#also posted on ao3 under wankyyy
ghostfaceaddams · 9 months
It's the Great Pumpkin, Santana Lopez
Part Two
summary: Santana works to win the school costume contest with Quinn.
warnings: Santana remarks, she attacks JBI, Puck has a fake machete.
word count: 3,234
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“Hey Pink!"
Santana turned and burst into a wide smile as Quinn came bounding up to her, all decked out in her Sandy Olsson getup. They greeted each other with a quick kiss (flipping off the hockey and football players in the process). Santana ran her hands along Quinn's waist to the small of her back, her eyes glued to Quinn's cleavage.
Quinn bit her lip in a lustful smirk. Part of the reason she agreed to the costume idea was so she could distract Santana in the classes they had together (if she was lucky, Santana would take her before Judy got home). She placed her hands on Santana's sides and absentmindedly started brushing her fingers there, sending shivers down Santana's spine.
"I don't think you're too pure to pink after all." Santana mused, her eyes huge.
Quinn laughed and hit Santana in the arm playfully.
"Keep staring like that Rizzo and I'll have to take you in the choir room."
"Really?" Santana's eyes were huge and her voice resembled that of a kids after saying they were going to King's Island.
"Santana! No! Anyone could walk in, especially Mr.Schue."
Santana frowned and tangled her fingers with Quinn's hands.
"You know how many times I've fantasized about us fucking on the piano." Santana pouted quietly.
Quinn shook her head in an attempt to rid her mind of the dirty fantasies Santana projected. Santana smirked, knowing full well the effect she had on her girlfriend.
"Get your stuff and walk me to class." Quinn ordered.
Santana straightened up and saluted Quinn earning a bubbly giggle from Quinn.
Sometimes it scared Quinn how happy Santana made her. It was almost as if her happiness depended on Santana or Santana's happiness. (It didn't, just sometimes Santana made her so groundbreaking-ly happy that it warranted some concern.)
"Aye aye Captain." Santana smiled charmingly.
Quinn admired Santana in her buttoned up black shirt that had the top two buttons undone. Her eyes outlined her girlfriends glorious biceps down to her scandalous legs.
"You're a dork." Quinn snorted as Santana closed her locker.
Santana slung her Pink Ladies jack over the crook of her arm. They joined hands and began their trek down the boisterous halls of McKinley.
"Careful Fabray, you only get away with comments like that because you're my girlfriend."
Quinn leaned in close to Santana, almost bumping them into a couple of lousy teens. Her voice was low and husky and matched her "innocent" smile.
"I get away with a lot because I'm your girlfriend." Her hot breath tickled Santana's ear.
Quinn smirked as Santana tripped over her feet. A few brave souls glanced at them to see what was happening and were awarded with Santana's death glare.
They made it to Quinn's first period class (economics) where Santana walked Quinn to her seat. Santana draped her arms around Quinn's neck, barracking Quinn's gaze. When the school first found out about the couple, they had been scandalized; half of them didn't expect it and the other half were revolted. But once you see a baby come out of your girlfriends sacred girlfriend, it kind of puts things into perspective. So they kinda said screw it and just showed up to school junior year hand in hand with Santana walking Quinn to class and public displays of affection. Turns out they were pretty affectionate. Quinn's economics class was used to this by now.
"If anyone makes any moves on you or ogles you, just text me. I'll go all Lima Heights on their perverted asses."
Quinn scoffed and slid her arms comfortably around Santana's waist. Santana unconsciously melted into her girlfriends warm embrace.
It was their one problem with their costumes: jealousy. Quinn just took it out by aggressive making out (and aggressive sex later). Santana's methods were a little less healthy. (She actually broke a dudes nose over summer break for just saying hi to Quinn a little too warmly.)
"I don't think that'll be necessary San." Quinn mused lightly.
"Promise me Quinn. Just humor me." Santana flitted her eyes up and rolled her head restlessly.
Quinn squeezed Santana's sides to gain her attention and pulled her closer. Santana's vulnerable eyes glanced up to meet Quinn's security blanket ones.
