#also once again blue lock being the hottest anime of the year
righteousdelusions · 2 years
the music when nagi makes reo a cuckold is so good hahaha, very... annoying and petty but without trying to
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Make It Stop | Bucky x Steve x Reader (Angst, Fluff)
Category: Angst, Fluff (Suggested) Age: 16+ Trigger Warnings: Physical abuse (past relationship), harassment, stalking, physical violence Ship: Bucky x Steve x Reader, Platonic!Tony x Reader Summary: Reader’s Abusive Ex Comes Back To Haunt Her Request: “Idea!! So reader works for shield and is dating steve & bucky and is just an absolute sweetheart that everyone on the team adores. One day she starts getting messages from her ex and clams up— she ends up having to tell her boys that she was in an abusive relationship before them and tony getting her the job at shield kinda saved her ass from that life. So she blocks her ex but then he shows up at the tower and some protective!stucky ensues” Contains Spoilers for: N/A Word Count: 3,967
[13:42] Unknown Number: Hello, darling. Long time no speak.
Everything around the woman fades out as she reads over the text on her phone screen. There’s no way it’s him, right? But deep down she knows it is. She knows. Because no-one, no-one, calls her darling. Nobody except him.
But, why? Why now? Why is he messaging her.
[13:44] Unknown Number: I was thinking about how much I missed you and realised that I need you back
She gulps. She gulps because she knows what he means. Whenever he wants- needs something, he will stop at nothing to get it. The thought terrifies her.
[13:45] Unknown Number: So, dinner tomorrow? On me? That Italian place you love on third?
A shiver shakes her body to the core. Her body is trembling at this point. No way. There’s no way.
[13:47] Unknown Number: Don’t ignore me, you know my only flaw is my patience
Only flaw… The thing about working for SHIELD is that they know everything about the woman’s physical body. All her medical information. They have stored every single time she was taken to hospital because of accidents.
(Y/N)’s life dream was to work with SHIELD and she knew they would run background checks, so anytime she knew she’d have to go to the hospital for the battering that he left on her body, she moved to locations and rang the ambulance for a better story. The side of a road with no CCTV footage - hit and run. Outside a bar - drunken antics. Near the minimal farms nearby - animals. All these excuses because SHIELD couldn’t find out about him.
So, when Tony Stark saw her fighting techniques for the first time, he was swept off of his feet the same way he was when he first met Natasha. Pepper could only laugh and assure him that she was too young and way out of his league. He became like a father to her from that point on and she has the honour of being an Avenger.
[13:51] Unknown Number: Meet me outside at 7
He stops texting her after. She can’t tell anyone at SHIELD because they’d kill him. That’s how much she means to the team. Clint is like her brother, and Natasha like her sister - they’re such a kickass trio on the battlefield. Tony, as mentioned, is more or less her father - given her own died in an assassination and the Avengers were too late to stop. He feels like he owes it to her. To be there for her because he couldn’t save her own father. Pepper is like her mother in that sense too.
The rest of them, bar the two super soldiers, are all her best friends. (Y/N) never fails to bring happiness, enthusiasm, optimism and support to the team and they adore her for it. They’ve all definitely concluded that she’s the best thing that happened to them. They’d be so lost without her. Wanda and Bucky confirm that fact especially - she helped them when they were having the most self-destructive thoughts about the actions they’d done. She assured them it wasn’t their fault with words that they managed to truly believe. They’ll never be able to repay the debt for that. Not that (Y/N) expects them to.
Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes are the woman’s two boyfriends. She remembers when she first fell for both of them. It was literally both at the same time, she knew she was fucked. She entered the common room to meet all the team and when her eyes locked with the two pairs of gorgeous, ocean blue, looking at her with just as much surprise and adoration, she knew she was a goner.
(Y/N) later learnt that Steve and Bucky were already in a relationship, and despite the fight she was selfishly heartbroken, she was also extremely happy for the couple and showed them her support constantly. It truly made their hearts swell. Until the night of Tony’s New Year’s Eve party. Her first ever one.
*** Flashback ***
She caught eye of The Winter Soldier across the room, leaning against the bar, looking absolutely dashing in his suit, and she couldn’t help but lick her lips, followed by her biting her lower one. Bucky saw it and he mirrored the action himself as he eyed up her curves. The way the red dress clung to her body. They met each others gaze and they were silently questioning one another. Until Bucky gains the confidence to gesture toward the balcony with his head, watching her immediately nod and sit her empty glass of champagne down on the table beside her.
She gets there first and turns around, watching him stride through the crowd, eyes only locking with hers, not caring about anyone else. She has no idea what he wants her out here for. Her head is running around with wild ideas but she knows none of them are true. Well, she thought she did until he didn’t stop until his hands were on her hips and his lips were on her own, tongue instantly invading her mouth. She moans. Hands reaching up to grasp at his blazer, pulling him impossibly closer.
They lost all patience and they forgot where they were, Bucky reaching his hands down to her thighs, lifting her up and feeling her legs wrap around his waist, dress hoisted up around her own. Her back hits the wall beside the door and their lips are still yet to part.
Meanwhile, Steve had come back from the bathroom and eyes the room with furrowed brows as Bucky is no longer where he said he’d wait.
“He’s on the balcony with (Y/N).” Sam’s voice catches his attention. “Nat and I made a bet with Clint about what they’re doing.”
The way he wiggles his brows makes Steve smirk.
“I want in on this bet.” The blond mutters, turning to his friend.
“Yeah? What’re you betting?” Nat asks, approaching the duo.
“That he’s starting without me.” The Cap winks at the woman and strides toward the balcony, leaving an amused Natasha and Sam behind. “You know there’s almost a thousand people on the other side of that wall.”
The voice doesn’t stop Bucky and (Y/N) from their heated make-out session in the slightest, only makes the woman moan before reluctantly pulling back and looking at the man.
“Makes it all the more exciting, Stevie.” She grins, assuming that her encounter with Bucky wasn’t going to hurt him since Buck didn’t stop.
“Can’t argue with that, sweetheart.” The man takes a step forward to kiss his brunet lover, only pulling back when her hears (Y/N) mewl and ogle the sight. “You alright, doll?” Bucky grins, still holding her up.
“Steve…” Is all she whispers. He raises a brow and keeps an amused smirk on his face.
“Yes, angel?”
She whimpers again, moving her hips against Bucky’s, prompting him to groan.
“I…” She can’t even finish her sentence, suddenly feeling self conscious.
“Say it, baby.” Bucky breathes, using one arm to keep her up against the wall whilst the other tucks a stray strand of hair behind her ear.
“Kiss me.” Her voice is breathless and Steve immediately complies.
“God, this is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.” The Winter Soldier admires. “Doll, what would you say if I told you that we wanted you properly?”
(Y/N) pulls back and looks absolutely surprised but so pleasantly surprised.
“Yeah, we want you.” Steve answers her unspoken question. “That is, if you want both of us.”
