#also please ignore that kugisaki does not have water
divine0 · 8 days
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the tokyo trio getting nabe hot pot!
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violettelueur · 4 years
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↳ featuring : fushiguro megumi + kugisaki nobara + zenin maki + inumaki toge + panda from jujutsu kaisen
↳ warnings : mention of death + EXTREME grammar issues
↳ form : story
↳ published : 25 february
↳ pronouns : she/her
↳ word count : 2.6k
↳ synopsis : within the jujutsu world, there were three famous clans to be aware of, the Kamo clan, Zenin clan and the Gojo clan. However, unknown to many sorcerers there was one last family that was known to be apart of the three, only for them to disappear after the golden era leading some to speculate that they had died in battle after the sealing of ryomen sukuna, but....
↳ previous episode : curse womb must die II
↳ next episode : assault 
↳ barista’s notes : hey hey hey~ let me admit, i have no idea how to write the next episode since you don’t see anyone in them except for gojo and itadori (domain expansion episode) ʕ ᵒ ᴥ ᵒʔ so i might have to improvise something now...BUT there’s nothing much happening in this episode, so i hope you still enjoy it even when there is no action or anything interesting going on ʕ •ᴥ•ʔゝ☆
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1. the whole story belongs to Gege Akutami and the credits go to them and them only
2. the spell curses used belong to Tite Kubo due to them being the ‘Kidos’ being used on the manga and anime ‘Bleach’ - but none is mentioned in this chapter
2.5 for the ‘cursed spells’/kidos (bleach) i will link this video here and tell you the time stamp to check out what i am intending to show - remember i add a few twist here and there by adding the katana to link with Y/N’s cursed technique 
no cursed spells used this episode...
3. if you are confused on anything, please don’t hesitate to message me since i know this whole thing is so confusing
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“We’re in!” Fushiguro and Kugisaki simultaneously answered with determined looks on their faces before turning back to look at you, waiting for your answer.
Letting out a sigh of frustration, you knew that you had no way out of this since they looked so motivated for you to join, even if you disagreed with them.
“This is such a drag, but fine, I’ll join in too,” you replied with a small smile on your face leading them to nod at you before turning back to your seniors.
“But if I decided this training and exchange event is pointless, I’m quitting instantly,” Kugisaki mentioned.
“Same here,” Fushiguro commented, causing you to kick both of them on the back much to their surprise.
“So you drags make me do this event, only for you to dip when it’s pointless for you, besides I heard there are some interesting sorcerers in the Kyoto side, so prepare yourselves,” you stated before stepping down the few steps you were in front of before standing between them.
“Well, people this cocky are all more worthwhile to train,” Panda mentioned with his arms folded with a determined look on his face.
“Bonito flakes,” Inumaki said in a softer tone.
Looking up to the sky, you couldn’t help but brisk in the sunlight that was shining lightly down upon you, leading you to raise your hand over your face in order to not be blinded.
‘I wonder how I’m going to hide from this one now?’
“You’re late, Megumi,” Zenin obviously mentioned, as her head was turned with what seemed like to be a wooden combat pole in her hand as it casually leaned against her shoulder.
“Kelp,” Inumaki stated, as he was sitting on the ground, also having his head turned to look at the Shikigami user, ignoring what seemed to be a race between Kugisaki and Panda going on behind him.
“What were you doing?” Maki asked curiously, as Fushiguro made his way down the stone steps towards his upperclassman while zipping up his blue track top.
“What does it matter?” Fushiguro then questioned, not giving the weapon-wielder sorcerer a clear answer since he thought there was no need sharing the fact that he went to visit the mother of the man (that Itadori want to save) that had been killed by the special-grade curse back at Eushi Detention Centre to pay his condolences.
“Zenin-senpai...what kinds of people do you want to save as a jujutsu sorcerer?” Fushiguro queried, as he processed to stare down upon the ground trying to hide his emotions to compose his stoic nature, causing the mentioned sorcerer to turn her head once again to look at the other student.
“Huh? It’s not like I care if my actions save anyone,” Zenin answered in a matter-of-fact tone, causing Fushiguro to look to the side with an ‘I’m done’ expression.
