#also no worries! no asks are ever a bother i love reciving asks
featheredcritter · 2 years
https://lesbophobe.tumblr.com/post/683332679821819905 hope this isnt a bother but this reminded me of that one "mcu fans when gordon doesnt say well that judt happened after the resonance cascade" post you made LMAO
literally ^_^
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yami-writes · 4 years
MHA boys with tiktok accounts
(🏷️) paring(s): Midoriya x reader, Kaminari x reader, Todoroki x reader (🔮) summary: Midoriya, Kaminari, and todoroki with Tiktok accounts (hcs) (⚠️) warning(s): just crack n fluff here (💌) note from Yami: inspired by a request I got the other day (check it out here) (hey yall, made this at 3am dont mind me. jus vibin)
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i think he would enjoy tiktok
you introduced him to it
and he thought it was cool so he decided to stay for the ride
His fyp is filled to the brim with all might.
Just all might.
Occasionally some other heroes
But mainly all might ✋
He WANTS to only follow you
But he's a pushover and too nice for his own good and ended up following everyone in class
Poor bby
If he ever does decide to post, it will have something to do with heroes
Probably just recording all of his all might merch
And occasional small vlogs of what it's like at ua
Or in the dorms
And there pretty fun to watch and get a lot of love
And of course people will demand more
And, like I said, he physically can't say no
So he does more
which never fail to get under 1.5mil veiws
he’s well known in the tiktok community~~
no exceptions.
A small dance video??
"angel, your so good at dancing!!! Plz teach me someday!! I wanna be in one of your tiktoks!! :)"
or perhaps some sort of aesthetic video
“wow! this tiktok is so pretty! just like you, angel <3(a tiktok could never compare to you)″
ahhhhhhhhhh IZUUU
you always screenshot the comment and send it to him with your response
and u could see him blushing behind the screen
if u do decide to allow him to dance in one of your tiktoks, hes so happy
like, incredibly happy
as if All Might himself walked into the room
his face will light up like a PUPPY
ok i’ll stop.
after mina’s many lessons she was able to teach him to dance pretty well
now all you had to do was teach him the dance 
and it turned out really good
ill leave the dance and the overall quality of said tiktok up to u 😌
use ur imaginations loves~~
but regardless~
the tiktok yall made 
blew. tf. up.
the comments were full of
probably the most popular video you have tbh~
and you bet ur ass when midoriya found out he was gonna do another one
you swear his smile could make a bitch go blind~
Follower count: 5.3mil & counting
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i know for a FACT this bitch has tiktok
i also know he is a tiktok MASTER
he knows all the trends
and the memes
and is also quite well known
his fyp definitely has A LOT of memes
and trendy stuff
and he only posts trendy stuff
the includes dances, challenges, pranks..... PRANKS.
a lot of pranks from this man....
and you, dear, are one of his main victims
along with the rest of the bakusquad
and its annoying asf bc this idiot is wasting his damn brain space that he apparently has??? to plan out a PERFECT prank
and it works EVER. SINGLE. TIME.
there is no escaping him,
and its even worst bc these pranks of his are his most popular posts
by this point there is no stoppping him.
and dont even bother trying to get him back
he can literally sense a prank
like a second quirk or sumn-
rip 💀
he will SPAMM your comments
“dat ass tho 👀👀”
“u really went: 🍰🍰“
“just suffocate me with your thighs already, boo!! 😭🥺”
you cant even be bothered to reply to any of his thirsty comments
which are always the first ones you recive...
and are always top comments
now,lemme get this straight.
he will BEG
like- on his hands and knees beg
the be in one of ur tiktoks
specifically, a dance
even more specifically, a dance thats more on the~~ scandalous side
you know what i mean sis
rolls, hair whips, throwin it back, all the shit
hell- you have NO idea how much he would love to just be in the presence of you throwin him back sum ass 
once you finally give in and do a tiktok with him
and he wants to pick the dance
yall prob did a doja cat song cant lie lmafo
“Candy” perhaps??
anyways, he’ll probably mess up on purpose just so u can throw it to em again
but once he’s had enough he’ll do it properly
after about 12 attempts that is-
but dont worry cause that video got LOVE
and you know denki is gonna see this
you also know he, along with ur comments, also want more
good luck, dear...
follower count: 8.1mil & counting
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you showed him tiktok
and he watched you in your dorm making some
and he wanted to try so you helped him make an acc
ofc the first thing he does is follow you and watch some all of ur videos
every single one, sis.
