#also lol peep little dazai hand
spiderbends · 3 months
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inspired by Sense of Place by @itowhotypes (happy birthday!!)
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giggly-squiggily · 19 days
Hide and Tickle (Bungo Stray Dogs)
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*Flips hair, knocking over several things* Why hello there.
So! Y'all might remember this little dabble I wrote a while back; I said in the description that I wanted to make this a proper fic eventually.
And then 2022 and 2023 passed by like two ships into the night...
SO HERE WE ARE! :D I will admit- I was a bit lazy and put the sentence starter dabble as the opener- so this is more an extended version of that! I hope you like it! :3
This is also part 1 of a series I'm making! I have the perfect request to follow this one up, so stay tuned (hopefully this time I'll be before the end of the year lols)
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps):
@myreygn @thatbigbisexual29 @dirtpie39 @duckymcdoorknob @cupcake-spice13 @t-wordiiish @rachi-roo @mystwrites @chibisstuff @imjusthere07 @sevenincubistolemyheart
“I’m so boooooooooorrrreeeeed~” Dazai droned from his desk, eyes half-lidded with disinterest as he looked at the stack of paperwork before him. “Kuuuuni~ Aaaaatsushhhhhhi~ Entertain me!”
“Do your work. That should keep you entertained for a while.” Kunikida didn’t look up from his computer, unfazed by the brunette’s whining. “And sit up straight while you’re at it. You’re at work, not home.”
“But isn’t the armed detective agency our second home?” Dazai fluttered his eyelashes at them, pouting when neither paid him any mind. “I see how it is. I’m like the unwanted stray hoarded up in the family garage, living off scraps from the trash.”
“Did-did you just call yourself a raccoon?” Atsushi blinked, looking at Dazai. He fell right for his trap.
“Atsushi! You’ve noticed me!” Rolling over in his chair, he unceremoniously tossed his arms around the younger man, leaning on him with nearly all his weight. “Take me home and feed me delicious food!”
“I do have a spar futon…”
“Don’t entertain him!” Kunikida growled, giving up on his report as he slammed his laptop shut. “Fine, you want to play a game? Let’s play. You get ten seconds to hide.”
“Mr. Kunikida?” Atsushi blinked. Dazai seemed equally curious.
“If we catch you,” Kunikida referred to himself and Atsushi, earning even more surprise from the weretiger. “You’re getting tickled. Is that clear?”
…Huh? No way Kunikida was suggesting that! Atsushi turned to Dazai, expecting some sort of coy reply or teasing remark.
Instead, he found nothing but air.
“Did he-” Atsushi blinked, watching as Kunikida took his seat once more, opening his laptop.
“That’ll keep him busy for a while. You’re relieved of your duties until my reports are finished.” The blonde jerked his chin to the office plant, Dazai’s foot sticking out comically. “See to it that idiot stays entertained.”
Atsushi looked between him and Dazai, the brunette subtly poking his face through the greenery to spy. Then he laughed, getting up with a nod.
“Be sure to type extra slow. Come here, Dazai!” Atsushi took off, charging the startled office plant full speed ahead. Dazai yelped as he dived, flying around the corner and sending the plant spinning. Atsushi’s quick reflexes saved them from the mess.
“Don’t make a mess!” Kunikida called after them, but his voice was muted at the noise. Dazai was sprinting between desks, putting as much distance as he could between him and Atsushi while giggling like a loon.
“Stahahay away! I’m nohohohoht reahahady!” Dazai wheezed, holding his hands up as he backed around Ranpo’s desk, the mentioned man eating snacks as he watched. “Ahahhahahtsushi!”
“Why so nervous? Running out of hiding spots?” The weretiger grinned, feigning left and right to throw off his boss. In the background, he could hear Naomi and Tanizaki giggling to themselves, amused.
“Quick, go left!” Naomi called out.
“No, right- go right!” Tanizaki added.
“Who are you two even talking to right now?” Dazai yelped, backing up towards the door as Atushi feigned a lunge forward. “Ahahahtsushi…”
“Coming around.” Yasano spoke from behind, her hands coming to his sides as she scooted. In that second, she pressed in sharply.
“EEHEE!” Dazai yelped, stumbling forward at the unexpected tickle. Right into Atsushi’s trap card.