“I shouldn’t have asked,” Fushiguro muttered in a lowered tone, leading Zenin to instantly become annoyed as she eyed at the erratic-haired boy with instant irritations in her eyes as well as expression.
“FUSHIGURO! Quit asking interview prep questions! Switch with me! I’m sick of these school uniforms! Let me go buy some cute tracksuits!” Kugisaki shouted in a fit of rage, as she was strangely spun around in a dizzy circle like she was at a funfair circus as a clueless gymnast before being thrown in the air by Panda.
“What are those two doing?” Fushiguro confusingly asked as he watched the amusing sight process while his classmate landed on the floor.
“Falling practice!” Panda announced as he pointed his finger in the air like what he was doing was obviously.
“Mustard leaf,” Inumaki stated as if to confirm Panda’s answer, as he too looked at the ridiculous scene.
“You’re both weak in close quarters, after all,” Panda stated, as he informed his younger classmen on why what he was doing, made sense to the training that he had planned.
“By the way, where is Y/N? She was with you when you both left to do whatever you were doing,” Zenin questioned, as she looked around the area behind her to see if you were there since she did miss your presence the last time you both met.
“She said she needed to go somewhere important, but will be back as quick as possible,” Fushiguro recalled, as he remembers after you both met with Tadashi’s mother, you informed him that you had to go somewhere for the time being, but didn’t tell him where you were exactly heading off to.
“That’s fine, I guess,” Maki replied back as she processed to swing around the wooden pole she had in her hand with such grace and accuracy before continuing with, “if what that idiot Gojo said to us about her is true, she could beat all of us in an instant, she’ll probably be perfect in the individual’s battle,”.
“Okay, land a blow on us,” Zenin stated, with her palm out, as if inviting Fushiguro to attack her.
“I’m here, mother”
As of right now, you were holding a small bouquet of a beautiful arrangement of blue hydrangeas paired with white roses with some incense sticks in one hand, while the other was holding a wooden tub filled with water with a wooden ladle as well as a plastic white bag with items you quickly brought from the corner store causing you to quickly place your items down before leaving the delicate bouquet in a safe area.
Digging through the white plastic bag, you pulled out a cloth before removing the stubborn tags that refused to be taken off as you processed to soak the material before beginning to wipe down the marble gravestone that towered you as your crouched down before cleaning the vase that you had also brought from the corner store - yet you were surprised at the fact there were no weeds to be pulled.
After you had quickly clean the gravestone, you picked up the incense sticks in their rightful holder before lighting them up with a match (that you also brought from the store) before carefully removing the paper that held the flowers to gently place the floral plants in the same neat arrangement in the now cleaned vase.
Making sure the china vase was placed in the middle, you grabbed the wooden ladle that was in the wooden bucket, making sure it had enough water before standing back up on your feet to pour the clear liquid over the grave as you then placed the ladle back into the bucket.
Placing your hands together in prayer, before internally thanking your mother for protecting you as well as expressing your gratitude for her.
“They’re your favourite flowers right?” you gently asked, as you stared down at the flowers that were beautifully sitting in the vase. “Those were really expensive you know, I wonder how you were able to buy them so often without any regrets,” you muttered with a small smile before crouching back down as if you were going to look eye to eye with the gravestone like your mother was going to be sitting in front of you.
“I've been found…but...I wasn’t as bad as I suspected, the people at Jujutsu Tech are such drags but they’re really nice people,” you expressed, as you continued with, “I’m sorry I took so long to visit, you know Sendai to Tyoko is a really long journey, technically that’s both our faults since we agreed that we wanted to rest in Tokyo if we did pass,”.
Looking at the marble stone in front of you, you could see the thin smoke of incense that was slowly swirling into the air, as if it was trying to hypnotise you with its graceful movements. However, even though you knew you had to get back to Jujutsu Tech as quick as you could, you couldn’t help but utter a few more words to your late mother.
“I miss you mum”
“Ah- am I late?”
At this current moment in time, it seemed like training had taken a pause since everyone was seated somewhere close to the stone stairs that lead the way down to the track field.
“Where were you? I needed you to train Megumi more,” Zenin asked, as you carefully made your way down the stairs with another white plastic bag in hand before making your way to your upperclassmen with one hand holding each handle, leaving an opening that was large enough to let her have a view on the contents inside.
