#also posting this from mobile i hope it doesnt look like ass lol
ickyguts · 1 year
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Go crazy go stupid
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trashcanfills · 3 years
Because someone needs to provide some gamer shimada bros content and Im here to deliver.
Apologies if formatting is weird cus Im usually on mobile.
Ok we all unanimously agree that Genji is def a weeb and a gamer, since he does frequent arcades in his youth and gotten high scores on them.
But what about HANZO?
Some ppl might go like eh he’s terrible cus he has absolutely no experience or lack experience in gaming since he’s the oldest son and hEIR of the Shimada Family and is too busy to even indulge in any sort of “fun”. WHICH. Is a good and valid headcanon considering the kind of person he is.
I previously made a post abt reading this unfinished fic on secret gamer hanzo and honestly before reading that fic I would prob agree with this grp of ppl. But now Im aware that secret gamer hanzo is a thing and holy shit Im digging it.
Like ok it’s completely ridiculous to even have hanzo to NOT have some fun while he was young right? (Unless your parents are completely cold and seeing u as a tool which I hope and pray that the bros parents are not but lets not get into that) So I can visualise the shimada bros bonding over games while they were young and enjoying their childhood. They would be competitive af and also play like a number of multiplayer games, with genji being a lil shit dallying around whenever they co-op and hanzo just going can we PLEASE complete the damn objectives cus thats so them lol.
Kinda makes me wonder abt the kind of gamers they are. Thanks to that fic, it gave me the idea of hanzo being a speedrunner and thats. So. Good??????? That idea???? Like cmon hes a perfectionist and I can see him playing a game repeatedly just to get used to it and start timing himself on how fast he can beat it. Completing games 100% i feel would be more of genjis thing, since he seems the kind to prefer exploring and wandering every nook and cranny looking for interesting shit. Hanzo wont really care much for exploration, just winning in the quickest time possible, tho thats just me opinion.
I can see this fitting in the storyline, where genji and hanzo discover gaming and both bond over that shit. Genji would love to play all kinds of games of genres. Not sure what he would lean towards though i would presume fast paced action kind of games for the thrill and excitement (since he does play arcade and does extremely well). Genji plays games to have fun and a good time, def acts like a lil shit in multiplayer games like trolling in chat or trashtalking. He likely has tried almost every game at least once, no matter how obscure or ridiculous it is. Pretty good at party games too, from his time socialising (both sfw and nsfw kinds). After spending time with zen i can see him also taking a liking to the more relaxing chill games like animal crossing.
Meanwhile hanzo is a picky ass motherfucker with most of the games he plays. He def does play the classics/mainstream games, but hes in it to feel a sense of accomplishment (and superiority). It has to be good quality games with clear objectives to fulfil thats for sure or like games that are useful in exercising his intellect. More into rpgs, puzzles, strategies. Prefers single player cus people are annoying at times (and hold him back oof). Competitive af. Likely not as a natural gamer like genji, but makes it up for his insane hard work and dedication to improve his skills. I like to think that he and genji saw some a vid of sb speedrunning a game they are both into a lot and he got hooked. Is part of the speedrunning community for sure and keeps up to date with all the latest speedrunning strats.
Oh boi and imagine dva the resident gamer finding out abt the shimada bros. She will get genji to play with her at times and its a blast. Hanzo not as much cus hes an emotionally constipated fuck who doesnt know how to socialise, but hoo boi when hana makes him play a game he was experienced in and he gets into it, shes def gon drag genji and hanzo into her daily gaming streams, but mostly hanzo cus he needs more social interaction. I dunno. I mean I can see hana and hanzo bonding tgt very well. And also cus I want to see hana’s wtf face when hanzo pulls all the insane speedrunning strats, and also hana encouraging hanzo to actually work on getting some world record speedruns. That would be cool.
