#also nb bobby is like.... in all my fics now
4ragon · 2 years
klavier or blackquill (or both!) :]
Yeah I can do both!
Klavier first
Sexuality Headcanon: Klavier to me is Pansexual and very open about that fact. Gender Headcanon: This is another one that I don't really have a strong headcanon. I do really like NB Klavier a lot, or Klavier really only just starting to take time to explore his relationship with gender. But really, I'm fine with any headcanons. A ship I have with said character: *cough cough* klapollo *cough* A BROTP I have with said character: I want Klavier and Blackquill to be best friends, but the kind of best friends where Blackquill just refuses to acknowledge it. I also want Klavier and Trucy to bond over their love of performing. Please, Capcom, just let Klavier out of the basement. Let him make friends. A NOTP I have with said character: Same as Apollo, I'm not crazy about any ship that separates Klapollo. My brain just does not do multishipping well. A random headcanon: Klavier and Sebastian Debeste did NOT get along when they were in Themis together. Klavier was always coming in second place to Sebastian and he couldn't stand it. And when I finally write the "Klavier and Sebastian have to work together on a case and work out their differences" fic you'll all be sorry. General Opinion over said character: He's so fun, but he's so hard to write for. You have to strike this interesting balance between façade and honesty, and you also have to give him the right amount of edge? Which I feel like gets lost in translation a lot. He can be REALLY mean when he wants to.
And now Blackquill!
Sexuality Headcanon: I don't know why I'm struggling so hard to answer this one. Either gay or bi-but-leans-toward-men. I feel like he really didn't get a lot of time to explore his sexuality before prison. Gender Headcanon: Once again, no strong feelings on gender. Cis, trans, all of them are fun to explore. A ship I have with said character: It's not so much a ship, but I do find his relationship with Bobby and/or the Phantom to be really interesting, in a fucked up kind of way. Like, what was real, what was manipulation, how does Simon feel about everything in the aftermath. (Blackmadhi is also fun tho) A BROTP I have with said character: I already talked about him being friends with Klavier, but I also want him to have this weird "I hate you but we are still weirdly ride-or-die for each other" relationship with Apollo. I don't know why. I just think it'd be fun. A NOTP I have with said character: Him being shipped with Athena makes me uncomfortable. A random headcanon: Taka decided a long time ago that it was his job to make sure Simon is taking care of himself. This often means delivering "meals" to Simon. Somehow, this is one of the only things that makes Simon remember to eat meals half the time. General Opinion over said character: I'm so glad I turned my opinion around on Simon, he's so much fun.
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queenmolina · 3 years
babe i literally cannot express how much i love them and how much they love each other oh my god
prompts: touching foreheads and putting a hand over the others mouth to shut them up
word count: 669
“What the fuck is going on in here?” Bobby says, bursting unceremoniously into the studio, smile audible in their words despite their unvarying tone. “Alex is hiding out in my kitchen to avoid whatever the hell you two are doing.”
Reggie splutters a laugh and Luke grimaces, wiping his cheek in disgust.
They must look a sight, the two of them just sat on the floor with their foreheads pressed together, staring unwaveringly into each other’s eyes. (Luke had very pretty eyes. Reggie can’t even begin to explain the exact browns and blues that decorate his boyfriends’ irises. All he can say for sure is that they’re very pretty. Too pretty. It’s not fair.)
“We’re practicing our mind reading skills.” Luke didn’t even hesitate before lying. It was so typical of them that Bobby seemed to find it plausible. Reggie had to give them credit for knowing their boyfriends so well.
Bobby takes a seat on the couch and Reggie knocks his head against their knees. “I’m not surprised.” They start, carding their fingers through Luke’s mess of hair. “Did you manage any telepathy yet or are you just glaring?”
