#also my lore posts are ok to rb
revvywevvy · 22 days
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ive been into time loops lately idk what it is about them that just has me so. RRRRRRRRR.
anyways this is myrelle/c-311 and shes a silly little LOSER who got backrooms'd into the pressure universe from classic era roblox and is now stuck in a time loop of which there seems to be no end (spoiler the escape criteria is freeing everybody from the blacksite like its some un/dert/ale pacifist type shit not that anybody involved knows that yet) and she and sebby are friends besties even(?) friendsies.
backstory blurb transcript/more complete entity(/monster) logs under the cut
{ Backstory transcript }
'C-311 is a resident not of this reality. A Robloxian citizen of the early 2000's, C-311 had one day tripped and no-clipped from one world to the next by chance. Mere days after entering this new realm, C-311 was arrested and falsely convicted of murder, having been mistaken for the true culprit and sentenced harshly. 93 days into her sentence, her cellmate forged her signature for 'The Expendable protocol', not wanting to partake themselves but also wishing to be rid of the 'nuisance' in their cell. Having minimal option and seeing the perks of success, she ended up accepting her circumstances and departing with Urbanshade employees, hoping to perhaps find the time to find a way back home. She would come to regret this decision, as she would be killed early on into the expedition. Yet, she would then have a strange 'dream' post-mortem before awakening back on that day, just hours prior to the expedition- with all memory of the beings that lurked intact. Not even this knowledge could quell the ever-present terror. An un-ending nightmare, things would merely repeat. However… she would soon learn that even escape proved futile. Luckily for her, she wasn't the only one trapped, memories of the incessant loop untouched.'
{ More Complete (Relationship?) Logs }
Z-13 { The Saboteur / Sebastian Solace } : 'Sebastian viewed her like any other expendable initially, however, became suspicious upon experiencing a time-reset of sorts upon her first death. This suspicion grew with the deaths, him quickly linking the time-resets to the deaths. This suspicion then became coupled with annoyance and irritation as these deaths intervened with his search for an escape from the Blacksite- due to any research he'd gain being revoked upon reset, essentially sending him back to square one every time. He did NOT like how this seeming little coward, someone who was nothing like the typical criminals who passed, was the difference between progress and a total halt in any plans. Even worse, there was nothing he could do about it. If he killed her himself- a reset. If he tried to snatch her up, her PDG would be detonated immediately. If she escaped, he'd most likely be trapped forever. As nice as a challenge was, this was not that. It was just impossible!
However, a good chunk of this irritation was quelled upon finally meeting her face to face. (Not all of it, obviously.) She was quick to recognize him from those post-mortem 'dreams', and upon learning that he was also privy to the time loop became immensely apologetic. She was thankful for the information he'd been giving her regarding the monsters lurking, and to his surprise, was more than willing to turn over ALL of his data scavenged, even if there was nothing in return. Though, it was rather pointless if any deaths reset everything anyway. He pondered that he could keep the data if she lived, but if she escaped the Blacksite, then, again, his time could very well run out just as quickly as she would depart. C-311 felt awful knowing Sebastian was trapped down there, and was stuck in such an impossible situation- and naively decided that she wanted to help free him and anyone else down there that could be helped. Not the brightest light-bulb, if she couldn't immediately realize there would be no safe way back down for her once she left. He wasn't sure how to take the hopeful declaration that there was always a way. Oh, how naive. Knowing he couldn't kill her anyway, he bitterly resigned that his future escape just became much more difficult, opting to send her on her way. When the crystal was eventually retrieved and the power shut off, his bitterness returned. The power eventually returned, and he braced for the worst. Yet, that bitterness was replaced with shock when, soon enough, another reset occurred. There was no death, this time.
The next time Sebastian and C-311 encountered one another, the expendable was in a frenzy, frantically explaining that even ESCAPE ended in a reset. He was flabbergasted at this. What the hell was going on??? What did any of that even mean? Why was this happening? However- this could be a good thing. This meant that maybe, he had time! If there were no consequences save for a reset upon death or escape for C-311, they could use that to their advantage! The expendable was quick to jump on-board, offering to help Sebastian any way he could in his plans to escape. From there, their alliance began, going on strong even if there were ups and downs to the situation at hand. A lot of experimentation had to be done as to what they could get away with before C-311 would die, or how far she could go post-escape before resetting. Though, as time went on, the two grew from mere allies to friends.'
Sebastian is intrigued about this little weirdo. Its a miracle to him that he hasn't been nabbed for experimentation by Urbanshade. Her antlers seem to phase through walls and ceilings, as though they aren't a tangible object. Yet, they're obviously solid to the touch. She can 'glitch' on and through various surfaces (her words), but only at certain corners and wall setups- and depending on the 'glitch' she ends up briefly stunned in some capacity. Even stranger, she can 'equip' and 'unequip' items as if its a game, and if done fast enough and facing a thin wall makes her clip right through. And, back home, people could apparently 'reset' and 'respawn', rendering death mostly useless. He's glad she's smart enough not to demonstrate anything outside of SCRAMBLER range, knowing that they'd probably be taken for experimentation if caught on CCTV. She can make computer noises and other strange SFX, but it seems he (and one other person are)/is the only one(s) who can notice it (and can somehow understand her?)
Oddities and quirks aside, she's one of the more respectful expendables, one who is nowhere near as irritating as the rest. She actually respects his boundaries, is cooperative, and kind. Even if she's on the more sensitive side, she handles his sass and snark well, and has a silly streak that mirrors his energy. Plus, when she appears with other expendables, she actually tries to hold them back from harassing Sebastian. Of course, you can't save everyone, but he does his best and is somehow mostly unbothered any time Seb ends up killing one (Perhaps the time loop is getting to her head?). He had given up on most people, but C-311 is like a weird, endearing little light in the dark.
Z-779 { p.AI.nter } : Another individual C-311 wishes to help free. Upon discovering the documents regarding him, she was mortified at what she learned, and enraged on his behalf. Due to a lack of recollection regarding the time loop, cooperation is made extremely difficult. Sebastian would need to tell p.AI.nter of C-311's assistance every time a reset occurred, which became extremely redundant at some point. C-311 opts to just try her best to evade death from fake doors, speaker hijacking and turrets as a result. She does not encounter p.AI.nter face to face often.
Z-96 { "Good People" } : C-311 vaguely pities the workers that compose this mass of flesh, knowing they were consumed without remorse or chance to escape. However, due to the fact that many people smashed into this glob were Urbanshade employees, her sympathy is low. She is glad they choose to hide in fake rooms- such a monster is terrifying to her.
Z-367 { Pandemonium } : A monster that, understandably, fills C-311 with immense fear. Any time she encounters Z-367, she departs drained and in shambles. Having to fight off such a thing in the suffocating confines of a locker never fails to inflict extreme anxiety and paranoia.
Z-317 { Eyefestation } : A monster that somehow does not faze C-311 much. Knowing she is in another world, she is not as susceptible to any manipulation via vocal mimicking telepathy- though there are times she feels herself about to break to this. Due to the communication possible through this telepathy, he tries to soothe Z-317 with thoughts that he is not their enemy, nor does he want them harmed- but this seldom works as they are too focused on revenge for their experimentation. On the occasion that this does work, Z-317 merely watches C-311 go through the room with intrigue, though she does not look into their eyes either way. Nobody is immune to radiation!
Z-90 { Wall Dwellers } : A monster that fills C-311 with immense fear and terror. Being the paranoid type, this entity is one of her absolute worst nightmares. The mere idea of something being in the walls- watching, stalking- it fills her with dread. She tends to stay glued to Sebastian any time she reaches him due to this, needing long breathers to cope with its mere existence in the facility dragging her down. In the presence of other expendables, she copes much, MUCH better. Loneliness is her kryptonite, mentally- but the paranoia Z-90 inflicts makes her less susceptible to attacks due to her constantly watching her back.
Z-V06 { Void Mass } : A monster that fills C-311 with unease. The idea of being trapped in a locker with those things, digested alive, is horrifying. She's cautious around lockers due to them, especially when alone- so she is mostly safe on that front.
Z-283 { The Angler } : A monster that inflicts anxiety. However, due to its lack of sight, evasion is easy enough. She is careful to avoid straying too far from lockers.
[ Froger ] : Same as the default Angler- but with an added nervousness at her rebounds. C-311 stays glued to lockers until her 3rd round, always.
[ Chainsmoker ] : Same as default Angler- but with an extreme added anxiety due to the green smoke it spews, akin to that of Paranoia's Box. She tries to be as patient as possible with it, but its hard when the smoke triggers her fight or flight so quickly when in lockers.
[ Pinkie ] : Same as the default Angler- but with an added anxiety due to the lack of warning signs. C-311 does not like straying far from safety solely because of her. Even a moment out in the open could mean death from her.
[ Blitz ] : Same as the default Angler- but with an added anxiety due to just how fast the damn thing is.
S-Q { Squiddles } : For some reason, C-311 finds all instances of S-Q cute. Yes, even when agitated (most of the time.) Of course she's going to startle and jump if she's caught off guard by one, but something about them is just so... silly, to her.
Vultus Limunaria { Searchlights } : She dreads any encounter with the Searchlights, especially following the Ridge. C-311 isn't the best swimmer, so you could guess why- as you'd need quick reflexes to hide if its lights approached. She has been hooked by it once- and it was one of the most painful experiences she'd had down there (if you exclude any deaths from Z-367, Z-90 or the Z-V06.)
