#also my coworker helped me figure out the wages for bank shifts??
eluvixns · 2 months
cleaned and cleaned and cleaned and napped and cooked and cleaned some more and then worked out and now!! now i get to go take a bubble bath!! and watched indigo league!! and turn into soup!!
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so no matter what I try, reblogging that other post with this addition literally just will not work, it just won't go through, I don't know why, I don't know how to fix it
so I'm gonna try making this into a fresh post and pray that it actually works this time
it didn't work, I've removed the gif that I had in here on the off chance that it was causing the problem somehow
attempt no. 5 here we go, and I do in fact have it backed up now
the fic is Grocery Blues by Nimrod the Writer on fanfic.net
it's about Danny getting a job at a grocery store but despite always having to run off to fight ghosts, he somehow never gets fired
I heartily recommend reading it before reading the rest of this post because spoilers
you good? great!
so yeah the twist in the fic is that the store is actually owned by Vlad, and he won't let them fire him because he gets a huge kick out of Danny technically working for him
Danny is understandably horrified by this revelation
but I couldn't help thinking, what if it was the other way around?
what if Danny went out of his way to find a company Vlad owned, and apply for a job there, knowing that Vlad wouldn't let this opportunity pass
Danny gets the job remarkably easy, and the manager turns a blind eye any time he disappears from work, and he stills gets paid for the whole shift
he tests the waters slightly by suggesting to the manager that he's thinking about quitting, and the man completely panics and offers him a raise
he doesn't try this again, knowing he can only push so hard before Vlad figures out what he's doing, he also just feels really bad for the manager who is clearly terrified of whatever punishment Vlad promised if he let Danny slip away
meanwhile, Vlad is taking every opportunity to make snarky remarks about his new job, Danny plays dumb to any subtle hints Vlad drops
and while Vlad is thinking about how stupid and naive he is, Danny is secretly laughing behind Vlad's back, abusing the hell out of his immunity at work by picking up as many shifts as humanly possible despite only showing up half the time
to Danny's credit, he does go to work when he can, he only leaves for ghost hunting, but he also tends to take naps in the supply closet or spend extra time on his lunch breaks to do homework, when he does actually work though he does a really good job to make up for it, his manager and coworkers aren't bad people after all and he doesn't want to make things too difficult for them
it's just Vlad he wants to squeeze money out of, and he seems to be willing to fork out whatever money it takes to keep Danny there, even if it means putting on extra staff to make up for his absences
he does also manage to pull one more threat to quit in order to negotiate a pay rise for the rest of the staff though, by this point he knows it's only a matter of time before everything falls apart
in the end, Vlad still hasn't figured shit out but is just bursting to rub this whole thing in Danny's face and he finally spills the beans himself
he expects Danny to be horrified about working for him, but instead Danny's just like "damn it Vlad you couldn't wait one more month?? now I owe Tucker fifty bucks"
and Vlad's just like 😦
Danny is fired the next day
but hey he got the minimum wage raised for a good month or so and made bank while only doing half the work
Vlad tries to pull the whole "wow Daniel manipulating people to get what you want? you're more like me than you realise" schtick
and Danny just responds like "actually it was Sam's idea and also wringing money out of a capitalist asshole basically makes me Robin Hood now excuse me while I go flash my cash and give waitstaff the tips they deserve"
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The Last of the Real Ones
Part of the Road Trip Shuffle
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When a new super hero called Scoups starts appearing around the city, you aren’t really interested. Until you realize just how bad he is at keeping a secret identity (despite him thinking he was pretty sly).
“I know this whole damn city thinks it needs you But not as much as I do”
You realized that Choi Seungcheol was the superhero Scoups, when you first saw the guy in action. When Scoups first started to pop up in the news you didn’t really pay much attention to it. A masked vigilante stopping bank robberies and petty thievery just didn’t really pique your interest.
You were too busy after all, with pretty much everything else going on in your life to ponder the identity of a man that was probably just some self-centered idiot who wanted to play hero for a few days. You were sure that in no time the news of him would fade away and things would return to normal.
At least... That is what you thought until you were at a coffee shop on your way to work and you got grabbed and held at gun point.
There wasn’t really much going through your mind at that point, to your surprise.
You had always imagined that you would have a strew of thoughts going through your mind, that pure adrenaline would take over, and in an attempt to try and better the situation you would end up with a bullet in your head.
Instead, you felt your heart rate steady to something a bit more lax then it had actually been not long before. You thought of a few small things you regretted. Coworkers you wished that you had been brave enough to talk to more. People you had wished you had called before this had happened. Your crush, who you suddenly really wanted to be able to confess to despite all of your anxieties towards it before.
And lastly, how to get out of this situation without anyone getting hurt.
Your eyes had scanned the restaurant calmly- everyone was on the floor, and you could tell that none of them were going to be helping you. No, they were all too scared, some of them even trying to sneak their phones out- not to call 911 but to resume the phone calls they had been having before this whole inconvenient robbery.
You looked over at the cashier, a scared, shaken 16-year-old, who clearly hadn’t even played a violent video game a day in their life, much less been held at gun point. You felt bad for them. They were just trying to make minimum wage after all at a busy coffee shop with rude customers. The last thing that they needed in their lives was for someone to rob them.
You sighed, and cleared your throat, gaining the robbers attention. He tightened his grip on you, the cold metal of his gun digging into your temple.
“Is there something you would like to say princess?”
You rolled your eyes at the clear scare tactic. You presumed that normally such a thing would work on you. This man was huge. Easily twice your size. He could probably break you in half, with his pinky finger, and was surely leaving bruises from where he was holding you on your shoulders. And yet, even so you weren’t really frightened.
If you were going to die, you supposed that was okay- in that moment at least- because it just meant that everyone else here might live. And you desperately needed that to happen.
“Yeah, you’re not going to get anything out of the kid,” you stated, your voice sounding just as steady as you felt. You felt the robber shift his weight, turning his attention to the glass windows. You could hear sirens in the distance, and you wondered if that was what had suddenly gotten his attention.
The police would surely be here soon.
“What?” He mumbled.
“The kid is shaking, probably doesn’t even know the security code to the safe where they keep the money on a good day, much less when he is scared out of his mind,” you clarified. “Who you need, is the manager. Or someone who used to work here.”
The robber didn’t seem to understand what you were getting at, so you let out a loud sound of impatience.
“I used to work here,” you explained to him. “If you let me, I’ll open the safe for you.”
It honestly wasn’t a good move for you to make.
Lying to someone with a gun was never a good idea. Especially not when you weren’t sure if the gun was loaded or not. You made a mental note to yourself not to do something stupid like this again even as you were on your knees in front of the small metal safe that held the money.
All you had to do was come up with a four-digit number.