“No, it works!” Reggie beams childishly and tugs on Luke’s hand to pull him close again. “Look, I’ll read Luke’s mind right now, this is what he’s thinking…”
In true showmanship style, Reggie makes a fuss of prepping himself, pushing back the loose hairs that fall in his face so that they’re not in the way and shaking out the muscles in his hands before bracing them on Luke’s knees.
“Hmm... Interesting.” He commentates, lowering his voice for comedic effect. Bobby hums in mock-amusement. “Yes, it seems Luke here is thinking about how much he loves you.”
In an instant, Luke has his hand pressed tightly over Reggie’s lips, muffling anything else he tries to say. Reggie’s eyes widen and try to express whatever it is he’s trying to say beneath Luke’s palm, but no one is really trying to understand.
Bobby would be entertained by Reggie’s struggle. Really, they would, except Luke has turned a vibrant shade of pink and it’s such a rare occurrence for Luke to be embarrassed like this that Bobby would hate for there to be a missed opportunity.
“That’s new.” They deadpan, a sinister smirk tugging at one side of their mouth. “Who woulda thought that Lark loved me, of all people.”
Trying to act impassive, Luke shrugs. “Yeah, who would’ve thought. Even after all the times you’ve called me annoying. Seems a little unfair that this affection is one-sided.”
Luke does a good job at playing it cool but the flush at the tops of his ears is enough of a giveaway that he’s still embarrassed. For someone who breathes poeticism into his lyrics on the daily, Luke isn’t the most outwardly romantic. Affectionate, sure, almost overbearingly so sometimes. But not necessarily romantic.
Reggie is still scrambling between the two of them and Luke repositions his hand, pulling a face of disgust when Reggie licks it.
“Not sure we’re the right people to be talking about ‘one-sided affection’.” Bobby scoffs and raises an eyebrow at Reggie’s pleading eyes. “Not gonna work, Wren, I live with this lump, I’m immune to puppy eyes.”
They stare at one another for a while longer before Bobby lets up. “Fine, Luke, let him go.”
Although reluctant, Luke sighs and moves to wipe his palm on Bobby’s jacket, muttering something about a gift. Reggie jumps up onto the couch and presses a kiss to Bobby’s shoulder in thanks.
“Now, what were you actually doing on the floor? Because that telepathy story is bull.”
“Ha!” Reggie laughed. “I knew they’d see through it. We were just looking at each other’s eyes but Luke didn’t say that because he doesn’t want you to think he’s sentimental!”
Bobby tugs gently on Luke’s beanie to get him to tip his head back and in return, they press a kiss to his hairline. “Luke? Sentimental? Now, where would anyone get that idea…”
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mimsyaf · 3 years
Our CK fandom, season 4, and love
At some point I’ll collect my thoughts enough to write about Season 4 more thoroughly. I haven’t even watched it all yet, am up to episode 7. To me Season 4 feels slight, and off-kilter, and slapdash, and loving, with some great moments, and some really bafflingly wrongheaded choices.
It doesn’t feel wrongheaded in a slick, soulless Marvel way, it actually feels deeply personal to the 3 main writers. I just happen to disagree with them about some… stuff. Daniel. Most of Daniel’s arc. And other stuff too. And also they tried to cram waaaay much too much in. Someone wrote that it feels hollow, and I agree.
Then there are some wondrous surprises, like just how great Terry Silver is in every moment, Tory’s storyline so far, and the fact that I have come to be very interested in Robby as a character, and care about him deeply.
But I’m not really writing about Season 4 here. I do have major problems with it (that will be very fun to write about! both critically and in terms of fic-it fics!) but I also feel the love the writers have for the characters (even if I really disagree with them on characterization!) and for the fandom, including the queer parts of fandom. It means a lot to me, that affection, those nods to us. YMMV and that’s totally fine.
The main thing I wanted to write about was YOU. My beloved fandom. Our little corner of fandom, the one that treats even KK3 as a sacred text, mines it for nuance and meaning!! This Tumblr Speakers Corner where we get on soapboxes and yell about toxic versus restorative masculinity (and occasionally Ralph Macchio’s delicate wrists and Billy Zabka’s amazing CENSORED).
