @bathroom-sand save herself from the block with the veto?
With a winning score of 35, beating out the second place score of 33...
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At the ceremony, @nomwastaken stands and makes her decision
@nomwastaken: “I know how hard this game is, and I know it’s not always easy to make friends in here. I’m sorry to both of you for how rough of a week it’s been, but I have to do what’s best for my game. That being said...
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The week was tense after veto, both @bathroom-sand and @kayysarridha in bad moods being on the block.
Later that night, @nerdphobic, @lahallucinations, and @kelleekim were all in the backyard. @nerdphobic was laying on the hammock, and @lahallucinations and @kelleekim were in the pool. Suddenly
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The hammock string snaps and @nerdphobic is laying flat on his ass. 
@kelleekim: “Come on dude! You broke the hammock! What’s wrong with you!”
@lahallucinations could only sit there and laugh.
Eventually, the hammock got fixed, but @nerdphobic‘s pride can never be restored.
Later on in the week, @remember-caltoru had locked themselves in the bathroom
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@remember-caltoru to themselves in the bathroom: “I hate this game!! My alliance is falling apart, my hair is losing it’s color, I haven’t been able to get some goddamn Taco Bell since being locked in this shithole, I just want OUT!”
@nomwastaken and @rennyforpresident both sit outside the bathroom door and try to calm him down. After about 30 minutes, the tantrum is over, and @remember-caltoru goes back to being their regular selves.
Eviction Night!
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Arisa: “Hello houseguests! @pawn2393, what has been the weirdest thing about living in the BB house for the second time?”
@pawn2393: “Seeing all these other people play for the first time too! It’s kind of obvious why some of them were voted off first last time *awkward laughter from the house*”
Arisa: “Wow! Bold words! @shaolinbynature, congrats on the HOH win! What was the best part of your room?”
@shaolinbynature: “The BED! It was a mattress I was sure was safe from being flipped. I know that happened A LOT last season, so I was a little worried coming in”
Arisa: “Well, it looks like the mattresses are safe for now! But our two nominees are NOT. Before we vote, you have one last chance to sway your houseguests”
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@bathroom-sand: “This week, I want to stand up to a bully. Playing this game personally is never a good look, and @shaolinbynature, that’s exactly what you did. We don’t get along, that’s fine, but karma will have it’s kiss for you. I just hope I get to be the one to deliver your final blow. Love the rest of you, and I hope I stay!”
@kayysarridha: “Second time on the block, I hope this isn’t a recurring theme! *laughter*! Anyway, I’ve talked to you all, you know what I offer you in this game, and I hope it’s enough to keep me!”
Arisa: “Time to vote!”
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The vote starts off with a 2-2 split. Of course, @phylisisley is voting the way her ride or die wants, and evicting @bathroom-sand. It also looks like the former Fearsome Five members are voting together. Will the rest of them follow suit?
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So far, so good! The Fearsome Five is sticking together on this vote, but it seems like the members of the Block Destroyers are voting the other way. This could lead to some fallout among the alliances next week. The vote is currently 4-3 in favor of voting to evict @kayysarridha.
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And just like that, @bathroom-sand has taken the lead! @kaysarswhore sides with the Block Destroyers. The best @bathroom-sand can hope for is a tie. Will @misshoh side with her number 1 @nomwastaken? Or will she put the final nail in @bathroom-sand‘s coffin?
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In a shocking twist, @nomwastaken and @misshoh split their votes! Is this strategy, or is their bond falling apart?
Arisa: “When I reveal the name of the evicted houseguest, they will have 1 minute to gather their belongings, say their goodbyes, and exit the Big Brother house.”
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@bathroom-sand, come on out!
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(it was so hard finding any kind of reaction image of Sheryl this is the best I could do asdlkfj;al)
Arisa: “You put up a DAMN good fight @bathroom-sand! What do you think you were missing?”
@bathroom-sand: “I honestly don’t know! There were a ton of alliances and it was impossible to keep track of. I think I just didn’t get in with them soon enough!”
Arisa: “That’s the question! Play hard and play fast, but not too hard and not too fast! Who do you think is playing the best game in there?”
@bathroom-sand: “I ADORE @kelleekim​. I hope he takes it ALL the way to the end, and I think a lot of you are gonna be shocked by how well he plays this game.”
Arisa: “Well, we’re so glad we could get you back here with us! 
Now that the house is divided by the first split vote of the season, how will people react? How will the alliance structure react? Find out next time. From outside the Big Brother house, I’m Arisa Cox, and remember, someone is aaaaaaaaaalways watching!”
@bathroom-sand​ you’re an icon for playing as Sheryl and I stanned you before this sim and I still do!! And as for the rest of you, keep being MESSY!!!!
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sparrowwritings · 5 years ago
Writing Challenge Day Three: Wartime
Day Two -- Masterpost -- Day Four
“Shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit, gods damn fucking hell.” Rennis hissed as ducked behind the low wall he’d been using for cover. An explosion set off a second afterwards. It wasn’t close to where he was hiding, but the force of the blast still pressed the somewhat loose bricks into the goblin’s back.
This was supposed to be an easy job. It was pitched to him as an easy job. Even a rogue who only had one living arm and was not the best at stealth could do it, he’d thought. Go in, grab the documents, get out, get paid. Sure there were whispers about the conflict between the Alliance and the Horde moving in that direction, but they were avoidable!
Just his fucking luck that the fighting spilled out this far and this fast. There wasn’t even time to curse at whatever gods or the Light or whatever it was that controlled his life. He had to get out of there, and fast. It was the *how* that was the real question.
“FOR THE HORDE!” A small group of fighters with bright red tabards charged past his hiding place. A quick glance at where they were running showed a set of knights in blue and silver with their shields up to meet them. It was as good a distraction as anything could be in a battle. 
Instead of scrambling like he wanted to, Rennis instead let his experience as a rogue take over and allow him to move slowly enough to almost blend into his surroundings. He weaved in between the debris and fallen bodies. There wasn’t time to count, but it seemed to him that there were equal numbers of casualties for both the Horde and the Alliance. Not that he was surprised. Both sides were pretty equal in power and desire to kill each other, even with the small pockets of peace that happened in between big clashes.
Before he could get too distracted by his own thoughts, a stray arrow whizzed past him and into the leg of one of the fighters. Rennis took that as his cue to find another hiding place. Sneaking until he found what appeared to be the edge of the fighting, he took a moment to heave a sigh of relief. That only lasted long enough for him to hear a shout and the sounds of people fighting. The voice sounded all too familiar. His stomach sank as he made his way over to where it had come from.
Battered and bruised and surrounded by entirely too many people, was Ryvren Browman. His helmet had been knocked loose at some point--showing all too well his long black hair with streaks of gray, his tired green eyes above the white scar across his face and his determined expression. Just behind the human was an injured soldier. Ren couldn’t identify them from this distance but he also didn’t really care. All he could see was his best friend in a bad situation that was only going to get worse if he did nothing.
Gritting his teeth, Rennis took the daggers from his hips and snuck upon the fighter that was furthest away from the rest. A mage, from the look of her robes. Fire crackled between her fingers as she raised a hand to start casting a spell against Ryvren. A swift kick to the knee, followed by a couple of well-aimed stabs finished her off before she could even cry out. He blended back into the environment, but thankfully no one had noticed him yet. 
He was moving onto the next target when one of the soon-to-be-attackers spoke. She was the most poised for attack out of all of the group, wielding a greataxe with both hands. “Just what do you think you’re doing, man? Saving something like that? What’s even the point when it’s just going to stab you in the back once your usefulness ends. You’re human, which means you’re Alliance. Anything that’s not Alliance is your enemy.”
Ryv snorted. “If that’s what you use to sleep at night, go ahead. It’s not true for me, nor is it true for the Argent Crusade” He tapped his tabard with the hilt of one of his swords. It was a golden sun surrounded by black rays, leaving the rest of the cloth white. The Argent Crusade were a neutral order of warriors who followed the Light. They mostly worked to turn back the enemy undead, but members of their order were known to help whoever was in need, regardless of side. Even Ren had put on the tabard to help them with certain tasks even before Ryvren had joined their order. “He’s got nothing to do with this battle so just back off and leave him alone.”
Since the leader was so focused on his best friend, Rennis made quick work of yet another combatant. The odds against Ryv were now difficult instead of impossible. “Oh really? You think the Crusade is so right you’d stake your life on it?” Ren’s large ears pinned back at the self satisfied sound of her voice. “How about this: We’ll let you go if you give us the blood elf.” The goblin nearly tripped making his way to his next target. Ren already knew what Ryv was going to say.
“Fat chance.” For as worn down as he must have been, Ryvren held his ground. 
Before the leader could say anything else, a blood curdling scream rang out. The whole group turned to find one of the warriors struggling with something small and green clinging onto his back. Rennis stabbed the guy again and he fell to the dirt with a thud. Standing from his crouch and spitting out some of the blood that had gotten into his mouth, he spoke. “Well. That coulda gone better.”
All alone and already injured, Ryvren probably could’ve taken down a couple of the fighters before going down himself. With Ren, the two of them were able to coordinate their attacks and effectively wipe the floor with the group before either of the main armies could notice. The leader had to be taken down last--her resilience was a tier above what her comrades were, but even she couldn’t last forever.
Goblin, human and blood elf shared a moment of heavy breathing from the fight that had just happened. Then the sound of yet another explosion reminded them that they weren’t in the clear yet. “C’mon, we gotta move.” Rennis sauntered over to Ryvren and shoved a healing potion into the man’s hand before offering to help the blood elf up. “We stay here and we’ll attract the wrong kinda attention.” The blood elf was far taller than Ren, but he still took the goblin’s hand and used it to help him stand up. The pull on his mechanical arm rubbed the already-raw skin of what was left of his shoulder further and Ren winced. “Please tell me ya’ve got a camp nearby, Ryv…”
Ryvren tossed the potion bottle over his shoulder, its contents emptied. “It’s far enough away that we should be left alone.” He nodded at the man he’d just saved. “We can rest there and figure out what to do next.”
“I can’t even begin to thank--”
“Yeah yeah, offer yer undyin’ gratitude when we ain’t target practice fer mages and archers.” Rennis gestured at his best friend. “Lead the way, Ryv.”
With a tired smile, the human indeed picked a path away from the fighting. The blood elf followed after briefly giving a fel-green glare at the goblin. Rennis took up the rear, sneaking again just in case.
Azeroth as a whole might not keep peace for long, but at least there could be moments where the constant war could be slightly less awful. Ren’s heart hoped that this would be the worst situation his friends would get themselves into for a long time. His still-sunken stomach told him that the worst was yet to come.
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jeidafei · 6 years ago
D.Gray-Man Vol.26: Komui’s Lounge (Extended) 2/5
>> Part 1 <<
Question 7: Is it coincidence that Bookman and Lavi, master and apprentice, are both compatible with Innocence?
Wisely: Now that’s one close shave of a question~. I know why, but I’m not telling ♫.
Lavi: I was curious about this too, but when I ask Gramps he just said “Someday you’ll know���, so I left it there. I’m wondering whether it’s got something to do with that “other side of the Holy War” General Cross was talking about.
Allen: Wait, you mean you came to the Order knowing you would become Innocence accommodators?
Link: Impossible.
Lavi: Looks like it for Gramps. Since he said it right out that “From now on, we will become Exorcists and record the Holy War”. 
Marie: What a surprise. I’ve never heard of such a thing happening.
Bak: Neither have I. The Bookmen really is a clan cloaked in mystery, just like the Noahs.
Question 8: I'd like to know how Allen managed to write his mission reports for all this time, if he’s still practicing his reading and writing.
Allen: Well, it’s not that I can’t read or write at all, but I’ve been through a ton of do-it-overs. 
Lavi: For a while back there, me and Lenalee just couldn’t stand it so we used to help him out. But the real problem is Allen’s handwriting itself is so bad nobody can read his reports. 
Bak: Agreed.
Link: We really must do something about Walker’s handwriting, don’t we? It’s just too atrocious. Take that questionnaire and other papers I had him fill out when I first came to inspect him. Over half is utterly illegible.
Wisely: Really? Even Tikky could at least write letters people can read, you know.
(T/N: Wisely is calling Tyki by his nickname.)
Allen: SHUT UP! (blush madly)
Marie: There, there. You’re doing better now than before you started taking lessons from Krory, right Allen? Great job!
Allen: Marie...! (overwhelmed)
Link: Please don’t spoil him, Noise Marie. That we have to be strict with Walker now is for his own future as well. It’ll be embarrassing if he’s still writing like that when he grows up.
Allen: You're such a boring nag, Link! That’s why my handwriting’s so bad!
Link: No quibbling from you! WhaーOi! Don’t you hide behind Noise Marie!
Question 9: I’d like to know how the Science Division members came to learn about and join the Order?
Bak: Most are scouted out. We recruit outstanding individuals. The process is different for the other divisions, though.
Lavi: Though there are many who joined the Order out of hatred for the Akuma, in the Science Division there aren’t many of those, dontcha think? They’re not high-strung, too. 
Marie: Ah. Many a time we’ve been saved by the Science Division’s liveliness. 
Allen: We can drop in to play around with ease, too.
Link: The Science Division’s not your playground, Walker.
Allen: Roger roger roger.
Link: Only once is enough!
Wisely: Inspector lad reminds me of Desires somehow. Not a type I’m comfortable with.
Question 10: After the Sixth Laboratory was destroyed, was it just abandoned as an empty lot or rebuilt into a part of the Asian Branch?
Marie: Fō is the one who destroyed it, isn’t she?
Bak: Yeah. It was my mother’s...the previous Branch Head’s last request. Fō also sunk the corpses of all the researchers and Crow members that died back then deep underground along with it, too. This is just my imagination, but I reckon everyone involved in that experiment probably went in resolving to make that laboratory their own graves. As of now, the place is sealed from entry. No-one can enter except for me, Fō and Renny. Grandfather Zu is buried there as well, as per his wishes. 
Wisely: Probably because that’s a place the Order and Central had wanted to keep hidden, I'd say. 
Link: ..................
Allen: How did you escape back then, Marie?
Marie: I was injured and unconscious, and Kanda rescued me, from the looks of itーbefore the laboratory sunk down whole, that is. When I woke up, I was lying atop a pile of rubble with Kanda beside me. After that, we were found by Fō, Branch Supervisor Bakーhe was Section Chief back thenーRenny Epstein and Master Zu, and they hid us in top secret.
Bak: Renny was rescued by my mother and Grandfather Zu, because she’s the Epsteins’ only heir.