i think his fyp would be full of cooking tutorials
specifically, soba
he tries, he really does.
he still cont cook with out burning something, but there IS improvment
and he would post the most random shit
literally anything
a small bug he saw on his way to school?
filmed and posted.
and that shit gets VIEWS
how you ask??
good question dearie
lets just say Mr. Shouto Todoroki is HOT
in all aspects, no exeptions
people can and will watch his tiktoks just to see him
and better bet ur ass his comments are full of thirsty girls
but thats offtopic.
he also has small videos he recored of you
whether it was you singing or dancing
doing you makeup brushing your hair
dosent matter.
he’ll have a BUNCH in his drafts he likes to scroll through daily
he never told anyone, not even you
he dosent comment on all ur posts but he does comment on some of them
only some
specifically, the ones he likes
i mean~ he likes all of them, but if he favors a specific one over the rest, he’ll let you know
“wow, y/n. i like this video more than your others. i guess thats why im commenting. anyways, i love the tiktok, but i love you more.”
he sooooo dryyyyyy
like put a heart at least man
he usually lurks in the comments, making sure everyone is staying their place
like a security guard lmao
he’ll privately message you his thoughts on your tiktok
it’ll be a long message with a mix of compliments but also questions
“i liked the song, but whats the song called? 
“how did you make that? I really liked it though.”
dry, but pure.
i dont think he would have much interest in  being in one of your tiktoks
if you want him in one of your tiktoks
he’ll offer to stand in the background.....
then you explain to him you want him to /participate/ in the tiktok
if you want him to do a dance with you
this man is STIFF
every move you teach him is another jab at your soul
if you gather up the courage to allow him to be in the tiktok
he’ll just-
as in, walk out of the room leave
he’ll come back later and act as if nothing happened
and if u question him
“i lost interest.” 
yea, like a fucking child
the damn tiktok barley even started-
follower count: 10.9mil & counting
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Love and Care
Fandom: Pokemon
Characters: Leon, Raihan
A/N: This is an AU leading up to my pokemon story, just a heads up. After loosing the title of champion, Leon takes up a new position as chairman. Raihan is still a gym leader.
Description: After loosing his position as champion and becoming the chairman, Leon has been working himself into the ground. It's starting to worry his loved ones who only want to see him healthy.
Leon sighed as he felt a familiar presence enter the room. "What do you need Rai? I'm in the middle of something important." The chairman looked over the paper he'd just been studying before marking off where he left off.
"Well that's some way to greet your loving, handsome, amazing husband," the other teased as he walked around the desk to pull the shorted into a small, awkward hug; and kiss the purple fluff. 
"It is when I'm busy. What brings you by," Leon asked, sounding somewhat exhausted. He didnt move away when the other stood up straight; leaning more in Raihan's side. "Break."Leon nodded before sitting up. Break huh? Sounded nice but he was pretty busy. Ontop of his normal duties his brother was stopping by with new research soon. 
"Maybe you could feed Charizard for me then?" Said Charizard was curled up in the sun that shown through the window. It was rather big to just have in the office, but the aging babe didn't mind. It was almost the only time it got alone, or at all, with Leon anymore. 
Raihan blinked before sighing. "Yeah," he said before starting over towards the familiar pokemon. "Hey bud, you up?" Charizard slowly opened an eye, being fully awake since the loud one entered the room. As the taller went to feed the former Champion's prized not so small smol, Leon looked over his work again.
The budgeting was something for someone else to worry about but he didn't want to bother them with fees and charges that could be totally unessicary; but he also had other things to be looking at right now. 
He could have hired someone else for this, but this was his job. He wasn't just going to sit around all day like the last chairman and leave most of this to an assistant. Perfect teeth started to gently gnaw on the end of a pen as the purple haired male thought out his priorities.
"Okay, Charizard's been fed. Your turn." The words didn't register to the smaller as he was in deep thought. Raihan sighed before reaching over the desk and gently lifting the other's head. "Leon." Golden eyes were a bit wide as reality came in once more. 
He looked adoreable! Man, Raihan wished he could just keep the other home for a day and cuddle him. Gently removing the pen from his husband's mouth, he set it on the desk. "How about something actually edible. My treat." 
