#also pro tip maybe dont obsess over a single person to the point where you lose your own sense of self
widevibratobitch · 25 days
almost made a very insensitive post but i Stopped <3
#i realised mid-typing that its really a Bad Fucking Person monologue lol#being an insensitive asshole is better suited for the tags <3 so here goes#anyway. maybe cutting it all off or bottling it up isnt the healthiest way to deal with things but its definitely the least inconvenient#also pro tip maybe dont obsess over a single person to the point where you lose your own sense of self#i know that it's a mental thing thing but i still wanna shake my mom and my bestie so fucking hard#he was literally just some guy. even if you loved him at the end of the day he's still just some guy#he was another person. he wasnt you. you meet a hundred new persons every day.#people come and go. no one will stay with you forever how is that so hard to grasp#like you ARE alone will always be alone and its not actually a bad thing at all!!! other people are alone too and you can be alone together#but thats it. on a strictly personal level other people are just 'additions' to your life not a part of you#learn to let things and people go or at least shut up about it. pretty please with a cherry on top <3#like logically i know neither of these are perfectly healthy but i genuinely do think that treating all your relationships with people#as momentary things that will maybe last a few months or a few years or even a few decades if you're lucky but all will eventually end#so you gotta enjoy em while they last but be ready to let them go with no hard feelings when the time comes#is a million times better than treating every friend and romantic partner as 'we're gonna be together forever uwu'
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Hi!! So I’m a really big fan of both your quirkless!izuku fics and was wondering if you had any recommendations for similar stories? I dont have a preference for either villain or hero Izuku, or any particular pairing, I’m just looking for well written multi-chapter fix’s to see me through the apocalypse.
So, I have taken this ask as a challenge!
Quirkless Apocalypse (Over 50,000 words)
Sorry most of these are WIPs, but I just went through my bookmarks and picked out some of my favorites. 
Maybe it was All Might's betrayal that finally broke him. Maybe it was the torment from his friends, day in and day out, or the crushing weight of society's collective dismissal of his existence. The reason isn't important anymore- only the consequences. Two years after he and three other students vanished from U.A., Midoriya Izuku is the leader of the fastest-growing group of villains in Japan, and no one is left to stand in his way- no one aside from All Might's successor, the next Symbol of Peace.
All orderly systems descend into chaos. No one is immune to entropy, heroes least of all.
One of my favorite villain fics, basically Izuku becoming worse than the league of villains ever was. 
Four Makes One Team*
“Kacchan,” Izuku said, getting the attention of the boy beside him. “What if I don’t want to be a hero?”
Izuku spoke as if he was setting the world on fire. As if he’d broken time in half and let the fabric of the universe collapse like a folding chair.
Katsuki twitched. “Then what else do you want to be?” There was a tinge of anger in Katsuki’s words, the hint of a shout tipping each consonant.
“Well,” Izuku scratched his neck, eyes locked on the stars attached to the ceiling that shown an odd neon yellow in the afternoon light. “Well, what if I wanted to help heroes or something instead.”
(Where Izuku decides he wants to be hero support, learns computer code, and digs way to deep into a villain case all for the sake of teamwork.)
Basically, Izuku and Katsuki meet some other canon characters as kids and basically become genius vigilantes.
Subject: A Comprehensive Report*
Izuku decides early on that heroics is not the only path to heroism.
I did not know that I needed parental Nighteye, but I definitely did. 
Finding Abandoned Hope*
Nothing in life was fair. Some people just had more luck than others. Midoriya Izuku was not one of those people. He learned that the hard way.
Not everyone gets good quirks. Not every quirk is accepted by people. This was a cruel and unforgiving world and Shinso Hitoshi knew that quite well.
Together, maybe they can have the life they both want.
Runaways, Vigilantes, Dadzawa. What else could you ask for?
Ripples on Deep Water*
Midoriya Izuku didn’t expect much from life. He knew it expected everything of him, and he was always trying to rise up and meet that challenge.Except for one little mutation in his genes that made all the difference.Except for one little change in the route home after a pretty depressing day.Or:When All Might crushes Izuku’s dreams, he crosses the path of someone who rebuilds them. Izuku’s going to be a hero... even if it won’t be exactly as planned.Or:How the tiniest wingbeat of a butterfly over the still ocean brings tsunamis to distant lands.
Izuku meets Mei at the right moment and basically keeps his dream alive. Support!Deku with an eye toward the hero course. 
Black Rabbit*
For most people, waking up in the secret base of one of Japan's most wanted vigilantes would probably be terrifying. For Shouto Todoroki it ends up being first stroke of luck he's ever had. Black Rabbit is nothing like the rumors and ends up being his first real friend. For once in his life Todoroki feels like someone actually cares about and supports him, Black rabbit going as far as to get him a new identity so he wouldn't have to go back to Endeavor. It also helps that, on top of being the embodiment of sunshine personality wise, under the mask Black Rabbit is the gosh darn cutest boy Todoroki has ever laid eyes on.
