#also ofc he doesnt know theos a 🐺 ofc
chateautangerine · 1 year
@goldfanged for: send “📔” to read an entry from my muse’s diary about your muse (accepting)
He came to me as wakefulness teething on the corners of a dream, and we met in the parking lot by old Santori’s where I found flowers on the ground — the remains of lost love.
Dark hair, Irish coffee;
Thick eyebrows, bushels of thistle;
Unusually tall, 6’4”-6’6”; 
Four gold teeth;
A scar along the side of his neck. I imagine the horn of a great bull cleaving into him and of hooves against earth. Matador.
Below the rainclouds, he looked to be the Undertaker with his dark mane but eyes rampant and savage with loveliness.
His name is Theo.
Stay strong, matador.
[ another passage ] 
I’ve boned up reading the dictionary and cleaned a glass of gin. Theo is odd. He disappears in the night like a werewolf.
Little red riding hood...
Here's a passage for you:
Under the wide, glowing eye of a merciless moon he bellowed as his bones crunched and his hair thickened and spread until he was clothed in it. The evening sun declined before him beyond an endless swale and the dark fell here like a thunderclap, his crouching body snapping among the crickets and the gnashing weeds. This was his becoming. A thing that can not come back. He hunted a nearby town with its mudshacks and domes until there was not a soul save he, and he was lost of himself and not again in all the world's turning would he return for upon the dawning of the east, he found he delighted in it, and he did not weep.
Although I doubt he'll tear into anyone. Why won't he call me?
[ another passage ]
Theo tells me he used to be in love. Or maybe I asked him - although I can't rightly say why.
He sounded torn up about it — I believe he's still in love with whoever left him by Santori's. Speaking of: why do I get the feeling he sees through me? Does he see through me? He's very perceptive — and never tells what's on his mind.
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I'm fond of him. Very much so.
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