I don’t need Season 4 to be that good. Because I know YOU will spin old straw into gold for me. You’ll pull out nuanced moments in beautifully colored gifsets. You’ll write fic or meta that will have me staring at my phone with my mouth open, tears springing up in my eyes, awestruck. Or giggling wildly to myself. You’ll draw the artwork that will set me to dreaming.
In season 4 they wrote a scene for Laura Lawrence that was so generic, unexamined, and shallow that I wanted to yell at my tv. Meanwhile, YOU’VE given me words about Laura that have changed forever how I view motherhood. One of you wrote words for Laura to say to Johnny upon him coming out to her that went far towards healing my mother’s rejection of my queerness. Your fic did that.
Everything about Sid has always struck me as either a misguided inside joke or inwardly directed antisemitism. And then one of you wrote an exploration of him as a character, his Jewishness, his relationship to Johnny, the country club, LA society, that was more thoughtful and thought-provoking and surprising and moving than most short stories I’ve read in the New Yorker.
Through this slog of year 2 of the pandemic, you’ve spun the most incredible castles in the air, made me think about girlhood, about queerness, about being trans or NB, bodies in sports, bodies in violence, fathers- teachers- wounds-, MEN (sooooo much about men), love between men (all kinds of love between men), martial arts, kink as a way of processing trauma, kink as an awesome fun thing to do, cars, the US’s shameful history of imperialism and oppression of Asian populations at home and abroad, Coor’s Banquet, soldiers, road trips, class in America (where we pretend it doesn’t exist), how Bobby Brown Can Get It, terminal illness, cultural appropriation, chokeholds, neurodiversity, ghosts, Elderly Homicidal Veterans Should Kiss, binary brothers, OG Cobras, stigmas around homelessness, and expired orange juice.
You took some mostly good, somewhat flawed. source material, and you’ve transformed it into a dreamscape. And I love you for it. My eyes are closing on their own right now, so I don’t have time to say that you for sharing this ride on the CK rollercoaster.
Man I hope this makes any sense at all.
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mmazzeroo · 6 years
Jonerys Advent Calendar 2018
Dear Val! I’m so excited (and nervous) and honoured to be your Jonerys Secret Santa!
Just a real quick shoutout to Val’s story ‘I Chose You’ - go read it if you haven’t already! *hearteyes*
Never done anything like this before, but got this crazy idea in my head and just couldn’t get it out. So I thought why the heck not?! Why advent calendar you ask. Because they are a vital piece of Christmas celebrations in my part of the world, and as a child I loved them so hoped you might too. Beginning your day with a small piece of chocolate what’s not to like, right? (I still do sometimes even when it isn’t Christmas, please don’t tell my mom). There are advent tv-series where children (usually) somehow end up saving Santa or Christmas or both. So I thought I’d try to transfer the concept into writing by giving you a little drabble-ish sized bite each day from Dec. 1st to 25th.
Fair warning: Virgin fanfic writer (written non-fic pieces though). Un-beta’ed, so apologies for that. English isn’t my native tongue. Any and all grammatical and spelling errors, plot-holes and messed up timelines are entirely mine, and I own them proudly. Since this is based on fiction I’m not trying to make it realistic, just plausible enough to be believable. Totally ball-parking everyone’s ages! Also, because it’s Christmas time I’ve tried to keep the story light and cheery despite the underlying current of heartbreak. (Did I give too much away now?)
Hope you’ll enjoy the story - and the ride! Can be read here below or on AO3.
NB: All rights belong to George RR Martin and HBO. Also, all lines and quotes from various movies, tv series and songs belong to their respective writers / producers / owners. I own none of the content.
ARYA I - What A Shit day!
"Sir! Sir! You need to lay still! We're here to help you, ok?"