“Sorry, I was visiting someone, but I got you guys some refreshments since I know you all were going to be tired by the time I came. Oh! The orange juice is mine by the way,” you mentioned, as you swiftly grabbed the orange carton from the bag as if someone was going to steal it if you didn’t.
Smiling at you, Zenin leaned away from the tree bark to see what she could choose from the bag, before reaching in, to grab that bottle of water as her choice before you processed to hold the bag around for everyone to get a pick on what beverage they wanted before you took a seat on the steps between Fushiguro and Inuamki.
“Where’s Kugisaki?” you asked in curiosity, as you looked around the fielded area only to not find your classmate leading Fushiguro to explain to you that she went out to buy a tracksuit since she didn’t have one, causing you to realise that you probably needed to change later but for now, you didn’t find being in your school uniform since the slit on the side of your long skirt, made it easier to move as well as deal with the warm environment that was coming in for the season at the moment.
“Gojo, your katana is a cursed weapon right?” Fushiguro asked, causing you to look at him weirdly after stabbing the straw into the carton before giving him a nod as a way to reply to his question.
“I agreed with the others that supplementing my close combat with weapons is the best choice right now, but with my cursed technique, I want to be able to free both hands at any time, with katanas, you lose time sheathing them,” Fushiguro explained, as he placed the pads of his fingers together while looking down at them.
“How do you carry your weapon when your cursed technique is used by your hands as well, also how did you manage to hide the chain attached at the end?” Fushiguro asked as he looked up at you, only to be surprised when he saw you looking at him with an annoyed expression.
‘That’s one way to somewhat expose me, I guess’
“I can utilise my technique by using only one hand, although there are times when I have to use both hands like you. However, I rarely unsheathe my katana, so it usually hangs on my back,” you described, causing Fushiguro’s to concentrate on you, trying to understand your technique since it seemed more complicated then you made it look at your battle with Sukuna.
“About the chain, the red charm cancels the chain being constructed since it will use my cursed energy, not a lot for me, but it’s a drag since I need the extra bit. When the charm is off, I use my curse energy to conceal before clicking my fingers to reveal it, if I want to, and when I use two hands, I can use the chain to pull it back,” you explained, causing the second-years to be surprised at the amount of cursed energy you have to use to employ such a simple weapon - maybe it wasn’t as simple as they intentionally thought.
“How much cursed energy do you possess, Y/N?” Panda asked as he placed his paw on his chin in a thinking posture, only for Fushiguro to answer the question.
“She has a lot more than she is showing right now, I don’t know how but she can hide it,” Fushiguro stated, causing you to smack the back of his head before placing the neglected straw back to your lips since you were desperately craving the citrus content that was in the carton.
“Zenin-senpai, you often carry more than two around with you, right? How do you do that?” Fushiguro queried as he rubbed the back of his head to soothe the pain you had given him.
“I made Panda carry them,” Zenin answered, as she pointed at the classmate leading to the animal sorcerer to proudly show off his muscles as if to inform you and Fushiguro on how strong he was.
“I shouldn’t have asked, part two,” Fushiguro muttered under his breath, causing you to giggle internally at the statement as you wondered what he must have asked the first time since ‘part two’ was in the sentence.
“Some sorcerers keep cursed spirits that can store and retrieve objects,” Panda presented a well-thought idea, even though there was a disadvantage to that.
“He can’t do that. It’s a rare thing and it takes time to tame them, as well. But if you find any, let me know,” Zenin countered, before Panda replied for the payment he wanted if he ever finds a curse for her, causing you to zone out from the conversation as you processed to stare down at the step before you, that was slightly darkened by the shade of your shadow.
In curiosity, you took a side glance at your classmate only to notice that he was in deep thought, leaving you to figure something out for him while he thought of his own solution.
‘His shikigami uses shadows for a medium, then if that is the case…’
Using your hand that was occupied with your orange juice, you leaned forwards slightly, letting the tips of your fingers touch the stone step below you while making them land in the middle of your shadow.
