#also makarov negative obvi bc i wrote this d sadnas
divinikey · 5 years
the timeline in which they had a person in their life when they needed one the most.
MEME. ; under read more because it became Long.
wherein layla heartfilia lives, lucy has wanderlust, jude heartfilia is a better businessman and everyone is collectively happier.
in this timeline---layla heartfilia has the aquarius key. layla heartfilia survives and the dragons comes through the gate and she has fulfilled her destiny. many heartfilia women knew the tale and since she was a child, this task was of utmost importance. in fact, until she met jude, she did not know if she even wanted to have children: her own mothers and their mothers etc; had burdened every daughter with the task of saving all of humanity through their celestial spirit magic.
but, then she met jude. and the idea of a family became something less burdensome, something that did not have the same connotations as what her own family was. and so: lucy heartfilia was born. in x777, layla did her duty with her keys and the stage was set.
in x777 layla released all her keys from her contract and was officially free of her own family’s destiny. she hugged her daughter tight and lucy made a friend that in another life, was an enemy: brandish. layla never died so grammi was never murdered by zoledo.
in x778, lucy expressed the wish to want to be a mage and use magic. layla, tactful as well as fearful, had her tutored for light magic through various books. of course, after teaching her the basics of all magic: the One Magic. she did not want her daughter to touch celestial spirit magic--the old burden still very fresh. so, caster magic it was.
in x779, lucy started to use magic, as well as brandish and the two would often play fight whenever grammi brought brandish over. nothing extreme, more just practicing spells. lucy was always a bright child and her writing had become even better and layla and jude could not be more proud of their daughter.
in x780, lucy and brandish wrote to each other often with brandish and her mother travelling. lucy missed her friend dearly and layla would make more effort in having her daughter feel less alone. in this timeline, lucy never felt neglected or unwanted: she felt loved and cherished. she was a bit more spoiled in this timeline, but still had a heart of gold and would often look for places where she wanted the heartfilia clan’s money to help aid. the orphan crisis from war, hungry people, the homeless crisis. all of it with good solutions that layla would read over before signing.
in x781, lucy’s light magic has been blossoming. layla and jude make the decision to seek a competent light magic user to fully tutor their daughter. nothing but the best for the daughter of the heartfilia konzern. even if the legality is covered in shades of gray they reach out to ivan dreyar, who was known to be intelligent and one of the very best who was independent. he agrees and lucy heartfilia meets ivan dreyar. in this year, lucy writes often to brandish about how smart her tutor is but also how much he expects of her which is a lot. lucy, always the optimist and hardworking, reaches each and every one of his goals.
in x782, brandish and grammi come back and ivan immediately has her battle brandish. the fight ends with a tie and ivan says the next time, lucy will win. lucy and brandish are still good friends and they spend a lot of time exchanging stories. lucy gets a taste of wanderlust from hearing of grammi and brandish’s travels. layla and jude watch their only daughter with pride as she becomes a stronger mage. layla attempts to reintroduce ivan in what conversations with adults are like and encourages him to speak and have a relationship with his son and mother. lucy also uses her magic in public for the first time. she also meets her first professional mages at a chairty event Gone Wrong when dark mages try to steal the money. she meets the strauss siblings of fairy tail and becomes enamored with them all (to ivan’s displeasure). the three of them keep up a correspondence with her from there on.
in x783, lucy’s wanderlust caught up to her and she wants to travel to a different part of fiore, at the very least. without her parents and ivan (who, at this point, is something of a third parent). her parents agree only after hiring mages to accompany her, should anything go wrong as she is a rich heiress. the mages they hire? the strauss siblings, who take this instead of an s-class quest since this one both pays more and they get to travel with lucy. ivan quietly broods as layla pours him some tea and jude asks him for his opinion on a business partner. there’s a reason why lucy thinks of him as a third parent. lucy meets her tutor’s son, laxus, when he visits. laxus is something of a jerk and lucy kicks him after ten minutes of meeting him. this makes laxus laugh and the two become friends as laxus and ivan restart their own familial relationship.
in x784, brandish and grammi return yet again and the two have missed each other a lot. lucy tells brandish of her crush on mira and brandish offers to confess to mirajane for lucy, to which lucy finally beats her in a battle. brandish and lucy both attend magnolia’s fantasia parade and lucy meets other ft members and also threatens makarov dreyar (to the amusement of both ivan and laxus. and to her parent’s quiet approval.). at the end of the summer of that year, key people from fairy tail dissappear and lucy regrets never telling mirajane how she felt about her. she and ivan both grieve and she comes out to ivan first, who then informs her that her parents would love her no matter what at this point, and lucy comes out to them. as always, ivan is right.
in x785, lucy heartfilia at 18 can finally go places without any supervision from her parents, her ivan, or people hired by her parents. she uses this time to travel around and have her own adventures as an independent mage (who does Not accept any cash from people). she writes home often, but does not return there. strangely, ivan is still there. she ends up meeting people from guilds: she runs into lamia scale’s team lyon and enjoys them all and trades stories with them. she pays for dinner. she meets some quatro cerberus members and parties with them and is hungover for two days after partying it up with DJ Hook Wizard Puppy. DJHWP is also responsible for hooking her up with a mage from MH, Viviana Webb.
in x786, Lucy stays closer to one place for the first time since travelling, but she has not joined a guild, nor has she returned home yet. ivan is still living at the Heartfilia compound. after ten months of dating, her and viviana webb break up on amicable terms. lucy once more, begins her travels and goes to iceberg. there, she meets a lot of different people and becomes more academically inclined here and goes to a higher learning facility, to ivan’s immense joy.
