#also obsessed with this game giving me Two (2) nishikis..... i see you youre literally not slick in the slightest
todayisafridaynight · 2 years
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hiiggsmonaghan · 5 years
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Are you fuckin’ kidding me--?
Alright, I’ll answer them ALL. 
1. Name: Higgs Monaghan Silver/Silvio
2. Nationality: Canadian/Acadian
3. Age: 22
4. Birthday: July 19th 
5. Zodiac sign (or your primal zodiac sign): Cancer
6. Gender: cis male
7. Sexuality: Gay
8. Your looks (add a picture or describe yourself):  This will have to wait until a special reveal. (Future cosplay things.)
9. What do you/did you study?: ... Does Egyptian history count?
10. What's your current job like?/What job would you like to have?: [Nervous laughter] I have no idea what I’d like to do for a job. 
11. Your birth order: First child
12. How many siblings do you have?: 1 “real” sibling, but so many siblings by bond.
13. Do you have good relations with your family?: Biological family? Absolutely not. Except for two of my cousins. They are cool.
14. How many friends do you have?: Too many that it’s obnoxious. [Just kidding, I appreciate you all.]
15. Your relationship status: Taken/Engaged
16. What do you look for in a SO?: Someone who can kick my ass. [Who can handle my anger outbursts]
17. Do you have a crush?: No. 
18. When did you have your first kiss?: When I was 14. It was forced and was a terrible experience. 
19. Do you prefer serious and meaningful relationships or casual dating/one night stands?: Meaningful ones, funny enough.
20. What are your deal breakers?: Overly clingy, too loud, not respectful of my music choices
21. How was your day?: Cold. Snowstorm happened today.
22. Favourite food & drink: Pizzas/cheeseburgers || Strawberry slushie with tapioca pearls/orange juice
23. What position do you sleep in?: Fetal position. [Hahahah... ha.]
24. What was your last dream about?: Cannot remember.
25. Your fears: The ocean [drowning], deep forests.. uhh... There are others but I cannot think of it at the moment
26. Your dreams: To be on my goddamn motorcycle, livin’ a good life without my mental illness in the way.
27. Your goals: See above.
28. Any pets?: Not yet! Planin’ to get a black cat soon!
29. What are your hobbies?: Music and readin’
30. Any cool places in your area?: Pfft, no. It’s so fuckin’ boring here.
31. What was your last awkward situation?: I was at Tim Horton’s and there was a baby cryin’ behind me so I looked over at it and played... peek-a-boo with them. It was...weird. But at least the baby shut up. The mother didn’t do shit to make the baby stop cryin’ so.. Great Parenting.
32. What is your last regret?: Well too many to really talk about but I’ll go with the funny route and my last regret was not goin’ to Burger King yesterday and eatin’ salad instead of a burger. 
33. Language/s you can speak: English
34. Do you believe in astrological stuff? (Zodiac, tarot, etc.): Not really. It’s all just whatever for me.
35. Have any quirks?: I bite my nails often... I pretend to conduct music while it is playing... uh...???
36. Your pet peeves: Everything.
37. Ideal vacation: Anywhere away from North America.
38. Any scars?: Many. 
39. What does your last text message say?: “Nah”
40. Last 5 things from your search history: Twitter, Vargskelethor’s twitch, Cloud Strife, YouTube, FF7 remake release date
41. What's your [device] background?: RK900 from Detroit Become Human
42. What do you daydream about?: Usually having super strength and throwing people whom bother me across the world or just... punchin’ them. 
43. Describe your dream home: A  simple house, really. Nothin’ too fancy. Just the idea of havin’ my own house? Even if it isn’t that big or anythin’... That is a dream for me. Oh, and I want it painted black. Hah.
44. What's your religion/Your thought about religion: I’d say I’m atheist but... I do believe in God. I AM God. :)
45. Your personality type:  ISTP-T
46. The most dangerous thing you've done: [Looks at the list of dangerous things I have done] ... There are too many
47. Are you happy with your current life?: At the moment? Yeah. There are things I am still angry about but it’s... fine.
