#also look at this gorgeous portrait wtf i'm so in love
wisp-of-chaos · 5 months
Meet the OC - Rosemary Thornwood
As the title suggest, another OC introduction thingie, this time for my Smalland OC Rosemary Thornwood!
More infos abour my girl under the cut for ease of scrolling
The Overworld is a dangerous place, especially when you're barely as tall as an ant or grasshopper. So it comes as no surprise that the Smallfolk lives far beneath the surface; in hidden and secured burrows until they come of age and are allowed to venture out of their cozy, warm homes on their own.
The Thornwood family is an exception to this custom.
Many generations ago, they moved to the surface and build themselves a home between the thick, interwoven branches of a blackberry bush, which soon turned into a honey farm thanks to a nearby hive of pacified bees.
And instead of returning to the safety of their kin's burrows; the Thornwoods decided to raise their children under the warm, bright light of the sun and in the company of their beloved bees.
Rosemary – or Rose, for her friends – is one of their children.
With eyes full of wonder, a curious mind a courageous heart she takes on the many adventures and trials of the Overworld; seeing every setback or problem as an opportunity to grow and learn from instead of letting them discourage her.
She spend her early years and childhood in the vicinity of her family's farm; surrounded by siblings and parents and bees to play with in the shade of the blackberry leaves.
Later on, she was tasked with overseeing and tending to the newborn larvae to ensure their proper growth and development. Rose loved her job and dutifully and proudly raised many bees to adulthood.
Among them was Thyme, a rather tiny and frail pupa with only one antennae. Rose's parents gave her little hope for the small creatures survival but she was determined to prove them wrong and to keep her newest fosterling safe and happy.
She spend extra hours with the young bee; training and feeding and playing with her whenever she could and before long, a strong and unbreakable bond was formed. Thyme followed Rose like a shadow; happily trailing behind with a slight tilt to her flight and buzzing contently while she accompanied the young beekeeper on her many adventures.
Rose was even allowed to take Thyme with her when she enlisted for the Vanguard – under the condition that she would be taking care of her all on her own and to keep her from causing any troubles. Rose – of course – agreed and took her beloved bee with her.
The years she spend at the Vanguard's training program taught her many lessons and sharpened both her mind and body. She learned to wield multiple weapons; how to maintain them and to construct traps and build shelter in the Overworld with only a few sparse resources.
The training was hard but fun and brought her the close and treasured friendship with Briar Thorn and Sepia – another Vanguard rookie and a miner, who preferred the dark, damp safety of their burrows over the bright light of the sun.
They joked and laughed, learned and earned scars together but eventually were separated when Rose was assigned to aid and defend the Historian in his research of the Giants from the past.
They parted with heavy hearts and long hugs and hopeful smiles; vowing to one day meet again. And as fate would have it, they eventually did. When Briar and Sepia went looking for the missing clover key and investigated on the strange behavior of rare, overgrown beasts their path lead them straight to the old ruins and into the depth of the crypt which the Historian – and Rose along with her loyal bee Thyme nowadays – called their home …
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art provided by the wonderful @unaarista <3 (who the mentioned lovely Sepia belongs to)
and another thank you to @sumi-sprite for allowing me to let Rose befried her awesome OC Briar!
Like her? Check out her toyhouse page and learn more!
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Enchanté The Series - commentary (spoilers!)
For context, this is from a couple months ago when I watched the show. It's basically just my commentary as I watched the show so it's a huge mess and has a lot of ups and downs but I figured I'd post it anyways. I didn't edit it so it's just my original commentary in it's raw, natural, tumultuous state.
Only watched 1 or 2 parts of the first episode so far, but I'm obsessed 
I actually Cried when Theo's grandma died even tho it wasn't some huge buildup or anything??
Also, Akk going to calm down Im on her livestream but getting pissed at the old lady for victim blaming??? "Auntie you cant say things like that. Women can wear whatever they want and men have no right to sexually assault them. Your mindset is a danger to our society" Absolute LEGEND!
Also Akk is Gorgeous oh my godh 
I did get confused and think him and Theo were the same person until I saw them at the same time 🙈🙈
I'm loving the French music mixed in with Thai music. It's really pretty!!! A lot of the music is great.
I also love that baby Theo made self insert comics 😭😭 and made it so the knight saved the prince I guarantee they were in love lcjxjs
I really love this so far.. the characters are fun and no one is really annoying other than Phupha? And Theo is hurting my feelings with how he treats Akk but hopefully he stops that :((
Akk is my absolute favorite which is very impressive considering Gawin is in this show (ig it's different tho
Please, the music is so pretty.