“I think you can do that,” you stated in a quiet tone, causing Fushiguro to look in your direction only to see you staying still in the position that you had set yourself in before slowly pulling yourself back up to sit in a normal position, leading Fushiguro to go back to what he was in deep thought about.
‘I don’t get it, though. Why...did you run back then? What a waste of talent, but the girl back at that place, she knows how to use her technique extremely well’
“You possess such intellect, such skill, such power and such talent and yet you refuse to go against me with your full potential, are you mocking me?”
‘I have the potential to beat special grades? Is that what he meant by that?’ Fushiguro thought, before turning to look at you to discover you were looking into the distance while continuously sipping on your orange juice like the addict you were. 
‘What was she trying to tell me? It seemed like L/N knows something...intellect?’
Slowly but curiously, Fushiguro began to reciprocate your previous movements by letting his hand touch the step between his legs before waiting for a second to see what you were trying to inform him, only for his hand to steadily go deeper into his shadow leading him to widen his eyes at this discovery.
“Tuna, tuna,” Inumaki mentioned, as he pointed at Fushiguro since he noticed what he was doing, leading Zenin and Panda to look at their classmate wanting to know what he was trying to bring their attention to.
“Huh? What?” Zenin asked in confusion, before turning her head in the shikigami user’s direction to realise what he was doing.
“Senpai, I think I can do it,” Fushiguro stated with a rare smile, before looking in your direction once again to see you were still staring at the field in front of you.
‘Such intellect…’
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© violettelueur 2021 : written and published by violettelueur - do not steal or repost
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softkuna · 4 years
Sukuna || Dancer || Fic
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Content   ║ Sukuna x insert. The few chords of music began and a woman walked onto the stage. Her heels were near silent in comparison to the music. Her outfit sparkled against the low lights, illuminating the curve of her body in a way that caught the snoozing eyes of the curse within. Yuuji flustered for a moment, almost looking away, but Sukuna had urged him not to. 
Count      ║ 1,234 words.
Consider ║ A bit of angst. Soft!Kuna. Poledancing. Possible implications of sex work? Reincarnation. Grammar issues. Female insert. Third Person writing. 
Creator    ║ This is an idea that was inspired by an oc that I made for a roleplay. It’s not the exact oc since there’s no name/descriptors past she/her, nor the exact roleplay as I saw a performance and my braincell lit on fire. Basically, I blacked out writing this and realized after that it’s really disgustingly vague and makes little to no sense??? I like it though. All characters are 18+. College aged, college setting. Here is the performance I am referencing. We’re also just going to ignore the fact that Sukuna most likely doesn’t know english :’)
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Apparently part of Tokyo was the night life. He had heard rumors of the clubs, the bumping and grinding of young bodies. It didn’t really appeal to him. Dancing did, of course, just not the sexual tension ridden type that those around his age did. Hip hop, freestyle, high energy was more him. But once they approached the sign and ID’s had to be shown, Yuuji knew this was probably not the average dance club.
  “Blindfold, what’s up with this place?” Nobara peered, lips puckered and brows lowered in an expectantly suspicious glare.
  Gojou’s flashed her a mischievous grin, “You’ll have to wait and find out~!”
  “What does this have to do with our mission? It’s obviously perverted,” Megumi kept his eyes straight forward, ignoring the scantily clad servers.
  “Wow. And to think that you had even a gram of self-respect,” Nobara joined the tag-team, attention dangerously turning to Yuuji, “What about you?”
  “I thought we were going to a dance club,” Itadori’s hands rose in defense, a white flag to whatever cruel judgement the other two would place on him known or unknown.
  Gojou nudged them to a booth facing a stage. Glistening black polished wood, lights illuminating it for the atmosphere. A server came by and was waved off with an order of water. Yuuji leaned on the table, cheek pressed into his hand. He liked movies, so theater or musicals were probably up his ally too. Megumi shifted uncomfortably next to him, trying to not touch thighs with Nobara.
  “This is a ‘gentleman’s club’ if you will. Although anyone can come. This is a slightly ritzier and well known one. They have performers who are well versed in their own abilities,” Gojou leaned back into the velvet of the seat, arm resting along the back of the booth, “You all know that curses like to gather in places that rile up negative memories and emotions. Places like these tend to crawl with them. Self loathing, spousal conflicts, jealousy, greed, with involvement of Yakuza too, it’s a curses’s playground.”