Yea imma sum up those thoughts up for now but like essentially gamer hanzo? Fuck yea
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99adelheid99 · 4 years
cool so since I’m procrastinating anyways on my school work im just going to write a character study on beast! dazai
because I re read it and im sad and asagiri just loves to make everyone suffer
so spoilers for the beast au
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asagiri has already decided to make dazai a tragic character and break our hearts once, but he decided to also rip them out and spit on it.
in the canon world, we see dazai struggle through depression. ever since he was young he found there was no value in living as he says to mori in the fifteen arc. he tries throughout his life desperately to understand just why humans strive to live, why they fight so hard for their lives and work hard to live life to the fullest.
it’s no different in the many other worlds The Book had created, and that lonely hole in his chest is probably much bigger.
as explained by dazai in the light novel, the power of The Book does not effect him because of his ability, since The Book itself is an ability, dazai naturally cancels it out. because of this, dazai can practically “read his own memories” from the canon world. so he knows everything that happens in the original universe, that goes for every single dazai in every single au. every single one.
this in itself is probably one of the saddest things. if people not understanding dazai didn’t hurt enough in the canon world, imagine how horrible it is that the beast! dazai had suffer with this knowledge alone, because as mentioned, it’s not wise for a lot of people to know about The Book since the world they reside in will become unstable, and have a chance of disappearing.
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at the end of the light novel we also learn of dazai’s plan. why he captured gin, and why he wanted to bring akutagawa and atsushi together.
it was for odasaku.
because dazai has the memories from his “original” self, he remember odasaku. he remembers how he died, he remembers that they were best friends, he remembers how odasaku was the only person who understood dazai to his core, he remember how much odasaku means to him.
but odasaku of this world doesn’t remember it at all. because to him it never happened. there is only the beast world and the beast world alone.
this is where the angst hits (harder lol)
dazai figures out (at some time idk when) that this is the only universe that odasaku survives (im not sure how exactly, im assuming he can read the memories of the other dazais? Idk)
he remembers odasakus passionate of becoming a writer, he remembers odasakus determination not to kill just so he could write his own novel.
and because I really do believe dazai has a heart shrouded in all that darkness, dazai wants the best for odasaku, dazai wants to make it so odasaku can continue to survive and write his novel.
so dazai being dazai makes this extremely elaborate extra ass plan to make sure it happens.
dazai knows that this world has a chance of disappearing since every time something is written down in The Book in any other au (I think? I believe it can be any one of them not just the canon one) The Book doesn’t create it out of nothing exactly, but borrows from other worlds to create what is written in the book to reality.
dazai’s afraid that this world might cease to exist, and if it does odasaku won’t get to write his novel in this only universe he survives in, odasaku won’t he happy and dazai doesnt want that.
now extra ass osamu here uses a lot of cruel tactics to get to his end goal, and it isn’t right at all, but I still have to sympathize because its just so painful lmao
during akutagawa and atsushi’s final battle, dazai goes to the lupin bar where he meets odasaku for the first time in this world. I feel like dazai fought with himself a lot not to visit odasaku during this time, probably wanting to do nothing else but to run to his old friend that he missed so damn much. and I think he couldnt resist in the end, I think he desperately wanted to see him one last time because from the very beginning he knew his own fate.
one of the many (lol) things that hurts me during this meeting is how dazai immediately jumps happily into conversation with odasaku when he sees him, how he invites him quickly to sit down with him (in which odasaku does but doesn’t sit right next to him, which seemingly hurts dazai, ouch my heart) and how he picks up conversation that dazai would normally have with odasaku in the real world, asking him if anything interesting happened to him that day or telling him about new suicide methods he tried, which leaves odasaku heavily confused as he kind of awkwardly replies to each question.
now because the pov during this scene is in oda’s, we don’t get know exactly what dazai is thinking, but oda describes his posture and reactions well for us to take a guess of how hard it is for dazai to not have probably the most important person in his life not know or care about him.
dazai tightening his grip around his glass, or dazai looking like a happy child in one second to trying to compose his emotion with a small smile in the next, these reactions happen when odasaku keeps bringing up how he doesn’t know dazai and how confused he is. and dazai trying to hold onto something, someone, who made him so happy. trying to ignore the pain he feels and grasp on to the good memories he has but odasaku doesn’t.
and then there’s the part in the bar that asagiri decided to write because he’s a writer and like all authors, lowkey likes to see his audience suffer.
when dazai calls oda by his nickname odasaku once again trying to get him to understand him, the man replies:
“Don’t call me Odasaku. There is no reason of an enemy to call me that.”
yeah I cried
I cried a lot
dazai’s reaction didn’t help either.