Leon paused. It would be a nice break, and get him some fresh air. But.... could he really afford the break? There wasn't too much on his desk but he wanted everything done.... now. Eventually, the former champion shook his head. "I'm alright."
Raihan's face fell slightly, looking a bit shocked from the rejection. He turned to Charizard who merely huffed out a sigh and curled up once more. Leon hadn't spent much time with it lately, being too consumed in work.
Frankly, Raihan knew how it felt. Yes, a pokemon's bond with it's trainer is probably stronger than that of someone in a romantic relationship with it's trainer but still; despite his own pokemon, Raihan was rather lonely. 
"Lee, you need a break." Leon hummed as a reply, blantently ignoring his husband. "Yep," followed after, queuing that he wasn't listening. The dragon tamer huffed a bit before moving around the back of the desk; parting the ever growing purple, thick jungle. 
Leon shivered gently from pleasure from the hair play, trying to stay focused on his work despite the nice feeling. Raihan smiled softly, deciding to hold back on a massage for now. 
Surprisingly gentle fingers combed and parted through the hair, earning more shudders and small sighs as he went. These were pleasant, small rewards that would hopefully lead to the biggest of all; a relaxed Leon. 
"Raihan, come on," Leon sighed. He was getting distracted from the feeling and loosing track of his work. "Alright, alright. How about this?" Loving hands took to familiar shoulders, thumbs behind the base of the neck. 
Leon gasped before melting gently at the touch, eyes closing as his back straightened. He'd been so tense for such a long time. "Ah, R...Rai, can't work.... like this." Charizard glanced over from the gasp that had left it's trainer, now just watching in curiosity. 
It had seen all these actions before between the two, and had felt some as well. Raihan had given the flying and fire type massages since it was a Charmander, just to help it grow big and strong. Or at least, that's what Leon had said.
But Leon was strong, was Raihan trying to make him grow bigger? The big bab couldn't quite understand. "Babe your stiff as hell. How can you work like this?" Leon moaned softly again as his husband started to move down to his shoulder blades.
"Rai," he huffed. He had things to do! "Work through it. Come on former champion, you can do it." Raihan didn't bother to sound teasing. He was invested and getting all the knots and tension out of the other. 
Leon mentally sighed before grabbing the paper he was working with and looking it over as his husband continued to form and squeeze at his torso. It took forever, but he finally managed to complete the one page. 
Setting it down, he went to reach for the next before being stopped. "Mind sitting on the desk?" Leon paused before looking at him in confusion. "What for?" Raihan pointed to his legs. "Massage." He was sweet, but Leon shook his head. "Go get lunch Rai. I have to do this." 
He didn't bother waiting for a reaction, he simply continued his work. Raihan sighed before walking around the desk like a energized kid and just piling the done and not done bins neater. He organized the few books Leon had to look over before looking back to Leon. 
"All right," he said finally giving in. "I get lunch, bring it back here. You have some nice bonding time with your husband and Charizard, and then I'll let you work in peace.... until dinner. Then I'm forcing you home this time." Leon chuckled, glancing up from his work again. 
Such a workaholic. Sure, Raihan should have seen that before; but most trainers were workaholics in a way. But Leon didn't drop that determination for success when he lost his title and started a more stable job.
Sure, as The Champion, he recived quite the income; but most was for sponsorships. This was a steady income and though it wasn't as much as he used to get.... it was steady. He enjoyed what he was doing and there was no tearing him from it; though Raihan would love to.
"We'll see," he hummed before looking back to his work. Charizard slowly got up before walking over to him for some love. Leon gently pet the scaly head, still not looking away from his work. Riahan sighed, this was going to call for desperate measures.
Entering the office once more, Raihan was practically shinning from how big his smile was. But.... maybe it was more of an evil grin. He held two paper bags in his arms, one containing lunch, and the other a few toys.
Most were for pokemon, yes, but others he had different intentions for. "Rai," Leon huffed upon seeing the two, large bags. "Thought you said you were getting lunch." The dragon tamer placed a bag infront of his husband.
"Your sandwhich and sides my love. As for you Charizard." He reached in the food bag and pulled out a few treats. Raihan had fallen into a habit of spoiling their pokemon rotten. Granted, he'd always spoiled them but it was just getting worse as they aged; and they weren't even in their mid twenties just yet.
Leon sighed but said nothing as his first pokemon took the offerings and went back to it's sunny floor spot. "What's in the other bag, dare I ask." Rajhan smirked before kissing his husband softly on the forehead and moving the bag aside.
