#also my energy began to drain when I started working on the reapers outfit so.. that's it looks kinda eh
skullzy20 · 4 months
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Made a ref of my SOT sona specifically for Artfight but I put too much effort into it to not post it here
Scar mapping w info under cut, warning for nudity (not explicit)
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starrywonn · 6 years
grim reaper! jisung
not requested
a/n: i finished watching goblin (ik i’m two years late,,,,) but yea i got inspired!!! it’s loosely based on it though. i was going to upload this on halloween but i was super busy zzz. @uravityskz  @jisungdotjpg  @wolfcity18 also thank you @justkpopjokes  for beta-ing this fic :”)))
pairing: han/reader
genre: fluff, angst
scenario type: bulletpoint
word count: 5.4k
warnings: death, description of a car accident
jisung was a grim reaper but he didn’t carry a scythe or wear a hooded cloak
but he was always tempted to do it during halloween after he found out that’s what mortals thought the grim reaper looked like
he appeared to be like any other person but his aura was otherworldly
not necessarily good or bad, he just didn’t feel human
in this world, although jisung was a grim reaper, he didn’t have a place in the divine realms to stay in and he experienced hunger and fatigue like a mortal
because this role was a punishment
a punishment for the grave sins that he had committed in his past life
as part of that punishment, he couldn’t remember what he did to deserve it
but he never really dwelled on it
jisung didn’t earn any money from collecting souls but he managed to get by on the money he took from the table during wakes
he needed a place to live in and considering his situation, he had to look for a housemate to share the rent with
coincidentally, your housemate had recently left, leaving you to pay the entire rent by yourself
so you put up an advertisement online in hopes of getting a new housemate
you received an offer almost immediately and a meet up was quickly arranged for the next day
you went to sleep that night, relieved that your housemate problem was solved
the next morning, you woke up early to tidy your home
you quite liked the way the house looked
it was rather simple but felt homely nonetheless
it wasn’t long before your doorbell started ringing
you put away the last few things and opened the door
you were met with a boy dressed in all black
“hi, i’m y/n! you must be jisung”
you put out your hand for him to shake but he never shook it??
he just continued to look at you and paid no mind to your outstretched hand
you awkwardly retracted your hand and continued
“let me show you around”
as you walked around the house and made small talk with jisung, you began to realise how compatible your personalities were
he came off a little cold at first but he was actually quite funny
and jisung made a comment on how he liked the simplicity of the house which made you go :D
your previous housemate didn’t really like it so this was a bonus!!!
you accepted his offer and he moved in in no time
jisung was a really great housemate and friend
every other morning, he would prepare breakfast and you would chat with him
it was kind of mindless chatter but on the days that you guys had time, the conversations would get pretty deep and emotional
jisung was always on the listening end, giving you advice wise beyond his years
but throughout all these conversations, he never seemed to bring up anything regarding himself
it struck you as a little odd but you brushed it off as him being uncomfortable with sharing about himself
it still kind of hurt though
one of the days, the conversation got to family
you figured that you should try to get to know jisung at least a little more
“hey jisung…”
“how’s your family doing?”
for a short moment, he dropped his collected facade
jisung’s eyes suddenly held a sort of wistfulness to them
his reply was a quiet one
“i don’t have one”
“oh. i’m sorry for asking”
“it’s alright”
you cleared your throat, “i’ll go and wash the dishes”
you packed up the table and left jisung to his own thoughts for the rest of the day
after that, it became rather awkward with jisung and you couldn’t bear making eye contact with him
jisung just pretended nothing happened and continued talking to you as per usual
you were a little taken aback
but still, you were thankful
you couldn’t be awkward with him
he was living in the same house for heaven’s sake
even after a few days, jisung still felt that you were a little distant after that whole talk so he invited you out on a picnic
he said that he would bring everything and all that you needed to do was get ready by 9am on saturday
you obviously couldn’t turn down the offer of free food so you agreed to go
jisung’s face just lit up when you told him your answer
it lowkey made you feel all fuzzy inside seeing his reaction
and within a blink of an eye, it was the day of the picnic
you decided to put on your favourite outfit because you have to look good ;)
when you came out of your room, jisung was sitting on the sofa, picnic basket in hand
he was wearing a black flannel over a bright yellow shirt and jeans
you’d never really seen jisung dress down like this nor with such bright colours
he was always in black or grey so all the more, the colour seemed to stand out
“let’s go, y/n!!”