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The young man suddenly seemed to have trouble breathing…He fought against something invisible.
in this world, dazai probably mastered concealing his emotions (he does in like every world, but he’s much more grim in this one so) he put up this wall and put on a mask for everyone but odasaku, he let his wall down and odasaku didn’t acknowledge it, didn’t bring him some sort of comfort like he did in the canon universe. not intentionally of course, not because odasaku was cruel, but odasaku didn’t know dazai as anything else but his enemy. for all he knows, dazai could be trying to manipulate him.
theyre enemies. they could never be friends in this world. but dazai seems to still try, even a little.
in the end, they part ways. dazai putting on that mask once again, and acting like this whole meeting didn’t just destroy him. because it would be worth it in the end, odasaku would live, be happy, write his novel.
dazai would suffer, but that’s okay. odasaku hates dazai, but that’s okay.
because odasaku is alive. odasaku is happy. and to dazai that’s enough.
we get to the ending that no one wants to read because we’re already in pain and we know asagiri is waiting there with a shotgun to deliver the final blow.
dazai arrives after akutagawa and atsushi’s fight to reveal his reasoning behind his plan. how atsushi and aku have to work together protect The Book to make sure this world doesn’t disappear just for oda, and he mentions how no more then two people can know about the existence of The Book also for the protection and stability of their world.
atsushi decides to so some quick maths then, and realizes in horror that dazai has slowly made his way to the edge of the building.
he pleads with dazai to not do it, but theres obviously no stopping him.
and in that moment I believe for the first time in a long time dazai is truly content.
the hatred towards him is heavy, but it doesn’t matter to dazai because odasaku is safe. he completed his mission.
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dazai planned all of this from the very beginning up to his death. now, arguably, despite dazai’s heartwarming end goal he was still an awful person. he was abusive and manipulate. he hurt and killed others to get what he wanted. he was not a good person
but he suffered so much for the sake of one person, he knew his ending wasn’t going to happy, but the end goal was enough. the end goal made it worth it.
osamu could never tell anyone about his pain, not even his best friend. he had to instead put on the mask of the cruel boss of the port mafia. people either had to hate him or fear him. no one could ever love him, no one could ever care for him. and osamu knew that. from the very beginning. asagiri truly wrote a tragic but beautiful character.
now if you’ll excuse me im going to go cry :)))
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violentviolette · 4 years
@starrystarberry tumblr fucked up and deleted ur ask cause i tried to switch over from mobile to my laptop to answer it so im just making a post lol
also it got a little long so i stuck it under a read more for u guys who arent into seeing fandom stuff on here
oh man okay I'll try to not write a novel for each of these lmfao
Why I like them: hes a cocky bastard but also a giant idiot
Why I don’t: theres actually nothing I don't like about him akshsgsj like yea I know he imprisoned Asra's parents and made him an orphan at like 6 and everything but who hasnt made a mistake or two in their life?
Favorite season/movie: from what we have of his route so far I really like book 9: the hermit. it's got a lot of good hurt/comfort and that's my shit
Favorite episode (scene if movie): I'm a sucker for the steamy scenes so probably the makeout session in the winter woods
Favorite line: honestly all of them anything out of lucios mouth is gold
OTP: ME lmfao but no for real the mc in the game i dont think lucio is right for any of the characters even if i do ship him and julien for the angst
Favorite outfit: i actually really love his piratey outfit he wears in the flashbacks before he lost his arm.
