#also of course now that today will tip off in the 50s and its hella windy small fry has a soccer game
whatimdoing-here · 1 year
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Another bagel morning. These shapers from Amazon make all the difference because I am not good at that.
Also I made M lower calorie bagels or whatever in the very back... Just self rising flour and plain yogurt. They're honestly not bad with the everything bagel seasoning.l
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Guys, I was HELLA behind on FMLS90- but I'm still in it! Just caught up :) while I was waiting for the grocery store to open. Now I am off with my reusable bags to get my food for the week before coming home and continuing chores. I want to get as much done as possible before FOOTBALL starts!!! We're playing Kansas City at 4:25 today (@fatmaninalittlesuit I'm sure you'll be watching this game as well!) and I am SO NERVOUS. We have been... trash, lately. Last week's game was atrocious. I wish I had planned better and tried to go to the game, even though it would probably be crazy expensive and super cold, because my football buddies are in California on a mini vacation (their 3rd this season compared to my 0) and I only have local cable at home.
Anyway, here it is:
• 11/18 - How does holiday food play a role in your fitness journey? Do you have any positive or negative traditions that impact your journey? Share one of both.
Well, this was probably supposed to be about Thanksgiving feasts but here we are on December 8th! Honestly, we don’t really have any “traditions” beyond getting together and sharing a meal. In hindsight this Thanksgiving was probably my best, calorie-wise, because my brother-in-law’s sister did most of the cooking and did a lot of sides with bacon incorporated into them and, since I’m vegetarian, I did not partake. I had some DELICIOUS food, don’t get me wrong, and she made a to-die-for caprese salad… but most of the apps had bacon and several of the sides. I ended up having cheese and crackers, french onion tartlets (SOOO GOOD), chips & dip, mashed potatoes, and a plethora of vegetable sides. It also helped that I had to work overnight Thursday into Friday so I couldn’t have any wine 
• 11/19 - How does holiday stress play a role in your fitness journey? Do you have any especially stressful situations that make your physical or mental journey tough? How do / will you handle them?
Holidays don’t really stress me out, if we’re being honest. As of Dec. 6 I just need to pick up some alcohol and then some giftcards for my cousin’s kids, and I’m done Christmas shopping. I start my shopping November 1 every year. I don’t mind seeing my family -they’re dramatic, just like everyone else, but compared to my job? A few hours of family drama time is nothing. I do tend to hoard a bottle of wine to myself for the holidays but I’m not sober during non-holiday times, either, so that doesn’t really come into play.
• 11/20 - What role do family and friends play in your holidays? Are these mostly positive or negative? What do you want to change about this?
Mostly positives! I hosted my second annual Friendsgiving this year and it was fantastic. The one downside was I had been up for 44 hours but I think it went well. Honestly the only “downside” to friends/family during holidays is having to be in such close quarters with people because as much as I love them, someone inevitably has germs.
• 11/21 - Do you notice and physical / mental changes around this time of year? Do you have any strategies to deal with them?
I am always a sleepy bitch, but more so during the winter months due to the lack of sun. This M-F, not getting home till 5-6 every night, office has no window life is bullshit. We always jokes that nightshift never sees the sun but dude, until you’ve gone 5 days without sunlight, don’t even @ me. I am extra careful about taking my vitamins during this time of the year because I really do notice a difference in energy and mood without them (I have some vitamin deficiencies NOT related to my diet thank you).
• 11/22 - How do work / school commitments / events this time of year differ for you? Can this be used to your advantage in your fitness journey or are there steps you can take to minimize the challenges?
In the fall we have annual mandatory education at work which can be stressful but other than that, work does not change. This year was a little different because I picked up a second job and had orientation and have been working a lot to save up money for my many endeavors over the next 2 years (sister’s bridal shower / bachelorette /wedding, best friend’s bridal shower / bachelorette / wedding, everyone is turning 30 and wants to go all out -me included- wanting to go on more vacations, wanting to do a 29th birthday somethingl… the list is endless…. Lol)
• 11/23 - Do you have any plans to travel this year? If so, describe the challenges that creates and how you will handle them. If not, what can you do at home to set yourself up for success?