Z-538 { Abstract Art } : It freaked her out initially, but upon learning they were completely harmless, she now merely vibes with them.
Z-432 { Limited-Time Imaginary Friend } : As nice as having a friend would be down there, that is just NOT it. Her disconnected and random statements trigger her paranoia, even if the words have nothing to do with her environment. No matter how gentle or soothing a voice may be, being told something's coming when nothing is is a gut wrenching experience- especially if you suffer from paranoia. One time using the remote was more than enough.
Mr. Lopee : An entity she has not encountered or noticed the presence of before. Despite his potential involvement in the grand scheme of things, she is left clueless.
Styx : An entity she has only ever encountered once. Upon opening the door and being jumpscared by it, she not only screamed so loud that a nearby Z-V06 was practically startled from its locker, but she stumbled backwards, tripped, and fell through a massive hole in the room, down a connected cavern and to her death. One of his more embarrassing deaths. (And as much as Sebastian could or would want to mock them for said death, he probably would have met the same fate had he encountered the damn thing so close to en environmental hazard)
J-123-4 { The Man from the Mindscape } : An entity C-311 has never encountered before.
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baby-tart · 1 year
It is quite a thing to experience, being the only "guy" in a household of women all getting ready for a wedding. Everyone, old and young, is so stressed out and miraculous looking. They're juggling a million things, and they are putting on their gorgeous dresses, and they are being oh so careful to make their makeup pristine. Helping zip up a dozen dresses and helping to put together the appetizers because your mom needs to make things perfect, and recently she's needed you to be her second pair of hands. She doesn't want you to come out. And she doesn't want you to take the pills that you got from Planned Parenthood either. "Not yet," she tells you. She wants to make sure it's safe for you, she wants to get your blood taken first. She wants you to lose weight first. She wants it to be comfortable for her for you to transition. She asks you to arrange some slices of salami into a rose. When you're done with it, your sister asks you if her eyeliner wings are even. She's not really your sister, but your mother kinda adopted her, so even if she isn't your sister, she kinda is. Or was. When was the last time you texted her? It's not like you text your biological brothers at all either. Maybe you two are siblings, but you're just a bad sibling? You compliment her makeup. You wish you looked like her. Maybe you could, someday. The pills call to you from your bedroom drawer where they are still in the bag you got them from the pharmacy in. You go back to the kitchen and cut some strawberries. You focus on cutting the strawberries. On not cutting your hands. It's not a problem, you're trained how to use a knife, but neither a carrot, onion nor celery cuts quite like a strawberry. Guess you get what you pay for from a free federal program. This is a good train of thought. You're not looking at the bride's soon-to-be stepdaughter, and how beautiful the shade of green she's wearing is. You're not noticing her chest. You're not jealous. You're not ashamed. You're not... ok, what else needs doing? Everyone's ready to leave now. Everyone but you. No dress, no makeup, your hair is a mess... It doesn't matter. You're not going. You can't. You can't really tell people why. Not only is she marrying an asshole, but you don't have a suit. You don't really care about having one. "Have fun!" as you finish loading up the car, and all the girls speed off and away because they're late because that's how weddings are. You finally feel it. You're alone. All alone. Sitting in the wreckage of the storm that was all the preparation. No more tasks. Time for yourself. Nothing to distract you. You can't help it. The memory of everything you just saw and felt can't be denied anymore. It isn't fair. Even if you had a dress, even if you had all the time in the world to do your makeup, you don't wanna cause a scene, you don't want people to ask questions. It's not YOUR big day, after all. It's a more than logical conclusion. It's empathetic. It's sensible. It feels like rain. What a horrible day for rain. And the noisy quiet of your wailing sobs, that you're attempting to fill the space with, it is broken. There's a knock at the door. You make yourself a man again and open the door. It's your sister. She left something behind. You let her in so she can get it. She gives you another hug before she leaves and she says something you're not expecting. She asks you, "Are you okay?" and you can't even sob out a lie. "You can still go to the wedding in just a nice shirt and pants, you know?" she suggests. She's so close, but she doesn't get it, "but it's not a dress." you don't even think, it hurts so bad. but oh god. you said it. she frowns at you. oh no. "i'm so sorry, honey." oh god. "You're right, it isn't. I love you though." and she pulls you back into her embrace. She lets you cry into her should for a few minutes, "but watch the dress." And she leaves with whatever she came back for. I don't even remember anymore. I just remember the sweet taste of freedom dissolving under my tongue from that first little blue tablet. I remember two years ago today.
May 8th, 2021
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stars-and-the-min · 5 months
☆ the wrong way to hard launch (6) | OP81
summary : oscar's girlfriend is a walking pr problem for literally everyone (including herself) social media au
pairing : oscar piastri x zhou!fem!singer!oc
a/n the highs (friends) and lows (exes) of life aka lina lore 👀 preface : i know nothing about nfl or american football so suspend ur beliefs if u happen to know a thing or two, also my amateur photoshopping skills are really improving from this
masterlist | last part | part 6 | next part
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liked by alex_albon and 142,394 others
logansargeant The long-awaited ultimate rematch tagged: selinabui and oscarpiastri
alex_albon Wait, why wasn't I invited?
selinabui ok captain america pack it up ↳ logansargeant @ selinabui Stay mad 😎 ↳ oscarpiastri @ selinabui Why would you challenge two professional racing drivers to a racing game? ↳ selinabui @ oscarpiastri i thought you loved me? ↳ oscarpiastri @ selinabui Ah but you love winners more 😏 ↳ logansargeant @ oscarpiastri Stop flirting in my comments???
cofrisy_f1 LOSCAR??? OSCALINA??? LOLINA???
beemiepie she chose the orange car 🥺🥺🥺 ↳ siera_mblanc @beemiepie a true papaya girlie 🧡🧡
cameliazzz just posted to their story
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replies selinabui cami, did u or did u not insist u'd be fine 😭
lukaszhang the SLANDER??? didn't we have loads of fun???
aidan_ebass Touché Millie, see you soon?
eb_jonno sidenote: can you bring mochi on the plane? are there food restrictions?
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liked by opeightyone and 121,983 others
oscarpiastri 次回まで trans: until next time
piastri_lina obsessed with this couple's dedication to never tagging each other
opeightyone Get 'em next year 💪
selinabui currently feeling like a 1930's housewife waiting for her husband to return from war ↳ cameliazzz @ selinabui HELLO NOT YOU PLAGARISING MY STORY??? FOR A GUY??? ↳ selinabui @ cameliazzz nooooo wifey i didn't mean like that :(((
lina !!! @EB_selina · 37m you've gotta be shitting me
NFL Jersey Numbers @nfljerseywatch · 1h Tennessee Titans RB Thomas Howard (@THowdy) is wearing number 24. Last worn by Kenny Vaccaro. #Titans
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↳ kayla @luna_apocolypse · 34m no fucking way... i don't wanna jump to conclusions but... ↳ emme @flowersforcami · 32m he tweeted about it. girl- jump to those conclusions.
Thomas Howard @THowdy · 58m The move to the #Titans has been a huge change, and 24 has been a number close to my heart for many years, I'd consider it a lucky number for a lucky year 👊 ↳ liv is SEEING EB LIVE!! @olivielina · 23m eat shit and die i'm so fucking serious you have no right to wear her number ↳ kayla @luna_apocolypse · 22m hahaha (not) funny but april fools was last week say sike RIGHT NOW
fiona🩷 @fififorlina · 29m thinking about how tommy is playing with lina’s number i'm weak 😭 ↳ 🕯️manifesting EB3 🕯️@ linabelles · 13m no, we're absolutely not doing this, it's not sweet at all, do you even know how badly he treated lina? ↳ emme @flowersforcami · 11m there are tommy-supporting linami’s in this day and age???
oscalina real ?! @emptyginbottles · 39m lina watching her ex and cousin play/drive with her number be like:
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↳ lila💚 @kasdanrights · 23m idk how to feel bc it's kinda hilarious that our little rockstar is slowly plaguing the sporting world with her number
lina !!! @EB_selina · 22m @LoganSargeant for my own mental health we're not going to talk for the next... 50 years ↳ Logan Sargeant @LoganSargeant · 8m I'm sorry? Did I do something wrong? ↳ lina !!! @EB_selina · 5m it's not you, it's just your countrymen (i'm generalising again)
from the phone of selina bui
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liv is SEEING EB LIVE!! @olivielina · 35m WHY IS EVERYONE FLOODING MY TL WITH T*MMY SHIT ↳ liv is SEEING EB LIVE!! @olivielina · 34m lina is one of the only music girlies who is SO SO SO vocal about how much she HATES her ex and you still can't listen to her??? ↳ liv is SEEING EB LIVE!! @olivielina · 34m not just with her music but as in SHE OUTRIGHT HATES HIS GUTS ON MAIN she COULD NOT possibly make it clearer that she would rather shoot herself in the head than ever consider getting back together with him ↳ liv is SEEING EB LIVE!! @olivielina · 33m i'm so tired can't you just let the woman be happy with oscar ↳ abby <3 @devilvows · 17m liv, baby, i think you need to change ur name to 'defense minister of linami nation'
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liked by oscarpiastri and 139,204 others
selinabui some weird second string loser who's not worth mentioning
cameliazzz thought the message was 'let everyone know i'm doing ok'? ↳ selinabui @ cameliazzz message appropriately sent :)
oliviarodrigo AAHHH stunning as always 💝💝 ↳ selinabui @ oliviarodrigo watch out, the literal moment we're in the same city i'm hunting u down (my favourite american 🥺)
oscarpiastri Haha not me though right :) ↳ selinabui @ oscarpiastri idk maybe...?
