#also my brain’s just thinking of a scenario in which Timekeeper and Black Pearl are looking at their child thinking of a name
quibbs126 · 1 year
I had an epiphany earlier today for a name for a Timekeeper/Black Pearl kid (it’s one of my requests): Tuna Melt Cookie
Because mermaids are fish people and Timekeeper was originally Croissant, which is kind of like bread
But at the same time, I feel like the name’s a bit too…normal. Like this kid is the child of two Legendaries, and they’re supposed to have incredible power like them, so I feel like the name should be more Legendary sounding. It just sounds like a normal cookie name. Also I’m not sure Black Pearl would name her kid that. Timekeeper might though. And also I think the name really works (and the only other idea I really have is Golden Pearl, which eh)
I dunno, what do you guys think? Should I go with Tuna Melt?
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