She nods, instantly.
“Yes. God, fuck, yes, oh my God.”
The men grin.
“The second we laid our eyes on you, my God…” Bucky comments.
“Likewise…” (Y/N) smiles, kissing them both once more.
“Ooh, Tony’s gonna love this.” Sam’s voice speaks up once more, prompting the trio to look over and see him stood there with Clint, Nat and Tony himself.
“I swear to Christ…” The billionaire groans.
“I feel like I’m missing something?” (Y/N) whispers, Sam and Clint laughing as Nat smirks, Tony covering his face.
“The day Tony caught the lovely stain that those two left on the black sofa.” Sam smiles, (Y/N) giggling.
“I swear I’ll clean up after ourselves.” She laughs.
“I DON’T EVEN WANNA IMAGINE YOU-“ Tony cuts himself off with another groan.
“She’s in her mid-twenties, Tony. The woman’s gonna have sex.” Nat comments, smirking,
“SHUT UP!” He yells, everyone laughing as he storms back inside.
*** Flashback End ***
The mistake (Y/N) made was not going to that restaurant at seven. Because then it didn’t stop. She blocked numbers but then he added her on social media. She blocked all the accounts but he made new ones and added her quicker than she could block them. She could call the police for harassment purposes but she’s scared. She’ll have to go to court and it’ll be all over the news. She can vision it.
She doesn’t want to deal with that and she can’t put that reputation onto SHIELD. Not after everything Nick and Tony have done for her to get here.
What scares the others is the little differences they notice in her attitude but just assume she’s tired. They have all undeniably been fighting a lot recently. What triggers her is the most that comes through. The letters.
“(Y/N), you have post.” Clint calls, throwing the envelope across the room to her. She catches it and rips it open, curious as to who’s sending her letters, but then her eyes widen as she looks at two images. One of her half-way through getting dressed, taken through the balcony doors in her room, and the other of her sitting in her favourite coffee shop in town just on the phone, hand wrapped around the mug contains hot chocolate.
Her eyes are wide and she’s trembling. Turning the photo over, expecting no less, there’s a note:
I know everything, darling. I know how much of a whore you are for those soldiers. Wait til I get my hands on them. Or they remain unscathed if you come home to me
Fortunately, the message doesn’t frighten her because she knows that Dec, her ex, couldn’t do anything to even scratch her two super soldiers. They’re not at risk in the slightest. Declan is just a regular citizen, it’s just a message to scare her, but it won’t work. Thinking tactically, she heads to her room and stores the photos in the box. The box that also has printed copies of every single text message he’s ever sent her. She can’t stop the tears that overflow, or the sob that escapes her as she looks at all of it.
She doesn’t know what to do. She knows, she knows, that she needs to tell someone. At least Steve and Bucky, but she can’t. She’s scared. So scared. She doesn’t know what of really.
Weeks pass and she receives more and more photos. More and more messages. She loses it one day. She’s just having one of those days where you feel like you’re carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders and you just want to lay in bed and do absolutely nothing. One of those days. But then Steve and Buck come strolling in from their mission and smile at the girl who’s standing at their balcony doors, staring out.
“Hey, doll face.” Buck smiles.
“Sweetheart.” Steve adds, watching her turn around and smile, effortlessly lighting up their whole life once again.
“Hey! How was the mission? As easy as it sounded?” She grins, watching them nod, removing their heavy gear.
“You know it.” The brunet grins. “This came for you by the way.” He adds, watching her face contort into absolute fear.
She takes a step back and hits the glass doors of their balcony, shaking her head.
“No, no, no, no, no, no, no, please, God, no more.” She whispers, tears forming and the men are instantly panicking.
“Hey, hey, hey, woah, it’s okay, you’re okay.” Bucky coos, dashing to her side as Steve does the other.
“Look at us, sweetheart.” Steve murmurs, watching her shake her head as her eyes remain locked on the envelope Bucky dropped on the bed.
He gulps and looks back at it.
“Baby, what is it?” His voice sounds scared himself.
“Please,” She whimpers, glancing from one soldier to the other. “Please, make it stop.”
The sound of how broken her voice is, on top of the fact she’s begging them to help her with something they don’t know about scares them and infuriates them at the same time.
The pair know she’s gotten a lot of post over the last month but they just assumed it was a friend or something. Nothing they desperately need to know about.
“Please.” She repeats, watching Steve turn and grab the envelope.
Her eyes meet his and he looks at her for some form of permission to open it.
“Make it stop.” Is all she says.
“Let’s sit you down on the bed, doll.” Bucky suggests, helping her to do so, sitting off the edge as he sits beside her, Steve remaining standing as he opens up the envelope.
The sight makes Steve’s eyes widen and his jaw drop. There’s about ten photos, all about the average post-it note size, of (Y/N), his girl, in random places. The fact that they’re all mostly zoomed in on her assets - her bare legs, up her skirt as much as possible, her breasts, cleavage, ass - makes his blood boil. He notices the black ink on the back of all of them. A variation of messages.
Come back to me or I’ll make you
Those soldiers will not last a second if you don’t do as you’re told
Be a good girl for me
Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes. Soon to be deceased.
I thought we’d learnt about being disobedient
You’re still as sexy as ever
They don’t deserve you
Remember how submissive you were for me?
He stops reading and snaps his head up to meet her scared expression.
“What is this?!” He asks, voice tense.
Bucky snatches the envelope out of his hand and also looks over the photos and messages, eyes ablaze with a fire that nobody could even attempt to put out.
“Please make it stop.” (Y/N) simply sobs, Steve crouching in front of her and taking her shaking hands in his own.
“(Y/N), sweetheart, I need you to explain this to us.” He mutters, hoping to ease an explanation out of her.
She releases a shaky exhale and looks over to her closet.
“There’s a box in my wardrobe.” She whispers, Steve nodding and heading over to get it, finding it with ease.
“May I?” He asks, gesturing to the lid. She nods, watching him tense up all over at the sight of even more photos. Ones of her half-dressed.
Explains why she no longer likes the curtains open.
He scans over all of the snapshots of texts and accounts and numbers that she’s saved. Bucky also leaning over to look at it all.
“Who is it?” Bucky asks, voice strained. She gulps.
“My ex.”
“We’ve got to tell Tony and Fury, (Y/N).” Steve comments, glancing up at her fearful eyes as she nods, more tears escaping.
“I know. I know, just please… Make it stop.”
“Hey, hey,” The Winter Soldier coos, wrapping his arms around her, side on, and holding her close. “We’re gonna make it stop, baby, I promise. We’re gonna make it stop.”
(Y/N) nods and curls herself into him.
“I swear, we’re going to make it stop, sweetheart.” Steve adds, resting his hands on her knees from his crouched position. “FRIDAY, call Tony into the conference room and get Nick on call - tell him it’s urgent.”
“Director Fury is in the tower, Captain.” The AI responds.
“Even better, bring them both.”