you struggled to keep up with him as he made his way to the nearby park
the weather was perfect for a picnic
it was like something out of a drama
jisung had already found a spot under a large tree and laid down the picnic mat by the time you got there
he plonked himself down and he patted the spot next to him
you sat next to him, admiring the sight that greeted you
the flowers were in full bloom, children were running about the park with their parents smiling fondly at their antics
the two of you laid down together, taking in everything
it wasn’t before long jisung suggested cloud gazing while munching on sandwiches
“that looks like a cat”
“oh! that one looks like a house”
“that one looks like a really dramatic face you’d make when it’s your turn to wash the dishes”
“shut up, y/n”
as you rattled off about the shape of clouds, jisung glanced over to you
a large grin was plastered on your face as you eagerly pointed at the sky
suddenly, jisung’s vision blurred
a vision played before him like a movie
a person walking through a traditional garden was in front of his eyes
bright orange leaves fluttered down trees as a laugh escaped the person’s lips
they bore a striking resemblance to you, only dressed in a white hanbok instead of the cute clothes you would usually sport
the questions bombarded him endlessly
was this you in a past life? why could he see this? when was this?
he was literally shaken back to his senses
“jisung? are you okay? what happened?”
when jisung looked up, he saw you back in your usual outfit, worry written all over your face
he was no longer in the field but in the park
“ah! it’s nothing. i just got a little dizzy”
“do you want to go home?”
jisung smiled
“it’s okay! let’s stay here a little longer”
“okay…. if you say so”
for the rest of the picnic, jisung became much more quiet, only occasionally saying a word or two
“say, y/n, do you believe in reincarnation?”
you pursed your lips
“not really? maybe a bit.”
“would you mind if i talked about it?”
“no, not at all”
jisung sat up
“they say that we have 4 lives. the first is for sowing the seeds, the second for watering the crops, the third for reaping the harvest, the fourth is for consuming the harvest”
“that’s quite interesting. which life do you think you’re in right now?”
jisung furrowed his brows, “i think my second? what about you?”
“i don’t know, jisung. perhaps my second or third?”
the sun was now setting and the sky was painted in varying hues of pink, blue and orange
realising the time, the two of you quickly packed up and left
that night, you tossed and turned about your bed
jisung’s words were still on your mind
which life were you in?
from those few words alone, your thoughts branched out
what was your past life? that was if you had any
what were you then? did you still look the same? how did this whole reincarnation thing work?
with these questions still lingering in your mind, you fell into an uneasy slumber
when you woke up the next day, jisung had already left the house
a note was on the table
“sorry, got called back into work. breakfast is in the fridge.” was written in his messy scrawl
you opened the fridge and reheated the breakfast he had made
you put on some music and got back to doing your own things
you were a busy person with errands to run after all
when you got back home, jisung still wasn’t home
it was night and you began to brew two cups of tea
one for yourself and one for jisung
you actually didn’t really like tea before jisung brewed a cup for you
he took his tea seriously
like really seriously
he would take out thermometers and timers to brew his tea
but it paid off
his tea always tasted amazing
and that’s how you grew to love tea
you began trying new teas and sharing them with jisung every sunday
it kind of became a weekly thing for you guys to share tea
and so, that night, you sat the dining table, waiting for jisung with the two cups of tea 
he finally came back at about 11pm
the tea had already gone cold and his face looked drained of energy so, you left him to his own devices
you washed the cups and went to sleep
those hours alone stretched into days and days stretched into weeks
jisung’s early departures and late returns became more and more frequent
he was now always at work
it was yet another sunday night
it was only now you realised how quiet the house was without him
the silence wasn’t exactly unwelcomed but it just felt…. 