A four-digit number that you did not know but a four-digit number none the less and everything could go smoothly.
Luckily for you, before you found out what would happen if you didn’t figure out the four digit number, there was a loud shout, a mad scrambling of people across the coffee shop floor and a crash as someone fell through the large glass windows of the store.
You heard the robber shout a string of curses, but you didn’t even mind the way that the man pulled you closer as a blur of red and white tumbled over the broken glass, to a fetal position on the ground.
Your eyebrows strewn together tightly in confusion when the person let out a pained groan and then jumped to their feet, placing their hands on their hips as if they hadn’t been clearly hurt just a moment before.
“Scoups is here to save the day!” He announced loudly. His eyes scanned the building, and he pointed at the person who was holding you hostage in a way that you honestly didn’t see to be very threatening. “And if you don’t let go of-”
His eyes drifted over to you and he choked.
Yes he physically choked on air, completely lost his composure, cleared his throat and then spoke again, this time his voice notably an octave deeper: “This completely random lady who I do not know in the slightest. Then I will have to come over there and hurt you.”
You weren’t sure if it was the way he changed his voice, the fact that he clearly hadn’t quite mastered his costume- or really anything about his super hero persona yet, or if maybe it was the more then obvious indication that the guy knew you. No matter- in the end, the minute that you saw the man you knew that it was Seungcheol.
There was no way it wasn’t Seungcheol. You knew red and white were his favorite colors, and that he always had the best intentions but didn’t always think things through all the way. You knew what he looked like- flimsy cotton mask over his eyes be damned, and to top it off, he was the dumb guy in your office that you had a crush on.
If you hadn’t recognized Seungcheol standing ten feet away from you in a costume it would have been more surprising, than for you to not have recognized him.
But the thing was how did you even say something like that to someone?
Despite the rocky start to the whole rescue mission, Seungcheol managed to grab the criminal, and get the gun away from him with no trouble at all.
As it turned out, Seungcheol had superpowers. You weren’t sure what all of his superpowers were but it seemed to you that he had more than one, because the super speed that he displayed while saving your life surely wasn’t enough to have also wrenched the gun out of the man’s hands and get you away from him without getting shot.
Seungcheol had been quick to tie up the man who not even a second before had you in his arms, honestly believing your life was moments away, and was about to- you thought maybe quite literally take off- when someone had called after the man.
It was a younger girl, staring up at Seungcheol in a way that you knew no one had looked at him before. To these people he really was a hero- which you supposed was fair. He had just saved all of your lives.
“Scoups, how can we ever thank you enough?”
The man let out a hearty laugh and reached forward, placing a hand on the girls' head. Her face turned the color of his cape at that, an action you wanted to make fun of but you had had similar reactions to him for less, so you supposed you would let it slide this time.
“You already did.”
And just like that Seungcheol was gone.
That day at the office, he didn’t seem any different than he had always been.
You tried to figure out if Seungcheol had been acting strangely recently but you couldn’t really place any certain day when the switch had happened, but your suspicions that he was in fact the masked man who had saved you that day were only confirmed by your work day at the office.
Not only could he not stop looking at you, a clear look of concern in his eyes, but he had spent the whole morning trying to get someone anyone to turn on the news (likely so that he could pretend to hear about the robbery and provoke you into saying something about it), and when he couldn’t get you to talk about it outright he had pretended to notice a bruise on your neck that you knew he couldn’t have possibly seen unless he was looking for it.
“Hey... Is that a bruise? Are you okay? Did something happen to you today? Because if something did you should tell everyone you know not keep it to yourself.”
You tried not to laugh at his obvious attempts, and instead shyly admitted that yes actually, something had happened to you. You told him about the man that had grabbed you, and that you had been scared.
“But then this masked man fell through the window and ended up saving the day.”
“Oh? Who? He sounds heroic!”
“Uh, I wouldn’t call him heroic necessarily, he seemed a bit unprepared and his name was a little weird... Scoups or something?”
“Oh! Scoups! That really strikes fear into my heart!”
“Ah, I don’t really think so, but agree to disagree right?”
You hadn’t really meant to start teasing him you meant to let it go on for a week maybe and then tell him that you knew his secret. After all, it was a big burden for Seungcheol to carry on his own. You knew that from every single comic book you read and superhero movie you had ever watched. But it was just so easy to tease him. Not to mention that your power of suggestion meant a lot changing in Scoups secret identity.
When you mentioned that you thought Scoups should focus less on catch phrases and more on saving people then his phrases became a lot more more natural and like himself. You also noticed that when you suggested that the hero focus more on strategy to minimize the harm that came to the people he was saving, he started being able to save a lot more people.
And besides, knowing Seungcheol’s secret made you a lot less nervous around him in the office. You weren’t freaked out when he walked past your cubicle and you didn’t shake if he tried to strike up a conversation with you during your breaks.
And during lunch periods he actually sought you ought to eat with you. Sure it was just so that he could talk to you about the most recent Scoups news, but it was attention none the less and you really enjoyed talking to him.
Not only that, but in no time Seungcheol started to approach you even when he was masked as the Scoups himself. Sure, it probably didn’t help that you ended up being in a numerous amount of locations tied to people he was fighting.
Over the next few months, you found yourself in so many robberies, and hostage situations that you were honestly starting to feel like the target. In each one, you found yourself doing the stupid sort of heroic thing you were chastising Scoups for, only without the superpowers on your end, to the point that Scoups approached you himself.
One night after work, you suddenly realized that you weren’t alone. You turned around, fingers clutching your phone hidden deep in your jacket pocket- only for you to relax when you saw who it was.
“Scoups,” you breathed, the name leaving your mouth along with a sigh of relief. “To what do I owe the honor?”
He had given you a completely unamused look back and pointed at your hand in your pocket.
“What were you going to do? Attack me?” He asked. You rolled your eyes and raised your phone out of your pocket.
“Us normal people tend to just call the police,” you replied pointedly. He made a face at that, for what reason you weren’t sure of at first.
“You should really be more careful. The amount at which I end up saving you- out of everybody else in this city-” He interrupted himself to click his tongue and shake his head. “And you’re always being held at gun point. What is that?”
You scoffed and put a hand on your hips.
“Are you blaming me, for always being used as a captive?” You asked him bluntly. He raised his eyes back to you and put his hands up in the air towards you.
“No, no, I’m just... I’m worried about you,” he mumbled. He was starting to grow closer to you. You weren’t opposed to the action. In fact, the closer he was to you the safer you truly felt. It was nice to have him there beside you.
“Just like you are worried about the whole city huh?” You questioned him softly. He stopped, his body mere centimeters from yours. He rose his hand up, clearly wanting to touch your cheek, but hesitated just before his fingers brushed your skin. You rolled your eyes at the tepidness and took his hand in yours, placing it against you before he could say anything in protest.