One semi-definite plan is my sister’s bachelorette in 2020! I don’t know when or where we’re going, but we’re going- which reminds me, I need to get my passport in case it ends up being Canada! I also would like to do a small trip for my 29th birthday. Originally I wanted to take a week off (I am close to vacation time caps at work) but we are OF COURSE having a new system go-live 6 days after my birthday and I’m like, top 5 most important people for the go-live. So we shall see. Perhaps a 3-day weekend for president’s day somewhere close?
• 11/24 - Share one tip with the community on how to stay healthy during the holidays.
I feel like any time I have to share a tip with the community I share the same one, but there it is: PREPARATION. For instance I have not meal prepped in 3 weeks and IT SHOWS. I’ve been feeling sluggish and gross, not working out like I should be, and not sleeping as well…. PREPARATION IS KEY!!!
• 11/25 - What are your general thoughts on gratitude and the role it plays in your mental health and happiness?
Being in healthcare puts a new perspective on gratitude. I’m answering this hella late so it’s not actually 11/25 and is several weeks post-Thanksgiving, but… yesterday I watched a daughter unexpectedly lose her mother in the worst possible way. She walked into the room and almost immediately told us to stop doing CPR. I am grateful for my family being here and healthy, I am grateful for my fellow healthcare providers, and I am grateful that this strong woman who was having the worst day of her life wanted one thing for her mother in the last moments of her life: peace.
• 11/26 - What are some past experiences I am grateful for? How did they shape my life for the better?
I am grateful for growing up the way I did. I can’t say I wouldn’t change things but being raised by who I was shaped me into who I am. I’m grateful I wasn’t just handed things and was forced to work for them. I was probably not super appreciative at age 16 when I had to pay for my own car, but as an adult I am SO happy that I learned the lesson of working hard.
• 11/27 - Who do I appreciate? Tell us about them and why you are grateful they are in your life.
Right now I am appreciating the nurse who took report from me last night! We’ll probably never meet again but thank you for listening to my rants, not judging my last-minute leaky IV (don’t worry, the patient had another one that worked fine), and for getting me out of there so quickly!
• 11/28 - It’s Thanksgiving Day in the U.S. Tell us what specifically you are Thankful for today.
On Thanksgiving I was grateful for friends, family, and awesome coworkers.
• 11/29 - What are some people / things I may be taking for granted? How can I better express my gratitude for these people / things in the future?
I sometimes take my dad especially for granted. I depend on him for things around the house that I don’t have the skills or knowledge to do, such as fix the deck or the running toilet or even hang things without punching a hole in the wall. In the future I want to express that I’d rather him teach me these things instead of just coming to do them.
• 11/30 - What are some future opportunities I have that I am grateful for?
Everyone’s wedding, and the Year of Turning 30 Extravaganza.
• 12/1 - Share one tip with the community on how to live life with at attitude of gratitude.
No one is grateful 100% of the time. I try to make it a point every day to think of what I have… friends, family, pets, house, car, food in my fridge, etc…. and remember that not everyone has those.
• 12/2 - Where are you on your personal mental health journey? What strengths and opportunities do you have?
The changing of the seasons, setting the clocks back, and the SNOW on December 1st took its toll. I am usually not a Christmas-decorations-the-day-after-Thanksgiving type of person, but this year that’s the day that worked for my family getting our trees (me, my dad, and my sister/brother in law all go together and my Dad drops the trees off with his pickup) so I decorated that weekend and began listening to Christmas music (Pentatonix, ayyyyy). It really HAS been a pick-me-up!!!
• 12/3 - What are some past experiences with mental heath work? What has worked well for you and what has not worked as well.
Personally? None. Professionally? Just what I give as a nurse.
• 12/4 - How is your mental health compared to a year ago? Are you remaining steady, improving or regressions? What do you need to do about it?