you thought of all the conversations over breakfast that you had with jisung
all the little things he would do for you and you likewise
his boisterous laugh, his insightful comments, his cute little smiles
you missed him
it felt weird to say it but your heart ached when thinking about jisung and how much you just wanted to spend time with him
you pushed aside those thoughts and continued to sip your tea
it was already 10pm
“screw it, let’s just wait for jisung until he gets back. it can’t hurt right?” you thought to yourself
earlier that particular night, jisung was assigned to go to a different district
there was going to be a huge accident and the batch there needed help
he waited patiently at a nearby cafe with a colleague
everyone assigned had three to four name cards
jisung flipped through his name cards
kang woochan, age 35, born 12 april 1983, cause of death: cardiac arrest
lee jiyoon, age 34, born 27 october 1984, cause of death: cardiac arrest
kang hara, age 13, born 5 september 2005, cause of death: cardiac arrest
kang sungmin, age 9, born 19 august 2009, cause of death: cardiac arrest
he grimaced
it was always hard to take the souls of families together
jisung glanced outside
it was stormy out today
cars zoomed past, spraying a mist of water onto the pavement, much to the annoyance of the pedestrians
many came into the cafe get a warm drink and shelter themselves from the onslaught of rain
it was like a safe haven for them
they all sat around, chattering away and enjoying the warm ambience, blissfully unaware of the disaster about to occur
jisung’s colleague gave him a stiff nod
he put on his hat and walked out of the cafe
jisung soon followed suit
when the grim reapers wore their hats, they would disappear from the human eye and would only be visible to supernatural beings, those who could see ghosts and, most importantly, the souls of the dead
jisung walked over to the group of grim reapers and greeted them
they were given a quick briefing as they waited
after that, they lined up in a single row facing the main road
it wasn’t before long the accident took place
a car ran a red light; its driver in his mid-20s
he seemed overworked, with dark eyebags and drooping eyelids
in his haze of exhaustion, he pressed on the accelerator instead of the brake and crashed head-on with another car
the drivers behind slammed their brakes but they were too late and ran straight into the cars in front
a bus was also headed towards the site of the accident
the driver swerved away from the mess of metal and bodies, only to crash into a street light
people in the streets screamed, some even fainting
bystanders frantically dialled for the ambulances as others rushed up to help
jisung shook his head
it was always heartbreaking to see such accidents happen
all because of an avoidable mistake, so many lost their lives
but this was in the grim reaper’s job description so many of them had become numb to it
jisung walked up to the family he was assigned to
the girl was in a state of distress, spotting her limp body in the silver family car
her mother comforted her, but jisung heard the pain behind her soothing voice
jisung tapped their shoulders to get their attention
the family turned around and expected jisung to tell them that it was just a dream, an illusion, that they were not really dead
he couldn’t do anything but to follow protocol
he quickly read out their birthdays and names and asked for their confirmation
they all nodded nervously
“please, follow me,” jisung said as he beckoned them
the family of 4 was led into a simple kitchen
jisung gestured towards the seats around the table before beginning to prepare the tea
the family took their seats, chattering amongst themselves when suddenly, the boy asked jisung a question
“mister, what’s going to happen to us?”
an uncomfortable silence befell the room
jisung was a little shocked that the young boy would ask him, a relatively intimidating grim reaper he would like to think himself as so but he answered nonetheless
“you’re going to drink this tea i’m making right now, then you’ll leave through the door which you came in,” he explained calmly, “don’t worry kiddo, nothing bad is going to happen”
the boy looked satisfied with the answer, immediately continuing to talk to his family
the tea was done soon after
jisung took out the coasters for the cups of tea and served them
“this tea will help you forget what happened in this life. drink it before it gets cold”
they all drank the tea, the mother more eagerly than the others
jisung raised an eyebrow at her but said nothing
they finished their cups of tea and thanked jisung before leaving
jisung washed the cups and checked the time
it was nearing 10pm
he sighed
he finished the last of his cleaning and went home
opening the door, he was greeted by you seated at the table with two cups, your hands wrapped around one
you were looking out the window dismally
but the thudding sound of a bag bring thrown on the floor drew your attention
it was none other than han. ji. sung.
this was seriously the last straw
you stood up
“if you’re always going to come back this late, at least send me a text. i don’t want to wait for nothing,” you said bitterly
“you don’t have to wait for me y’know,” jisung replied guiltily
“this sounds so cliche and stupid but i really thought sunday nights were our thing”
“ou- our thing?”
