#also pls don’t take this as me being mean or bitchy fkfkfkfkf
teeth-farie · 3 years
Hey i want you to know that valdemar is confirmed aroace (just bc i saw you taking a liking to them with the reblog) so i thought id just let u know in case u didnt know!!
Yeah I heard but I’ve decided to ignore canon this time- and here’s my reasoning:
The devs have already done some sketchy stuff in the past, but even if we ignore that I think we can agree that deciding to make their villainous demon character that’s always trying to vivisect things their only aroace character, that just seems wrong. Out of all the characters they could have made aroace, they decided to go with the homocidal demon.
Imo, if they wanted an aroace character they could have easily made one of Nadia’s sisters just that—for example, Nafiza could be an aroace character, along with any other sister.
Another point! The devs only confirmed that for Valdemar after fans started asking for courtier routes. And while a character can come out at any time, it seems as if it was an excuse instead of the devs just saying ‘no we won’t make a route for them’
Anyway, those are just my two cents in the matter and why I’ve decided to ignore canon with this
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