48. Some things you've tried in your life: Smoking. Drawing. Singing. Writing. Playing the guitar. ???
49. What does your wardrobe consist of?: Black and reds. 
50. Favourite colour to wear?: Black.
51. How would you describe your style?: Goth/punk
52. Are you happy with your current looks?: Eh.. Not really but it’s all I got.
53. If you could change/add something to your appearance - impossible or not - what would it be?: Grow. Damn. Facial. Hair. Holy FUCK.
54. Any tattoos or piercings?: Snake bites. But I took one out so only one lip piercing now. And tattoos? Soon. Very soon. [Gonna be Higgs’ themed, baby.]
55. Do you get complimented often?: No and when I do I make it Stop. I hate it. Never compliment me. 
56. Favourite aesthetic?: Black/gold aesthetics as of late.
57. A popular trend that you dislike: Everything. I hate them all.
58. Songs you're currently obsessed with?:  Allesfresser by LINDEMANN 
It’s a great song to listen to for me because I just punch my punching bag to this song. Makes my anger just... go away. It’s fuckin’ nice.
59. Song you normally wouldn't admit you like: .... Let’s Dance by David Bowie
I am a new fan of David Bowie. It just literally started in July or late June. I’m the typical metal head but for some reason Bowie just caught my ear? I dunno, man.
60. Favourite genre?: METAL. Well, Power Metal. I love all sorts of metal except for like.. most death metal/black metal. It is too much for me sometimes. But yeah, if yall are into metal... I’m all ears. I love talkin’ about metal.
61. Favourite artist/band/genre?: Well I already spoke about my favorite genre. For favorite bands? God... Uh.. I have a list here of favorite bands/musicians. Check it out if you’re interested. 
62. Hated popular songs/artists?: Honestly? I’m gonna be one of those guys and say pretty much everything on the radio these days. I don’t like pop/rap and all the most popular stuff. Turning the radio on is ear torture these days. Except for the rock channel, that one is okay most of the time.
63. Put your music on shuffle and list first 5:
1 - System of a Down’s Chop Suey in the Style of Ghost by Ten Second Songs
This guy is simply AMAZING. If yall haven’t already, you NEED to check out his channel. He is wicked talented and he has different styles for different songs. Like for example, Metallica’s Enter Sandman in the style of David Bowie. It’s amazing. 
Check him out. His YouTube is Ten Second Songs.
2 - City by Hollywood Undead
This one just gives me my inner Higgs’ vibes. That is really all I can say.
3 - Mein Teil by Rammstein
4 - Cars by Fear Factory
5 -  龍が如く極 - Turning Point [From Yakuza Kiwami]
Yeah, hi. Yakuza fan here. Do I have to say any more? 
64. Can you sing or play any instruments?: I can kind of sing, [very badly, mind you] and sort of play the guitar. I’m tryin’ to learn Come as You Are by Nirvana at the moment... but that’s about it
65. Do you like karaoke?: 
.... Yes. My inner Nishiki in me just cannot lie about this.
66. Own any albums?: Absolutely. I am a firm believer in albums rather than just buying them digitally. I love having an actual copy in my hands rather just on the computer. 
67. Do you listen to radio? What stations?: Not really. I only listen to the rock station.
68. Favourite movie/series?: Star Wars.
69. Favourite genre of movies/books/etc: Uhhh... I don’t know
70. Your fictional crush/es: Sam Fuckin’ Porter Bridges, General Hux, RK900...
71. Which fictional character is you?: [Chuckles nervously] 
Higgs Monaghan-- 
Too many to write down. I’ll just pass myself the trouble.
72. Are you a shipper? List your otps, if so: Eh not really. Only like.. Gavin/RK900 [Reed900] and General Hux/Kylo Ren [Kylux/Huxlo]
73. Favourite greek god?: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? I don’t know?
74. A legend from where you live that you like: None.
75. Do you like art? What's your favourite work or artist?: I’m gonna be cheesy and say all of my friends because it’s true. I love my friends art.
