#also lots of pastels and pale blues and whites inchresting
beatriceportinari · 2 years
Art Summary 2022
(2020, 2021)
Here we go again! Many fun things this year.
I started with my lovely tessellation labyrinth!
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For mixed media stuff I was first entranced with Alcina's costumes when I went to the opera after such a long time
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And then of course made another big Naruto piece, probably my favorite mixed media piece, the textures really work together with this one
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I also did a lot of small origami stuff as usual, and figured out crease patterns while I was at it :)
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Got really into curved origami too
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Did some blender stuff as well, including my biggest piece yet!
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And finally for the third year in a row we're finishing it and beginning the next with a labyrinth! Here's some paper testing, see you in a couple month for my ryûjin hedge maze :)
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If you want to see the original posts check out my art tag #mine or my work in progress tag #wip !
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