#also like. song kang is slowly gaining my respect as an actor
katierosefun · 10 months
yes, there are absolutely some kdrama tropes that i would like to leave in the past, but also. when some kdramas still have that genuine kdrama flair that remind me of kdramas from my childhood (but in a good way) . . . giggling and kicking my feet! i don't care if some tropes are corny and cheesy, i'm still relieved to find the sillier kdrama tropes alive and well
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mysme-dreamland · 8 years
V - Valentine’s Day Special
  After you chose the rich and serious member, as if affected by a spell, you felt tired. Your body was heavy and your eyelids were closing instinctively. Just as if you hadn’t slept for days. You gave up quickly, without reading the messages.
   Some hours later, you woke up feeling a lot better. Unlikely before, your body seemed extremely light. Then you noticed something wrong. Really wrong. There was a man next to you on the bed.
  You jumped a little, but he didn’t wake up. Moreover, that wasn’t your room. You woke up 5 minutes ago and had all those problems. You tried looking at the man’s face and noticed he really looked like V from the game.
  You tried to get up without making any noise so the man wouldn’t wake up. You found your phone and a letter was under it.
“Hello, it’s a pleasure to meet you.
You must be surprised to wake up in a strange room, but we will explain everything with this letter. Maybe you should sit.
It can sound odd, but we would be glad if you could believe in what we will say. You were chosen and sent to the Mystic Messenger world. It’s okay, you will believe after some events.
The problems with Mint Eye, Rika and Saeran were solved. You and V are dating. And he suggested to live in a new apartment together. That’s where you are.  
We hope you can enjoy spending this day with your favorite character.
P.S.:Be careful. You can still get hurt and feel pain.
P.S.S.: You should try to explain everything to him”
  A prank. It should be a prank. But if this was real, then V was sleeping in the same bed as you, that are in a totally different world. The letter said you should explain everything to you and you were curious about how everything was solved and how he got closer to MC.
  You tried to wake him up and, luckily, it was fast. V sat on the bed and greeted you. Then he asked your help to take him to the sofa. You prepared something simple for you two and started explaining to him.
- You are from a different world and will spend the day here?
- I know it’s hard to believe, but it’s the truth!
- No, I noticed you aren’t MC by the way you’re talking.
- … really? Then, can you explain what happened? About Mint Eye! And MC!
  The man started explaining everything with his calming voice. If the story wasn’t serious, maybe you would be sleeping again. Everyone from RFA was responsible for something.
  Saeyoung and Yoosung rescued Saeran and more information about Mint Eye. Jumin helped by invading the Mint Eye’s building. Jaehee was taking care of some details for the party and you were asking V about the situation. That’s when you learned the truth about Rika and Saeran.
  Rika was send to another country to receive treatment, while Saeran stayed with Saeyoung. The party was a success even with just you, Jaehee and Jumin taking care of it.
  Now, Saeran was a lot better and living with Saeran, V and MC were a lot closer and dating, he was even thinking about the surgery. However, he was still unsure about MC feelings for him.
- And you can call me Jihyun. I hope you are okay with staying at home today.
- Of course! I… will change myself. Can I borrow something from MC?
- Oh, it’s fine. It’s not good to wear pajamas all day.
  MC had some clothes that matched your style. When you were changing your clothes, you found a photo of the current RFA members. You had some time to prepare the lunch for you and Jihyun, so you decided to enter on the chatroom.
MC has entered the chatroom
Yoosung: MC! You are here! What about V…?
Jumin Han: I guess everyone is worried and happy after yesterday.
707: Well, he said he would accept the surgery. Who was expecting this?
Zen: That’s romantic. He really wants to spend his life with you, MC.
Jumin Han: MC. I have many questions for you.
Jaehee Kang: Mr. Han, MC will be worried if you say it like that.
Yoosung: We know you are worried about V, but it’s MC!
MC: … I have to leave. Jumin, I will do what I can to protect and make him smile.
Saeran: … guess this answer one of his questions.
Zen: Good luck, MC. You should enjoy this day.
MC has left the chatroom
  Jihyun sat by your side again after he changed. He could still see some things even after this time, that was good. You asked what he would like to eat and started getting everything ready.
  While you were cooking, Jihyun asked if it was okay if he played for a while. There was a huge piano in the living room, so he was able to play it. Even after you finished cooking, the piano was still filling the room with your favorite songs. From Chopin to Liszt, with Mozart and Beethoven at the ending.