76. Can you share your other social media?: Yeah sure. My twitter is @hiiggsmonaghan
77. Favourite youtubers?: Markiplier, Jacksepticeye... Streamers: Vargskelethor and Vinesauce
78. Favourite platform?: Tumblr and Twitter
79. How much time do you spend on the internet?: .. Too long
80. What video games have you played? Which one's your favourite?: Ones I have PLAYED that are my favorite: Pokemon, Devil May Cry, Final Fantasy XV, Yakuza 0/Kiwami. 
I also have a lot a games I love that I just watched. Like a lot of Legend of Zelda games and of course Death Stranding!
81. Your favourite books (manga also counts): Anything really by William Blake. I guess that really isn’t a “book” but.. all I really read are poems, Shakespearean plays and Egyptian history books.
82. Do you play board/card games?: No
83. Have you ever been to a night marathon in cinema?: No
84. Favourite holiday: Halloween
85. Are you into dramas?: Not really.
86. Would you use death note, if you had one?: ABSOLUTELY. And I do have one. Well... a replica. Not the real one of course.
87. What changes would you make in the world, no matter how impossible, if you had the power to?: Get rid of the racists, rapists, pedos and homo/trans phobes. The world would just be more pleasant to live in, yeah?
88. Could you survive a zombie apocalypse?: Probably. Because I stay inside a lot anyway.
89. If you had to be turned into a paranormal being, what would it be?: A demon because I am that fuckin’ edgy.
90. What would you want to happen to you after your death?: VOID OUT, BITCH. Uh, I don’t know. 
91. If you had to change your name, what would be your pick?: I did change my name so I am happy with it. 
92. Who would you switch your life with for a week?: Uh.. No one. Can that be an option?
93. Pick an emoji to be your tattoo: The devil smiling one I guess?
94. Write 3 things about yourself - only one of them must be true
1. I am in a poly relationship while I am also engaged.
2. I have a knife collection
3.I still used an mp3 instead of using my phone for music
95. Cold or hot?: ... Cold because you can get warm with blankets and sweaters while if you are hot, it’s damn impossible to not be hot.
96. Be a hero or be a villain?: Hero in my eyes, but to all of you I’m the villain for some DAMN reason.
97. Sing everything you want to say or rhyme?: Sing I guess. Imagine singing in metal. Holy SHIT
98. Shapeshifting or controlling time?: CONTROLLING TIME.
99. Be immortal or be immune to everything aside from natural death?: Immune to everything. I’m sick of being sick.
And there you have it. I’m... fuckin’ DONE. This took literal HOURS, ANON. I hope yall read through this.
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todokori-kun · 7 years
*insert bunch of emotional gifs here*
WELCOME BACK <33333333 :D *hugs*
Ok you know how bad I am with linking OTL I’m not even gonna try because I’ll probably mess it up. BUT. Queen Luna must see the glorious Saiko/Urie conent, so…I know it’s in the omakes for Volume 7 and you can totally find a link for it on reddit (the complicated way I found a translation for that omake: first search ‘Tokyo Ghoul Re omake Saiko and Urie’ on google. Click on the first result ('TG:Re volume 7 omake translations’), then go to Part 3 of the omake translations). Idk I’m so sorry OTL
Do you know. Touken had a freaking wedding ceremony this new chapter. The only good thing about that was that Touka and Kaneki’s costumes were serious eye candy, beautifully drawn (I mean, it was Shuu’s work, how could they not be beautiful) and that we got to see drunk Yomo stealing Nishiki’s glasses and calling him 'Nishi’.
(Also Kaneki is just really mean to Shuu? I mean, he never apologized for what happened with Kanae, he never talks about what happened during the Tsukiyama Family Extermination Operation arc, he smilingly told Shuu “I’m going to marry Touka’ to his face, and this chapter he’s seen sitting alone with Touka, telling her that Shu insisted on them having a wedding and planned all himself. We don’t even get a 'thank you’ from Kaneki, just Touka being all "Hey, he’s always been good at that kind of stuff.”