“Thanks, Yasano!” The weretiger cheered as he quickly wrestled Dazai to the ground, quickly pinning his arms. “Mr. Kunikida-”
“On it.” The blonde was there in seconds, sitting on Dazai’s waist and rolling up his sleeves. “Not much luck hiding, was there?”
“Ahehehehehe, hehehehehahahha! Coohohme on- wahhahait! Thihihihs isn’t the mohohohost cohohoohmfortahhahable flohohoor!” Dazai giggled out his pleas, squirming some as he looked up with big eyes. “Spahahhare me?”
“Mr. Kunikida?” Atsushi asked, turning his attention to the other man.
“Hmm..” The blonde hummed, thinking. Dazai tried to smile.
“Get him.” He decided. Massive fail!
“Ehehehehhahahahaha! Whahahahit, wahhahahait pleahahhahahhahahse!” Dazai burst into giggles almost immediately, kicking his feet and laughing as Kunikida dug into his ribs. Above him, Atsushi grabbed both of his hands in one transformed paw; using his free one to slowly trace his tricep. “Aheahhhaha! Gheahahhaha! Nohohohoho! Nohohoho doohohn’t do thahahahhat!”
“Oo, he’s ticklish there?” Ranpo asked, now sitting on his desk. “I thought only Kenji was.”
“It’s not that rare of a spot. Tanizaki’s the same as well.” Yasano pointed out, earning a squeaky “Hey!” from the redhead. “Try his biceps too- he hates it when I examine them.”
“Yahahhasunohohoho don’t thehehell them thahahhhahahat!” Dazai’s complaints were quickly swept clean as Atsushi did just that- finding an even better reaction. “Aheahhahahaha!”
“So sensitive. It’s a wonder why you’d even try tickling others if this is your reaction.” Kunikida tsked gently as he moved up to his highest rib, prodding rapidly into the spot and making the other howl with mirth. “Atsushi- hold him tight.”
“What-Oh!” The weretiger yelped and scrambled his grip when Dazai suddenly shot his arms down, cheeks pink and head thrown back into Atsushi’s lap as the poet dug into his armpits. “Watch your head there, Dazai. You almost took out mine.”
“GEHAHAHAHAHHA! KUHUHUUHUNI PLEHAHAHAHHASE!” Dazai squealed, twisting and turning in their grip as his second worst spot was attacked. “IHIHIHIT TIHIHIHICKLES!”
“You don’t say?” The blonde growled, grinning at the squeaky wheeze the brunette let out. Having some mercy, he moved back to Dazai’s waist- a spot that wasn’t all that ticklish. “Are you not entertained?”
“Ehehe- aheahhahahhahaha! I meahahhan I ahahahm a lihihihiihittle!”
“He’s not fighting back, Mr. Kunikida.” Atsushi pointed out. Why he did so, he didn’t know. It was just odd how little Dazai was tugging at his wrists. “Maybe he’s getting tired?”
“No, he’s just enjoying himself.” Kunikida remarked. Such a simple comment, but it did wonders in flustering the man below them. Dazai let out a giggly whine and pressed his face into his arm, cheeks on fire and smile big.
Ah. Atsushi understood now. The running, the giggle fits, the lack of resistance.
This was Dazai’s plan all along.
In that case…
“Aww, is that right? Is it true you’re enjoying this, Dazai?” Atsushi cooed at him all sweetly, readjusting his grip once more so he could scribble against the back of Dazai’s ears- making him shrink up with a near silent laugh. “Is it true that you’re loving up tickling you? Huh? Huh?”
“Wow, he’s good at that.” Naomi mused from the background, Tanizaki and Yasano making noises of agreement. Kunikida even looked impressed.
“Are you gonna get back to work?” He asked. Dazai couldn’t speak, nodding rapidly.
“Should we let him go, sir?” Atsushi asked. The blonde thought about it some more.
“Yeah. Give him air. He might be a moron with a death wish, but he’s our moron with a death wish.” The tickles finally came to an end, leaving Dazai gasping for air and giggling softly. With no one holding him down, he was able to curl up, head against the cool leg of Ranpo’s desk. “Ehehehehe..ehhehehehehee…thahaht was fuhuhuhn..hehe..”