“yes! OUR thing, jisung. so send a goddamn text if you aren’t coming back home!”
jisung flinched
your tone was cutting, a huge difference from your usual soft, melodious voice
“you seriously don’t have to wait for me. i’d much rather you get some sleep. why’d you wait for me anyway?”
all of a sudden, you were overwhelmed by your emotions 
“i’ve been waiting for you so that we can at least spend a little bit of time together. after that picnic, i never really saw you anymore. do you even know how worried i was? i care for you, jisung! hell, i might even care for you as more than a friend!”
the words slipped out of your mouth without a second thought
you prayed hard that they would be drowned out by the rain as your face turned a deep shade of red
but jisung heard those words as clear as day
and he felt the same way
when he saw your gleaming smile, he would melt
when he saw you bummed out, he had the sudden urge to wrap you in a hug and tell you everything would be fine
sometimes, he wanted to pepper your face with a million kisses and tell you how stunning you were
he liked you so much his heart could burst
the only thing he could do was to confess and spill what he had been holding back
“i like you too,”
jisung walked over and engulfed you in a hug
in an instant, he was transported to another world
he was looking at a mirror, but the person that stared back at him wasn’t him
it was your doppelganger dressed in a fiery red hanbok
you were informed that the prince was waiting for you outside by a maid
the moment you heard that, your eyes widened and you quickly exited the room
the prince was dressed in navy blue
his eyes fell upon you and he gave you a small smile
the scene changed
you were now in the palace garden, the prince now walking beside you
jisung had never seen this place but felt as if he had walked here hundreds of times before
as the white flowers fluttered down, the prince complained about the sheer amount of things he had to study
a smile tugged at your lips
you offered a few words of comfort before he was pulled away to study yet again
you sent him a gleaming smile when he glanced back you
the scene changed again
you were now lying on a bed, coughing furiously into a handkerchief
different shades of red stained the pure white cloth
your body felt like it weighed a thousand tons
the prince was weeping by your bed, his hands grabbing yours
you gently squeezed his hands
your voice was now soft, weakened by illness
“i’m sorry you have to see this, your highness.”
“don’t be sorry, my love. if anything, i should be the one that’s sorry. i couldn’t protect you.”
“you did the best you could, your highness. thank you for that”
“but my best wasn’t enough! look at you”
the prince began to sob harder
“i’m just grateful for every moment we’ve spent together. i love you very much”
you squeezed his hand tightly one last time as your vision faded to black
jisung got a hold of himself and realised he was still hugging you
he stepped back, a smile plastered on his face
you grabbed his hands
“does this make us a thing?”
you internally facepalm
he just confessed his feelings for you and you confessed your feelings too???? what an idiot
jisung’s face turned a cherry red
“i guess it does”
“then we still on for our tea session?”
jisung nodded
you returned to the kitchen to brew more tea
you were just smiling like an idiot the whole time
you didn’t expect jisung to reciprocate your feelings for him
but he did
meanwhile, jisung thought of the visions he had
they seemed to be part of the same narrative
was the prince him?
if he was, was he prepared for the consequences that came with knowing his past?
he’d heard of grim reapers going mad after knowing slivers of their pasts
they would seek out the truth at any cost
but wasn’t not knowing a better choice?
it was no doubt the safer choice
many grim reapers moved on to their next life after completing their sentences, never knowing a thing about the past
he buried his head into his hands and sighed
it had been a roller coaster of a day
it was probably for the best that he forget about it and move on
you came back with the tea and it was that moment it fully hit him that you were now his s/o???
the person he’d been crushing on for like the longest time???? now his partner?????