“What’s going on?” Fury asks as the two soldiers enter the room, (Y/N) curled up in the arms of Bucky.
“What’s wrong?” Tony adds, standing up and looking at the girl, worriedly.
Steve throws the box on the table, it slides toward Tony and he stops it with his hand.
“Look in it.” The blond growls. Bucky sits the girl down on one of the chairs and kisses her forehead.
“What the fuck is this?” Tony breathes, scanning over all the photos, the messages, the usernames, everything.
“(Y/N)’s ex has been sending her these for…” Steve trails off, turning to look at his girlfriend for an answer.
“A month.” She whispers.
“(L/N), can you tell us who he is? Where he lives? What he does?” Nick quizzes, sounding interrogating but the look on his face holds care.
“Declan Anderson. He’s my ex. Dated for four years. He-“ She chokes up.
“It’s okay, doll.” Bucky soothes, stroking her back.
“FRIDAY, can you pull up my medical history - hospital trips.” The girl calls, the AI complying and displaying the items on the screen. “All of those reasons are lies.” She explains, gesturing to the reason she ended up in hospital.
“It was him.” Tony whispers, eyes wide as he turns back to look at her.
Sure, he’d seen these files before, but this, this was learning that someone dared lay their hands on her.
“He hurt you.” The billionaire repeats, Steve and Bucky also staring with wide eyes at the screen that displays the images of bruising on her skin.
She doesn’t react, just stares at the screen with teary eyes.
“Oh my God, sweetheart.” Steve utters, turning to look at his girl.
“Please, make it stop.” She repeats for the nth time. Tony and Fury look at the woman in shock of how vulnerable and how desperate she sounds.
This is the woman who daren’t ever ask for anything and never complains about a thing. The woman who can take on Loki and probably HYDRA single handedly, and yet this bastard can break her down to a scared little girl.
She could look death in the face and not be scared.
“We will. I promise.” Tony says with a firm nod of his head.
The next couple of weeks are a bit better because Tony goes through all letters for (Y/N) and opens them before they get to her, keeping the images.
That is until one day when she needs to go down to reception of the tower and pick up some documents and she sees him.
“You should know better than to keep my waiting, darling.” He grins, the entire threatening look on his face having not changed at all since she last saw him a couple of years ago, before she joined SHIELD. Before Tony found her and brought her here. Saved her.
“What- What’re you doing here?” She whispers, but he hears her.
“Coming to collect what’s mine.”
What he fails to realise, amongst the busy reception where no-one is batting an eyelid, is that Happy is watching the entire thing from the door. He doesn’t know who the man is but he knows enough by (Y/N)’s facial expression that she doesn’t want him there. Despite this, the reasons for that are unbeknowst to him and therefore he doesn’t want to get involved if it’s just a small argument. Stark would hate him.
He calls Stark but it goes straight to voicemail.
“Yes, Mister Hogan?” The AI responds on his watch.
“Get Tony, Steve and Bucky down here. Tell them it’s urgent - it’s (Y/N).” He states.
“Of course.”
And then he approaches the duo, hoping to hear their conversation.
“Please, leave me alone.” (Y/N) pleads, her voice quiet. Scared.
The man, Declan, laughs.
“Not a chance. I leave here with you or not at all.”
(Y/N) flickers her eyes around and meets Happy’s questioning, worried glare. Suddenly, as if remembering where she is, who she’s with, the woman gains confidence.
“No. I’m not going back to you. I refuse to let you control me again. I’m an Avenger now and you’re pushing your luck by even being in this tower so I suggest you leave before I make you.” She demands, and just when she thought she’d won, the man reaches into his pocket and pulls out a photo.
Smirking, he holds it up and shows her, and it’s that picture. The picture of when she was with him and he tied her down to the bed and absolutely tore her apart. She’s naked. Completely and utterly nude. Tied up. Battered and bruised.
“Should I publish this?” He grins, watching her confidence shatter as quickly as it came.
“Leave me alone.” She whispers. “You fucking asshole.” Her voice is tense as she tries to keep her tears at bay. “They’ll kill you.”
He knows who she’s referring to but also doesn’t give a shit.
“I’m taking you first.”
“Like hell you are.”
“You stupid bitch.” He hisses, striding forwards and raising his fist, (Y/N) widening her eyes and squealing.
It echoes across the entire reception but no-one sees the follow up of what could’ve been as a metal arm grasps the man’s raised fist.
Arms wrap around the girl and turn her so she’s facing their chest. She inhales. Steve.
Bucky has to calm himself before he can react any further. He’s about ready to kill all over again after seeing this bastard raise his hand to his girl. Seeing the fear and shock on her face as he did.
Steve keeps his eyes on Bucky’s to keep him grounded and it works. The brunet nods as a thanks which Steve returns.
“You son of a fucking bitch.” The Winter Soldier growls, twisting the man’s hand until he hears the wrist snap. The cry that rips from his throat catching nobodies attention as Happy and Tony had got them all out and closed off reception temporarily.
Tony comes over and doesn’t hesitate to wrap his hands around the man’s throat and shove him up against one of the walls. Dec’s eyes are wide as he tries to fight the CEO but it’s useless.
“You’re the bastard that’s been torturing her. That’s hurt her. That’s threatened her and torn her apart, and yet she’s still stronger than you. How does that make you feel?!” He roars, not letting his grip loosen at all.
“Tony…” Pepper whispers from aside, but he simply narrows his eyes.
“Why her?!” The man hisses, Declan fighting for oxygen.
“I love her!” He gasps, and that’s when Tony throws him onto the ground.
Bucky follows up with a large punch - with his metal hand - straight to the man’s face. Twice. Knocking him out.
“I wanna kill him.” He growls, Steve reaching out with the arm that’s not around their girl and pulling him to them.
“I know.”
Tony turns to look at the trio.
“(Y/N),” He calls, watching her turn her head that’s resting on Steve’s chest. “He’ll never contact or see you again.”
She nods, Steve hating the trembling that he feels all over her body.
“You’re safe, doll, I promise you.” Bucky whispers, leaning down to kiss her lips.
“I love you.” She whimpers, turning her head up to glance at Steve, and then Tony. All of the men understanding.
“We love you too, sweetheart.” Steve murmurs.
“So very much.” Tony smiles, glad that the woman he sees as his kid has the two super soldiers to protect her and keep her safe and sane.
The two super soldiers take (Y/N) upstairs whilst Happy and Tony stare down the unconscious man on the floor.
“What do we do with him?” The security guard asks.
“Take him downstairs and tell Sam, Clint and Nat that we got them a new punching bag.”
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bluewhale52 · 4 years
Can You Parallel Park?
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Pairings: jhs x reader , with appearance from OT7
Word count: 3.5k
Genre: fluff
Summary: parallel parking is stressful. Especially when you have an audience. Especially when your audience is the fray boys of BTS House.