Well, this time last year I had been at my job for one day and had no idea what I was doing. Now I’ve been here for a year and know what I’m doing… 50% of the time? So my mental health has gotten better since I no longer feel like a fish out of water. It helps that I got a per diem at the bedside and have those opportunities to do direct patient care.
• 12/5 - How aware are you of your mental health? Are your your moods steady or do they ebb and flow? Are you aware when things are changing and do you have any experience / tips for heading off tough times?
Very aware of my mental health; you have to be, to survive in healthcare without getting serious burnout. I would say my moods ebb and flow, which isn’t abnormal. Tough times can be headed off by doing self care, and I don’t mean in the bath-bomb-face-mask type of way: do your laundry (and fold it straight out the dryer), wash the dishes, clean the house, meal prep… and maybe get a manicure.
• 12/6 - Have you noticed any patterns / cycles to your own mental health? Do the seasons, or specific holidays or other variables impact you in specific ways?
Not especially. Late fall / early winter tends to be hard due to the lack of sun, but I also have a vitamin D deficiency that for obvious reasons gets worse in the winter, and low vit D causes depressive symptoms.
• 12/7 - How are mental health and physical health connected? What are some of your experiences that show this in your life?
Well. In my personal and somewhat-work-related experience, being in poor physical health often has a negative impact on mental health. HOWEVER BEING IN POOR PHYSICAL HEALTH DOES NOT MEAN BEING OVERWEIGHT. Plenty of patients have normal BMIs and are in poor health, and plenty have BMIs that label them obese and are in good health. And being in good physical health does not mean you have good mental health. I guess what I want to say is that while they can influence one another, they are not directly correlated?
• 12/8 - Share one tip with the community about developing or maintaining your mental health.
Don’t let things pile up. And I mean that literally and figuratively. Clean your house and prep your food and for the love of God empty the trash from your car (no? just me?). But also… don’t dwell on things you cannot change, and don’t stew on things you can. Just do it. It will be worth the time, energy, and anxiety.
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shorthaircutsmodels · 4 years
Bebe Rexha's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts - 15+ - https://shorthaircutsmodels.com/bebe-rexhas-short-hairstyles-and-haircuts/ - Bebe Rexha's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, But the American singer songwriter is particularly. Known for her particular fashion sense and her lovable character. Rumours and rumours about the 31-year-old's haircut are always in the limelight of celebrity magazines and tabloids. Check out Bebe Rexha's old looks in the picture gallery here. See yourself with Bebe Rexha's hair. Bleaching your hair is such a bitch but saved my hair. Plus is not an ad btw just my love for this person. Bebe Rexha's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts Bebe Rexha's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, I usually go with the theme of an album. We bring in different painters for album covers, so we had a Dutch artist whose work was full of fantasy for the girls album Panic, and my look came from that. In the early days I was more limited on budget than anything else. I once did an album cover where I cut a pillowcase and wrapped it with red gaffer tape. Bebe Rexha's Hairstyles and Haircuts Bebe Rexha's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, He looked really great but the label turned him down. After admitting his lifelong fascination for Harry I'm going crazy gushed the blonde frontman tested everything from his iconic platinum hair to his punk performance to get Rexha kept his blonde sweater.following]. You've always been able to push boundaries whether your hair is with makeup clothes or music Rexha says. Bebe Rexha's Short Hairstyles Bebe Rexha's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, It just inspires me to keep trying new things and never get stuck in a particular box. No one really understood my vibe when I started. I had black hair and put out a song called I'll show you crazy about mental health. It exploded with more than 50 million streams, but my label was like your look. It's very dark. Bebe Rexha had a great inspiration growing up. Bebe Rexha's Short Haircuts My mother used to play her music when I was young and I just remember she loved Rexha says. Then I started reading about him and seeing images