"Toys for the pokemon." Leon huffed before shaking his head. "Rai they have seperate chests of toys for themselves that are all overflowing." The other shrugged. "And? They deserve it. Look how long they've been battling at our sides. We can't give them a vacation so giving then distractions is good."
Leon couldn't fully argue with that. He finished the last form on his desk before looking at the books and sighing. Could start now or eat first. The choice was made for him as the dragon tamer started placing his lunch infront of him.
He even put the straw in Leon's drink for him. The purple haired male laughed a bit before just smiling. He looked so exhausted. "Thanks, I appreciate it." Pulling up a chair beside the other, Raihan nodded. "Have to make sure you eat. Could get lost looking for the food place."
Leon rolled his eyes before gently pinching the other's side, earning a small squeak. "Hey! Is that how you thank your loving husband after he got you food. Huh?" Leon quickly fell into a small fit of giggles as fingers gently tickled his closer side. 
"Hehehehe! Yhehehes!" He moved away from the other, rubbing the already forming tears from his eyes. That right there really showed how exhausted he was. Raihan let him eat in peace, quietly just eatting beside him. 
When they finished, Leon looked just about ready to fall asleep. "If you want, I can see what I can do here and you can go rest on your couch," the taller offered softly as he started to collect the garbage. Leon shook his head. There wasn't much for the other to do, that he could be able to do.
"I'm alright. Besides, Hop is coming in soon with work I have to be a part of." "So isn't that more inventive to nap?" Maybe it was. "Rai.... I have too much to do to nap." The other made a face before gently lifting his husband off the wheeled chair. 
"Yeah well, your also to busy to get enough sleep at night so, suffer." He gently laid Leon down on the small, office couch. Ignoring the protests and glares, the taller gently took both feet into his lap.
Purple brows furrowed in confusion before the leather, business man shoes came off; followed by socks. Leon blushed a bit, this wasn't the place for a massage. But lucky for him, Raihan wasn't fully planning on giving him a massage.
A single finger gently traced up the chairman's foot. Toes curled, a small smile formed on Leon's face. "R-Rhai," Leon giggled, "Not here." Raihan shrugged before sighing. "Should have thought about that before you let work start to affect your health." 
Another finger, and a little scratching. Leon snorted, gently scooting down the couch arm more. Half lidded eyes watched the other tiredly and adoreably. "Mmmm," the shorter was trying not to laugh; almost making a game out of it. 
"Something wrong," Raihan teased with the stupid smirk that made Leon want to melt. "Love, you look so relaxed. Why not just rest your eyes for a while?" And give him that satisfaction? Phat chanse. 
Leon started to play with his husband, making this almost a competition. He wiggled his feet around, trying to make them harder to catch and tickle. This wasn't exactly working considering both ankles were in a head lock, but it was worth a shot. 
"Coochie, coochie, coo~!" Two could play at that game. Raihan started to add a bit more pressure to his touches, earning laughter once more from the shorter. "Chehehater," Leon giggled as he continued to wiggle his feet in defense. 
"You know, I'd say this move is pretty effective on you Mr. Chariman." Ugh, the full dork was coming out now; and Leon would be lying if he said he wasn't a sucker for it. "I wonder what types of pokemon know this move? Maybe they can come to work with you and Charizard to remind you, your human. Humans need rest."
The dorkiness lost a bit of charm from the jab, but Leon knew his lover meant well. He really hadn't been taking care of himself and it was scaring those around him. He'd fallen asleep in the tub, on the train, in the taxi bird carrier; he was more depressed, less talkative, and loosing weight fast. Raihan was feeling his sides up, knowing fully about the weightloss, and earning squeaker giggles and small slaps on the hand.
"Shahahaoot this thahahickles..... mmmmmm- hahahahaha! Rai!" He drew out the name as he wiggled around weakly. "Come on Lee. I know your getting sleepy." Maybe he should seriously consider looking into a pokemon to help Leon out.
He was joking before, but the guy might need a Hypno to to aid with sleep. "Ah! Hahahaha! Eek!" The laughter suddenly increased, throwing Raihan off gaurd. Looking around, he noticed Charizard was tickling Leon too now. He smiled a little at the depressed lizard, who frankly just wanted his trainer back.
"Chahahar! R-Rhahai!" Leon was hardly awake at this point. He was so sleepy and the tickling was making him more tired yet awake. Maybe a small break was in order until later?