Warnings: none, a few swear words  
A/N:  my first ever fic! I’ve been holding back publishing this because I’m shy ☺️ but if I don’t start now then when will I?? Please give it a read and leave comments and feedback. I’d really love to write more, and your feedback will help me improve and find my writing rhythm! (Also, I suck at titles)
————————— 💜 ——————————
Finally a parking spot. But it’s a parallel park. And it’s in front of a frat house. That happens to be BTS- the loudest, craziest, most good looking and most notorious on campus.
Now, you’re a master in parallel parking. But that’s when you drive on the LEFT side of the road. Your brain just can’t function now that you have to do it with the steering wheel on the opposite side of what you’re used to.
You pull up, aligning the car properly and start reversing, turning the wheel at the right time to ensure your car would slide into the spot, easily and quickly. But wait, the side of your car looks so dangerously close to the car in front. One slight move you’re sure to scrape it.
So you pull up again. Repeat the process.  And repeat. And repeat.
Your cheeks start to heat as you notice there are 2 guys now sitting at the patio, and- you’re very sure of this- watching your sixth attempt to parallel park in front of their house. Then another guy comes out.  And another.
So now you’re nowhere near to parking your car and you have an audience. Great.
All right Y/N, you can do this. You parallel park every day back home on busy 2-lane roads, with lines of cars honking at you. This is peanuts.
Seventh attempt. Eighth. And you finally did it at the ninth. Are those guys laughing at you?!
Embarrassed, you grab your bag, get out of the car, lock it, all the while looking at everywhere but the frat house. You can swear you hear clapping as you cross the road.
“Hey Y/N, did you park in front of BTS today?” Jungkook asks at dinner in the dining hall.
You give him a death stare. “How did you know?”
“Saw your car when I went there after practice. And some of the guys were talking about this girl who was having a hard time parking in front of the house.”
“I can’t believe I contributed to women driver stereotype.” You scoop your mac and cheese angrily.
‘Well they describe you as cute” you glare at Jungkook, but he only continues. “There’s a party there tonight. I’m going. You’re coming too, ok.”
You’re not sure how Jungkook managed to persuade you to come to the party. You have declared house of BTS as your sworn enemy, yet you wonder which of the guys had described you cute. I’ll show you cute, you mutter under your breath as you follow Jungkook into the house.
The music is loud, you can smell booze in the air, and there is just way too much shouting. The girls are shrieking over someone doing a keg stand, the guys are yelling Chug! chug! as if it’s a mating call, and you remember why you hate frat parties.
“Jungkook!!” A pink haired guy and a blue haired guy swoop down on you and your friend, and you immediately get lost in their eyes. The three of them hug, and Jungkook introduces you to these two ethereal beings. You divert your eyes shyly, their eyes are too much, you feel yourself unravelling when they stare at you like this. Then it’s off to the drinks tables, and you settle for a cola. You learn that Jimin and Taehyung are fellow pledgers, like Jungkook, and you really wonder what it is in the BTS house that just draws in the hottest guys on campus.
Jungkook and his two handsome friends are chatting away while you nurse your cola. You’re too shy in social settings like this, and you find it hard to talk to people. Jungkook is being pulled somewhere, and he pulls you along, knowing your shyness, but soon you lose him among the bumping bodies.
So now you’re alone, standing by the kitchen and starting to blend into the walls. You’re deliberating if you should go home, when a very handsome guy approaches you.
“Hey, you ok?” He asks. You stare at him. His face is so symmetrical. Is it even physically possible? He eyes you with concern, so you quickly nod.
“I’m Jin,” he introduces himself. “If you don’t feel so good, just go to the patio, ok? My boys here are good but there’s just way too many people now.” He’s practically shouting over the music. “Some of the seniors are outside and they’re not drinking so they can help you if anything happens, ok?”
You nod again. He grabs your cup of cola and sniff it.  “You sure you’re ok? You’re not drinking but you’re looking a bit weird it’s worrying me.”
You gulp. “I’m ok,” you shout back. “I’m just an introvert trapped in my worst nightmare.”
Jin laughs and you swear your car wipers make the same sound. “Ok. So you’re sober enough to help me find my food. Come.”
You let Jin usher you to the kitchen. Jin asks for your name, your major, the standard senior to sophomore questions.  Once you step into the kitchen, however, you’re greeted with a loud crash.
“Goddamnit Namjoon!” Jin bellows. You turn your eyes towards who you think is Namjoon, yet another handsome frat boy- what’s with this house seriously?- standing wide eyed over a cabinet that has crashed down... from the wall?
“It just fell,Hyung! I swear!!” He’s as shocked as Jin and you, your three serious faces stand out among a sea of drunken laughter.
“Well lucky it’s just a bunch of chips and cereals.” Jin mumbles as he moves to grab a black garbage bag. You help Jin hold the bag open as he and Namjoon start collecting the debris.
“I swear Hyung, I was just getting some chips and the whole thing just came down.” Namjoon picks some wooden pieces and throws them into the bag. Noticing you, he says, “Just hold the bag open ok, don’t touch any of these. You could get a splinter.”
You can’t help but feeling a little touched at his concern. “It’s ok. Though I think you’re better off taking all these straight to the bin outside.”
Jin grumbles. “You know, I just want a small dinner party with our friends. How did it get blown out of proportion like this. I even cooked! And I don’t even know where my food is.”
“Do you even want to know where your food is?” You say dryly. “Best scenario someone’s eaten if. Worst scenario someone’s having sex on top of it.”
“Aish. When did our house become such a party house?” Jin complains.
You look at the girls hovering in the kitchen. Cleavage, mini skirt and high heels. Eyes on Jin and Namjoon, begging for a glance. Fake laughs and shrills to get their attention.
“You guys are just too good looking. It’s ridiculous how good looking you and your brothers are.” You observe.
You’re treated to Namjoon’s adorable dimples as he laughs, and Jin’s “Yaaaaah, it’s  about time you say something about this face.”
“She’s right,” Namjoon picks up more small pieces of wood. “We need to rebrand, Hyung. We’re supposed to be an academic fraternity, but people only know us as party animals.”
The three of you take evidence of Namjoon’s destruction to bin in the yard. You’re grateful for the fresh air, and the company of the two seniors. Jin asks if you want to get back inside, and you politely decline, mentioning you’re thinking of going home anyway.
Jin and Namjoon protest, and insist you stay. They have have sensed your shyness, and they promise you won’t be left without company. They take you to the patio, which despite the amount of people coming and going, is much quieter than inside.
Jin and Namjoon introduce you to their other two brothers- handsome as hell also, like what do you expect at this stage really. While Hoseok is reminds you of sunshine and rainbow, Yoongi is the total opposite, with his black bucket hat, black tshirt, black jeans and black sneakers.
You feel shy again, in the presence of the four ridiculously good looking strangers you’ve just met. You can tell how close the four are. You can tell in their banter, their teasing, and the way they’re so comfortable physically with each other. You feel a bit jealous, wishing you had a group of friends like this.
