#also per word of ME I do NOT want to write about the bestest bear being dead so. fluff instead
blorbologist · 1 year
How about... Healing Spirit + Perc'ahlia?
15. Healing Spirit
"You call forth a nature spirit to soothe the wounded. The intangible spirit appears in a space that is a 5-foot cube you can see within range. The spirit looks like a transparent beast or fey (your choice).
Until the spell ends, whenever you or a creature you can see moves into the spirits space for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, you can cause the spirit to restore 1d6 hit points to that creature (no action required). "
Vex’ahlia returns home to silence. 
She usually does not get home from Emon this late - or, if the Council meetings do run into the evening, there’s usually one or two stubborn children waiting up for her. The room is silent as the magic dissipates - no soft bickering, no snores, nothing.
So. If the clock was not lying, it was just about one-forty in the morning. (And it was one of Percival’s creations, and so good to the second)
Percy was clearly waiting for the glow of the Teleportation sigil to flare - as she settles into a stretch he appears in the doorway. Her heart gives a pang - he’s even changed into his pajamas! Without her! 
Finding a burst of frustrated energy, Vex launches herself into his arms. He smells only of their bedsheets, his favorite soap and, beneath that, the soft shampoo they use on Gwendolyn. 
“Good evening,” he chuckles, the give of his chest beneath hers something relieved. “I gather it was nothing dire that kept you from bed?”
She kisses him soundly on the mouth. Waiting another minute, when she last kissed him this morning, would be anguish. “Only the best of company, actually - Gilmore was in the area and we caught up.” Her face falls, faux-regretful. “I would have let you know on the Sending stone, darling, but -”
(Well. They had had a little distraction, during the break between meetings. Moreso Vex tormenting her poor husband to take her mind off the dull tedium of bureaucracy. Allura definitely gave her a look when she rejoined the discussion all smiles.)
It had been a long and exhausting day - flirting with her husband or not, by all rights she should be drained. But Gilmore had dropped by at the end, to offer the insight of a civilian invested in the argument, and he was right, it really had been too long, and there was this bit of elven enchanting he wanted her thoughts on, and maybe the conversation turned to - 
“I missed him,” she says. “He sends you his best.”
“Is this his best?” Percy grumbles against her lips, all smiles. Vex rolls her eyes. She takes his cheeks in her hands and presses heavy, dramatic smacks to each. There, those are from Gilmore - the rest are hers.
She butts her head against Percy’s chest, to drum her thoughts into order with his heartbeat. 
“Were the children -”
“Perfectly misbehaved,” he replies. “I had to chase Dan up and down the stairs to get him into the bath, and Gwendolyn took the opportunity to Thaumaturgy the bathwater into waves.”
Vex grins - they don’t dare try that with her. “Thank you, darling.”
“It was a pleasure; dodging sudsy water keeps the reflexes well in order.” He pecks her nose, leads a trail to her ear that makes her shiver. “Bed?”
She knows he’s being a shit - everything from the way he said it to the blue of his eyes to the taptap of his fingers on her waist - and draws comfort from the humor. Yawns, because there’s something cozy to lazy foreplay. 
“Bed,” she agrees, peeling herself from him to take his hand. The elegant curl of the Teleportation circle’s runes catch her eye - she startles.
“Oh! No, wait - Percy, what were you up to today?”
He frowns, more confused than he would usually be given the late hour. “The usual? Sorted out some paperwork. Gwendolyn and Vax’ildan allowed me to bring them into the workshop so I could watch them as I tinkered.”
“Did anything go wrong?” she presses, squeezing his hand in both of hers. “Any bruises? Burns?”
“If you’re asking if I handled anything explosive around the children, dear: no.” Percy nonetheless rolls up his sleeve to reveal a mottling of purple and green, cloud to a jagged red center. Not a bad burn by any means - he likely expected her to find it as they prepared for bed and heal it then.
“Gilmore has stumbled on the most interesting little enchantment,” she says around her grin. “We spent hours fussing over it, and by the end - well! It gave me an idea, darling.” 
“And idea,” says Percy, like that’s a dangerous word in her mouth. Which, to be fair, it usually results in an interesting aftermath. But not that sort, this time.
Vex winks. “I think you’ll like it.”
It casts a lot like Conjure Woodland Beings - feels too slow and too fast at once, per the Feywild’s influence. 
The end result is less solid - not a creature but a hope, a wish she could hold in her hands. A little bear cub of periwinkle and azure. Not Charlie, but familiar enough that she sees the recognition light up her husband’s eyes.
“Oh - hello there,” says Percy. He holds out his hand to the spiritual echo of Trinket, which touches its nose to his palm.
“What do you think?” Vex asks as the burn and bruise both are banished in pale mist. Percy turns his arm this way and that, making a pleased sound in the back of his throat.
“I want to see what Trinket thinks of this,” he declares, too giddy for two in the morning, and starts dragging her down the hall as she laughs. Muffling it beneath her hand when she remembers their brood is (should be) asleep at this hour. 
(They find that Wolfe was, in fact, not asleep, instead reading a book far past lights out - and Trinket does not find the spectral bear agreeable at all.)
[Send me a spell and I'll write a ficlet/snippet to go with it!]
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