Like, come on. You ruined Shuu’s life, Kaneki, even if you didn’t mean to, and you never apologized. Don’t you think it’s, oh, I don’t know, a little insensitive to go talking about how happy you are in front of him and act like everything’s cool when it hasn’t even been that long since you impaled him, threw him off a roof, and indirectly killed his cousin?)
W O W that really is heaven/hell on earth.
Dolphins. Seahorses. All the activities. It sounds so fun, I’m so jealous ;-; says the person who’d curl up in a ball and die of awkward embarrassment if they ever went to a place like that
Hot Mystery Person must be very attractive if he made the Queen helpless 0.0
Ok I didn’t even notice that until you pointed it but now. Omg. I’m sorry, but this is what my brain created-
Tsukiyama: “Longing for Tatsuo, missing my wife, that’s when Kaneki Ken-kun walked into my life, he said-”
Kaneki: “I know you are a man of honor, I’m so sorry to bother you at home, but I don’t know where to go, and I came here all alone…”
Tsukiyama: “He said-”
Kaneki: “My wife’s doing me wrong, sir ;-; beating me (cue several canon flashbacks of Touka beating him up), cheating me, mistreating me, suddenly she’s up and gone- I don’t have the means to go on…”
And Naomi during Burn
“Tsukiyama Shuu, I think you’re forgetting that I’m a Chimera Ghoul…”
(Ok tbh it would be more like extreme numbness, a lot of heartbreak and secretly crying when she thinks no one’s looking, but shush, let’s pretend for the sake of comedy)
And Tatsuo crashes in like
“Heard you couldn’t keep it in your pants
PrEpAre tO dIE”
(sorry lol)
(Also: I’m planning on starting Hunter x Hunter this week or the next, just because of freaking Hisoka OTL have you ever watched/read it?)
I KNOW! I was such an idiot ;-; I think it was mostly the art style that made me think that, because tbh it looks a lot like typical Shounen art during the earlier manga chapters and in the anime (I do think it starts looking a lot better in later manga chapters though).
Ok, the thing about Mustang is that I like him and hate him at the same time. It isn’t his fault, but tumblr made me think that basically “TINY MINISKIRTS” + cool flame powers + major troll to Ed + loves Promotion almost as much as Urie= Roy Mustang, and turns out that was wrong XD I mean, all of those ARE true, but there’s a lot more to his character than that and he’s also colder than I thought he’d be (especially for a guy with fire powers lol sorry). He’s still really cool, though.
True, just from what I know about him Greedling seems to have a LOT more development than the original Greed ever had. I still like Original Greed though, mostly for his attitude and his style XD (something about his 'death’ scene and his final words to Father sort of gave me chills, in a weird way)
I expected Al & Ed to be your typical shounen protagonists but they’re a lot more complex than I thought! And way more likable. Al’s kitty obsession gives me life.
Also, Lust. Freaking Lust. I just read her death scene today and even though I’d already watched it as a clip from the anime it still gave me chills (especially since I was imagining her English VA’s voice and WOW).
And Bradley. I was sort of expecting him to either turn out to be a villain or play a really big role in the story later on, but I wasn’t quite expecting him to be Wrath…the moment it was revealed I was like “oh NO” because come on, I liked Bradley ;-; he was a cool dude.
As for Scar, idk. He’s not quite the type of character I usually 'crush’ on but he’s just… wow 0.0 I also just like his character in general, all his backstory and personality and his character arc.
(Though if I imagine meeting him irl all I can see is him giving me one look and me immediately curling up into a ball on the floor and just freezing up right there because wow, that’s scary
Scar: “…Did it die?”)