lina !!! @EB_selina · 1h this is really hindering my enjoyment of 'so american' ↳ Oscar Piastri @ OscarPiastri · 1h I reaaally hate to break it to you but I think you might be the American in this relationship ↳ lina !!! @EB_selina · 53m take that back rn i'm serious ↳ Oscar Piastri @ OscarPiastri · 49m Which one of us has lived in California for half a decade? 🤔
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↳ abby <3 @devilvows · 37m can you imagine waking up to that face? oscar piastri, you lucky bitch
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↳ lila💚 @kasdanrights · 2h oscar piastri i was not familiar with your game ↳ lila💚 @kasdanrights · 2h selina, i understand you now, i get it now, truly i do, hooooly
oscalina real ?! @ emptyginbottles · 1h i think the entire empty bottles fandom and oscalina shippers trying to cleanse the tl by posting some of the most jaw-clenching, hottest pictures of oscar and lina is so funny ↳ oscalina real ?! @ emptyginbottles · 1h the best part is that it's actually working and also so many more empty bottles fans are realising how unfairly attractive oscar piastri is
selinabui Seoul, South Korea
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liked by oscarpiastri and 138,958 others
selinabui heal my s(e)oul tagged: cameliazzz, blublublupi, and lukaszhang
lukaszhang i thought i specifically asked you not to post that ↳ selinabui @lukaszhang i actually wasn't gonna but then you told me not to so obviously i had to
oscarpiastri 🧡 ↳ selinabui @ oscarpiastri any other fucking colour heart i beg ↳ oscarpiastri @ selinabui You know I'm contractually obligated
emptybottlos i'm convinced they agreed to go on tour just to travel, visit friends and eat a bunch of authentic food
ceciliapham someone else is in seoul rn 👀 ↳ marie_h.sb @ceciliapham in what world do you think your gonna see lina and chris yamada in the same room again?
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:
taglist @ririyulife @ashy-kit @fionaschicken @namgification @cherry-piee
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sipho-pearl · 1 month
analysis of the soul contract
(if you haven't seen the translation for that yet, look it up or look at my original translation post here)
Major spoilers for the entirety of Gravity Falls and also MAJOR Book of Bill spoilers for like the whole thing so go look at that first, ok? (Seriously, this post makes more sense the more you know about the content of the book...and the series)
**if i make any mistakes within this analysis in terms of existing lore or there's something i should add, send me a dm/reply to the post!! or just rb it with the information lol
Under the cut because it's really long (but contains information that I believe to be very important to the overall lore!!)
There are three really interesting things hidden in the translation for the soul contract that I actually NEED to talk about because I haven't really seen them discussed anywhere else?? (yes it's divided up into sections, don't worry)
The Soulmate Passage
The soul contract passage starts off with Bill's lawyer talking about all of the things that they can legally do with your soul, but then they go into the idea of soulmates, and something about this passage feels eerily familiar.
(sorry for the long quote but it's kind of important here)
He gets way too specific here, even going into the first person to begin talking about how he will always be there for you. In the Book of Bill, the main concept is that Bill is attempting to win over the reader in order to convince them to make a deal with him and, therefore, release him from the Theraprism, and he seems to be doing the same thing here with the reader.
However, in my opinion, because for the majority of this he talks about you using third person pronouns, it can be somewhat inferred that he is talking about himself and his soulmate. Not specified who that is (totally not the canonically divorced couple), but it can definitely be interpreted as him doing some introspection.
The references to loss of memory could also be a reference to how Stanley defeated Bill by wiping his memory, and how up until the last minute, Bill believed that he was back in Stanford's mind.
"THOUSANDS OF LIFETIMES" could be a reference to the trillions of years that Bill has lived and all of his exes, as well as how in every single one, he was the one getting broken up with. And, also, the many other muses that he (unconfirmed) may have had.
Moving on!!
2. Bill's control over souls
**As far as I am aware, this is the first time in the canon that we see what control Bill has over the souls that he collects.
According to this, Bill's control over souls when signed over gives him the ability to, (as first shown in Sock Opera, but in a more limited way) put souls into other objects, take them out of your body. While put in a more simplistic way in this passage, it is clear that he has a lot of control over souls, and, when signed away, may have the ability to do anything with one that he wants.
However, going back to the mischaracterisation present in the first quote where it sounds as if Bill is talking, now that we know it was his pen, it is clear that he also has the ability to control the souls to do what he wants.
The time limit on how long these soul contracts last for is indefinite, as Bill's soul lawyer himself says.
*Side note: it is revealed, in relation to souls, that the human soul is 21 grams.
3. The afterlives of the universe of Gravity Falls
So, later in this passage, all of the places that you can go to after you die are revealed. This is mainly important because you can see more of the in-universe lore, but also because we can see more of what Bill Cipher was hoping to happen when he invoked the Axolotl at the end of the series.
A definitive list of all of the afterlives present within universe:
Heaven, Hell and Purgatory
"Big Corner"
"Flow State"
"The Dream House" <- The Dream House could possibly be a reference to either Bill's Dream Realm or Bill's Nightmare realm.
"The Reincarnation Processing Center" <- This is where I believe Bill was hoping to go once he invoked the Axolotl. Going by what he said in the last few moments of Weirdmageddon 3, "A-X-O-L-O-T-L! My time has come to burn! I invoke the ancient power that I may return!" It is clear that he thought he was going to be able to reincarnate by invoking the Axolotl, and by doing this, he would be able to escape going to hell.
"AXOLOTL" <- This is a reference to summoning the Axolotl when about to die, such as what Bill did. Axolotls are known for being able to regenerate, so going back to what I said before, Bill probably believed that invoking the Axolotl would give him the ability to reincarnate or regenerate.
"S TANK AND CONSEQUENCES HOLD" I'm pretty sure that this is a longform name for the Theraprism.
More Notes:
The passage is written entirely in the cipher for the journals rather than any of the codes that Bill often uses (alchemic, theraprism, combined, bill's symbols) which I believe ties back to my theory in 1.
While dogs can sense when a soul is missing, cats don't care. Not important, I just thought that was interesting.
anyway, again: if i got anything wrong in this please rb this and add more stuff!! :3
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catinasink · 3 months
greetings from the sink
am i in post limit jail? nope :3
posting less due to school 👍
most recent edit: 9/17/24
im the one and only cat btw. if you even care.
also im the ultimate faggot btw
im not a vampire im notttt im notttttttt
main shit
minor. (my birthday is november 8 :3c )
i go by cat and nico and pluto and neptune and siffrin and calypso mainly and you can call me any of those (more about that here)
it/any/ask :3c
my labels arent any of your business blast. polyam + aspec + queer if you really need to know
dont call me your friend + no /p tonetag (im aplatonic :] )
no chain asks + no tag games + no donation asks please.
uhh no real dni? just no porn blogs follow me pls im a minor 👍
what youll find here: reblogging. og posts. gayposts. ventposts (tagged #neptune is complaining again or #delete later). lyricposts. fandom posts.
i spam reblog a lot. like a lot. do keep this in mind
i have two cats, kim and shego (or floorshitter); a sister (she/her); and the irls (in real life people i know; i tend to use irl as a term to describe the people i am close to irl) i mention most are pb / pissboy (he/him), cherry (they/any), and eve (she/her)
pst timezone (usually)
scorpio sun saggitarius moon scorpio rising . ok yeah thats a fucking Lie the constellations have shifted but i cba to check again lol
i speak english + russian, learning german + hebrew + ukranian
couple sideblogs, including @nymph-of-the-sea (rp blog for calypso from pjo) (no i never use it); @catinabath (for when im on post limit); two gimmick blogs; i definitely dont own @totallynotcatinasink; as well as @forehead-kiss-mutual-kill-polls :] a few others but ill keep those secret 💥
matching descs w @shrimpysstuff (shrimpy !!!) and banners w @homoashell (starr !!!)
i have four very lovely qpps mwah mwah <3 also a very dear spouse <3
ao3 is catinasink
discord server link :3 preferably join if youre around the age of a minor so everyone feels comfortable
literally just a cat in a sink btw
fandoms im in / rb from
warrior cats. i love em
will wood. hes so silly . is this a fandom idk
genshin impact. grhghrhgr
pjo. whoag
isat. save me isat
object shows. i like object shows
danganronpa. uhmmm yeah haha dont look at me
most of my og posts: #cat's rambles
asks: #cat's asks
schoolposting: #cat's schoolposting
ventposting: #neptune is complaining again
lyricposting: #cat's lyricposting
art: #cat's art
music i write: #cat's lyrics
polls i make: #cat's polls
pics of my cat: #cat's cat
yearning sighhhh: #nico catinasink is yearning
queued or scheduled posts: #queue you
posts i write in my notes app: #drafts
submissions: #eris' submissions
the penis saga: #the penis saga
pissboy mentions: #my lovely pissboy
lightning anon: #lightning anon
blender anon: #cat's blender anon
rizzler anon: #rizzler anon
brain anon: #🧠 anon
pineapple anon: #pineapple anon
sparkle anon: #sparkle anon
mcchicken anon: #mcchicken anon
sink lore: #happenings of the sink
dreamscape nexus: #dreamscape nexus
posts i want to look at later: #fave
posts of mine that are more popular than others or i want to find em later: #save
i tend to only tag the following tws: sui, sh, ed / eating issues, and emetophobia pls lmk if i should tag anything else !!!