"I promise."
Then Quinn leaned down and softly kissed Santana to prove that it wasn't necessary but she would tell her because she knew Santana had a phobia of abandonment. The kiss soon heated up. Quinn still wasn't a fan of people watching them but with her lips on Santana with her girlfriend holding her, she felt protected from the universe and all its unfair problems.
"Miss Lopez, you're going to be late for your class. Again."
Miss Wilcowski reminded the young couple as Rosie O'Donnell but with short hair and a cat lady.
"See ya later hot stuff." Santana pecked Quinn one last time and then was off.
Quinn turned and sat down in her seat.
"Say, Miss Wilcowski, you're looking absolutely-"
"Save it Lopez."
Quinn laughed from her seat and quickly covered her mouth in a weak attempt to hide it from Santana. Even though she didn't comment on it or look back, she knew Santana heard.
"You're my hero!" Santana shouted then hurried out of the classroom.
Antagonizing Quinn's economics teacher was something Santana enjoyed a little too much.
"Two more years." Miss Wilcowski grumbled.
They were peacefully walking to Glee Club (or as peaceful as you can walk in a loud, overpacked hallway with annoying teenagers) when Puck came running up behind them and pretended to stab them with a fake machete.
Santana was laughing up a storm and was congratulating her best man with a high five. Quinn glared at Puck and punched him in his arm.
"What the hell Puck?"
"What's wrong Blondie, you scared?" Puck slid his Jason mask back on and raised the machete in her face.
Quinn found her way back to Santana's side and grabbed her hand as if it was second nature.
"Don't worry baby, I'll protect you." Santana cooed in a baby voice.
"You're both asses." They laughed at the blonde and entered the choir room. "How'd you even get that in here? You could get expelled for that and then we'll be disqualified from Sectionals."
"Relax Baby Mamma, I won't get caught. As long as no one snitches." He fixed them both with raised eyebrows warningly and pointed at everyone who was present in the choir room.
"Call my girlfriend Baby Mamma one more time Puckerman and I'll cut your dick off so you never impregnate another woman again." Santana threatened.
Puck raised her hands in surrender and sat back in his seat. Santana rolled her eyes, her hand gripping Quinn's a little too firmly (she was starting to loose blood circulation).
When Quinn had gotten pregnant, her and Santana had broken up. It was a stupid fight that they both regretted, but they had foolishly broken up and Quinn was heartbroken. So she went to Puck to try and get back at Santana. The plan was to just make out a little. But then she got drunk and one thing led to another. Santana had been heartbroken after finding out Quinn was pregnant (which of course was expected), but Quinn kept the father a secret. Until Rachel blabbed her mouth and lets just say they were going for a record of breaking up in one year.
(Through it all, Santana was always there for Quinn. Even after she found out her girlfriend got pregnant by her best friend while they were broken up, she still got Quinn whatever she wanted. Quinn specifically remembers one time when Santana buying bacon for Quinn with a scowl on her face. That's when she realized that Santana was the only one for her. Sure she was pregnant at 16 and Santana was really the only person she dated, but it was enough to know that Santana was her person. It was like it was tattooed on her soul.)
Santana had forgiven them both (Quinn first since she was her best friend and love of her life, plus those puppy eyes she kept sending Santana was her kryptonite) but she didn't like to be reminded about it. Quinn could talk about Beth all she wanted and how gutted she still felt to this day, but when Puck was brought up things got sour.
They sat down in their seats in front of Puck and waited for Mr. Schue to arrive. To pass the time (and to slightly rub it in Puck's face) Santana cradles Quinn's legs on her lap and started making out. If there was one room Quinn felt free and safe to be affectionate with her girlfriend with (aside from their bedrooms), it was the choir room.
"You guys are disgusting." Lauren remarked from beside Puck.
"I think they're cute." Tina defended the couple.
"And what are you suppose to be? A poster for Do Not Do It, It Gets Better signs?" Santana shot back, ignoring Tina's comment.
Quinn trailed her fingers down Santana's arm, admiring every inch of her. She was just going to let Santana and Lauren duke it out until Mr. Schue came in.