in x787, lucy runs into sherry blendy of lamia scale while they are both in iceberg. lucy and sherry hang out when sherry is not doing official business and both spend some time together. lucy gives sherry an open invitation to her apartment in iceberg. she also develops the tiniest of crushes on the Tragically Straight sherry blendy, but she does not regret it at all. it has been a decade since layla was freed of her ancestor’s destiny and she tells ivan the circumstances after two years of being in a relationship with him. ivan looks more into both the disappearances of tenrou, rumors of dragon sightings and dragon slayers. 
in x788, layla, jude and ivan make a visit to lucy in iceberg where she is presenting magical research she worked on at school with two professor and three students. they all are proud. lucy also learns that her tutor is dating both of her parents and all three of them are happy. later that year, DJ visits her by accident because he thought of her and missed her and she shows him what she has been working on as well as about her life here. she learns of the GMG in fiore and promises him she will go one year and cheer him on. after she graduates of course. lucy also is asked out by a fellow student, who she has been workign with and the two begin dating.
in x789, lucy and her girlfriend, gabrielle, move in together at the start of the year. well, gabrielle moves into lucy’s condo. lucy meets gabrielle’s family and brandish visits and is happy for lucy. the three of them go on a legendary bar crawl in iceberg that ends with all three of them laugh crying in the condo’s living room until they cuddle together and sleep. at the end of the summer, lucy graduates with honors with gabriella and all three of her parents are proud of her.
in x790, lucy finally attends the GMG and laughs at DJ’s shout outs to her as he is an announcer. gabrielle joins her in crocus and they make a vacation out of it. they watch as saberooth wins. sherry and viviana both tease her for supporting QC instead of lamia scale or mermaid heel and gabrielle laughs at her gf’s embarrassment. lucy is happy and her and gabrielle make it to the heartfilia compound at the conclusion of the games.
in x791, gabrielle proposes to lucy in the spring. lucy, who isnt ready for such a permanent life decision, rejects her. the two have a deep talk afterwards and once more, lucy amibably breaks up with her girlfriend. she goes back to fiore and finds out sherry is dating lyon vastia and makes her way to zinnia demanding details. in june, she returns home for a bit and ivan sits her down and explains that the GMG has something going on. he, layla and jude are going to investigate and since lucy is an adult, technically, she can join them. she does. when key fairy tail members return, both her and ivan go to magnolia and lucy is reunited with the strauss siblings as laxus and ivan are reunited with each other. during the games layla realizes that toma e. fiore went back on his word and in return, has Words with him with her husband and boyfriend watching. lucy takes photos. then, dragons come and well---it descalates from there and lucy works with the strauss siblings and DJ to help. when tatarus attacks, she is with the strauss siblings catching up and she aids in the crisis they present. she does a lot of releif work and ensuring the safety of others. her parents all give money to the destroyed home and her parents  begin to quietly investigate makarov’s movements. brandish and grammi give them grave news about the alvarex empire.
in x792, lucy spends a lot of time with the strauss siblings and finds herself around fairies a lot. she is teased a lot by laxus and the best response she has for him is that he is a mean step brother. which shuts him up easily. lucy meets more ft members and becomes instantly a fan of erza scarlet, a fellow sweet tooth. cana alberona is a fun one to drink with and lucy learns that because she did one bar crawl in iceberg did not mean that she could keep up with cana alberona. she meets lisanna’s best friend natsu and finds him simply wild but also fun to hang around with. her parents give the members of ft who were left without jobs various jobs and lucy gives some of them contacts where they can get work to keep afloat. brandish comes back from her travels without grammi. lucy helps her best friend plan a funeral that has no body.
fiore is given warning as alarez descends upon them. lucy finds herself fighting in hargeon with lamia scale with brandish by her side. ivan called in contacts of mages he used to know and it helps tip the battle in their favor. when acnologia descens upon them all, layla heartfilia’s heart almost gives out, but she along with levy mcgarden, work to make fairy sphere happen. acnologia is killed and layla, jude and ivan all hug each other. 
in x793, lucy does not live at home but she does stay in fiore. her and brandish live somewhat permanently in crocus, but the pair travel together more often than not. lucy uses her degree from iceberg and expands upon it at ivan’s behest and she does more research on ancient magics. she visits the strauss siblings a lot but soon, it becomes her and mirajane spending more and more time together. lucy does more research on transformation magic and discovers that mirajane is a prodigy at it but also: she was pushed to hard too quickly for the amount of souls. this turns into an intervention with mirajane about her magic and lucy takes it to ivan. all three of her parents present a case against makarov, aided by her step-grandmother, porlyusica stryne. in the end, fairy tail is disbanded for good by the council.
in x794, mirajane joins lucy at a conference in iceberg because lucy found out mira had never been. mira meets gabrielle and all of lucy’s friend and lucy easily translate. at the conference, the two hit it off more than expected and mirajane flirts endlessly with lucy. by the time they return to fiore, lucy moves in with mirajane where she is working for QC now, under the tutelage of Goldmine. DJ has never been happier.
lucy heartfilia grew up loved and happy. by the time she wrote her first fictional book, it is an lgbt romance between a demon and a princess. some may like to draw parallels to her life and the ones of the main protagonists, but the only character that was based off of lucy was an old hermit witch who never settled down. 
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