The action made him smile and sent a jolt down your spine.
You hadn’t realized how long it had been since anyone had touched you so intimately until he was touching you right there and then.
“I would let this whole city burn just to save your life,” Seungcheol whispered back.
When you had read the comic books, and stupid Mary Jane had kissed Spiderman, but also sort of liked Peter Parker and never made the connection between the two, you had always thought it was odd. Not odd in Mary Jane’s corner (although you thought she was a little dimwitted to not make the connection sooner. But odd in Peter Parker’s sense.
After all, what could possibly be going through his mind when he kissed Mary Jane with his mask on, thinking that she was the most important person in his life, but still knowing that she didn’t know the most important detail about him.
You of course, were no Mary Jane. You knew Seungcheol was Scoups. Hadn’t truly been fooled by his mask for a second (even though his costume had gotten immensely better). You had never thought that Seungcheol would kiss you. Not when he was in a mask, and not when he was just a coworker at your office.
So, when Seungcheol closed the space between the two of you, and his lips pressed against yours- you were so surprised you couldn’t protest against it. You couldn’t stop him and tell him that you knew, in fact you couldn’t even think.
All you could do was wrap your arms around his body, trying to feel his warmth spread throughout your whole body, and pressed yourself tighter against him. After all, you were in love with him. You had been for some time.
A kiss from him truly was a dream come true, and no sensical bone in your body could convince you that what you were doing needed to be stopped just so that you could rationalize that he had no reason to feel insecure about his secret identity or all the lies he thought he was so cleverly telling.
No instead you melted against him, just desperate to have him close to your body and to never let this moment slip away from you.
And yet, just like most things, the clock’s hand never stopped cruelly ticking away, and after what could only be described as too short of a time, you felt Seungcheol slipping away from you.
“You have no clue how long I have wanted to do that,” he whispered. “But I have to leave you now.”
You were dazed. Honestly feeling like you couldn’t really keep your bearings if you wanted to. You blindly reached towards Seungcheol as he pulled away.
“Wait, I-”
“Don’t worry. I’ll keep you safe.”
And before you could tell Seungcheol that you knew who he was, Seungcheol disappeared into the night, and you were left alone.
After that moment, it was sort of hard to bring the topic up. Every time that Seungcheol was close to you, you couldn’t manage to tell him in words what you wanted to say. Whenever you could get it into a conversation someone always showed up to ruin your plans.
And whenever it was just you and Scoups... It was like he was the part of him that he was afraid to be at work. He was confident and concerned for you and would stand so close that you couldn’t think straight no matter how badly you wanted to.
One thing you never accounted for however was your growing close relationship with Scoups getting you into any danger. Sure, letting yourself get seen talking to Scoups one on one at multiple scenes of crime and even being caught in videos making quips with the hero like old friends should have made you a bit more careful but it just wasn’t something you had anticipated.
You had never imagined that you would end up kidnapped.
Sure, after all of the superhero storylines that you had read; you would think that you would have seen it coming. Whenever someone got close to the superhero of the story- whether they knew the superhero’s identity or not- they always ended up kidnapped.
It was a classic plot line, the one that always made the hero return to action even if they had been reluctant to do so before. You had never been the biggest fan of the plot line honestly. You found it to be a tad bit bland and drawn out- even when it was self-aware. But you supposed that you couldn’t really control being caught in such a plot line anyways.
You remembered a painful sting to the back of your head, darkness overcoming your vision and then waking up in a dark room.
You honestly hadn’t even realized that Scoups had a nemesis or even someone out to get him, but you really should have anticipated it coming. It was like Seungcheol kissing you had made you forget everything about any superhero tale that you had ever known.
Whenever a superhero showed up, a supervillain always followed. There were no exceptions to such a rule.
Your eyes narrowed at the man before you as you pulled at your wrists lightly. The ropes he had used to tie you were tight against you. You wouldn’t be able to ease yourself out of it easily, no matter how badly you wanted to.
So instead, you kept your attention on this supervillain, raising an eyebrow at him as he paced the abandoned room that you two were in.
“So...” You trailed off, and the man turned to you. He had dark eyes, and a particular way of looking at you that you just knew you had seen many times before. “Aren’t you going to tell me your backstory or whatever?”
The man looked at you, his glare only intensifying at your words.
“You think I would waste my backstory on you?” He asked you pointedly. Honestly the comment stung, but once again his words kept pulling at that little part in your brain that said that you knew him outside of this. You thought maybe if you kept him talking you would be able to pinpoint exactly where from.
“I mean who else are you going to tell?” You asked. You used your head to gesture to the empty room around you. The man rolled his eyes.
“Scoups will come,” he murmured back. “I’ll tell him when he arrives.”
You scoffed.
“Why would Scoups come? This is so obviously a trap- and would you even really kill me?”
“He’ll come, and if you keep talking then yes,” he snapped back roughly. “You’re the most precious person on the planet to Scoups, I know he will come.”
You thought that was a tiny bit of an exaggeration, but luckily his cocky attitude, finally slide something into place in your mind, and you realized with a start exactly where you knew he from.
“Oh my god, Juyan? From accounting?” You blurted out. Juyan, turned to you, his eyes growing wide in surprise.
“What- How did you-?”
“It is you!” You exclaimed. “What the hell Juyan, I thought you died in some freak accident?”
“I’m wearing a full-face mask!” Juyan protested instead of answering your question. You figured that was fair. After all it was no secret to anyone that Juyan had been missing for months. He had been chosen with a select few- Seungcheol actually. To participate in an experiment in a lab. The experiment had been pretty top secret, and something had gone wrong....
You wanted to hit yourself, realizing suddenly that you were the biggest idiot on the planet.
“Of course, the accident.”
Suddenly everything was clicking in your mind. The mod podge of every superhero story you had ever read all molding into one story that would make sense for your situation.
Juyan- after overcoming his initial shock only confirmed it a moment later.
When Juyan and Seugncheol were selected to do the experiment and the experiment went wrong they were both exposed to deadly radiations that should have killed them. It killed the others in the project, and also released a sudden mass of energy in the center of the room that started to suck up the people in the experiment. Juyan and Seungcheol agreed to work together to try to save the scientists and close the hole, being told that if they got a certain device into the mass, they would be able to prevent the end of the world.
A slip was all it took for Juyan to fall into the mass, leaving everyone to believe him dead.
“But I am alive,” Juyan snapped. “And the first thing I see upon returning is that Seungcheol is masquerading around like some sort of hero. After letting me die.”
He let out a laugh, that was a little psychotic- honestly not anything you wouldn’t expect from Juyan. He had always been one step away from the looney bin- but was still a little disturbing to hear even so.