  “So it’s a strip club,” Kugisaki noted bluntly, arms crossing over her chest, “I can respect the work.”
  Incredulously, Megumi did a full turn to her, “You’re kidding me-“
  “Shhhhh, It’s starting.”
  The few chords of music began and a woman walked onto the stage. Her heels were near silent in comparison to the music. Her outfit sparkled against the low lights, illuminating the curve of her body in a way that caught the snoozing eyes of the curse within. Yuuji flustered for a moment, almost looking away, but Sukuna had urged him not to.
  “Yeah it’s a chick. What of it?”
“Don’t be a child, brat. I expect this to be an artform.”
  The exchange stirred confusion, brows knitting despite themselves. Yuuji kept his gaze to the stage. She must have been around his age, 19-20-ish.  She stood facing the pole, a strong arm taking hold, right platformed foot stepping forward. Everything about her form held a certain elegance to it. Radiated it despite not even making a single move. She dipped slightly, letting her weight revolve around the pole as the hum of music began.
  I've seen the world, done it all
Had my cake now
Diamonds, brilliant
And Bel Air now
  The curse within the boy shifted, seeing through shared sight. An intuitive prodding nudged at the inner corner of his mind as he watched her movements. The sway of her body, the lift of her legs giving an illusion of floating in the breeze.
  Hot summer nights, mid-July
When you and I were forever wild
The crazy days, city lights
The way you'd play with me like a child
 The song eerily called to him. Days of centuries past licking at the precipice of his memories. For a moment, her motions stopped before a step forward was taken, arm following the curl and momentum shifting her body into the air once again. Through what seemed to be pure strength, the shift of her weight carried her up, frame hanging upside down. It was transfixing, all eyes lingering against the glittering of exposed skin.
  Her leg hooked, a seamless transition as her form curved back. There was no strain nor effort to be trying at all. She made it seem natural, gliding through her performance in that same tune she did so long ago. The artform overlapped. A dance originated in desires turned into a masterpiece. Even through rebirth, she maintained the ability to take crude dirt and compress it into a refined diamond. She maintained every ounce of control over herself and those whose eyes lingered on her.
  Sukuna’s throat dried, flashes of her from that first day he had seen her, the kimono she wore in its vibrancy. The display of her dance within his court. The way blood stained four hands months after.
  Dear Lord, when I get to heaven
Please, let me bring my man
When he comes, tell me that You'll let him in
Father, tell me if You can
  Legs and arms draped her body like fine silk, fingers splayed and collecting. Sukuna would have reached out then and there if he could have, stretched as one soul to touch another. His mind buzzed with the words spilling through the room, their bittersweet tone squeezing the heart that pumped cold for so long.
  Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful?
Will you still love me when I got nothin' but my aching soul?
  The King of Curses ached to answer her, to stop the show he knew all too well. Yes. It was his fault she became this way, cursed to come back. Cursed to repeat the cycle. To spin through her next life as she did on the pole. Teetering the balance of skill, herself, and the shamans who very obviously roped her into some scheme.
  I know you will.
I know you will.
I know that you will.
  Her shoulders touched the ground followed by the rest of her. Sukuna was watching the motion of rain slipping off of a leaf.
  As the song came to a close, her head tipped back in a final pose. There was clapping all around, numbing the curse’s attention, snapping him back into the world he resided in.
  He hated it. Hated the attention given to her by others. Loathed the lascivious gazes of patrons around her. In the golden era, he would have had their heads for disrespectfully laying eyes on something that had been rightfully his.
  Something in the back of his mind pulled taught, a hurtling realization thrown in between his vertebrae. That was just it.
  She no longer was…
  The woman bowed, gaze peering back up. She dared to latch onto the brat – to latch onto him, so it felt. There was a twitch along the bridge of her slender nose, performance smile faltering for just a moment as an emotion crept up her throat. And then it was gone.
  …or perhaps she was.
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  Gojou turned his attention to his students, “That would be the fourth first year! Pretty nuts, huh?”
   Nobara slammed her hands on the table, “I need to know how to do that.”