just thinking about it made his heart flutter
the largest smile spread across his face
you caught sight of it and for the first time you could say what you thought
“you look so cute, smiling like that”
jisung’s face just turned 100000x redder congrats
you laugh
the rest of the night was like a breath of fresh air
many more nights were spent like this, in the company of jisung
it ranged from stargazing to cuddles on the couch while binging tv series
jisung seemed to loosen up a lot more after the two of you got together
he was more open to skinship with you but still avoided other people like the plague
and by more open, i mean literally clinging onto you
whenever you were together, the boy was always holding you in some way
it was pretty endearing
but the situation was a slightly different story for jisung
he loved having skinship with you
it was just that every time he touched you, flashes of your past came back
he’s gotten better at tuning them out as time passed
now, the only problem was the plain white envelope that sat on jisung’s desk
it was addressed to him
you couldn’t see the logo on it but jisung could
‘grim reapers’ association (korea)’
jisung pursed his lips
the association never sent letters
he waited till you were away and carefully tore open the envelope
in it was a letter that read:
‘dear mr han jisung, you have been summoned for a disciplinary hearing. it will be held on december 20, 2018 at 1.25pm at the court of reapers.’
everything has a price, including your relationship with jisung
the day of the hearing came
jisung entered the court dressed in a black suit and tie
the board of directors sat along the long table that was in the middle of the room
jisung bowed and took a seat
“mr. han, you have been called in for misuse of your powers. we will begin with some questions,” said the woman seated at the centre of the table
“is your housemate, y/n l/n, aware of your true identity as a grim reaper?”
“to my knowledge, no, they do not”
the woman nodded stiffly and continued, “as you understand, it is a grave offence for you to use your powers that have been gifted to you by the divinity for your own personal gain, especially on mortals. if there are any justifications for your actions, please state them now.”
jisung grimaced
“no, i do not have any.”
“if that is the case, according to section 372a in the penal code, you are hereby suspended for one and half years for misuse of divine powers. however, since it is your first offence, the suspension has been reduced to one year. in addition, you are not allowed to have contact with y/n l/n for the next year so as to not risk the revelation of your identity. you are dismissed.”
he bowed once more and exited the court
how could he suddenly leave you?? what kind of excuse could he give??
jisung furrowed his brows, deep in thought
an idea popped into his head
it wasn’t the best but it had to do
jisung pulled out his phone and quickly typed
jisung [1.45pm]: hey baby are you home right now??
y/n [1.49pm]: yep
jisung [1.50pm]: ok great i got off work early see you at home
he slipped his phone back into his pocket and sat on a wooden bench
burying his face into his hands, he sighed
it might be stupid but he had no other choice
he hailed a cab and got on
jisung arrived home soon after
“y/n, i have some news”
“ooo what is it??”
“i was offered an overseas posting but i don’t know if i should take it. the pay might be better but i don’t want to leave you”
“it’s ok!! i think you should take it!! if it’s not too far, i might be able to move with you too!”
jisung’s eyes widened but he quickly reverted to his normal expression
“it’s in australia and for two years…  i don’t want you to leave everything you have here behind just for me,” jisung smiled, “i’ll send you loads of texts and skype you a lot ok?? i’ll even send some snail mail!!”
you paused, mulling over his proposal
he seemed keen on the posting and you weren’t exactly in the position to refuse him the opportunity
“that sounds good. but let me help you pack ok??”
jisung sent his confirmation to his office and the two of you began packing
after about a week of packing (and searching for a new house mate for yourself), jisung was at the departure hall, preparing himself for his trip to australia
jisung didn’t need to fly to australia, he could just teleport but you didn’t know that
“i’m really going to miss you yknow?”
“i know baby. i’ll make sure to skype you every day”
you embraced him tightly
“i love you so much”
pink tinted jisung’s cheeks
“i love you too but i gotta go or i’ll miss my flight!”