"Hey Quinn." Brittany smiled animatedly.
Quinn slid her legs off of Santana's lap and angled her body towards her best friend. Santana's hand blindly searched for Quinn's until the blonde's fingers brushed the tips of hers.
Brittany had on a kid version of a Catwoman suit so Quinn assumed the go lucky blonde was shooting for a regular cat and not the sexy superhero. She even had a headband of cat ears on and whiskers drawn on her face.
"Hey Britt. You look amazing."
"Obviously. I look better than everyone here."
Quinn laughed and nodded her head along. She wasn't sure about that but she wasn't about to burst the jolly girl's bubble.
"Hey, hey. Hello. Excuse me. Just because your stalker of a girlfriend went overboard with her costume," Quinn had to laugh because that was rich coming from Santana. "Doesn't mean you get to flake out on this sacred holiday."
Finn looked to the side in that confusing way of his with his hands stuffed in his pockets.
"I didn't."
"Really? Then where's your Frankenstein costume?" Santana was becoming more annoyed by the second.
"I'm a football player." Finn said it like it was obvious.
"A-a football played? Please tell me you're kidding-Berry tell me your neanderthal boyfriend is kidding."
Quinn leaned in closer to Brittany and watched her girlfriend get all worked up. It was honestly quite adorable when Santana tore into people over their costumes. Sure Santana was a little obsessive when it came to Halloween (and by a little Quinn means a lot, a lot a lot a LOT), but it had its cute, wholesome moments.
"He's not." Rachel seemed just as disappointed in her boyfriend as Santana was.
"I'm Aaron Rodgers. See?" Finn pointed to his jersey.
It was green with two yellow stripes on the arms. The number 12 was in bold white letters on the front and back with RODGERS in the same lettering on the back. Finn turned to put his jersey on full display, smiling goofily the whole time.
At first Santana just sat there with her mouth hanging low. Then she clamped it shut and shook her head. She started muttering some things in Spanish under her breath, nothing Quinn could understand. (After growing up with the Lopez's Quinn had taken it upon herself to learn Spanish.) Quinn about fell out of her seat and onto Brittany's lap when Santana jerked Rachel into the empty seat beside her. It was the last seat in the row meaning Finn couldn't sit with Rachel.
"You're going to sit in the corner and think about a better costume idea for tomorrow night." Santana was pointing to the other side of the room in the back room, her eyes purposefully looking away from Finn.
The tall boy opened up and closed his mouth a few times (Quinn just knew Santana was dying to make a fish joke) then stumbled off in that direction. He plopped down next to Mike and looked at him questioningly. The innocent man just shrugged.
Santana molded herself into Quinn's side and shook her head.
"Men. What are they good for?" Santana muttered.
Quinn laughed and kissed Santana on the side of her head. Santana crinkled her nose in disgust but Quinn knew it was just for show. She still had to maintain some badass status in the school.
"Wow guys! You all are looking sharp. I'm impressed." Mr. Schue clapped his hands once and turned his proud father smile on them all.
Santana shot Quinn a proud, excited smirk that rearranged Quinn’s insides. Quinn shook her head but smile nonetheless.
Rachel was dressed as Fanny Brice (of course), Tina was a goth vampire, Mike was dressed as Ren McCormack at the end of Footloose (and boy did he look good), Sam was decked out in Bruce Springsteen attire, Mercedes was killing it as Batgirl, and Artie was mirroring Professor X.
Mr. Schue was dressed as Patrick Swayze in Dirty Dancing. The three Cheerios had seen Sue dressed as Nicki Minaj in the halls earlier.
Mr. Schue went to speak just for the intercom to come crackling on. Everyone grimaced or covered their ears from the intense crackling. Brittany covered her cat ears.
“Hello? Hello? Is this thing on? Hello, students and faculty of William McKinley High. You have all submitted your Halloween Costumes to Miss Pillsbury, those of you who have attended this competition.”