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have a good day
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ask-sarah-and-co · 5 months
Heyyy everyone! This is the blog’s one year anniversary/my bday raffle! (posted on my bday and going through the anniversary !)
Hope you like these designs! I had to physically restrain myself from keeping all of them hhhhh
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Entering stuff:
Liking this post! +1 entry
Reblogging this post! +1 entry
Saying your favorite moment on the blog so far or giving me advice on something to improve with! +1 entry
Following the blog! +2 entries (new followers welcome! just don’t unfollow after this is all over! also mention where you’re following from somewhere if you’re reblogging to a side blog!)
Making one fanart of any char from the blog! +3-5 entries (per raffle)! in the post please tag me and mention that it’s for the specific char in the raffle! Different amt of entries decided on size, color, etc. Also a note: if like only one or two people make fanart in the raffle pool, I will probably remove those entries to make it fair 👉👈
Please mention who you’re entering for in your rb, you can enter for as many/few as you want!
Design rules (for dalkia and lunaleo specifically):
May be used for whatever, mark me as creator if on toyhouse and if on tumblr, tag me on the ref page!
Minimal design changes are ok! Changing the whole design is not.
Basic dni, please don’t involve them in any overly nsfw type things, maybe ask if you want to do smth involving violence/gore.
Design rules (for Alida specifically):
May be used for whatever, mark me as designer/creator if on toyhouse and if on tumblr, tag me on the ref page!
Please don’t change her design. I really like how I did it, and I’ll explain more about why.
Basic dni, please don’t involve her in any overly nsfw type things, maybe ask if you want to do smth involving violence/gore.
Details about Alida!
She’s designed to be a ship kid of Hendrik and Jasper, therefore a Cobalion/Yveltal hybrid.
You may keep the lore of her being their child if you specify that she’s from an alternate universe. (Please message me if you decide to do that.) It’s only optional, of course! She can be her own person with an eerie similarity to them, hehe.
Her weapon is called a swallow (not related to the bird I think). They’re pretty cool and kinda like a spear/sword hybrid! You should look them up if you end up getting her!
Personality wise here’s some info you can use! It can be changed or removed entirely of course! She’s overdramatic and overconfident like Jasper, and has his natural charisma. That is, until she tries to do something intentional like flirting. She gets all awkward, like Hendrik! Contrary to Jasper though, her over the top personality is really to disguise her true insecurities with herself.
Style wise (can be used or changed etc) she prefers to dress more modernly! Unless she has do wear a skirt/dress, which she hates. She also tries to make sure that all her outfits have that smoky gray collar, so she stands out more.
This raffle will end on May 11th at 8AM est! I hope you guys look forward to it!!
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teddybeartoji · 21 days
MICKEY YOUR RB ON THAT SMOKER!SUGU POST………. oh i need . lore . so badly
ROOMIE!SUGU BEING A SMOKER MAKES SOOO MUCH SENSE OBVIOUSLY (my heart goes out to depression era sugu and his inherent need for self-destruction 🫡) but i must know …. does he. try to get you to smoke 😳😳 does he … shotgun you……… or does he steal any cigarettes you buy with a teasing grin so you never start………. i need answers so bad misu you are my otp always
(also <3 ily!!! remember to have yourself a nice big meal if you haven’t already!!!!! <33333)
you're out to get me fr ari you're insane i love you so much. OKEOKE OKE SO we did have a lil talk abt this already buut yeah in the misu world.. roomie!suguru definitely smokes. we have a little balcony in our apartment too so he doesn't have to like.. smoke out of a window or go down the stairs which is nice. aaand we have two little chairs outside too aand a little table and then we have a few plants too (he takes care of those i am awful with plants..) AAAND this is our regular hangout spot!!!!!!!!!! smoking or not, we like to sit there a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok now to the actual smoking lmao like i already mentioned i am not a smoker but i am not a Cigarette Virgin either so i don't have a problem if he smokes or not. i think smokers are hot and i'm not gonna lie abt he looks SO fucking good while doing it oh my god my heart is going to give out................................. so yeah i definitely grab one from him every so often bc why the fuck not. but... mostly he just shares the cig with me... sometimes he just holds it to my lips so i wouldn't get the smell on my fingers and he always holds eye-contact while doing that bc he's a fucking asshole aaand when i blow the smoke into his face to get back at him he just . grins at me.. (he's so fucking hot ari i really do think i'm gonna die if i think abt him too hard)
he isn't the biggest smoker ever though, shoko definitely does it more than him. buuuut he does always want at least one after a long day and i think that's more than fine (i am drooling rn). oh aaand whenever we're hanging out with satoru and shoko and they go out for a smoke i mostly stay with satoru lmao this is important ok me and him are very very very good friends in this au i baby him i tease him we get along so well that it makes suguru a little jealous and then shoko gets to tease him abt that😭😭😭
liike suguru's just leaning against the balcony railing while shoko sits on one of the stairs and he's just . looking at me and satoru laughing together inside and shoko thinks it's the funniest thing ever hgashdgghsahdghgsa AAAAAAAAND when they come back inside, he always plops onto the couch right beside me (like awfully close) and then puts his arm behind me on the backrest and he thinks he's. smooth lmao pls everybody INCLUDING ME knows what he's doing😭😭😭
mm i don't carry around any cigs but i do always have a lighter with me and while it is very hot when he lights his own cigs.. he lets me do it a lot too and this is also smth that makes me fucking dizzy bc he leans in so close and then holds onto my hand so it wouldn't shake and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH i hate him i love him i need to punch him i need to kiss him he's awful he's sexy he's the worst man alive
he definitely smokes weed sometimes too but uh. that's uhh. gulps very fucking nervously. that's when uh. Things happen ok i can't go into detail or i'll pass out.. he gets very touchy LIKE VERY TOUCHY i mean like nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck while toying with the hem of my shirt YEAH YEAH YEA H I NEED TO STOP HERE FUCK .
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walnutcookie · 8 months
tell me your headcanons for mac n cheese and cheddar RIGHT NOW!! /nf /silly
i think that if i were to go in depth about my headcanons and lore for them this post would be a bit long so heres some of the simpler ones X]
links lead to drawings ive made relating to my headcanons 👍
Cheddar Cheese
• cheddar is very. VERY tall. like 6'9" (funny number). Makes it worse because sometimes they like to wear heels
• uses all pronouns but mainly they/them :3 male/female honorifics
• a lesbian. Question mark ? still debating
• rogueforts cousin!!! Survived the blue cheese manor fire (which happened when it was just a teen)
• related to above if you know anything about my roguefort lore they grew up in a Not so great rich snobby family!! they were buxton blue cheeses child which makes cheesecake their sister as well. Dont ask where the accent came from let me have this JZVDKFBDK
• intersex and bigender - when growing up they were forced to fit into either "boy" or "girl" and didnt exactly fit either stereotype biologically or through their behavior so their parents were very frustrated with them. Turns out theyre both!!!
• it started as a joke because of ratatouille but. i am a firm believer in ratmouse cheddar. are they a rat? is he a mouse? both? Neither? no matter what they hide ears under their hat and paws under her gloves and a rat tail under their coat because i think its fun💥💥they should have rat/mouse features as a treat
• they have legs that are way too thin and not at all proportinate to tjeir body. i cannot stand drawing them because of this.
• resting :3 face
• very much cursed (it would take a few posts to explain this one)
• whatever this is
• shorter than cheddar but still on the taller side!! 5'11"
• uses he/him pronouns but he doesnt really care what pronouns are used on him. fem honorifics or anything he doesnt mind that either
• amab and genderfae :] (basically genderfluid without the masc part of the spectrum)
• lesbian
• older sister of my oc maccy cheese cookie (who was made before mac and cheddar were introduced HXBFJ). macaroni is 6 years older than them
• parents just Straight up abandoned him and his sibling as kids!! i could explain this one further but probably in another post
• it may be hard to believe but he is older than cheddar
• CANNOT STAND unsolved mysteries. having unsolved cases or puzzles makes him physically ill and he cant stand to eat or sleep when he doesnt know the solution
• related to above he despises cliffhangers and surprises and if he cant read a mystery novel in one full sitting it will EAT HIM ALIVE
• also related. Loves math! fun little puzzles that (almost) always have one logical solution. he does NOT however like math problems with multiple/no solutions
• easily startled by sudden loud noises or actions
• a lil chubby!!
• he has a little macaroni tail. sorry
as for my mac n cheese (ship) headcanons,, i cant explain them very well without context to my Full lore for the two but heres my attempt HVDKFB
• started as INCREDIBLY one sided (cheddar had romantic feelings for mac while mac had feelings of. Hatred)
• cheddar is incredibly easy to fluster because shes not used to being on the Recieving end of affection (cough cough for curse reasons cough)
• cheddar is also incredibly touch starved (cough cough for curse reasons cough)
• macaroni can just. Use cheddar as a bed. they are so fucking tall and wide he can just snooze on them
• they are so doomed toxictragic yuricore im going to kill them
YAAY thats all ill do for now but if anyone has any further questions i would love to answer
rbs ok!!!
