#also original prompts are ALWAYS ok. heck you can send me reqs of YOUR ocs and id be down to write them hehe
kohakhearts · 1 year
For the timed prompts ask, I hope original is okay? Maybe something with Nerissa and Poseidon when they were younger. Was thinking maybe a moment early on in Poseidon's life where Nerissa tried to do something for him and realized he could do it himself without her?
send me a prompt for a timed 10-minute flash fic!
After their mother started working more again, like Nerissa remembers her doing when she was much younger, the responsibility of their continued progress in homeschooling fell mostly on Nerissa and Poseidon.
Nerissa has never had an issue motivating herself to read books or write out her interpretations of their contents or even to solve a system of complex arithmetic. In fact, Adrienne mostly gave up on trying to teach her anything new last year, joking that “the student has far surpassed the teacher.” As for Poseidon, well…he’s sort of the opposite.
During the hours Adrienne is away for work, Nerissa sits at the kitchen table beside him and dictates to him what he needs to work on. “It’s important for us to do this,” she always reminds him. “Since we can’t go to school, we have to learn somehow.”
He usually just rolls his eyes at her, but that’s okay. As long as she knows he’s listening to her.
But today, something is different. When she settles down beside him, he shoots her a sideways glance that reeks of resentment. In itself, this isn’t necessarily abnormal; what is abnormal is when he picks up his books and moves himself to another chair completely.
She stares after him, mystified.
“Aren’t you going to do your homework?” she asks.
“Well, yeah.” He flips open the page of the history book Adrienne has been having him take notes from lately. It hits the table with more force than Nerissa suspects he meant for it to. “Don’t you have anything better to do than hover over me?”
“I know you have stuff you could be doing too. I saw that book Mom brought home yesterday for you.”
“I… Well…”
She stops, clamping her jaw shut tight. He eyes her for another moment longer, then turns his gaze down to his book, firmly away from her. Though his expression was decidedly frosty, she feels much colder now that it has disappeared from her view.
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