Lavi: So Kanda’s case file at the Order really is fake, after all. I’ve always thought it seems dodgy.
Marie: But back then, Kanda and I couldn’t trust the Order, the Branch Supervisor and everyone else at all. Kanda was dealing with his past self’s memories and his guilt for destroying Alma, and he was unstable. I took him along and we fled from the Asian Branch together. Now that I’m thinking back, it was quite too easy an escape. Especially when Fō was supposed to be guarding the gateway between the Asian Branch and the outside world. 
Bak: That’s because Fō was helping you out.
Marie: So it really was her. I knew it.
Bak: We were worried sick! Them lot from Central was in a panic when you guys went missing. After a while we received contact from General Tiedoll and finally learned where you guys are, but the general’s fury was terrible to behold back then. Well, it was to be expected, though.
Allen: But you didn’t know anything about the Second Exorcist Project, did you, Bak-san?
Bak: But regardless, I as heir must shoulder the burden of the sin my clan committed. 
Lavi: To think you’d somehow return to the Order after all that, Marie. Well, since you’re accommodated to Innocence there’s no choice but to return anyway, I guess. 
Marie: It’s because I just can’t leave Kanda alone. He’s my savior, after all. Besides, with him being the way he is, I just can’t stop worrying.
Question 11: Supervisor Komui and Branch Supervisor Bak both had long hair once but now cut it short. Is there a meaning behind this?
Link: We’ve been receiving quite a lot of hair-related questions. There’s the usual ones about Yu Kanda and Bookman Jr’s hair type, and also ones like Who is styling the exorcists’ hair? and How many wigs does the Noah Jasdero have in stock? Though I hardly think anything interesting will come out of answering anyway, since the questions are here, I guess it is our duty to answer them. 
Allen: I reckon the ladies probably have their hair styled by the Order’s resident barber. The service is on a reservation basis, so it feels kinda bothersome to me, and I’ve never used it. By the way, Lavi’s hair type is coarse as briar.
Lavi: Just coarse! Never said it’s briar coarse! I’ve also never visited the Order’s barber; Gramps cut my hair for me. And Johnny does it sometimes, too.
Allen: Same for me. You swing by the Science Division, then Johnny would say something like “Your hair’s getting long! Ain’t it getting in the way?” then he’d go snippity-snip on the spot, right?
Marie: Well, the Science Division folks are always too busy with overtime and Johnny’s been cutting their hair for them since the old days, the handy fellow. Now that you mention it, I just remembered: Supervisor Komui used to cut Lenalee’s hair for her until she was about 13. Now Lenalee’s the one cutting his hair, though.
Bak: Lenalee-san cuts his hair...!? Thーthe lucky bastard...! Come to think of it, Komui changed to short hair right around the time Lenalee-san starts smiling. So that was it...? So that’s how it is...?
Wisely: Your brain is filled with nothing but jealousy right now, Branch Supervisor. By the way, Dero has ten of those gorgeous golden wigs.
(T/N: Wisely is calling Jasdero by his nickname.)
Allen: Why is he wearing a wig?
Wisely: Anything more than that will be a violation of privacy. My lips are zipped. 
Allen: Is it by any means your place to talk privacy?
Link: Branch Supervisor, you still haven’t answered your question. Please get it over with already.
Lavi: Inspector guy’s totally calling the shots here, huh? (gossip)
Allen: Yeah, hard to fool around this time...Link’s so serious. (gossip)
Wisely: This time I can finally feel the author’s determination to keep to the word count limit. (gossip)
Link: Over there! No pointless chatter! 
Bak: (s-scary...) I cut my hair short when I became Branch Supervisor. There’s no deeper meaning behind it. If I have to say so, then perhaps a show of spirit? Or a mark of my determination or something...
Question 12: Is there a cosplay you want ALL characters to wear, regardless of alignment (Order/Noah)?
Link: Is this a question for the author?
Allen: I have a bad feeling about this.
Lavi: Yeah, Hoshino’s answer won’t be anything even half-decent.
Wisely: Let me take a glimpse with my demon eye (peek). Huh!? I see, I see.
Marie: What was it? 
Wisely: The author is an Idol fan. Need I say more? 
Allen, Lavi: I knew it!
Link: Lucky for us this isn’t a comic-style lounge session, right?
Lavi: We were on the verge of being forced into Idol clothes back there!
>> Part 3 <<
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jd-arts319 · 6 years ago
Info:an Au where evolutions take place,the au's origin was currently unknown, but the monsters that lived there are called genesis monsters or evo monsters for short,the Au have been under locked & keyed for years now that not even the creator or the destroyer knew this Au,
The monsters in genesistale have power to evolve in their stronger form when in battle.
Story:a long time ago,humans & monsters live in peace,they have been.living in harmony in years until one day,a mysterious turquoise gemstone was found In the cave of Mt.ebott,the stone was studied by prof.w.d gaster along with the old mages,when they first experimented it on a plant,the results lead them to founding out the stone was a evolution stone,because of this discovery,Dr.w.d gaster & the old mages had talked about the stone in the matter,however a certain human who despised monsters for so long decided to use the stone against monsters & humans to ruining the peace,the humans & monsters band together to try & fought the now genocidal beast,but they are no matched towards the genocidal beast,until one of the monsters took the evo stone & Their a new beacon of hope have been made,seeing the monster evolve into a stronger ver.of Themselves,all the monsters took one of each piece of stone & evolved into their stronger forms along with the humans,they have defeated said beast,however the king decided that in order for all of monsters & humans to live in peace,he decided to ask the 7 wizards to trap the beast in the underground with all of the monsters including himself,the idea was successful but it leaves all the humans in grief & despair for their monster friends took the sacrifice for their sake.
Years had passed a unique human came into the underground & Their,the story begins....
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Name:fana reine C.verdana/reine genesis
Relatives:Penelope genesis(step sister)
Personality:quite,calm,anti-social & socially awkward,aloof,reine acts like a normal sans but more active,she is also had long patient,hard to read,Nice,kind,earnest,cool,helpful,funny,rarely gets mad(be careful)
Likes:drawing,sleeping,singing(when no one is around),music,stargazing,night strolls,kids(sometimes)creating something.
Dislikes:he bullies,racist & discriminations,feeling alone,being misjudge,being centered on attention for too long.
Info:once was a human that fell in the underground & live with the sibling of skeleton she fused with,reine was only a human that lived a normal life,except with a bully who clearly hates her,she deals it in her own way until everything changes when she got lost in the Mt.ebott,meanwhle in the underground monsters lived peacefully with No human had fallen down since then,that is until another came & there things went downwards,leaving them to deal with a genocidal child,however things change another Human came & there escalated the two fighting but an unfortunate fate came,leading reine to die to the hands of the human while the said human died into the hands of the au's "sans" however the reset had cause her to be in a new timeline where she was experimented by a mysterious human who had found out she can remember the resets & experimented on here turning her into a half amalgamate,but that was put to an end when the genocidal human came again &.killed the scientist,another months had passed,she was almost having her normal life back,word"almost" when her bully(posessed by the genocidal human) came again & tried to kill her,only to be saved by "sans" who had used the evo stone to kill the human that posessed the bully,however the power was too much & it leads him to dying,reine who had been saved by "sans" was asked by him to fuse her soul with his body & take care of his Lil' sister,penelope, before he passed away,she agreed because she was indebt of him & there she is no longer a human,but an evo skeleton monster,with the promise in mind she starts a new life not knowing there is something the Au was keeping.
Abilities:(inhenced)gaster blasters,bones,Telekinesis,teleportation, Crystallokinesis,evolution,weapon summoning,code manipulation,(others unknown)
Name:Penelope gensis
Relatives:Magnus(GT!sans),reine gensis(step sister)
Personality:(past)cheerful,quirky,kind,sweet,sisterly,(present)quite & stoic,now mellow & soft spoken but had terrifying anger(reine is wrost though),mature,& helpful.
Likes:cooking,gardening,Springs,kids,helping out.
Dislikes:some Au papyruses BS(some if the learn a lessons not to anger her),being reminded of he brother's death.
Info:the little sister of Magnus,penelope was grief stricken by the death of her brother,she used to be a cheerful girl,but the death of her brother hits her hard,she is now quite & mournful until reine came & she started to open up once more when she now mellow person who helped around the omega timeline.
Abilities:floral manipulation,blasters & bones,Telekinesis,teleportation,blue magic.
reine was actually came from me it's translate in two different languages mine is "reina" in Italian means "queen","reine" is the same in French.
She had a necklace given to her by sans before he died,that necklace was a genesis stone,it was unknown why "sans" gave her the peice of the real stone.
Penelope is the only female papyrus existed being Born as a female & not gender switch.
Reine had known the au's from the start,when she only saw them as her dreams.
Reine gets along well with the bad sanses & the good ones.
She met pj in a dreamscape when he was alone in the anti-void,the two met earlier than before.
Her real name is Fana Reine Charm Verdana,The name"Fana" came from my other oc,charm from my tumblr.& verdana was from my.oc.
Fana & reine are two seperate beings,one where fana had a different timeline while reine had fana's old timelines.
Reine was supposed to be "fana" but I changed them into separate beings.
Reine is me along with fana,I also have other au's ver.of reine but never much get into until now,available only are her fell & swap ver.but also her pj daycare ver.CT!Reine
She can be shipped as well as penelope.
She had a soul of time & evolution,while penelope had the soul of passion & happiness.
She had her hair still,she just hides them in a beanie underneath the hood.
Penelope:she & Penelope had a bit awkward & rocky relationships as siblings after sans death,but penelope soon slowly accepted reine as her new sibling.
Paperjam:she & him are friends from the start,where she was only 10 yrs.old &.only human,she & pj met in a dreamscape & had bonded each other becoming as friends,they still kept in contact on each other until she was 16 both had lost each others contacts,but the two will meet again in the near time,since the Au was underlocked & keyed until,she & Penelope found a way to get out of their Au & will soon meet each other again.
Bad sanses:she actually gets along well with the bad sanses,she helped horror with error to give them foods for his Au,helped killer with his emotions,helped dust with his power-hungry LV & EXP,helped nightmare with his personal issues,helped cross to restore his Au,& helped error with not only his hapephobia but also his other personal issues,she saw what the bad sanses really like inside,as she knew they care about each other deeply.
Chara's & some frisk's:she helped error with taking care of the chara's & some frisk's,she was Their big sister figure.
Good sanses:she had rather weird relationship with the three,she likes blueberry just fine she just finds him very....quirky,as for dream she saw him as a person who needs therapy....srsly is anyone gonna helped the golden boy? No?...ok,as for ink she saw ink as a toleretable soulless friend,yes she knew he was soulless.
Palette & goth:she loves the two as siblings & clearly shipped the two as her otp.
Tk:she likes to hang out with Tk & his papyrus along with their alternatives,both she & Penelope are Their funnester babysitters.
Abyss & his Team:
Abyss:her fluffy friend she adored & tease with but also the one who helped her with her soul.
Mecha:she sees as mettaton 2.0,but likes him for his funny yet seen attitude.
V:awkward acquaintances but gets along well.
Kin & beats:both bond over music & drawing.
Ganz(&Mel):she helps him with his mental state & sometimes talked to mel about him.
Most close relationship with Reine:
Penelope as her sister
Pj as her best friend(or boyfriend eh???*slapped by reine* :''''))
Goth & palette:her cute otps
Tk & papyrus:her funnester bro's.
Ct!pj:her friend she is very much fond of...
Their au's counterpart:
Fell!Reine(Quinn)& swap!Reine(raina)
You can ship her with as:
Reine X pj!
Ct!Reine/Regina X Ct!Pj
(you can send some ship for her but I know no one will pay attention to them or either this blog anyway qwq)
All of their names are actually means "queen" just like mine,no really my secondary-name means "queen"in Italian.
She is basically oldest oc.
I shipped her with pj/Ct!pj even though she hates it ;)
Penny almost took after me as well as reine.
She had other au's ver. Like digit(error!Reine),Novia(abyss!Reine)
She likes to eat bread & warm milk to drink,she also liked ground meat burger,& her fav.drink is water or other flavor drinks,she likes the savory type of food than the junk foods.
Penelope is inspired by marcophanges from cell in delivery(I think)along with Reine.
Reine is inspired by Ania to skele!nia from @ania-da-pez
My 1st of liking undertale is @ania-da-pez ,along with @harrish6
Fana can be shipped but she is canonly shipped with Sean by my long time friend @rainbowdiamondsumaita so yeah,ads for me I cannot be shipped.
Reine is my real main oc/muse or mascot.
(you can ship my oc's if ya all want 😏(eventhoughsomeofthemwillneverfamousanywatnorwillbeshippedqwq)(
Genesistale,Reine & Penelope belongs to meh-
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cinemasnob412 · 6 years ago
The Definitive Surviving Girls Of FRIDAY THE 13TH
Inspired by an article featured on VHSRevival.com I’ve decided to compile what I consider to be the definitive ranking of the FRIDAY THE 13TH series’s “final girls”. If you’re not well versed into what makes a slasher film “final girl” so special let’s break it down in simple terms: she’s gotta be the smart one, the “pure” one and in a perfect world would go head to head with the big baddie during the film’s finale, ultimately coming out on top, but not successful enough to make it through a sequel. With the ground rules set, here’s a look at the FRIDAY THE 13TH films’ worst to best “final girls”. Warning, there may be spoilers to follow.
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12 - Amanda Righetti - Whitney - FRIDAY THE 13TH (2009)
I’ve never kept it a secret just how much I dislike any FRIDAY THE 13TH film post-Paramount. 2009′s reboot has a few good things going for it: Julianna Guill and a pretty aggressive Jason Voorhees (Derek Mears). In all reality they’re about the only two positives I can come up with off the top of my head. What it’s lacking though is what really made the original set of FRIDAY THE 13TH films so enjoyable. Marcus Nispel’s film leans more into TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE territory than it does FRIDAY THE 13TH. It’s also short on a likable and true to form “final girl”. Righetti’s Whitney character, while by all accounts is the smart and “pure” one, is too reliant on her co-star Jared Padalecki’s Clay character to be considered Jason’s nemesis this go-round.
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11 - Lexa Doig - Rowan LaFontaine - JASON X (2002)
New Line Cinema’s entries into the FRIDAY THE 13TH cannon are my least favorite of the bunch. Along with JASON GOES TO HELL: THE FINAL FRIDAY, 2002′s JASON X feels almost nothing like a Jason Voorhees vehicle. Too bad for Lexa Doig, whose Rowan LaFontaine character exhibits all the “final girl” traits, but does so in a pretty terrible film.
