#also my twinnie highkey
princessbrunette · 2 months
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whenever i think of puppy!reader i think of her <33
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aestherin · 2 years
[name]'s (official)
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[Name] - a famous actress signed under narukami entertainment of inazuma. most people are also aware that you have a good singing voice, but actually, you have only sang in public once (the variety show gained tons of viewers after that so the staff and cast of that show treasure our dearest [name] very much). apart from that, the only way the people can hear you sing is when scaramouche sometimes features you in his songs. a fan of miss kamisato ayaka (highkey).
Lumine - our beloved best girl. she is a widely known vlogger and influencer, mostly focusing on travel and lifestyle. she and aether also sometimes does guestings in variety shows (viewers love their banters and chaotic energy very much). miss girl here is [name]'s closest friend and no. 1 accomplice when it comes to making fun of her dearest twin.
Aether - the loverboy. same as Lumine; they are travel twinnies <3. sometimes (a lot of times actually) does challenges for fun. is dubbed as 'mr. worldwide'. may or may not be the secret boyfriend of a famous artist, which is related to why he sometimes asks [name] to do stuff for him. may or may not be the reason why [name] gets linked to the love of their life.
Yae - miss ma'am is a very fun character, a famous variety show host. miss yae loves tea and gossip, some even wonder why did she just not work as a paparazzi instead. people either love or hate her because of her personality. might have actually been cancelled via multiple threads on twitter but our resident fox never gave a single damn. 'i'm too busy enjoying my sake to even bother caring,' she once said.
Ei - everytime [name] looks at her, all they probably see is a walking atm (jk). miss raiden is the richest of the friend group because of their family assets (she manages them all what a girl boss). she is scara's older sister and is the group's sugar mommy. even though ei is not in showbiz, she is still known because of her amazing reputation when it comes to handling business. can't cook for her life.
Scara - a famous artist. he might be emo but that's okay, people love him for it. this jerk will usually disappear after dropping an album and will have the audacity to be present again after months just to release another one without any prior teasers or even official announcements. fans beg him to have mercy because for archon's sake, mister balladeer here never gives them time to save up for his albums. he rarely posts photos of himself on social media but once he does, people (even non-fans) eat it up and become feral.
Childe - most famous ginger in teyvat. is actually not part of the friend group. he is [name]'s childhood friend! is a member of the world-famous band dckz, and his stans' love language is apparently acts of slander. may or may not have mentioned in an interview (aired live on national TV) that he has a tiny admiration for this vlogger named Lumine (dearest Lumi still hasn't forgiven him for the amount of dckz fangirls flooding her dms). no one in the friend group knows that childe and [name] are friends.
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thebashfulpoet · 5 years
21 Questions
 Rules: Answer the 21 questions, then tag 21 people you’d like to get to know better.
Man the homie @writingpuddle is helping me live my best life with all these ask games. Hell yeah! I need an excuse not to grade these papers anyways I’m not busy at all so let’s get right into this!
Nickname: I’m not usually one for nicknames, but my family calls me Em, my nephew calls me Aunty Em, and my friend (also Emily) calls me Twinnie
Zodiac: Capricorn
Height: 5′10″
Last movie I saw:  They Will Never Grow Old (WWI Documentary)
Last thing I googled: legitimately sentence b/c it was looking weird af to me but before that I was looking up directions to HOB in Cleveland for a show in May
Favourite musician: Right now? Queen (it will definitely be different in like a week)
Song stuck in my head: High Hopes - Panic at the Disco
Other blogs:@bashfulsims my simblr. I had a ..... an adult blog back before the purge
Do I get asks?: every once in a while! It’s always super nice when people drop in to talk about my fics or just give me a prompt. If you ever want to do either of those things, please do!
Following: 223 (probably need to go through and clear the inactives)
Amount of sleep: ha what is sleep? 5-7 hours
Lucky number: 13 and 7
What I’m wearing: currently? comfy as hell pj bottoms, a too lowcut tank top and a hoodie
Dream job: Writer & professor of American Literature with tenure (you know the small things)
Dream trip: I really really want to go to Greece & Berlin. We didn’t get to either of those things when I was backpacking in Europe in May (also highkey to the Netherlands to visit @idnis)
Favourite food: French fries. No competition.
Play any instruments: Ha. I’m not musically inclined in the least.
Languages: English, a decent chunk of Japanese (and losing it), and the basics of French
Favourite songs: Why do you do this? These questions are so hard! All time faves include: Oh Darling - the Beatles & Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen. Current faves include: FEEL NOTHING - The Plot in You and If You Want Love - NF
Random fact: my best friend is always late on giving me my birthday presents and Christmas present. This year he’s a month late (and counting) on the former and didn’t even wrap the latter (I love him regardless)
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: books packed tightly on shelves, inky night skies speckled with stars, ink stained skin, blinding sunshine & sunglasses, shoes knocked all over a room
Let’s be real, I don’t have 21 friends on here (rip me I guess) so I’m just going to tag some people and they can do it if they please.
@idnis @nekojitachan @kay-emm-gee @an-upset-librarian @fuzzballsheltiepants
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