She was looking into steel grey eyes as wide as saucers. Like a deer caught in the headlights. Wide with fear and pain. Always the same mix only the degree of either varied. The grey eyed man unfortunately seemed to learn towards fear. Damn it! Fear only made her job more complicated. Fear was only a few steps away from panic and panic was lethal. Panic shut down the brain and prevented her from reaching or reasoning with the patients.
"My wife!" He grabbed her collar and pulled her closer to his face. "Save my wife! She's 8 months pregnant! Please!!" His voice broke at the last word and he loosened his grip on her jacket. Yup, definitely need to calm him down. Shit! She took a quick look towards the tree-line feeling like she was being watched.
"Sir, your wife is being tended to as we speak, ok? She's in good hands. Now can you please tell me your names?"
His lips moved but she couldn't hear a thing over the helicopter taking off just then. Brilliant! Thanks Rakharo! She resisted the urge to roll her eyes. By the old gods and the new please keep the woman and her child safe. Brienne was an amazing paramedic and always did everything within her power to keep everyone alive. She had to have faith, yet she could never help herself to say a little prayer whenever she was on a scene. Especially one like this.
Detective Bronn from King's Landing City Watch had already arrested the drunken sod who'd caused this mayhem. SUV hit in the side, pushed off the road, rolled down a hill and burst into flames. Metal pieces, glass and blood spread heavily all the way down. Pools of blood where the bodies of the driver and passenger had landed. Strange how being thrown out of a vehicle could suddenly be looked at as 'lucky', but it had prevented them from being trapped in a burning car. The blood was all too easy to see in the snow even though the only light available was that from the flames of the burning car - which the firefighters were working on putting out - and her own headlight strapped to her forehead. Both bodies had appeared unresponsive until she and Brienne had managed to get close enough. The drunken driver had gotten off with a broken nose and a busted eyebrow. Fucking asshole! If any lives were lost this evening he'd have a much worse hangover than he could possibly imagine. DA Martell would make sure of that!
A couple of decades ago the Starks and Targaryens had entered an unprecedented partnership. While the Tyrells and Martells were battling over who should reign supreme over Westeros, the wolves and dragons set out on a different mission: They united their medical skills for both humans and animals alike. Under one roof. Together. So today when an emergency call was made they sent out paramedics and a tracker for the hurt and scared animal. To help all injured beings. At first there was the usual scepticism when someone does something new, but gradually people began to understand. Her dad and the late Commander Targaryen both believed the idea of 'leaving no one behind' must include ALL family members regardless of number of legs or wings or scales etc. President Tyrell had successfully managed to get a law past about a decade ago which clearly stated that 'a life is a life' and 'any life taken by outside forces will henceforth be considered a criminal offence and proper authorities shall investigate as such'. So if Tormund and his bloodhounds didn't find and come back with a living breathing dog belonging to the grey eyed man...well then mr. drunk-with-a-busted-eyebrow would be waking up to murder charges tomorrow morning.
"Can you tell me your name, sir?"
She had leaned closer to try to maintain eye contact with him. His eyes blinked once, twice, then closed, she felt his breath on her face and felt his hands slip from her jacket, fall and landed limply in the snow. There was a cry from the woods sounding almost like a wolf, but there were no wolves this far South.
"Clegane! CLEGANE!! Get your arse over here! We need to get him out of this godsdamned snow!"
Sandor Clegane was by her side in a few big strides. He helped strapping the man to the board and helped pull him uphill. He hopped in the driver's seat while she went to work in the back of the ambulance.
"Don't you dare die on me now, buddy! C'mon!" Still no reaction. "C'mon damn it! Wake up!!" Fuck! Cutting his clothes to get to his torso she was met by a sight she'd never seen before. His upper body was covered in scars. Some clearly old while some looked to be pretty resent. Seven hells! What's happened to you?! If only she knew his name. People tend to respond well to hearing their name. She kept working on the man while listening to a symphony of Sandor cursing the King's Landing late night traffic. There was a strong pulse again. Good.