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10 - Monica Keena - Lori Campbell - FREDDY VS. JASON (2003)
Monica Keena’s Lori Campbell character is really unnecessary in a film like FREDDY VS. JASON. If Jason was going to have an adversary to challenge him throughout the film’s final reel it needs only be Freddy Krueger (Robert England) right? Final girl fail!
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9 - Kari Keegan - Jessica Kimble - JASON GOES TO HELL: THE FINAL FRIDAY (1993)
Adam Marcus’s JASON GOES TO HELL: THE FINAL FRIDAY is not even a true FRIDAY THE 13TH film in name. It sure as hell isn’t a true FRIDAY THE 13TH film in content either. With body-swapping, newly revealed Voorhees bloodline ties and not a teenager in sight, JASON GOES TO HELL: THE FINAL FRIDAY is just a complete mess. Kari Keegan’s Jessica Kimble character, like the film she appears in, is a “final girl” by default only (she’s the last girl standing, so I guess that makes her pretty “final”). Her contributions to the “final girl” club are minimal. I guess she does get to stab Jason in the chest with a medieval dagger, that’s pretty cool, right? No! 
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8 - Jensen Daggett - Rennie Wickham - FRIDAY THE 13TH PART VIII: JASON TAKES MANHATTAN (1989)
Ah! Finally, the Paramount Pictures contributions to the Voorhees legacy. 1989′s FRIDAY THE 13TH PART VIII: JASON TAKES MANHATTAN is easily the weakest of the first eight films, as is the “final girl” character of Rennie Wickham (Jensen Daggett). She dresses like a forty year old mom who’s given up on life, is more of a fragile character than usually required to be an imposing, and victorious “final girl”. It’s not all Daggett’s fault. In reality she's ultimately a victim of lousy writing and poor creative choices by the film’s director, Rob Hedden.
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7 - Adrienne King - Alice Hardy - FRIDAY THE 13TH (1980)
FRIDAY THE 13TH purists may cry foul with this one. Hear me out. As a die hard fan I love Adrienne King’s Alice Hardy. She’s the perfect “final girl”. The only real drawback to her character is that she never gets to actually go toe to toe with Jason Voorhees. In fact, the one and only time (not counting the first film’s dream sequence finale) she comes face to face with Mr. Voorhees (in 1981′s FRIDAY THE 13TH PART 2) she takes an ice pick to the temple! Her “final girl” days were over at that point.
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6 - Lar Park Lincoln - Tina Shepard - FRIDAY THE 13TH PART VII: THE NEW BLOOD (1988)
In 1987 when Paramount Pictures and New Line Cinema couldn’t come to an amicable agreement on potentially featuring both of their marquee horror icons in one film, Paramount forged on with another “versus” idea. Jason versus “the new blood” (I guess that’s what they meant by that title) Tina Shephard (Lar Park Lincoln). Tina fits the mold of the “final girl” perfectly. Add to that fact that she also comes equipped with almost supernatural, telekinetic powers, and old Jason was in for one heck of a showdown in his sixth outing, and the seventh overall FRIDAY THE 13TH film.
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5 - Kimberly Beck - Trish Jarvis - FRIDAY THE 13TH - THE FINAL CHAPTER (1984)
Ask me now, ask me in one hundred years, what is the best FRIDAY THE 13TH film? Hands down, 1984′s FRIDAY THE 13TH - THE FINAL CHAPTER. Joe Zito’s film has everything the series has come to be known and loved for. In the fourth entry, Kimberly Beck’s Trish Jarvis, along with her younger brother Tommy (Corey Feldman) put a (temporary) end to the hockey masked killer. Trish is fierce and just as brutal with old Jason as he is with her. She protects her brother, faces her fears head on and ultimately holds her own quite well against Crystal Lake’s most famous resident.
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4 - Dana Kimmell - Chris Higgins - FRIDAY THE 13TH PART 3 - 3D (1982)
By 1982, the slasher genre’s “final girl” had become well defined. The third FRIDAY THE 13TH entry runs with that established characterization with no hesitation. Dana Kimmell’s Chris Higgins not only finds herself alone, one on one with the seemingly unstoppable force that is Jason Voorhees, but the film, halfway through clues us in that she’s sort of been through this before, having had an encounter with Jason in her younger days that she can’t quite completely recall. Maybe it was her earlier experience with Jason that prepped her for her Higgins’ Haven redux. She hangs the big fella, whacks him in the back of the noggin with a log and a shovel, stabs him in the leg and even tattoos him in the dome with a full on swing of an ax. She thinks and works quickly, constantly keeping herself one step ahead of Jason throughout the entire final reel of the film. Kimmell’s “final girl” would definitely top the list if it were not for our final three candidates.
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3 - Jennifer Cooke - Megan Garris - FRIDAY THE 13TH PART VI: JASON LIVES (1986)
Jennifer Cooke’s Megan Garris character is not so much a “final girl” as much as she’s the partner in crime with the sixth film’s “final guy” Tommy Jarvis (Thom Mathews). Why so high on the list then? For starters she’s hot. That counts for something, right? Seriously though, she’s one tough cookie. Not content with just going along for the ride, Megan helps Tommy along the way, compiling all the necessities to return Jason to his watery grave once and for all (?). She even steps in to save the day when Jason gets the best of Tommy during the film’s finale, on the water Crystal Lake fight scene. Just as Dana Kimmell’s Chris Higgins character did in the third film, Megan leaves a permanent mark on Jason’s infamous hockey mask (thanks to her quick thinking and a readily available boat propeller), something that would visually define Jason’s trademark mask throughout the seventh film.
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2 - Melanie Kinnaman - Pam Roberts - FRIDAY THE 13TH PART V: A NEW BEGINNING (1985)
I know what you’re thinking. “But Pam never fought Jason, she fought the impostor, Roy”. Well, factually speaking you’d be right. And if you took what I said about Adrienne King early and applied it here, then theoretically Melanie Kinnaman’s Pam Roberts should also be lower on the list. I say you’re wrong though. Kinnaman’s final showdown with Roy (Jason impostor or not) is the stuff of FRIDAY THE 13TH legend. She’s tough, protective of her younger costar (similar to Kimberly Beck in FRIDAY THE 13TH - THE FINAL CHAPTER) Reggie (Shavar Ross) and aggressive when it comes to taking on the masked murderer intent on putting an end to her. She wields a chainsaw for Pete’s sake! Plus, let’s not forget she looks pretty darn good doing all of this!
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1 - Amy Steel - Ginny Field - FRIDAY THE 13TH PART 2 (1981)
Amy Steel’s Ginny Field is one bad ass chick! Her showdown with Jason is pretty standard fare when you stack it up against the others in the series. What sets her apart though is her quick thinking and use of psychology to take on Jason when the chips are down. Tricking Jason into thinking she’s his beloved mother by donning her rotten sweater in an effort to strike the death blow on the confused Voorhees may have worked had it not been for one false move. No biggie though, she still lays the smack down on him by way of a machete in the shoulder blade that not only saves herself, but her boyfriend Paul Holt as well, who is in a life or death struggle with the maniac until she lands the fateful whack. Like the character of Tommy Jarvis in the later films, it would have been great to see the Ginny Field character return to do battle with Jason again. Amy Steel has talked about her willingness to return to the series, so maybe, fingers crossed, us fans will one day see the return of the greatest “final girl” in FRIDAY THE 13TH history. A boy can hope! 
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eddycurrents · 6 years ago
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For the week of 17 September 2018
Quick Bits:
Amazing Spider-Man Annual #1 gives us an “untold tale” of Spider-Man shortly after Secret Wars while he still had the black costume from Saladin Ahmed, Gerry Brown, Lee Loughridge, and Joe Caramagna. It’s a nice bit of embellishment, giving us a look more at the reactions from the people around Peter and what the Venom symbiote was doing while he slept. The dark, moody art from Brown and Loughridge is perfect for this.
| Published by Marvel
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Avengers #8 is a bit of a housekeeping issue from Jason Aaron, taking stock of what’s changed for this new incarnation of the team, putting together the status of the various members, and setting up the new status quo. It’s nice to see David Marquez and Justin Ponsor aboard for this arc, continuing the very high bar this volume is setting for art.
| Published by Marvel
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Black Hammer: Age of Doom #5 answers all of the questions, with Jeff Lemire and Dean Ormston filling in all of the details in Lucy’s quest to find the missing heroes. It’s an interesting, and satisfying, revelation that sets up an even bigger picture and possible looming threat.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Bloodborne #5 begins a new arc, returning to the city, and focusing on a scientific and religious inquiry into the nature of the affliction besetting the world. Wonderful art from Piotr Kowalski and Brad Simpson.
| Published by Titan
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Burnouts #1 isn’t a bad start from Dennis Culver, Geoffo, Dave Dwonch, and Lauren Perry, riffing on the teen alien invasion vibe of things like The Faculty. The premise of needing to be high or otherwise intoxicated to see the true threat is an interesting one, leaving an obvious out as to whether or not it’s real, but this issue largely takes it at face value. 
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Captain America Annual #1 is very well done. Tini Howard, Chris Sprouse, Ron Lim, Karl Story, Walden Wong, Scott Hanna, Jesus Aburtov, Erick Arciniega, Israel Silva, and Joe Caramagna give us a story set deep into World War 2 of Cap and Bucky behind German lines, helping a group of civilians who escaped from Stutthof.
| Published by Marvel
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Death or Glory #5 sets fire to Glory’s life quite literally. This entire series so far has been damned good, moving at a breakneck pace pushing the characters harder and further with each subsequent issue. Rick Remender, Bengal, and Rus Wooton continue to deliver.
| Published by Image / Giant Generator
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Dick Tracy: Dead or Alive #1 is a curious thing, embracing the odd stylistic choices of Chester Gould’s characters with Rich Tommaso and Mike Allred’s art, and the kind of throwback tone of Lee & Mike Allred’s script, but through the use of a cellphone it doesn’t seem to be a period piece. Still, it’s an entertaining beginning to this mini.
| Published by IDW
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Ether: The Copper Golems #5 is the bittersweet end to this mini, setting up a new problem for Boone and co. to face in the third series, but in doing so putting him in an even more tragic situation, both in the present and in the flashback back-up. Matt Kindt & David Rubín have bottled magic with this series and I can’t recommend it highly enough.
| Published by Dark Horse
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GI Joe: A Real American Hero - Silent Option #1 begins a new limited series following Bombstrike and her team’s investigation of the missing Helix. It’s a bit bloodier and more brutal than the mothership series, but given the subject of human trafficking, it’s kind of understandable. Larry Hama, Netho Diaz, Alisson Rodrigues, Jagdish Kumar, Vinicius Townsend, and Neil Uyetake put together a decent start here. There’s also a great back-up filling us in on Helix’s past from Ryan Ferrier & Kenneth Loh.
| Published by IDW
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Hack/Slash: Resurrection #11 is the conclusion to the “Return to Haverhill” arc and it continues with the usual offbeat humour that Tini Howard has brought to the title. Mixing the horror with wacky hijinks.
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Ice Cream Man #7 might be one of the more horrifying issues of the series, telling the tale of a young girl coming to terms with the death of her best friend. That story alone is enough to pick up the issue, but it also brings back more of the ongoing story of the Ice Cream Man’s trials as well, giving us a bit more interconnectivity of what are otherwise mostly standalone tales.
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Immortal Hulk #6 sees Al Ewing working to put the disparate pieces of the run so far together, along with revealing at least one group of antagonists dogging Banner’s heels, and working Hulk back into the broader world of the Marvel Universe to deal with the ramifications that have been hovering since Civil War 2. Surprisingly, none of it is particularly confusing, which is a testament to how Ewing is laying this out. Also, really nice guest art from Lee Garbett (with colours from Paul Mounts).
| Published by Marvel
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Impossible Incorporated #1 is a new all ages mini from JM DeMatteis and Mike Cavallaro. I have fond memories of their previous collaboration The Life & Times of Savior 28, so came into this with some fairly high expectations. They were exceeded. The premise for this series taps into the same family of adventurers dynamic of the Fantastic Four and Challengers of the Unknown, and it yields some interesting characters, weird landscapes, and phenomenal art.
| Published by IDW
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Infinity Wars: Soldier Supreme #1 is the first of these Infinity Warps tie-in minis to the overarching Infinity Wars saga, blending together two of Marvel’s heroes in this new reality. In this case, Captain America and Doctor Strange. I’m not sure how much impact these will ultimately have on the event, but it’s a fun diversion. Gerry Duggan, Adam Kubert, Matthew Wilson, and Clayton Cowles deliver an entertaining beginning to this story, laying out Stephen Rogers’ origin and showcasing a number of other amalgamated heroes and a rather interesting villain. Kubert and Wilson’s art is definitely more than worth the price of admission.
| Published by Marvel
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The Life of Captain Marvel #3 delivers more heartfelt and strange complications for Carol Danvers. I’m really enjoying the drama that Margaret Stohl is creating in this series, it’s really been injecting a real element of humanity in Carol that’s been missing for years.
| Published by Marvel
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Mr. & Mrs. X #3 gives us an explanation for the egg that everybody and their bird-brained aunt are fighting over. This development is definitely very interesting for the cosmic side of things.
| Published by Marvel
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Olivia Twist #1 is an updating of Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist, gender-bent and worked into the future, by Darin Strauss, Adam Dalva, Emma Vieceli, Lee Loughridge, and Sal Cipriano. The premise works quite well adapted to a dystopian future, with the protections of society broken down and oppression at an all time high. Although this is set in a future Britain, it’s easy to see similar conditions in America today. What really brings the book together is the artwork from Vieceli and Loughridge. 
| Published by Dark Horse / Berger Books
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Patience! Conviction! Revenge! #1 is the beginning to what looks to be another beautiful sci-fi epic, starting out with a bit of a western feel, before moving on to the city. I quite like the voice that Patrick Kindlon gives to the protagonist, Renny, as he doesn’t seem to shut up. Also, the artwork from Marco Ferrari and Patrizia Comino is wonderful. Ferrari has a style that reminds me of Sean Gordon Murphy and Devmalya Pramanik and it perfectly suits a lived-in future.
| Published by AfterShock
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Return of Wolverine #1 is not a terrible comic. In fact the artwork from Steve McNiven, Jay Leisten, and Laura Martin is very, very good. McNiven seems to be channelling Barry Windsor-Smith for the artwork and it’s perfect. The action and page compositions are wonderful. I can also say that the story, dialogue and such, from Charles Soule is not bad. I’m not sure if I like the implied idea of pulling Wolverine’s history from him, putting the memory genie back in the bottle when we already know his Origin, is a good idea, but his issues with Persephone and Soteira are at least interesting.