But the way Charizard was going after Leon's feet, maybe not. "Nhahahahah! Yhahahaour claws!" Leon was loosing it under the touch of his best pokemon friend. Those claws were so evil yet skilled in the art of ticking. Leon wished Raihan and Sonia had never shown that little Charmander how to tickle him when they were kids. But it would have learned from Leon tickling it eventually anyway.
"Noooo! Ah, nhahaot the toes! Bhahaud please?!" Raihan had stepped aside, letting the not dragon type dragon take over. He gently held his husband instead, luring him even more to sleep.
The claw touches genuinely became lighter, Charizard not wanting to fully let out it's feelings on it's trainer from lack of attention but just enough to get the point across. Whether the message was recived or not it may not find out until much later as quickly, Leon was asleep; curled into Raihan's side.
The dragon tamer sighed before looking up at the good bab and smiling. "I was gonna use some feather toys I got on him but since you did such a good job at putting him out.... wanna play?" Charizard blinked a bit before sitting in the sun again, just waiting.
Raihan chuckled before grabbing the toy meant for smaller pokemon. Even though so much had changed and so much was a struggle.... he loved how life was turning out. Even if that meant nearly getting burned or scratched by a Charizard who was trying to get a feather.
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datesfordummies · 8 years
Just because 1-65 you don't need to do them all if you don't want to
challenge accepted.
but just remember, you asked for it.
1: Do you have a crush at the moment?
yeahhhh #mountainman
2: Have you ever been deeply in love?
not romantically but i do have a crazy deep amount of love for my friends and dog. does that count?
3: Longest relationship you’ve ever been in?
3 months
4: Have you ever changed for someone?
I think I’ve gone along with things that I wasn’t totally a fan of for someone. Also, I’ve tried new things to impress someone else but lucky me I ended up liking those new things a lot
5: How is your relationship with your ex?
My last actually ex, we don’t talk. My most recent thing tho was a summer fling and we’re still friends!
6: Have you ever been cheated on?
not that I know of…
7: Have you ever cheated?
8: Would you date someone who’s well known for cheating?
probably not. like i’d have to really really really like them and know that they really really really liked me
9: What’s the most important part of a relationship?
being happy with each other
10: Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings?
serious relationships. flings are just consolation prizes when college and summer camps and other such things limit the time together.
11: When you are dating someone do you believe in going on “breaks”?
not really. unless maybe i would get it for like temporary long distance, ya know? like when we are in college we date, when we go home for holidays we go on a break. but idk, i’d have to trust them.
12: How many people have you ever hooked up with?
just 1 :)
13: What’s one thing you regret saying/doing in a previous relationship?
my first boyfriend i know nothing about. all we did was makeout and he was very pro-pda and i was not but i was not yet pro-speaking up for myself sooo i kinda got a reputation from that relationship that followed me all the way thru high school
14: What age do you think is appropriate for kids to start having sex?
i don’t know that there’s an age. like teens at least. but, when you are mature enough to talk about it with the actual sex words like penis and vagina without getting squeemish then you’re ready
15: Do you believe in the phrase “age is just a number”?
yeahhh #mountainman #14years…oops
16: Do you believe in “love at first sight”?
nahhh, but lust yes
17: Do you believe it’s possible to fall in love on the internet?
yeah! love is 1. a choice 2. an emotions thing and emotions can be conveyed thru the internet (also god bless skype y’all)18: What do you consider a deal breaker?
mean to strangers and like employees/ wait staff. like just don’t be an asshole.
19: How do you know it’s time to end a relationship?
i don’t have a set rule…i can just kinda sense a shift in the energy between us. is that too hippy-dippy bullshit of an answer??
20: Are you currently in a relationship?
nahhh #lookinatyamountainman
21: Do you think people who have dated can stay friends?
of course! i don’t see why not, given it was a mutual split. after sometime, come back and be buddies!
22: Do you think people should date their friends?
if they like their friends then yeahhh
23: How many relationships have you had?
really real relationships? 1
24: Do you think love can last forever?
since i strongly believe we choose to love people then yes, if you care enough to stick it out
25: Do you believe love can conquer all things?
i don’t see why not?
26: Would you break up with someone your parents didn’t approve of?