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dogcodedcatboy · 8 months
pre relationship: 3, general: 3, 6, love: 10, 13, domestic life: 7 !!
hihihihihihi !!!! i cant wait to start s2 tonight i need to see my kittycat i need to see him !!!!! thank u for always sending asks my aaroman warrior o7 u should rb this ask game 2 so i can pelt u w waystarshipping and jermstone questions
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together?
absolutely fucking not!!!!!!
by the time any of the roys find out its too late, theyre already very much together. i think the fam knows abt aaron before 04x03 and like, willingly keeps him a secret (have 2 believe none of them would out a family member for personal gain. if not just to avoid the shitstorm for logan). some of them wuld obviously would prefer for roman to a) not be gay or b) at least not be dating a Fucking Weirdo. oh well!
aarons friends are also not. thrilled. for obvious reasons. reactions range from 'ok...u r gold digging, right? does this mean we can afford a hot tub :D' to 'morally/ethically what the Actual fuck is wrong with you bro???'
What was their first kiss like?
hmm the first time they kiss probably an impulsive. half-drunken thing. prolly after their first '''date''' (which roman insists is not a date despite calling him up and inviting him for dinner and drinks). it's rlly messy, roman is kind of an awful kisser at first (out of practice #nobitches) so aaron is kinda like...ok....but it's very endearing somehow.
What’s their relationship with each other’s families?
i could write a dissertation on. aaron and the roys. i think he's...polite? i mean, he knows roman is super close to them despite how fockin shitty they are to him all the time, so he's willing to grin and bear it. he doesnt like ken for Reasons (annoying on twitter, involvement in 'dog pound', annoying in real life)*, he's rightfully intimidated by shiv, he thinks connor is rlly fuckin funny, he has a weird psychosexual obsession w tom (as stated, would put tom in a saw trap), he thinks greg is cool and would like to talk about his record collection w him.
*authors footnote: i personally like kendall a lot i do love the fucked up brother dynamic between ken and rome BUT aaron is protective and an asshole and doesnt care abt nuance if youre mean to his boyfriend you go to the gulag for 1000 years ! aarons friends are hsi family! he lives w his childhood + college besties! they are all spectacular assholes as well so roman weirdly fits in! roman likes aarons bff because he is also a snarky asshole. one of aaron's college friends actually is from LA, so that's another person he can relate to somewhat. ovi he's a rich asshole tho and like, has to adapt to how normal people live and socialize (aaron and his friends arent even normal theyre like a weirdly codependent found family) but. they all kind come around to him! (will post extended oc universe lore someday on god)
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
i think they both are kinda stupid abt feelings and prefer physical affection, as sometimes its easier to manage than like, pouring your heart out. aaron is big on words of affirmation tho, once they r more comfy in their relationship/roman is more comfortable w receiving stuff like that.
Who remembers the little things?
aaron is def a romantic, he's big on anniversaries, quick to pick up little things like roman's coffee order, his favorite snacks, etc. roman is a little rusty but is surprisingly sensitive when he cares about someone. he's super in to aaron, so he makes sure to note all of aarons favorite movies and albums (so he can bring them up later and Totally sound like he knows what he's talking about).
[also they r a beautiful ocd (aaron) x adhd (roman) couple so in general aaron is Incredibly on top of things (or else he might die, who knows!) while roman is a fockin mess with remembering shit.]
Who kills the bugs in the house?
the real answer is gustav. he eats them. aaron will hold the cat up and he will take care of business.
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Ok, I'm ready for feel-good, relatable, fun posts any time now...
No, like really, idk if I am just so unlucky or so estranged from everyone??
I don't want to see everyday the same art from the same few popular artists, whose notes just keep jumping from k to k, while others that surely exist aren't reblogged
I'm not interested in ships with Astarion and any other companion or male Tavs/Durges. Not against them but they simply don't bring me any joy
I'm not into dad Astarion, breeding, degradation
I'm all for bi/pan Astarion and tired of discourse and assholes
I like canon stuff and Van Richten's guide to vampires lore so I don't enjoy these hcs about Astarion with other haircolors, body hair, weight gains, mods that erase his story and appearance so much he is like another character
While I appreciate a lot of the nsfw content around, it would also be nice to see non-sexual stuff without having to approach the ace-Astarion fans or violence/angst. Does no one think of life with Astarion that doesn't involve having sex or sad contexts???
Where did all my other fandoms go????
Why is like half my feed only fundraisers, arguments, politics, world problems and negativity?? The most enjoyable thing I found to rb these for days were nature pictures
I feel so neutral to mildly annoyed by almost everything I see online for weeks. I can't even take it seriously that everyone is so overjoyed by these things all the time. Going by the notes, you people don't like me and what I have to offer either. I am grateful to the handful of mutuals that have been here for me for years but ofc we don't interact daily. Where are my people?? Where is the content I like?? It can't be that I'm the only one enjoying the things I do, like come on, this can't be the only thing people are posting ffs
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gemwolfz · 1 year
good morning chat (<- it's 12:30 pm) its time for a GEM FROG WATCHPOST (instead of putting it in the bg while i draw because ive accepted i cant draw and read at the same time)
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btw my very legal straming site doesnt have episode descriptions and no way im remembering an episode thats been mentioned by number so i have no idea what im getting into. also im setting a timer to truly see how long my autistic ass can stretch a 15 minute episode. ok lets get started :)
okay first of all intro i havent seen yet lets GOOOO. PURURU SIGHTING IN THERE HEY GIRL!! i actually need to watch some eps with pururu in em btw. like hey show her to me. anyway good intro lots of guys spotted :)
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^ CATEGORY 5 DORORO EVENT HI. experiencing the horrors as usual i see
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i see so this is what we're doing today huh. do you intend to rip my heart out.
im sorry they have a fucking invasion planning chore wheel? thats really funny
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wcdonalds btw. sorry sorry wcdonalds cracks me up every time in any show
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^^ his ass did NOT process what was just said!!!
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he had it right the first several times cmon man.
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hes taking this in stride huh. even in category 5 THE LORE situations the silly grind doesnt stop
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why is zeroro resonance so fucking stupid btw. sorry man.
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screenshot that speaks for itself man
somehow i dont think "my alien ninja partner is in serious trouble i need to leave immediately" will be counted as an excused absence by your teachers but after scaling a building in a single leap i dont think anybodys gonna question you. i love you koyuki
[this image set broke in the editor but it included keroro and tamama calling zeroro SO MEAN for not explaining his plan to them] frankly i respect keroros unwillingness to treat situations with the proper gravity because i do the same thing king
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his ass does not care
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he changed his mind something is terribly wrong
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okay lets be real here the platoon would NOT have found him there. if he hadn't been able to contact koyuki he'd have been fucked. badly. something something being saved again by the person who showed you the warmth and beauty the planet has to offer
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literally yeah the fate of the planet is held by natsumi being able to throw frogs like splat balls. pov youre giroro and the number one person standing between you guys and invasion is decidedly the girl who is constantly personally stopping you from blowing shit up. this is a personal attack
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important and relevant but also im sorry "brat" is incredibly funny word choice coming from tamama
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no reaction i can put into words. btw this episode is labelled as a filler episode. just so you know. i just think thats funny. haha so silly
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aye.......................................... i would be using more reaction images but i have to prioritize screenshots. anyway god.
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they were holding their fucking BREATH. his ass could have died!! badly!!! their deep sigh of relief is not as visible as i'd have hoped but you know. you feel me.
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there are reactions i am making that are sound effects i cannot put into words sorry. im better at posting silly nonsense im sure you understand. hell, post horse staring at the ocean MAN again
he goes "i'm sorry about that, everyone!" as if it was fucking nothing. DUDE. This is why you caught that trauma-eating brain parasite because you just act like shit was NOTHING DUDE...
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gem conclusion:
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anyway i spent an hour watching this ten minute episode. sorry for maybe a weak reaction post i need to stir this episode in my head like a soup. thank you plates for your recommendation. join me in the rbs later as i may watch episode B and experience whatever tonal whiplash this episode came with
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the-discospider · 1 year
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🪩🕸️The Disco Spider🕸️🪩
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Bitten by a literal RADIO-active spider, Kitty Piper is a radio host personality, with a second, secret identity; The Disco Spider.
When not introducing great songs and jamming out to tunes, Kitty is the incredible Disco Spider, the friendly and helpful neighborhood Spider-Man, of Earth-196938!
They're a part of the main group of Spider-men, as well as Spider-Society. As well as being part of the Spider-Man group, Kitty takes the role as the maternal figure of the group, and is like a maternal figure to all the younger Spider-Men.
More info under the read more + info about the mod!
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🪩📻Kitty Piper📻🪩
[ Picrew link ]
When not fighting crime in the city of Oslo, Kitty Piper is a radio host and intern at OL-AM (Oslo Live AM). When not at work though, Kitty lives in a small apartment of Oslo, with their cats, Fairy the ginger cat, or Spitzy the calico.
Originally from a small town further up north in Norway, Kitty moved to Oslo after applying for an intern spot at OL-AM, where they ended up becoming a part-time radio host. A few months before moving to Oslo, Kitty got bit by a literal RADIO-active spider that was from a close-by mountain nearby her old hometown.
Kitty is bisexual, genderfluid (fem-presenting), autistic, chronically ill (chronic fatigue) and 99% Norwegian. (the remaining percent being Swedish, Danish and American)
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OOC: I'm mod Bones, and the only mod of this blog, and the creator of The Disco Spider/Kitty Piper. I'm also the main moderator of @kittyboones (that's also my main blog, where I post the most!), @cafeiity (my self-shipping & self-inserting blog), @velvetkissses (my writing blog), @shaymin-appreciation (my pokémon propaganda blog), and many more blogs!