The glee club erupted in applause. Santana planted a passionate kiss on Quinn’s lips causing Rachel to scoot her seat away. The whole school had participated in the costume competition but Santana was confident in them winning. The Latina had come in top ten her freshmen year and last year won with Puck as Chucky and the Bride of Chucky. This year she was determined to win with Quinn.
“Before I give the results, to the boy in the hockey mask terrorizing the student body, I ask you to stop or you will be caught.” Quinn turned around and glared at Puck. “Now, I would like to go over a few guidelines for those trick or treating Sunday.”
The walls of the school practically shook from the student body groaning. Mr. Figgins started going over the guidelines that they should go in pairs or with an adult, not to go up to houses without the light on, and to, “Be aware of razor blades hidden in candy.”
Mercedes cocked her head to the side and scrunched up her nose.
“I thought that was a myth.” Artie voiced.
“Also, as the leaders of our future, the faculty of William McKinley, and your parents, advise you to not throw any Halloween bangers this weekend.” Santana, Puck, and Sam all sniggered earning hits from Quinn, Lauren, and Mercedes. “Your safety is our number one priority.”
Figgins cleared his throat and was heard pulling a piece of paper out (with some difficulty).
“Now, for the long, awaited, results.” There was a dramatized pause.
“Oh get on with it!” Santana shouted at the intercom.
“Santana.” Mr. Schue said softly but sternly.
Quinn placed a calming hand on Santana’s knee. This was one of Santana’s not so cute moments. The Latina sighed and rolled her eyes dramatically.
“This is bull-“
“In third place we have Rachel Berry as Miss Fanny Brice.”
“What? This was handmade, I even got it dry cleaned!” Rachel exclaimed.
“Can it hobbit.” Santana snapped.
Rachel did her signature pout and crossed her arms defiantly. Santana had migrated to the edge of her seat and was staring lasers into the intercom.
“In second place, we have a couples costumes. With a new take on Rizzo and Sandy from Grease, we have teenage lesbians Santana Lopez and Quinn Fabray.”
‘Figgins needs to learn to stop misidentifying sexualities.’ Quinn thought to herself. Just because they were two females in a relationship and Santana was a lesbian didn’t mean Quinn was. Or anyone else for that matter.
“What?” Santana flew out of her seat like a rocket taking off. Her chair tipped over in her wake.
“Here we go.” Mercedes tossed her hand up, remembering when they had lost the couples duet (which Santana still was mad at Sam for even though he understood he just wasn’t ready to come out yet).
“Our winner is Jacob Ben Israel as Dark Vader.”
“It’s Darth.” Sam muttered.
Santana was pacing the choir room, wanting desperately to run her hand through her hair but knew it would ruin her Rizzo hair.
“The top three winners can report to Miss Pillsbury office to take photographs with their trophies. Have a spooktastic day.”
“I’m going to kill that jewfro! I mean, how can he even fit his afro in to that helmet? It would break!” Santana was screaming.
“Santana-“ Mr. Schue started calmly.
Santana started storming out of the choir room, her eyes blazing ferociously.
“Oh no.” Quinn hopped out of her seat with Puck and Sam in toe. “Santana! Leave the small, perverted boy alone!” It was hard to chase after the Latina in heels.
The rest of the glee club got out of their seats to follow, anticipating Santana going Lima Heights on JBI. Truth be told, everyone in glee club had wanted to see that boy hit at least once.
“Guys!” Mr. Schue threw his hands up exasperated and ran his hand through his hair.
“And people say I’m a sore loser.” Rachel muttered as she hurried after the rest.
Santana was stalking the halls looking for a mini Darth Vader. He was so small and Darth Vader costumes were so cheap, they were basically a onesie, he couldn’t be hard to find. Santana was enraged. How could that perverted dwarf win with such a low grade costume of a cliche character?
She finally spotted him, about to enter Miss Pillsbury office. She would never in a million years admit this, even if she was held at gunpoint by one Sue Sylvester, but she was impressed. JBI’s costume wasn’t a onesie. It looked like it was the actual costume from the 80’s. For a second, just a second, Santana second guessed attacking the boy. He was big and covered in plastic.