What ruins this comic, however, like the Hunt for Wolverine: Dead Ends issue, is that it renders the entire Hunt for Wolverine event superfluous. It doesn’t respect the readers’ time or money, showing that Hunt for Wolverine didn’t build to anything. There’s absolutely nothing in this comic that necessitates having read anything before it. That’s good for new readers, but it’s a crappy ploy from Marvel that manufactured an empty event that seems like its sole purpose was to bilk the customer. I feel terrible saying that, since for the most part the mini-series weren’t bad in isolation, but as a whole, it just seems like a marketing stunt. When it comes to a character like Wolverine, who has previously been associated with the idea of market oversaturation, it’s just worse. 
From Marvel Legacy through to now, it doesn’t feel like there’s been any guiding hand. It doesn’t feel like there’s been any coherence between any of the appearances. It just feels like Marvel turning to some of their worst tendencies in making this past year or so a marketing ploy, tarnishing something that possibly could have been special, and ruining the return of Wolverine. Wolverine’s still dead, Marvel’s just pimping a corpse.
| Published by Marvel
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Seven to Eternity #11 checks in on Adam’s family at the farm while he’s hanging around with the Mud King. Like every issue, beautiful, stunning artwork from Jerome Opeña and Matt Hollingsworth, somehow outdoing themselves with the brilliant colour schemes and impressive character designs. Also, I love the biting, almost subtle, humour that Rick Remender employs for the Mud King’s dialogue.
| Published by Image / Giant Generator
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #86 begins the Earth Protection Force’s assault on Burnow Island, the new home to the Triceratons and Utroms. The action depicted by a returning Dave Wachter (with colours by Ronda Pattison) is very nice, even as we get some interesting moral and ethical hemming and hawing from both the Turtles and Burnow’s defenders as they choose whether or not to release their war criminals to help fight against the EPF. This feels like the beginning of something very heavy.
| Published by IDW
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Thor #5 resumes the King Thor story from the first issue, in the far-flung future, with a reunion between Thor and Logan. It’s not quite as bonkers a story from Jason Aaron as the opening Niffleheim arc, but it’s certainly up there. I almost get the impression that Aaron and Donny Cates are seeing how far they push the cosmic envelope at Marvel right now, between their respective series. In any event, it’s led to some great storytelling. Especially when you add guest artist Christian Ward, who just makes this a must buy.
| Published by Marvel
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Venom #6 is a not-so-subtle reminder that the art team of Ryan Stegman, JP Mayer, Frank Martin, and Clayton Cowles are absolute beasts. Every issue of this series has been impeccably crafted so far and I swear that this one ups the ante. Gorgeous work from the team.
| Published by Marvel
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West Coast Avengers #2 is more ridiculous fun. If you liked the first issue, this is more of that, with some even more over-the-top shenanigans with the team, as they try to get to the bottom of BRODOK. Kelly Thompson’s dialogue and humour here are a highlight, reminding me of some of best of Keith Giffen and JM DeMatteis’ work on the bwahaha era of the Justice League. A book that doesn’t take itself too seriously is a nice balm these days. Also, gorgeous artwork again from Stefano Caselli and Tríona Farrell.
| Published by Marvel
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Other Highlights: Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #23, Aphrodite V #3, Black Badge #2, Bonehead #4, Britannia: Lost Eagles of Rome #3, By Night #4, Coda #5, Coyotes #6, Crude #6, Curse Words #16, Days of Hate #8, Doctor Strange #5, DuckTales #12, Edge of Spider-Geddon #3, Encounter #6, Evolution #10, Flavor #6, Hit-Girl #8, Infinity 8 #6, Jeepers Creepers #5, John Wick #3, Kick-Ass #7, Lost City Explorers #4, Luke Cage #2, Lumberjanes #54, Mae #9, Mata Hari #5, Multiple Man #4, Quantum & Woody #10, Rick & Morty Presents Sleepy Gary #1, Robots vs. Princesses #2, Rumble #7, Secret Agent Deadpool #2, Shadowman #7, Star Wars #54, Star Wars: Lando - Double or Nothing #5, Stellar #4, Strangers in Paradise XXV #6, Summit #9, Superb #13, Sword of Ages #5, Usagi Yojimbo: The Hidden #6, Vagrant Queen #4, Venom: First Host #4, Witchfinder: Gates of Heaven #5
Recommended Collections: Beowulf, Cable - Volume 3: Past Fears, Coda - Volume 1, Cold War - Volume 1, Descender - Volume 6: War Machine, The Mighty Thor - Volume 4: War Thor, Ninjak vs. the Valiant Universe, Skybourne, Spider-Gwen - Volume 6: Life of Gwen Stacy, Venom - Volume 4: Nativity
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d. emerson eddy enjoys doing stuff some times. And things other times. Stuff and things.
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weekendwarriorblog · 7 years ago
WHAT TO WATCH THIS WEEKEND 8/10/18 – The Meg, Slender Man, BlacKkKlansman, Dog Days
If you didn’t read last week’s column about August at the box office, then go ahead and do so now, but this week, we have a similar slate of potential hits and bombs that will mainly rely on whether people want to go to movie theaters to get away from the oppressive heat wave, or instead, go to the beach. Of course, if it rains this weekend, it will definitely help the movies.
THE MEG (Warner Bros.)
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First up, is the first shark movie we’ve had in theaters in quite some time, and a PG-13 one to boot.  The Meg, based on Steve Alten’s book Meg: A Novel of Deep Terror about a prehistoric shark that rears its ugly head in the Pacific Ocean. Unfortunately for this shark, it’s going to have to go up against Jason Statham in his first prominent role since appearing in last year’sFate of the Furious, and before he and Dwayne Johnson get their own Hobbs & Shaw spin-off next year.
The Meg is directed by Jon Turtletaub, best known for the National Treasuremovies, but he went on to direct The Sorcerer’s Apprentice for Disney (which didn’t do nearly as well) and directed CBS Films’ Last Vegas, which was a decent breakout comedy among older audiences. Maybe Turtletaub wouldn’t seem like the most likely suspect to direct a giant shark movie, but hey, more power to him.
The movie also stars Rainn Wilson (who I didn’t even recognize in the trailer), New Zealand’s Cliff Curtis (from Fear the Walking Dead) and Chinese superstar Bingbing Li, and by superstar, I mean that she seems to be put into every movie from Transformers: Age of Extinction to Resident Evil: Retribution in order to get Chinese audiences to see her movies. She’s not to be confused with Tian Jing who Legendary who puts in all of THEIR movies (three, so far) in order to help get Chinese audiences. I shouldn’t be cynical (especially with Crazy Rich Asians coming out next week), but at least it also stars Winston Chao, who starred in Ang Lee’s The Wedding Banquet, as well as starring the ever-present Orange is the New Black star Ruby Rose, who has appeared in four sequels in the last two years and has just been cast as Batwoman in a new CW television series.
I’m not sure if the actors on this matter much outside Statham, because shark enthusiasts even rushed out to see a Mandy Moore movie when 47 Meters Down opened last summer to $11.2 million in just 2,207 theaters, even though that wasn’t really a shark movie. When you talk about shark movies, you have to go back to the grand-daddy of them all, Steven Spielberg’s Jaws, which was the talk of the summer of 1975, becoming one of the first bonafide summer blockbuster, grossing $260 million, which is a LOT by ‘70s standards. Warner’s last attempt at a shark movie was 1999’s Deep Blue Sea, directed by Renny Harlin and starring Samuel L. Jackson and L.L. Cool J. That shark movie opened with $19.1 million and grossed $73.6 million but became a cult classic in the bargain. Surely, the interest in sharks and shark movies has only been exacerbated by Animal Planet’s annual Shark Week, which is mentioned in one of the trailer’s jokes, not to mention the super-bad Sharknado movies.
As the studio’s second to last movie of the summer, Warner Bros. has been giving this movie a huge marketing push, both on television and in theaters, where it was almost impossible to miss the trailer in front of other summer blockbusters, and the studio is putting it into close to 4,000 theaters (including IMAX), a number usually reserved for higher-profile blockbusters.
Reviews will probably be rather mixed, because The Meg is the type of summer popcorn movie that rarely is admired by the snobbier film critics, but it also seems fairly review-proof, because it seems like one of those fun popcorn movies we expect in the summer, which should allow it to do decently opening weekend, in the $20 to 25 million range opening weekend and maybe $65 million or slightly more with the summer winding down. Maybe it won’t be seen as big a bomb as Statham’s FF co-star Dwayne Johnson’s Skyscraper earlier this summer, but with a budget over $150 million, this one better hope that Chinese audiences like shark movies as much as Americans, because it’s not making that back domestically.
Mini-Review:  What can be said about this giant, prehistoric shark movie other than if you’ve already watched the trailer a bunch of times, you’ll already know whether you’re in or out? After watching Jason Statham’s Jonas Taylor losing a couple of his friends in a submarine rescue mission gone pear-shaped, we cut forward five years to China where… wait, isn’t this the beginning of Skyscraper? It won’t take long to realize that The Meg is cut from the same cloth as the recent popcorn movie starring Statham’s Fast and Furious buddy, although in this case, Statham is constantly being overshadowed (quite literally) by the giant CG shark of the title.
It takes a little time to get there as we first have to visit the high-tech deepsea exploratory vessel in the Pacific Ocean, and we meet the team, as they’re about to make a dive into an area below the icy bottom of the Marianas Trench.  The mission is going as planned until a large creature hits the deep-sea vessel leaving three members of the team trapped at the bottom of the ocean. Sure enough, they have to call upon Jonas Taylor, who happens to be the ex-husband of the lead scientist, sowe spend another 45 minutes on this rescue mission before we discover (big surprise) that the Megalodon they discovered has gotten out from under the icy depths where it was trapped. From there, we follow the course of events as the team try to put a stop to the Megalodon, and that’s all you really need to know.
The problem is that there are so many characters in the movie, each fighting for their little bit of screen-time against Statham. The writing is so driven by corny and obvious clichés, it’s almost painfully obvious the role each of these characters will play, including Page Kennedy’s funny black guy but especially Rainn Wilson’s corrupt billionaire who is going to make all the wrong calls for the sake of making money. Ruby Rose’s character gets very little to do as so much focus is put on Bingbing Lee’s character and her family. The thing is that you never feel much for either the characters that live or the ones that die, and an 8-year-old girl steals many scenes from the rest of the cast, including Statham.
By the time we get to the Megalodon arriving in the crowded Chinese bay – a scene right out of the original Jaws– we’ve pretty much given up on trying to take any of it seriously, even if most of the cast continues to utter every line in utter po-faced earnest. Otherwise, the movie tries way too hard to throw in funny moments, but rarely really delivers much in that sense, so you watch things unfold as might be expected.
In other words, The Meg is the corniest of popcorn movies that’s mostly ridiculous and predicable. Just don’t go in expecting Jaws, but maybe something closer to Jaws 2.
Rating: 6.5/10
SLENDER MAN (Screen Gems)
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The movie offering the most direct competition for The Meg is this horror film that’s been moved around the schedule so much one wonders if this could possibly have the same quality as some of Screen Gems’ previous releases like 2016’s Don’t Breathe from Fede Alvarez. That one opened even later in August 2016 with an impressive $26.4 million opening on its way to $89.2 million (based on a $10 million budget), helping to solidify Alvarez as a master of horror after his Evil Dead remake a few years earlier.
Directed by Sylvain White (The Losers, Stomp the Yard), you may know Slender Man as the viral internet sensation and urban myth that ended up with one girl almost being murdered by a couple of her classmates “because Slender Man told them to do it.” There’s a lot more to this meme, which is mostly known by younger people who use the internet, but this is a fairly typical movie about teens being haunted by something menacing. (If you want to learn know more about the near-murder, check out the HBO doc Beware the Slenderman.)s
Screen Gems was originally going to release this later in August, but they took a big chance by switching it with the Sundance sensation Searching (one of my faves from the festival) to give this a bigger push earlier in the month. Unfortunately, it’s also going up against a much stronger (or equally strong) draw for young people in The Meg, so genre fans will certainly be torn with this one drawing the teen girls and that one getting older males.
This stars Joey King, who also appeared in last year’s high concept horror flick Wish Upon, which opened with just $5.5 million and grossed $14.3 million, one of the last ditch efforts by Broad Green to have a hit.
In any other weekend, this would probably be good for a $20 million opening, but opening in just 2,000 theaters with less of a push and no big name stars to sell it (sorry, Joey!), this one will be lucky to make $15 million this weekend and might end up somewhere below that. This will definitely be more of a one-weekend wonder than some of the summer’s other films so expect large drops in the coming weeks.
Mini-Review: If ever there was a movie that would make you miss Wes Craven, this attempt at furthering an urban legend might be it, as you wonder what he might have done with the premise of a boogeyman that has kids performing rituals to find out if he’s real or not.
In this case, it’s four high school friends who hear of boys trying to call forth the Slender Man, so they follow suit, knowing of his infamy for kidnapping kids and/or killing them and/or driving them crazy. Sure enough, the next day, one of them disappears, so they have to figure out a way to get her back.
Obviously, Slender Man uses a similar model as Ouija or the awful Truth or Dare from earlier in the year where a bunch of dumb teenagers decide to do the one thing they’re not supposed to do, killing them off one by one. The only thing that makes Slender Man even slightly novel is that the character has already become a viral meme on the internet from teens who have created artwork and fake videos of the character (many of which are used for the movie).
The movie is almost as predictable as The Meg in that it’s fairly obvious where things are going at least until the end, and at least none of the young female actors get annoying, as often can be the case. There are also not many grown-up actors to muck up the story that’s clearly geared towards teen girls, but the lack of real tension or scares does hurt the movie overall.
To Sylvain White’s credit, this isn’t a horrible movie, a lot of that to do with the film’s strong genre visuals and an ambient score that keeps one on edge, and the actual Slender Man, while not particularly scary, also isn’t as bad as some of the twisted CG creatures from other horror films.
I guess the best that can be said about Slender Man is that it could have been a lot, lot worse.
Rating: 6/10
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Spike Lee is back with another racially-charged and potentially controversial political film, but also his first real-life story in ten years since Miracle at St. Anna but also his best reviewed theatrically-released narrative film in 20 years. (How’s THAT for a variance factor?) Based on the true story of Ron Stallworth, a black Colorado Springs policeman who managed to infiltrated the KKK in order to stop their radical plans.