“Tch. Why did I know you’d say that?” Kunikida rolled his eyes without malice, heading back to his desk. “Get back to your desk once you’ve recovered. You still have paperwork to do-”
There was a flash. Dazai ran at him full speed; recovering rather quickly. Seconds later- Kunikida was face down on the ground, the brunette sitting on his hips. “Dazai! You son of a-”
“Atsushi.” That tone. Threatening and playful. The weretiger shivered all over. “I have all intended purposes of getting revenge for what you did to me. But I’m gonna make you a deal.”
Dazai turned to look back, brown eyes dark and dangerous and oh so daring. “Help me tickle Kuni, will you?”
Thanks for reading!
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aja154ever · 6 years
Things to take note of if you’ll be watching Dead Apple
I guess most of you are aware of the spoilers anyway, but I just want your eyes and ears to especially appreciate these points.
Posting this just in time for the people watching the movie in the States this week! And I guess Southeast Asia won’t also have to wait that long, and for Europe, Italy got it! Yayyyyy
(Includes scenes and a few comments from the staff and voice actors)
Also, please excuse my bias
Under the cut!
- The first character to appear on the big screen (Hold on to your heart my dear)
- Mafia Dazai’s kick in his first scene (bec hey we don’t get to see him using his physical strength so often)
- Chuuya’s 16-year old voice (cool as ever, thank you Kishou)
- Shibusawa’s beautiful hands, especially in his first scene
- Fyodor’s breathtaking beauty all throughout, srsly
- THE OPENING MV, definitely one of the best animation edits ever
The song’s full length is 3:50, while the movie opening lasted 3:30 so in the stage greeting Taniyama Kishou was kinda feeling sorry like, “Just a little bit more...” hoping that people will buy the GRANRODEO CD to listen to the remaining 20 seconds
- Dazai’s voice in the grave scene (I’m not crying Mamoooo)
- Dazai’s shy and happy laugh when Odasaku tells him that he’s interesting
Kadokawa Producer Kurakane Chiaki describes it as akin to a child getting praised by his parent
- Compare it to Dazai’s voice when talking about/to Ango
- Atsushi following Kyouka’s demands/commands
- Kunikida’s strength despite his gunshot wound (esp the table kick yasss)
- How formidable it is to have Light Snow as an opponent
- Kyouka’s badassery all throughout (i’m proud of you my girl)
- Rashomon’s sexy body like wow
- Nyaaa (I’m not giving further details about that lol)
- Kyouka’s mom aaaaaahhhhhh
- Chuuya punching and breaking the wall without his ability
- Dazai’s beauty and sexiness upgrading to a whole different level just because he’s wearing white and his hair is tucked behind his ear
-Dazai’s voice after getting stabbed (”I see. You’re betraying me here?” - that line gosh my ears Mamo my ears)
- Crime and Punishment’s B E A U T I F U L scene
- Atsushi’s “A boy would always have to draw out the tiger’s claws in order to live!”
Uemura-san specifically asked for that line to be recorded again because he wanted it to turn out perfectly
- Chuuya’s line before jumping off the plane (his coolest line ever gosh)
- Chuuya’s screams while fighting with Corruption
In Mamo’s experience during the recording, he said it felt like he was at a Kishou live concert. “There’s no one who can shout and act in a battle scene like that!”
- The slow background music at the beginning of the Soukoku scene
- How gentle Dazai’s touch was on the cheek
- Bones’ effort not to totally make Chuuya’s face fall on Dazai’s crotch (it’s safe peeps okay now breathe)
- Mori and Fukuzawa working like partners who don’t need words to do their next action 
- Reason Living delivering goosebumps to every cell of your being
Kishou jokes the staff like, “But of course, you reserved Reason Living for the climax” instead of GRANRODEO’s song
- Atsushi’s face in the last scene against Shibusawa when he crushes him
Uemura shares that during the recording, he made a face that he can’t show everyone. His face really transformed like Atsushi’s, like a tiger, as he did his best to voice act the scene with all his might.
- Chuuya’s smiles with Akutagawa and Mori (my depression got cured)
- But my personal favorite: Dazai’s smile after hearing Atsushi say Odasaku’s line
- Cue Luck Life’s Bokura here (that’s it my heart has completely melted)
YAYYYYYY. Make sure to share your thoughts after watching! It would be nice if you can also get back to this post after. Let us scream together!!! 🍎🍎💖💖
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