But alas, he stole her rightful first place, and she was Santana fucking Lopez. Lucky for her he had his helmet off, so she slipped her heel off and chucked it down the hall. Somehow it hit him square in the head.
“Ow!” He started rubbing his head.
Santana became unhinged. She charged the poor boy, tackling him to the floor.
“Oh shit.” Puck said before him and Sam ran after the deranged woman.
Quinn shook her head and followed. ‘I’m dating a psychopath.’
“Stop the violence.”
Santana didn’t really hurt him since he was protected by all the plastic of the suit, but she did scratch him by his eye (fitting for his character). It took Puck, Sam, and Mr. Schue to pull Santana off of JBI and back towards the choir room.
“Don’t mess with Lime Heights!” Santana kicked her legs wildly.
For everyone’s sake, Quinn hoped they won tomorrow at the party. Santana losing (especially to Halloween) while intoxicated was not something anyone wanted to happen.
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ghostfaceaddams · 10 months
summary: Artemis and Zatanna spend their first Valentine's Day together.
warnings: cussing probably and some violence
word count: 3,026
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Growing up, Valentine's Day had never been a holiday that Artemis participated in. She thought it was corny as hell and just a way for candy companies to win big in green. She thought it was a pointless holiday. Even when she was with Wally she begged him not to celebrate it. But it was different with Zatanna.
Everything was different with Zatanna.
Artemis swore up and down that the magician hexed her because there was no way she would be going out to a fancy dinner while wearing a fancy dress and fancy jewelry on Valentine's Day! There was so much Artemis did for Zatanna that was so out of character for her.
"That's called being in love Artemis." Wally would say then wrap his arm around Dick.
Artemis sighed for what seemed to be the fifteenth time in the last thirty minutes. Zatanna still wasn't back from "patrolling" and their reservations were in fifteen minutes. (Artemis uses quotation marks because when does Zee patrol? She goes where the League tells her and only patrols with Artemis.)
The blonde tapped her finger on her forearm and considered giving up on the whole idea. She hadn't celebrated in the past so why should tonight be any different? Just then there was jiggling at the front door and in came Zatanna Zatara, in all her superhero outfit glory. Artemis had to remind herself to clamp her mouth shut so saliva wouldn't drip onto her pretty navy blue dress.
Artemis was about to ask why Zatanna used her key when she could've just flourished in with a spell, but then her girlfriend was smiling and well, it was kind of hard to formulate words when that happened.
"Hey baby." Pet names was another thing Artemis despised in relationships until she started dating Zatanna.
The blue eyed enchantress leaned down to kiss her girlfriend on the lips but Artemis pulled away. The archer fixed the other girl with a hard glare, her crossed arms stiffening.
"What's wrong?" Zatanna frowned.
Artemis had to get up before that frown broke down all her barriers. "You're late."
The blonde walked several steps away and turned back around to face the girl in trouble. Zatanna spun around easily and smiled carefully.
"Our reservations are in eight minutes, we can still make it."
"Glad to know you didn't forget when our date was." Artemis bit back.
Zatanna frowned and crossed the distance between them in two leisure strides. She slipped her hands out and uncrossed Artemis's arms. Zatanna brushed her thumbs over Artemis' rough knuckles and smiled the universe's most reassuring smile. Artemis defiantly tried to look away from the prodding eyes, but it was no use. In one minute Zatanna would be forgiven.
"In two simple spells I can be dressed and we can be at the restaurant in less than a minute."
"Zatanna-" Artemis went to object but Zatanna was already doing a spell.
"Egnahc otni a ssed."
There was smoke and gust of wind then it all cleared. Zatanna was in a slim fitting black dress that sparkled making her eyes pop out seductively. She disappeared into her bedroom and came back out with a pair of heels. (Right when Artemis got to be the same height as her she got out the heels. Low blow, literally.)