Brotp: Julien 100%
Head Canon: i dont really have any for him
Unpopular opinion: Lucio is a switch and a service top the only True Top in this game is Nadia and i will die on that hill
A wish: none really, im happy with his route and where its been going and im excited to see the end of it!
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: I really hope his reverse ending is something other than him dying
5 words to best describe them: angry bratty baby boy
My nickname for them: baby boy
Light Yagami
Why I like them: cause he was one of the first really good protagonists whose actually the villian of the story and i love that shit
Why I don’t: Light drinks his own cool aid and is way to arrogant and i cant stand that. hes very much a holden caufield type character and i absoutely hate those
Favorite season/movie: i liked the anime but i only watched it once when it was airing and i never saw any of the movies so i dont know.
Favorite episode (scene if movie): same as above, this is making me think i should toss it in my que and do a rewatch. hmmm
Favorite line:ah man, i dont actually remember any but im sure its something gay
OTP: Light x a therapist
Favorite outfit: doesnt he only have one? that ugly ass tan suit or some variation of? lol
Brotp: light & ryuuk i loved their dynamic
Head Canon: none, i was never super invested enough in death note to have head canons
Unpopular opinion: none that i can think of, tho its probably somthing about misa lol
A wish: none
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: honestly the live action netflix adaptation already exists so like it cant get any worse
5 words to best describe them: someone id never wanna date
My nickname for them: bitch boy
Shaoran Li
Why I like them: omfg i LOVE shaoran cause hes just such a good boy? he tries so hard and he cares so much and he just wants to protect the world and its adorable
Why I don’t: theres genuinely nothing i dont like about Li
Favorite season/movie: while im loving blushy sweet shy Li in the new clear clard arc, i have a soft spot for angry sassy Li who was competing against sakura in season 1
Favorite episode (scene if movie): the episode with the tree and the time card
Favorite line: i dont think i have one
OTP: i mean is this even a question? sakura all the way
Favorite outfit: i lovelovelove his green fighting robes
Brotp: him and tomoyo being #Teamsakura all day every day together is the best thing
Head Canon: none really
Unpopular opinion: what even is an unpopular cardcaptor sakura opinion??
A wish: clear card anime s2 where are u????
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: i dunno, this series never betrays me so i dont have many fears
5 words to best describe them: strong brave and loyal boy
My nickname for them: i like to call him Li tho thats not rly a nickname
Haruka Tennoh
Why I like them: oh man. i was in. fucking. love. with Haruka as a young tiny queer. i love everything about her
Why I don’t: there is nothing not to love
Favorite season/movie: their original appearance arc is my fav so S
Favorite episode (scene if movie): the one in crystal where she kisses Usagi
Favorite line: i mean the obvious one is “does it really matter if im a man or a woman” because enby rights but also i fucking love every bit of sass ridden dialog between her and Seiya
OTP: Uranus and Neptune are soulmates and thats that on that
Favorite outfit: oh man she had so many Iconic Looks but im gonna have to give it to her racing gear.
Brotp: I love her and Mars as brotp’s dont ask me to explain it lol
Head Canon: nothing like substatial or series just stupid/crack personality ones
Unpopular opinion: none i dont think? again i dont even know if ive ever really heard an “unpopular opinion” for her
A wish: more crystal before im 90 pls
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: i mean once again the dub and the cousins sitation already exists so ive lived my nightmare. because framing them as incestuous cousins is somehow better than letting them be gay
5 words to best describe them: a gay enby queen
My nickname for them: my wife
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canonicallyanxious · 7 years
For the fic ask meme, 3, 15, and 23, please! :-)
Thanks friend!!! I’m on mobile currently and who knows when I’ll next be able ti get in a computer so I apologize in advance for the terrible formatting but what can you do lol