Contrastingly, it was a little amusing the way that Juyan waited for Scoups to show. His growing impatience only building on the anger issues that he had been sent to Human Resources for many times before for.
You honestly hadn’t expected Scoups to come for quite some time but after only a few hours (your ropes still tight but getting much looser), suddenly the door came bursting in, and Seungcheol’s wide frantic eyes fell on you. He called out your name.
“Don’t worry! I’m here to save you.”
You practically yawned as he began towards you. It was like none of them had ever seen a superhero movie before in their lives.
“Don’t do it,” you murmured, your tone of voice flat. “It’s a trap.”
Just as you spoke, Juyan reappeared and a net dropped down from the ceiling over Seungcheol. He hissed as the net touched him, dropping to the ground in more pain then you had ever seen him in before.
“That net is made out of Titanium Alloy,” Juyan said sinisterly. You could practically hear the smile on his lips. “Your one weakness Scoups.”
His voice echoed throughout the room, and it seemed to genuinely impress Seungcheol as he flipped over in the net to peer up at Juyan.
“Pledis,” he mumbled. “Where did you come from? What do you want to achieve?”
And luckily this was where you could help speed up things. Honestly when it got to this part of the plot, you tended to easily get bored while reading your graphic novels. While in some stories the realization of who the villain was had been crafted in detail and been a genuine surprise to you, like in Marvel’s Runaways- other stories just felt repetitive and obvious. You skimmed through those most of the time. And you were a bit glad you could press fast forward on this one, because this room was a bit cold and you didn’t have a jacket.
“It’s Juyan- from accounting.”
Juyan let out a frustrated groan at your comment, just as Seungcheol let out a dramatic gasp.
“It’s Pledis,” he snapped back. “Come on, I call you Scoups, so call me Pledis.”
“Juyan...” Seungcheol murmured, completely ignoring what Juyan had said just a moment ago “I... I thought you were dead.”
It was odd, to see Seungcheol growing so clearly haunted. When you had imagined what he had to hide you had thought it was simply a fear of people finding out who he was. You had been naïve to think that he was holding onto an even larger burden that you couldn’t even begin to fathom.
You could hardly even pay attention as Juyan and Seungcheol continued their discussion, going through the usual wave of conversation before it finally devolving into the fight that all three of you had known it would come down to.
You knew that Seungcheol didn’t want to hurt Juyan. And you knew that Juyan’s period of isolation was a large part of the reason he was currently being so resentful. But you also knew that even with a trained therapist in the room there would be no preventing this battle. And when Juyan went flying out the window, plummeting to what you could only imagine would be his death, you couldn’t say you were really surprised.
Just glad that you had managed to get yourself free of those ropes, and desperate to get to Seungcheol’s side.
“Are you okay?” You exclaimed climbing over the metal rail as you rushed over to Seungcheol. He froze at the statement, his whole body becoming tense at that. At first you were confused as to why, and then you realized that it was because he still didn’t realize that you knew his secret identity. You rolled your eyes.
“Seungcheol, I know it’s you.”
“Se-Seungcheol?” Seungcheol asked, his eyebrows raising. “Who is that?”
You sighed and wandered over to Seungcheol, lightly placing your hand on his shoulder. You peeked around his body and try to catch his gaze, but he just turned his head even further from you. You sighed.
“Come on, what are you doing? Don’t you know what part of the story we are at?” You asked him. That seemed to peek his attention a bit. He glanced at you, his eyebrows raising ever so slightly so that you could finally see his face.
He had bruises scattered across it, and a number of cuts on his cheeks that made your brows furrow in concern. You raised your hand gently to his cheek and he looked down so that he couldn’t see your expression as you did so.
“Part of the story...?” He questioned softly. You nodded and smiled.
“Well, it’s the part where the person who has been in love with the hero for so long finally gets to see his face. She’s of course worried. She knows that he is in pain but won’t say anything, but she doesn’t mind as long as she gets to see him.”
You sighed and lowered your hand back down to his shoulder, ducking your head so that you could catch his gaze. You gave him an easy smile.
“Then she tells the hero that she’s known all along who he was,” you continued. The statement made Seungcheol sigh softly, a pout crossing his lips.
“How long have you known?” He asked you his voice softer than you were used to it being when he was dressed like this.
“Since the coffee shop robbery,” you replied. Seungcheol’s mouth dropped open.
“How?” He blurted. You laughed.
“It wasn’t hard to figure out Cheol. We’ve worked together for over a year now, and you weren’t very secretive about the fact that you knew me that day.”
Seungcheol’s face turned a little disgruntled at that. That just made you laugh, your hand raising up to his cheek again.
“Don’t give me that look,” you mumbled affectionately. “If I hadn’t known I would sort of be a terrible friend.”
Seungcheol laughed, at that, but he still looked a little bothered. He cleared his throat and placed his hand on your wrist. He pulled your hand from his face and intertwined his fingers with yours.
“Just friends huh?” He mumbled. You rolled your eyes at his sudden shy attitude and looked at your interlocked hands.
“Well, I guess it didn’t just have to do with us being friends,” you murmured back. “I wanted to tell you that I know sooner, but it was a little hard after you kissed me that first time. Sort of... Clouded my senses.”
Seungcheol chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck.
“It was kind of dumb of me to do that if I wanted to keep you safe... Wasn’t it?”
You rolled your eyes and leaned forward so that your nose was brushing against Seungcheol’s in what resembled a butterfly kiss. He didn’t seem to think that was enough however, as he leaned even closer and pressed his lips briefly to yours.
“You couldn’t keep me away if you tried,” you whispered back softly.
“There's been a million before me That ultra-kind of love You never walk away from You're just the last of the real ones”
Next Song: Red Like Roses Part I+II by Jeff Williams
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arlo-venn · 5 years
Oh no! Ah! I need help :~(
I know it’s long, but please give it a read!
As I’ve mentioned, I’m currently on medical leave from work to give my body time to recover from 6 months of MRSA infections, a seemingly endless Lyme flare, and to figure out my meds and broken sleep/wake cycle.
It takes between 1-2 weeks for the short term disability application to go through. I thought I was going to be fine because a lot of coworkers have donated their paid-time-off (PTO) hours to me to use in the meantime...
But, as it turns out, none of the donated PTO was applied to today’s paycheck, which was for pay period 1/13-1/26. My last day at work was 1/20, and before that, each shift was only between 2-5 hours tops because I kept needing to leave early once my ever-increasing mobility issues started to kick in.
So instead of the full paycheck I was expecting, I received less than half of what I normally make. I was not able to set much money aside throughout the month, as I was missing a considerable amount of work/hours by continuously needing to arrive hours late, or leave hours early.