Zatanna reached out and grabbed Artemis' hands, her fingers locking protectively around Artemis. Artemis didn't think she'd ever get over the feeling that came with Zatanna holding her hands in preparation for transportation. She felt safer in Zatanna's hands than she ever did in Wally's arms (or even her dads for that matter). Deep down, like way down deep, Artemis knew Zatanna would never let anything bad happen to her because she loved her the same as Artemis did.
"Actually, I was thinking we could take a cab there." You know, like an actual couple.
"But then we'll be late."
Zatanna uttered a few backwards words and before Artemis knew it they were out front of the restaurant. The blonde gave a slight shake of her head and let Zatanna pull her against her side. Teleportation was still something Artemis was getting used to. Sure the thrill was nice, but it was also a bit disorienting. It was better than zooming around with Wally though.
Zatanna waited three seconds for Artemis to regain her footing before walking them through the front doors. There was a couple already in front of them so they stood back and waited. Artemis bit her cheek to refrain from releasing an annoyed sigh. They were on time but just barely.
Artemis was surprised they were even here at all. All week Zatanna had been dismissing the topic of what they were going to do for Valentine's. Even when they finally agreed on a time and place she didn't seem interested. It was so unlike Zatanna to not want to engage in a conversation with Artemis or to opt out on spending time together. Usually Zee was all over Artemis (not in an overbearing way of course).
No matter how the night went, Artemis would have to thank Ollie for getting them a reservation.
"Have I mentioned that you look beautiful tonight?"
Despite the better of herself, Artemis smiled. She tossed her long hair back and turned to face her girlfriend, angling her head up.
"You realize how cheesy you sound, right?"
"Is it really cheesy if it's true?"
Artemis rolled her eyes but lightly kissed Zatanna on the lips. The couple in front of them had left and the waitress returned so they walked up to the podium. Zatanna opened her mouth but Artemis' voics filtered out instead.
"Zatara, party for two."
Zatanna parted her lips and cocked her head to the side as she looked at Artemis.
"Right this way." The waitress smiled politely at them.
Artemis forced a smile back and followed. Zatanna was silent for several, contemplative seconds.
"You used my last name?"
"Well I wasn't going to use Crock." Artemis scoffed softly.
Zatanna remained silent.
Menus were placed on their table as they were seated and then the waitress left. Artemis glanced over the top of her menu at her girlfriend who seemed to be fidgety about something. Fidgety was definitely not a word she'd use to describe Zatanna. The magician was usually poised and confident. 
When three minutes went by without a word between the two or an appearance of the waiter, Artemis decided it was time to take action. Small talk wasn't her strong suite, not even with Zatanna, but she figured she had to make an effort.
"How was patrolling?"
Zatanna looked away from her menu to look at Artemis as she spoke. Artemis admired that about Zee, she always looked people in the eye when she spoke.
"Slow at first. But then Bruce had to leave for a date with Selene so I had to take over for him. I ran into a bunch of Two-Face men but I had it under control."
"Define a bunch." Artemis deadpanned.
Zee chuckled and reached out to unclasp Artemis' fingers from the menu. Artemis sighed and let the magician rub her palm in that soothing way of Zee's.
"Don't worry Arty, I had it under control."
"So you say."
Zatanna smiled at Artemis making her blue eyes shine brighter than bullets ricocheting off of Wonder Woman's bracelets.
"I didn't show up with any cuts or bruises did I?"
"For all I know you could've done a healing spell before walking in."
"You know me so well." Zantanna leaned back in her chair and focused her attention back on her menu. 
Artemis hoped that was true because she knew that Zatanna knew her better than anyone else.
Zatanna was back to focusing way too intently on the menu leaving Artemis feeling uneasy. They had been dating for a little over a year now and things had been-well, perfect. But then again, the only other person Artemis had dated was Wally and that was perfect too. Until Artemis faked her death and wanted to get back into the hero life. When things ended between them Artemis had been heartbroken.
It scares Artemis shitless because the thought of losing Zatanna hurts far worse than remembering losing Wally. She sees how Wally is with Dick, how at home they are in each others arms. Wally was willing to get back into the hero life for Dick. Soon enough they would get married, it was inevitable. Dick was the one for Wally. Artemis was sure-no, she was positive that Zatanna was the one for her.