The name origin of Disco Spider is from the inspiration of Miles Morales himself, Donald Glover's character on the CBS show, Community, Troy Barnes. Troy, at several points early on in the show, called himself the "Disco araña", which translates to "Disco Spider". Kitty also just really likes disco music, and it fit the theme since he works at a radio station!
at this specific moment of time, I haven't come up with any unique talents or abilities for Disco Spider, but they'll eventually get some. For the time being, they're just a web-slinging music-lover & radio host in disguise!
Kitty goes by they/them, he/him and cat/cats pronouns. Kitty has a huge crush on Peter B. Parker, and is very distraught when they learn he gets back with Mary-Jane Watson.
Tag masterlist and dictionary;
🪩🕸️ ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ disco spider ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ 🕸️🪩 (= Disco Spider's general tag)
🐈🧚 (= Fairy the ginger)
🐈🐾 (= Spitzy the calico)
🪩 x 🅱️ (= the ship of Kitty Piper & Peter B. Parker)
mother discoballl (= all posts related to kitty/disco spider being like a maternal figure to the younger characters)
kittycore (= stuff that I feel give the same vibe as kitty/disco spider)
breaking the fourth wall (= ooc stuff)
tw unreality (= trigger warning for stuff that isn't actually happening)
tw death (= trigger warning for death/death mentions)
tw insects (= trigger warning for insects, like spiders)
spoiler warning (= spoilers for spider-man/spider-verse content)
ok to rb (= posts that are okay to reblog)
deepest lore (= i drop lore about my spider-sona)
art (= self-explanatory)
picture (= self-explanatory)
music (= self-explanatory)
video (= self-explanatory)
text (= self-explanatory)
writing (= self-explanatory)
memes (= self-explanatory)
spider-verse (= posts with more than 1 spider-sona or spider-man, I.e. Miles, Gwen, etc.)
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gdlavzo · 1 year
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hi, i'm the biggest GLaDOS kinnie in the world Giorno Diego Lavzo (or Eva Lavzo)!
i enjoy drawing, writing, overthinking, symbolism, tarot, numerology, astrology, true crime documentaries, foreign languages and linguistics in general, talking talking TALKING (if you want to talk about the shared interests or just want a friend, you are welcome here ^^)
i am developing my fantasy story (Алазавирра), so if you're also a creator of a world setting with characters and storylines and want to share your world-building experience and/or work, please do so!!
if you learn russian / english / french and want to practice your language skills with someone, also do so!! i don't care if it's the shortest and the most basic interactions or lengthy conversations, i love languages and helping and teaching (i am, after all, going to graduate as a teacher of english and french as foreign languages)
more info and links on my carrd ♡
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putting this for unsure people like me:
yes, it's ok to spam rb/like a lot of posts from my blog
yes, it's ok to rb my original content and posts
if there is a personal post i wouldn't like to be rb'd, i will state so in the post or in its tags
yes, it's ok to dm / send asks / tag me in posts and games
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my never-ending (or so it seems) interests are:
Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Le Fantôme de l'Opéra
Portal (+ Half-Life lore-wise)
Genshin Impact (UID: 713621643)
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#GDL's murmurs - whatever silly thoughts made their way out of my mind
#signed your suffering GDL - vent/neg/whatever tag
#GDL's babybeasts - my beasts <3
#GDL's arts - me draw :) (sometimes)
#Алазавирра - original content and characters. varies from original art and writing bits to just lengthy tags
#Alazavirra coded - collecting inspiration for my original content duh
fandom and misc tags under the cut
further navigation:
this is mostly for my own comfort in finding specific reblogs :)
#incoming 💌
#outgoing 💌
#tag games
#ask games
#posts to check later & refs
#creating & writing & drawing tag
#education & teaching & learning tag
↳#I am never not reblogging happier than a prince
#yeah sure i'll add this to my lexicon
#dashboard stop tempting me with this man challenge I do not have time to play a game
#get this man OFF my dash. NOW.
#phantom of the opera
#strange case of dr. jekyll and mr. hyde
#good omens
#genshin impact
#the elder scrolls
#dragon age
#metal gear solid
#animal crossing
#haibane renmei
#neon genesis evangelion
#my little pony
#buster keaton
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♡ dividers used ♡
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UHHHHH I’ve posted on a few rp search blogs but I haven’t found anyone so I’ll post this here as well! Rbs appreciated :)
Hi! My name’s k9, a 21 y/o semi-lit trans dude (he/him) looking for an 18+ long term rp partner! I rp on discord only. For fandom based stuff, OC’s only please. I can reply every day and I’d prefer an active partner (reply at the very least once or twice a day). There are a couple different things I’d be down to rp:
For the following, I’m looking something sfw, no smut, but relationships/heavy topics ok
-Warrior Cats (fanmade Clan or original clans, we could create a plot or I’ve got a story we can use!)
-Wings Of Fire (little rusty on the lore but I’d still love to do it!)
For the following, I’m looking nsfw, m/m only please. Will preferably include smut and heavy topics/dead dove/whump. The asterisks are the roles I’m looking for
-vampire x human*
-bounty hunter* x their target*
-hero* x villain
-some kind of mythical/magical beast x hunter/trapper*
I will be starting some classes soon, but that should not affect me too much. I am also close to the UTC time zone right now but next year I will switch to MST. If you’re interested in anything I mentioned, please message me on discord: k9inpants
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ludozoologist · 1 year
Welcome to the Official Tumblr of the [HOMETOWN NAME HERE] Branch of the Institute of Ludozoology!
This page is managed by Head Researcher @fredbydawn
Ok time to break kayfabe a bit.
This blog is a side blog for/archive of some of my ludozoology posts.
What is Ludozoology?
Ludozoology is a type of speculative biology, also known as speculative evolution or speculative zoology, based on toys. I certainly did not invent this concept, but to my knowledge I'm the first to use this name for it (Ludo meaning "I play" in latin so the whole word loosely translates to 'the study of animals you play with').
Can I be a Ludozoologist/use the Ludozoology tag?
Absolutely! Anyone can be a ludozoologist. My personal specialization is in Furbies and the itemlabel toys, you can make ludozoology post about these or any other kinds of toys you want. As I said, I didn't come up with the concept of toy speculative biology, so I super don't have the right to pretend like I own it. And as for the Ludozoology tag specifically, I really love seeing other people use it and interact with the lore I create and make up their own.
Is everything that's posted/reblogged to here "canon?"
I do have an internal "canon" for the Furby lore, but I like to share just little bits of it at a time when relevant to asks and/or interactions. That being said, reblogging another person's ludozoology post to here doesn't necessarily make it a part of that canon. But it also doesn't make it not canon. IDK you decide ;). I'll also rb stuff to here if it fits the general vibe like nostalgia posts of toys, virtual pets, etc. or shitposts about Furbies or the like. (Which of course if I've reblogged a post of yours and you're not comfortable with it being associated with ludozoology or for whatever reason, just let me know and I'll remove it no questions asked). Generally speaking, all things that are written by me are canon, but again, it's just my personal canon, not the official canon of ludozoology as a whole.
So yeah, anyway, welcome to the world of Ludozoology! Have fun and remember: The best thing about Ludozoology is that everyone is wrong :D
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scattered-winter · 2 years
ok ok i've been trying to think of a clever way to word this but it's thursday morning and my brain is usually scrambled eggs by this point of the week.
so basically. dc. batfam. jaykyle. i'm intrigued, and i'm curious about, like, starting points for beginners with terrible attention spans whose knowledge base is the first few seasons of the cw shows and young justice, your epic jaykyle post from whenever i asked about them, a handful of jaykyle fics, and the tags on your dc rbs.
(and OF COURSE i will inhale any other info you choose to share here bc i love a winter ramble <333)
I am SO GLAD you asked :]]]]] there's a great deal of info here but I'll try to keep it as organized as possible. I'll talk about movies/tv shows/other forms of media FIRST, since there's a lot less info to try and cram in. THEN I'll do comics because there's a lot of information about them, and lastly I'll do fandom stuff (blog and fic recs, and I also snuck in a bit about some of my favorite comic artists hehe) xox
the thing I love about dc is that there's so many characters and hero teams that there's something for everyone. my favorite characters might not be someone else's favorite, because there are literally hundreds to choose from and it can be overwhelming at first but it's so cool having such a wide variety of characters to love!!
that said, something to keep in mind is that almost every version of a character you see/read is gonna be a little different. there are changes across mediums (comics to movies) and even across universes, and sometimes the writers are just lazy and don't bother doing research on the character they're trying to write. many of these characters have been around since the 1930s, with literally thousands of appearances in different comics and tv shows, so they've been through a few hundred different writers and editors, each with a slightly different idea of who the character is. batman can be portrayed as a kind, caring father in one comic, but in another, he hits his kids and forces them to eat rats. those two facts are both technically canon, but since they're so contradictory to each other, the audience gets to choose which one is their canon*. it sounds really overwhelming at first, but it's actually one of my favorite things about dc, because it's almost like a sandbox. we can cherrypick our favorite things from canon to form our Better, Personal canon, and leave the rest out <3
*everyone you talk to in the fandom will also have a different preferred "canon." and technically most of them aren't even fanonizing things too much; they're just looking at a different side of canon.
unlike marvel, dc doesn't really have a coherent "cinematic universe," but not for lack of trying. if you're looking for comic book accuracy, generally the movies aren't a great place to go, but they're still enjoyable and can at least give you the starting information for a character!