I was wholly expecting to be able to pay rent out of this check and to just skimp by on what was left over until next check (2/14), but with what I received I don’t even have enough to make rent, let alone feed myself, put gas in my car to get to/from appointments, etc. I’m so scared!
All of my other bills are good until after my next check, which should be normal. All of my creatures have plenty of food to last until then, as well. I’m solely worried about rent, human food, and gas. I don’t know what else to do but ask you guys for assistance! I don’t have family or any other sort of safety net, and my savings has been depleted through all of the work I was missing between August and when I left for my leave of absence.
If you would, if you could, please consider donating some funds my way, if you can spare it. I’m so so sorry to ask.
From what I have in the bank right now, I would need around $100 more to make rent. I’m pretty good at making money stretch when necessary, but I usually need a minimum of $300ish to make it the two weeks between checks.
So I suppose I’m asking for your help in raising anywhere from $100-$500 to get me through until my next check.
I’m not really sure what I could offer in return. You could request specific photos of specific pets in my care! I won’t be able to pay anyone back, because once the short term disability kicks in, I’ll only be making 60% of my usual wages. 😳
I have Venmo, ApplePay, CashApp, and Facebook Measenger. I don’t have PayPal, but my best mate does, and you could send it to her! So if PayPal is your preference, inquire within for the info. I don’t have my own because I simply do not know how to use it.
I prefer to avoid CashApp if possible, but if you are able to donate anything at all, please use whichever app is best for you!
Venmo: @remywalsh
ApplePay: Inquire for phone number
Fb Messenger: Remy Walsh; profile photo is me laying on some concrete.
CashApp: $arlovenn
I have until 2/5 to pay my rent without a late fee.
If you would consider reblogging this for me, that would also be greatly appreciated. I know that money is tight for a lot of us these days, so I feel quite guilty posting this request. I’ve never been this broke before! I’ve never been unable to pay my rent. I’m quite scared, honestly. Trying not to panic.
P.S. dogblr mutuals feel free to friend me on fb whether you’re able to donate or not :)
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varietyofwords · 7 years
Addendum, Part Sixteen (Chicago P.D.)
Title: Addendum
Chapter: Got the Munchies (Part Sixteen)
Fandom: Chicago P.D.
Rating: T/PG-13
Author's Note: This oneshot picks up at the end of "A Night Owl" (3x15).
The ringing ceases with an audible click, and then her gravelly, giggly voice filters through the speaker and into his ear. The sound of it tugs his lips upward into a smile; the question contained within it causes his own chuckle to burst forth because, yeah, he kind of does have the munchies now.
"Starving," he tells her, and his smile deepens as her laughter cuts through the phone, as he follows her instructions to hold on and listens to muffled words as she tells someone not to leave something anywhere. He has no idea who the someone or what the something might be, but his attention is pulled from what he overheard to the silent mimicry of the last two people exiting the store.
The former Marine who cracked jokes about a pot shop being his stepping stone out of rehab stands silently by the front door; his military training evident in the way he positions his body and keeps his eyes scanning the horizon as his boss - their boss - works on locking up for the night. Jay's brow furrows when he spots Brianna patting the guy's chest as she says her goodbyes for the night, when he notices how the gesture causes the guy's eyes to widen slightly and his jaw to lock tighter.
Yet the furrow in his brow releases when he hears he say his name, and Jay shifts slightly in the driver's seat of his car as he drags his attention back to the woman on the other end of the line. Gives a small nod in farewell when he catches Terry's attention as the former Marine watches Brianna dart across the parking lot to her car, as his new coworker eventually follows her lead and heads to his own pickup truck parked three spots down from Jay's car.
"Are you done for the night?" The voice in his ear questions, and Jay offers a hum in response before asking if Erin still wants to grab dinner. "Yeah, I gave Burgess her toothbrush so I'm good for dinner."
"Her toothbrush?" Jay questions because he has no idea how a toothbrush became a part of getting drinks with Burgess and some of the women from Med or Firehouse 51. But Erin's soft chuckle accompanies instructions not to worry about it, and she shifts the conversation to be about when and where they want to meet for dinner.
"I'm beat. Can we just do takeout at my place?"
"Hmm," Erin hums, and the sound of music, laughter, and clinking beers downs out the sound of her voice for a moment as she pretends to consider his offer. Or, at least, he hopes it is pretending because while he'd happily take her out wherever she wants to go or cook her something at home, he also thinks curling up on his couch and fighting over the last egg roll sounds like a better way to end a day where he worked back-to-back shifts. "Better idea. We get takeout at my place."
He scoffs at bit at her suggestion - his eyes fluttering shut as his lips twitch into a smile - because he should have known that her objection would be centered around his apartment. He can count on one hand the number of times she's stayed there overnight since they went official back in October. Can't count on one hand the number of times she's complained about the lack of windows, the smallness of his couch, or the minimal number of pillows on his bed. All complaints that, if he's been honest, he's started to consider in his decision to start looking for a new place.
New apartments - whether rented or owned - cost money, though, and that's why he's ended up spending his night working security at a pot shot. Setting aside his reservations about putting more drugs on the street - even if it is just pot - and agreed to stay on his feet for a couple more hours a day instead of spending his downtime on Erin's couch. Getting in that form and function.
"Your place, it is," he agrees after a moment, and he glances down at the clock to try and come up with an accurate ETA. "Want me to pick you up at Molly's? I can be there in twenty."
"No," she replies explaining that he'd have to drive past her place to get there and, besides, she and Burgess drove over seperately so she needs to get her car home anyways. "I'll head out now and meet you there. Is Chinese good? I call and order our usuals."
"Yeah, that sounds great. I'll see you in a bit," Jay says ending the call when Erin says she'll see him soon. He toss the phone onto the passenger seat beside him, shifts forward in his own seat, and reaches for the key in the ignition to turn the car over. His eyes scan over the empty parking lot once more before he shifts the car into reverse and heads towards Erin's place.
Traffic is heavier than he anticipated for this time of night, and the smell of takeout Chinese food already permeates the hallway by the time he finds a parking spot and makes his way inside Erin's building. Figures that means almost all the eggrolls have found a new home in Erin's stomach as he raps lightly on the door to her apartment.
"Hey, babe," she says when the door swings open, and the repetition of her earlier greeting causes him to smile because who knew Erin Lindsay was so into pet names? And before he can stop himself, before his stomach can tell his brain that he is far too hungry to start this right now, his arm is snaking around her waist and pulling her into him. His head dips down, and his lips find hers. Capture the words she was going to say, the question on her lips in a series of hungry kisses as he backs them both into the hallway of her apartment.
The door slams shut behind them thanks to the kick of his boot against it, and he slips his hand under her blue jean shirt and her black tank top to rest it against the bare skin of the small of her back. Presses another kiss against her lips until he feels her hand press against his chest, until he feels her pushing him ever so slightly away. And his head rears back to give her some space, to take in the slightly stunned look on her face.