Also I'm obsessed with how beautiful Akk is and his relationship with his sisters is SO cute
Also him shutting down Phupha and being like no fuck off I'll take him home stay here (but still politely lol)
Like Phupha Go Away broski
I'm gonna CRY Akk is so fucking funny 😭😭😭 I cant get over this boy 
YES SAIFA, RESPECTFUL KING!! "You can see he's running away. Are you really gonna chase him?" Fuckin tell him baby 😌😤 
Phupha sir you're a Creep. 
Surprisingly sympathized with Phupha since he's got an alcoholic mother and doesn't have enough money for her treatment since she gambled it all away. That's an extremely stressful situation. He's still creepy and tried to use Theo which isn't okay.
Natee is very pretty and always looks sleepy which is funny (Akk also looks sleepy a lot) he's got that cool guy narcoleptic type vibe
I love Akk, Egg, and Im. They're such a cute little family.
Theo throwin shit on the floor, what the hell?
I forgot what I was gonna saaayy 😭😭😭
Natee looks like Ren from nuest lmao
Everything about this holy shit. I'm so overwhelmed by how good this scene was. The back and forth? The fact that neither of them made it weird? The way Akk is so blatantly in love with Theo? The way he stares at him is SO!! The fact that Theo reciprocated the kiss? I could keep going oh my ghcgcbv their chemistry is killer
this actually made me squeal with excitement that's how good these two are together. I got butterflies man
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I actually can't breathe because of this man. He's unreal. Please. Sir. You're so hot.
Dude Natee's painting was actually sick as hell. It wasn't just a portrait of Theo which is great and also it was just really pretty
I'm obsessed with the fact that Akk brought the rose home and is doting on it and talking to it what a strange boy he's so cute
Theo has BITCHES
Hoes on hoes dude
And they're all left handed, tf??
Natee is Weird for having an entire exhibit of just drawings of Theo wtf dude??
Wtf i cant handle their flirting
I love them so much. The sausage shit was weird, but being in love makes you do weird things Imao
Deadass admitted to always hitting on him and then responds to his French. Akk is killer dude, you can't be sweet and goofy but also warm and serious and gorgeous and a feminist and just?? Such a supportive friend and a caring person.
I'm heated, I love this man
he's so on love wtf and so is Theo
His description of what Je Te'aime means????? That shit was so sweet. What the heck.
And bruh this man knows French probably bc he's in love with Theo and wanted to learn his language 🙄🙄 
I'm glad they didn't kiss when Akk was drunk! Nice touch. He should be sober for it so there's no way to deflect. Also bc he should be obviously.
Also?? Hes confessed his love like 5 times already dude and Theo hasn't been like "wha?!" Bc he's ALSO in love wtjchvifjd I love them so much
I'm OBSESSED with the fact that Saifa wasn't using Theo or doing anything nefarious from the start. Mfer just was playing cupid 😭😭 also the song was so prettyyyy
The reveal wasn't that great and raised a lot of questions but the YouTube comments did help me a little bc yeah, I was wondering why Theo was so pressed about the flyers Akk was posting everywhere and he did keep repeating that he honestly just wanted to know Why the others were lying
My biggest hang up is just the fact that Akk literally always gave him attention so he didn't really have any reason to do the stunt in the first place? If his reason was just wanting Akk's attention? He had it???
And Akk was SO clearly in love with him, so Theo having been aware that he himself was in love with him too is a little like ?? U wasted yalls time then baby??? But I guess he just wasn't sure and didn't want to assume? 
That's fair, I'm also dumb 😭 I would know someone is in love with me bc they're extremely blatant but I would sike myself out and need them to actually say it
I love Saifa so much and I knew he wasn't using Theo from the start. I'm so happy they didn't make my boy have any bad. He's clean as a whistle. No sins on this boy, he's perfect. I love him so so much.
Akk also. 
I'm not mad at the twist at all honestly, just a teensy bit disappointed lmao but like I said, I just had to think about it. It's not clear cut and at first it's stupid but actually thinking about how people are it makes more sense.
Still weird thing to do Theo fudhsh
Also Natee 😭😭 he knew from the very beginning and was still like lmao ima lie for fun
Saifa also, when he said "this is for people who are in love. Like Theo" I KNEW that boy knew some secrets 😭 I even commented it but I hadn't actually guessed that he knew genuinely that Theo loved Akk.
