#also raj and michelle should have been Lis :(
toriliashine · 11 months
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hermiethefrog · 7 years
Who are my Love Interests
I got tagged for this by @michellenguyenstan. Thank you very much!
It Lives in the Woods:
Who I’m romancing: Ava
Second Choice: Andy
Most underrated LI: Lucas. And I say this because I kept messing up and hurting him on my initial/canon playthrough.
Most overrated LI: N/A, I think everyone is liked
Least favorite LI: Connor
Who I wish was an LI: No one. I don’t want Noah or Dan as a love interest, and Lily is good now with a girlfriend who loves her.
The Royal Romance:
Who I’m romancing: Hana
Second Choice: Liam
Most underrated LI: Hana
Most overrated LI: Drake
Least favorite LI: Drake. Surprising no one?
Who I wish was an LI: Olivia!!! We get relationship boosts with her already. It’s there.
The Crown and The Flame:
Who I’m romancing: Annelyse for Kenna, I guess Sei for Dom?
My Second Choice: Val for Kenna. And I wish we could have imported choices back then because having Rose appear for more than one book would have been awesome. Where did she go?? She died, apparently.
Most underrated LI: Tevan. Poor dude showed up once, probably died for most players, then it was like oh you want to marry him?
Most overrated LI: Diavolos. We get it, you like your bad boys.
Least favorite LI: Diavolos.
Who I wish was an LI: Rowan...
The Freshman/The Sophomore:
Who I’m romancing: Becca
My second choice: I was romancing Kaitlyn before? So I guess her. Or Zig.
Most overrated LI: N/A. I think Chris was badly written in book 1, so I’d say him then, but it’s been balanced out.
Most underrated LI: James. He gets so little screentime, yikes.
Least Favorite LI: Book 1 Chris.
Who I wish was an LI: I guess having another woman would be nice. Someone new we could romance if we wanted to date girls, had broken up with Kaitlyn already, couldn’t go back to any of the initial options, and didn’t like Becca much.
Endless Summer:
Who I’m romancing: I’m trying for a combination of Sean, Quinn, and Estela. Since this means I won’t be able to commit to anyone and do the special ceremony, I may have to pick. That’s tough. I guess I’d focus on Estela?
Second Choice: Sean or Quinn.
Most overrated LI: Jake. Fanon Jake is.... something.
Most underrated LI: Sean and Quinn. Quinn I think gets dismissed as boring because she’s kind. And Sean is amazing but fandom doesn’t treat him very well.
Least favorite LI: Jake.
Who I wish was an LI: Michelle and Raj.
Who I’m romancing: Kenji
Second Choice: Eva
Most underrated LI: Eva for the fact that it took her so long to show. And Grayson for being a nice guy that I think people kind of dismissed because they thought he was being pushed on them.
Most overrated LI: N/A
Least Favorite LI: N/A. 
Who I wish was an LI: Poppy!! And Dax too? Can I date them instead of them having to date each other?
Red Carpet Diaries:
Who I’m romancing: Not decided yet. Possibly Teja? Maybe Victoria? She’s warming up to me.
Second Choice: See above
Most underrated LI: I don’t have a good enough idea how fandom treats the characters in this book.
Most overrated LI: Matt a little? Why did my MC have to canonically have a crush on him? Why do they have to mention him being hot constantly? 
Least favorite LI: Victoria, but she’s improving
Who I wish was an LI: No one.
tbh I have little to no investment in this book so
High School Story:
Who I’m romancing: Maria
Second Choice: Aiden
Most underrated LI: Caleb
Most overrated LI: Michael
Least favorite LI: Don’t really have one. Michael’s okay. He’s just perceived as a Wes/Jake/Drake clone when he’s not.  
Who I wish was an LI: Five is good. I have the original characters in HSS dating who I like, as opposed to an MC.