3. Favorite line/scene you wrote this year?
I always find this question insanely unfair because like how am I supposed to remember everything I wrote this year, there’s almost 200k words of it??? having said that, I do have a list of favorite scenes I wrote (for skam fandom because like what else did I write this year lol)
-the last scene in the long distance fic a dream to be close to you where Even feels bigger than the whole universe -in making new cliches: the last scene of chapter three where they race home and Isak tells even that his punishment is that the loser has to stay; the museum scene in chapter 4; the r+j scene in chapter 7 was immensely fun; pretty much all of chapters 8, 9, and 12; the scene with ISak’s mom in the epilogue, as well as where Even meets Mikael-a scene I didn’t actually end up publishing for a fic that will never exist, in a universe where Isak and Even meet over the Internet; I sort of mashed out their first meeting over Skype and I actually really enjoyed writing it lol
And as far as fave lines go I am going to share this one from a chapter of the marching band au that didn’t end up getting posted, mostly because there is a chance it never will be posted and honestly what a damn shame this brilliant exchange might never be shared with the world:
“Oh my god,” Eva says gleefully. “You’re gay for Even.”His brain kind of short circuits, a little.“I’m not /gay for Even/,” Isak snaps. “I’m gay, /period/.”“Uh huh. I bet you think his ass looks great in uniform.”“Oh my god,” Isak says, scandalized.“Do you wanna suck his reed?” Eva says, the widest shit eating grin on her face he’s ever seen in his damn life. “Do you wanna blow on his horn?”“Oh my /god/.”“Do you want him to lick your brass?”
15. Things I’ve learned this year
The true meaning of writing for yourselfTaking a break from fic is okay, and fuck the assholes who give you shit for itYou’re not a failure if you’re not putting out as much content as other people. Doesnt make your work any lesser. No matter what it seems like, taking your time is 100% okay.
23. Fics you wanted to write and didn’t
Okay well there was an in the flesh evak au collab that never got past the first couple chapters. There’s another au which was supposed to be a collab but isn’t going to be anymore that I alluded to earlier, in which Isak is an amateur movie critic/blogger and Even makes indie short films to put on YouTube for free as a hobby, and they meet after Isak stumbles on Even’s vids and decides to write a hugely positive review for it and Even of course happens to follow ISak’s blog religiously and flips a shit or ten when he posts the reviews. They proceed to strike up an intense, fast moving internet long distance friendship that gradually turns into romance. Can you tell I’m still stuck on this idea lol it was going to be SO MUCH FUN
For mnc verse, I had at least two spinoffs planned, a noora/eva/vilde one shot and an Even POV of part 2, but that universe ended up exhausting me too much for me to continue with either of those plans haha.
In terms of one shots, there’s a fic I wanted to write where jonas and Magnus and Mahdi all sort of figure out that they’re queer together. I also toyed with the idea of trying nsfw for evak, but in terms of like, writing a crackish scene where htey try sexy things and it goes horrifically awry lol. The marching band au counts I guess because it was going to be much more extensive than it already was. I didn’t end up finishing the au in which they’re kindergarten teachers but I’m still holding out hope on that one for 2018 (if it weren’t for my DAMN KEYBOARD BREAKING……..) there’s probably waaaay more au’s I came up with but that’s all I can think of, mostly notable because for most of these ideas I actually ended up writing a good portion of it before life got in the way or whatnot. Idk if anyone would be interested but if you are I’d be happy to post some of the outlines for them, as especially for the ones that were supposed to be collabs it’s extremely unlikely they’ll ever come to fruition.
Ask me some q’s about fic I wrote this year! On mobile so can’t link but if you go through my blog a bit you should find them.
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icyhobi · 7 years
Thank you so much! And btw everyone, i’ll be answering all the asks i have in my inbox rn, since i don’t wanna let it pile up even more. So beware, this is a long ass post! (and idk if it will show up on mobile properly :(
fullydecaffeinateddinosaur said:AHHHHHH I love Forgotten, I hope you’ll make a part two (but if you don’t that’s okay). DONT LET THE HATERS BRING YOU DOWN!!! You’re an amazing writer.
thank you so much for liking it!