BlacKkKlansman premiered at the Cannes Film Festival in May to rave reviews (and a prestigious award being mentioned in the ads) and the raves have continued with more recent reviews that are still at 97% on Rotten Tomatoes, and this is a rare case where reviews will matter and make a difference at getting people into theaters.
This is the highest profile role for Denzel Washington’s son John David Washington, who also appeared in the Sundance film Monsters and Men and in RZA’s Love Beats Rhymes last year, but the biggest name is likely to be Adam Driver, best known as Kylo Ren from the recent Star Wars movies. It also stars Laura Harrier from last year’s Spider-Man: Homecoming and Topher Grace in the unenviable role of KKK grandmaster David Duke.
Lee’s last few movies haven’t done great with his controversial Old Boy remake starring Samuel L. Jackson making even less than his independently-produced musical Chi-Raq, both making less than $3 million domestically. What makes this somewhat different is that white critics are getting behind it as much as black critics, which should bring in a nice mix of the arthouse crowd and the African Americans who have been waiting for Spike Lee to return to the greatness of earlier films Do the Right Thing and Jungle Fever.
BlacKkKlansman seems likely to be the breakout movie of the weekend, although opening in just 1,630 theaters might limit its potential opening to closer to $7 or 8 million rather than giving the two movies above a run for the Top 3. Even so, expect word-of-mouth to continue to drive this to a domestic gross of somewhere in the high-$20 mil, low-$30 mil range, which would make it Spike Lee’s biggest hit since Inside Manwith Denzel Washington.
Mini-Review: Spike Lee has finally found a vehicle that plays up to his strengths, while also returning him to the realm of both Malcolm X and earlier films like Do the Right Thing. It’s a film that allows him to explore race relations in this country through the eyes of the real-life Ron Stallworth, the first black cop in the suburban Colorado Springs who decides to go undercover infiltrating the local KKK branch in the early ‘70s.
Ron Stallworth’s story is a solid one, and it’s told in a way that for the most part is lighter than one might expect, because it is hard to believe what Stall worth gets away with.  More than anything, BlacKkKlansman is just a great vehicle for the younger John David Washington, who delivers a similarly-rounded performance as Lakeith Stanfield does in the recent Sorry to Bother You, and Adam Driver is great as always as his white partner who does the dirty work
One of the nicer surprises is Laura Spurrier as a local college activist who Ron befriends but has to keep out of the loop about him being an undercover cop. (Cops are very much the enemy to her and her African-American college friends.)
The KKK members are deliberately played so over-the-top as the villains of the piece to make sure there’s no grey area about that matter, but Topher Grace does a decent job playing the unenviable role of David Duke.
By the last act, the movie starts feeling like it’s going on for too long with the last act dragged out by cutting between the KKK watching Birth of a Nationand the great Harry Belafonte giving an impassioned speech about the treatment of blacks in the past. It’s a really shocking and effective juxtaposition that works but also takes away from the movie’s previous tone up until that point.
As effective as this scene might be, it’s also unnecessary as we already understand the seriousness of what Stallworth has achieved, and the extended epilogue showing footage from the Charlottesville protest last year hammers things home in a way that just seems like Spike Lee being Spike Lee.  We get it, Spike. There are still race problems in this country. That said, BlacKkKlansman is Spike Lee’s best film in a very long time, one that should continue the narrative that began with producer Jordan Peele’s film Get Out last year, even if it does so in not nearly as clever a way.
Rating: 7.5/10
DOG DAYS (LD Entertainment)
The odd dog out this weekend is this independent family film being distributed by LD Entertainment, Mickey Liddell’s production company that has turned into a full-blown film studio and distributor in recent years, though it hasn’t exactly made many waves in that realm. Its last theatrical release was April’s The Miracle Season with Helen Hunt, which only grossed $10.2 million domestic after an opening below $4 million, but maybe that’s good for a low-budget inspirational sports drama. LD has produced other movies that have fared better when released by other studios like Bleecker Street (Megan Leavey), Roadside Attractions (Forever My Girl) and others.
This anthology film about people’s relationship with their dogs is hoping to bring in families with younger kids that like dogs but also women, and a definite plus is that it’s directed by Ken Marino, former member of The State and David Wain collaborator whose last movie How to be a Latin Lover, a Pantelion release starring Eugenio Derbez, grossed $32.7 million last year. The ensemble cast includes Nina Dobrev and Vanessa Hudgens, who have built a fanbase from their television roles on The Vampire Diaries and High School Musical respectively, as well as Finn Wolfhard from Stranger Things. They’re joined by Eva Longoria, Rob Corddry and Thomas Lennon, which is a decent cast but not one that offers much of a draw over the cute dogs.
Last year’s Megan Leavey might be the best comparison for Dog Days, as that also involved a dog (and no, I’m not talking about Kate Mara…rimshot) and that opened with around $3.8 million in just under 2000 theaters.
I wasn’t invited to see an advanced screening of this before writing this column, so I’ll just have to assume that reviews will be pretty good – NOPE!-- though it’s hard to think there’s much awareness for this movie. (In fact, I didn’t even realize the movie opened on Wednesday since that seemed like a last-minute decision.  Expect an opening in the $4 to 5 million range at best, which should be enough to break into the bottom of the top 10, but it could end up being shut out and forgotten with stronger family releases already in theaters including last week’s Christopher Robin.
This week’s top 10 should look something like this…
1. The Meg (Warner Bros.) - $22.5 million N/A 2. Mission: Impossible – Fallout  (Paramount) - $20 million -43% 3. Christopher Robin  (Disney) - $15.5 million -38% 4. Slender Man  (Screen Gems) - $13.5 million N/A 5. BlacKkKlansman (Focus Features) - $10 million N/A 6. The Spy Who Dumped Me  (Lionsgate) - $6.3 million -48% 7. Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation (Sony Pictures Animation) - $5.6 million -30% 8. Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again  (Universal) - $5 million -45% 9. Dog Days (LD Entertainment) - $4.8 million N/A 10. The Equalizer 2 (Sony) - $4.5 million -48%
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This weekend has a ridiculous amount of specialty releases, but the summer of high-profile Sundance premieres continues with the New York release of Josephine Decker’s amazing indie film Madeline’s Madeline (Oscilloscope), introducing break-out star Helena Howard as the title character, who got the leading role in a theater piece being staged by a director (Molly Parker) who seems to want to revolve the piece around Madeline’s life including her dysfunctional relationship with her mother (Miranda July). This is a fascinating film that definitely veers into the art film world of July’s own films like You and Me and Everyone We Know, but it has a quirky charm that keeps you invested throughout.
Opening in select theaters after a month-long run on DirecTV is Jean-Stéphane Sauvaire’s A Prayer Before Dawn (A24) starring Peaky Blinders’ Joe Cole as an American kickboxer who ends up in a Thai prison after being busted for drugs. Once there, he needs to take on the savage environment while dealing with his own drug addiction, eventually getting back into kickboxing as a way to clean himself up and change his situation. I ended up enjoying this movie more than I thought I would
Another Sundance premiere that got a lot of buzz was Skate Kitchen (Magnolia), the new film from The Wolfpack director Crystal Moselle, this one a narrative film featuring the young women of Skate Kitchen, a Lower East Side skater crew who are joined by Camille (Rachelle Vinberg), a girl from Long Island whose mother (Elizabeth Rodriguez) doesn’t approve of her pastime. Also starring Jaden Smith, Moselle’s film is an interesting mix of established actors and non-actors, although I wasn’t really into the seemingly non-scripted format, very similar to another Sundance movie coming out next week. I guess I wish there was more of a narrative rather than the young women talking about personal issues, but maybe that’s just me. It opens at the IFC Center in New York Friday (with Moselle and the Skate Kitchen in person) then expands to other cities next week.
Fresh off its premiere at the Sundance Film Festival’s Midnight section is RKSS’s Summer of 84 (Gunpowder and Sky) involving a group of 15-year-olds who think that a police officer in their neighborhood might actually be a serial killer, so they start their own investigation.
Fresh from its debut at the New York Asian Film Festival and the Phillippines is Erik Matti’s BuyBust (Well GO USA), a police thriller starring Anne Curtis as anti-narcotics special operative Nina Manigan, who is trying to take down the drug cartels of Manila, while also facing dirty cops and bloodthirsty citizens. It opens in select cities this weekend.
Well GO is also opening Huang Bo’s Chinese dramedy The Island about a meteorite bound for earth that doesn’t have much effect on the life of Ma Jin (played by Huang himself) who daydreams of winning the lottery and having a romance with his colleague Shanshan (Qi Shu), but when the event happens, he ends up shipwrecked on an island with some of the coworkers and the winning lottery ticket.
(Continuing where I left off….)
Mia Rose Frampton stars in Jack C. Newell’s teen drama Hope Springs Eternal (Samuel Goldwyn) as Hope, a girl dying of cancer whose condition has increased her popularity, but when she discovers she’s cured, how will all her new friends react? I haven’t seen the movie, but boy, am I able to relate to this as a cancer survivor myself. This will be on VOD and in select theaters.
Gravitas Ventures offers two new genre films this weekend, the apocalyptic thriller What Still Remains (with Strike the Sun Entertainment) from first-time director Josh Mendoza, which will hit VOD on August 14, and Along Came the Devil (Gravitas Ventures), a supernatural thriller directed by Jason DeVan (Mindless) and starring Jessica Barth from Happy Death Day and more. The latter about a teen girl who tries to contact the spirit world will be available On Demand at the same time as its theatrical release.
You can check out the trailers for each below:
Also opening at the IFC Center is Elizabeth Harvest (IFC Films), the new film from Sebastian Gutierez (aka Carla Gugino’s partner), this one starring Australian supermodel Abbey Lee as the title character who arrives at the estate of her scientist husband Henry (Ciaran Hinds), but is treated poorly by the staff (Gugino and Matthew Beard) and told that’s she’s forbidden from a locked room, which of course, she investigates as soon as Henry goes away.
I haven’t seen it, but I imagine the best thing going for Nick Fituri Scown’s directorial debut Pretty Bad Actress (MVD Entertainment Group) is that it stars the comedic great Jillian Bell (22 Jump Street, Rough Night), but it’s loosely based on the story of Theresa Saldana who was almost killed by a stalker but who starred in the TV-movie about her own ordeal. This one stars Heather McComb as former child star Gloria Green who has a similar experience. It will open at L.A.’s Arena Cinemalounge and be on Digital  Friday.
From Bollywood comes Vishwaroop 2(Reliance Entertainment), directed and starring Kamal Haasan, and also out in New York at the Village East is the Icelandic film The Swan (Synergetic) from Ása Helga Hjörleifsdóttir, which will open in L.A. at the Laemmle Royal on August 17. The latter is a drama based on Guðbergur Bergsson’s coming-of-age novel about a 9-year-old girl who goes to visit her relatives in the country where she befriends a farmhand.
Let’s get to some repertory programming in NYC, which is specifically for those who live in New York… or don’t mind travelling.
We’ll start off with the Metrograph who are presenting the first North American retrospective for Anime filmmaker Makoto Shinkai, whose film Your Name. was a blockbuster hit in Japan and breakout hit over here – it even made my Top 3 last year, so I know I’ll try to catch some of his other films. The Metrograph also offers a Rialto Pictures’ restoration of former army cameraman Pierre Schoendoerffer’s 1965 war film The 317thPlatoon, starring Jacques Perrin and others, the story of the occupying French army caught in the difficult politics of the Indochina War. The IFC Center will debut a new 25thanniversary restoration of Martin Scorsese’s The Age of Innocence, starring Daniel Day Lewis, while the Quadpresents a 40thAnniversary restoration of Diane Kurys’ French coming-of-age film Peppermint Soda.
Lastly, Netflix presents the original comedy film The Package about a group of teens who need to put a friend back together after an unfortunate spring break accident… you can probably guess from the title or the image on the Netflix site what body part the friend loses.
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amplesalty · 4 years ago
Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989)
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If I can make it there, I’ll make it anyhwere...
We’ve just had another Friday the 13th so it’s time to dust off the old slasher franchise for my ongoing attempts to make it all the way through the series. Let’s see where we left off last time, 6? Well, that’s not strictly true. I did watch 7 last November but never bothered posting about it. Which, I probably should have done because for once it actually bucked the trend with these movies and I actually kinda liked it? Just try to imagine ‘Jason vs Carrie’ and that’s basically it. Kinda takes the whole thing in a slightly different direction which is a welcome change after so many chapters of ‘Jason stabs camp councilors...again’. Maybe I’ll revisit it in more detail some time.
This movie isn’t quite that far out with it’s gimmickry there’s definitely an element of that with swapping the shoes of Crystal Lake for the neon lights of Manhattan. At least, that’s what the title of the movie would have you believe.  It doesn’t exactly play out that way though.
The opening of the movie seems to be going that way as it takes you on a guided tour around the dark city streets, with steaming sewer vents, shady alleyways complete with muggings, subway rides, diner coffee orders and a shot of Times Square.  It’s all set to the stylings of Metropolis and ‘The Darkest Side of the Night’. I dig the song, has a very 80’s rock vibe to it, like something by Survivor that you’d get in a Rocky movie but it just seems a little out of place here.
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Wait a minute, is that the Batman symbol?! Forget Jason vs Carrie, give us Jason vs Batman. Don’t tell me DC wouldn’t go for that, they seem more than happy to license out the Caped Crusader. I mean, we did just have crossover movies with Scooby Doo and the Ninja Turtles in recent years.
The requisite awakening of Jason takes place, this time jolted into life by the 1.2 gigawatts of electricity running through an underwater cable next to his watery grave. From there, we bumps off a couple of kids making whoopee in a house boat before stowing away on board as the boat slowly drifts into port where a high school pleasure cruise is about to set sail.
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And it’s here that the bulk of the movie takes place which...isn’t the worst idea in the world? Would have that same sort of idea behind Alien where you’re trapped on board with this killer, not quite as extreme since there are some ways off a ship if need be. The movie touches on it to a degree, there’s a sense of paranoia and claustrophobia that develops but it doesn’t feel fleshed out.
You could throw in a sort of moral element to it, like the characters coming to terms with there being no escape and no way to eliminate Jason so they ponder whether to destroy the ship and sacrifice themselves so Jason doesn’t make it to land. Then you have the obvious sequel bait of him actually surviving and finding himself a whole host of new victims.