Making friends has been difficult for you, and you count your lucky stars you get along so well with Jungkook, whom you’d met at your freshman class just a year ago. You’ve become so close that you start to fear that you’d lose him once he joins the BTS fraternity.
Then you hear something that snaps you out of your thoughts.
“Did you hear about the girl who tried to park in front of our house this afternoon?”
“Some of the juniors were talking about it. Why, what happened?”
“She nearly hit Jin’s pick up.”
“I heard the juniors were laughing at her. They said it took her like 15 minutes to park.”
“Aish, those boys should’ve helped her, not laugh at her.”
“Was it even a tight spot?”
“I think Jungkook knows the girl. He said he recognised the car.”
‘Is it difficult, parallel parking? They make you do it when you take your driver’s license test right?”
“We should apply to get at least this portion of the street to be a no parking zone. It gets so narrow once cars are parked on both sides.”
“I can parallel park with my eyes blindfolded.”
“Don’t ever let Namjoon parallel park. He’d hit the car in front AND behind him.”
You’re frozen in embarrassment. It doesn’t matter that they don’t know you’re THAT girl, to your ears, the casual way they talk about the whole thing sounds like they’re making fun of you.
You put your soda cup down a little to hard, and you say your goodbye a little too rough. The four guys are taken aback by your sudden change of mood. They’ve realised you don’t talk much and they’ve made an effort to include you in their conversation, not taking any offence when you give short and terse answers, or even polite smiles as you hide behind your cup. So the anger they see in your body language puzzles them.
“Did we say something wrong?” Hoseok says as he and his brothers watch you stomp your way out of the patio.
“She’s really upset.” Yoongi adds. “We must have said something that pisses her off.”
“No shit, Sherlock. Is she walking home? Does anyone know where she lives?” Jin asks, concerned for your safety.
“But what did we say? It’s weird she just stormed off like that.” Hoseok wonders as he watches you walking away.
“Did you guys see who she came with?” Namjoon asks Hoseok and Yoongi, who have been lounging in the patio since the swarm of party goers came to the house.
“I didn’t notice her until she came here with you two.” Yoongi replies.
“I saw her with Jungkook I think,” Hoseok tries to recall. “Should we tell him? Wait, is she his girlfriend? Maybe she’s pissed off he’s left her with us.”
“Whenever Jimin, Tae and Jungkook are together they just get into a bubble and forget about everyone else.” Namjoon says.
“One of us should at least walk her home right?” Jin watches you walking further away.
“She’s not his girlfriend. Jungkook doesn’t have a girlfriend.” Yoongi says sure of himself. Then it clicks. “Wait, oh shit.”
“Is she... Jungkook said he recognised...” Namjoon pieces the information together.
“Is she seriously walking home?” Jin is practically shouting. He knows Jungkook has a female flatmate, and now he’s put a face to the name Jungkook has very often mentioned to his frat brothers. And Jin knows your and Jungkook’s apartment is a good half hour walk away, and in a much quieter part of campus. Jin is really worried for your safety.
The four guys quickly get up and run after you.
You kick a pebble. You can’t hear the music and the revelry of the party anymore and your anger has dissipated, turned into annoyance and regret. You could’ve made a joke, poked a bit of fun at yourself, rather than throwing a tantrum and walking away like this.
But, so what? They’ve been insensitive making fun of people who can’t parallel park. Doesn’t matter how gorgeous they are, they’re just bratty frat boys from THE frat house on campus. They think they own the world.
But... they’ve been very nice to you too. Jin making sure you’re involved in their conversation. Namjoon recommending classes  with good professors. Hoseok checking if you need more cola or if you’re hungry. Yoongi’s  deadly stare warding off any drunken guys trying to hit on you. You sigh.
You stop in your track, heart in your throat, and turn to find the four guys you’ve just been thinking about running toward you.
“God,” Jin is panting. “Why do you walk so fast?”
“What are you guys doing?” You stare at Jin and his brothers. Did they chase you down all the way here?
Yoongi points at Jin. “He’s worried for your safety.”
“So we’re going to walk you home. In case something happens.” Hoseok adds.
You look at the four faces, confused. “Wouldn’t it look suspicious if four guys walk one girl home?”
The four faces look at you then each other, not quite sure with what you mean.
“Well a guy walks a girl home is normal, right? But four guys and one girl? Isn’t that kinda weird” Where the hell are you going with this, Y/N?
“Um,” Namjoon rubs the back of his neck, “we just want to make sure you’re ok.”
“You stormed off and it surprised us how upset you seem..” Yoongi adds, looking away but there is genuine concern in his voice.
”You’re flatmate with Jungkook, right? Your apartment isn’t exactly just around the corner. What if something happens on your way home?” Jin says.
“She’s right though, four guys walking a girl home does look weird. Let’s just do Rock Paper Scissors, guys.” Hoseok suggests.
You shake your head, watching them bicker some more before starting the hand game. You roll your eyes and start walking again, leaving them behind. You hear Jin calls you to wait, then more bickering, then a set of footsteps getting closer to you.
“Y/N, wait.” You turn and find Hoseok has caught up with you. “I’ll walk you home.” You look back and see the other three guys waving goodbye at you, then turning back towards their house. “I don’t normally win at rock paper scissors, glad I did just now though.” He flashes a wide smile at you.
You catch yourself wanting to smile back, how can you not, when he smiles at you like that. And it’s cute how the guys reacted after you left their party so abruptly.  But you remember you’re supposed to be annoyed.
“Congratulations, hope you like walking.” You mutter. You hide a smile as Hoseok tries to keep up with your fast pace.
“Slow down Y/N, you’re going to look like you’re trying to run away from me.” Hoseok grabs your wrist, forcing you to match his slower pace.
Your breath hitches as he holds your wrist a few seconds longer, only letting go once you start to walk at a more leisurely pace.
“Slow down and enjoy the scenery.” He smiles.
You scoff. “Brown brick buildings hardly make beautiful scenery.”
Hoseok tuts. “But the trees do, and the shadows from the street lamps do. See, they look like they’re dancing in the breeze.”
“More like bony hands trying to strangle you.”
“Tsk. So macabre, Y/N. You need more sunshine in your life.” Hoseok teases.
“And I suppose you’re the sunshine?” You tease back.
“With a smile like this, of course I am.” He beams.
You can’t help but chuckle. A few  minutes pass by, you and Hoseok stroll in silence.
“Y/N,” Hoseok gently calls your name, “I’m sorry about what we said back there.”
You keep looking ahead, embarrassment creeping up again.
“We didn’t know it was you. I.. well we’re really sorry we said all those stuff.”
You sigh. “Doesn’t matter, Hoseok. Whether or not you knew it was me, you guys still made fun of the whole situation.”
“I know, I know. We’re no better than our juniors who laughed at you.”
“It’s very embarrassing you know.” You pout, you don’t feel as upset anymore, but you might as well milk this for all it’s worth. “It’s horrible to be at the receiving end like that.”