Aww, TYSM <3 It’s great to have you back! :D
Remember how I’ve talked about my art before? I mean, it’s wonky and weird and almost never colored, but I might actually be able to show some of it to you this week or the next! :D I only just figured out how to submit pictures to tumblr OTL (Yes,I have no idea how tumblr works ok) so…do you want to see it? XD
Oh, I see ^^ take your time! I’m looking forward to your reply :D
Also, FMA update:
I met Olivier. She was one of the characters I was interested in even when I only knew FMA from tumblr, and now that she’s actually appeared….I love her. She’s amazing. I’m officially over Lust (sorry bae but you’ve been dead for a while)
I also like Mustang a lot better now. He’s slowly but surely worming his way into my ‘top characters’ list (especially after I watched that one Koma Theater thing with his 'on hold’ song omg).
And hey, Ling suddenly became one of my favs. Idk how even because I was sorta indifferent to him at first but just… don’t ask LOL I’ve also met Greedling and I definitely see why he’s one of your favs :D I personally can’t quite 'crush’ on him tho because he’s two different people mashed into one body…guess that just means Queen Luna can have him all to herself ;)
Also, Kimblee/Kimbly/Kimberley/Kimberly/whatever the heck his name is supposed to be (I want to go with Kimblee or Kimberley but then I see someone else using a different version and it’s like “??? can I just call him Fedora-chan?”). This Magnificent Bastard. I hate him. I love him. Possibly one of the most interesting characters in the entire series. Boy, you got me helpless- and NOT IN A GOOD WAY *incoherent screaming*
(and my crush on Scar is still there. Yes, I’d still curl up in a ball and die if we met irl, who cares)
(Last note: Sloth. SLOTH. It’s freaking Tatsuo no one can convince me otherwise. He’s put on a weird costume to troll the FMA cast.)
And then I disappeared again for a while :PP Well, hopefully I’ll be able to answer more often now, but if I don’t, it means the internet is acting up again ;-;
They what. What?? NOW?? IN THE MIDDLE OF EVERYTHING THAT’S HAPPENING???? As you can see, I haven’t read the new chapters yet ^^;;
Wow, that really is mean from Kaneki. Damn it. I love Shuu and am still not over Kanae, because Kanae and Shuu. HNNNGH, WHY DID KANANE HAVE TO SAY GOODBYE?? Drunk Yomo does seem entertaining, tho.
Dude, a guy thought I was playing a game where I was supposed to be as silent as possible in the camp, because I literally read and slept 90% of the time.
Seriously, tho, I’m still not over the guy. Damn. BUT HEY I GOT INTO AN ANIME WHICH has a character who’s definitely more attractive ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Aaand, he is voiced by Suwabe. Yaaaas. Time to binge the 223 chapters of manga!
WELL FUCK. THE KANEKI PAMPHLET. SHIT. COME ON.  I mean, I was the one who mentioned it first, but damn. Congratulations with Tatsuo would be interesting. 
Nope, I never read/watched it, but I heard a lot of good things about the anime ^^ So, tell me about it when you’re done (or when you get a feel of it).
Art improvement is my favourite thing to see in manga. My favourite mangas for that are probably Fairy Tail, Akatsuki no Yona and Black Butler, since the art progression is very visible and damn it, I love seeing people improve.
Mustang is my ultimate favourite in FMA. Cause MUSTANG.  Ahem.
*slams the phone down* Fun fact: this was written from memory. I actually know the whole song. Help.
Also, Olivier. 
Those two are just... Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
I think you’ll like seeing Scar more in the future, since he gets even more development. Cause he gets a lot of it. Everyone does, though.
I think Scar would be fascinated with you. Like, ‘this smol thing. I want to protect it. What is this feeling’
AAAA! I hope you submit your art soon! I really want to see it!!
Olivier is bae. She can step on my face and I won’t complain.
Ayyy I get 2 guys at the same time. Greedling is second to Mustang. Cause damn??? Especially when Greed is in control?? Damn. 
Kimblee, says the wiki, is my nightmare. I never really liked him, honestly. Cause  shit, the guy blows stuff up for fun. He is definitely interesting, but I’d be scared to be in a 5km radius of him. He’d blow me up. One sarcastic remark, and I’d probably be dust. Yay.
Ahahah Tatsuo Sloth. Wow. 
Sloth scares me, to be honest.  A lot of fma characters scare me, it appears. 
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