It just feels like a bait and switch. Just look at the poster, how awesome is that? You’ve got one of the most iconic skylines in the world and home to some of the tallest and most famous buildings but yet Jason looms over each and every one of them. And the subtitle ‘Jason Takes Manhattan’ conjures up all these images in your head of Jason rampaging through the streets like when the T-Rex gets loose in San Diego in The Lost World. I guess ‘Jason Goes Boating’ doesn’t have quite the same ring to it. Jason being in the big city is a novel concept which hasn’t really been explored in the series up to now. Sure it starts to move away from just being confined to the camp grounds but it’s still a pretty rural area so to go to this level of widespread panic would be interesting.
At first I thought the movie might be trying to be a ‘best of both’ worlds and the ship section was just to explain how he gets to the big city. It kinda gives that impression the way it starts rattling off all the people on board and starts killing them off quicker than it can introduce them. This one rock chick is in all of two scenes and the second one is her death. They’re characters done with very broad strokes so it feels they’re doing the bare minimum to give you some context before Jason kills them off, just to keep the pace up before we get to the real meat and potatoes of the action in the big city. It’s almost like The Breakfast Club with all the stereotypes we have on show; the jock, the nerd, the beauty queen...
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We even get elements of the controlling father of EMILIOOOOOO’s character with young Sean Robertson who’s own father is the ships captain and seems quite keen on Sean taking up the family business. Are you not taking things a little too seriously to be in full naval uniform and ribbons for the sake of some exaggerated high school graduation party?
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And don’t forget basket case Rennie who has visions of a young Jason drowning. Except, her dog spends this scene looking at the port hole in a very worried manner as well before getting freaked out and running away so apparently he has these visions too?!
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Rennie clearly isn’t too popular amongst her peers as the bitchy, popular girl promptly hip checks her off the deck, sending her flying through the air and into the icy waters below. Have the people who made this ship not heard of a guard rail?
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I’m not sure what the deal is with Rennie and all these weird visions she has, like blood coming out of a tap or young Jason bursting through the mirror and gooziling her. The movie never really explains what the link is between the two of them, at most it seems to be this mutated childhood trauma where she nearly drowned, mixed with warnings she had back then that she needed to learn to swim lest she end up drowning like that Jason Vorhees boy. It’s just like the puritan origins of those urban legends, clearly all along Jason Vorhees was just a means of scaring kids into taking water safety seriously.
Still, as unexplained as it is, it still adds some enjoyable moments to the movie and I’ll gladly take the writers throwing a bunch of weird shit at the wall to see what sticks over some of the earlier movies.
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I love the moment when the core group of survivors eventually make it off the ship, taking refuge in the life boat, rowing day and night to try and find some sort of sanctuary before eventually seeing a torch on the horizon; that of Lady Liberty. One of the most iconic images in human history, a great symbol of hope to the tired, poor and huddled masses yearning to breathe free that made their way to her shores. Like those that came before them across the seas, finally their nightmare is over.
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Or, at least it is for all of about five minutes before they get promptly mugged by two street urchins.  Not just muggers mind you, given that they usher Rennie away with disturbing plans in mind for her.
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Which, say what you will about Jason, he does stop an attempted rape in this movie. Probably not going to tip the karmic scales in his favour after the hundreds of grizzly murders at his hands over the years but still, it’s a start. Plus, this is doubly puritan as this guy injected Rennie with heroin or something so Jason is taking a stand against drugs as well.
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We also get one of the characters standing up to Jason on a rooftop and trying to use his boxing skills to good use by giving him a series of right hooks and body blows. Only, Jason has been following the Homer Simpson school of boxing as he just stands there and takes it before the other guy gets too fatigued to carry on. At which point Jason literally knocks his block off like a Rock ‘Em, Sock ‘Em robot and the guys head rolls away into a nearby dumpster which then slams shut in a very satisfying manner.
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Rennie and Sean end up in the sewers but need to get out again as the sewer system is about to flood with toxic waste. Lucky that they just have buckets of that lying around that Rennie can just throw in Jason’s face. He then removes his mask in what I can only assume is a loving tribute to The Phantom of the Opera to reveal the mutated freak beneath. Maybe this is another Toxic Avenger origin movie?
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Then lightning strikes The Statue of Liberty because...symbolism, I guess?
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And Jason succumbs to his one weakness; drowning. Only this time in the aforementioned toxic waste so it’s nice to have a bit of variety. At which point he turns back into child Jason because...I have no idea. Maybe it’s another one of their visions, or they’ve somehow exorcised the demons of zombie ghost Jason and now the spirit of child Jason can rest in peace?
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You know what the most amazing thing about this movie is? Other than the fact that Rennie’s dog shows up again at the end because it seems to have the homing skills of one of those animals you read about in the papers who travel across country to their old house, these characters have been through the innards of a manky old ship, been lost at sea for however long, trudged through the shift encrusted sewers and tussled with a decaying monster and still manage to come out without a speck of dirt on them.
Maybe I’ve just been going into these last couple with super low expectations but I’m actually beginning to enjoy them now? Like I said before, I found the old ones really boring so changing up the formula is refreshing and they’re tickling my ‘so bad it’s good’ senses with all the weird shit going on.
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Like, amongst all those images in my head of what a Jason in New York movie would be, funny wasn’t one of them but it just seems to really ramp up in this finale. You have individual moments like when a bunch of thugs are listening to music from their boombox which Jason storms past and punts in the air. They don’t too kindly to this, pulling out chains and switchblades to threaten him, to which he calmly lifts up his mask and causes them to flee with their tails between their legs.
But there’s also this broader idea which serves as this sort of amazing anti climax that having Jason turn up in New York is not the cataclysmic event you think it would be. It’s like no one outside of Crystal Lake has even heard of him so no one bats an eyelid when some 7ft behemoth goes by in the street or on the subway at 1am. I mean, who’s going to notice another freak around here? When Sean and Rennie storm into a diner looking for help, their cries of a maniac being on the loose and trying to kill them is met with a rather quizzical look by the waitress who simply replies ‘Welcome to New York...’.
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Then Jason bursts through the wall like the Kool Aid man and the cook just shakes his head and walks out to confront him. He does it so nonchalantly as if he’s had to deal with his a hundred times already, like it happens so often that it’s lost all meaning. This whole movie has a pretty damning outlook on this city, maybe the true horror in our lives isn’t playing out on TV or on the big screens of our local cinemas. It’s a call to arms that the true horror is the violence and crime taking place on our city streets every day and the systemic issues going unchecked that give rise to it.
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lokbobpop · 4 years ago
Disorder – An illness that disrupts normal physical or mental functions. Oxford English Dictionary. A disorder could be defined as a set of problems, which result in causing significant difficulty, distress, impairment and/or suffering in a person's daily
Replaced earlier disordeine (mid-14c.), from Old French desordainer, from Medieval Latin disordinare "throw into disorder," from Latin dis- + ordinare "to order, regulate," from ordo (genitive ordinis) "row, rank, series, arrangement" (see order (n.)). Related: Disordered; disordering.
Disorder dis order disor dear dis or der disord er
Writing the word disorder
My mind seem so disordered out of control like it has so many back doors i just dont know where to look next where to start where i begin and the mind ends like the mind is so creepy it’s always there watching like it never sleeps.. but ive got this you are doing down mind you are are finished you and all other minds in the human being it on this earth you will fail so give up your position within me your time is over.
Reading the word disorder
To have a physical disorder like terrests where you swear all the time you just cant help you shout out profanities to people, i met one once in hostel he didnt have it so bad but would should out how he felt about you i found him to be in your face i feared what he might say about me so kept clear but maybe he kept clear anything not to say thinks but apparently he had really bad nightmares get angry shouting in the night which must of been scary.
I have an ocd ive had it for over 40 years pulling out eyebrows it all started around 14 where i pulled out my eyebrows to look better and i thought it did look better so when one would grow back even when you just see the dot of it i would need to pull it out i would dig into my face to get until it was out id dig so much it cuts my face so id be like there was nothing but i had to dig it out and it cut so id have cuts on my eye which wouldnt bother me as the tiny black dot did I couldn’t stand it crazy sometimes now ill still dig in in spite of messing up my face fucking crazy when you think of it madness. So i them when on to believe i need this it made me better so i was looking all day long like every half hour nothing there but would have tp look or get the one I couldn’t because i wanted to look great because it work out that i wasnt good enough i needed this i had believed that i was crap id put all my belief into this i thought i wasnt good enough or things got hard id go straight to the comfort of my eyebrows it was mad and still is now when im nervous about something i do it now like doing these writings i will also check them out because i still have belief im not good enough so when i work through every part of me when i desire to do it or even touch them ive got something to work on.
Neurological disorders like dementia my dad had dementia from taking renni tables it distorted his mind he went crazy angry the renni he took all day loads of it so it was bound to happen to him he couldn’t eat anything without having to take a renni afterwards about a year ago my stomach started to do the same i dont take the renni but i see im living something he did for sure within this a fear i feel its bread mostly that sets it off but the thought im not sure.
Personality disorder well i feel i hav plenty of them my anger ones are the best lol not but how many personalities do i have like my face when writing this went into one like the im funny personality lol yes it real they are real its an on going thing.
Saying disorder out loud
Then the house is a mess and everything is in disorder it needs putting back into order and i dont want to or cant be bothered to and it annoys me every time i see it.
To not have thing in order the disorder of the mind
Does this definition support me no lots going on here fear of disorder of the mind wanting my disorder to finished let it go to be confident enough to not need it anymore
Disorder this order
The order within disorder nothing actually is in disorder it all part of the order you do this and this happens simple like your mind you think this it will lead to this there is never and disorder its all in the order you have aloud
I will live this word in see the order within disorder where does it begin how does it begin it has order you create this order so i will see my mind as a order of events that i will disassemble bit by there is no disorder ever. With living words of self perfection
0 notes
rennyforpresident · 4 years ago
Renny’s BBSim: First Boots THE FINALE!!!
For the last time, Welcome back to BIIIIIIIIIG BROTHER!
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@ashleaevans @bathroom-sand @kaysarswhore @kayysarridha @kelleekim @lahallucinations @maxdoesbb @misshoh @music-obsessednerd @nerdphobic @nomwastaken @pawn2393 @phylisisley @remember-caltoru @rennyforpresident @shaolinbynature
Welcome to the finale of Renny’s BBSim: First Boots! 95 days ago, 16 former first boots went to bat to try and redeem themselves in the BB house. So far, 13 of them have fallen short of the prize, but three remain standing, ready to duke it out.
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@ashleaevans. Someone who started off as furniture quickly became a house contender. Often the center of drama, he wasn’t afraid to speak his mind, and made clear who his alliances were whenever he was given the chance. With two HOHs and Vetos under his belt, he has a formidable track record. Will he be the one to take the jury votes?
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@pawn2393. Someone who laid low the entire season and relied wholly on his alliance to get him further. Some call it piggybacking, some call it meat shielding. I call it smart. He just won his first veto, and while competitions aren’t his strong suit, his social game has been nothing but on point. Will the jury recognize this and reward him with the half million dollar prize?
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@shaolinbynature. This competition BEAST has won FIVE HOHs this summer. Completely redeeming their track record wasn’t enough, though, and she got involved in numerous deals and alliances, even finding love along the way. She also didn’t shy away from drama, and had several legendary fights during her stay in the house. Will her record precede here and earn her the grand prize?
These are your three finalists. The jury will decide between two of them, and in order to determine which two, we need to have our final HOH competition of the summer!
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Round 1 is endurance. The competition seems easy, but as the waters act up and the weather turns bad, people get cold, and the complaints start rolling in. 
After 48 minutes, someone loses concentration and accidentally removes their hand from their key
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@ashleaevans: “FUCK! No no no no no I didn’t mean it!”
But unfortunately, he remains out. The other two battle it out to the end, and stay in their boats for almost three hours. @ashleaevans is sitting on the sidelines doing nothing, waiting for this to be over.
@shaolinbynature whispering: “Hey, @pawn2393, if I get off do you promise me you’ll take me to the end? I swear to you I’ll take you.”
@pawn2393: “Deal dude. I can’t sit next to someone as likeable as him.”
After another quick confirmation, @shaolinbynature pretends to slip his hand off, and 
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@pawn2393! You will advance to part 3 of the final HOH competition.
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This one will test our houseguests’ memory, as well as speed. If they remember everything about this season, they’ll be golden!
Once both houseguests compete, they gather in the backyard for the results.
@ashleaevans, you had a time of 12:13. Good job!
@shaolinbynature, you will need to beat this time in order to advance to round 3 of the final HOH. Your time is...
11:20! Which means
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The two houseguests competing in the final HOH are @shaolinbynature and @pawn2393. Unfortunately, @ashleaevans, you will be sitting this out.
@ashleaevans in the DR: “I’m a little pissed that I’m sitting this out. But I have faith that @pawn2393 can pull this out. He’s on kind of a winning streak right now”
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(It’s called encore presentation because this is literally the same competition as last week’s HOH lmao)
The two stand on giant scales, ready to compete. The stress from the competition is palpable, and even Arisa and Julie are nervous. 
After 8 rounds of questions, the game ends with a score of 6-5. The winner of the final HOH, and the person who has guaranteed themselves a spot in the final 2, is...
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@pawn2393! You have secured your spot in the final 2, and earned the right to decide who will be sitting next to you!
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Arisa: “Congratulations everyone on making it to the finale! But even more congratulations to @pawn2393! Before you make this final decision, both of our nominees get one more chance to sway your vote and plead their case. @ashleaevans, you’re up first.”
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@ashleaevans: “You know how much I adore you, and I respect you infinitely. I have faith once again in your decision, and I know our deal will hold true. There’s no way you’d choose to sit next to @shaolinbynature in the end, and I have complete faith that we’ll honor our deal and be the final 2.”
@shaolinbynature: “If you want a shot at winning, you’ll take me. I’ve pissed those people off; the only one @ashleaevans has pissed off is @kaysarswhore, and you’ll have that vote against me too. I am telling you straight up, do not screw this up. Put him on jury and secure his vote too.”
Arisa: “When you’re ready, please stand and cast your vote to evict.”
@pawn2393: “I am so sorry about this, but I have played this game a certain way and I can’t change now. There’s no way I can be in final 2 with you. I vote to evict...
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Arisa: “Come on out, @shaolinbynature!”
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Arisa: “So close! Where did you go wrong??”
@shaolinbynature: “Not winning an extra comp! I knew I was screwed when I lost, there was no convincing @pawn2393. I’m pissed that I’m not still in there”
Arisa: “If you had won, who would you have taken with you?”
@shaolinbynature: “Oh @pawn2393 without a doubt. They’ve been floating this entire game, and @ashleaevans definitely has some jury votes on his side. That was an easy choice.”