   Megumi bristled, “How does she know how to do that?”
  Yuuji choked on his water, red burning at his cheeks and ears. He just watched his future classmate do that.
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emi100395896 · 3 years
A/N: Hi, yes I’m back. I’m sorry for being inactive for 60 smth days and probably going to be inactive for another 2 weeks because of exams but it’s fine. <3 I promise I binged lots of animes and I’m back with more headcanons. Also, I’m not sure if you guys would like me to do more than headcanons, but do tell if you want me to. I started this as a fun blog and hope to continue that even though I’m always inactive lol. Anyways, here you go, a jujutsu kaisen rant! Ps: these are my personal thoughts and feelings, if you don’t agree with them then fair enough! ^^
Genre: Crack/Comedy/?reviewing?
A/U(s): None.
Warnings: spoilers are put in brackets and are red! Watch out for them. :D
Trigger warnings: None.
Summary: Just me ranting. :)
UHHH REVIEW TIME! The main characters ;)
Megumi Fushiguro
Megumi is best sasuke trope boy. By far my favorite emo boy. Why? Well, it’s mostly because when animes introduce characters like Megumi they’re all emo and have to avenge their village and kill people and are ‘brocken’ or smth idk.
But jujutsu kaisen does the whole sasuke trope a big middle finger and makes Megumi a less tsundere, and broken character.
Honestly, I never expected Megumi to have this type of personality because most animes try to give his archetype the whole ‘their honest’ when in reality they are just rude and selfish. Megumi is literally honest. My guy had no problems telling Gojou that he wants Yuji to stay as his own opinion which if you asked any of the people under this archetype they would respond with ‘Ugh, just keep him alive okay?’.
Like he is honestly sweet and even when trying to force Yuji and Nobara to leave it WASNT for his own well-being it was for theirs. Literally is the opposite of Ray, Sasuke, and any type of character that is emo and rude. Also he is one of the few characters that deserves to be as powerful as he is because he didn’t get his powers because of ‘his burning rage for the person who killed his village as he tries to avenge them.’ And he also has a bad background but is quite an average character. I just appreciate him. :)
Nobara Kugisaki
Honestly though, she’s amazing. My favorite character since she literally is a girly girl yet is powerful (nothing wrong with that, it’s just wow.), which hear me out.
Most shounen anime girls fall under 3 categories of female characters.
The useless damsel in distress that is a tsundere.
‘Another Naruto reference? Seriously Mochi?’ I’m so sorry my lovely reader, but Naruto is one of the founding fathers of all Shounen anime stereotypes. So yes, another Naruto reference.
First of all, I don’t hate this characters, I actually don’t dislike them either. That being said I don’t like them. I get this neutral emotion whenever someone like idk Sakura I guess is on screen next to Aiura Mikoto (Who btw, is another underrated female character that deserves love even though the anime is crack-y.). I guess it’s because throughout all of the Arc’s and episodes, Sakura hasn’t changed or developed or even learned from past mistakes. It sucks seeing character that could’ve had potential, being boring and just bad. Also she’s ungrateful for her parents for no reason, and that just says a lot about her persona. To be honest, most Naruto female characters are like this, and I don’t want to hear crap about Hinata’s character because she barely got screen time and the only times we see her is when the creator pushes her to be next to Naruto more often or if the whole gang is together. (I watched a bit of Naruto so I could be wrong about this whole thing but this is again, my opinion.)
The dimwit and clumsy/tsundere/strong female fan service
Oh look, it’s everyone’s ‘favorite’ Erza Scarlet from Fairytail. But whoops, her whole character is just her having cleavage. Or everyone’s favorite crime Taboo Tattoo (I didn’t watch it but most fans have come together and agreed that it would’ve been a decent anime without all of the fan service.) Or maybe the stereotypical dimwit character that is clumsy?
Yeah, you know who I’m talking about right?
I feel like some animes, that are 23 minutes long, would be reduced to around 15 minutes without all the fan service (not counting the Opening or ending)
(Also all the dumb jokes, but that’s for another time.)