"Yes! He's stable again. ETA?"
"5 mins"
"Roger that."
She searched his pockets for any ID's or papers of any kind but came up empty handed.
"Sir, can you tell me where you are?" She gently placed a hand on his shoulder.
"We, we just..." His breathing was shallow and laboured. "We just wanted to find our family." Tears started to pool in his eyes and he was visibly shaking now from trying to keep himself together. "And now," he took a deep shaking breathe, "it's all gone to shit." Tears rolled down his cheeks as he closed his eyes. Once again crashing.
"Damnit man! Stop doing this shit, it's getting real old! You hear me?!" We're so close to the hospital, just hold on a little longer. Leaning in she whispered in this ear, "Your family needs you."
When they arrived at the emergency entrance at the Lyanna Stark Memorial Hospital, Dr. Lannister was already waiting for them.
"Male, injured in vehicle accident. In and out of consciousness, but stable for now. Seemingly superficial wounds to left side of the head. Broken ribs and possible punctured lung on the left side of the chest."
"Has he said anything, Stark?" Dr. Lannister lifted his eye from his notes and looked straight at her. He didn't mean to she knew that, but the fact that he was so tall he literally looked down at her tend to make her feel like a child being scolded whenever he spoke to her. She did not like that feeling. Despite being one of the best surgeons Dr. Lannister wasn't arrogant though. Sure he would often state the fact that he's better than most, but does telling the truth make you arrogant? She wasn't sure.
She lifted her chin towards him and said, "Only few words here and there about his wife and family, doctor."
"Alright. I'll take it from here then. Time to go fix this daddy!"
He started pushing the gurney down to the lift. She took a few steps down the hall.
"Know anything about his wife?"
"Dr. Martell and Dr. Stark are working on her and the babies as we speak. They're in good hands, Arya." His kind green eyes met her own concerned grey ones.
She nodded.
"Wait! Babies? Plural?"
"Twins!", he shouted before the lift doors closed and he disappeared up to the OR.
Twins! Now she hoped even more that Robb and Dr. Martell could work their magic. She knew her brother was a skilful paediatric surgeon, but rumours had it that he was particularly skilled in neonatal care including surgery. Had to be why else would someone like Dr. Martell pick him as resident? Not known for doing favours she wouldn't give two fucks who his dad was if he didn't have any knowledge and skills of his own. Deep breathe. Ok, so overall the country's top surgeons were busy working on her grey eyed patient and his family. That had to be enough. It had to be!
Normally she'd go check the status of the affected animals over at the vet wing, however not expecting Tormund and his hounds to be back already and since technically her shift had ended while out on the call, she went straight to 'Hot Pies & Ale'. Not exactly the most inventive of names, but as Davos said 'we do what it says on the tin.'
Much to her surprise she heard the rambunctious wildling's voice the second she set foot in the pub.
"For fuck sake Bobby, stop licking Bessie's tits! At least buy her dinner first, you dog!" Tormund shook his head as he took a sip of his beer.
"Well, he is a dog so what did you expect?"
"Ha! Little Stark! Smart as always. Bobby B's a dog, aye, but does that mean I want to listen to him licking his girlfriend's tits all night? Tell me that!" He said challengingly, his eyebrows up and chin raised.
"I'm not 'little Stark'—", she said through clenched teeth
"Only because Bran's sitting in a chair!" he bellowed.
"—and 2nd, I don't know what the hells you like listening to!"
Turning towards the bar she hopped onto one of the stools and nodded to Tyrion and Viserys sitting side by side chuckling, probably at her and Tormund's little exchange.
Giving them an annoyed side glare, idiots, she turned around slightly to face the red-haired man. "Didn't expect you back this early. Is that good or bad news?"