Izuku Midoriya is the vigilante known as Black Rabbit. Pros all over Japan have tried to catch him but all have failed. Nothing is known about him and he's been doing this for years, living in his secret base alone. He never had a friend until he rescued Todoroki. It's a relief and a blessing to finally have someone who knows him out of the mask and likes him as a person. There's a personal connection and closeness between them that he's never had before and he'll follow it as far as it takes him.
Now if they can only keep their respective identities a secret while attending UA
Vigilante!Deku with a healthy helping of Dadzawa and some sweet TodoDeku on the side. 
Who said the only thing green about him is his hair?*
All Might isn't able to get away from the reporters after saving Bakugou and Midoriya during the sludge incident.
Midoriya Izuku, without motivation, Bakugou's words of suicide ringing through his head. He makes a decision, something that wouldn't ruin Bakuguou's chances of becoming a hero, something where he could get away from everything that was hurting.
Izuku decides to run away. Impulsive and hasty, desperate and in shock, he decides that running away and surviving would hurt less than any other option when reality hits him full force.
Runaway!Deku, enough said.
Swan Dive*
The Slime Villain Incident, and the events leading up to it happen one year earlier. Izuku, broken and lost in the face of All Might's words, decides to take Kacchan's advice. But a familiar Underground Hero won't let a young life end so quickly. How will a simple right-place-right time scenario change things?
Aizawa Shouta saves the life of Midoriya Izuku and finds himself with a new apprentice and surrounded by a quickly growing family circle. What has he gotten himself into? Heavy Dadzawa and Dadmic. Auntie Nemuri and eventual redeemed Bakugo.
The sweetness! The trauma! This fic will definitely punch you in the heart in more ways than one. 
I’m Here*
What if All Might never dropped that bottle...? There was never a chance to prove himself. Midoriya never became a hero. Take a dive off the roof of the building, that's what Bakugo wanted, right? But a stranger stops him and gives him a new dream for the future. A boy's descent into madness and obsession but not without finding a family amongst a number of misfits. To kill some major league heroes. It's all they want to do and change society. What's the cost?
Insane!Villain!Deku. Literal chills, seriously. It definatly gets dark, so be ready for that. Also the league of villains as family and obsessive TodoDeku. 
I’m Doing This For Them*
Izuku always wanted to be a hero, but without a quirk almost everyone he met said that was impossible, but Izuku's stubborn and he never took no for an answer. So he decides to take his dream into his own hands and do the impossible. Even if he can't legally become a hero what's to stop him from doing it illegally?
A lie-detecting detective, a purple-haired kid, and an insomniac pro hero, that's who.
Izuku decides to try his luck at becoming a vigilante and subsequently annoys the shit out of everyone he meets.
Sassy Viligante!Deku, EraserMic with Shinso, basically so much family!
The Yakuza isn’t that bad*
After Izuku was told by his idol that he can't be a hero without a quirk, he realized something. This world, where the quirked do whatever they want, and the quirkless are treated as less than human, is flawed. And what better way to repair a flawed world than returning it to when it wasn't?
Do you want Mafia!Deku? Very unique fic about Izuku taking over Overhaul’s operation (don’t worry about Eri, she’ll be fine) and pursuing a quirkless world.
All Might is the number one hero, and has a beautiful wife, they are a beautiful, loving family. What no one knows is they have a quirkless son. When telling he him he can’t be a hero, Midoriya Izuku takes fate into his own hands, and tries to warn his parents he isn’t going to listen is the silliest of ways. He is still planning to be the best hero, even if he has to tear apart the society norms around him.
Bad bio-dadmight. Izuku is basically running on sheer spite at this point and it’s working. 
Nii-Chan! Nii-Chan!*
Aizawa Shouta is a teen who lives by the rules of logic and rationality, in his second year of Yuuei. When his parents kick him out when discovering he has a boyfriend, he finds himself alone on the street.
Midoriya Inko lives in a small flat with her young and only son after her ex-husband ran learning she was pregnant. With Mother and Son sharing a huge heart with un-measurable amounts of love, they find and help Aizawa.
With a new Mom and a little Brother, Aizawa finally has a family to be proud of.
How much found family can we incorporate into one story? The answer is a lot more than you’d think. Basically once Izuku adopts someone, they are family. Lots of fluff. 
Erased Potential*
Midoriya Izuku, determined to become a hero before ever meeting All Might, looks for another way. He might not have a quirk, but that can’t be all that being a hero is about. He has the intelligence, the drive, the determination. All he needs now is to know how to use it. Enter Aizawa Shouta.