"Okay," Erin says in that same joking tone she used less than an hour ago when she answered the phone and poked fun at his new job. "Aren't you supposed to be too mellow to do anything but eat?"
And he tries to laugh at her joke, tries to come back with a suggestive comment about what exactly he wants to eat tonight, but the fingers on his chest switch from holding him back to softly tracing circles onto his skin through the fabric of his jacket and she's looking at him in a such a way that makes it clear those kind of jokes aren't going to fly tonight. Makes it clear that she knows something happened.
"Did she hit on you?" Erin questions as her eyes narrow, as her laughing mirth becomes twinged with a bit of jealousy. Jealousy that deepens as he stumbles through a convoluted reply of denial and then acquiescence of the possibility followed by assurance that he's not interested.
"I'd tear up her phone number," he promises, "but I kind of need it for when I have to call out sick."
"Thought you didn't get sick?" Erin sass back.
"I don't," he assures her, and his features twist into a smirk. "I just like having you take care of me. Nothing cures all ailments like undiluted soup out of a can."
The comment earns him a roll of the eyes and a light smack of her hand against his chest because she forgot to add a cup of water one time and he's never let her live it down. Yet the fingers that smacked him still as the smirk on his face droops, as her eyes search his for an answer that he's not sure he has to give.
Seven years ago, he would have been drawing too many similarities between Terry and himself and Mouse and the other members of his unit who made it home with limbs and demons attached. And he's not sure how to tell her about that, to let her know about the part of his life that he's tried to put behind him. How to explain that he was too weak to face the third tour that Terry managed, that he ended up falling down a similar hole to the one the Marine is trying to crawl out of.
But he's not that guy. Not anymore. So, instead, he reminds her that six months ago, the two of them would have been running an op to bust up the place that now employs him.
"Well, the brass says this will clear up resources. Let us go after the big fish moving the heavy stuff rather than the backyard growers or those with a couple of plants in their garage like Al," she offers with a shrug and a small smile. The smile falls, though, as she looks up at him, as she sees the way his jaw has become locked. "If you really need the money, Jay, I'm sure something could be-"
"No," he interrupts because his dad's mantra of an honest wage for an honest day's work still screams in his brain despite the years of silence between them. Because he doesn't want to work something out with Voight or the Outfit or whoever helped her cover the down payment on this place. His desire to move, to put down firmer roots in Chicago can wait until he's got the cash in the bank, and he can pick up a couple of shifts protecting weed rather than taking it off the street to make that happen.
"It's not so bad. There are some good folks there. Former military guys."
"Oh,yeah?" Erin questions as she steps out of his embrace, as she jerks her head to the side in a gesture for him to follow her the rest of the way into the apartment. "Anyone you need to buy a toothbrush for? I've got extras."
"A toothbrush?" He questions because he still has no idea what a toothbrush has to do with how they both spent their after-work hours tonight, and the befuddled look on his face was clearly what she was going for because she laughs. Promises to tell him all about it over dinner as she heads back into the apartment towards the living room and he follows to find the food assembled on the coffee table in front of the couch. The cartons of fried rice, lo mein, and kung pao chicken open and plopped next to two bottles of beer and small, empty take away container that he would be willing to bet today's paycheck used to contain egg rolls.
"You ate all the egg rolls?" Jay asks in an exasperated tone as he peels off his coat and drapes it over the side chair.
"Hey, you're the one with the extra paycheck," Erin replies with an unapologetic smirk on her face as she grabs the carton of fried rice - a pair of chopsticks already haphazardly sticking out of the carton - and falls back onto the couch. "You can spring for the extra egg rolls when you've got the munchies."
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trendingnewsb · 6 years
19 People Reveal the Moment Someone Completely Changed Their Lives
Sometimes all we need to make a big change is a little bit of inspiration. These 19 stories of people totally transforming their lives with one tiny change might provide that bit of inspiration you need to do the same! If you’re happy just the way you are, these nice stories are guaranteed to brighten your day.
via: Shutterstock
A guy I know constantly looked so tired and napped all the time during the day. He would nap so hard that you would have to shake him to wake him up, and he could fall asleep anywhere super fast. I asked him about it and he told me he felt tired all the time because he couldn’t sleep at night, he figured he just had insomnia or something but refused to go to a doctor about it. One day he had a legit mental breakdown after a few drinks, we basically had to babysit him all night and I’m convinced it was because of his constantly exhausted state.
Not long after that incident, he went to the doctor about his sleep and it turns out he had been living with severe sleep apnea for years. The doctor told him he was basically on the verge of a heart attack or stroke because of it. Now he sleeps with a special mask at night and he has completely changed for the better. He visibly has way more energy and his performance in school went through the roof. –Frostedchunks
via: Shutterstock
Worked with a guy at AutoZone that had two set of kids and two sets of child support payments. He worked 40 hours with us and then 30-40 at a grocery store just killing himself to survive. Turns out that he was like 9 hours away from a degree he had begun a decade earlier and he just randomly mentioned it to a coworker while they were stocking things. The managers at both stores knew his situation and worked his schedule together to get him the hours he needed. They started a tuition fund that anyone could donate to and both sat him down to say he needed to finish his school. The school put together a pre-req class for him, which he made an A in, and off he went one class at a time. One year later he walked the stage with a marketing degree and turned his whole life around at 41 or 42. –SaddestClown
via: Shutterstock
I had a friend that had an addictive personality. He was incredibly smart but liked to party too much. During junior year of high school, he got in a car accident, broke some bones, and got addicted to the pills he was prescribed. He spiraled downwards after that and barely made it out of high school. Most people lost contact with him and thought he would just be another lowlife.
A few years after high school one of our mutual friends committed suicide and he took it very harshly, but it was enough to change his attitude. He took up an interest in investments and decided to move away from his burnout friends to attend a college. He graduated in less than 4 years and ended up working for a reputable bank earning six figures, and now he’s always posting his luxurious vacations on Facebook, it was a crazy turn around for him. –Willbo
via: Shutterstock
My lifelong friend went down the heroin/jail path in his early 20s. His personality was always to “Go with the flow”, for better or worse. He became part of a terrible group of people that routinely did awful shit in order to score. Imagine robbing your own grandmother, that caliber of desperation. After a stint being locked up and getting clean, he stopped talking to anyone from that group. No communication whatsoever, cold turkey. Lived with his mom, found a job he could walk to since his driver’s license was long gone and started getting in shape physically. He did counseling, broke his heroin habit, got into martial arts as a positive outlet for his energy. Talking to him now, he says breaking contact with all those people was the only way he made it out. –TurboAbe
via: Shutterstock
About 5 years ago I started doing this little mental trick… if there was some small thing I needed to do I just counted to 3 in my head and did it. Stuff like “1,2,3: put on my workout clothes”, “1,2,3: empty the dishwasher”, “1,2,3: answer that email”, “1,2,3: turn the TV off”.