the dark knight trilogy (batman begins, the dark knight, the dark knight rises)
this one is HARDLY comics-accurate, but overall they're very enjoyable (and the soundtrack is a whole VIBE btw). it's a good general intro to the basic lore of batman (his parents' deaths, alfred, lucius fox, etc) but it also leaves out a lot of the batman mythos (like robin).
the batman (2022)
in my opinion, this movie is the closest live action movie to what comics batman actually is. it was very definitely an adaptation that took liberties, but I really felt like it was a faithful adaptation of comics batman and what motivates him.
batman: under the red hood
this one is an animated adaptation of one of my FAVORITE comics of all time by the same name, and I love the movie almost as much as I love the comic :] there are a few things lost in translation from comic -> movie, and a few characters/events are left out, but overall it's one of my favorite batman movies of ALL time
some other movies that aren't super accurate but alright:*
wonder woman
*there's also movies like zack snyder's justice league and batman vs superman but the one thing comics fandom can agree on is that. they're bad. they're soooo bad. ofc you can watch them but just know that the characterizations are soooooo off base for pretty much everyone. and I know that I said that characterizations can be played with a little bit but the characters aren't even recognizable in those movies so like.....are they even the same character ?? anyway
unlike the movies, the dcau (dc animated universe) is REALLY good. some of the shows are interconnected and happen in the same continuity, but it's unclear if all of them are, but the shows have little influence on each other so it doesn't really matter anyway. there'll just be an easter egg here or there referencing another show.
young justice*
has a very large ensemble cast, and is a good intro to the younger heroes in dc!!
justice league unlimited*
another show with a large cast, but this one is about the older/adult heroes in the justice league.
green lantern: the animated series
one of my personal favorites out of these; highly recommended if you're at all interested in lanterns, because it's a very good introduction to lantern lore (which can be pretty complicated). it's also just very fun all around, and one of my favorite lantern characters of all time is in this show! unfortunately, he was created specifically for gl:tas, and so hasn't made any appearances in any comics/shows with the exception of a single episode of young justice. but I lomve him <3
teen titans
this was actually my "gateway" media that got me into dc in the first place!! it's very fun and dynamic, and is a good intro to the titans, a very popular superhero team**
batman: the animated series
I haven't seen very far into this one, but from what I've seen/heard, it's a very fun show!! from what I remember, it has quite a few batfam characters in it, as well, not just batman himself
batman beyond
I also haven't seen all of this, but I like it a lot! it's set 50ish(?) years in the future of b:tas (as far as I know you don't have to watch b:tas beforehand though) and is about the new batman, terry mcginnis. I really like it because terry's super funny and it's almost like spiderman in batman's suit!! (he made the joker cry once. it's glorious)
*for getting into comics, I'd recommend at least skimming a few eps of these shows with large casts to see if you have a character you really like/want to know more about, then you can ask for/find the specific comics that character is in. this is imo the easiest way to get into comics, and there are a LOT of people you can ask for comic recs. I'll give all the recs I have, but I've been in the dc fandom for a long time and I can find specific rec lists for you fairly easily if you want to read about a character I don't know much about. I have Connections (tm)
**I haven't read enough titans comics to know for sure, but I've heard that the team lineups are a little different than the show depending on what comics you read.
it's kind of shitty but by god it's OUR kinda shitty show <3 the casting for both koriand'r and dick grayson is PERFECT btw. I cannot tell you anything about plot. I've seen the first few seasons. I have no idea what happened. (I don't think it'd be too far off the mark to call this the "teen wolf" show of dc tbh)
ismahawk's nightwing series
this is a fanmade web series that has a few things I dislike (jason's characterization, mostly) but is overall fairly high quality and very fun!! dick grayson (nightwing) is the focus, but other characters also make appearances!
cw shows (yes these are their own category)
I haven't seen a lot of these in a long time so some of them don't have commentary
hoooooo boy,,,,,,this one's a doozy. the writers wanted to make a batman show I think. but they had green arrow instead. so arrow!oliver queen is actually closer to comics!bruce wayne than he is to comics!oliver queen. a lot of people don't want to get into comics ollie because they didn't like arrow ollie, but rest assured that comics ollie is sooooooooo much better godbless
legends of tomorrow
most of the characters here aren't in the comics that much but this is still probably my favorite cw show. it's funky it's fun it's ridiculously stupid it requires net zero braincells. I love it
the flash
I don't know enough about kate kane to tell you if this is comics-accurate or not but tbh it's fairly enjoyable regardless!
black lightning
there are a lot of dc-related games out there that I've never gotten into, but there is one that I know a good deal about because it's soooo <333
batman: arkham knight
this one is an alternate universe version of jason todd's death and resurrection. I think there are also some comics out there set in this same universe, but at the moment I don't know titles. but basically, instead of dying in a warehouse, jason was imprisoned and tortured for 2 years by the joker. the details are lost on me but he somehow ends up free, but by this point he's been tortured and brainwashed into working with the joker and trying to bring batman down. overall it's a very emotionally devastating game and I'm a known masochist <3 so <3
a lot of people are afraid to get into comics because of how overwhelming they are, but I highly encourage it to any new dc fan because they're so much fun!! the fandom is also filled with super nice people who are totally willing to help find comics to read for a specific character, and there are plenty of websites to read comics on for free! it's genuinely such a fun media to get into!
first of all, there's some vocab that'll be helpful to know in comics-land:
continuity - refers to a specific amount of time within the publishing record (ex: the new52 is a continuity spanning from about 2011 to 2016)
issue - a "chapter" of a comic book series (ex: green lantern #5 is the 5th chapter of that particular green lantern series)
volume - another word for "series"; also defined as a group of issues
mini-series - a comic with a set amount of issues (also known as a limited series)
one-shot - a big single-issue comic book
ongoing - a series that is currently being written/published (usually updates weekly or biweekly)
reboot - ends a continuity to recreate characters and plotlines from the very beginning (there are a few different reboots you might hear mentioned, including crisis on infinite earths, new52 [or n52], and rebirth)
retcon - when a past event is changed/written over without a reboot happening
run - a consecutive string of issues written by a single author
variant - an alternate cover of an issue
elseworld - a comic or story that takes place in an alternate universe; as such, the events of that story have no effect on the main timeline (dc vs vampires, a story where half the justice league is turned into evil vampires that took over the world and killed the other half of the justice league, is an elseworld). I like elseworlds because they're fun to explore and read without actually like. being concerned about long-term effects on the characters. it's like reading fanfiction with art
comics are also broken down into 4 main "eras" that aren't necessary for reading but can be good to know regardless:
Golden Age (1938-1956)
Silver Age (1956-1970)
Bronze Age (1970-1985)
Modern Age (1985-Present Day)
because comics are so convoluted with so many timelines and reboots and origins, you can really just jump in ANYWHERE, without worrying about chronological order (spoiler alert, it doesn't exist); and if you feel daunted and overwhelmed by the idea of just....jumping in there, don't worry!!! I felt the same exact way when I was just starting, and that's what the reading lists linked below are for!! they'll give you a place to start getting your feet wet :]
dc comics can also be grouped by which teams/families they're about. (as far as I know, the [hero]fam groups were coined by fandom as a means of grouping the literal crime fighting found families together, but groups like the titans and justice league actually exist in-universe as well). most (if not all) characters belong to at least ONE group, so if you like a character and want to get into someone similar, the groups that character is in might be a good place to start since they're usually grouped together by similar powers/origins. I listed the [hero]fam groups first, and the canon, in-universe teams last. I don't know much about some of them so I didn't add commentary on those, and each person's name will be formatted like this: given name/superhero name/additional superhero name (if applicable)
most main continuities include bruce wayne/batman, dick grayson/robin/nightwing, jason todd/robin/red hood, tim drake/red robin/robin, cassandra cain/black bat/orphan/batgirl, damian wayne/robin, alfred pennyworth, stephanie brown/batgirl/robin/spoiler, duke thomas/signal*, and barbara gordon/batgirl/oracle. however, some characters, such as luke fox, helena wayne, carrie kelley, and harper row, only exist in specific timelines/continuities/alternate universes. *duke thomas was created in the n52 reboot, so he didn't exist before about 2011, but is considered part of the batfam in most current timelines. the batfam is largely a pretty messy, dysfunctional superhero family, and I love that about them because it's sooo interesting to dig into. but if you want a wholesome superhero family, I suggest some of the others in dc (there's a large number of people in the dc fandom who have never read a single comic but write fic/blog about the batfam, but they make the batfam super sweet and wholesome [hugely ooc for the most part] when there are SO many canon superhero fams that have the exact vibes they're going for. basically: fanon batfam = canon arrowfam/flashfam/superfam)
most main continuities include clark kent/superman (kal el), lois lane, conner kent/superboy (kon el), bizarro, and jonathan kent/superboy (jon el). I don't know as much about the superfam but there are a handful of characters that only exist in certain continuities here, too.
most main continuities include barry allen/the flash, iris west-allen, wally west/kid flash/the flash, jay garrick, avery ho/the flash, bart allen/impulse, irey west, jesse quick/jesse chambers, and a few more.