Arisa: “Well, we are so sad to see you fall just short of the finish line, but we have a winner to crown! Let’s bring out the rest of the jury for jury questioning!
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When @phylisisley sees @shaolinbynature, she immediately tears up, and both of them hug for the first time in weeks. No one really looks excited to see @ashleaevans and @pawn2393 as the final 2.
@nomwastaken: “My question is for @pawn2393. We were in an alliance together, and yet you chose to go against it in favor of who you’re sitting with. Why did you do that, and do you feel bad?”
@pawn2393: “I did it because I knew the alliance would only protect me for so long. I was at the bottom of that totem pole after you left, and there was nothing I could do about it. I did my best to play both sides so that no one would see me as a threat and take out my allies before they take out me. Leaving the alliance was one of the best decisions I made in the game, and I stand by it 100%”
@lahallucinations: “My question is for @ashleaevans. @kaysarswhore was a prime target for weeks, yet you failed to take her out. Why should I vote for you when you couldn’t convince people to vote out a threat like her?”
@ashleaevans: “I did my best and fought my hardest. There was no convincing people once their minds were made up in this house. It took me winning two separate HOHs to finally be able to vote her out, and I’m proud that she went out on my HOH.”
@kelleekim: “My question is for @pawn2393. Why should I vote for you when you were furniture most of the season? I didn’t see you make any real moves, and most of the jury agrees.”
@pawn2393: “That was my strategy, to hide all of my moves from you all. I worked with the Block Destroyers and cultivated a secret relationship with @ashleaevans at the same time. This protected me during the double and after that. I was the voice in every HOHs ear when they were nominating, and I was the puppeteer the whole time. You not recognizing that means my strategy worked.”
@kaysarswhore: “My question is for @ashleaevans. I think we all know where my vote is going tonight, but I want to ask what your biggest move in this game was, other than taking me out.”
@ashleaevans: “My biggest move was using chaos as my friend. Shifting the target off my back by throwing it on other people was good for me, and I did it multiple times. I did it with you, I did it with all the members of the big alliance. My biggest move was getting in fights, and I stand by all of them.”
@shaolinbynature: “My question is for @pawn2393. I won 5 HOHs, and I can’t remember you being in my ear. Whose ear were you in, like you said you were?”
@pawn2393: “Well, I was in @ashleaevans‘s ear and @kaysarswhore‘s ear for the most part, but me being tight with both sides of the house influenced your decisions too. I disagree that I wasn’t in your ear, because you never put me up.”
Arisa: “That’s all the jury questions we have! Now it’s time for the final pleas.”
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@ashleaevans: “I have played this game hard. I knew I had a target on my back from the beginning, and I knew that I had to play. I won competitions and took out threats to my game. I made strategic moves with who I talked to and interacted with to ensure that I’d be sitting here. I couldn’t have done it without @pawn2393, but my game was my own. Vote for me, because I deserve this.”
@pawn2393: “I played a quiet game, yes, but I also played an effective one. No one in here considered me a threat, and I made it to the end virtually scratch free. I won at the end when my safety was dependent on it, and I voted out the biggest comp beast this game has ever seen. I controlled others’ HOHs throughout the season, and I played this damn game. I have proven that I am a BB great, and I deserve this title.”
Arisa: “Alright jury! Time to vote!”
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@shaolinbynature votes for @ashleaevans to win. She respects the game he’s played, and knows that every move he made was to advance in the game.
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@phylisisley does the same. She respects the fact that @ashleaevans never lost sight of the prize, and played hard.
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@kaysarswhore votes for @pawn2393. She would never cast her vote for @ashleaevans to win, and is happy to hopefully see a Block Destroyer win the game.
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@nerdphobic feels the same way. He wants a Block Destroyer to win, and genuinely feels like @pawn2393 played the better game.
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@nomwastaken feels differently. He knows that @ashleaevans was the one who took him out, and he’ll be damned if he goes out at the hands of anyone but the winner.
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@misshoh also wants @ashleaevans to win this. She believes @pawn2393​ made two fatal mistakes by having the opportunity to vote out @ashleaevans​ and failing to. She wants to show him the error of his ways.
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@lahallucinations​ disagrees, and thinks @pawn2393​ deserves to win. She doesn’t respect the loud game that @ashleaevans​ played, and wants to see a quiet assassin win.
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And if anyone respects quiet games, it’s @kelleekim​. He votes for @pawn2393​ to win as well, because quiet players stick together.
The vote is 4-4. @remember-caltoru​ is the deciding vote, and will determine the winner.
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@remember-caltoru​ votes for @ashleaevans​ to win. He recognizes that he had the balls to play hard, and respects that immensely. He respects someone who isn’t afraid to speak their mind.
Which means!!!
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Congratulations king!! Certified Legend!!
For the past two weeks, America has been voting for who they want to be America’s Favorite Player and receive a cash prize of $25,000! And the winner of AFP is...
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@misshoh​! Keep throwing pizza rolls, bc they love it!
That’s it for this BBSim! This was so much fun to write, and I hope y’all enjoyed it! I don’t think I’ll do another one any time soon, but thank you all for playing!!
Here are the stats for the season!
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My Thoughts On The Youtuber Channel “Little Light Studios”
first of all, I had to take some nice breathes in and out, to try to calm myself.
because frankly, after discovering about them, and their view on Anime...
I was pretty much peeved.
first time I found out about them about well a little bit ago,
I wanted to just look up something to listen to, like songs from Sailor Moon.
but then I saw a video that talks about how another Channel has some misinterpretation about cartoons/anime.
I had to look up the name of the video that has to do with “Anime Exposed”
to find the channel responsible.
let me say this, there are different anime in the world,
not all of them will be for kids, and it is the parents (no matter if they are a dad & mom, two mothers or two fathers or even a renny & mom or dad & renny)
responsibility to make sure that the little kids DO NOT watch some anime that is not meant for them, not until they are in the proper age to watch it.
and if I had to guess, not all humans know that the whole “star” thing
it’s called a pentagram right? it’s original meaning was of course demonetize.
but that can not be helped.
you know what is like to be hurt by a toxic religious person..?
I had been hurt by a toxic religious person before,
just because I believe in Mother as well, don’t mean they make me feel bad,
I mean I still believe in God and even Jesus.
but that Toxic Religious person I encountered a few years ago,
had no right to make me feel bad about me believing in a Goddess too,
and I’m pretty sure I did mention my gender identity as well that time.
like I said before, I still kinda still see myself as my biological-sex/gender,
but I also see myself as non-binary too.
that person had no right to misuse those words at me,
saying “may the lord have mercy on you” or it might of been “may god have mercy on you.”
I even pointed out how bad it was making me feel, and what did they do...?
they kept saying it to me again, they were making me feel really bad, hurt my feelings and making me cry, and did they care...?
if you guessed “No They Did Not”, then you will be correct.
I had to block them because of it.
also I didn’t watch the full video that talks about how wrong the source of the bad mouthing anime, because I had to look up the source, and from what I can tell.....they are toxic...
I had a really bad experience with a toxic religious person...
I don’t mind if a friend is religious or even atheist.
and I don’t believe you should force a religion to someone,
 it should be of his or her or their free will to convert.
and the whole Virgin May being 12 To 14 Years Old when she had Jesus,
is obliviously a lie that HUMANS wrote.
she was 16 years old, and yes I used my pendulum to ask that question.
the one I was trying to get that very answer from, well I was trying to ask Azriel.
even if he might end up pulling a prank on me, at least it wouldn’t be a mean one, like a certain Angel, who I trusted on March, but now he has a restraining order on him, he can still help other people, but he is NOT to get too close to me......
even if I can still trust Angels, I want to remain causation around those who would try to hurt me “to make me better”
even if Angels (well Full Angels, who aren’t Earth Angels and made up both a Angel & Human Soul) are suppose to be like Good...
there is somethings that Angels should make sure to do,
and that is not cause emotional harm or let emotional harm befall someone too many times after they had gotten better from another bad feeling.
I don’t believe that Angels should just ignore this very important thing,
yes there are duties can be important, but you can not neglect the emotion of the heart/soul of the very beings you are trying to help.
or let some Youtube Channel like “Little Light Studios”
just assume things about Anime.
perhaps once I do cool down a little more, I will try to fully watch that video, where they will possibly bad mouth Anime....
 I am a bit more fine than I was starting to feel when I found out about that channel.
it’s no wonder I am Semi-Misanthrope.
at least not all religious people are like that, and don’t take some Anime or Cartoons the wrong way.
another thing that humans should know, is that before Anime....
that disgusting stuff that was mention, was around even before technology.
and humans should not place the blame unless it is something like a certain Movie that one of the heads of Netflix refuse to get it off there, because of the age of the main character of the said movie, and even if I haven’t watched it,
just looking up the info on it, tells me how sick and filthy the man is who refuses to make it go away....
also because of a animated story on Youtube I had watched before,
that has to do with what happen to a girl, and how her mother had to take care of the new baby, and had to wait to tell the said baby girl the truth of what went down.....
I wanted to pray a blessing of protection for all the children who suffer from what that girl did....
even if it might seem mean and might be a bit cruel to some humans....
but hoping those who even try anything, will get a bad tummy ache and a headache, so they wont be able to do anything really bad, is best than hoping worse for them....even if ya might have those thoughts just a little bit, ya try to bury them deep deep DEEP down....
I do hope that maybe other people will pray for a blessing of protection for children too, there was more to what I was asking for, but I rather not say what it is....
but even if there are good people in religion,
there have been some really bad people in it,
that have done unforgivable stuff.
most of them being Priests, who are equally as bad as some Scoutmasters and those who work under them...
 maybe I should try to do some meditation after I play my Xbox,
it might help...maybe...?
I know there can be different levels of toxic-religious people,
if someone is semi-toxic religious, then it means they aren’t as bad as the full kind of toxic religious person.
I know I can’t tell my family that I’m not Christian, after discovering that.
it turns out I am both a Ma-Acolyte & Neo-Christian.
I can’t tell my family I am Ficto-Aroaceflux (or just Aroaceflux for short)
I did try to tell my Mom, well first I wanted to hear her thoughts on Asexuals.
but she misunderstand that all Asexuals are Gay,
not like there is anything wrong with that.
but all Aces are different, some will have a double sexual/romantic identity.
like some who are Aces, will be either Biromantic or Panromantic or even Omniromantic....or will just be Ace or Aceflux or Aroace or Aroaceflux.
plus I had discovered that my species identity is Demi-Human.
anyway I did want to tell my Mom, that I am Asexual Flux...
but her view and misunderstanding about all Asexuals being Gay,
and I know the bad view of those who are....
another thing to know is that even someone who is Ace,
can be Heteroromantic, I guess it would be like Heteroromantic-Ace...?
 I know there is that whole toxic view thing, sometimes when you are a kid
you grow-up believe it to be true, until you start to learn and see the view you were told was wrong, was something that was not really wrong at all.
but sometimes, you can’t tell your family they are wrong, because you become scared of them hating you or giving you disapproval if you try to come out of the Ace Closet.
I am in the Ace Closet, and can only be open about it online.
I did try to come out of the Ace Closet, to try to tell family,
but because of the obvious disapproval, I had to hide the fact that I am Asexual
and try to drop it.
I even had to hide in my room, where I had cried.
my feelings were hurt, I was lucky I didn’t end up crying in the room where I was trying to ask my Mom about her thoughts about Asexuality.
I can’t ever EVER tell my family that I am Aroaceflux, or about my new religious belief or my gender identity or my newly discovered species identity.
I know that they wouldn’t approve.
I was curious, so I decided to ask if Solomon approves of my identities
(as in the whole Gender, Species and Aroaceflux Identity.)
well according to my pendulum, he doesn’t.
well he ain’t the boss of me, well I might technically be his daughter,
like any other of his descendants....
but he misused his power, just like his dad....
and when I say “daughter” I mean being his Descendant Granddaughter.
when I was watching a Anime, I started to really think about the meaning of Grandparents and Grandchildren.
your Grandparents, are still in a way, a Parent to you, even if they didn’t bring you into the world, they are still technically your Parents too, and so are your Ancestors, just in a different way from the ones who brought you into world,
and or who adopted you.
Solomon is a Butt, just because he is my Ancestor-Grandfather,
don’t mean I can’t see him as being a butt...
I can’t help but wonder if his actions will affect his own descendants...
which sadly I am one of them, and if I was allowed and able to...
I would kick his sorry butt...
the only good thing about being his Descendant-Daughter,
is that I will NEVER take the throne, and after the stuff that went on before...
I rather never have anything to do with taking the throne, and be happy to be biologically female, so being his descendant, being born biologically female is in a way, a super blessing.
 I’m pretty sure some info I had heard about before,
is that it is only the MALE descendants can take the throne,
but it can’t be the descendants of Solomon.
Best. News. Ever....of All Time.
after talking about Solomon (and possibly the other stuff before him.)
I had the need to listen to Lily Allen’s Song F**k You.
maybe that tarot card reading that creepily did mention about Gemini having Royalty in The DNA, was right....maybe in a way I am breaking a cycle from my ancestors....them mentioning some names I know, was kind of scary.
I wish not to say the names that was mention, it was way too real there.
 I wonder if it would be either funny or ironic,
that a biological female descendant of King David and Solomon,
would end up playing the song “F**k You, By Lily Allen”
Lady Godiva is the Better Ancestress.
it is just my view, not everyone has to agree about it.
but I am ashamed of those two for different reasons.
one King David, didn’t freaking punish his sicko of a son
who had hurt his own daughter, and if Grandpa King David had what we have now, he would get in big trouble for not punishing his sicko of a son.
oh and let’s not forget that he was coming on to a married woman,
who he ended up killing the husband of the said woman.
and even if Grandpa King Solomon, did end up meeting Grandma Naamah.
which I’m not really sure if it is true that Asmodeus did have a hand in it by accident that those two met....
but even after meeting Grandma Naamah, he could of just gave that ring back from where it came, the misuse of power is too great.
plus I do worry such power that he had on his person 24/7,
may have imprinted into his DNA and cause it to accidentally be inherited by his children and his children’s children and so on and so forth.
But I think I might just be a bit paranoid about that.
I got enough to worry about with the whole Asmodeus thing....
plus with the readings that the sign for Gemini keeps getting.
I should try not to worry about it, and well to be honest....
I might have had him on my mind WAY too much, maybe since 2020.
I try not to think about it too much, and try to think logically.
knowing that it has to be a trick and well maybe it is a good thing not a lot of people believe that he and some other being exist.
after listening to Lily Allen’s Song, I decided to listen to something else.
I am listening to Into The Night By Santana feat-Chad Kroeger.