  Jihyun was really good at playing. His hands moved so fast, it looked almost impossible sometimes. Maybe that could also explain his handwriting. You stopped for some time and ate what you prepared.
  The man asked many things about you. Maybe more than Jumin would. What you liked to do, your favorite songs and how your relationship with friends and family were. He also asked why you chose him.
- You knew what I did. What did you chose me then?
- … I guess, I like you even after this. I understand why you did those things. And I just wanted to protect you.
- Shouldn’t you do it with someone I hurt? It was my fault. If I had said something…
- Stop, Jihyun. You did what you thought that was the best for everyone. It’s okay to be wrong.
  Your heart was hurt with this. Your favorite character, crying and unable to think clearly, just looking at the bad things. There wasn’t much you could do for him and that was the worse. You only did what you could at that moment. You hugged him.
  The time passed slowly. As if wanting to give you the opportunity to help him. However, you were still hugging the man on the couch for some time now. He stopped crying and hugged you back.
- … can I ask you something?
- Yes, of course.
- Can you still here for more than one day?
- I don’t know. Why?
- I feel a lot better by just staying by your side. I want to enjoy everything. The good and bad moments. This is new for me.
- … Maybe you are just happy with yourself now?
- I won’t say that. And this is different from what I felt with MC or Rika. It’s so intense.
- … I don’t if I can stay here, I am sorry.
- It’s okay. It’s getting late. Do you want to watch a movie?
- Eh? But your eyes…
- I can still hear them talking and my eyes aren’t that bad.
  You chose your favorite movie and Jihyun was excited to it. He pulled you closer to him and let his hand rest on your waist. Your heart was beating so fast at some moments.
  Jihyun would ask you about the movie sometimes, like what you think about that character or the actors. He also talked about Zen’s new character and how Yoosung was doing well in university.
  Unluckily, you got tired and slept after only half of the movie. Jihyun kept watching it until the end while you were leaning against his body. When the movie ended, he woke you up and told you his artistic opinion about it.
  The man said he wanted to help you to make the dinner. He was clumsy sometimes, but he were able to do it without any scar or cut on his hand. Moreover, the dinner was a lot better since you made it together.
  Jihyun made more questions while you were washing the dishes. Most of them were about bad moments in your life, it made you a little uncomfortable, but you noticed he was asking innocently.
  He said RFA would be amazing with you helping them. And how he would try his best to gain their respect and friendship again. You asked more about this. Jihyun was insecure about everyone. He thought everyone hated him and he should just leave RFA.
  You noticed how sweet and worried they were this morning. Therefore, you asked Jihyun to enter on the chatroom with you. He thought it would be a bad idea, but…
MC has entered the chatroom
V has entered the chatroom
707: The two birds are here after speeding the day together.
Yoosung: Why they call lovers that? Love bird.
707: Do you want to know? I can tell you, little Yoosung 8D
Saeran: Don’t.
Yoosung: And I am not that little.
Jaehee Kang: Well, it’s good to see you, V.
Zen: How was today? For some couples, it’s a normal day, but I hope you enjoyed it.
Jumin Han: MC was the one who suggested this?
V: She said… I was worrying too much about you wanting to avoid me.
707: Avoid you? That’s just Yoosung!
Yoosung: Hey! I thought we were getting along well now.
Jaehee Kang: MC was right. You are RFA’s leader.
Zen: And even after everything, you still worry more about us than about yourself.
Saeran: That’s why MC is so good to you.
Jumin Han: Yes. We agree about it. So you shouldn’t question this. Just come enjoy some time with me too.
MC: Hehe, I told you!
V: Thank you, everyone. Thank you, MC. We… are leaving now.
MC has left the chatroom
V has left the chatroom
  You laid on the bed with Jihyun while he was saying how happy he was for this. He told you really looked like a fairy or his lucky charm after what happened. But hearing to his voice always made you sleepy.
  That’s when you received a message. You wanted to ask Jihyun to read it, but well… It was saying “Choose now. Will you stay in this world? Or go back to yours”. You didn’t tell him about this. You just answered and put your phone near the bed.
  Jihyun hugged you and pulled you the closer he could. He wanted to make sure today wasn’t a dream and that you were real at that moment. You two ended up falling asleep almost at the same time. When you woke up the next day, the first thing you saw was…
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