#also realised if i'd written as much on my essay due in 12 hours as i had on this monster of a post then i'd be done by now
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trackermons ยท 3 years ago
ghost game episode 9 thoughts aka i tried to do the post on main as usual but ended up breaking the tag limit so you have to deal with me now
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LONG long long post under the cut
so i didn't dislike this episode but i probably wouldve enjoyed it more if i hadn't spent most of last week theorising and losing my shit and getting WAY too overexcited about things that probably weren't going to happen and, to nobody's surprise, didn't. in retrospect i shouldnt have expected an all out reveal of what is presumably the big bad literally nine episodes in so looking back a day after watching it, i'm just pretty stoked gulusgammamon actually got acknowledged at all. i hope they continue to actually question that/hiro worries about it, because your partner turning into a big violent cloud and slapping the shit out of a guy so hard you launch him into next week (or several years, actually) is Kind Of A Big Deal that you probably shouldnt ignore
i also kinda wanted to see wezengammamon because it's my favourite of the three non-fucked-up-and-evil evolutions but thats literally just me i think and i would still like the other two partners to evolve first they deserve it. do i think they will evolve first? debatable but i have theories
i was kinda. unsatisfied by the resolution from a "ive been watching this series since october and nobody's been given a proper digimon-style beating yet" standpoint but also if i think about it from a character point of view it makes slightly more sense. like these are kids. hiro especially does not strike me as the kind of kid to sit there and watch someone fucking die in front of him even if they were trying to kill him a few seconds earlier. i think the CPR thing was a bit dumb but i can at least understand why they would have wanted to help clockmon, and at least by now the general approach to digimon has been long-established as "talk them down and if that doesn't work just knock a little sense into them until it does"
on the other hand, clockmon immediately going to "ok nvm i guess i can't hurt anyone anymore now youve been nice to me :(" was a lot less understandable and i won't get into it because i'll be here for hours if i do but you could at least give him a little moral crisis onscreen come on
i am glad we got the loredrop from bokomon this episode actually! while it felt a little clunky and out of place in its execution, i've actually spent a considerable amount of time these past weeks wondering and theorising what the pattern is behind some digimon being able to touch things and appear and others not, and it's pretty cool to learn definitively what's up with that. maybe that's just me i love comparing the little worldbuilding details in digimon but i'm glad it was explained and not just brushed over as "thing that happens" for the entire series
i still can't believe they just ditched hiro to go get ice cream. they took his fucking digimon partner to get ice cream without him and just left him there hE KEEPS JUMPING AROUND IN TIME GUYS. GUYS THATS A TERRIBLE IDEA WHY WOULD Y i know there needed to be some reason for clockmon to be able to catch him alone but the whole thing is equal measures of sad and hilarious to me lIKE OF ALL PEOPLE ON THIS ONE PARTICULAR DAY HE SHOULD PROBABLY NOT BE LEFT UNATTENDED AND YET,
overall i did kinda feel bad for hiro this episode. this whole time he's really seemed to have his shit together so actually watching him get the short end of the stick in a digimon scenario was fucked up but fun. and then he had to watch some kind of Murderbeast come out of his little buddy and vibe check someone nearly into oblivion like it was nothing? i think he needs to take a nap that's gotta take its toll on a guy
as for next episode predictions i know ive been saying it for the past four episodes but i really think angoramon could evolve this time. from the .5 seconds of footage of symbareangoramon we actually have, i don't think he'd be especially out of place in a fighting game setting. i've been proven wrong Multiple times before so i don't want to say it's definite, but like- put it this way. in the episode where flying was a useful skill to beat the enemy we got kausgammamon. so in the episode where physically beating the shit out of things is (presumably) a useful skill to beat the enemy we could get symbareangoramon. angoramon's moveset in general is pretty centered around Hitting Things Hard like i think it could happen
another point to this theory is that the angoramon/jellymon dim cards for the vital bracelet are being released this month, but the champion forms on the cards are still hidden in promotional material. i think they're going to show symbareangoramon and/or teslajellymon in the anime before they release the cards, which is a pretty strong point for them showing up in the next few episodes. it's the most credible prediction i have tbh
ok thats all for this week i will be back next time
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