Pretty much my favorite Dadzawa fic. 
Net Neutrality (series)
I feel like this should be included even if each fic isn’t over 50,000 words. Info Broker!Deku and Vigilante!Deku with Eri getting the love she deserves. This inspired some parts of Mastermind, actually. 
One-Choice: Vigilante*
Time is a funny thing, the way even a single choice can change the world forever. Every single choice can turn the course of fate in unexpected directions.
Midoriya Izuku always wanted to be a hero. Ever since he was a child, he wanted to be someone who saves other with a fearless smile. But when his world comes crashing down around him, when even the tiniest spark of hope is crashed, what would he do?
This entire series is really good. It’s basically another take on what I’m doing with my For the Want of a Nail series. 
Secondary Colors*
"You got pushed down the stairs... and you're apologizing for it," he stated blandly. "That seems counterintuitive.""Um... sorry?" Izuku whispered. He was starting to shake a little, adrenaline flooding his veins and leaving him cold. He had no idea what Purple was going for with his blunt statements and the hand reaching toward his shoulder as if to steady him, but apologizing was generally safe."You don't have to apologize, dude. I don't know your name, but I doubt it's actually Deku.""Um. Midoriya." Izuku peered sideways at Purple as they rounded the corner. "Izuku Midoriya. Deku is just, um, just what my... friends call me." He winced."Sounds real friendly."
Izuku and Shinso are best friends with a lot of Dadzawa and Dadmic.
Pied Piper*
If they wouldn’t give him a chance then the solution seemed simple, he’d give himself one. He’d force the world to see him, force them to recognize his hard work. He wasn’t missing a quirk, it was simply that everyone else had been given an advantage. He wasn’t broken, or useless, or incapable, and he’d prove it by outrunning all of them, he who was quirkless, he who had started in last.
One of my favorite Vigilante!Deku fics, hands down. Izuku is an absolute mad lad in this. 
We Don’t Need No Fuckin’ Heroes* 
Almost half a year before Izuku's fated meeting with the Slime Villain, our protagonist finds himself running away from his fears.But instead of letting his fears overtake him and drag him back down to the darkness where they think he belongs, he finds friendship in the most unusual places and with the help of his friends they all claw their way up into the light where they want to be and where they truly belong.
Have you ever wondered what would happen if Izuku met Dabi and Toga before they could join the league of villains? Amazing Vigilante!Deku
Detective Midoriya*
After the sludge incident, Izuku Midoriya's dream was officially crushed. However, a later experience takes the boy in a new direction. Izuku had never really contemplated being a detective, but his whole life he'd only ever wanted to help people with a smile on his face. Thanks to some luck and an entire police station, Izuku's dream is reborn.
Izuku joins the police force and basically proves that he’s as amazing as we all know he is. 
There is No Such Thing as Competely Forgiven
Deku doesn't become a hero, though he might be considered one to people that have been rejected by society. He can be petty, twisted, and is loyal to a fault. That hardly makes him evil. No, he just knows the worlds got to change and he can't do that from a side that praises people like Bakagou Katsuki and All Might. He also would love nothing better than to get even with a few people that ruined his life...
Katsuki knows that he is the reason that Deku is dead. He just can hope one day he can forgive himself and that others can as well for the role he played in it. He needs to make the world a better place, one that Izuku would have wanted. He needs to be a hero that does more than punch villains in the face. But its really hard to be a needed change when he can't trust most of his own decisions are the right ones.
One of my favorite villian!Deku fics of all time, mostly because of the found family stuff it’s got going on with the league. It’s also got a sequel if you want more. 
A Deadman’s Gun
“I—“ Izuku hesitated, gaping wordlessly, before admitting softly. “I don’t know. I just don’t want to go home. There’s nothing for me, there.”
“So you filled this hole by playing detective— And how long is that going to last, I wonder?” Stain replied, still massaging his chin. “But you— You have potential.”
Izuku blinked at Stain’s chest, before looking up. “Excuse me?”
“What a waste would it be, to let you become a red splatter on the sidewalk.” Stain continued, almost contemplating. “No. No, kid, what you need is a new purpose. Your old one is gone? Well, time to get off your ass and find something else—“
Ok, there need to be more parental Stain fics in this fandom, because this is absolutely amazing!
Hero Class Civil Warfare
Heroes lead by Bakugo.Villains lead by Midoriya.Seven days prep time.Three days for Izuku Midoriya to show why they should be glad he's not a real villain.
Ok! Ok! I know this isn’t Quirkless!Deku but I have to include it because it’s a classic and it’s pretty similar to my fics, so I know you’ll love it anyway. It focuses on Izuku’s intelligence rather than his quirk. 
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