you yelped in surprise and let go of him, hurrying him to the entrance of the hall
jisung showed the guards his papers and they let him through
lugging all his things, he turned to wave you goodbye
you waved back eagerly and watched as he disappeared among the hordes of people
without jisung, you couldn’t afford the rent
thank goodness a friend of a friend needed an apartment
your new house mate, seulgi, was set to move in the day after so you had to get home to clear out the rest of jisung’s stuff
this few days weren’t going to be easy so you steeled yourself for them
jisung landed in sydney several hours later
his friend, chan had been relocated here about five years ago 
they were close back when chan was still in korea and kept in touch even after he left
so chan was more than happy to house jisung for the two years
chan was nearing 500 years so 2 years was essentially 2 weeks for him
the association would continue to send jisung’s assignments to him
so he would have to teleport back and forth australia and korea for each one
but he would do anything for you
the first three months without you were excruciating for jisung
he would find something funny, look up and try to show it to you but you weren’t there
once, chan came home and jisung accidentally said “welcome home baby” out of force of habit 
chan wouldn’t stop teasing him for weeks after that
of course, as agreed, you would skype almost every night
but it wasn’t the same as seeing each other in real life
but you’d have to deal with it
you would share about your days
and sometimes chan would pop by and say hi
it was a little weird at first but you got used to it
it was actually quite endearing
your life just became work, eat and sleep
no more spontaneous dates or movie nights
it was boring so you were especially grateful for those few minutes when you skyped him
you had to say though life in your house was different without jisung around
it wasn’t that seulgi was bad she just looked very intimidating so you didn’t really talk to her
you rarely saw her around anyways
you were okay with that because that meant you got the house to yourself
things on jisung’s side were slightly different
he was busy, getting new assignments every other week
he just recieved his new set of cards
this was by far the thickest
he slowly sifted through them, sorting them out by days
the names were meaningless to him, just another person he had to send to the afterlife
but one name seemed familiar
he rubbed his eyes
it couldn’t be
upon closer inspection, he realised everything, from the name to birthday matched yours
it really couldn’t be
you were so young, you had so much to do in the world
this must have been a mistake
this might not even be you
there were so many people with the same name
it couldn’t be you
jisung laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling as his phone rang
you were probably calling him
he gulped, wiping away the tears that had pooled up in his eyes
he couldn’t worry you, especially not now
his finger met with the cool glass and he picked up the call
words passed between the two of you easily, as always
but you couldn’t help but to feel that jisung’s tone was a little sentimental, eyes glossing over once in a while
“is there something wrong?”
jisung shook his head, “it’s fine, nothing happened. don’t worry about me”
all that statement did was worry you more but you didn’t press
the calls between you became even more frequent, jisung checking in almost every other hour
but you couldn’t talk for long because you had more and more assignments piling up
your texts were reduced to a short ‘sorry, busy’
your boss nitpicked everything you did, pointing out mistakes that weren’t even there
it frustrated you to no end, but still, you tried your best to correct your mistakes and submit a better piece of work
you were missing meals just to finish up more work
somehow, when you finished one assignment, ten more took its place
you even had to come back on the weekends
it was sunday, the last day of the week and hopefully the last day you’d have to deal with this
you rushed about, looking for different people for different opinions and information
your chest began hurting but you ignored it
it had been happening quite often recently
you briskly walked to your boss’ office
your vision blurred and blackened but you continued on
you knocked on the open door and entered the office
“could you please help me check the proposal? i would really like your opinion on it”
but your boss remained focused on the laptop in front of him, paying you no mind
you cleared your throat and spoke a little louder
still no response
you were about to try again when a familiar voice read out your name and birthday
“can you confirm?”
the voice was shaky, full of sorrow and melancholy
you whipped around and faced jisung, dressed in all black
“it’s ok baby, i’ll explain everything. just follow me”
he held your hand as tenderly as ever and guided you through the door and into the kitchen
he gestured towards the seat and began preparing some tea
information flooded you, jisung rambling about everything from how he was a grim reaper to why he moved to australia
jisung gently placed the teacup in front of you
“this cup of tea makes you forget what happened in this life. don’t worry, i made it the way you like it”
you paused, words heavy in your mouth
“doesn’t that mean i’ll forget about you?”
jisung nodded stiffly
your hand trembled as it reached for the cup, your vision marred with tears
“it’s alright baby. just drink the tea and go through the door. don’t worry about me.”
you lifted the cup to your lips and gulped it down
the chair screeched as you got up
immediately, you embraced jisung
“i’m really gonna miss you”
“i’ll miss you too but don’t worry baby, we’ll definitely meet again in the next life”
you reluctantly left jisung’s side and, after taking one last look at him, walked into a bright light
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