Looking at how many creators complain they can’t go too in-depth with their OC’s, because they don’t have much time, but they somehow can fit in a whole scene of people literally having their clothes ripped off because of how ‘delicious’ it is. Yes, I’m coming after you Food Wars. Even though I am a big fan, that doesn’t mean I can ignore the flaws. I am fair and will admit that, as far as characters go, Food Wars is shallow.
Personally, mha is also another crime with lots of fan service of 15-16 year old girls. 😀
I don’t want to get into the heated Hero Hei debate wether this doesn’t count because they’re ‘fictional’ or if it does. So moving on.
Can I mention how much Momo Yaoyorozu could’ve been an amazing character with amazing development and a cool quirk? I mean personally, I hate how Momo is now just fanservice. This queen has an amazing quirk, went in through recommendations, smart, helpful, is class Vice President, heroic, tall, thoughtful, rich but doesn’t brag about it and is humble, and just a cool character that could be delved deeper on?
Haha nope. Boobs.
W h a t
This literal queen could carry this series on her back yet they have the audacity to make her have zero personality and just a background character? Like excuse me, I don’t think you understand, but Principle Nezu has more screen time than her. Literally her and Koda (Creati and Anima) could be so cool but no one ever acknowledges them. :(
Anyways let’s move on.
And finally, the love interest.
Ochako Uraraka. That’s it.
Ochako really deserves more, honestly. I was hyped up in the sports fest. because she just showed off that she isn’t backing down, and now she’s just a mindless love interest.
Honestly, I don’t like talking about this topic the most because A, it’s controversial for some reason. And B, it sucks seeing these amazing characters being watered down to just a love interest.
She’s fine on her own, thank you very much.
I mean best scene was when she was fighting Sabrina the witch and didn’t seem to care much about scars and she just debunked all of those things and I just UGGGHHHH- <33333
Like animes try so hard to have a feminist role model by making her tomboyish and mean and a tsundere and calls anyone that looks at her a pervert.
But Nobara isn’t any of that. Nobara is fashionable and powerful. She loves shopping. She loves eating expensive. She loves Luxuries. She loves proving people she’s strong. She isn’t easily scared. She protects, and I just love her. She isn’t your stereotypical tomboy or at least she doesn’t fall into the smurfette effect or smth.
Tbh, I was worried when she joined them. I said either she’s a tomboy who’s a tsundere or a soft spoken damsel in distress, but now that I’ve seen her, I know that Nobara is Nobara. And that you all should appreciate her also.
Okay enough of that rant lol, moving on to Yuji!
Yuji Itadori
Are we going to use stereotypes again? Yes we are!
Usually shounen MCs have the worst personality either being too bland (mf MC from re-zero) or just too much of a coward/weakling/pervert/happy-go-lucky character.
I mean, if we are going to have a strong character he has to be a pervert for some reason.
A respectful character is a crybaby/weakling.
And a happy character has a dark secret side and ‘OmG lOoK hE’s SoO sc a Ry!1!1!’.
And tbh Yuji falls in the rare category.
The category that isn’t a crybaby, perverted, 11 year old that looks like he’s at least 20.
That category is what I’d like to call. The Saiki K. category.
I love MC’s like this because they aren’t too shallow, but not the whole story is about THEM and THEM ONLY.
It’s amazing to see how they still have the same personality but somehow have went through a bigger character development than all those other MC’s.
(Not disrespecting your faves, once again this is a personal opinion-)
And the way he isn’t OP and actually has trouble and the way (Slight spoilers!) that we can see that when he asks Sukuna to heal yoshino and the way Sukuna just laughs and I just like how they didn’t make Yuji just ‘become OP through the power of friendship’ and just they accepted he was dead or how his hand was cut off and he accepted it but how when he was dying he actually cried saying how he didn’t want to die showing us hey, it’s okay to cry but please don’t cry when you win a prize or competition or something. (End of spoilers!)
Ugh I just love Yuji being an MC. Again, he is one of those few rare MC’s with interesting character design, and personality without overwhelming it or just underwhelm it.
Satoru Gojo
Honestly most surprising character.
DHEUIWOWV should I make a separate post for the plot, story and Gojo? It’s getting late where I am sooo this gonna get a continuation! I’m Mochi and see you guys next time, Bye-Bye! (。- u -。)
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