What a weird unnecessary thing to do but damn Theo I kinda respect it you played us all. I respect that he was like "I'm Bored, time to start some shit" and went with it.
I hope nothing too whack happens 😭😭 Akk is being a little non communicative rn which is frustrating but hopefully it stops before escalating. It could go either way and I hope it's foe the better.
Natee grew on me. He's just kind of got bitch energy and I love that. His buddy who's in love with him? Feel bad for the guy. And the fact that when the boy said he was leaving the club Natee stopped drawing made it seem like he lost his inspiration then :(
I was wondering where the conflict would come in but knew it was coming since they were happy. I understand both perspectives, but Akk is right that it's not his place to say anything.
And then Theo immediately embracing his guy who has been a looming uncertainty this whole time? I hope it's fully a miscommunication and that Sun isn't his ex or anything but :/
I do see now why Akk had a pained expression when Theo was talking about his parents being in love the whole situation sucks and I wish Theo could've had Akk to be a steady place to lean on in the middle of this, but that wouldn't be enough ~drama~ 🙄😭
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Jimmyyyy sirrr. You're so pretty.
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Big fan of his smile :') 
They got Jimmy AND Gawin in here?? Pullin no punches huh? If they'd brought Pond it would be over for me
Also I have trauma with the bridge that they visited 😭 fuck that bridge man, it just makes me think of tonhon chonlatee and I have BEEF
Theo you're making a fool of yourself broski wtf
Akk is a walking green flag as the comment said dude. He said respect your parents decisions
Theo I'm so pressed rn please treat Akk better he deserves the world he's been the very best since literally the first scene he was in
Theo man I was rooting for you that maybe you'd get your dhit together but honestly? What the hell, man. I have so much to say so I'll just leave it that I'm very upset so that I'm not spreading a ton of negativity. Just know that I do have plenty to spread.
I lied.
Nah this shit made me cry. It's so damn frustrating that Akk thinks HE'S the undeserving one. And I know his sister was being caring but her words didn't help because they only reinforced his doubts. But honestly? It's not his job to fix this mess. He's already put forth all the work, and Theo has been ungrateful and self centered. He never truly acknowledged everything that Akk did for him and instead was so damn entitled. He complained so much about things that Akk had been there the whole time trying to fix. It seriously hurts SO much because Akk is TOO selfless. He's so respectful and caring and generous and kind, so Theo took all that for granted. It's like Theo wanted Akk to beg him to stay, but Akk is so damn respectful that of course he wouldn't. He puts Theo first in every facet and what has Theo done for him? I know relationships aren't a transaction and you don't do something just to get something but ALSO relationships go both ways and one person shouldn't be making all the sacrifices. If Theo actually leaves and they do a bullshit timeskip, I'm done. I'd rather see Akk happy on his own than to see them together if Theo refuses to stop being selfish. I don't want some magic fix where he shows up and is like "haha missed you" and doesn't own up to all his shit but I feel like that's inevitable and I'm just going to be disappointed yet again by a show that was my favorite until they pull the most frustrating shit at the last episode.
I'm quite frankly pissed. WHY THE FUCK did Akk have to take responsibility for this shit? No I'm beyond pissed dude. Theo should've had some eye opening moment and ran his ass to Akk and apologized for taking him for granted. Akk has done all the work in this relationship. He deserves so much fucking better, and the fact that instead of apologizing for making him misunderstand Theo just says he's dumb? No, dude. He had every right to assume what he did. He shouldn't have been the one to mend this. Another goddamn selfish character who stays selfish til the end whilst their partner does everything and STILL ends up apologizing. Akk is the healthiest love interest but damn it this is not a healthy relationship and I've honestly not felt more betrayed.
This shit is exactly why I don't call shows my favorite until the last episode, bc they're almost guaranteed to screw things up. And it sucks because I love this show so much. Seriously, easily my top 3 If they hadn't ruined Theo.
Sorry, I really don't mean to be rude, i just love Akk so much and they did him SO fucking dirty 
Yet another "sure the ending is happy, but I certainly am not."  Fuck dude. This shit was easily in my top favorites but they fucked it so hard
I STILL love it though. It had too many good moments for me to fully hate it. The plot twist was dumb though and I was being forgiving because I thought they'd do better but no they made me mad.
I will never shut up about Akk and how much I love him. I've been his #1 supporter and fan since day 1 and I'll die with that title.
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