I promised myself that every “1,2,3” would be something I could achieve in less than 10 minutes and that I would never fail to do something once I finished the countdown. I was amazed at how many of life’s problems were solved by overcoming those little moments of inertia during the day.
My level of motivation before and after that shift was night and day. It made a huge difference in my health, career, financial state, etc. I know it probably sounds silly, but my life made a massive and quick change for the better once I adopted this strategy. –Trent_A
via: Shutterstock
I quit my minimum wage job and stopped talking to my abusive dad. Some 9 months later I got hired into my current job, got my driver’s license, bought a brand new car, and have started losing weight gradually. It’s been 2 years and my car is a little over half paid for and my dad has no idea how awesome my life is. I plan to keep it that way. –HolyOrdersOtaku
via: Shutterstock
One week in high school I decided that I would go for a bike ride every day after school. Massive improvement in attitude and motivation. I began to like school more, got my homework done earlier, and I also got into shape which was an added bonus –atooch
via: Shutterstock
Getting into a routine. Growing up with school and odd work hours, things just seem hectic. Working a set schedule has really helped me in life. Jacon2012
via: Shutterstock
A homeschooler had drifter parents and unemployed friends. He decided on his own to start school in grade 11, graduated, got a trade that he hated so started going to university and working on the side. He graduated with high honours and just started his dream job. –cisco54
via: Shutterstock
Moving to a new state and starting over. It’s short-term and if you don’t keep doing the work necessary to improve you will slide into old behaviors. But just riding the novelty of it all in the beginning can set you up nicely. A fresh start can’t happen when you’re doing the same old things. –283diamonds
via: Shutterstock
My coworker dropped out of high school and basically just became a druggie until he was about 21, working odd jobs and occasionally being homeless. After that, he decided to take a brief web development course(I think it was an intense 9-month course or something, basically a full-time job) and now he works in web development with me.
He’ll sometimes mention how he thinks my 4-year degree is impressive, how he regrets wasting all his time, etc. But I think it’s pretty impressive to go from where he was to being in the same career as me. –sasquartch
via: Shutterstock
A friend met the right girl. He had been mostly insufferable for years- overly needy and demanding of his friends while simultaneously annoying and picky and abrasive at the same time. He met his now-wife and he mellowed out 100% and is now cool to be around again. Barkingpanther
via: Shutterstock
In middle school there was a guy who was always goofing around in class, would get in trouble a lot, and didn’t seem to care about school at all. Once high school came around he was suddenly taking advanced calculus classes and ended up getting into a really good school after graduating. I always wondered what caused the change, until one year there was a little snippet in the yearbook about him where he said that his cousin basically just told him to stop messing around and start caring about school or else he wouldn’t end up in a good place in life, so that’s what he did. –0321654
via: Shutterstock
What got me off WoW was having a kid, the look my wife gave me the first (and only) time she asked me to help with the baby and I said: “but I’m in a raid” was bone chilling. I logged out then and there, canceled my subscription and haven’t played in 9 years. –whiskymakesmecrazy
via: Shutterstock
Not someone else but myself.
Spent 5 years in prison for armed robbery. Been on parole for 8 months now. Started as an intern at a big marketing company. Signed my contract as a sales manager today. Loving GF is pregnant. Got a nice apartment and feel happy as s**t. –DerDieDas
via: Shutterstock
Last year in school I was making really, really s**t grades. Wouldn’t have passed if not for the mercy of my teachers. I posted on Reddit about my aversion to work and the intense sense of dread I get just knowing I have to do something for school. Some Redditors suggested I might have ADHD.
I got prescribed Vyvanse almost immediately after going to the doctors and I am now in my junior year of high school doing great. Last year’s GPA was a 2.6. This year’s is a 4.2. –pbwarren2001
via: Shutterstock
Kid I knew in high school purchased Bitcoin back around 2011. Just sold for over $20 million. –DaLagavulin
via: Shutterstock
Managed an apartment community where one insanely obese man splintered the bottom of his shower from simply standing on it. We replaced it at no charge, but the embarrassment got to him. Within a week he found a dietician and started walking around the community. Within a few months, he bought a bike and started riding around the neighborhood. Within a year he dropped what seemed to be at least 100 lbs. Within 2 years he weighed less than I do now.
Casey, if you happen to see this (and I know you’re a Redditor), you’re a freaking inspiration! Keep at it! –RVBY1977
via: Shutterstock
Not someone else, but a personal habit I picked up. I’m not sure how much this helps other people, but I just started making my bed every morning. I was pleasantly surprised at how much more productive in the mornings I became. Now making my bed is almost like hitting the “I’m not tired anymore” switch in my brain. I know it’s all mental conditioning, but I think it really works. Takes like 30 seconds once you get the hang of it. –roketmanp
If you liked this story, share it with the person who most recently improved your life!
Read more: http://twentytwowords.com/19-people-reveal-the-moment-someone-completely-changed-their-lives-ia/
from Viral News HQ https://ift.tt/2KBLTwr via Viral News HQ
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trendingnewsb · 6 years
19 People Reveal the Moment Someone Completely Changed Their Lives
Sometimes all we need to make a big change is a little bit of inspiration. These 19 stories of people totally transforming their lives with one tiny change might provide that bit of inspiration you need to do the same! If you’re happy just the way you are, these nice stories are guaranteed to brighten your day.
via: Shutterstock
A guy I know constantly looked so tired and napped all the time during the day. He would nap so hard that you would have to shake him to wake him up, and he could fall asleep anywhere super fast. I asked him about it and he told me he felt tired all the time because he couldn’t sleep at night, he figured he just had insomnia or something but refused to go to a doctor about it. One day he had a legit mental breakdown after a few drinks, we basically had to babysit him all night and I’m convinced it was because of his constantly exhausted state.
Not long after that incident, he went to the doctor about his sleep and it turns out he had been living with severe sleep apnea for years. The doctor told him he was basically on the verge of a heart attack or stroke because of it. Now he sleeps with a special mask at night and he has completely changed for the better. He visibly has way more energy and his performance in school went through the roof. –Frostedchunks
via: Shutterstock
Worked with a guy at AutoZone that had two set of kids and two sets of child support payments. He worked 40 hours with us and then 30-40 at a grocery store just killing himself to survive. Turns out that he was like 9 hours away from a degree he had begun a decade earlier and he just randomly mentioned it to a coworker while they were stocking things. The managers at both stores knew his situation and worked his schedule together to get him the hours he needed. They started a tuition fund that anyone could donate to and both sat him down to say he needed to finish his school. The school put together a pre-req class for him, which he made an A in, and off he went one class at a time. One year later he walked the stage with a marketing degree and turned his whole life around at 41 or 42. –SaddestClown
via: Shutterstock
I had a friend that had an addictive personality. He was incredibly smart but liked to party too much. During junior year of high school, he got in a car accident, broke some bones, and got addicted to the pills he was prescribed. He spiraled downwards after that and barely made it out of high school. Most people lost contact with him and thought he would just be another lowlife.