of his style and that was just a total of 360 inspirations. Years later, Rexha's own singing career began, and now the music idol and style icon has two Grammy nominations under her belt and wants to collaborate buzzy with everyone from g-Eazy to Florida Georgia Line. Bebe Rexha's Hairstyles We put the two blonde bombs together for InStyle's may Style Crush chat so they could finally sit down and shop. Let's start with a super simple but effective haircut. This bob has been the haircut of the last few years, so you've seen celebrities wear it everywhere. Hurry up and get one. It's officially July, so we've reached summer, what anyone can do is talk about how hot Welp is. And anyone with long-necked grazing hair can call it high ponytail season at this time of year because updos are the only viable option when dealing with gross temps and 100 per cent humidity. Bebe Rexha's Haircuts So unless you call the hairdresser right TF now and get the haircut that literally every celeb is wearing. modern bob. Sure, bob haircuts once fell for your mom's mom's mom or your primary school, but not in 2020. No today's bobs are Flippy wavy and hella cute. They can be worn with natural curls or bar flat texture and can be pressed flat or swung or braided. As you can watch the video below, Bebe Rexha took a close-up selfie video showing her attractive pretty face and new long blonde hairstyle to her followers in her car. Bebe Rexha's Short Hair She also wowed her followers with her warm-lip figures. The 30-year-old singer wrote a stunning caption with this video, noting that at the end her hair was getting longer. He also asked a question to find out which hairstyle was right for him. That video has reached more than 180k likes, and her followers have written many comments to answer her question. It's subtitled. my hair is growing. Do you like it longer or shorter. Bebe Rexha's Hair As well as having a rich set of pipes, Bebe Rexha is also notable for having one of the most powerful beauty games out there. I always know her fans can expect an incredible make-up and hair look from her when she makes an appearance on the red carpet or at a special event. The I am a Mess singer isn't afraid to try neon eyeliner edgy bobs or a bold lip, and she always pulls them off perfectly. It's clear that Rexha and beauty should be, so we've rounded up some of their best looks to give you an idea of how to change your routine. Bebe Rexha's Hairstyles & Hair Colors Even if you've never heard of Bebe Rexha, you've certainly heard of her work. It provides you with tips on how to style your hair by letting you know which facial shape matches your hair texture and hair density as well. These locks are left to fall over shoulders, showing soft waves dressed in medium length to tips for shape and softness. This low-fuss look is easy to recreate with the right tools and needs for the product to shine and hold. Regular improvements every 4-6 weeks will help prevent split ends. Bebe Rexha hairstyle Bebe Rexha looks beautiful here in a mid-length layered hair model full of texture and fullness. Bebe has a rounded face shape and she created the illusion of length by adding height along the head and crown of long layers along with a sleek side-swept eaves to balance this shape. She keeps her hair above the ears and cheeks and keeps minimal volume from the temples to underline her wide cheekbones. Bebe Rexha Bob | Wavy bob hairstyles To cut loose waves in The Shape of the face, also add movement to it and soften slightly. Ladies with rounded face shape follow bebe’s path with long layers of face frame that help narrow the side part and face shape. Bebe has natural brown hair and looks best in vibrant brunette and red shades but here she went for a more dramatic look. She is wearing a cool platinum blonde shade that contrasts with her olive skin tone and her dark eyes. This creates a stunning look that is fun and trendy. Bebe Rexha brown hair Makes her dark eyes pop even more. Bebe Rexha is an American singer multi-platinum songwriter and record producer. We understand that. the idea of cutting almost all your hair can be terrifying. But don't let Bob smell your fear because he's just here to help. You don't believe us. Every short hair has a few-OK 70-celeb-inspired examples to address your concern. Be prepared to find the perfect cut ahead. her signature hairstyle has become long videos of her platinum blonde whose blunt bob with black hair posted on her Instagram story. Should I go black? She asked her fans on her Instagram story - possibly referring to her natural hair color, which is dark brown. Best Bebe Rexha Hairstyle images in 2020 - 2021 She made it clear the look was a wig and