#also luke better bring up sanjay in the next boxset
walkingnightmare · 1 year
@bluebirdflynn7 asked me ab my thoughts on ep 3 and i was debating putting my thoughts of rani takes on the world on here anyway so i thought i’d just ramble. chaos assured below:
this was my first bf audio in a month, so it was an easy audio to hop into, especially since its the start of a new series. the vibe of it is also pretty chill and lovey (at least for the first two audios). here today definitely had a weird vibe, at least to me. idk if it was because it was focused more on sarah janes impact on rani or what, but it just seemed off (it reminded me of her eighth of march audio). also i am very aro and this episode was very romance centered so that could also attest to my mixed feelings of it.
i also have to talk about the phat elephant in the room, which is clyde and rani’s relationship
i had a lot written ab this but then my tumblr live un snoozed and it didnt save my draft so i’ll make it brief: i was very annoyed at the fact bf once again added a partner to a beloved ship for tension and i find it unnecessary and stupid. gladly, i guessed the plot twist with phoenix and now the confirmation will be stretched out for 15 more boxsets and a special
on a realer note, i really enjoyed their dynamic, and rani’s un(requited) feelings about clyde and their slow shift from friends to friends-who-like-each-other-but-dont-know-if-the-other-reciprocates-so-they-try-to-hide-their-feelings-but-fail-miserably
destination wedding was my favorite out of the three. i liked how the addition of gita helped balance out the more serious moments with rani. her inner turmoil was so fun to listen to, as she talked with tiff about her own missed opportunities and how she would live life differently.
the witching tree had an interesting (and dark) concept that tugged me in. the end all kinda blurred for me, but that also could have been bc i was listening to it in public and wasn’t paying the most attention lol. rani and clyde continued to serve this episode and them constantly having each others backs no matter what made my heart happy (guys they need each other)
overall my rating stands
1. destination wedding
2. the witching tree
3. here today
im interested in how the next boxset will continue, as we have Luke (!!) and Miss Wormwood back. I also want to see how many boxsets it will take before they make clani canon, bc i know bf and this shit could drag out for years
overall, pretty good boxset. i kinda wish it was more adult (like concepts grew with the characters) and a bit less “oh sarah jane this and sarah jane that” but it was nice to hear clyde and rani again
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