27: If you could go back in time and give yourself one piece of advice about dating what would it be?
communicate ya feelins!!!!28: Do you think long distance relationships can work?
yeahhh, it takes work but if they’re worth it then yeahhhhhhhh
29: What do you notice first about another person?
hair usually
30: Are you straight, bi, gay or pansexual?
31: Would it bother you if your partner suffered from any mental illness?
32: Have you ever been in an abusive relationship?
not romantically?
33: Do you want to get married one day?
it’s not a goal of mine. like i’m happy if i never do. i’m happy if i love someone enough and it feels right and i do.
34: What do you think about getting your partner’s name tattooed?
noooo don’t do itttt like love can last forever, but it could end in an unforseen break up sooo yeahhh nahhhh
tips from mountain man: only get name tattoos of your own kids or dead relatives.
35: Could you be in a relationship without sex?
yeahhh my sex drive is low af actually
36: Are you still a virgin?
depends on your definiton of sex. like i say i’m not bc i’ve recived oral but i’ve never even touched another person’s genitalia actually ((is this oversharing??))
37: What’s more important: Looks or personality?
personality!! i feel people start to look like how they act the more you get to know them
38: Do you enjoy love films?
yessss. my favorite is An American in Paris
39: Have you ever given anyone/received roses?
i got a rose today from my friend! and sometimes i get them after plays that i’m in from my wonderful fam and buddies. and i have also given them to my buddies. never romantically tho.
40: Have you ever had a valentine?
41: What’s your imagination of a “perfect date”?
we take our dogs to the dog park (bc they’d have a dog let’s be real) then get tacos and smoothies and sit somewhere to watch the sunset
42: Have you ever read “Romeo & Juliet”?
yeahhhh #hamletisbetter43: What’s more important: Your partner or your friends?
friends are ride or die so…yeahhhh
44: Would you consider yourself “romantic”?
i can be. i mean, you’ve all seen my blog sooo
45: Could you imagine to date one of your current friends?
my close friends no but like one of my side friends maybeee, i had a fling with one of them so yeahhh i would date him.
46: Have you ever been “friendzoned”?
yeahhh but he’s like my dad now
just to clarify: not my actual dad. he’s just the dad of our friend group so we call him that.
47: Which “famous couple” is your favorite?
if the obamas don’t count then i’m not participating.
48: What’s your favorite love song?
That’s All by Nat King Cole i think
49: Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
yeahhhh i still feel guilty to this day
50: If you’re single, why do you think you are?
i keep comparing everyone i meet to a wonderful man who probably sees me as like a child #mountainadult
51: Would you rather date someone who’s rich but a douchebag or someone who’s poor but a nice guy?
poor and a nice guy
52: Are you good at giving other people advices regarding dating/ relationships?
nahhh the absolute worst, right guys???
53: Are you jealous of couples when you’re single?
only when they’re like super duper cute like my friend’s bf just posted this really great pic of her on insta and said ‘just an appreciation post bc i’ve never been so happy’ and like when will i ever??
54: How important is it to make a relationship official (p.e. on facebook)?
not that important. like make it official in ur hearts don’t worry about fb.
55: Would you consider yourself “clingy”, “overly attached” or “jealous”?
i don’t think so?
56: Have you ever “destroyed” a relationship?
57: Do you think it’s silly to consider suicide because of a broken heart?
i won’t say silly but also don’t do it because i love you and that’s just one of sooooo many eligible people who would love ya wayyy better
58: Are you the “dominant” or the “submissive” part in a relationship?
i like balance but i’m probably more sub by nature like i’m super passive and like follow other’s flow
59: Have you ever forgotten important dates like your partner’s birthday or your anniversary?
i ALMOST forgot a birthday and ended up making brownies at like 3am the night before
60: What’s your opinion on open relationships?
not for me but if it’s your thang and your partner is down then go for it!
61: Who’s more important: Your partner or your family?
welll family is the og ride or die
62: How do you define “cheating”?
physically being/ go on a date with or attempting to be with another person when you are committed to someone else
63: Is watching porn while being in a relationship inappropriate?
64: Do you think Valentine’s Day is overrated?
nahhh, i’ve made it my self love day (although that’s kinda everyday for me)
65: Would you consider yourself a “cuddler”?
i used to hate it but it’s actually my job now like i go to people’s homes and cuddle with them as a form of therapy so yeahhh
thanks for asking and ya the real mvp if you read all of those!
anyone who wants to answer all or some do it! and tag me so i can know all of your secrets!
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