Anonymous said:Don’t stop writing! I think that a non was just jealous and if that persone doesn’t like smut well she don’t have to read them! Don’t let anyone to drag you down because I love your stories! 😘
lool dw, i definately won’t stop writing!
umm, i’m still deciding if i should or not… i just, idk...
Anonymous said:Is forgotten supossed to have a second part? :) Sorry if my english is bad
no, don’t be sorry your english is perfectly fine! and im still thinking about it!
Anonymous said:Omg forgotten was soooooooo good!!! Please do another part!!
thanks! and maybe ;)
Anonymous said:Forgotten made me shed actual tears 😭 are you going to be continuing it?
did it really? was it too harsh? and im still not too sure if i will
Anonymous said:will their be a forgotten pt 2?
who knows…
Anonymous said:Guuuuurrrrl i read your fic (forgotten) and i looooved it soooo much that i wanted to re-read it (its that a word? Sorry spanish speaker here hahah) but i couldn’t remember your nameee and i spend the entire day looking for you (cause i only rememberd the “mochi” part) and i finally fouuuuuuund youuu!!!!!! So pleeeeease keep it up with the good work! Please make chapter 2! Loveeeee yaa! Saludos desde el fin del mundo!
yaaay you found me!!!
Anonymous said:I LOVE FORGOTTEN AHHHHHHHHHHH ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Anonymous said:I need part 2 of forgotten now because like I’m crying and omg the feels
Anonymous said:I was wondering if you’re ever going to continue forgotten! The ending was such a twist and I cried while reading it LMAO i think it would make a good full fanfic!! Pls at least make a part 2 I’m dying RN
Anonymous said:will there be a pt2 of forgotten? 
Anonymous said:Wow forgotten got me fucked up!! I loved it I loved it I loved it!!!!! Do you think there’ll be a part two for this or is it the only one?
Anonymous said:MOCHIIII I love you and your an amazing writer but Forgotten gave me da feels man!!!!!! I finally found someone I hate (Tae’s cheater of a wifu) XD. Is there anyway you might continue the story though with a happy (revenge on the witch as well 😈) ending????? 
Anonymous said:Holy moly forgotten is so good!!! I hope you do a part two❤️❤️❤️
Anonymous said:Part 2 of forgotten plz omg I loved it it was so good💙💙
Anonymous said:omggggg your Taehyung uni story defos needs a part 2!! i loved it!!
figureinglifeout said:Omg pls tell me forgotten has a sequel. Tae can’t do OC dirty like that
Anonymous said:Will there be part 2 of Forgotten? I really hope there will be more it can’t end like that! That bish can’t win!
Anonymous said:OMG!! I really liked Forgotten a lot even if it did break my heart at the end :’( Are you thinking of making a part two or something like that cause that was really good and I just want Taehyung x reader to be together even though that’s unlikely 💔😅
Anonymous said:Is Forgotten going to be a series?
Anonymous said:Ah also forgot to ask: is Forgotten a one shot? - moose anon
Anonymous said:I’m sorry but Forgotten has me yelling WTF. Like, I knew something like that would happen, BUT I STILL WASNT READY. UGH MY HEART. FUDGE MUFFINS. - moose anon
xsnapplex said:Mochi!! I really hope you make Forgotten a series, because classic you out a cliff hanger in it… T-T I almost lost my mind at the end. But it was sooooo goood
ahh okay, so i decided to answer these asks all together since they are basically asking the same thing. first of all, THANK  YOU SO MUCH FOR LIKING IT!!! xoxo im like so happy you guys enjoyed it! and to answer your questions, im still not to sure if there will be a second part unfortunately… we’ll just have to see!
Anonymous said:Lol I think you made me a sucker for hybrid ffs 😂 but i love “take it like a puppy” so much. ❤️😊😘😍
aww thank you! lmao i really like hybrid aus too!
