#also ramin karimloo is soooo god what a voice
dorkydiaz · 1 year
okay i said i would give you all a report from my time away from here :P
but basically the gist of it is that, uhh, i think i'll be moving in like within the next two years, if not a year because tearing myself away from new york was like leaving a part of my heart, i quite literally felt an ache in my chest as the NEC to Trenton Transit Center lurched forward out of penn station, as the plane pulled out of the gate and i watched the city get smaller and smaller below me. and my brother and i talked about it basically the entire trip, even looked for apartments in Brooklyn. and if the three of us do it together it's doable. it's kinda been a joke our entire lives that was a little too true for it not to manifest itself. all my life i have thought to myself "i want to go home" in the throes of the worst moments of my life. and i think it's the place that fulfills that. it made me realize how much where i am now is holding me a little bit hostage in a way and how much i do not belong here. yeah so, that's something that is on the table. i have loved all my visits there but the other two times i have been it was not a time i could think about moving there, so this is the first time that i have been able to really feel that pull. it was like a weight was lifted from my shoulders the moment i saw the city from the plane, and i dreaded leaving in the same breath.
other than that, uhh, i saw funny girl (not my show choice, but i still really enjoyed the show!) wish i had seen miss julie, but lea was okay i guess (fr she brought the house down and honestly killed it taking a moment to separate from controversy etc). i wandered around the garment district which was lovely even though most stores were closed since it was sunday, got a yard of some lovely gorgeous fabric. i had coffee in bryant park, walked the highline again. ate bagels and pizza.
there were lots of tears, but good ones, ones that let me feel all my emotions about the moment.
and my family reunion was, well, meh.
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