A few years after high school one of our mutual friends committed suicide and he took it very harshly, but it was enough to change his attitude. He took up an interest in investments and decided to move away from his burnout friends to attend a college. He graduated in less than 4 years and ended up working for a reputable bank earning six figures, and now he’s always posting his luxurious vacations on Facebook, it was a crazy turn around for him. –Willbo
via: Shutterstock
My lifelong friend went down the heroin/jail path in his early 20s. His personality was always to “Go with the flow”, for better or worse. He became part of a terrible group of people that routinely did awful shit in order to score. Imagine robbing your own grandmother, that caliber of desperation. After a stint being locked up and getting clean, he stopped talking to anyone from that group. No communication whatsoever, cold turkey. Lived with his mom, found a job he could walk to since his driver’s license was long gone and started getting in shape physically. He did counseling, broke his heroin habit, got into martial arts as a positive outlet for his energy. Talking to him now, he says breaking contact with all those people was the only way he made it out. –TurboAbe
via: Shutterstock
About 5 years ago I started doing this little mental trick… if there was some small thing I needed to do I just counted to 3 in my head and did it. Stuff like “1,2,3: put on my workout clothes”, “1,2,3: empty the dishwasher”, “1,2,3: answer that email”, “1,2,3: turn the TV off”.
I promised myself that every “1,2,3” would be something I could achieve in less than 10 minutes and that I would never fail to do something once I finished the countdown. I was amazed at how many of life’s problems were solved by overcoming those little moments of inertia during the day.
My level of motivation before and after that shift was night and day. It made a huge difference in my health, career, financial state, etc. I know it probably sounds silly, but my life made a massive and quick change for the better once I adopted this strategy. –Trent_A
via: Shutterstock
I quit my minimum wage job and stopped talking to my abusive dad. Some 9 months later I got hired into my current job, got my driver’s license, bought a brand new car, and have started losing weight gradually. It’s been 2 years and my car is a little over half paid for and my dad has no idea how awesome my life is. I plan to keep it that way. –HolyOrdersOtaku
via: Shutterstock
One week in high school I decided that I would go for a bike ride every day after school. Massive improvement in attitude and motivation. I began to like school more, got my homework done earlier, and I also got into shape which was an added bonus –atooch
via: Shutterstock
Getting into a routine. Growing up with school and odd work hours, things just seem hectic. Working a set schedule has really helped me in life. Jacon2012
via: Shutterstock
A homeschooler had drifter parents and unemployed friends. He decided on his own to start school in grade 11, graduated, got a trade that he hated so started going to university and working on the side. He graduated with high honours and just started his dream job. –cisco54
via: Shutterstock
Moving to a new state and starting over. It’s short-term and if you don’t keep doing the work necessary to improve you will slide into old behaviors. But just riding the novelty of it all in the beginning can set you up nicely. A fresh start can’t happen when you’re doing the same old things. –283diamonds
via: Shutterstock
My coworker dropped out of high school and basically just became a druggie until he was about 21, working odd jobs and occasionally being homeless. After that, he decided to take a brief web development course(I think it was an intense 9-month course or something, basically a full-time job) and now he works in web development with me.
He’ll sometimes mention how he thinks my 4-year degree is impressive, how he regrets wasting all his time, etc. But I think it’s pretty impressive to go from where he was to being in the same career as me. –sasquartch
via: Shutterstock
A friend met the right girl. He had been mostly insufferable for years- overly needy and demanding of his friends while simultaneously annoying and picky and abrasive at the same time. He met his now-wife and he mellowed out 100% and is now cool to be around again. Barkingpanther
via: Shutterstock
In middle school there was a guy who was always goofing around in class, would get in trouble a lot, and didn’t seem to care about school at all. Once high school came around he was suddenly taking advanced calculus classes and ended up getting into a really good school after graduating. I always wondered what caused the change, until one year there was a little snippet in the yearbook about him where he said that his cousin basically just told him to stop messing around and start caring about school or else he wouldn’t end up in a good place in life, so that’s what he did. –0321654
via: Shutterstock
What got me off WoW was having a kid, the look my wife gave me the first (and only) time she asked me to help with the baby and I said: “but I’m in a raid” was bone chilling. I logged out then and there, canceled my subscription and haven’t played in 9 years. –whiskymakesmecrazy
via: Shutterstock
Not someone else but myself.
Spent 5 years in prison for armed robbery. Been on parole for 8 months now. Started as an intern at a big marketing company. Signed my contract as a sales manager today. Loving GF is pregnant. Got a nice apartment and feel happy as s**t. –DerDieDas
via: Shutterstock
Last year in school I was making really, really s**t grades. Wouldn’t have passed if not for the mercy of my teachers. I posted on Reddit about my aversion to work and the intense sense of dread I get just knowing I have to do something for school. Some Redditors suggested I might have ADHD.
I got prescribed Vyvanse almost immediately after going to the doctors and I am now in my junior year of high school doing great. Last year’s GPA was a 2.6. This year’s is a 4.2. –pbwarren2001
via: Shutterstock
Kid I knew in high school purchased Bitcoin back around 2011. Just sold for over $20 million. –DaLagavulin
via: Shutterstock
Managed an apartment community where one insanely obese man splintered the bottom of his shower from simply standing on it. We replaced it at no charge, but the embarrassment got to him. Within a week he found a dietician and started walking around the community. Within a few months, he bought a bike and started riding around the neighborhood. Within a year he dropped what seemed to be at least 100 lbs. Within 2 years he weighed less than I do now.
Casey, if you happen to see this (and I know you’re a Redditor), you’re a freaking inspiration! Keep at it! –RVBY1977
via: Shutterstock
Not someone else, but a personal habit I picked up. I’m not sure how much this helps other people, but I just started making my bed every morning. I was pleasantly surprised at how much more productive in the mornings I became. Now making my bed is almost like hitting the “I’m not tired anymore” switch in my brain. I know it’s all mental conditioning, but I think it really works. Takes like 30 seconds once you get the hang of it. –roketmanp
If you liked this story, share it with the person who most recently improved your life!
Read more: http://twentytwowords.com/19-people-reveal-the-moment-someone-completely-changed-their-lives-ia/
from Viral News HQ https://ift.tt/2KBLTwr via Viral News HQ
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