"Good. Found it not too far off in the woods. Growling like a motherfucker though, had to sedate the poor thing. Must've taken some hits in that tumble down the hill. Had a few burns as well not too bad all things considered."
She remembered all too well the sound of the growling coming from the car as she had manoeuvred around the vehicle to get to the man. When the firefighters had managed to cut the lock to the crate open all she saw was a flash of white fur, and it was gone between the trees.
"Dr. Tyrell and Sansa was with him when I left."
Giving him a puzzled look he clarified, "Dr. Targaryen isn't expected back until tomorrow. Anyway, Dr. Tyrell says the dog should be back up and running in a jiffy." Giving her a reassuring smile he continued with a wistful look in his eyes, "Could swear it looked like a winter dog. Albino one at that. White as snow. Big gorgeous beast!" He ended with one of his signature big grins.
"Do winter dogs howl?" she asked while taking a sip of the soda Davos had placed before her.
"This one did that's what led me straight to him. Up North they do and the wolves will reply. Can keep you up all night with their howling banter", he laughed out loud and shaking his head as if remembering something. "We'll know for sure tomorrow when Dr. Stark comes."
"Dad's coming??", she asked perhaps a little too excited.
"Aye, Dr. Tyrell called him down for a consult to make sure. If it is a winter dog then he's more wolf than the huskies she's used to."
"Speaking of howling", Viserys interrupted and looked at Tyrion, "your sister was causing quite a ruckus this evening," he chuckled.
Sighing deeply Tyrion asked, "Do I even want to know what she did this time?"
"She kept yelling for more wine", Viserys laughed trying to immitate Cersei "More wine! MORE WINE! MOOOORREEEE WIIIINNNEEEE!!" Leaning back on the barstool, hand on his stomach laughing out loud he continued, "she almost couldn't sound more looney even if she tried!"
Everyone laughed out loud at that including, and especially, Tyrion.
"I swear rubber cells were invented for the likes of my sister."
"Tyrion!", she slapped him on his arm, "she may be crazy but she's still your sister."
"That's exactly why I say it! If set free she'd be a menace to society." He took a big gulp of his beer. "Speaking of menace, have I ever told you the story of the jackass, honeycomb and brothel?" he asked with a grin wiggling his eye brows.
Leaning closer to him with a big smile on her face she answered "Ooh do tell Mr. Lannister!"
"Well, I once brought a jackass and a honeycomb into a brothel—"
He was interrupted when the pub door was ripped open and the voice of a furious woman yelled, "Hey! Watch where you're going fuckface!!"
Stepping through the door she practically threw her bag to the side as she stomped straight to the bar.
"Dany! Good to see you again, sis", Viserys leaned in to kiss her on the temple, "Flight catch some disturbance did it?" he chuckled.
"Oh if only it was the flight", she growled, "Davos, give me a shot of your Dothraki booze."
"As m'lady wishes", Davos poured a shot while exchanging a look with both Vis and Tyrion. "Here you go."
Dany put the glass to her mouth and threw her neck back taking it in one shot. Resulting in heavy coughing and wheezing. "Gods! I hate that stuff! Give me another one. Now, Davos!"
"Hey, why can't I have any of that by the way?", she suddenly asked pointing her index fingers at everyone's drinks.
"Because Arya," Gendry, having been quiet this entire time, said and raised his hand to point at the sign hanging at eye-level clearly saying '21', "you must be this high to ride this ride." Everyone around her laughed out loud with him. A smug look on his face indicating he was very pleased with himself.
"Fuck you! I'll be 21 in just a few months!"
"Few months isn't 21 today, sorry Arya", Davos said sympathetically.
"Whatever!" She left 5 dragons on the bar and jumped off the stool marching to the door.
Gendry called out to her, "A soda's only 4 dragons."
As she swung the door open she looked back and said, "Keep the change...you filthy animal!"
She heard a choir of laugher as the door closed behind her. What a shit day!
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