“Ah, Y/N,” Hoesoek throws an arm around your shoulder and gives you a gentle squeeze. You blush immediately. “I’m very sorry. Really. All of us are.”
You clear your throat. Hoseok’s arm is still around you, and it doesn’t feel like he’s going to remove it soon. “I’m sorry too, Hoseok. The way I reacted was a bit... childish.” You say softly.
Another squeeze from Hoseok. “No, Y/N. Your reaction was understandable. We were out of line. Forgive us?” He turns to look at you intently.
Your cheeks are burning. You find it hard to answer him. But he mistakes your silence as playful sulking. “Come on, Y/N, forgive us please,” He wraps you in both his arms now. “We’re so sorry. I’ll make it up to you, ok?”
“And how are you going to make it up to me, Hoseok?” You coarsely ask, nerves so obvious in your voice.
Hoseok makes an exaggerated thinking pose. “I’ll send you the biggest bouquet of flowers. So big all the other girls on this campus would be so jealous of you.”
“Hmm. Don’t like flowers.” You say matter of factly.
“What? Why not?!”
You shrug. “Waste of money. They’re expensive. And they’ll just wither and die.”
“I’ll make you dinner.”
“You cook?”
Hoseok scratches his chin. “Well. Jin Hyung will cook and I’ll pass it as my own cooking?”
“That’s cheating, Hoseok.”
“I’ll walk you home everyday.”
“I drive, remember?”
Hoseok winces. You giggle.
“Don’t like sweet stuff.”
And so you keep going back and forth with Hoseok. Your giggles become laughter as the embarrassment of your parallel parking vanishes.  You don’t realise Hoseok still has an arm around your shoulder. That he has pulled you closer to him, your side pressed against his. That you eventually put your arm around his waist. And that you rest your head on the nook of his shoulder when he makes you laugh.
Hoseok insists walking  you all the way up to your apartment. You fish your key out, and unlock your door.
“Do you want anything to drink? Some water?” You ask shyly as you step into your apartment. Feeling that Hoseok is not by your side anymore, you turn around, surprised finding him lingering by the entrance, looking unsure.
“Oh sorry, I didn’t mean anything by it, really. I just figure you might be thirsty after that long walk.” You stutter.
“No, no, Y/N. I’m sorry, it’s just..” Hoseok steps inside and nervously looks around your apartment, trying to give you an explanation but unable to.
“It’s just...” Hoseok repeats, and you find yourself holding your breath, staring at him. In the harsh light of your kitchen, he still looks so breathtakingly beautiful. Soft dark brown hair, gentle eyes, sharp cheekbones, oh my god that jawline, and those lips. Lips? Get a hold of yourself, Y/N.
“... can I have your number?” Hoseok finally asks. He smiles shyly at you and he thinks you look so cute blinking, surprised at his question. He likes the feeling of your arm around his waist, how your laughter is so free once you’re comfortable with him, how you fit so nicely against him. He wants more.
Hoseok pulls out his cellphone and hands it to you. You gingerly take it and puts in your number. Hoseok takes his phone back and gives you a missed call. “Now you have my number too.”
You take your phone out and saves his number. Then you realise. “hoseok, how are you going back to your house?”
Hoseok shrugs. “I’ll walk.”
“God, I’m so sorry. I made you walk all the way here and back.” You eye your couch. Should you offer him to stay over? Is that too forward?
Hoseok smiles and shakes his head. “I told you I’m happy I won rock paper scissors, didn’t I? I really am happy. I enjoyed the walk with you. Yeah the walk back will be lonely...” he taps his phone, “but you’ll keep me company, right?”
“Of course.” You answer giddily, nodding your head.
Hoseok steps out of your apartment, you hold the door open, reluctant to see him go. You stare at each other for a few seconds, both of you smiling nervously.  You gather your courage to offer him your couch for the night, there’s no loss in asking. As you open your mouth however, he leans in and gives your the sweetest kiss on your cheek.
Your hand reaches for the spot on your cheek where his lips have just been. He smiles again and tweaks your nose gently.
“Get inside and lock up, ok? I’ll call you.” He says, as he starts to leave, walking backwards so he can still see you. “Don’t forget to lock your door.” He reminds you.  
You smile at him and gives him a wave goodbye. You close your door, lock it then rests your head against it.
And you can’t hide your broad smile as you hear your phone ringing. Sunshine is calling you, as promised.
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spartanguard · 6 years
a different kind of catch
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HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, @word-bug!!!!!!!! I’d hoped to have this up on your actual bday, but hope it was absolutely amazing and as wonderful and sweet as you are!!! This little CS ficlet was inspired by our mutual continuing love of  Pokémon Go; hope you like it! Love you!!! | 1.9k, rated PG
Emma wasn’t going to let this one go, not this time; she’d come way too close to give up now. She hurried to the spot where her phone told her she’d find her mark, constantly glancing down at the screen to make sure she wasn’t too late.
Everything seemed fine, but she picked up her pace to a jog, impatient to get there as she ran past people on the streets of Boston.
She was almost there—to the Starbucks on the corner—and so close to her prize that she could almost taste it (though that might also have just been the scent of coffee in the air).
Until she collided with something warm and solid just feet from her goal. “Oof—what the hell?”
“Uuh; bloody hell!” the other body shouted out as they both hit the pavement, phones clattering from their hands. Shit, her screen better not be cracked.
“Watch where you’re going, buddy!” she yelled, not looking at the man who ran into her as she scrambled to standing and grabbed her phone. Thank God, not broken—and better yet, there it was!
“Where I’m going?” he protested; she vaguely noticed he had an accent but was too caught up to really care. “Maybe get your head out of your damned phone and you wouldn’t knock over unsuspecting civilians!”
She just waved him off; she had to focus. She’d already missed on her first try, so she threw a berry this time and tried again. It caught...but it broke out. It didn’t run, though.
“Oh, is that the Lapras?” he asked.
“Yes, it’s the Lapras!” she hissed back, not taking her attention off her screen. “I’ve been waiting to catch one of these since the damn game started!” She didn’t have to defend her playing of Pokémon Go as a full-grown adult to some random asshole—not she was finally going to catch one of her favorite Pokémon.
“No, me too; good luck,” he told her, then went silent.
That kind of surprised her, but not enough to distract her from choosing an Ultra Ball. “You too,” she muttered as she wound up a curve ball.
She let go, and the message on the screen said “Great!” as the animation of the ball clasping around the Lapras played. Then she held her breath, waiting—one...two...three!
“Freaking finally!” she shouted; it may have taken two years, but she’d finally got it! (And it was high CP, too!)
“There it is, yes!” the guy echoed moments later. Caught up in the high of the catch, she turned around to give him a high five in celebration of their shared victory.