Anonymous said:😭😭😭😭 I wasn’t ready for it. I’m a crying mess now after forgotten it was soooo good. If it’s a oneshot it’s beautiful and really sad but if there’s gonna be another part… *fingers crossed*
thank you sooo much!! and nooo dont cry!!
sanha-ii said:Okay right, the story Forgotten got me tense as! The cliffhanger at the end is actually making me shriek due to the amount of theories I’m getting, will there be a part 2 by any chance or is this a story where you let the readers suffer forever😂😂
ikr? it was such a twist lol. and idk, maybe i’ll just be mean and let you guys suffer…. *insert even laugh*
zara-zaza said:Forgotten was so good!!! But if it was me I would have slaped the shit out of Seulgi the second time I saw her 😂😂 but just a question does Tae really don’t remember her or was he just mad at her?
loool it was so shocking thoo. and well…. i cant say… ;)
Anonymous said:Ahhhh I’m so freaking hooked on “Forgotten”!!! Ugh I kinda wish that the reader moved on from Taehyung but it soooo good either way! I love the way you write and I can’t wait to see what happens next ♡♡♡♡♡
ikr poor reader! :( And thank you for liking it!
Anonymous said:Oh my god! A second part in forgotten, please! Y/N deserves to be happy and Seulgi SHOULD DIE! I’m sorry, I’m just being really over dramatic 
But is Seulgi really the bad guy here? I mean maybe was hurt because Y/n left… but Seulgi clearly leave him tho… ;)
lool thank you! and im sorry bby, but tease was only meant to be a two-shot :(
Anonymous said:uM, eXCusE U?! How dare you write something as good as forgotten and LEAVE US ON A CLIFFHANGER LIKE THAT?! iT’S LIKE pURusaSION BTS style!!!!!
loool my style is usually ending things off on cliffhangers!!! 
Anonymous said:Please do another part of tease I can’t take the ending please my love
srry bby, but i won’t :/
Anonymous said:i just finished reading the taehyung x reader, forgotten and im crying at how you ended it. you’re a great writer, bless you.
loool it was so mean right??? BUT THANK YOU!!! xoxo :”)
Anonymous said:omg Forgotten was sooo good and sad it legit brought me to tears 😭❤️ and the plot twist at the end got me so fucked up I was expecting a happy ending :’D
aww sorry bby!! i didn’t mean to make you cry
ohhhh are you threatening me???? LOOOOL im so cruel, right???
Anonymous said:OMG how… how could you end Forgotten just like that pls have mercy on yn …. i can’t believe you …. oh god
hmmm we’ll see… ;)
Anonymous said:Fanfic request: Could you write a fanfic about Min Yoongi (x Reader) where he was a mass murderer or gang leader/criminal that fell in love with you on a job of his. (Something like that at least. I don’t really know. But I thought that we should start recommending stuff that wasn’t just the mankae line lol)
thank you for requesting! but unfortunately i not taking in requests since i have too much stories to work on atm! srry again!
Anonymous said:Forgotten.. I’m literally about to die now.😫😭 WHYYYYYYYYYY!?! UGHHHHHH. Getting my heart attacked and stomped on was not how I wanted to end my night.😭😫😂 Anyways, it’s beautifully written! I love your fanfics (even if they do bring my heart an enormous amount of pain)!💕😘
aww im so sorry! i didnt mean to hurt your guys! i just wanted to write something very angsty!! but thank you so much for reading it!
Anonymous said:There is a part of me that wants to kiss you but another part of me that wants to ask you ‘why?’ Also why does everyone use Selugi as 'that girl’ in fanfics? I like I am getting into R.V and I am starting to like her. ~Edgy ❤❤ (Kiss part spoke louder that was amazing also I am a sucker for angst it fuels my soul. Love u)
loool aww edgy, your soo funny!
Anyways, this took a long time to answer, but thank you eveyone who sent me an ask! i seriously love you guys!!!
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