Who I’m romancing: Leah
Second Choice: Ben
Most underrated LI: Leah. writers did you forget to give us the option to play as a bisexual woman or something?? And then you were like oh yeah we should do that here
Most overrated LI: Mark. Please stop pushing him on me
Least favorite LI: Mark
Who I wish was an LI: Horatio, Brooke
Rules of Engagement:
Who I’m romancing: Business Man
My second choice: Prince
Most underrated LI: Business Man
Most overrated LI: IDK??
Least favorite LI: Audrey was okay for Nerdy Twin but not great. Big Bro and Elena should have broken up, I’m sorry. And I’m sorry prince, but you abdicated, I have lost any and all interest in you. 
Who I wish was an LI: n/a it ended thank god 
Home for the Holidays:
Who I’m romancing: Holly I guess????
Second Choice: no one I hate this book
Most overrated LI: why do people find Nick or Wyatt attractive I don’t understand??? Wyatt is just, no. Nick has the most repulsive personality. I don’t understand
Most underrated LI: Holly. pay to gay strikes again, writers adding women love interests at seemingly the last minute, yada yada yada
Least favorite LI: ALL OF THEM!!! see problems with nick and wyatt above. holly is nice I guess but? that’s it?? how exciting, another female li who’s a childhood friend. another woman who I can’t romance much/at all unless I pay diamonds. also I’m sorry holly but your book is cliche heterosexual garbage why am I shilling this?
Who I wish was an LI: the plane. as it crashes into the ground, killing everyone. I hate this book. It’s over in a week but I’m still several chapters behind, ugh.
I’m not tagging anyone do this if you want
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kennadavenportgayle · 7 years
Moving on (ES Gang)
Rating: Pg I guess lol 
Pairings: A little bit of Sean x MC (Taylor)
Summary: The gang returns from La Huerta and goes back to school. After a few weeks of constant calls and text from each other, Quinn suggests they move in together, but that doesn’t stop them from the endless nights and endless nightmares, causing Taylor to do headcounts in the middle of the night. 
Author’s note: Omg it’s been a hot minute since I’ve written a fic!!! But I’m back bitches!!! I’ve been so busy preparing for choices whodunnit and midterms I have not had a moment to write something (I’m also supposed to be writing a paper right now but oh well lol) but this came to my mind while I was eating dinner with my sisters and when I got back I just started writing. So like everyone from the gang is in this, and there is a little bit of Sean x MC (Taylor) but not a whole lot so yee. I also wrote this cuz I already miss Endless Summer. Anyway I should ~probably~ go do my homework since it’s due in 20 minutes lol. Enjoy!! 
She woke up in a panic. Her body shook, her bed sheets were covered with sweat, she felt her heart beating out of her chest. She slowed her breathing, trying to calm herself. It was just a dream, she tried to remind herself. She looked over and saw Quinn and Michelle lying next to her in her king-sized bed. They must have slipped in after she fell asleep. She let out a sigh, finding comfort in knowing her friends were next to her, knowing they were safe and at home. 
Taylor slid out of the bed, trying her hardest not to disrupt the two sleeping girls. She knew how hard it was for everyone to get to sleep and to stay asleep. She tiptoed across the room, the moon shining through the slits in the curtains, the night-lights guiding her way to the door. There was no way she would be able to fall back asleep until she checked on everyone. 
After they returned from La Huerta, they returned to school, but they were all…different. Sean and Craig ended up dropping football, Grace left the Honors college, Zahra left the computer science club, and everyone’s grades began to fail. They were all barely managing to pass through their last two semesters of college. They would constantly text and call each other, making sure they were all okay. Then Quinn got the brilliant idea of them all living together. Everyone agreed. They moved into a big house near campus, it had several bedrooms and bathrooms, it was almost too much space for them. But no one slept alone. Quinn, Michelle, and Taylor slept in the same room together, sometimes sneaking into each other’s beds when they were too scared to be in a bed alone. Sean and Craig stayed in a room together too. Their beds were so close together they were nearly touching. Grace, Zahra, and Estela lived next door, their door was always open, their beds' inches apart. Everyone found it kind of weird that Grace wanted to live with someone as intense as Estela, but she told them she wanted someone who could protect her… just in case. Diego and Raj were down the hall, but sometimes they would sneak into other people’s rooms if they got too lonely.