They hadn't moved in together or exchanged "I love you's" yet, but Artemis knew that Zatanna's soul was meant to mesh with hers. Being with Zatanna felt as natural and easy as breathing. To lose Zatanna was like her oxygen being cut off. Artemis wasn't sure how she'd be able to manage in a life without Zatanna, the girl who was magic even without her magic.
She didn't understand why Zatanna was being so distant. It was starting to piss her off because Artemis hated being scared, especially when it came to romantic relationships. She had grown a lot but the fact was that Sportsmaster was still her father and he fucked her up real good.
"Hello. Happy Valentine's Day. My name is Dandy and I'll be your server for today. Can I start you ladies off with drinks?"
Artemis looked up at their waiter. Dandy had hair that was as black as Zatanna's and was gelled back. He was in a white buttoned up shirt with a maroon apron around his waist and black dress pants. His clothes made him seem older than he was. By closer inspection Artemis figured he was barely seventeen.
Zatanna opened her mouth to request a red wine but then there was a huge explosion from outside that rocked the entire building. The overhead lights trembled and several short circuited. There were screams all around with people ducking for cover. Glass from the windows shattered and there was suddenly gusts of wind coming in.
The magician was by Artemis' side in seconds, examining her for any injuries.
Just then Zatanna's phone rang. She whipped it out of her purse and held it up to her phone.
"Zatanna. We need you and Artemis to get to the Gotham docks. Batman and Catwoman are too far away and won't make it in time." Dick's urgent yet calm voice carried through.
"Who are we facing?" Zatanna asked.
Artemis groaned. So much for a nice and peaceful v day with the girlfriend. Maybe normal was too much of a cliché for them.
"The Joker has imported teddy bears with bombs implanted inside them. You need to take down his guys. Bart and Eduardo are going to get the bears."
"And The Joker?" Zatanna arched an eyebrow.
"Bruce will take care of him once he lands."
"Okay. We'll be there." Zatanna hung up and turned to Artemis. "Ready for a wardrobe change?"
"This wasn't exactly how I imagined changing clothes tonight, but what the hell." Artemis quipped.
"Egnahc otni smrofinu!"
There was a cloud of smoke and a gust of warm wind rushing over the two women. When it all cleared both women were in their superhero gear. Zatanna stepped forward and grasped Artemis' hands, much like she had back in the apartment but with more urgency now.
"Woah." Dandy squeaked.
"Mahtog skcod." Zatanna murmured.
This time there was no time to regain her footing. Artemis was thrust into battle with the Joker's goons upon arrival. She groaned and blocked one of the guys blows with her arm. She kicked him in the chest and unsheathed her sword.
Zatanna was already muttering spells and blocking attacks. There was a blur of red and yellow and Eduardo teleporting inside of the truck. Artemis didn't waist anymore time to attack.
It was a pretty even fight, especially with Bart and Eduardo knocking guys out of their way on their way back and forth. From the stinging in her hands Artemis could tell she was punching harder than she needed to. It didn't matter though.
She elbowed one of the guys attempting to grab her from behind in the face and shot one in front of her with an arrow. She heard the crunch of the nose from the guy behind her breaking and whipped around to roundhouse kick him. Another guy soon came charging but she only hit him with an arrow. Someone else tried to attack her from behind, wrapping his arm around her and attempting to choke her.
Artemis elbowed him three times in the ribs-harsh-then stomped on his foot. She used this opportunity to grab ahold of his arm and used her weight to fling his body around hers onto the concrete. There she wrenched his shoulder out of his socket earning a cry of pain. She stomped on his face and shot a guy behind Eduardo.
"Kind of harsh wasn't that Arty?" Zee mused from behind.
Artemis turned around and saw Zatanna crinkling her eyebrows together. There was a smile twitching at the corners of her mouth but her eyes were dark with concern.
"Tsiwt ruoy elkna." Zatanna said to the guy charging her and turned to fully face Artemis.
"Are you tired of me?"