most main continuities include oliver queen/green arrow, dinah lance/black canary, roy harper/speedy/red arrow/arsenal, connor hawke/green arrow, cissie king-jones, mia dearden/speedy, and emiko queen/red arrow. (if you've seen arrow, expect these characters to be WAY different than how they were portrayed in the show)
most main continuities include diana prince/wonder woman, nubia, donna troy/wonder girl/troia/wonder woman, cassie sandsmark/wonder girl, and artemis bana-mighdall. yara flor is wonder woman in the future state universe, but I don't know if she's part of the fam in the main continuity
this can technically refer to any number of lantern groups, since there are more than one faction or "corps" of lantern, but in this case it's green. in most continuities, the green lantern corps includes hal jordan/parallax/specter, kyle rayner/white lantern/ion, guy gardner, john stewart, alan scott, simon baz, jessica cruz, and jo mullein. (all of them go by green lantern by default, but some have additional names for one reason or another) there are a lot more nonhuman lanterns, since green lanterns operate in space, but that's already a pretty extensive list so I just left it at the humans lmao
justice league
one of the biggest teams in dc; it has the "trinity," batman, superman, and wonder woman, and also has a lot of lesser known characters like blue beetle, booster gold, and red tornado.
this team includes dick grayson/nightwing (batfam), wally west/kid flash/the flash (flashfam)*, garfield logan/beast boy, koriand'r/starfire, donna troy/wonder girl/wonder woman, roy harper/speedy/arsenal/red arrow, garth/aqualad etc. *the team lineup largely depends on which comic you read; wally isn't a titan very often compared to the others but some still consider him part of the core team
young justice*
this team includes tim drake/red robin/robin, cassie sandsmark/wonder girl, conner kent/superboy, and bart allen/impulse *not to be confused with the tv show young justice. they have the same title but are two completely different things
birds of prey
now onto some recs!!! I'm starting with what I know, but if there's ever a character you want to read more about, don't hesitate to ask me!!! I can usually find most rec/reading lists pretty easily and if not, I can refer you to someone who can!!
there's a handful of comics on webtoon, each focusing on a different character or group! I haven't read some of them, so only a few actually have commentary lol
vixen: nyc
zatanna & the ripper
wayne family adventures
funky and fun! if you want to learn more about the batfam both as a group and as individuals, this is a great place to start!* *this specific webtoon is in the "slice of life" genre and intended to be fun and lighthearted, so all the characters are highly fanonized/watered down to fit the comedy genre better. it's still enjoyable, but just know going in that if you read any actual comics with the batfam expecting it to be just as wholesome and fun, you'll be disappointed. and if you do enjoy the wholesome superhero family vibes, I recommend reading from the flashfam, arrowfam, or superfam comics, since those are all closer to the wfa batfam vibe than the canon comics batfam.
red hood: outlaws**
features jason todd/red hood, bizarro, and artemis bana-mighdall. as far as I know its tone is much closer to actual comics than wfa. the art is gorgeous, too
**I haven't read past the first few chapters of this one because I REALLY don't like jason's characterization. but he's my silly little guy and I'm SUPER picky about how he's written, so take my opinion for a grain lmao
now for some general recs!!!! there are reading lists out there that are much more coherent and legible than what I can make, so I linked a few for my personal favorite characters and some others :] some of them have a playlist that I made, and I'll also give a very brief overview of the character!!!
also note that these reading lists are in no way meant to be overwhelming and restrictive. if you're overwhelmed by the sheer amount of recs, there's no rule or Comic Book Overlord who will frown down upon you if you don't read them in order or even at all. comics are meant to be fun and they should be!! all the lists do is give you a few options/places to start, but they're just suggestions!! literally go wild go crazy
dick grayson (my playlist) (reading list 1 [robin])
he's the oldest son of bruce wayne! he was part of a traveling circus as a kid, but his parents were murdered when he was young and he was taken in by bruce wayne and became robin. he joined the titans, and eventually outgrew the robin mantle and took on the name nightwing. my current favorite comic with him is batman/superman: world's finest, which is on the reading list but it's pretty far down and I would have put it much higher if it were me because it's sooo <333 (dan mora's art is *chef's kiss*) I looked EVERYWHERE for a reading list about him as nightwing but unfortunately I couldn't find one. but there are a few "nightwing" series around which will probably be good places to start.
jason todd (my playlist) (reading list)
you already got the spiel about him <3 he's my most specialest blorbo bingus boy and if someone writes him wrong I shoot lasers from my eyes
cassandra cain (reading list)
she was raised by assassins but had such a strong moral compass that she ran away and became a superhero instead <3 she was batgirl, black bat, and orphan, and whatever name she currently goes by depends entirely on which comic you read lmao
damian wayne (my playlist)
the only one of bruce wayne's kids who is actually biologically related to him. he was raised in the league of assassins by talia al ghul* before being sent to gotham to live with bruce, where he became robin *talia was originally a good, kind character who was retconned into a manipulative, abusive bitch of a character which is SUCH a disservice to her but unfortunately a lot of current comics have jumped on the bandwagon of the retcon :( AGAIN, I couldn't find a rec list for the LIFE of me, but some good comics to start at are batman: batman and son, batman and robin 2006*, and supersons** *this comic takes place after bruce wayne temporarily "dies" during....final crisis, I think. you don't need to understand the crisis to read (I still don't understand any of the crises tbh) but all you need to know is that dick grayson has taken on the mantle of batman during this run; so dick was batman and damian was his robin. I love their relationship so much it makes me INSANE **this comic features a teamup between damian and jon kent (superboy). I looooooooove their friendship so much
duke thomas
<3333333 he's the only batfam character with powers, and he uses them for chaos only <3 again, I couldn't find a list, but here are some starters: we are robin, robin war, batman and the signal, and batman and the outsiders vol. 3
kyle rayner (my playlist) (reading list)
you've also heard his spiel <33333
connor hawke (reading list)
he's the biological son of oliver queen and takes up the mantle of green arrow after ollie dies (temporarily). he and kyle are bffs who I think should kiss once or twice. and he's also canonically asexual!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wally west (reading list)
he started out as kid flash, and I think in current comics right now he's the flash
some comic reading websites!!!!!!!!
webtoon (everything in the webtoon category above can be found here; they're free to read unless you pay for early access to new chapters)
between those three, you should be able to find any comics you'd like to read; I highly recommend using an adblocker for them if you can.
there are quite a few awesome dc blogs out there!!!!!! some of them mostly post a certain character/group, and if so, I'll specify (mutuals will be marked with an * because I am kissing them all upon the cheek <3 they're all sooooo smart and brilliant and talented btw). if the blog is a content creator (artist, writer, edit-maker) I will specify (the dc fandom has SO much talent godbless <33)
@/moonlightbuckleys* (titans tv show; is also who got me into 911 so she has lots of content for that too; edit maker)
@/dick-nightwing-grayson (dick grayson, general batfam/dc)
@/aalghul (jason todd, damian wayne, talia al ghul)
@/ninalinovna (jaykyle, general dc; artist)
@/red-hood-redemption* (jason todd, general dc; artist)
@/collectingrobins (general batfam)
@/batshit-birds (damian wayne, general batfam; writer and artist)
@/bunnvoid* (general dc, artist)
@/daringyounggrayson (dick grayson, general dc; writer)
@/hood-ex (dick grayson, titans, general dc)
@/teeeentitaaans (general dc)
@/dauntingday* (general dc and 911 <3)
@/xandromedan* (general dc and 911 as well <333)
@/bi-bird37 (general dc)
@/sohotthateveryonedied (tim drake, general dc; writer)
@/river-bottom-nightmare (general dc; writer)
@/oifaaa (general batfam; artist)
@/junkoandthediamonds (tim drake, young justice [comics], general dc; artist)
@/desperatecheesecubes* (general dc)
@/a-sour-nectarine (young justice [comics], general dc; writer)
@/aloofwingbag (general dc; artist)
@/s-mscott (general dc, artist; is actually an official, professional dc comics artist on tumblr godbless)
@/sophieleeart (general dc; artist)
@/sully-s (general dc, artist)
@/autisticredhood (jason todd, general dc; makes edits)
@/allgremlinart (bruce wayne, general dc; artist [often nsfw])
@/broosepayne (bruce wayne, general batfam)
@/hangingoffence* (kyle rayner, jason todd, general lanterns; artist)
@/roshanina (general dc, artist)
@/wingedrobins* (jason todd, kyle rayner, general dc, artist)
@/salzundhonig* (jason todd, kyle rayner, general dc, writer)
@/mickidona* (general dc, artist)
@/bisexualgreenlanterns* (general lanterns, general dc)
@/ky-landfill (general batfam, artist)
@/rillette (general dc, artist)
@/finalgirljasontodd (general dc, artist)
@/minnow-doodle-doo* (general batfam, artist)
@/brutaliakhoa (bruce wayne, talia al ghul, general dc)
@/fantastic-nonsense (general dc, also six of crows and 911 lmao)
@/roseworth* (general arrowfam, general dc)
and here's a batfam fic rec list I made forever and a day ago <3
this doesn't have to do with anything but I just wanted to show off some of my favorite dc artists. the great thing about comics as a medium is that the art can add SOOOOO much to the experience (but unfortunately sometimes the art is ugly as FUCK so it's a 50/50 chance lmfao) but there are some artists who I would probably sell my soul to. btw.
travis moore
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dan mora
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belen ortega
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and that's everything for this monster of a post!!! genuinely i wish u the best in ur dc adventures!!!!!!!! if this is unclear/confusing in any way or if you have any follow-up questions I would love to clarify and answer for you :] this was a lot of info all at once and I typed it all up in one sitting so idk how coherent it is ajskldfjlskhg
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