Jake was forced to return to Costa Rica but would talk to the gang often, calling or texting them. Sometimes he would send them postcards. No one was quite sure what happened to Aleister after all the drama unfolded. They weren’t sure if he eventually made it home or if he remained on the island with his father. There was no way to tell. 
The door squeaked quietly as she opened it enough to slip through. She walked across the hall to Grace, Estela, and Zahra’s room, peeking her head in and doing a head count. 1…2…3… they were all there, sleeping soundly, the sound of light snoring finding its way to the door. She stepped back and went to Diego and Raj’s room. Diego looked up from his phone at the sight of Taylor. 
“You okay?” he whispered, Raj sleeping soundlessly next to him. 
She nodded, “Doing headcounts.” She whispered back. He nodded in response. 
She gave him a little wave and began heading towards Sean and Craig’s room, the sound of Craig snoring already reaching her ears. She stuck her head in…she only saw Craig… she took a deep breath, trying not to panic. Whenever she did headcounts and someone was missing, she began to panic, it was a bad habit of hers. 
She headed towards the kitchen and saw the light was on, a wave of relief swept over her as she saw a shirtless Sean standing in the kitchen, leaning over the counter and eating cereal. He looked up when he saw her out of the corner of his eye and stood up straight. 
“Hey,” he said in a quiet voice. “You okay?” 
She nodded, her body still slightly shaking from her nightmare. “Just doing headcounts.” 
Sean knew what that meant. Taylor had been doing headcounts ever since they returned back from the island, even before they all lived together. Whenever she had a nightmare about the helicopter crashing or when she dreamt about the group getting split up somehow, she always went around and did headcounts. It was a way to calm her nerves and make sure everyone was okay. Before they all moved in together she would call everyone in a panic, she would call them over and over again until they answered, no matter what time of the day it was. She worked herself into a nervous breakdown when Diego’s phone was on silent and he didn’t answer in the first ten calls. 
“You had that nightmare again, didn’t you?” he asked and she nodded sheepishly. 
“At least I’m not having it as often, anymore,” she replied. 
“At least we all live together now so you don’t have to call us to do headcounts,” he teased, and she giggled along with him. 
“What are you doing up?” 
Sean shrugged, and she saw how tired his face looked, how the dark circles under his eyes looked more purple than usual, how his eyes looked glazed over. He was one of the ones to always keep things in, barely wanting to talk about the nightmares and flashbacks he had. 
“I…just couldn’t sleep,” he lied through his teeth and Taylor knew it. She placed a hand on his shoulder, forcing their eyes to meet, “Sean, you know you can talk to me about anything, right?” 
He sighed, shifting on his feet. “I just… the image of you falling out of the helicopter and Zahra getting pulled out and Quinn sacrificing herself, and Jake crashing the helicopter just keeps replaying in my head. I just keep seeing the terror on everyone’s faces. Especially yours. I just can’t seem to shake it.” Taylor pulled him into a hug, her head barely reaching the middle of his chest. He returned the embrace, his hand messing up her hair. He sighed deeply, trying to relax. 
“Is this why you’ve been awake late at night?” she asked pulling away to look at him. 
He nodded slightly, “Yeah, it’s just every time I close my eyes I just see everyone’s face… I just see the explosion and I just think about how I can’t save everyone.” 
She gave him a small grin, squeezing his hand, “But we’re okay. We’re all in this house together, we’re all still here. We’re all safe. I can promise you no one will be falling out of a helicopter anytime soon.” 
Sean chuckled, squeezing her hand back. He yawned loudly, his exhaustion hitting him all at once. “I think I’m going to go back to bed. I don’t Craig to wake up and see that I’m not there and freak out. I’ll walk you back to your room.” 
