#also penntin shippers now’s your opportunity to write a good fic about this
bambihanson · 5 years
Okay, I know the thing we’re Big Mad about is Quentin, but I’d like to take a moment to acknowledge another glaring problem.
Maybe it’s just me, but the more I think about what they did to Penny 40, the angrier I get. Okay, so they killed Penny and sent him to the Underworld, but we still get to follow him as a character and have Penny 23 as a “replacement” of sorts on Earth. I can live with that. HOWEVER. They eventually took Penny, stripped him of all his personality and character development, and made him a mouthpiece for the writers. If they ever go back and acknowledge this like “oh Penny ate the food of the Gods/is being controlled by the library and that’s why he’s changed we should get our Penny back” which I doubt than I could see how that concept would be interesting, but honestly have already shot themselves in the foot making him spout the opinions of the writers. Especially now that all the points they made on reprepsentation in writing are so unbeliebably moot.
ALSO you cannot for one second tell me Q didn’t notice or was completely okay with this change. Hell, there are a thousand and one ways to rectcon that finale/make it better and one is Quentin going, “Hey Penny. I know I’m dead right now and that should be my main concern but what the fuck. Who are you and what have you done with Penny because you sure as shit aren’t him.” And then made it his mission to save Penny, if that’s even possible, while Penny desperately tries to convince him to move on and is being all compassionate and shit. Like for real, do you think Quentin really wouldn’t be disturbed that a guy who pretends to hate when he really cares has antagonized him for most of their friendship is acting this way? He knows who Penny is and that is NOT Penny Adiyodi. Not the one he knew, anyway.
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