 I hope toxic-religious people don’t try to find something wrong with that song.
I am not having any of that.
and I sure as of a Mother of a Dastard, ain’t gonna let no toxic-religious person
say that something really bad about the Ghost Rider Movies.
(you don’t have to like the movie, but don’t dislike it because it has some stuff in it that some will view as “the work of the devil”....)
yeah it has some man in it that was suppose to be some “Devil”
that the guy who becomes the Ghost Rider, makes a deal with.
but it was so his dad would get better, but the deal had a twist.
but the power that was given to him,
turned out to be from a ANGEL who went bananas crazy.
plus the boy in the second movie who ended up being the son/vessel   
 of his so called “demon dad” but that doesn’t mean that the boy had to be just like him, and he did the right thing by returning the power back to the man who is known as the Ghost Rider.
I like both the first and second movie of Ghost Rider, and I hope there will be another one someday.
I should try to do some stuff to take my mind off of jerks that end up peeving me off when they are either the normal type of jerk or the toxic-religious type jerk.
sometimes those types can bring the worse out on someone.
I wasn’t even planning to talk about this stuff tonight,
I just wanted to play on my Xbox, even play more of Mass Effect,
and even watch some stuff on my Xbox as well.
I did NOT need to find out the bull that is going on with that Little Light Studios.
those who are subscribe to them,
don’t have to agree with me being disgusted by well what I had found out.
I know you can’t make everyone see reason,
if you are born into a super toxic religious family,
and you end up being well having a different sexuality or gender identity,
than what you are expected to be.
sometimes, it is safer in the closet....
even though my feelings were really hurt, when I knew I couldn’t tell my Mom about me being Ace (well Aroaceflux ) and I had to keep it a secret and keep it together and acting like nothing was wrong, then going back in my bedroom and letting myself cry.
I know others have it way worse, even if I did come out of the Ace Closet to my Mom, it is likely she might still love me but will try ways to “fix” me...
maybe try to get me dates, with some guys I don’t know and might not feel comfortable being alone with because of well, I did mention I do have
Semi-Androphobia &  Virginitiphobia.
a few years ago I did have a panic attack while in the car.
it was a little dark, and I was alone and it was when we were getting ready to move to the house we live at now.
I was scared of certain stuff happening.
even during the day, I don’t like being left along in the car.
I mean I could go inside the store, but I don’t feel like doing that very much.
I think I am doing a bit better since that panic attack happen.
I think my Virginitiphobia has become a Semi-Virginitiphobia too.
 so maybe it is a improvement.
and if there is some form of therapy for Virginitphobia,
even though I still have my V-Card, I know I wouldn’t want to go through Exposure Therapy for Virginitiphobia.
I don’t think I can trust that, maybe the talking it out maybe...
but that exposure therapy, I am not sure I would trust it.
even if it is true some use a virtual reality
(I tried to look up how it is done, and one of the info had something about virtual....)
I wouldn’t fully trust it.
even those who still have the V-Card and have Virginitiphobia, can still be cautious, even when it comes to therapist, who might want to use the exposure therapy.
what sucks is that some, think that type of fear is a mental illness.
anyway, I don’t think I am a very big fan of Little Light Studios.
when I can I will try to watch the full video that I had found that belongs to them, that talks about Anime.
but once again, before Anime, and even technology.
back in the stupid ages,
there were humans who have done sick and twisted stuff.    
 just like how Grandpa King David’s Sicko of a Son hurt Auntie Tamar.
worst daddy ever, of all time.
and Grandpa Solomon ain’t no better....
I guess maybe, I am glad I had admitted to the whole Asmodeus thing,
but I am trying to not to think about too much and try not to be tricked.
I guess some might take it really seriously or tell me I have nothing to worry about, and it will stop soon....well I am gonna hope that there is nothing to worry about and it will stop soon.
I don’t mind the fictional versions of him so much, and well I am gonna just try not to think of well ya know.
plus even if there are other Gemini who might be going through a different thing, that has to do with some guy or gal or other, who is romantically interested in them but they are trying to push that kind of persons away, because it is likely they just gonna hurt them and break their hearts.
if by chance, some of those readings do match some Geminis but not all Geminis....
I rather think that if half of those do match me, it is most likely a trick and a way for me to be tricked by Asmodeus.
the best thing I can do, is try to make sure to take my mind off of well that stuff.
and maybe check on the readings for Gemini, and hope it does show that it turns out it has been a trick the whole time and I was in the right to try to ignore it and try not to fall into a trap.
I am NOT being a Tsundere, just to be clear.
and yeah at times, he has been on my mind, I think it started sometime around 2020, and I want to try to hope for the best that it is just some form of trick and I can just try to take my mind off of it.
I can’t talk to my family about it either, I guess I could pray for some kind of sign about the whole thing...but I think I will wait until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow to ask that kind of thing.
I even started to worry that the reason no bird had moved into the bird house,
is because of Asmodeus, and I started to remember another time when I was a little girl, when we had pet birds and they died too soon.
 I kind of want to hope and pray that either a crow or raven move into the bird house.
maybe I am just being paranoid about whole bird thing, I mean it takes time and I just gotta try to be patient.
I just need to try not to be tricked and I need to try not to let toxic-religious people get to me so much either.
maybe I should wait a few days or maybe a week, before I try to watch any video by Little Light Studios.
I have only known that channel for a short time, because I had only found out about them tonight....but I still don’t like it.
  not all anime/cartoons will be for children,
some will be for everyone, but some will not be.
some really mature stuff, needs to be hidden away from little kids,
and try to explain to them that they are too young to see it.
and making sure to hide it really good, so they can’t find it.
oh and this is what had kind of freaked me out
it is still a good reading, but some stuff that was said, did freak me out.
I mean I am a Gemini and I am a descendant of Royalty.
but I am pretty sure there are other Geminis who saw that, who might be descendants of royalty too.
I am just gonna try to hope that reading was about a different Gemini who is a descendant of royalty.
even if they said “You Are Next In Line To The Throne.”
I don’t want it....Nope, No Thank You.
Fudge This Cheese I’m Out.
the reading was still good and interesting
(still was freaky to me because of reasons.)
but at least the person who did the reading, isn’t a bad person.
or a super toxic religious person.
I think I should try to make sure to take off my mind off of those Little Light Studios.....
even if someone does point out about some stuff on Anime,
like there are some Anime and even Cartoons,
that are not for little kids, and parents should know that fact.
and if you were a little kids when you were exposed to some mature stuff in movies, once you get older, you get the knowledge that let’s you figure out
that you were too young to watch some stuff you were not suppose to.
so you try to make sure the same mistake doesn’t happen again.
I try to keep any M Rated Video Games and Movies or Shows,
away from little cousins.
I have my reason to want to keep my guard up when it comes to both demons and angels....and I don’t just mean the fallen angels.
I’m just gonna try to take my mind off of that Youtube Channel
that peeved me off.
I at first wanted to talk about that whole Youtube Channel,
but I started to talk about some other stuff too.
like admitting about the whole Asmodeus thing, but I am doing my best to try to keep my mind on other stuff. 
 anyway I’m gonna just go back to what I was going before finding out about that Little Light Studios, I don’t think they would care about how they might of not only peeved me off, but others as well.
I still think it is best that I wait maybe a few days, maybe until June,
to try to fully watch their video that talks about Anime.
I love Anime, but I will try to fully watch their video, even if it might end up peeving me off.
either later or tomorrow, I will try to do some relaxing meditation while listening to music.
I’m gonna hope the next time I sign in, I can just check out some stuff on here and or work on and post the Undertale AU idea I came up with
that’s called The Journal Of Chara.
I don’t feel like trying to write the next chapter now, for obvious reasons.
another thing I should try to keep my mind off of,
is the whole Pepe Le Pew thing, of course some humans aren’t gonna mention the times he has been a victim at times, or the fact that Amy Rose or Fifi La Fume are just like him in a way.
sure Amy has gotten better, the Sonic Boom version of her and the Sonic from that series, is one of my OTP’s.
I really hope that Pepe and even Fifi, are rebooted to keep them safe.
anyway I best go before I make this any longer....
and try to keep my mind off of what I found out about, which had to do with that whole thing about “Exposing Anime.”
see ya later, stay safe and hope you all understand my feelings about all that.
the next time I sign in, I hope to just check out some stuff on here,
and post up some drawings or just write the next chapter of my AU-Story. 
I want to play it safe,
so I put mature warning for one of the tags for this. 
and I really will try to watch the full videos of Little Light Studios....
that talk about the Anime.
just not now, I am still peeved towards them, so it’s best that I wait until next month to try to fully watch any of their videos.
I want to try to stay away from their videos, until maybe a week or more.
0 notes
sparrowwritings · 5 years ago
Writing Challenge Day Twenty-three: Protocol
Day Twenty-two -- Masterpost -- Day Twenty-four
There was an order of operations to how commerce worked. It was how the merchants of the desert city of Ul’dah were able to amass all of their power, after all. Coin needed to be exchanged from one step to another, and the people who facilitated (if not owned) the steps required could reap massive rewards for their efforts. This is why someone from the outside attempting to get in on the same benefits would have a long road ahead of them. Already established merchants had a reputation they could fall back on should a venture go south. They also had the means to trip up unaware newbies through complex paperwork and legal precedent.
Of course massive hurdles like those couldn’t stop everyone from trying to make it big...
“Getchur tinkerin’ needs filled here!” A high pitched voice briefly rose above the usual din of the Ul’dah market. “You know where to go when your trinkets stop running! Right over here at Gatlin’s Goods!” A lalafell woman stood on top of a large crate as she shilled out the stall, making her round head visible above most, but not the tallest, of the crowd. Her bright pink hair was unbound, leaving corkscrew curls that fell to the middle of her back. Sharp violet eyes scanned the area and locked onto a young miqo’te man whose reddish-brown cat-like ears were twitching in time with her little speech. 
From below and slightly to her right, a lower pitched voice spoke. “Y’know you don’t really need ta be standing like that th’ whole time, right?” She briefly glanced down to see her brother giving his poutiest frown and tapping his chubby fingers on the makeshift counter in front of him. The colors of his eyes and hair were nearly identical to his sister’s, though he sported a short, fluffy hairstyle and his eyes were enlarged artificially by a pair of round spectacles. “We’ve got the spot locked for th’ week.” 
She huffed and put her hands on her hips. “We didn’t have enough left over for advertisement! So! I gotta do all th’ hard work of upsellin’ you!” With a mischievous grin, she bent down and stage whispered, “Unless ya want me ta go around town in those new inventions ya won’t sell…?” 
“No.” He folded his arms. To the average person outside of the lalafell race, his body language and glare would reflect that of a petulant child. A disadvantage to being of a race that was so small and young looking. “I ain’t sellin’ them cuz they ain’t ready. Ya still can’t stop without crashin’ into somethin’.” 
Her pointed ears drooped for just a moment before popping back up with a rush of enthusiasm. “But! Think about it! That’d be way easier to spread word about than just your shop!” She dramatically hopped to a sitting position on the top of the crate. 
Kicking her feet freely, she started doing her impression of a rich person. It was really just a deeper, more haughty sounding version of her voice. “‘Oh! This invention seems very interesting! Why I’ve never heard of such a thing! Who could possibly have created such a wonderful thing!’” In an exaggerated version of her own voice, she responded, “Oh, only my wonderful an’ amazin’ an’ talented brother of course! I’ll show you to his stall! Sadly we’re only able to rent the spot for a week--after which we’ll be wanderin’ the whole of Eorzea, seekin’ our fortune outside of Ul’dah! Oh, woe!”
He rolled his eyes nearly hard enough to knock off his spectacles. “Right, and then we’ll get a sponsor an’ not hafta worry about anythin’ ever again, right?” 
As suddenly as her dramatics had started, she had just as quickly gone back to her usual self. “It’s less fun if ya figure out th’ endin’ before I get there.”
“Ain’t anything to figure out, it’s th’ same damned endin’ there ever is ta yer daydreamin’.” 
“I dunno, I kind of liked the sound of it myself.”
The two lalafell jumped at the new voice. Clearing his throat and adjusting his spectacles to hide his rising flush, he turned to face the potential customer. “What can I do ya for, miss?”
The reddish brown miqo’te that the lalafell woman had thought was male chuckled. Her yellow eyes seemed to glow with her amusement as she lazily leaned against the crate. “Couldn’t help but overhear some interesting stuff. You repair machines right?” 
Just before he was about to correct her, his sister butted in with, “Repair and make. He’s an inventor.”
“Amature inventor.” He briefly glared before going back to his customer service smile. “I ain’t Cid Garlond or anythin’, but I like puttin’ machines t’gether.” 
The miqo’te woman’s smile widened, her sharp teeth a reminder of the predatory nature of felines. “Then you’ll be perfect. What’re your names?” 
“I’m Rennis Gatlin.” He adjusted his spectacles again.
“And I’m Bailey Gatlin!” The curly-haired lalafell waved cheerfully.
If she was at all confused about how odd the two’s names were, the miqo’te woman declined to comment. “Well Rennis and Bailey, I can guarantee you one thing.”
The siblings looked to each other, then back at her. “And that is…?” Rennis prompted.
She pointed a sharp finger towards them both. “The DeFleur Trading Co. is the right fit for you!”
They blinked in unison. “The what...?” Ren’s glasses were in danger of slipping off of his button nose.
“Wait, I’ve heard of them,” Bailey pointed back at the woman. “They’re small time, but they’ve been goin’ through some rapid growth lately.” She hopped off of the crate and landed with only a minor amount of wobbling. “If we get in with’m now, we could really grow! You could have money enough ta really make somethin’ cool!”
“Yep, that’s definitely something you could do.” The miqo’te woman gestured vaguely as she moved forward with the conversation. “I know you’ve got your stall, but the head honcho’s here in town til the end of the day. We’re buddies, so I can get you one-on-one time real fast if you just come with me right now.”
Rennis bit his lip and looked around at what was out on display in the stall. With a sigh and a dramatic eye roll of her own, Bailey went behind the counter and shoved her brother out. “Go with her. If the deal’s bad, then just say no. Can’t hurt to try, Ren!”
He clicked his tongue but otherwise let it happen. Once he was in front of the stranger, he made sure to meet her yellow eyes despite being about half her height. “C’n I get a name b’fore I go anywhere with ya?” 
“Catrene Luvere.” She gave a mock bow before she turned on her heels and called out, “C’mon, daylight’s burning.”
With a final glance at his sister, Rennis Gatlin marched his way after Catrene as quickly as his short legs could go.
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