They headed out of the kitchen, leaving the lights on, like they usually did, and headed back to her room. He gave her a quick kiss on the forehead before she slipped back into her room. She heard his heavy feet walking across the hardwood and ducking into his own room. She got back underneath the covers and Quinn immediately shifted so her arm came across Taylor’s body, almost like she was protecting her. 
Taylor sighed, the images from her dream finally escaping her thoughts and she was able to return to sleep.
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smilingformoney · 7 years
Endless Summer 2 Diamond Scene: Singing Cliffs with Sean
Diego: If I remember correctly, it’s just south of here through the trees. Sean offers you his hand. Sean: Shall we? 
A few minutes later, you and Sean are making your way southward through the foliage of the isle. Sean: Nothing like a walk late at night to clear your head. 
You: … -Have you had a lot on your mind? Sean +1
Sean: Too much. Sean: Things have gotten steadily worse since we arrived, and I can’t help but feel responsible… You: You’ve been nothing but a source of strength for all of us, Sean. You: This crazy nightmare isn’t your fault! Sean: Thanks, Taylor. 
-I wouldn’t have thought you were a night owl.
Sean: Everyone’s got to find time for themselves now and then. You: Even Hartfeld’s star quarterback? Sean: Ha. Especially him.
Just then, an ethereal melody reaches your ears, carried on the wind. ???: Ennnnnn… Sean: Do you hear that, Taylor? Ahead, the trees finally give way to a stunning expanse of beach. Wind races ashore from the sea, creating harmonic tones as it passes through hollows in the eroded cliff face. Singing Cliffs: Leeeee… Sean: That’s got to be one of the strangest things I’ve ever heard. As the wind continues its drone, you try to make out specific words. Singing Cliffs: Ennnnnnn… leeeeeee… Sean: I don’t think it’s saying anything in particular. You: … You close your eyes and let the sound speak to you. Singing Cliffs: Across the seeeeaaa… iiiiit comes… Singing Cliffs: Crruuuushing everything… in its path… to youuuuuu. CLUE FOUND You: Well, that’s the creepiest thing ever. Sean: What did it say to you? You: Something’s coming across the sea to reach me. Something dangerous. Quinn: I think I heard it say ‘seek vengeance once he’s gone.’ You: I guess we’ll have to wait to find out what it all means. In the bright moonlight, you and Sean make your way across the beach. Suddenly, a brisk sea wind blows. You shiver in the chill. Sean: Are you cold? Let’s build a fire for you over here… You: A fire by the beach sounds nice. Sean: Should be able to get this started with a little kindling. The two of you comb the area for twigs and small branches. After you’ve gathered enough kindling, Sean ignites the bonfire with a match. Sean: Now we’re talking. You both take seats by the fire. Sean stretches his arms, grimacing a little at the soreness of his muscles. You: Ouch… You look like you need a massage. Sean: I could say the same about you. Have you ever had a deep tissue shiatsu? You: Can’t say that I have. Sean: Well, just so you know, these hands are legendary… 
What do you do? -Give Sean a massage. Sean +2
You: C’mon, you. Lie down and I’ll see what I can do for those knots. Sean shrugs and complies, lowering his powerful frame onto the sand. You grip his broad shoulders and knead slowly, moving downward… You: (His back is like a brick wall…) Sean: Don’t be afraid to push hard. You: Okay. You dig in as hard as you can, trying to smooth out each massive braid of muscle with the heels of your palms. Sean: Ahhh… that feels good. You feel Sean relax beneath you. He sighs happily. You: Oof. This is a workout for my hands! Sean: You need to stop? You: Nope. You just relax. You move to his arms, which seem impossibly huge this close up. Sean: Mmm… Right there. Yesss. You carefully work his bulky triceps and shoulder muscles. He seems to let go even more, closing his eyes. Finally, when Sean is so relaxed it seems like he might pass out, you finish up with a gentle caress down his back. As you scoot back toward the fire, Sean just stays there. You: You alright? Sean: More than alright… He slowly turns onto his side and rests his head against his hand. Sean: Thanks. I’m definitely impressed. I seriously needed that. You: You were carrying a lot of stress, for sure. Sean: Tell me about it. Honestly, sometimes I feel like I’ve got the weight of the world on my shoulders. You: Good thing you work out so much.