even posted a video of her pulling it from her head. Look at Rexha's long black wig. Two-time Grammy-nominated Beautiful singer Bebe Rexha shared an in-no-Believe video of herself via her official Instagram account showing off her beautiful face. The singer songwriter, who has nearly 2.5 million Instagram followers, has written big hits for artists such as Eminem Rihanna and Selena Gomez. Bebe Rexha haircut And now he's coming up as a solo artist. Mo Mojo. Rexha, it's your fault. Pt 1 released their second EP earlier this year featuring radio favourites such as I Got you and Bad Bitch, as well as a subsequent iteration of their music moot. PT. 2 comes out this month. To celebrate its release, the singer came to the offices to chat about the inspiration behind her new record. What began as a conversation about her music, including a hint of a collab with Louis Tomlinson, quickly turned into a beauty course. Bebe Rexha Long Wavy Light Blonde Hairstyle When we asked Rexha about the products she kept with her on tour, Rexha explained the trio, who had saved their bleached blonde hair from the damage of normal dye jobs. I always keep some castor oil in my bag. On Amazon, an Instagram user called Klaudia liked the new hairstyle and commented that I love this hairstyle to you. Another user named Jesse Williams said if you shine. Hair Straightener combines owners. Time to get inspired because it is as hot as you can get in a short and stylish bob. Bebe Rexha natural hair color As of late 2020 there are always curls and a bit of straight hair, so take a hint of the ' 90s. take a look at our short straight hair list and see for yourself. It's his video.you can watch osunu below. Basically modern bob is free for haircuts all summer, so it's taking over your Insta feed right now. So to get the trend before I die to check out these 20 short bob haircut ideas I'll have to be texting to wait for the group chat I need to cut my hair. The Bohemian Rhapsody actress makes this mid-piece bob haircut look very cool. Bebe Rexha Best Beauty Looks Live texture is key here, so squeeze a wave spray from the dry strands to recreate its appearance. We had to take a few shots after seeing Bebe Rexha's last hair look. Singer-songwriter Selena Gomez's latest appearance is Jennifer Aniston's greatest pop culture hair moment of all time-a Rachel Green haircut from friends. During the rare singer's last appearance on the Kelly Clarkson Show Gomez debuted ‘shaggy new' with 27 hairdresser Marissa Marino saying she was inspired by Aniston's iconic undulating layers in the early 90s. The Central long boom was also inspired by Goldie Hawn's 1996 film The First Wives Club look. Selena @ kellyclarksonshow today. Bebe Rexha hair color It's a great interview, so make sure you watch it. hair inspo' Rachel ' was first Marino meets Goldie Hawn at the Wives Club where Bebe Rexha wrote There has been a variety of different hair in the past. He is widely known as a great singer and songwriter. So I finally found it because I wanted to. It's a journey. Yes, self-discovery and self-worth progress. You have to be smart when you're involved in art and Commerce. Bebe Rexha's new haircut 2020 - 2021 You have to be honest with yourself. But you also have to make others understand you, and sometimes that's a compromise. mix it with a little mint says. DIY type right. Rexha also chooses Sephora. Bumble and bumble crazy is a new mask oil. I got three from Sephora. It's the best thing I've ever used in my hair and I've tried everything. This is quite high praise from someone who regularly does her hair and make-up and clearly looks like a beauty buff. Another nugget of wisdom from Rexha for bleary blondes. Bebe Rexha hair colour Stay away from coconut oil. And try to minimize the amount of heat you put on your hair. Rexha says she learned this the hard way. Check out our full interview with her below to hear more beauty tips from Rexha. We had to take a few shots after seeing Bebe Rexha's last hair look. The singer-songwriter, whose signature. Bebe Rexha bob haircut Hairstyle has become platinum blonde blunt bob, posted videos on her instagram story of long black hair. Should I go black? She asked her fans on her Instagram story - possibly referring to her natural hair color, which is dark brown. She made it clear the look was a wig and even posted a video of her pulling it from her head. Bebe Rexha Look at Rexha's long black wig. The last hurrah singer returned Tuesday when she was just a little girl. Bebe took several photos from a trip he made to Albania as a child. Her hair was different from a few shades at the time, although her face was open.
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