Without thinking, their hands slapped together, and then she got a look at him—and, woah, he was a catch, too: dark, disheveled hair hung over his forehead, just above his bright blue eyes, sparkling with happiness; a grin was playing at his lips and his sharp jaw was dusted with gingery scruff; and he may as well have been dressed like a modern Pokémon trainer because who honestly wore waistcoats anymore? (Though she didn’t recall anyone from the anime with that much chest hair...not that she was complaining.)
He seemed just as taken aback as she was, and their hands kind of hung in the air after their high five until they realized what they were doing and dropped them, both suddenly aware of how awkward they were being—not that it really mattered when they were celebrating a video game based on a television show that was originally targeted at children.
“Congratulations, love,” he offered, nodding toward her phone. “Is it a good one?”
“Yeah,” she answered, kind of shyly. “Yours?”
“Pretty good.” They stood there for another moment, unsure what to do; she should probably keep walking, considering she had an egg close to hatching, but then he spoke up again. “I do apologize for the collision; I believe I was just as focused as you were on catching that. Let me buy you a drink to make up for it?” he said, tilting his head at the Starbucks. “Maybe a Pokémon Go frappuccino?” he suggested, winking poorly.
She just scrunched her nose and giggled; she’d had that once and it was way too sweet for her. “Nah, that’s too much,” she replied. “But I guess I could go for a hot chocolate?”
“Sounds perfect.” He gestured toward the door, but then raced ahead to open it before she got to it.
“So now you’re a gentleman?” she teased.
“I’m always a gentleman,” he answered smoothly.
She shivered a bit; damn, this guy had an effect on her, and that almost never happened. But most guys weren’t as unashamed about Pokémon Go as he was. “Does the gentleman have a name?” she enquired.
They got in line and both busied themselves with their phones while waiting to place their orders. “You know,” she started. “That’s probably a good name for a Lapras.”
“What is?” he wondered.
“Killian.” She liked saying his name; it was unique, and her Lapras was male, after all.
He grinned—a real one this time, and brilliant. “I suppose I could say that Emma is, too.” Oh, and she liked how he said her name, too.
“Seems like a pretty good way to honor the moment,” she decided.
“Aye,” he agreed, and they placed their drink order.
While they were waiting for their beverages at the other end of the counter, she couldn’t help but glance over as he scrolled through his collection. “Damn, how’d you get all those Mr. Mimes?” He had a ton, whereas she would likely never even get one—stupid geo-locked Pokémon!
“I just moved here from the UK,” he explained. “They’re everywhere over there. But I’ve yet to see any Tauros now that I’m here.”
“Yeah, you don’t see too many in the city; but out of town—tons. Actually, I have a couple strong ones, if you wanna trade?” Technically she’d been saving those for her brother—one of the only other people she knew who played and was amassing a Tauros army, for some reason—but she could totally spare one to a good, mutually beneficial cause.
“I'd love that!” he gushed. Their drinks were up, so they grabbed them and found a little table in the corner. “Pardon the awful line,” he started after they sat, “but what’s your number?”
She snorted, but it was probably the first time in ages she was happy to give someone her “number”. “It’s 1022 0206 0620.”
He typed it in and then proclaimed “sent! To SwanGirl83.”
“That’s me,” she confirmed, and she got the notification on her end a few seconds later. “xJollyxRogerx24?”
“Aye,” he replied. She took a moment to observe his avatar; it was a pretty close representation, though dressed as close as possible to being a pirate, complete with eye patch. “I take it you’re a Captain Hook fan?” she quipped.
“Ha, yeah,” he laughed. “It’s not quite a hook, but same idea,” he added, holding up his left hand—which she suddenly realized wasn’t a hand, but rather a gloved prosthesis that matched the ones his avatar wore.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry—I didn’t mean—I didn’t even see…” she stammered; of course she’d put her foot in her mouth with the hottest player she’d ever come across; she could feel a Golem-like rock forming in her stomach.
To her surprise, though, he just waved her off. “No, no—you’re fine, lass; I’m the one making fun of it in the first place,” he assured her. Then his eyes bounced between her and his screen for a second, before stating, “I hope this isn’t too forward of me, but I daresay I prefer the actual Emma. Though that’s quite the fetching romper.”
She blushed a little, both at the compliment and the fact that she hadn’t changed her avatar’s outfit since the game started. There was just something so...Pokémon about that one-piece and leggings. “What can I say? I like to be comfy.”
“That implies you actually own a romper, then.”
“Ha, I wish!”
He replied with an almost goofy leer, eyebrow arched in amusement; she just shook her head, laughed, and promptly hid her embarrassment at walking into that by hiding in her hot chocolate.
“So, Pikachu as your companion?” he continued, apparently studying her via whatever symbolism could be found by her choices within the game.
“Yeah,” she said after she swallowed. “Can’t go wrong with a classic. And I like yellow.”
“I can see that, with you being yellow team and all.” He had her there.
“I’m guessing you like red, then, being Team Valor and with that shiny Gyarados there?” she guessed.
“Oy, he’s badass!” he protested, but then relented. “But yes, that’s part of it.”
They processed the trade, both finally adding another to their almost-completed Pokédexes, and then she sent him the most Boston gift she had on hand: Fenway Park. And he apparently sent her the most London one he still had: Big Ben. They shared giggles over that, and continued to chat—a bit about the game, comparing each others’ current stashes of Pokémon, but then it went onto work, family, friends, all that normal stuff, though it turned out neither of them really had much in that department.
Usually, she avoided romance altogether; she’d only found heartbreak there, and something told her Killian had, too. But what were the odds that she’d literally run into someone who shared so much with her, in addition to one of her favorite hobbies? For the first time in ages, she actually allowed herself to hope for something like that; hopefully he couldn’t see the Luvdiscs swimming in her eyes.
“Hey, there’s a raid a block over; I need to beat one for a research task.” His voice pulled her from her daydreaming. “Would you care to join me?”
She glanced at her screen; it was just a Ninetails, but she could always use another one. “Sure!”
They left the Starbucks—both hitting the Poké Stop there one more time for good measure, as well as a couple more on the way—and found the “gym” (actually just an ugly statue; it never ceased to amaze her the sorts of things that were considered “monuments” in this game). To the casual passerby, it probably looked like they were just two strangers immersed in their phones, but partnering up with Killian to takedown a foe was actually bringing them closer; seeing that red Gyarados in action was incredible, even if she was focused on what her Vaporeon was doing, too.
In no time at all, they’d knocked out the Ninetails and had both caught it. “I apologize if this is forward, Swan,” Killian said, “but we make quite the team.”
She couldn’t refute it. “Yeah, we do.”
Battling in raids together became a regular thing, and he was the first person she reached Best Friends level with (much to David’s chagrin). She jokingly bought him an eye patch for Christmas; he seriously bought her a romper.
And then, a couple years later, he proposed to her with a diamond ring nestled inside a Poké ball. People could rag on the game all they wanted; for Emma and Killian, it had been the best thing ever.