-Have him massage you. Sean +1
You: I guess you talked me into it. You lie on your stomach in the sand, resting your head on your forearms. Sean crouches beside you and gently places his hands on your back. Sean: Now, just try to relax and breathe deeply. You: I’ll do my best… Sean’s strong fingers sink into your shoulders, immediately alleviating the tension there. You: Oh! Sean: Shh. Just keep breathing. He moves gradually downward, the knots in your back no match for the powerful, wave-like movements of his hands. Proceeding to your arms, he lies down on top of you. The warmth of his body and his solid, supple muscles pressed up against you are almost too relaxing… You: … Sean: Taylor? Sean: You okay, Taylor? You: Verrrry okay. Sean laughs and gently runs his fingers along your back to finish up. With a gratified sigh, you rise to a sitting position beside him.
You: You know, massages not only feel amazing, but I hear they’re also a great way to build trust. Sean: … Sean’s eyes seem to focus on some indeterminate point in the distance. You: Did I say something wrong? Sean: Oh. No, not at all. Sean: Trust is a very fragile thing, I guess… Sean: I once trusted someone I cared very deeply for.
 You: … -I take it that it didn’t end well? Sean +1
Sean: I was the last to know. Sean: We’d been together for two years, and somehow everyone except me knew that she’d started seeing someone else. You: That’s terrible… Sean: Her closest friends finally told me out of pity. When I confronted her, true to form, she made it a huge production. Sean: …And then it was over. You: Listen, if this is about Michelle, there’s something you should know. Sean: Nah, I don’t want to talk about her anymore. You: Whatever happened… I know you’d never do that to someone. You’re probably the most caring person I know. Sean: I appreciate that. Sean: And… I trust you, Taylor.
-Better to focus on the present than dwell on the past.
You: That’s how I try to live my life, at least. Sean: No, you’re right. They say a quarterback’s gotta have a short memory. Sean: Otherwise, one mistake just haunts you into making another, and another. Sean: Somehow, when I’m with you, all the regrets kinda just… wash away. 
As the wind creates strange, rapturous music along the cliffs, you and Sean gaze into each other’s eyes. He reaches out to take your hand.
You: … -Place your hand in his.
You grasp his hand, and he playfully pulls you close. You hold each other, watching the tide cascade in and out along the shore. 
Do you want to start dating Sean? -Yes. -Not now.
Sean: How is it that, with the world going completely crazy all around us… everything about this moment feels so right? You: Yeah… it really does. You lie down on the beach, your head resting on Sean’s chest. Together, you gaze up at the infinite stars… …until soon you’ve drifted off to sleep.
-Lean in to kiss him. Sean +2
Breathlessly, you lean in and bring your lips to Sean’s. His arms find their way around your torso, and yours reach up to rest along his shoulders. The song of the cliffs and the pound of the surf fade away as you lose yourselves in each other. You: … Sean: … As you both come up for air, Sean lovingly takes your face in his hands.
Do you want to start dating Sean? -Yes. -Not now. 
Sean: I’ve got something pretty special here. You: That makes two of us. Together, you collapse to the sand, your bodies entwined beneath the stars. And soon, you’ve drifted off to sleep, your head resting on Sean’s chest.
-High-five him.
Sean: What was that for? You: For everything you’ve done, Sean. Things might seem dark right now, but… You: So long as you’re with us, I just know we’ll make it through this. Sean: You mean that? You: Absolutely. Sean: …Wish I could tell you how much that means to me. Thanks, Taylor. You lie down on the beach, side by side, gazing up at the multitude of stars… …and soon, the lullaby of the Singing Cliffs sweeps you off into a deep sleep. 
You wake to the light of dawn lending colour to the sky, and together you head back to the manor. You’re strolling up the beach when Lila comes dashing up to you! Lila: Come quick! I think Raj might be doing something very foolish!
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