"What?" Zatanna was clearly taken aback by Artemis' blunt question.
Artemis had no idea why she was choosing now, of all time and places, to have this raw conversation with Zatanna. But it was happening and she was full of adrenaline so there wasn't any turning back.
"This whole week I've been trying to make plans with you and you wouldn't listen. I was better off talking to one of Poison Ivy's plants than I was you." Artemis vented.
Zatanna put her hand up and sent a goon flying back.
"And patrolling? Really? The only time you patrol is with me Zee. It's like you were delaying going on the date, you even used your front door instead of teleporting in!"
"Artemis." Zatanna tried.
"Raquel told me how when you guys were together, you set up this whole romantic date and were all excited. Why were you so put off tonight?"
Bart whizzed by in Zatanna's background, taking out three goons. She reached out and awkwardly grabbed Artemis' gloved hands. She heaved a heavy sigh and kicked her boots against the concrete. The only time Artemis ever saw Zatanna do that was when she was being scolded by Bruce.
"Artemis, I promise I am not tired of you. I'm nowhere near getting tired of you."
Artemis stood there patiently awaiting the rest of Zatanna's explanation. Both girls had trouble opening up so they knew to be patient if the other one was doing so.
Zatanna bit her lip for a second before plunging on. "Valentine's Day is supposed to be a day of grand gestures. In the past, with Dick and Raquel, all I had to do was buy flowers or watch some rom com. They were nice but, I was a kid then and I didn't love them."
The l word definitely did not go unnoticed by the archer. Zatanna inhaled a big breath and exhaled again.
"I know it's only been a year but," Zatanna glanced around and smiled bashfully. "I was planning on asking you to move in with me."
Okay, Artemis was definitely not expecting that to come out of Zatanna's mouth. The blonde just stood there gaping at the other girl like a fish on land. Zatanna smiled uneasily and shuffled her feet.
"I've kind of been in love with you since that Halloween night when we took down Harm. This sounds cheesy but when we got together, it felt like a dream come true. I thought that maybe after a while it would all go away, that either I finally got you so I wouldn't want you or you'd leave like my dad. But neither of those happened. And I realized that I really love you and want you to mo-"
"Move in with you." Artemis finished in a dead trance like tone.
"Yeah." Zatanna finished breathlessly.
They both stood there in silence, the only sounds being sirens in the background and the humming of the waves. The loudest noise of all was the hammering in Artemis' chest. She was sure that her heart was going to burst out of her chest and explode all over Zatanna's white buttoned shirt. She definitely didn't want to scar Zatanna for the rest of her life and leave her jaded about love.
She couldn't believe it. The whole week, Artemis was scared that she was losing Zatanna when Zatanna was scared about losing Artemis. Asking her to move in and dropping the l bomb didn't seem to be the direction Zee was heading in, but Artemis was happy that's what ended up being the case.
"Are you moving in with her or what?" Bart hollered.
Both girls turned to look at Bart who was standing several feet away. Eduardo elbowed him in the ribs causing him to rub them.
"The kid has a point."
Artemis giggled because she always thought that Zatanna would be great with kids, but it turns out she's completely awkward around them.
"Sure, I'll move in with you."
"Crash!" Bart exaggeratedly fist pumped the air.
"And?" Zatanna raised an eyebrow.
"And what?" Artemis mused.
Zatanna huffed and jutted her lips out slightly. Artemis giggled and rested her forearms on Zatanna's shoulders. Zee immediately rested her hands on Artemis' hips. She loved watching Zee squirm because the magician was usually so cool and confident. It was nice to know that even Zatanna Zatara could get nervous.
"I love you too, Zatanna."
Zatanna beamed that mega watt smile that was more magic than the spells she conducted on a daily. Artemis smiled back, Zatanna's too infectious not to. They both leaned in and attached their lips.
"Double crash!" Bart exclaimed over the exchange of I love you's.
"Yeah, Arty?" Zatanna hummed.
"Take me home." Artemis beamed, the never ending feeling of euphoria blossoming in her chest.
"As you wish."
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