Hope you liked it and that maybe you got a birthday Lapras! also tagging a few others who I think still play/like it: @initiala @killian-morelike-killingme @distant-rose @queen-mabs-revenge @forestiyari @kat2609 @optomisticgirl @xpumpkindumplingx @wingedlioness @biancaros3 
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maysoper · 5 years
The Demons Still Lurk
The Winnipeg Jets played Game 83 tonight as they opened the Stanley Cup Playoffs, and it had an all-too-familiar ending that Jets fans likely are tied of seeing and dumbfounded in how it happens so often. For the tenth time this season, the Winnipeg Jets blew a third-period lead and ended up losing when it seemed that all was well after 40 minutes of play. For a team that was expected to take a serious run at the Stanley Cup, holding a lead over the final 20 minutes of play is something they must do. For this current edition of the Winnipeg Jets, the demons that haunted them in the regular season have followed them into the postseason. While I'm not here to suggest an exorcism of any kind, these are some concerning numbers when you consider the scores, the comebacks, and the collapses shown. Here are the ten times this season that the Jets have blown third-period leads when it seemed they were in control of the game with some notes about each collapse. This was a team that went 42-1-1 last season when holding a lead after 40 minutes, but has struggled with not only holding leads in the third period this season, but building on them as well.
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October 16 vs Edmonton with Winnipeg leading 4-1 entering the final period. Ty Rattie cut the deficit to two goals just 18 seconds into the period. Connor McDavid scored at 2:28 to make it a 4-3 game. Jesse Puljujarvi scored at 13:39 to tie the game. In overtime, the Oilers would prevail with their fourth-straight goal as Darnell Nurse ended this one with a goal 1:25 into the free period of hockey for the 5-4 OT win.
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October 27 at Toronto with Winnipeg leading 2-0 entering the final period. Nazem Kadri put the Leafs on the board six minutes into the frame before Jake Gardiner scored with 3:11 to play to tie the game. The back-breaking goal came 26 seconds later when Kasperi Kapanen scored to give the Maple Leafs the 3-2 victory.
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November 16 vs Buffalo with Winnipeg leading 1-0 entering the final period. Jeff Skinner scores 53 seconds into the third to tie the game at 1-1. Jets and Sabres would need a shootout to settle this, and Conor Sheary beat Laurent Brossoit to give Buffalo the 2-1 shootout win.
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November 23 at Minnesota with Winnipeg leading 2-0 entering the final period. Nino Niederreiter scored three minutes in to give Minnesota life. Eric Fehr tied the game at 11:47. Eric Staal scored at 17:29 to put the Wild ahead and Zach Parise iced it 1:21 later to give Minnesota the 4-2 win.
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November 27 vs Pittsburgh with Winnipeg leading 3-2 entering the final period. Derek Grant scored five minutes into the period to tie the game, and Zach Aston-Reese scored the winner with 5:12 to play as Pittsburgh won 4-3.
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February 5 vs San Jose with Winnipeg leading 2-1 entering the final period. Marcus Sorensen scored 2:35 into the third period to tie the game, and Joe Pavelski would end this one in overtime at 2:49 with a shorthanded goal as San Jose wins 3-2.
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February 26 vs Minnesota with Winnipeg leading 2-1 entering the final period. Jason Zucker scored at 18:33 to tie the game before Joel Eriksson Ek put Minnesota up 26 seconds later as Minnesota earned the 3-2 victory.
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March 28 vs New York Islanders with Winnipeg leading 3-2 entering the final period. Mark Scheifele made it a 4-2 game with a power-play goal at 6:46 before Jordan Eberle cut the lead to one goal at 7:49. Casey Cizikas scored at 18:14 to tie the game before Jordan Eberle scored the game-winner just 33 seconds later as New York took the 5-4 win.
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April 4 at Colorado with Winnipeg leading 2-1 entering the final period. Carl Soderberg scored at 10:35 to tie the game before Erik Johnson scored at 1:49 of overtime to give the Avalanche the 3-2 OT win. It should be noted that had Winnipeg won this game in regulation, there was a chance that Colorado could have missed the playoffs.
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April 10 vs St. Louis with Winnipeg leading Game 1 by a 1-0 score entering the final period. David Perron scored at 4:05 to tie the game, and Tyler Bozak scored the game-winner at 17:55 as the Blues took Game 1 by a 2-1 score. There were some things that jumped out at me when looking at this collection of ten games. First, four of these losses came on Tuesdays. The Jets have Game Four scheduled in St. Louis on Tuesday, April 16, so let's throw some stats out here about Tuesdays. They played 15 games on Tuesdays - including the four above - and amassed a 7-6-2 record on Tuesdays throughout this season. Among those teams they played on Tuesday, they were 4-4-2 against the West and 3-2-0 against the East, 4-3-1 against playoff teams while being 3-3-1 against non-playoff teams, and were 2-2-0 against the Central while going 2-2-2 against the Pacific Division, 2-1-0 against the Metropolitan Division, and 0-1-1 against the Atlantic Division. And while Tuesday saw four losses happen, Thursdays and Fridays had two losses each with Saturdays and Wednesdays had one loss each. Second, four of those losses came against non-playoff teams. That simply can't happen if one is an "elite team". The Jets struggled mightily this year against lower-ranked opponents as they seemed to play down to their competition, and this could be a glaring problem as the playoffs push onward. Third, you might look at the dates where these losses occurred and say, "It's ten games in 83, Teebz - no big deal." The problem is that three of these losses happened from November 16 to 27 - an 11-day span - and three more occurred March 28 to April 10 - a 13-day span. That's two weeks in this season where the Jets gave up ten points - they got two charity points in those six games - and a playoff win. That's first-place in the Central with even two more of those lost ten points, and they find themselves down 1-0 to the hottest team in the second-half of the 2018-19 NHL season. This is a glaring problem that the Jets need to address immediately. The good news? After correcting the problem following the Pittsburgh collapse, the Jets won 11 of their next 13 games. But again, there's an asterisk as only four of those games were played against teams that made the playoffs this season. The Jets should have beaten a pile of those teams, and they did. St. Louis is not one of those pushovers that they played in December, although it should be noted that . So what does it all mean? Well, the Jets need to protect leads much, much better going into the third periods of games moving forward if they even have a prayer of playing in the second round or longer. It also means that whatever is plaguing the Jets this season when it comes to locking down games needs to be corrected for next season. If I was Paul Maurice, I'd shorten the bench if I had a lead with five minutes to play. As much as he needed the full roster all season, the playoffs are a different animal. We heard Jon Cooper talk about it in Tampa Bay after their Game One collapse when he said, "Our mentality has to be, when we get into these situations, to shut a team down, not to pad the lead." The Jets had the slimmest of leads entering that third period, and the demons from this season reared their ugly heads once more. Let's hope that the day off tomorrow will allow the Jets to exorcise these collapse demons for good and go on a serious run like they did in December. Until next time, keep your sticks on the ice! from Sports News http://hockey-blog-in-canada.blogspot.com/2019/04/the-demons-still-lurk.html
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